RESTORED TO HEALTIIO Ore of the best known men in E:ast Durhamn county is Steven 0. Taylor, Charlecote, Ontario. His sufferings ,5. fi rm rheuma- tismi in the back f (lumbago) f or four years were known to every- -bvdy in tlie cýounty. It was with the greatest MR. S. O. TAYLOR. difficulty, and only with agonizing pain that he sat down upon or arose from a chair, and walking was simply torture; neither the skill of physicians, nor the enormous quantities of patent medicines lie took, gave hlmn any relief until lie tried Dr. Hall's Rlieumnatic Cure. After taking the first few doses of this wonderful medicine heobtain- ed relief, and, continuing the treatment, a complete cure was effected. Hetlasnfot beentroubled wi.1ýth an ache or pain since andl s peaks in praiseworthy terms ol' theý medicine whicli restored him1) to healt-Dr. Hall's Rleirnatic Dr. Hail's Rerai Cure is Diit np in 5ù For sae b al dngistt, and dervkris in me1(dicine. The r. Hiall Medicine Co., King:- sLenj. ont. otinust do a General BankiDg BGFirne8st DEPOSITS ,eceiied in Savings Bank Departmen t and idtteet allowed at eurreîît rtes. NDtice Of x lthdrawal not neeessary. All deposIts paYable ndennd EXCHJANGE itenght and sold andDi,nftg i«gued tapon Europe. United States and Canada. almo Gold, Silver and 'lated Stattes oreeilaieks bought and sold COLLECTIONS Promp tly nmade at current rates lnpor al PartM i rat Bitain. the Uited States and the Dû- iniffon of Canada' 1iook upon 4this aud-ienzce, 1 sec man-1Y who )have passed t hroLgwaves AL 0 ~PE P EIll o .of t rouble that cameutüihrha Ù1 11 t i, c grdle luGod',s name 1 pro- aces atiyo feoi blins onsti- ishall not go always saddened and of patleti, a u ofo!tunewt yn eatbokn.God will lift yourbr laev urs of T eir toa g our and no appetite, jat deni. God will briug your deadti t e CI1LIVh'bny a package o life. GOdI will staunlc11te er' ble2eding. 1 knowi Ha ill Like as a 5, e 31ý 'a -l zfatiier pitieth bis chitdreni, se the Strug ies.Lord pities you. The pains of eariih ________________________ nd trike a dcr;'ose rm1t uS will end. The tomb xiii hurst. The an nkow Vsltr-Me's Yo will ho surpr-ised i tl ow easilY deati will rise. Themrin star iacob's CombatWith a itbeyVsio--lei? will othair work, cure YOUÏ r mlo rgtnn h hedceand biliousness, rense the trmlsna riheigakyTh Coflc Wit vi H bts W~h teçiep of l-verjad make you feel of an.~t-he aost egin tu swing the Locents. TSouldbyaiimedicinedeanaierus.eLuther airti Melanathon ware talking the hevTriu ph=- Pospcrit andTrobletogethor gloomily about the prospects Lodof the Church. They coutisen Conpared. --____ 'e of daliverance. Aftar n while, Il you are a Cliisian man, 1 wil go jluthar igot up ant- said tu lVelaucth. A tiespatc.hfrom Washintgton says: ,rlenrbied. TlIera wera th-hwrithingas ak nyIrbioerndfndtattha "Conta, Phttltu igth 11ev. Dr. Tnhnage, preached from thte' andl alstortionF of a fearfn.l str gi rnls hnstat aeee a-fryext ui fDvd Udi following text :-" Anti Jacob was lef t Butt-be old,îti gtt began 'to wax ar, eiete yeni, ïiave bean your trials. -urrefuge and st-resgt-h, a very pro-. lone; and thora wrast-lat a tan with and at- at-, an the midntght- atone, Nethiung short( 0f scouaiging- impris-i sent halp in troubla. Therefore iii hlm nti t-a baakng e t-e dy. t-î-b nnetbut Go t- ai-utsaby -ha ent-, anti