T~~ 4~~ ing rcoots to supply the trote xvi'tois- aan F éIen ' HN S O ture and the suracl bas Do mist ureben Ii N T F Rin it. It wo4.Il, bpi botter to set! the MiT E FARMER. ual la ls.This wouId1ntna tb ossaf-the( orchatrci as ,weilias ithe a staw if used as manladabve. Buit n ent,a >,..NTC .ROTN DIBWO omle extra stn, o my be uile lt utte ci ROUTTE AIRYWOR«' at up Or trampie n tUb i srawnd Wheniyou rind yourIl. Routine care of dl stock in win- thus muake Iextrai maniure and litter. neya out of larder, whenr i sata t ucs. A tat., This wilsave teswthhe oroha;rd jj, The i your back aches and andM'anlure. Thnnly uic1 hltht tie ort pains a nd gives you end. 1 orfrfe.ng nte o ik the orchard shouldf reccie is uane inadeons 'le.. -iisery, whel you ing, a third for cleaning the stable by tbiý- harrow or gang piow anult u1i- fro e have torise often in the- should ba observed punotualiy. No vator. Tbis wiH ae h oosg niht and endure torture depadotsftte a itsada ie"À during the day -kea r deiry systani oaa be made toa epadtu i bm ow~htn t e friend'a advice. Get a paj . Cows soon adjust theinsalves to drftees mf box of conditions and if thasa conditions are lta to oO NS wrong, they are wrong,,too. If the Notes and Comments. ing the There are lots of1 people ini your town, dayà, and 9 o'clock on Sundays, fed who have been curad by this ren'edy. and watered irregulariy, the stable The English newspapers are making t11a go Mr. T. Sarchet, marchant tailor, Brock. cleaned whenever tîme permits, dairy mucht of the assuranoe of the solidar- enld,9 c Ville, Ont., says they ctred him of a severe luck xiIl f ly out of the windoW. t'ty of the Britishi emre given in the- breea attack of backache and kidney trouble Whrotefrm rdusecep. participation of, the seif-governing sPoean Theycurd Ms. . FrdSt.Thoasthor is,'ta frma xxo das ot eedBritish colonies in the South African aiid. xvi -Ont, of' dropsy. hr sýtafrnrwadtnt edt' l otrt Mns. Wm. MoNacli, 93 St. James St., SLt.at keep bis dairy luck at home. On wxar. And th.ere lis no doubt Iallte John, N.B., says they cured haer of dis. mrîg ~atninthat thea assistance renderad by the furtha] frsig akah, rm city and éredwinter ilr natural isnclinattion «6lonies, tbough as respects the num- bill pui for esgacahohichshasuff e r.ed ntua nciaio sta ber cOf troops furnisbed comparatively cdamof Frmneanly every ct n town in the go te feuding soon after daybreak. aal ab a h otipotn ue Dominion we get statements similar to the SOt the mlking tue sa* thut it will fmat cafb fa the o mneof cumprrent ding t abya Pope hohveusd he aedivide the 21-hour day equally, as 6 But tLb always glad to say a good word for Doan's hsoy o tntol lutae Kidney Pils in the maorning, 6 at night or 7 a. m. mOtcrd o i lo nlillsrae the effective cnity tlroughout thethoi ans' 7p.ID. rspat.iel, B nt vri British empira, and assures a great fanse. iag from this plan, the lacteal eoonomy reev of strengtli in time of parul, thelmit of te ow wii b edcate tareglar-1 ý1Iwhe a 11e00mil a educi, naned t eua-but can scarcely faLi to be followedý b y iParl 1 a