-1 1! they ~~~~~~~rc e i catechiaxrm down th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Constipation, I tbroat, al tt lieould hald t s 'tlsac ans? ft i nti foi me lte get safely leused f oratnty AI M ~ l~S ia ivitaion iat vient forthte , Nea senti inOnt aars-"uComl chou anti ail î i ieu.s ju te eark." AWei. lih tt Nosh andi his ,n, î~greeau 18. l coi io the ark? Did thuey edimb i' Ne, tieY ey hîrougi the rdoofnt just se, fif w. et nco chai ark et Gd's Mrs.X.-ISay, John, I arn gong to! m ny, ir 'viiihtrocrgh Christ tae stop baking altogether. ,We! door. Tbe antrance tte h.arr eoflti can gel ah LUTTRELL$,!musc liave beena u vr.large enîrancs. %Vce knew.,tha4t it wsfenîetc Bowmianvil le,sucfrgood Bread tttiare nvare onee malee i and Buns, and Piesý and tic estýimer Cgee; anti in order hu get Cakes, and' the~m I aktoatit e 'Cring to the 'Bible ataltemea thi Mr. X.-AIJ right, Sarah, do't hll'îdeer must lave beau vary wida anti me any more. t wil ne' very bigi. Se rie door jute lia donbt be the best plan for wercy ef Got ish a large door. uNe go the wnteranywy. i, net twu andt lwe, but by hbundretis, the witer ayway.anti by tbeneande, anti hy millions. Yeaa ailthie nations Ofthtecearth varny Alex. Luttreli. go m'a tan millions abreash, Býakýeranti Confetlonier,Bewmnanvilie TIla door Orthîe ancîent ~-rwsi hie sida. SO now il is in the Bidaet Tehephoe 97. Cris-tle piercedt sida, tie wie open sitie, tle heart sida, tIpi nwe enter. K à 9 e% eà, F 1Aha! tic Ro maan soder, i trsing hie 'Il Ilj 1apear unIe rthe Savieur's sdexpeet- rrN C lle-ti encly Olet het ieblooti e', ut, mbh U I jepnci le wav to etaI al ce world GEAI'EFL CONIOsu.NG Oh, whial a broati Gospe'l te GRATFUL OMFOTINÔPreac 1If a in is about tO giva jun aubertuiumauî, lie issues ene or Dlstinguished everywherçi two ndreri invitatioens, carefuîy puit for delicacy of flavor sup- up anti diraceti cci îte parËiî'.ular erior qualty an nu- pansens Whom lia wisles toeaniertain. erior qualiy and nu- Dut Gcd, ont Fubliar, mekes a han- tritive properties. Spec- quel, anti gees eut te tie front deer af 'Heaveri. and strec chies ont bls lally grateful and comnfor- blande ovar landi anti sec' anti iith a tlixg to the nervous and jvocce thiat paenetraces lie Hindoojun- ge, andthie Gracîjianti ice cashl,, anti dyspeptie. Sold only In razîlian groeathe Engliel faetory Ilb. tUns, labelled JAMES andti Amerircan hbM-, crie" eut, "Coma, for aIlil ing are now' reaaty." Ii i e EPPS & CO., Ltd., Nom- wide timr! lIahe od cross bas bean oeopathic Chemisîs, Lon- takan apart, anti ils two pla-ces ara sac uOp fer the door-peets, se tir spart don, England. tiat al the worldcen coma lu. Kings Bcattar reasures en <aye et grealta- BREAKFAST SUPPER jeieing. SO Christ, Our King, cornes anti scattare lie jawels ot heaven. flA Rvlaud FER 1sai i Il-st lie bpati ho ga nIo eaeventirougi the crevîces EP P s CC -Ue oet hedoor. But he wa:not obligedi edthe Gospel, In Surrey ('bapal, go- J AINTED - SEVERAL BRIGHT'1 !ng up to-warr heavan, the gate-keeper, Iry and boraiestporsons teas'spreàent us as' rrieti, " Li t hp yeur heatie, ye ever- Managers in Ibis sud close hy ecosabies. SalsrY 1Iseti ng gates, anti let Ibis man comae 0oyerad expenses. Srqlght, bonallde ""-0 mollren lss alary. Position plermaet Our ~ ~ ~ i refaee fy ai in ay boWii I TUE DYJNG THIF'WENT IN. aiaintly Office wae oadutt &t home. Reter- ,PeEolseslfUnicsd usip R 'ad Baxter anti Rebert Newhoni oxaIONCOPÂN, lap SC lcae. weu t ta. Europe. Aààia anti Afrioa, ge througi h Mewliadeeor withoul -crow 'ng H:1o! every eue, ail coutil- EUI L tMoue, ail tanks, ail people, Luther on e «Y l~ocsIty, Icoe «Iertasl. sid tint Ibis trcti was wurth carry- 8bv-c2îi n lsce alng uble ta 1 Ing onon"':1k1naaefro)m Rame to Jefi suIM*d sipeuses 8.l e n i rudtegoeanti al arouud " worldt uat Hae'gava Hie onhy begot- tan Son, that wlýhooever belilvetî inu -âsOliti Gold. ..$82.85 FHum shoun& etprisli, bthava aver- Basc GitiF11î.50 li'sting lita." WjLscver 3y:1ll-let lm 5 ~ ,,.~ eethronUghlîihe large door.Ad. y " mtis vanet atuLcum on wbich ho Best Glasees... 100 pisce hie laver, aud than ho saiti liat We gnarantea perfect satisfaction. 1ihha coulti more the worid. ûavalry la ýGLOBPE OPTIGÂL CO.i lie fturm, and the, Cross of Christ e es1h. lever; anti hy that power ail ua- 83 Yonste Street. Toronto. j ions shall yetbeb. ifleti. iNoahl in Irep I, 1o det Ia -'~an,ýxPe.a man of-My-atLu-i'"Oh," Y Uu S;afY n, enbsct 0~ls~~~. - sas glad e kno vlihn a 1manXIr, ' JÀmete nd t m'po itin osured ey 'ý1 ,niicxe 7,-,il eon aý>s fto,h W.e u iIntbfrathe;W-i,, maa 10 dressathemn weill eýtaýý,ý,. den< 1Il~of t~~- ~iilWîîi I have myseifIougo sbabby.l' Vry iOlBiS5 Oto il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ -t bu.Tutml jo." h give lh'em an aduc-? W M Ihere~~~~~~ ii ir hla u nîght about tieni, and I shall leava them, a fr. 'V Q eill Hare~~~11 hamh-ocok oin ne Lie passes tune." Va ry well. But iste tat aIl? ____ .catfolingtaofa tuetO.f wînd Don't you moan te tair t'hem mb ti han lll ard hlm' to living foun- tr -kes it, and a pdnk talle. Deadl ark 1 Don't Yeu know thati lan fwate; and God- will wipe an1d outidai ha rk. ýOr, riding inl THE STORM lIS OMING; j ;aývay aIl tears f rom bis ayes." Hare Prospect-park, ar.kas valicie at hton i hit her. le 1no lie iy have biard wenk to gr't a bouse; crashes into hflmi, snd bis herse he-an at ouparon, o hoe.nohe- comas nmiînag ablnrd ho aboute van ? 'Wotl "hia"andthotin takoe and How te get tiiem i Go in yonr- lwits n he reins, anti plants his esIf! If Noahb lad Mtayed eut, de you em 4teet fegaÏný;tI t e cdaSboard, and nec suP'pose Iliat bis sons, Shem, Ham, 's tlla bacir. Rut' ne use. lite and JaPihat, would have, etayad out? iflot se much tlewn Fladbnsh Ycnr sons andi dauighLetrs wili ha apt Avenue Ihat he fliaýs, as on thae ayte do juet as yen do.ReetCrs te erasity1.Ont oetîlie wreck ef the ycreit, and t'ire probability is liaI Yi crs(i body le drawn, but bis seul yeur ciudran w iii rajeci lm.l frt n Y ïuknow ali is net ipickad kip. It fled behind a An aocount-was taken of the ra]ig- W.