shipxvrack, could have not vue fear, thougl t-hacati' h ce- him ntil th brakin ofthe ay.brook Jabbock, the giant, feul; anti the matie Pauil whiat ha was. Wben Davidtimeveti, and thougl t-he mount-ains bc And w>ain lhe saw thhbt b' pravailed triIt-ihnt 'areat-let braîke the, dat- was fl,,a ig,,rght-ha, wiltierness, carriati into (t-le midst et the seaa not aaint-hl hatochei -h bo- jsa avt-ha the cry, -Tlb anks, be unto prut ylt w son, ha was bc- thougli the waters thereof roar anti low ~ bs thgh;ant t-h hoiow o G'.w ho, givet-h us t-ha vittory, ing p'rapradIo becoma t-ha swaet ho, troublai, lough the mountains lowoghisthigh; nd heholowofthrough our Lord Jasus christ" singer oit sae. Ttc pit anti the 'shako with t-ha swelîing thereof. jnnpbS tlrîgý was out oft joint- as ha Tiiere as a widaow's heart, t-bat- fit-st tiunegon vwieL't-ha bast sehools at Salah." wreada' ld with hlm. Anti ha saiti,'Let -w s deselatet by hereavetaent, anti whicb Je'aeph avar graduateti. Tha DBAT11 TO MANY, mne go for the day breakath.' And bhe iue, by the anxtet-ias anti trials that hurricanethat, upset t-ha tant- andi nay tn alil is'a struggie anti a wrestîe. sai, ' wil nt lt tee o xcet c.In infhesiportofà fmil- I-kiledJobmanylrenfriands tehathae-a itrindst wa llwibeb saii, I xiiinotlett-ba g exepOta id hing to a amn nnutend- man of ,f Ui t w rita tha maginificeut bard t-o itave. i1 caeanot' bo-vbright bhot blessm.'" eea x.a 4,ar -ra liveliood noder disativant-- p tam that- hais astoundeti the ages. ont future hape is. It ta a bitter 25, 26. ý i ut t-o sce a deliiate, woman, Thora s:1 lan v~ o get the wheat out- thinig te iook upon this fait- world, anti The dust- at-ose fra,,n a trav'eliiogvahîgtb lti re at- ber bat-k, I oi the atraw bu-teto thresh t-. Thora know that- we shall nover gi et t-at-k', nti shot-s, t-aid iat-,gtints ofa povarty ant isi no xvay to urify t-be golti but t-o its hlossoming spring, tis aîn bocl er,.x, s mre tfetiî as hu it. Lok t ha people 'aho hava fruits, its sparklin streats, anti to ani aiaïtle Lby aie t-b eenOf. ttaa- ý ia1,, hoMe anti passera by knaw alwaYs hidii it- the wir wnwayv. Thay say tarawell te thosa with wbem wa Jac-i surs -ogain t-be goifi a 9.t-it vt-m hosa ufouir walls wera are t,roud( ý, iiantea , sles, and playati in chilihodt, or cnellii biset- auealha-ber Tha nghtJaab o~l s e t-nrae mre admirable unha ppy. fyeU an-t-o f:ini ichant-- manheot. In t-bat nighr, l Jcobn bi ythbe b),ook J abbock. Bu,.t t-ore 1 t-at-efHaniba rosing t-ha fui foiks, go amiong Ihiose vvhbavaexve May have to wrastle, but Goti will Al~s r n haPea f Therroopyle beaupuiiaiby, t-ha tire. Aftterflot louve us unhiesseti. It shall'net as n e r Ct- -ortWear 'Y aa.NO iallin- o .Baaivaier, lt-ethe Rosaii hat(i radereti William Tell i hatolti in heaven that a dying soul Inu1og adder te leth-e angel doit-n (ja t-deatb, rode, t-be sýix huntired." t-ha tihuuirit- tiflnte, a comp'tny criet unto Goal for heip, but was not rot-' bis dreue; lbut ai tierce combat-, base berces hati thl xhol ouMi -Q:ofmuuca cameunder is wintiow cdeliverati. The lattice may ho turu- 'i t-bu- subutt-hro ere flue ti ai, lsrn îati-mdý31ý edti hm. Thay Cd te, kep ont the sun,orabk tat aiesta untaîd meaninig, with an un- t-e; i ith trgi ntbthu-ptuo i ri sttodtth igt or ham boogh kuet-vu visiter. i bey eut-h ury te ahrew bi!,lt. She fought foribt-cati, fori A G-OLDlN CROWN taper'; or t-be roora may bo fillati witb t-b ouer.'