IBTANbED N TIEY OI1IFrmi Pain to Healtil. ADVETURS 0F MRS JAN W.A CHIPPEWA LADY TELLS A STORY ORN~ F SAN FRANCISCO. OF SUFFERING AND RELEASE. Tbe advlentuares of Mrs. Jane W. rer, aiSana Francisco, in au aut'-of- guffered Freu grart Trouble for Tears- tbe,-waýy pat to the frozen Klondike le 1eypyhrAuývtdb nmnadle a stor.y of pluck and endurance > lc llry tah oublg~te. b whieh wJ.ii be an inspiration ta wo- Kde u tjahTobe meni, and of whioha men mnighL wei lie- In the village of Ohippewa, and pro;ud. alon.g the Niagara frontier, there is Shi enat oniy a mother, but a probably no better known or respect- gradmthrtbough a remarkabiy ed residents than Mr. andMrs. David ~ nand ber father was onc Sabel.,J3oth arc of German de- wîýl nowni n Sin Franaiseo as "opit- sent and display onuch of that aid-, if' rua~ 'w er of thte amous fashioned hospitality so often found Enjfný. lie entire life li;s been in thie fatherland. To a correspond- ci ne~ i~n and physicai ac- ent aDI the St. Catharines Star, wha ti . 5le i!a, traveiled in ail oua- recently ralled at Mr. Schabel's home and. eneak-s mariyl anguages; lbas Mrs. Scliabei related the following msain rom are numbers of horne and skulie ot wild anà;mals, proofs of thie skili oi the owner in the chase. It is thougbt the warst poss"bie braach of etiquette foÉr a mian te hang an isis walls aay heads oaf animais save those SLAJI'- 1Y RIS OWVN HANDS. Tlie Mishîmal bouses have ta be large ta accomnmadate the many wqives af the men. Bach man coun bis fortune b.>' thse nusaber of lis wives. The price ai a wife ranges fnum onae heep ta twenty oxen, but when a Mishmni bas flot thse necessariy stock lie creeps down ta a valley, kidnjaps a woman, and drags lier w11 ta bis hame. As fighting weapons. "'bey carry swords f asten- ed roand the;r waists, and long, hcavy kniives. WlIen on warlike expeditiane tliny have great spears, but tlieiir nsst ,e fective weapons are poisoned arrows. CEYLON GREEN TEA wiii dispiace alil japan Tea thie sam-e as' Salada black is displacitag ail other black teas. A BATTLEFIELD SERMON. NQed or Good MSintg) Freach qte"4ldierg lu TIme of V. Winston Churchill, in a letter to thle London MornLng Post wiile lie was wittb-the forces of Gen. BuUler, CIAR FOR THE COWS Experts in 'baby farming rociom. mie*d the use of milk froni the saine c atnd lienco the littie daugliters of the Czar taise their cows wlth thein wbesstliey travel. During the visit ofi thé Czar to Germany a palatial ca-w ear wlth two Holsteins caws was ut- tached ta the imperial train. UT is Titi BEST-Always pure-always the saine- LUONDE EL'dLL CEYLW TA. eadpack ages. 25, 30, 40, 5o and 6or. "Canda'sGreatest SeedEHuse," THE SECRET FOR SUcCESS Is in using the best seeds at all times, becAu$O, YOU secure niro tosper acre in the yieid of Muots. WhOn YoU se cheaplygrw seeds you sacrifice by paor yiold in crop and inter or quaiity o,ta mai17 timns the coet of good oeod. Il