- don't know. Thefrtwa abot ~ThC swifter cocurser into the grant future. ions condition et lie tamihies, in a cr years ago and is in perfect conditio D he i'eati! anti outside the ark ! Or, sane jtain district,.lInthie familles etfliions use. n alWire-ns on o i rus, te -,Ylha e wakes ui witl a dis- Naattolidse h hirnO. 1ar 0,000 ferr as onu a woý'rry etlle Iet n momeuc1tarily £ncreasee, '.aieChristians. In rie familles whara Thvey f50d,000to iesli h aeic exhusten. untl a ~Irrekscutnvlh ain Th te parants wera ungedly, enly oue- Sen t 'r e iet et. dctors comaiý in, a1d tbay giva ,hlm tý,veft ofet ha chidren we re Chris- de Yo oabu wenty dr qps bu 0n relif-tortY tàans. Responsibla as yen ara Çor'TEPI R LOU6.1* f,'h a Gra drops, titty tiropa, sixtY drope,-but ne tbeir temporal existence, yon are al- AKRILOT we îresting upon relief. Nout1 afoýr prayer. INo lime Ise responsible for ,tbeir -alernity. yU. o anîthrow 1 o ren d enae ofIhe promises. No lima Which nvay will you' taire thonm? ont leo get a siigIe sin pardoned. The mie tbe deluga, or imb the arlm? Hava offths eein, ou ebiidran scream. Te wife faints. yen aver madaeone aarnest prayer for'1 are a 8flave eo ,ur work.. i The pulses fail. The heanrt stops. tii immertal souls ? What vlill you f~cm n gt eiIwae' leep fails, a4d you are, ;i sd leak1Weei ereo The seul files. O,. my God 1, Dead l- and say in the Judgranut, wbaen lid asirs,l Japhiet? Davidtil whýere je Absalomi Alteid liaVerge ofare leGeorge or Hnry, or Frank Iaunair! n lera le Samuel? Bri ng onth vre fLevo b ave ne doubt lIaI derision kept 1 r Mary, or Ania? Wiere are Ihose ,them in tlirough Christ-tha deor. exhautioîk. mn uel1n e iear. Tapradlous seuls, w.boeaintereste l1 have Won'x. it ha pleasant te spafld eternity Ws a -nto nibbnd word langhedti e sea a mang icommifÉted imb ycnot n 'with our farnilies I Gladder than Tke and, saiti, "Rare is a man slarting for A dying son saici, te hie tather, 'Fa- Cbristaas or rpilanksgiviflg festival ilhe ark. Wihy. Ihera n-vil hane de- I ler, yon gave me an edration, and will bhei.racnien. if n'a gel aIl our luge. If tiaere is oe a i iserabla gond manners, andi aver'ything liaI lhe famlly lie îletheark. Whicb efthtem shii wil nec weather it. Abs 1 go- worId could do for me; but, fatiar, eu we eparaeout et beaven ? lig m i at h ark 1 Well, hbat is tee yon neve o 'l' me licw te dia; andi On eno oCltle Laka, steamers tIare goti earkteplRe, fe"Thon' ha n ow his u il le going eut in Itheclark- jw as a father andti wo daughlers yen, b r d ie erv ! " his m a n is je u rn y in g . T h P ,y se e m ati x tr em e ly g mng ie hie ark " Undar Ibis'ir- O, ye >l hava tangît your peer. A henevearirgenlemn enteppad ilery etf morn lhe man's geod rose- ( chltiran h w te live, hava yen aise iP te the. Peer man, te proffer semae ],tion parisiliad.' taught, lbam icin te dia? Lite hare forai ot relief, anti saiti1, "Y ou ceaxa te And sp there ara huntireds kapl onttte flot se impertant as the great bars- be very peer, air." "Pocr4 sir!" repliati For flfy yearsit has by the fear pf darision. The yeunrgý aftar. it is net se 1uche e fwtama,"fheasapormc bee lftngupth d.