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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1900, p. 6

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<t MESSAGES THROUGH THE AIR.~*---**-O mlajor Badeu.powell's ,War Kite% aut J. ST. VITITS' aIREB* Yo ng Fo ks. Wl Colonel Baden-Powell '0 gai- THE STORY Of' A BRIGHT YOUNG lantly defending Mafeking, hie brotis- GIRL'S RECOVERY. DREAMS. er, malor B. Baden-Powell, of tho - If a fellow oould ouly de whiat ho Scots Gugrds, ie helping thse Intelît- si, V2s Flrst Atiacked Witle la Grippe,, ganne Department at Motider River thcAter ftrferte Resee1Uuiilt e st. Vîtua' What a wonderful world tis would im amanner al hig own. Dance-Fplends Depaircd ef-mer e .. bel cever>'. For happineosathon wouud ho common When Signer Marconi'as assistante Thse maills from Wolfville to Gas- toaal, wenit out to the war, sayse thel London pereau are carried everýy day by au ý And every goond thing would be free. Daiiy Mail, with their wireies, toise- Official Who 'ts iotedi for: his willing.. Tise farmer-lad, followiing after tise graphy apparatus, tise Walo Office in, ness to accomnodtate andth ie puine- tuality wîtis wiîh ise diacharges ii plow, tendedti hat they shoulti worki ouiy dunies. His naine is Mr. Merriue;r Would put en tise robes cf a ktng; at the base anti on the raiiways. Thie Cleveland a nd, his homle lA in Gasper- Tise littie lag*e holding a doli in liser was a useless business. Su the of- eau, where lie resides with his wife arITis, andl grant-daugister, Miss Lîrcie May Wouid receive homage nations wouid fleers on thse. spot aeked the, mon to Clevelamdt, a brigitti girl of fifteeu bring. go up te tha Modder. Tisey went, years. A few innthse ago tise hOltis The city boy, playiug at marbies, per- and fonnd tiat'they couid do noting of their graic-daitighster wa"a source lape Jecaune tiserse were noe masta avail- of ey great auxiety tao r andl Wouid, sit iu thse presîdent"s chair; Mre. Ceead and tis eiglosTite goond, lomaiy girl, with ber freck- able to raise tiseir apparatus ta thse who Ioarnie.d of tise pitysital condit=o leisanud tan, inecessary hieight. of tise little grl gravelyehotex Wouid ho faireet of aIl that are fair. MaJor Badenr-Powsell came to thse boads andl said tuarisemselveata resce. H rigod anumbr ~ tise fears' of_ the fond grand-paen Tite man with his clothesi covered over wnr kites, ha raisedth ie apparatue anti were by no meane groundise. Wh.en wthrg men ine md-ar, nd' th -tise reached the enrs of an Ana- I und ral i is hi liver anid goid; mon teto mesdager, amtie \nxlotlsiy- dieu man, a short timeý ago, ttat tise 'Tise iaid washing dishes wouid ho a awited mesags cme lîký' isealtis uf MissCeelniist er- fair bride. Tise latest report le: "Enélin. andtis toreti, isse asteeoed tu interview.Mr. For a prince baving riches untelti. Orange River have alreaciy exchang- Cleveland, aea t Q facts of tise case. att wrreless deeontnitee, andl Major B~. jWitei ho explainoti lise errand bath -But tise, king, as le site on Lis great, F. S Baer-owel, SotsGuadsMr. andl Mrs. Clevelamndi appoared 'on- j splendid titrone, lu i i charge o the ki4yig yrtoo Eager tu gtve hum thisînormn- Dreamis lie le a pouor farmer 'boy; cors, o es a uf lLhconct-ins atton, ought: and t i n uaccortiance A id the queen, in lier iancy, becomes corps, itopos toestbisscncions."