îe uknon rai-or toce-il i ici orfit-e, for cit-ar, wit-hiof laurel leavas I 1But-, amitiah the ecrias of orphanage anti widw. veal bis auperiot t-ower, by a -b .n et nt aadaiaaniex-!,apaa at .usamRisiitr-hooti; or thé brhe Crs a b.taoi stengt-h,' through t~long1019e t-ito a friand aa said, "I would giva mOurn oear Our goiug; but, if Jeas1 witeut-heB Jaa-ob's thigli bonre frei ii y -ebok abtk out tiltbsbiliu teafor a f a lys 'cails, ail is xx ail. Tha strougwrstl j ts sot-ket-, îarnapa miaiming bina for a t- aat- noua woulti ,give baýr belp? of youa-b atlva." ing by the brook xiii cerise;t-be heurs di fe. As ou Che morniug aky t-betlus-ldGa forgotten to he gracionsI, L. a acprt-yt-at killa, anti of tieat-h's nlight- wii pas along:en potpie~ ~ t- ~ ý N! cntenoîng seul. The, mingbr troubla tIhat- savea. White t-ha Israe- 1 o'clock in the moruing; two oclock n t- et-s e~ Lt-, t-' ' , u i ofni ew'inga ceming te t-ha ras- i lites-c , ce on tha murch, amial great- t-he morinnlgfour o'clock int-eo - Jat-ob sees h ta san ange' 'tit-h wliým t-ne She bears Il uow, in flic aough îprivai-ns anti hartshipa, t-bey ha- iug: t-bt1 day braakat-h.-th on hae hiasbeau ot-endaing, anal no -e u e -lcnight wintin luthe rippla of havati wetl. Af a-er awhile t-hay prayati t-e I iouldlhava il when I dia. 1 ef bis bt-et-ers teajut-ers. "Lot- me' t-be brook Jabhocýk,-the for meat ; antit-be sky darkenet i ut in n- hasetohgn.Ihaao go'tîes t-anagel, lifting bimaeolt PRiOMISEMADE SO LONG AGO, xihaget lc tqal;at mtg gia-this wor]d' The l t-base quaiLsÎfeul in great multitudes iOnIY f ault- I have t-o final witb t-ha up lit-e int-reasing llght-,"t-be day t-ngang down thbe aky: "Tbhy fat-bar- iail abtaut t-hemu; anal t-ha larelites at-e iworld is, t-bat it- treuts me too weîî. haeke ."loschiltiran Ixill presarva t-hem and tite, ant i atuffetithemacives un- Bu t- wen t-ha tintoetlo go,1 trustt iiia.a analelat thy witiow a trust- in Ma!" til t-bey dieti Oh, my friands, it- ist t-o ha rcaty, my wolly affaire ail ieý see, intht-b it-st- place, t-but saidti - a very poot- wOtan, net- bardsb~ip, or trial, t uri-o atld fIbv rns tas Goal alloue gooti people someticues t-a) '11w as it- that, in sut-h dist-rca yen injurestha sefl, buaabuntiant- want- liba ditesyuta nuesesubt-na a- atw th te ha sure of their forgar gel inte a terrible st-uggie. Jet(-ohlb 9et t-eerf'tlt" Sai t-t, "I d t ysnppiy. It-ils net-t-ha culture of inasa. In t-bat lat wrast-ling, my at-m waus a gou ma;but bot-a ne wa . ita, r1,cos raas.Wau Itroubla t-bat-eut-s up t-be Cbristian's ienfeebl iat va-bsickuaxa, anal my beatt ,cluelu -b nvaligb- -e xeestiaui- (l my rant t-o psy, andi not-hing t-o lit e;-,irlast-be quails 1itla st-ha queila1 faint-, I want Jesuis basida me. If thare "on i te idngh, o reslewi ylt-F.wtt-b, anal breadto 'tbuy anti Yen xvill jyat- final out-t-bat- yourrmid- bcha bnals on t-bisaide of t-hie floodil a tramantiusinluent-e by thbebrook ut-at-bang torbuy it- wtt-b, usadtito ait uigb xvwrasIthaby tbebrook ',iI)boc- ta-ht ot - ot Jabheek. Fer Jaseb a oit- fou Dan- dean anti cvBiatnc ow T do nciet _rý ii, t adf vn A Woman's Shoe -aýinty and delicate l -yet strong- to ende This I teKing Quaillity ail over. If's as pretty