r; I -7 ef Ontao, L Ont WIV~ ieie,eéandseýtt t. thi' e y ilan d coe- reut tha.t Gen. Buflepr bas obtalned comimand of eue of the flrak1e11aberg BOE RRPORT A BIG BATTIE passes firey e hep es te take h Boers in tho eurIn Ltu-e event of 1118 being rîuceesî3ful. Gen. Builler lias Thýey CIaiM 600) BritiSh Kilied enough'troers teve 20>000 men te hold Natal while lie should ad- and 900 Captured. vance b3y way of Harrismifli wlence ________ le would lie able to threaten the Boer positions at. Bethlehem and The War Offloo Une Notblug About lt, Kroonjitadt. But While the Btery le Net DelieV6d, flevy FirIia Near Ladysmith. Thora la Nervous Auzioty iiLndn Ladysmlth, April 10. - Heavy tir- Ing was heard early this morning in London, April, Il. - (5 a.m.) the direction of Sundays River. It But. that the War Office bas lssued ,.,-.+inl,,,.-i î,-. fA .. ur. Nu de 'PS ITRY TO TAKEf MAFE uN Opened Fire on the Towni on March 27 Wîth Seven Guns. Thor Wero ftepulsed Wken Ther Came Within Riflle P~oI lumer Was Near aei-Fuh a Tezi -Miles0 Itotreat AUl tue11 Wý au "" iomw ithSx Milles ef the Meeleuel 'Twa-Pluwer tinlg 1ta[his se ap.T n reirxen wswell carrlted e'ut In good erder under ia havIire. The above despatches give the British version ef the rAtiremie<ut of Col. iPlumer's force first ainounced April 5th, in a special despatch froni Lorenzo Marquez. London, April Il. - The Dai!y Mail has the follotving frein Lady Sarah Wilson, dated Mafeking, March TOOTHACHE. There are several kinds of tootbaclie, due to Iver.y tdîferent causes, and as flot ahl sorts are cuapable of relief hy the saime means. it is usef ni te li able to istungLii amnong tim. Onie kf o f toothaclie ia due ta dis- euse of the tooth itself, another to diseuse of the parts about the tootli, a.nd stili another te nieuralgia of the nerves, the teeth themseives being per- haps perfectly sound. The most commron toothaclie is caus- VrtOUDI -Y es, and if you wi] r n Ana 1 lf f Cenuine oC ý7 SECUIRITY8