[Ca, is hthoîr wishes that we give ta a pouergirl, tisai wdyi oider Riiver." Captî Itise public, tise tacts' ot this reniark-. Witit innocence, freedom andi joy. Orangedyiver.'n smlr ~k~ able cure. itarly in Docomber, 1898, 1Tapeieiwai ihbrln Orane ivaper etndtapa.aMissCleveland, wae taken iii wit-L a Ts rsdnwaidwt udn Tis kie apeas dstietito laya severe attack of la grippe andtiouers somne cures, growring part lu tibe war.. Beasides of iter recovery wore enrLertaineti. Would play at bis marbies once proviing a teIeraph office lu mid- Carotuf nursing, owvr, brouglit moe airi l very usoful for reconnais-i iter titrougis this malady1 'but i ot Tisa belle tof the ity would, agaîn, as sane woýrk. Major Badeln-Powell's lher system tn acor îteyrunl-tiown agil purticul'awr variety of kits ie furulis-îultla il edi with a camora, go tisat, a view of condition. Thtis suowed, itseoitprin- Guaktoieodcttgdor Scîpally Ln, a weakne.s.s uttise Iervas. A nd tise gray millionnaire ege tise onemy'e entire force or a picture- lu Jnuary, symptois f t.,Vue i wtthi od map of tise coutry can be procureti. ten gn tos o it e*e. t on to htis pormn iists Lu; acax beneaîtis tise kite a man can 1ianë eait hwt6ýsie.A -g o e h ormnwt h be lifted ta any reasouhble iseight, jfret these were aou very promîneunt, piae but it was flot long heforoase wsAt isprnees oeino ylt ant astis, toay ie an 0rendereti altogetiser baîplese by tiie prince' aise bas werl, what hae waunt ta witisoat ýntorrupý terribly malady. ln a short tinoase8 Wouid change wiististe diis-wasl- lin awas oomfod flelt ail contral over tise movemente ing maiti. Tise maJor asawy enfodf1 af ber bauds and feet. For weeks se kit-fiytng. Ris tiret love was tise Lbd tauhbe. arrieti f romroun to ruom 1I elwcul nyd hth teafloon, but alter une isumiiatlng day anti was unahie to feeti herseif. Harl If aelwm ui nl owbt &t Dover. whien Ibnosands were waîch- grand-parents naîuralîy became veryl W dameol o ofsonter" mng andth ie ballomn would noü rise, munis alarmoti antd iaving tried ti hsta oldo!cnuho; hret .ho sedtt tai1was necessary qthink romedies witbout effect, d orie< ho; tt~ elerinet toThe orrier rman's job 1iý nu snap, as of somnething else. He expariment-,1 give Dr. Willam.s' Pink Pis a triai il se oms, orS; for yenre wilis kitos, anèQ tount Doveiopmenl-sheowed titat tiseir con- Andi my own Le tisa bestl place for tisaItise secret îay iu, a nunner. ofi fidence was not dîsplnced. When three LMeP.1 emali kites fastonedti lgetiser. Ho boxes lied been usedthéis condition utof- now ralses hie man froi tisa ground hy'tisa patient lied improveti cousitier- ADGSLVE0 OE vneane of f ive k<Ies, threoe t tise top ahly. Tison Mr. Clevelandi bouglit six ADGSLVO OE of a geometrin figura, ant ilue at boxes more anti nontinuodti ieir usei Littie Prince loyer shi home, luveti eacis wrde angle. - 1ý as bef ore. Tiese etfferer rapidly hegan te -'Tisemore tise enemy,, shoot tison," ta rocover. Wisen site lad consumed 1 tsa Seet tl mistrese who adora- hoe, ays, "the botter tiey fly"-wircistise fift box Mrs. Cleveland reSuced aedj hlm wilis gay colore mati of reti eees t beaeh:raterstj oftise te dose taoune pili a day and by tise; yarn knit ona asjpool witli pins, bier fa mily. tima tise sîxtis box wae gone n con-1 "knitting," loveal the yard fullout iit- -------- plate cure was effecteti. Miss Cleveiand tden doggcis secrets, huncs w -ngt iKEEPING UP APPEARANCES. le now as vigorous anti beaithy as! coulti ho desireti. Rer granti-parents! ha dug up anti gnawed over agaîn, '£,le desire ta nake tse best appear- are persuatiedt iat Dr. Williams' Pinki loyerS his favorite place so near tise ane possible doos nut aîwaye came Pille are alone reeponsihie for ber cure Lirewiere a linge stuf feti piliow, with ilron aa undue amount