as asboe can be mnade and as strong also, and yet it doesn't look as though it was made for a mnan. People who don't know it, guess the price somnewhere around $5, and yet it is only $3. Ask to see King Quality. Made by J. D. KING CO., Limited, Tor-onto. TAR"LIG A TS FO"R DI8EAED ITIS CURES GAA4TE RN Aé -- N~~ýervouand idespondent;ekordb1t eizzecien, d andti nred~; tspe o i foses;resîss; aggard iookiix;re k bc;bst1,& ' tsè ~~ss waiee~deposjintaurine ae4dre ea t steol; ti wâutois; s, tof éeztdlideU e 'earyadstrenuth - WE QAN n ASE VOU I RESoRED TO MWANHOOD 8MRO . aifK. JOHN 4. MÂLIN. JOHTN A. MANLIN. cHAS. OES 5 OýW NO NAMES OR TESTHMIALS USEC WITIIMI WR]-ZiTTNONET JohiùA.Muxphcsaa.:,aIgscue on ousc v; VA I 'I"ELE lime eor ly iStlçmaue x ne e S trieti sevon medigal zrutm' EMISSIONS Amib i a tn eepar tlgf IPOTE N CY gfe Myrot*r lloai s'pecaLitete to & yai yallcteti1felloaSmen.' CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.- CONFIDENTAL. ,icofemrly boyhtod laid tlic.fndlIr fri , stop U515ingito4cetuier. vi el can get at LUTTRELL'S, Bowman ville,snch good Bread and Buns, and Pies, and Cakes, and me any more. It will no doubt be the best plan for the winter anyway. Alex. Luttreli.1 Bak3r and ConfeetIonFr,Bcýw uia nvil le Te!epione 97. GRATEFUL COM FORTI NG. Dislingulshed everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior quality. and nu- tritive properties. Spec-. ially grateful and comfor- t!;'g to the nervous and dyspeptic. -,Sold only In ilh. tins, labeîled JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd., Hom- oeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England._ BREAKFAST SIJPPERI W AINTED - SEVERAL BRIGHIT V and honest pesons ta represent ms ii Managers in thiS tandClose by ceenes. Salai v 090l0 ayear andi expense..trailt,1Iboutedt C eeees any bsnk lnanay town. Itits rninly office:Ord eniductedi at berne. Refer- en"e. Enclose self addrezd aned enveloi e THr DoMîieiN COMPANY, Dept 3, Chicago. 39 4m RELIABLE Geoed houezt'men la ev.ryIocaity ttcal or travel. lug be hroduce ud advertdse otwg"ods îskieu showcare o lecesaloug publie rends an a&H e" pcslage.. 0 ~estereiec e edful. Salar orco W.aS per mont and iexpeusea 62.50 pel day. wuI5.ý t once for fuit pilplars. iIMpIRE 919 1inE CO.,Lo. sie. 5esIGold Jil 1.0 »C esIGlateS... 100 f LU OBE OPTFIGCÂL £0., 2,3 YonoeeStreet, Teorto. pilioc, I a#ri ,gQinst- t-ha wcrhd."a 1 willi go tut-ther andi say t-bat av- ary Christ-ian bas is struggtle. Wit-b1 financiltmistortuna yen bhavahati THIE MIDNIGHT WIIESTILE. Red-hoat disasters hava droppi into] your store fret loft to caillar. What yen honghÉ yen ceulti, not sali. Wbont you trust-adflied. The halp you expect-- ati woulti net coma. Sente giant punio, wit-h long arma, anti grip iike daat-b. t-ook bolti of you iiii au awf ni wrestle, front wbicb yon have not- yet ascapeti, andi it is uncerîtain wbtbar it will îibrow you, or you xiii throw if. liera is anet-bar soi, ilu struggle wit-b somae batiappetita. fie knawnova ow eteal-, t-hiiy it was growiuîg upou hlm. ()na! bout-lha woke np. Ha saiti, "Forth -e sakaet my soni, et ty famiy, anti of nvy cIllîit-n. anal of ty Goal, I muet- stop t-isP "Anti nahoitihie touni bimself alone, hy t-ha brook Jahbotk; anti 1, waa milni4ht-. That- evil ap- petite seizeal upon himn, anal t-e saizati upen b i; anti 0, t-be bort-or of t-be con- ftal Wheu once a bai habit- bat-h rouseal ltself up t-id est-roy a man, anti t-haman bas sworn t-bat-, by t-ha haip of t-ha ct-at-al, Got, haexwiil de- btroY it-, ali heaven craws ltself ont- in long fine et, igbli, tto look frot aboya, anti"-al l l st-rat-chas itseif in m'yrnmiiows of apte t-o Iok-np troti beaathi. 