il3la iil sV.aion sudaccmul- mrîanchantges in the relations of'enýorciî Th e D.N t ion, and the cuww xiii yiald more miik theclne and Great Britain. As aly de EMULSION wbÂheil mlked reguari>,.lbfust Igbt f 1Hie former, inciuding ail the twvo of T 1o M ~ L. EMULSION 1S eltttbee m s hi had A srai col[onies and Canada, t attil CodiveOilagrein~ wihchmosddna~, titn h ire Ifdou im editel be tr ms of differenice in those hysical rtry j1i ,oah.fuo, a deodorant iLeau bu useïtd on 15ade cnmc oàton iih nl-urb, Tho 1D. & L. EMULSION fuoor prîor to beginig mkig anecnuocnitoswchnfu ora la prescnibed by the leadlng- physiolans of MilS flavor ls so e Lieiat.e and fragile au0e charactar and viexvpint, have ra Canada.a-thiing that linxinler aspeciaiiy the contributed troops te the assistancehld lU The D. & L. EMULSION greacast care la necessary te praserve ofth1e mothar country, the unity of shorten Ia marvellous flash producer and will give it. The odor froin cooxs and their sur- yoau an appetite. 50c. & $1 pear Bottle. roundings in summer time is net of- tha empire xili hardiy bc quastioned. te ue yoi gat DV., &LmîdWeRXNEa fensiVe toaen the MoSt faatidious, Nor, iu view cof the precedaent astab- The oc but fin wintar il takas a routine sys- lshad, can thera hc achl doubt that Po>pe th tant lf rare to presarve Ibis cleanli- iu any subsequent war, Great Britain Se Fpanï ae. mal ra]y on ber colonies for contribu- sors bo Jaed regulariy, mot solaiy because fNtey dentanli ià. Wben a cowts tions lu proportion te ber Ield whe- th (u gi GR P ES LE AL staoh s enity the milkpai],wiu] thert'bat w:ar ba one cof defence orof r ce bcOpYto salquniYofpraggression. whether food ivea egulâly wil proucethe rq saine character ted irragulariy. While il t ls truc tbat the presance of mauy the ratt S'hatered ervesdigestion and rumtination ara going eftbeý colonial voluntaer.a may ha ex- faveurs AND on there shouici ho plenty of water in plalned by the love of adventure, and deemied the cow's stumjach. Tha -anim.alS Ùwu1tefgtn ntntso h ae u ulca Wcakened SystCM.dsr xiii decide Sow large -a quanti-!te ihinmnsict t hgrc; u pbi _______ty. t is necassary botb for the as- as the govarnments xviob tendered the bish, siâlation of food aud to maka up the thpir services ware fuliy infornted as erineni A 125ontreal Gentleman Tells About IL 87 1-2 par cent. Of watar cOutained lu ta the cauises ef the South AfricanuILho ]Ï the milS. t must ha rentemberad 1,te an hrfe lm gou tibat cows ara diLmiband Ibatcoeuflu- quarraie eycnnt era e1l tg roi ,Kr. . 7.Bropy, awellkP te Vn Mr. j. ropy, wal-kown employelù ed la stanchions, tbay cannot Canifest their assistance te cases la whicb Bri- haW lu the money-ordar deparîteont at the gen- their bhirat by anly sign. Their nead tish interest and British henor in the niest th ernl post office in, Montreai, tells about biesJin thils direction ;mu.ist. hanticipa ted, b1igbest stanse area aine aftectad. In- dtao casa as follows:1 not spasiuodicalîy, but as rutine valucd s it is qIlmitted that the Trans- Ihad a very -aevere attack of La 'tice. If