of pri de, hbu anti aro devounly thaukfui for tise re- ooanyelwrssokdo;bac - - suits wbinh, under Providence io eiat elwrsswre n lc often isecause il pays finapcially tu have produceri. canvas; clatis, was eneis a soit berS tu aporprosperous. Lit,,,, t ayot Soliti hy e]l dealers or sent post lie oe, whitie sleaping andtireaming ai tiewrt htblIn ucei. iepoid et 5au. a box or six boxes fori otsfl fma -n a sfta 'o-a.For instanie, a yoring tolr ?'1E y drsigts r iiim' ue uie na nirt efta awyr or marchent te more likoly to jMedicin i;, ro Oriit,0n. Do ntl butter, a heti lu vwsih bho 1si1eptini hsccsflif hl ives in good style, bhe persua14ed ý1ýtua , somel4g e1see peace, save ien hie lirtie làiitres tisen ifevory a>ne kn-owa tt ho lefiluis seidtoho jut j g fSiwas seizet wiïtis a& miscisievous tisire it isard tio meel isIbille. Hiais ouse 0.--.--- tatj< iii, wasia hecut wiîeun m.uet ho a geooune, legantly turuiiss- ,- I cehrýivihý eti, witiîalho anti lis wife are tiresseeti WIRING TO VICTOR-ýIA NYAI"àLi i iînnoe,tbi ,cx nice iy et ail tines, andi bow to do ' tbougiit Prince, unimilh;ý learieti wisaýt tHis witbout guing lu deht becomes The Second qf the Aiýrlean GrecqtL1akes 1t wsnudr ia shawl. anu important question. Tiesstriateet Mce.Ioined te Euroue by Telegiraph. Atecsiesa oIa tiisa eoonumy must hoe oxerciseti in every Th coplto oftetlgah A sctisasbly tl sa dearien.Itle u ecessary while hoaipeine ts eerpstog carvet inh marble, sise throw over poingthte table witis gooti footi fromn tise Ldian Ocean ta Victoria Ny- baer heeti a heavy, fouifold wuoîen Ir> aeb thât nutbiug le wasted. Tise auza pute tisa world ln communication sawî, anal thus iside6n, earefuuly urtreanti cerpets muet hava tise with tise sources of tise Nile. Tise tele- reanisetiont anti jeritetIhiessàôrt tai, bet care lu ortier to make tison bot grapi Lias been ccumplatoti ta Ripun ts rd fheieut olvn u lite new anti prolung their rdofiseaËNolvndg There is no part ufthtie lousework, Fails, wisic i le tisýe exact point wisare was ever more sensrtively proeti of fowe cver, wbere se mach enulie accoin- tisa White Ntle leavues tise lake. Oua suchi a stuhhy blacktrail; oven bis lit- plieheti hy gooti management, as l in ote muet usefuni resulte eft tis o n- tie mistrosa tnew btter th-antlunch huying and naking -tise fanuly ward- .il aues i se was under tisaIsawi. robe,),Tise remuant couniters anti spe- torprîso wil ho that tise people ut iow-. -Tisere was sure ta ha a anari ut- rage cial sales aItishe large dry guod otisises ier Egypt will hae able to el wis-at tisa as Prýinc-e, siowing bis teetit, borS give one3 an excellent opportunlty toa wateur conditions ufthtie lowveur Nile wil l iercaly arounti for hie invisible tue. loy luî a suppiy of tihe et nateriai et ho for montha lunativance. Thie in£f.or- Noîising coult ieba ee but aheap oif grientily roduceti prîces. Tisera lias nov- sbawl; anti for a long tino titis worrî-ed er beon a lime whseu sa many wonen mation will give muet desirablo guiti- hlm. Tison, prabably thinking hoe Lad were dispensing witi tise help of tise ance lu regulaîiag tise-quantity te buù dreamina it, ise woulti agaînb 'lay dlresm-ater anti oarnîng la mata their be taken f route tisaNe for irrigation bis emali blanckiseati on hie pews, close Otiraý,sses thonseives. which saves mauny purpases. Many occasions bave arisen tisaesarp eyes, anal sleep. But again dlasevery year. The excellent pa- a Jerk oi thse tai would 6tartleý hum; per patterns wiih wa cen buy- su wisen information as ta tha stage of wbat, wisore was tise eneny? wiso tarot