1 have seau tan raii]y t-hem- seives for snob a struggla, andti -ey bava bitten their ip., anal clancheal thait- fiat-, ant ic-ld'wît- a blondi,t-ad eaurnestuasa, anti a rat-n of scaliing tiars, "Gotitbeip mie V' Front s wraat1l ilt-hhabit-,'1Ihava sean tan feul bat-k defateat. Caliîng fer n(4 balp, but ralying out-hait- own rasolutuons, t-bey havae maa- nt-o t-ha struggta; anti fer a tata it- seemati as tt- tkey xvre gettang t-be uppar banal of thair habit-; but t-bu- habit- ralliati agatn tsi -ainfernal power, 'anti littet ita soul trot- lt-s standing, antiwit-h a tort-a bot-rowad, from t-ha pit-,but-lad itiilt-o ont-ar darit-ness. Fit-st-, i saw tlae anct-uoueaias mallat fait ou t-ha picut--tes. anal tuait-aiinstr 'ument-s, aindth -e:rit-b uphoiacary of ais tamiiy ivrlour. Att-et- a whiae 1saxv ban tail into t-be dît-ch. Taben, lu t-betiti- nîglt, xx bn t-be children wara dreat- asîg t-hait- swectest- dreama, anal Cbris- tien baiauaelas, araaillant- wtt-h s-u- - ber, angal-xvat-ched, ýI heat-i ht-mguve TIrHE SHA RtP uHIlREK, t-but foIloioedth -e st-ah. et bis owu pionaral. Me ftait front an Ibonoureti social position,-he fai tfrot a fam4ity crtcie of whicb once ho was t-ha grand- est- at-tracttion; bar ftoit f reth-e bouse ot- Goaltat wx'e'be.alars hoba ai beau ceusepr-ateal; ha' fait-for averP But, Goal, I bava seani tan pTepare theanseives t-or sut-h a w rest-itng. Tliayi lAid boit'(of Goda heait- tuast-ey weut- lu tý -o coan;at. The giant- aira- galeti by -be t- up of nruuy dsiain cama ont-a Yroug ant dat-tant-. Tba(y Ifyouav eltyo forlmation of gns, the t nlausea, sick lheadache, et and eneral weAkneýssof the whole body.i You can't -have it a week without y o ur b lood being Impure and your < nerves ail exhausted. There's just one remedy for you- Teesnothiing new about it. Your ,grand- parents took lt. 'Twas . an old Sarsaparilla before other sarsaparillas were known. It made the word "Sarsaparilla" famous , ej.over the whole world. - There's no other sarsa- parflla like it. In age and - power to cure it's " The leader of them ail." $1.00s botte. AIn dreiei. Ayer's PIS cure constipation. "After stIffering torribiy 1vu linced to try vour Sure'xparila. 1 took t-ras bot-tles tend now feelt-ike a nev man. I wodat-i vise alimy 1011gw ereatures t-o try this maediin fer lb bas alenti tbe test of lime tend Ils curative power anot ho ex- t celed." I1. D. GeO O, Jan. 80, 1899. Btowlawn, Va..' WPtthe Dootop. Iyen have unky comitaiel wbavtever 1, a se lhe bent ruedital adV1teyoDU fapes-yroeesive, write the docor f£es ý l," u vili»qsel-e a prompt r.. ply, velthaut Ceoet d mess WMU umeoutouiul L'el- 1a aonnung'T-ower, wt-trae avshovs 1 ect-.Tbey tay triumph ovar t-hait- us the Naval Brigade ntanfuhiy play- 1 aos, a-nti yeu t-hait- gait- shall tait you iug t-hait- part- in t-ha datentc et Lady- t-bat-1t-bey hava beau trouheti-t-ouGh-'s'miîb. The volume wilha treasant-d coi soea soiti est-t-b moi tng into rant, bers of t-bat magazineý for