sevaral ÎiCers ela9pse ihuc GriÎppe, whicb left me aI mn down, very gratification, the preseant naed bas , ,1 viwas poecdto war by the tran- narnwitboutc apnpetite, and extremehy passad, <Ubay umay drin, but the 3 chicncassions claemaIded by Mr. mil4iIof waek.Vy often li cld net leep et milk f low bas beenabunen Cbembeiain, sltui ny of the coi- teethlng. angd I 1was much troubled witb pro- cannot afford rt e ngleolanuy liti e- ~~yonr reosI onni ý,utl irtu eeo o wiftheha j fuse peýrFpiration, wbib nturalhy caused tit the oblservanceo heli1 xvbîî4 cw *ld mei m uchanoyanea. Learinvg of the a (Ld 1b)yur dairy income. iLardead by the Sacratary of teItl t gooda ffeots of i7um'sHeA tand Nerve Couis h iissmei onsiat ti euff 1fL P'll4s, 1I began taking theni, suda mach to 7Iny C UO0FiMKNGBTT& eucy .ie tCoýe b ai and haai -toal -graýtificatcIon they have bre.ced n3,'-, ilu- Theb uýL h ài1itt.ý" rL ls v;igoi Ftbd My entire syste1nt, Und made e 8o 1th119fcue faacn l.Jepl is nitneetteOno -ifee likeF, newmian, ja4m now vail O.K., pîdotbutrl he oCaery l a).-Engiih presIbth1e ïnew soidr-Me. ie à su bgly rocommrend these pilla ttea ny- nolen1tîralY gvr by 15te uanit- kL:îly ctisaempIrecannot ha. a casetoîpio oua sufferlngas I did." ,Y of mîiSSadldbv tht crcamnery, jolf dne et~r.te h vrd a hî Mlilburn's Heart and Nerve Pille cre ani a cdecrus aa a lte oot oacceunt cue h, ooiý iintfloCe t, L peipitittioa, nervouaness, leaplsse, di th E a cue h clnisxviantfoSDvIe'n t ýweakneiamaomia and generai dability. maitude eft't'e business, laJ leading partuer shouid it enter upotinS toplloxved by au inore asaeofthIe price 1uiiscru4ulous courses,,lt is diff 1- paid.ta fariera for butter fat, Oua cuit ta imagine unY xar in xviich Great C 00002 O OO21C.Bitain migh.t engage, lu which thaY creamOryi manufacîwrad 400,001pounds weu.id not ha logicaiiy budt o! AhQUICK CURE of butter- at -a ouotcf one cent par der bier assistance. condt rn FORC UE Poundi; another 53,9000 pounsis of but-i ter lat a ca of 1.2 cents. In the Onukthe other baud, hy acetilng iENTIf fl maler reaaries the coat ia report- Uibir hlp, Great Britain bas praeti-, M iVl - : IIed ai front, 5 te 7 cents par pound, aliy.ý comumittesi her&Lait b the ra- ratîbýEr Iü1 VV the average baing 3 cents. in creacn,- prý:_asanation et the colonieýs aI West- vu cha r >£L eaianý Remedy for li arias baudhing flot more than 2,250,000 mntr for tea îsk them be Concinue T THRI ii knss t il, the average eI iýots 2.42 tefi conî1,ibute troopsansd munitions -forPU1iak usrnum LUSIS hîLuIvng cents, and xwhon 1,000,000 pudaaehan s-upport xithout giviug tham n îl Largec BottIes, 25 cents, aSsied, 'lie 0ceaI talla te 2.2 cetsvhiie:futur a voee in decidiuag r ,cber' DAVIS & LWRNE o. mit>.i, La creamaries racei7îingmuetanIarIhllhaxaro1ntwclSh 1 0 ý Prp',Paa> avi' a ill<0ee. 35000pounjs lit1milS, toc oae[0ac herctzesmremre -uu Witaa a reaery e stablshei aras.BUt tO give snucb ersna ________________________ earylainr vh ptretiesut Cli- tien xviilnet o iluvolva con)1stitu- u 0115 tend 10patenie l, aeul axnt -tioal hanea t