chalare a great holp, anti wo- tisa water ianlise upper Nile woulti have him thuis? Grojwlia.g, lie woult lotk moýýn succeeti wanterfuliy well in pro- been wortis millions of dollars to about in conîcai wratis. Liuacing costumes wlilchinlufit anti gen- îowe gp.Tihaengovrndvrn, eral appearanna are equal ta tisoso r gpb is is hapeningvarlentivntie mnatie by tise best modiste. Theo cabe doea nul yet touci at et bsietra&lging, oc aurla Prline Faisins chiange sa quickly tisaI il Mombhasa, wisici s istisasea enti of thie leasing ta tauhing one day Prince is imosilel wear a tiress ouI ha- baud lune. Despateises Irain Victoria unter tisaI siawi. Sa, exaspýerateti by fore 2il becomies a -bacjc number", Nya.uza must tisarefore le sent by listobauatuoe aph lcs bennýe il becomens xnecessary ta malke steamer, to be put un tise cable et a n h h-l rwigad hk thoin Ever. Even lutiebeel regulal- Zanzibaur, wbuiciswili dlay Jorwarding igianbilise aia, gwhltng eani, ssait ed huehlishiere are aîways saine messagee for savorai days. .Tisas h m ni ifgi, hl vr nioe catotgermante, whîlb may ho uset i Iiapsststts eetfOecmb-rolleti tiog mantilittIe girl anti siawl; Ilouttielinoltins oakatweuot re-aou tise fluor £lise tigsswaged, wiidly, lu Ibisin ay. Luittiorsa days of corn-tuntil Prince bit 01theurS dwhlchi hati h-inations and -variatios 1here are few 1ceiveei in tisie city four aheeek attougirt tisinge tisat cannaI beo matie service-1 occurreti., Five years agu, whonts o naaeei.Te ieritegr able as trimnings or triasqsin plnco- ibuilding ofifbIis lino andthie railroati went crying out ai tise rOum, anti CEYLON OREZEN TEA wili displace all Japai- Tee tise same as Salade blackis la tisplacing aIl other black tees. ing, vainly anti feebly t 1,ymintId wag bis tati, h-owled ani f ail. "~Oh, Oh, il Le prince, any pour tiag- gie, Prinel" crieti bis lile nistrs. Ho was atilI alive; 80 titi handa tIi alI ltey couitifour hlm, gave hlm xvarmn mutk, anti laid hlm on hiie, favorite pli- iow. But ha, careti four notising save b lue stîl witb lier baend on hlm, anti Iyîng tGlus e tiie&i. Sicit as lho was, tise pour dos- displayeti utteur love anti liappinese lu jual being able to tise et liane. Aftorwartih tisadontor tlr iow tisey hati potter hlm anti givea hum gootiîes wbîcIr lie tii nut tous. Sud- donly lise was missedt, anti amali do- tracts, pravedti liat lie isadtiaieth ie roadti u eareis four home. Thîinting lte sovere colti woniti sent i hm hant, anti tnowing nu way for lin ltî fnt hie palsh ova r a ruati lie lid neyer seen, anti w[hidh vas now covareti witis deep snow, ttey were astonisedti la of utis salaccees. Pour Prince! it was a woriieriul Itus- 10 do, witisout food for.-tinys, Lu a tierce, colti, dtiv- Whso carn s-noceor unieralanti lte great' lave ai the homestct animal, wisam cuirS, or hlnger or deathlis<t-- self cmuid oct keep tram ire home, blos by tkhnowing tise dangers of barS "TisI ws iuun larve," saye one. Ala 00 hw mainy, seuilyî mauy, girls anti'bys, men anti wamen Ihînit bas of !borne, diear sweet homeý, thian titi pour Prince. If we only anti ai- ways foîl as anixious absout lIaI otiser home, bLe one towerd whîcb we are eîumbling Pavery day, by a-strange new paris, whicis we bave nover bravellet or seen, wuld auy ai us filu enter ilsdoar? A iMÀj N KILLER Fierce andi Bavenous, is Diabetes, Whieh P',elles ail Mediines Exeepi Dn(ïià'.s KlIdeY Pllth e Oni> Renielly ,ià Earth Tiant ieinoves the Caueor0ftht lceeIbd l'sMi- nYw PUIs NeyerrFail. Qnebec, P.0. Mercis 26.