Mat-rch 10 eti. At-ew St-oit-s, t-bat vie au-a, un- hy alxxivo reati 10 as a menturiai of a anal muti ilowing away lu It anal 17, are reaitkahia upacama-Llns ot etrai , ca ouoi- traiaerit-lad et-t-ha man w ho dbatiwon, luan-a it£careovr, blotetd'eut-bill, dalae anal ouiyin oua deft t-ntiating trot ena tlongue t-o bt-igbt ayes analt-ha sweet- lips f Can a weîî-aîesarvaal aminenca among [lis grey ,cnt-tain et- swaaping wat-er. Yeti anouiher, wth t-be least ,osbla a ve at-anal untovatýe anal sac ou gard- tltotrades et t-ha press. Ris friand, woulti have satal that t-be beavans had o£ th- rare filavor oftit-ha ot-:îgt-nal. ens ofe iaci-fi y ielight luiroot cd ? Wiih Mr. Vernon Blackburn, bas atideti a oeanatit-o drown t-he wratb of- man. -- gý J cana, vo wep iteIiseit, ha angty Lat- Chaptar, telling us somet-hing: Anti threngb iftht-b guns attiil thunder- RualynrtiKt-ping't .s going to at-el wUb wioh u,4 vape t ont- t-ars lut-o t-ho about- Steereuns b'inself. Unlike ntany edt anal t-e kbaki atolumnupushed dtog- ot The Beginning of t-ha At-tudïllon ~gurs -a- pntto svll down ctho bava ý,gait-bac ai ne utan earhy gadly On. Ln t-heMaey Lad ies fHcnte,- Jo u tn)al. O1 trIal. wa oesi ha ist- X aza rus age, ho aln'asunapetît hy bis sut-ceas. 1 la- xvas ever, tweiveheurs of mat-ch, course, M.K'pagbringa t-e hieaua I more tour t-o iihan Wiiont-belovetIIll Ia h ia iuguarly wîuning chat-at-- of reconinoisanca, of wuiting, of pt-a- irrcïist-îbly-funny, but wt talbigbhly dei t-e, uils ? 'Noi. \11f- bave",aright- -et- Ouacanuot- pay a bat-tactri- psrt- ieu, sud hait an heur of at-t-at-tk. angenoa hioob n dec' t-o1 nxee. 0u t-iou ti st cta:Xibt-at-o[his emory t-han t-o say, as. But- hait-an bout- cramrn.d with t-ha t-be pet-uiattes oft tha ;ermadu(llo. aubai ne- drva them at-kt-o t-ai t-a (baisall lt- ih trut-b, t-bat- in this lit-e et hait a ite,-tite,." liaeldcnay founticjymn i t-ha heurt. The t-al int o God's fe(y)rfetst-canions, activa uta ha Tha pages et- t-be rbok briatho xith wriat-ingt-eauaoesb atatea bot-t-l. A dflitati ouais ba ietha bal atie a eat etfriands anal not snob at-îrring passagesj. In describing Just Soiomasfor rha blas lnt-atwovef t-anse t-boy tt-iint-c,,p.,,n Ga eeenamy Inut-bs, is hast- werk, t-be hone-coiting ett-haDundee mot-ai anitý- 'bla bter -into bt-s se- tc-r t-be s !eLe, t-antysteriousrcaitef as lu bis othar writ-ing, t-be two mutstooumn t-o Ladysia, hoxxrites,- cotant ait-t-e way by wbch t-aratma- t-bties t-ý, o un ut-cars! Undar t-bis Prominent feat-uras ara t-ha wondac- "Renta lu t-hait- hai ahoewhx it-e tilles ;caiamtoben, nLt-be ot-ba foitha ra1 t-be towcrs epýtythccut- fui rivitinesof a-be descriptions and akin; at-omtt-t-air grimeti bande ni tt-hasertes, t-han flu ny-bng se t-ot- t-ai- boot. oa pi-yIhu dyt-be simple diacÈness oft t-hanarra-iheasaoyn mt'htjuiga t-hem hait rcat -at bsa cote froint bt-sversilepn w%'it-àharad, pat- cheti, ail-consumtug grief -ir, is clussiattraiuinaut Ox- tan, hait- soot--hiack. Eyalids buug t-bu- rigaits bauds, anal grinda lt-s tord lfltntht-e priagnunt phrasa andti -s-anal huvy lovet- hohîowcheeks anal 1 Tha aditors e-Aiof'sMgaiu t-eth, un:d bit-esil-anils unte t-ha 1th-hforcatuni epigram avec ut-banal, point-et chaak-honcs. Oniy t-be oye e.