- man askse himself, "What wluld tbey t urlenge this aide the graeve, as il 15 than me a Ireublin' tba world, Cod ovcerwo'rkg p e re- sayt thestore to-morre\',vmorning,î hie nnending heagues beyrînd. 1tîbeleus"Inlaky t hei 1 seulti omea.Crit a îeernil aternity! ccý.ýwieiyonr cidea iedpt it, i aU ay the oeiw*kedat!dCi ' When 1 go 4ovn 10 lthe club-bouse witic lie ages!, Tby voice anneune- se. 1thclik il would bha a grati relief Tl brigig efeshngulep they wecul.iSlloILu, 'Rare comaes that iag suaxt estsiuy I ihy anm e e. " iat"su leTer hsdm the Chisia! Sutoa enwn' raclndceseai etapast anti il man. '"A relieff" "Would il ha relief ho w he otederse.hava anythiîng ule do with us new ? the future. Tby hlart beating witb te bave the lauip cleppati Off f rom lie folio-i No other Sargaparilla, GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES, rapturas that navar dia, anti agonies the beody. ex ie heart îorn tromu the e l a ralprochîes It. In se~ anti let us hearyu r ay om 1wjtibat navet cease ! O eternily 1 etar-brstA relieide' idh ot ;' and l ue,"yrs ~ g us a flouci 1 Won't de il, ea i ntyl! ite us! Wbat de yen mean sir?" 1Der5is "th ladr f temai." PrtlyCiisia yn aa! ls l IN ST. ]-AUL'S, LONDONGo> home te nigit anti erect 1 a fmi- bottlesEngii I no, the tear ef ieing laugiad aI lIaIthere is, a whisperixcg-g-aillry. A ly sitar. Yen may break dewn in nsuV, itas ld before other - keepe brou eut oe'thre kingdom et veica uttereti irteetfrealy et oeue stida yeir prayer; but nevar mmidf, Gotnili- tsparte Cure 1 Ssarsaparillas w ere born . Goti? When yonlia tiewn on a dying cf tle gallary, je hearti disinctly' at laka wl'il yen mean, niai blýer yen ex-P~~ S a 00sb"44. AU drugglats. jsilloxv, wlh of t hem will ha thare? th i oposite aide, a great-distance off. press il intlhigibhy or net. Bring aljfaî'use.I Yen out ? Ah, tiey eau keajp you out ail aroundtieh earti, anti makes lea-snnbxyehcvgicepi ase relso don of! Ayer's Sarsn-pâ- eteavei, 'but ca tey keep ynotvan a whispaering-gaclery. Go lxedssp ' tc- c .cotin- DR. J. B. KE rile. They cure bililot-- of bhallilthe arr, nutlte sit- deonu but te stand i -,lling anUl praying? Give humup? Inv es. 2 d.iai â. My friands anti neigi-boLrs, coma in in the deor anti cal, uil il Le tam- dreyacc h! 'il,)'heuiL c te a ono S'I bâ".sssned Âyu's5m.des ei ü righit away. Gem., in tirougi Christ, ~.