-Tisera are cdertain dtiseaes tisaI sap tise brain anti dry up tiese pringe of lite, bosides underinnig Ltistrenigls. Diablos es s uelia tilsease. Its s;ymîptaman are great Ibirat, Lal.. lus- sit, dry monts, coabeti tonun, pabeness, nuinises lunlise tliigiss, pains or aches bu tise loins, or enali ut tise hack, lucrease of urine, es-gar ln bise urine. Any une, or two, selin more, et tisese ap inr utise samne case. Diabetes la en ejpoison iu tise blooti. Poison ge", ts btise b[ooti throign tiefectîve &ion ofthlie kidneyz, Nwisich siould iW it10ont. Hleal ant sn-hnd ýhe isitny anti ishey xvi l ns bie blooi. ,Tison Diaboles W-Ill ai DotitIs xKiiey Pille are lis-oonly miedieiil oýn oartis that eau cure Dia- baes, - ey are the only medicine tisat sei anre te iidneys. Here is proof: Mr. Sain Deerocisers, cf ï 167 t. J oh4n St., Qnebee, aaye: 1I havýe auffereti witl Diabetes for ive yoars. «,M\y feel' were aiweye colti. I lad painsili my lions, 'anti a,,terrible tli rst. "I tunerS a dozon reinoties before I boa rd 0f Dodd's Kitiney Pilîs. Tisey al "F ive b)oxePs ut Ddd'i Kidney Pilla enreti me comipletely. To-day 1 an wel] anti etrons-." 1Reatier! Rave yon any outhlie synp- tons ahove? Lt yoln have, you have Diabolos, anti noisins on eartis but Dotd'la Kidney Pille eau cure yon. NEW MODE 0F WOOD PAVING. sujipny. ist aaail f ree on application. OHIY fiLtîdtI l1at W111 an ic eTraffle of F. .CALVERT & CO., Latrze Citt. MANCHESTER C NCLARD, The deisono the City Council of Londoni, upon recomimendation of the l -A City Eniner O pave two newv streets with wode pavements, liasAy caused new i nterest to be taken in Instruiient, Drumsi, Uniformes. Etc. wooden Pavements among many Every Town can have a Band builders and ctractors on both sides Loweitpreeeqoe. Fine catalogue 500 illuir thký AL, ni c-. Ths tionystemniled free. Write us for anything in cf-o t iAtatic Tis is tmw yte Mo0f MuSIO or MsclInstruments. wuiabd pavig s aidtubeLit metWhaIsy Royas) & Co., Toronto, Ont, q duabe udth moteasily re.paired. Wiamiffl, a. It is said Ithat it is the only kind of C1trsCOLO CURE 100. OCure§ in a lfty. P. Me. wooden p1a sieet that can ha relied - Crmc1kO.,Âcns Mnrel upon t o estan iid 1thet iraffic of cities THE osemai N as INCUIATOR -Bat andocheaitest O. Rolland aole agent for the Dominion. Saend 3ut, like Lonidoi and. Nw York. Inrstead, etampifor catalogae. 373 St. Paunl Street, Montreal of fashioninig tiLe wooden blocks into JAObI ~Wu Il %UR1'I LEAD, COPPER, DRA e. dice,-bx os polygone or dove Wo.,aîonly. Long DiBtanceTolephonellg9. tàiled ýompJicat ions in any forb WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. the new procuss barked trees of any I-__ size or quality are sliced into cylin-1 POULTRY, BUTTER, ECCS, APPLES, 1and other PRODUCE. to ensure best rocuIts consigu k drical pi-ces about thirteen 'riches in The Dawsori Commission Co., Litnied, thlckness. TJie Iargest pieces are Cor. Wst-Market & Coiborne St., Toronto, put down first. into a gofoundation,.lsrlsCu and then ïthe -.maller sizes, untilrtet holoPrye un~e, auar, u remain in.g iii1e r',ices may ho filled Up Clteli louePrtanar aud Ohur, oaprîet, with what may be called pigs. Ram- Rilucatjonal Worke.Mi rur eev irmtain ming rendors the wituie one solid mass ti. & J. &A 0,LIER C 1., Mýiontreal. of timber, and not a ciiip is wasted. The surface presents end grain only, and with 'the different sorts and sizes afofrd miucit b4,tter foothold than eith.. er w'uiebok or aspia"t. made-oveur sitrs. They are nenally - patisizeti. Tisere barS been ahieavy matie wilh very littho if any tuinass INDEPENDENT POVERTY. snouw, andtihlb toctor rude