asaroussort, but frxh Linseaf Lte tha ulmoat 1!0 in"eaIoe suipply rof imik t h reey as rdclcag eeotie ond , i odon ST EN I EN dtg hewichapeu the oost of[Lions, for onclesh:n: iag lu teimperiai V alce Of Wý1iufctue, nd husadvncethinfluenntcdcfthe co Ohaetorfu yy-y7 4 T1T ý S rieof bus owu creaju. Thea ahi- iea xveuîs aimost cartainily b8 diracled plias Pi V ia. LI ; ~uda ot a f>exv leading farmrnsralas f ra-1eeui efrac u 1ei bis a q.catl_1 e aor doat lhof strug- ara aI glgceatr.If teuse mou bbrow marka,îs etofthe mothar country for A1Mr. Ti ther ctie up ort tàthecreaanery, .harproducts. The Britlith goreruIi- cwned Man,âiy porenssM.are lle econd,,ition te invite hyoa nLaaIb upy LnS ent Must bava f oraseen its liability, £85 fort PneumonhIe1Cosumption by reason i a ths na l th crente'ntante] luhrttd tndeoy r alie cases Thy gva n ioreaedpnica. This incroeas- for the effara ofth1e colonies wereals-18.L caohoocl o. y oid-ther fcusetge iy e 9 r"~ ne rsfi ccccartey ias capted tiu--ent tio - having tiits o!s miveuhor eold. . oi t- cur1iji trher patronage, andS, accapies thoa;,>te obligation cannot - an]Ie ci ad1Vlsýa ail eue'h 1people te use Dm. Wood's ce-ntintia, au industry profitable alika asinai i9 i Il _a.Pin- 1-np-ubtefne- ns1becrateyna -1---- me qrchards-.Thid, ansi moat important, ta deatrai- te--agenctea -pr omoti n g -t, paermranani l't does aci a a i cit, but il u snoba an o olwn hcoeo h eacti INDEPENDENT POVERTY. xvay ltaI the surface layer of lite sou ns s, oioingtls eo hse ote ih e vs Hanrdout Ramiy--Il ,makea me tic ed la kept niiat at just ltae tinte e osprc tiifhlr h o Ate kiducy t_3ea fi.)ks liSabout a man bain' yaar il ahouid. net rha weiy, ite earr-31-1atl i !afaHgit COure 1,oft JuSýc s r Ineeneil-riohi. ly growilng qc,,,so. Titis Ciangspoenei ieAsîpictFaîhers cain ) Handnt amryCoz D n't r(_nuafaca, a place-tSaI anaaslie a e'deene uy wîa at s nopn bt e lt ti hacs l i e-idr hag, ridc ecoi the real Ore, One pi]l 4an eas il. speli there ainaiitcen e rcac vc.ts f Llîioîu ia1 orEMA st.aSsociati(À,,tisa, issue thuls xvlheer religions 0organîIzaLion as nFrance xvibitput the aex- a que'stinon xvlliIth lte xvi dlear. restuit xvas lte dIssolon etf (item ansi liteimjpos'ifionfutfinles ic et oilÏ.s b La ut su tam ejdL'inglIie tllrlbaronLsesi enîmitenî cýf theo (atholc bîisbops, sixti--seve î cf wiontsent jet- litera, titUapradticaliy cidons- alge esv poluticai agitation diliai- xvere engaigeS, ln u bru, Dvel'sanî suspended the stcp- oMeArcitýbishQp et Aix ansi biýsitpewito xvara most ont- in, dmeunciationef ils aýction; LeLL Ilie former wrobea an angny to 112e Croix la protest sand confdeM=cnatLon,,lb pýreparad a LIming hI9bYi- iprsonntent critj- of goveriament measurea mitro- inte, Yaistoral bletra,anS clos- enex,spepe3rsa te ceEpiscopate. iougi t tiisisiation gratly 'la Us sînigenÉ provision et [PniCode, wbioh punfahes of- c)f îbis sert xvithbabnisbnteunt, ilstri- (s evidenîiy' Souhîtful -r lion be rtcareS titrough ntor oet bte expediency et 11g lb if psefor il bas fln- cided teamaFbia Ppe lu rentera b [ite ofni~bao fr 'Ont ees. AS, il