'UUlJNU -INTU Tu BTTE THEEMIIN WITH WHICH SOL- DIERS,0 FACE THE BIJLLETS. iloix Gâ cO Lt FnsLine and lleW ,V4Icy Co>uic Ont of I~anlc5 lb The contemnplation o! the frenzy of b a tti and the exultant jir o! bing loosed upon one' a country'a enemisa and th le ac-tuaZ marching wth a teady front up ta a firing line are two výasty differeut thinga, wxri tes a war coresondntin the London Daily Mail. Thle enlisted man with a ram- ipian: imagiation, iwiao hiaallowed ýW. i!u31f to bebome tbe victim of glori- ous day dreama on a matter of tisi ol teFarm. HOW TO ESTARLISH A CREÂMERY. The proper way te organize a cream- ery la for the f armers tae ail a meetý ing, taik the matter over-and adjouru for a couple of weeka. At the end of this. time eleot a committee which shall viait two or three, creameries, in-~ spect them careiiully, get pricea of. rmvachinery, building, etc., and comn- pare notes at the next meeting. If tben there is aý desire te continue, organize a stock company, eleot a building committee and lot th's oom- mîttee hire a carpenter and put up hbAn coup la not ituiated upon a dry site, at your earliest opportunity pro- coed tu rectif y the error. Dig OUIt the dirt f rom the bottoin aay a foot or two in depth thon lii'in with rocks, large ues first, then samaler and smaller unes, cuver top xitb, a low inches of gravel, and then you wili bave a dry bouse, providing any out- aide water bas a good chance tu drain -away. Frequent use of dry Goal ashea wil serve tu absorb any moisture accruing front the droppings of the birds, the coalailes also serving tu lix ammonia and therofore keep the air of the bouse pure and wbulesome. Too otten we find the coop or run whiere the little chicka are penned, £romn one caffle or another, sadly damp. This xiii not do. Chicks even more than liens require dry quart 'ers. And even durklilgs and golinga in their first tender days are peculiar- ]Jear me I I muat be getung oii. '-i What malces you think so i Peuple have begun congratulating ma, on holding my- own. "Pharaoh 100o.,w" ' ïho'-'@b - It is an easy matter ta ignore an in- suit aimed at somebody aise. OIKEEFE'S i-UDMAL Invigeratq, and 5tregbe x LLOYDWOOD, oronto.QGE G . Without oonstanoy there la nither love, f riendship 'nor virtue in the world,-4jAddisofl. TO CuTIE A CeaDI> N *NE PAT Take Laxatîve Brama Qunine Tabiets. AI] £rggiats refend the money if 1> fails tu cure. EL.ai W. Grovelasiognature is on eaoh box. T ~ TheseThree flàeporotioos CEYLON GIREEN TEA will displace ail Japain Tea the saine as Salada blackc is displacing ali other bL-lckteas. AN ELEPHRANT TRAGEDY. A Vicions Crute fBrokýe Its Fastenigs and Kiiied 1tî Keeper lu London's CrYstaii p'alae. Last Sunday acftrxioon, while a concert was bein.g ield at the Crystal Palace, says th.e London Spectator, an e1ephant belon.ging to a circus wbich qÉ