homo in a in the hacit, anti poinlet or scelioped a lois-b witis Prince in a coreti basket. etthlie utain, which talle ovor a stirt Hauiot Harry-I maisnMe tiroti1 Several tiays passeti sitar titiswin utf velvet, satin or haavy woîen ma- b hear folkse lelk'about a Men heina-aahlerycir ly en u sut or wo be î lo nc s.H an tsom e uf- T iepa-se T eddy- W isby ? î i , rou s- ulit e Itle girl iying tacts are oflen praducati by nein-tise IHandoul Hlarry-Coz tdey aint nouie 1ta tise ktchen door; aLnti on aponiug hbeel parlesrot two -aid-skirîs- whi l0' dose ricli guys wo's hbfahsindepen- 'itl,l- sgarei apitLfýu[,,llmaI],-blanck iarmonîze ln coder, dent as we ia. eImual, croucliet at isor foot gsisver- EVERY DAY adds to the largo lisit of orner f EV LON TEA. wopda May' net oonsinc yen, I t a triacrjl'! wll. il The "Happy Thought ",Range 3h00 oressIng THE WILLIAM BUCK STOVE CO., Llmlted, TEl BRANTFORD, ONT., F E lu the bot in the worid. Foron-cle by leadlng decaler, AGENTS WANTý,ED. ALCLR Wb want gooti, aSLIÂBLE, sicaRGETIe mnnio e '1unrepresented districts" throughout theDonmon 1 L ETIS oel our stock fue inueectuunt, This stock guAranteeî L rHR good dîvidendi payable hall yeariy, or adding ta in epst- ment; alan to aucune applicatiuns for geedloians. Wc -o.yl b' llt-1 psy liberal commieatoâs. Aipply,5H IfLE~' 8un Sauinge andi Lean Company, L .ïakr q Toronto. M N RE L Miohigan Land for Sale. l~beo, Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. Title par. 1 .iot. On Mlieigie tCentral, Detroit & lackinia a LmLake Raiîroîda, at price anging tromu 31te 8 peur acre. Thece Lande arc Close taenRterprieing New Towns achoes. Sehoole, @e., and wtkl beeoid on ce reasogable teum. Âpply te B. M. PIERCE Aient, Wet Bay City, Micb. Or J.W, OUR5la. VWhl temore. Mlch. Everyoine needsutonic medicine ru cleunce th. bl,ot rrc h o eirvitalize, rinvigorute the whole bod', inuthe spring. The very bosit they can get te, Or. Arnold,$ EnÏgllsh Toxin Pille. Tbey kili tha germe ot ail diseasco,- purify and enrich the blooci, cure boile, oruptions, osto diseue, femaie womknes. and ail othen gelM'ni duocus. Sold by ail druggits ; jurge box 75c, email box 25c, or sent petpit, on reeipt ot pnie ho The Arnoldi Chamigul Co., Limltcd, Ti the Oderies Creluatony cloce', Ce., Cunadu Lite BEldg Toronto. --Hamilton, Ont Of pour Odorlese Ocemaîery CrU08e, a aele THE OSTNUT ITIUS. it conseatuoîy i MY'pri1îte reelde.e Witl .11, . s aisîfaction. 1Im arnuWeil ploused wltb i -poyencli uip en othar ai once fer my ibot~. orsve ry truly, BJ . Murch, Markdale, Oui. .~ The fodiuwingf are tise names of a few prominent citizene wbo are nein;R GRATFULCOMORTNG, this 0ioset, and from whum we hav&q very flattering testimonials: Dr. D. L. Tbornpsen, Toronto. Ont. Dr. MCGIaughlan, Bowmanvîlle, 0~ G oDr. M.' L. Dixon, Frankv-ille, Ont. Dr. C. F. Ferguson, Remptiviile, Ont BREAKFAST-SUPPER. Dr. Uirie Gahourg, Piantaganret, n _______________________ JdguA. C. Chadwick, Guel-h, Out, Slesaposl and ilest BoverinE IU3 ý rîd. C.J. Mickie, BACseOf M I aPIPE ANSDRev. John Downie, Watfordl, Ont, BOU 1L E R PVP i L. Dampier, Mgr. Bank of Comrmerce, Sâtesand BndiMe iCcld Wuten Pipai, C od&üorage stra "thr, 0>t Pipa'. RitchenRoilera, a. -Peter Hopemrchant. Perths, Ont. rer particuireappîr ta-Jas Moffaut,merchant, Ambaet, 2lî MICA BOILER COVERINO. CO., Limiteti,iFrct:remdpIrle nO c Toronte,. Montreai, md Loudoine. j the oderleseumàtrc Coiur~0, ýWRY1 HE TREKKED. Johnnïy, entering parlor-Oh, it's 'you, Le ite Why, 1 tliought- l1lfr. Softleigit-You thouglit what, johnny'l Johniny-I tituught it