la afrail te) pnsb ils egiýslintion, illere- laof course, ýg aise lafIote io, for tamini- utbninïg 0Uta bijsat em ulccreduteAadsiS the,1,later xviii c.ign if :aSk-ýýaS u o so, ansi ltai- ac lac1unIe', %which underib te cou- il lita guveru'meut cannot n-l1 xvy, titan, a 3te requst lthe 0 n sS1bit 1 jhiaop s 10 esign, and aUit cie appeiîntment ef sucoas- cild.iag diffamenit ideas of duby, as ma-litters now stand in àb la exceadingly douîtfui ýr IltaPentIiff xviii comply wxith uLsI I fathe more se ecause urn maSdehi- France for pasl ou ithe 'Part of lthe Pope la hi thojlse xvWho acceptaS ltae ra- ail bis hidding bo ha exceedingli- F anS bacause ltae dismaissal et ilops at the request of ltae gev- t boldh ragardasi by lthe FrnitEpiacopate as a- dan- preedetu. But shoul bte itue lsladifficuit ta ses hoxv tiýde(ok-Rousau ministri- xii hal stainproducedh-b the "Oi OjVvli ilai y YEAiS, iloWN'ascohicSynpbs beanumuedb>' of i ethena 8for their ehilren utile Ifdenbdat ni g lit sud brokea of ay sek oilu±Tring suad crylag ocî f cnutiiag bath aoud at onice land lc Gf Mme.Wlaio 'sootlng syrup cnToelhlng. Il mill reilealta ýpour ura a Ontoe. Depeni ape l>,moîbahr, o claltuke about il. IL canas fllarrhoesý i)ý tomýaeh andi boiaIs, curai WlWnd theit guine. duaiflmnto c il utü-r nergi-lute uol shmtu si s' OUcIngSyu for chiLsIra Pi-liL LO Pllu tate suid la thopr lef (,oueofheedetand bount lamaIse ce3 ansi nurses laiba Unîl"teS States s àele Saisi h.Ei idrngglsts throi gh- onld. Be sieaandsiuk ferr. N. u. hilrenOryfor ~LED TO RER 11PN ;ON. Hoasa vae iýY-1 xvuld live, on bread ansi wý,atemtitan itl dis .of UAL STAISIJ?. dusitrattI lQv r yes sme'h',guýnvdenlt. sut nlensb bstap coileetors mne j cot uo .t'gnunce ,apninkslitý e corS chips ýon1thickiy, aeuS Lur titt itjtet inble stamp ianSlLse t ilte eu()id ýje ta-drY. Wbhaen world ilSe nsîably Siscovellasifioogbly dry, paint eVer the xvitole ýp11iyI)Stoffice 2Maunnln srfcewîtb. ,% gaed gol intor utraanli £1,O00 iras paiS1u1 afr. On, ifi-VoU wiait ta preserve Mn. W. H. Beckiliiu ouglit ita corS copparanc et lte trme, a s,;tlanp dSe, wbo plaýeS. a ýjus go a-ven Li ulîhi a gaud qualili-ou d 1,0 on it at fial Il xviih v a mnishl. maabae praiSfor' S1uDpS cf MItRROR FOR A PIANO BACE. as, itci areie maryrare anami Oaae of tihe ita.rdtitiings lu a roont long neraaon lia mrket,1 rapîing, wtopeo s 'î n anav o arrange ,artiaticalii- lat1e piano, roc", that taîsition baqs dc4as that il a 'Oea peny pa fie nshab bha draigged away trot it h al. t 80£0 xa ao udc' ai an othertaisa perteo a.pairîmnt foi- a lwo pa'uyy-alaý-p- f ins bas beem--poileS-hy--the-iaiîi r ass a( ise ondon E xpositioc. n aulg-enit, lthe piano banS. Agra Stnli-Gichnc piSfor .:iî( aid uovrconting ttis iîs aMiror, ucnaion" ansi îio peiy madeuhe1exct ni t c ltepinoad £680 Lu 897 IMm. ,na1er, cs ia gia isbc.Oneci ampa a Pars.11d Lte m1ieruseic-itn s a ne- tiýcloi., or w 1ibpaltnibig on rante anS glass.Puis;smai-hoicrtuili-urnang- A C Ed ai U lie bob, to e h eet in btae BAC AClEglass surface, on a ii- saiplaceS C ý1tc home, mthcusitions et quaint