ýfer lu t-ha Aprth number fout-resri quit-k, blut cunnot- weep! We muay white, ht-s xpet-icuce as a journahiat reainea-tha sky-blne, steel-kean, able articles on matt-ast-snu Ito Ille bave funi tecottort et t-be Cross,bal t-angbt- it t-ha tolhv oflong asî hat-d, tlest-, unt-onquarabie Englili i Oheart et-t-be Amant-an cpei tuI anal y-iet avr aft-r show t-bat lu t-ha t-alions descriptions. fi e h ld, 00, a -to t-ellt-bat- tbirty-two miles wit--The Islandis of t-be Pacifit-, 4"' At-t-bute dat-k iightI, antal by t-be brook Jabbock, great fat-uit-y for euiariug iluot- he lentt-est, t-ont- aya xît-bou 'a square I.1 St-cnet, wa bava a kaleidoscopl(e view we wera tnbie-t-oucbeti. spirit of t-hat-ing. Look at hie fit-st -zeuh, six nhigits--er many-uiliout a et- t-bat- t-oe worhdtn-wbc - -gain: we muay taka t-be itia of t-ha impression et Cape Town. at-cet-ch ef ssicep, st-IIl founuth-a pansien bas lad us. "e-Rs inl texa, i, anal anounce t-be appt-euth et 'Aft-r t-ha sut-prisaetfbaing ashora soîdters at- t-ha eu-"Alaka, by Warren Cbe-ney, tsaa iu0 t-haala-dau. u o a'tvs avec raguin, t-o notice%&aus U t-be drearins -f -he suega r.summary et- chant-as anal conditions in met-e ghad t-e sce t-haenorning t-ban t-ha air. It wt-s as t-haut-but- -t-a eis Steavüns givea a tes-t int-eresaiing 't-be oli Ids, wit-b thaeonhso waus Jacob ) ait t-r t-lat- nglit- of' nolbiug aise lu existence 'lca r pitt-nc, relideving il by giimpaas ot- t-eheatt-gol4ail-ining lsa sci-loe st-rngghe. it- h appropriate t-or enengli u'it-h wblch t-o compara it-. Yon huntouns sida o' thinga. lis chaptat-l business proposition. Th'e Indliau philantt-ists anal Christ-tans tota iettht Iail yonr lita bit-hart-o, Yeu n ouibe sail1ors haet-uleofmocry cent-acta. Congresa, by Wada outtort- a oreut- wtt-h t-bis aungofet texat-, bat-ibeau hceat-iig mua ana liooking lierala t-be commanding e tucer's opii-jpuatht- pictura rhs ay t y "Tha ,,day brieaketh." The xorld's e ut- en't-baxvrld throtagb fog."The ion et a pertinacionsiy annoyiug Boer reguma. Ont- Congrassionul Pt-ast- prospect-a ara hbrigbtantng. PopecyI toyti lisait- "scaimeti hait- Western atilteoist-- dent-, by George Lehauti Hunt-et-, l an bas bail t-ast-r'oiLngesat- pt-opaknot-kea li'Ameriean wht-h aatir aunai Inl- Thtigunner, sati t-beCaptan, 'vuv- art-l-tawort-h tu-b conaid'LUtia t-1on out-. Tha tyrvants oetthaeartb at-airedia-Denver w'it- a dash et- Dalhi...-igb; iïkaS i HlsilTeutopacshéPs'.iiof falingfi:! i jh, ds1ýTheLhuch apoTow iteIfýoi sa ilin 5a Germnan. YNobody but a Germoan ache- t-tee, asit- xvra, undar t-haX-raly, t-bue oit Chr ýi s s ising!, up li It s trangat-htomeni-doos net huat-le. >Tua mIi i st-wonld hava, fit-adi ouus ut- break- t-aveaaing t-ha inner workings oet- t-b t-o o fot-h,"fui as -ha 'oet-eur cbinecy la t-ha West-'s, the s irit15fatlunchïaail tinner, t-ha camneSnCougresa-Exeetative acht-ine. AuLin as the sun, anietatribla as an arunyof jiba East-'s or t-ha Soutb's."* got-tono bolt for ns ihan lheoet-bar articles at-e: The oi' Tele bannera." Clep yonc bauds, ail yei The t-oiowing ext-ratftromt Mr. put- eue t-en ya rom trc t-ha cook. grapb, by Eut-h W. Mayo; Ph A . peephae, t-ha day breakct-b. llbe saieveuva' description et -t-ha bat-LieetOfAuybody chswe ucotsaura. 