was one of them fellers f rom South Africa. M1r. Softleigh-What made you think that, My littie man? Jobnny-Wity, Sis said ithat she was going to tryi and get rid of, a Boer to-ight. Andi Mr. Sofleigh trekked soon after. Excellent for Public Speakers. Reqv. 1%L MeRay, o~f Goderich, Ont., writes: "Some timeago you sent me a bottle of your Catarrhozone. We have given it a fair trial and are glad to eay that thse medicine lea aU it le claimed ta be. Lt appears to work weil in case of Oatarri, and is an ex- cellent remedy ýfor a throat Irritation arising from publie speaking,." For Publie Speakers, Minieters, Singera, Persons troübIed with loritable titroat, Catarrh or Asthma, Catarrh-o-zone ie of inestimable velue. Lt le a guaran- tcoed (bure. Sold by ail druggists. The triai ontfit sent for 10o~ in staaups by N. 0. Poison & Co., Kinigston, Ont., Proprietoe's. A bachneor sayd a w1fe is undoubted- y a good tbing to bave around thse house-to blame things on wien they go wrong. "Pharaoh 1 Oc." Nofrnb Qe A man who is tied to bis wlfe's ap- mon string le weii eonnected. O'K EE F E ID MAL0 T Invigo tatn re theLAUIT Quinn-Wben he jiited ber se sued him. DeFonte-What was her plea? Qjuinn-Sbe said ase had eut ber tongue in twenty piaces sealing love letters to-lwim. FOR OVER FKPTV VEARS [tRS. WINSLOWS 500lHfINGSYRUP bas beau used by mothere for their cilîdren teetblng. Il soothea the child, aoftens the gums, saape pan, cure wind colic, and ta the best reioedy for diarrhoea 25c. a bot- tic. Sold ail drglatatbroughont the world. Be Bure aniskfor "Mn iovo'a sootiling Syruit. A red-hot iron wili eoften old putty su that it eau ho easîly removesi. TO CUKE A COL» IN ONU DAY Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. AUE drugîlate refond the mono>' if 15 fallo to cure. g IL. W. Grove'a signatur~e la on each box. Hlaye you iteen duly thankful for the biýeseings and bounties of the pat year ? If not, et right dorwn on your marrult bones and confess yourself to ha an unregenerate sinner. Catarris Cannot be Cured witb LOCAL APPLIC.&TWNEm tbbc'eauno reaoh h Uce t of the digease. Catrrh la a blc, or couetîtutional disuase, andi in erder te cure t you mus take internai remedie, lall'. Catarrh Cure le takren Internailly, andi acte di. reetl>' on the blood andi maçons surfaces. Raire Catarrh Cure Io fnot a quack medicine, Lb wse preortbed b>' nue oftheh egt physibians ia Ibis eouintry !or yeai î, and à aSe gular preserIptlen. rI le col* oceti of the betunese kaowp 0e. bntWl h.6becS bldit comibinaieSon cf thu5wo ueesdhepor¶sc 'tcdumeseuch opirfires.ui E lecr F. Jrr. onlWtaeêIL, o.,ulTolredon If wind biowa on you through a hole; Get a certifioat. and take care of your Fioul. MONTUAL MOTEL DIREOaTOSr. The IdBalmoral," Froc BusA-71 a. Motel Carsiake, Rioea lan. Reomes G.T.R. Statiç)n, otel.G. AVENUE Avnu rutee 41.5 $y. JAME' Rnn .~~t Rlaimwy. Dii t.claai Oii Modera eeodm u RGoFINcN B_ in Blac ,Il el p . cI tnp.1,Ir a. , eýleà a JI& ieerto, SUPPLIES Pipe Oovsrlng, Lubrloatlng 0119, WM. SIITTUN TORONTO0. I THE HI1G H E ýT' 0F EXCELLENOE is reac.ed by P e 't d Su bb>'ara muxet rady'fr a u' ý-approved by ail. TLa e etjSO înoS aPeel offrom huroina aun, ortrelgei. Oeglon covere 360 square faut, two eeate Ail tnt-cme, dealers bava Shem. A. RAMSAY & son, Paint Ikr. MONTREAL. JEtdi8a CALVERT'S Carbol*ia bîlnfectant, *aps, Oint. ment, Tooth Pewdere, etc., have been 10redl0 ~etials ant ilomas for seipenlor excellence. Thelr regular use prevent lnfqeti- oug diseusces. Âk yeur dealer _te vbtalu

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