situpe iiiIi matanrial. Lainý AhingBacs, he Rsul of Wf'îà lite nicci rrnas as tarttng point Lame Acing ack, 1. Reuitet na i - haeanclessvarietias et de- BO0USýEHOILD CHEMICALS. Eveu xv-aak IoaseholS emmeula may deabnoy iteaing wbau spills inlu theý cati- u the aar or destrci- the aesighbt if il touches a dalicate part ef the ai-a. Lt ila inable as a wasls- ing fiuid. anS la usaS u intahit 1 soîtan watar. Lb sitoulsi ha useS, how- aven, very moderazali-, as il nenders the skie dry andi rough xvbeu used boa f reaiy tanltaexvaber. The sanie thing mas ha saiS ofI most cf the washicîg powe s dasansialter compouinda ix iici asiat inxasiing. Soap paxvders ars a fruilful causaeto chappesi banda. Wbere any snob article as an alSali On a soap powdar la useS lisera sitould hie a simple soiS toilet xvaai usaS ai- tenward te correct ils affect on the banda., A proportion of ana-tif lb cibnie souS, twe-atfts et glycanina, and lwo- titthis roaewatar maSos a vary' goosi andi a perfaotly sate praparablin ta use on te banda. Titis should ha mub- baS ovar thie bandsa aler tbay bave beau subject to diisxvýatar on iaundry suds in iwiticit aikali soapa or seap Pexvdara or wasising Iluida bava beau usasi. Aimmunia las nol so gooS as a Iitle alcoitol in wasbing windows, Sar- osons lantp cimneys, or ,ani- glass about ltae bouse. Ammonia la api le legra a blur over thea glass witichit i tas difiC tionto, ean off. -Slmong ar- muonia eas t lte glassetht s permlanent liur ila creatad. lSulsod la a btia l býZi tat imuet ha useS mary ca,ýreinlly. As a xahn fJijS il injures dalicate goAs, anS tu- t.liy '_e-Sntrcýysthse color oet mostcol oreS goodaS, Boriax la a safer articleu tc use, as lb is coonparativaiy milsjinl lts affects. Galvanizesi anS polisites i on ainks a nS cooking utensils cf polisi shoeat- trou are cieasud by th.s use o. hoîling bol rinegar anS sait. Lot spiders soaS on lte hanS Of the steve witit a htl solution Of stnong vinagar anSdait in ltent. NWhan alaigus of blaak ara gene, pouahlte spiders wel anC t'asit sud wîpa lisentdry. Sink m n,, ha varY succesaiully cleanas i vtb tumpan- lice anS bcYilîng xvabar. Turpenline la a vary usaful citamicai to Saop ailte dlosai. Thte simple wooden skexvers thal have serreS cth huaawite for se ucani- i-erxs in i Pnning together honalasa tesats xvhile cookissg titanthave at iass heen displaced hi- an elaborata cock- ing atay. This la prafenabli- tade ut paraleil stripa eot ani- flexible fabric, as, tom instance, canvas, each et witich oawrrtea on ilsandse aclng booeks, sncb as are usuaiiy found on men's- sioas, Titis stayi- le blS lu position on lte meat hi- a flexible lace angagiug witit te iaclrrg ioo in te tfantiliar tan- naît. In orcler te -nender ite strîps. cemposing Clite wx1apper beut xVhile lan use, apringa aire providesi o oeeaida, ains i e constant tension et bitesa, in ceýnipinaiLion witltae cSng biISa thewreperSnug andi tgitb ail1Ibe titand anabias il lu ha mnade te fit laceetmeal et Siffe'qire lShapsaý anSi za.Ts u,,ft banda insiead etf oui. conatinuons piece et fa 4nic ar mils ut mr repid ansi