~give hum iplW bila thon lest a cingla I mor ss. z ts * hawitia der-hîa deer tiat swings articulation of speech laitcaise ne j tou thes t;ry sterzt ltst ne, 1 c4L ont teward yen. Coma" la antihob. P.ser. tYodoP mhdne epray for brthe r r f that proti gai 1î1wisb betmeU!Mra55z ti l"Mv i. Cit He ney aad b.sandinppnythebTheregretfuhi am îit.waes r.ti b&Wpurs y4 Spirit ani the rid e bsapy., (o"he Ile Great RngtliR eme H yn' L histzx h e vu MZ0c r4Spritan th 1ýrie ayCiat longKong, or Madirameati lng L as ov p t '. ~ u a~r, lboona in Ithe ark 1 druggista In Can ad . O ly rol. reaburn ic . bis f itîn s beuse . G iv al m i lperiauce f wittoa ~tv ftsMetssButtij ne crnealoe, Th. txIahi, mediediscoereti. 8aup! Il s (Gel promiseti te hear tliy Wiy set %n .eg, PM..,invites yo'n hto brinig yenr famrily, ors eq ?V~guarenft ecr i Y a.1 If . i.,LSM. CoaI eu1nt Iltlan," hl rxee ,feula nlef sedt use 2 pravar only lu murk thea? Ilt Budot Yen Wou] Worry, tEeesend elusey bouse." ohstlahe. have thiela k Ire. m~~~veaus yoir wita anti your children. bso pa.o txnauc.Mieduson re-tD sns~~Isas ~~ Yeu cannot drive theýna in. If Noahofpis uxakgeis,$.Onelpen,' -M F ~ t 711 ~-a btitriedt o drive thpii eosandthe la, ;auxkjsMy'ctesu atdrs 7 de" oyes into the arr, i. would ouîy ~ .1o may don. C ide r o ysm j ~ 4Y ,L~'IiKas. bave ecatteedi i~.semne Parenhts - Pesbois Y-esewlaccle ih I- alre net wïse ahonttee hne Ta 1 toi &ury, li1giebotliaîu &S u4 oo she kPà, make ire e aout Sabbath ,anà J. Glifilii; Neweastle bi Dr. Y'Sraàcoua.be %C AbIV N A .e an u ion yat. We me fencdng. . aaeapest. - - I ~ nan 'knows what lie di"d ami id it. Buch endosment1 a ring are are a sufficient proof wits. Oîhaw, Mina.., Ï0,1299. :-PleaS8 oend me , ovurre i n your new book e a- rtodnyOUr jobel prini. 1 hav-e mEure1 0 pavils ,b ý wi bt o ttle E f yO r X ndal' ln four weeks. six or ~. g sliniment for also " ti.Hre"book fiee. or addrees (ENIIALI. CRl., NOSZURG FALLS. Y?. 1HARQ ON FiCR 1had etudiled law, eh.e4aid Id have been a bittFreir , for yon, .he ami3wered. f she, deinanded. Uld have ixad t0 lot .the, l last word.Ju ORE TO TUE POINT. iathy, lie said, je alwayô. under dog. ereplied, but d1id yo)u e ipper doug loose? Could not Pufll the Throttlecw Whien a reliable gentleman lil<e th-ler, It lesa door that srwlnjge TB1ER O both ways. io thile5door of the ancient Arn was ,lit- -- -4 Christ opens both ways. It Swings ont towvard alilonr woea; It swviigs, Re.Dr. Talmiage Discusses In to'ward the. raptures of hieaven. It s i to let us in; it swings out Ile Time of 0he DelugZe. "il1,tour mâietierin.g ones corne ont. MIl are on-e tu Christ--Christîans on À depatc fro Wasingtn syel arth, and sainte in heaven. -Rev. DIr. Te image preaýched from the " Gn. arrny of the l1iving God, fcllowing texI :-"Coýmo thon, and ail Mt hi8 ciemmand we bow; thy house into the 'î.-e.Vii. 1. Pant c« lth e ot have ,erossed the. f1ood, We &Y not need the. Bible 1<1 prove Andi part arp ,roeeing now' the Deluge. The geologist's hamm.rer S ina, O blessed docer, until al lb.h annotinces ILx Sea shahls and marine eaLr LLh slall ga in and live. Swing out,