'I'en-lient-st, by Mabai C. Ct-at, anti Topic bigot-ries et flic eert-b are petisbing. Elantishuagte t-ails t-or ne comment:- weaad t-o go. or t-ha Theat-re. The plut-a of hondo The lite vaswhi en vare t-oit t-but- "As t-hatan movail iocvvrd bafoca But- boea ut-athare cotes a t-euch oetinlu ttion la givan t-o a new- t~t if t-vo xaut-e t-o 'gel t-o heaven, wa Ithae r y t-ebehauveus xet-e open- iongug ht-i-kea-.Nornan Duncan, xvho otiue miuat b h imrsati or spriui; or waet. Fret t-haeatarnky sxvcpt a Evan as the constaint bine-jacket st-ety ut once hunvorous andal, asit must bllnalut-be persaveruncaetofshoot- shoot et- nain. -\Vith t-ha first- says, Rigbt-' Gun Hll u p, air, thora in t-haeNewv Yock Syrian quart-ar. Ahso t-ho, saint-s, et- lu taliing awayf front tst-abbing adht-ps herses turnati t-hait- hoat rom-tetbeloxv, ting-ting-tang- t-bat-e -ast-et-echy Bt-anti Wbitlouo grace, uet a htucgy, or ne lturgy; onrIbauds axvay t--mblaug, anti neo vht-p ting, t-îng. riva bouis! Theait-et-Howrdi Felding, Opia Read mdanal t-bey muet-[lha Calviniste, Or At-tint- nec spur coulal bring t-bat up t-o it-. reudig double banîg îlott-., eot-ota King. St-t-et & Sti iil- ubitabe ana, inlu et-don t-o r'ach heuan. Wa It- drova t-hrongh Met-kint-oshes s if u- neea ra, t-hiehbtt iron bis awam axay. N'ew York. bave idil coma t-o confeas now t-but-It-h"y wcre hlot-ting papier. Thea ,raita--ibal-aniyenut-re ou deki- thesearute was tilIýet with bissing; undar foot yonuzws-halinag tbougb c ooi binte x tat- The Puerto Rit-an t-aiiff quesie- N~ONý-ESSEN1-_,TIALS IN- RELIGION. - ' mone whatte-A'ad ladies il onggha t-sI eao-:uydicseia -aRavi- 1 Durtng nmy vacation, ouq sumîucr, 1 B he pr. ~ - ~ en ote. Oft-Reviex-s t-or Apii niun tb t-vu lua Peshyaran adiece, nalWOOIO ~O~POd!lO, Tlice ment'a tirea te hoiime- magazine i bate ila un bleexpeul il usestraentehday, ant i wt-h Te Great Englis7uRemtdy. w ard jout-uay ou t-be lauor's dat-kxxa f t-t-be rcations ot t-ha Unlit-dS- gca-oul au-tI ratc ivedt tha Hohy ' ~ Solti tnd recommentietiby allnet t-o harealizeal. Atfi wueeks mot-aiConstit-ution te -beTctrutrt" Ctuts. On t-ha next- Sabbat-h I drugglsts iu Canada. Onhy rehi analt-bat-a was thbe midnigbt ft-erai Prof. Ilacry Pet-t- Jut-Ison. oft<7ui waa iin a M.ahodist- chut-ch, ant i tal _1, keges guareaneeal toe te ailal yssnith, camet-cryutlrth as tCiao ut a lv4at. On t-be foliowlng forfas of sexîuel Wealn s e, ffects 0oftebuse t-ailiug ran, 'atth -b ihouet-start-igh' flic Great Sta1 anr et tt4 p SabbatbIiwuý;s 'lu au Episcepahian or excese, Mental Worry, Excessive use ot Toi t-cet Buîwau fhaab7ng t-bt-ugb, the, but-g eutht-e Fcick-Cat-ue wt0 baane, Opium or Stimulante. Maled on receipt dairkclýas. lia hal gene home, as tbh subjaca- et util illuat-!rit-ati d ct-1ile chut-ch anall-1t- ut-t-heafarandsute- opieoaakgsi,.Oaewiffpeo&d tet-rail t-e cuectalbt-eut. Ido afzwud&cere. Pamphlets frac teenyadtdress. --in t-beAprii cve of t-Rae 11,h nknoxv whicb seritel1 anjoyeti t-heThe Wood Company, Windsor, Our. The group' of- eagbt- poaà,lt-tansi t- Julius Moiîzn. The at-ilar1- moa-. I huernlut-ha commrunion et Woods Phesphodiaacsold iii Bowananvilîe 1) aldtrom, t-haet-reut-h et M. letaîeaciof-exvedr-ideae sa it nalld th inevratig"St-et-t-&Jury, Higgiîîbelhsm & Son; loroai a tegniar t-et The Living Age by Myï L i t-e el tidl cke inu11)sitria o "Th-eda baaet."J, 9ilfillai uewasthe 0v Dm Farncombe. ' D. Frost, anal pu bliahldt au t-ha eti- Puttchut-g ilaithacenit-r , T R " ýO