effýpLeti cook- ing. No donlit, te heanS otthe tacs- iii-, wbo bas b Sudbte carving, xiil ha une et the misaI athustesîlo sup- porters oet tiis nuvlty, alne- til i duo aavay xith those ubiquitous skexv- ara. EAPITREFRAE A vrmi inaxpeusive and prelli- pin- ture trame may ha maile if yen w'il f oliow ttese instructions. MaSs aj trame Oetlie aize anndu shape Sasi rad ct( soute ligist ivood. anud acnew il lu- gaisher st ronglyi- Thiýaproc-ure sons corS ~ h chp. iai aubýe bad et ai- ast a ni fruit seller, as tisai- re us.s te pack grapes lu, but they-uaI1 e mei sifted, bera using ta gel lita fine ýce s râreifv ideyace.Th BEAîTTY AND, CHARM. ha la la reaitytheidney arcTe The boe, nd tltnte bloc s. Backahs lag resable t la maquestio lita w aa desBrnhs tha e dnapys r o 3a"Seae . Tite wo "aeiar& liti i o ta bloosi l geln bugiand via laente m.eogeliots cfte n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~"hr laeis afu usos vtci uc ucparl f ont epestdsien ae coenes wilb aeven- litle phrasa bit ce tallsaeryuna suffénlng wlth celife lie prcpto tofi tI t set their hidneys igitt. The juSgnienl, with evory unealetabion ce cf tans cf thousansis of peaple rio csl a hw en ai that te accomplis t tiis ltera is awalke te cthcan." fa lb nettIrne titat as o successtal as the use of Dr.t eaagraeaiîenep>s et a wontan dsiceoua Kidui--Lîver Pilla-ta iwrniS3a f a, veû n ilthe sligcîest degrea, -iiuiay cura. 1um h eing haudsome. bbtSocs de- m tly by making lte idney. healtt- ilS vigorons. Thai ara pureli Po natDuralli- sud irectiy ounlthe and araew eadru l fica-cicus. ýmpt and positive cure for kidei uver coriipiaint sud ailbte compli- E titefilamlng organs, tliai-are un- eS by ani- renedy aven duscoveresi, i a dose; 25C. a 'box a aili dealerc, gond-t amnpared," as xve write of our servants? An *il-SBmpb " girl xiii inspira feelings et repulai en, h ie as obasiili- iteîdsome as a GrasS sta- tue. Childiren Ory for What 18 I I Castoria La, for Infants and Children. Castoriai is a. harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregori, Dropsi; and Soothing Symupa. I contaluna neither Opiu.<e- Morphine for other Nareotie substance. It is Pleasa4nt. Its guarantee is thirty yeara' use by Millions or Motheirs.1 Castorla destroys Wormns and allays Feverisa.. neffa. Castoria, cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Fiattulency. Castoria asainilates the Food, regulateg thse Stomaeh and Bowela of' Infants and Chlldreni, givingr healthy and natural aleep. Castorla is the Chiildrenla Panacea-The Mother's Friend. Castoria. jCastoria. ".caotonila a n excellent medicîne for "Caatos.la 1 e wii adapted ta Cfildrea- chidren. M athere itave repeaesily ld mta j tatI rocoenu d 1ilas upaniar ta aay p ias Of its good effectl epon tic heilidrea." scipion kaewni to me." DR. G . C. sueini, Loe11J, Mass,. R. A. Aacuuaa, M. D. geo9ktyn, -.Ný THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots te dispose et yet, and very cheap-flî'at-class goods at very small irices, Oui carry a good assortiment of Ladies' Oxford,coioredl and black M* $1,00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, eewed and rivitted, frem $1 .40 te $2.50, worth $2.00 te $3,50. Chldren's Button and Blms 25e, 50cmi bce, wurtb 50c, 75c, and$0. Misses', Boys' andÈ Youths' to correspond inprliceb. We will tel you what the stock îs in cadi and every pair. Tlii reasen wedu liat is because we know. Latest , ng es now iit stock hu eve-ry lino, The publie is învited t u' iistock % i týrou1ble teo1oW goods-we doûià with pfleasure r;ii i sSteil Shawl Straps, fances and plin;. Dressing, c c: aiy Iiti n b. bouglit. Cheaýp trasi dî "S i adear, lb willi c laapplî. ed te. Repalring done lu al its branches ilu first-i . ï,style. Fine worlz made to order, -sure fit or ne sale. Thianking my ceustomers f or pea lavors and hepiug for a continkance et the --me. Beaver BlocS, Bowmanville. Ampo General Stor e, We "oda vaster stock than Sa&s b,4een," 'd are as usual preýpttre te gi-,e3 bargains lu Cleîthing, Dry Geýods, Groecries and Hardware. Gents, itig G o o d T w e e d S u i t s t e o r d e r $ 8 ,00 , G e d S r e S i e t r e 8 We av a very largeIaIdwell asseýrted Stoclc to select from, in Serýges, Worsleds and T'weeds, both Fo)reigla and Do esi ma u ctr. W are bounmd teSUIýT x o, (iroceries and Hardwvare. In our Grocery 'and Ha,,rdware De.partmnents you will findt oursoc well assrt-_dbought ln tise beast markets aI theeesstprices, i11;- wili be soll a the right pîe Some people wanit quanitity others uality, we carnîpleaýse both. llighest price paid ià cash for produceîý-. Give us a cait. tOne grade only -andC that the BesI." llavlng been apitdsole representati!ve for albove company for Bowmanviile we, bgte intorw Ille pbitat we hlave bought thun early our supplyo!Cttrsa Sligis fo r lise coing sleighing season, -As the MLuhnC.bavo soldi (-ver 2,200 of 2,600-' hundred cutters lhey are juakingto ameet îthelý; ever iner.asing demanli that exisîs for their Zoodý, weto ok lmeby ftiseforelock and made our selections early ad our first censignmen wîîî arrive Misi Week A-ew speciai Te-atüres of faiii-Gttis- WOODWORK.-Paneýls are gîned and clampeS on and careýfu.livcev aud pingged; Bent Second Growth Hickory- Knees; Second Growtlh io1korv Beams: 'cenbt enders mertised ontb beanis anS hraced-the strongemit j; pala hinged Sasit iraced; saate extra XXX Hickory. IRONWOIIK.-Ahl braces. T's, etc., et steel and forged in car oxvntctr Q~ lu. pmjecîing, eteel soes; shilling ihafts (rigitt or letI i er centre. draft 1i!1 or without ban. PAIN TJNG.-Riob varm colors, or damS, xibh gaaning te match, 'haef sumnely- stniped sud fluishesi; carvings ou aides are soliS-not transstemut;ii TRIM MING, - -Omron, olive or gold Mohiair pluali or urmeeu c extra higit and easy spring back, aprîng cushion, deep quartera1ý carl and ahi round panels inside; tue rail; liandsose nickel plateS ara" heav-; acrecu, soucId.brasa fuit piated; saatefull teathed OanS t 3 ailver ends on whiffiet raes. We have decided bargains las 2nd Hand Carts qnd BuL and inspect, and alomake yousr selections JOHN FR( BowiAvua. ,4 --and IT -y' a i HAMPTON. r, eà Il ï o f, e