f Y yrg Recoolllleld or [eave and Blood r: MuIdor as vil SpringTonrc to 1. Beeause we know thie iin- tic gredients and no better remedy rean be prepared~ for building up aii the system, enriehing the blood S and giving strengtli and vigor toT thie nerves, lai 2. Beeause we have sold them for 2 or 3 years and have neyer b had a 3complaint. Fi 3. Because we eau seil 50 doses Te for 25c wheoreas other remedies Hi e-ost fromn 50<3 to 75e for 50 doses. Try them. You get your rnoney Ho bak if fot satisfied. H St Ott & J ury, Bowmanville. IOUSE CLEA'NING ~StECIALt REFINED BORAX wlth full directions ..10 a lb -FURNJTU.RE POLISR 1large bottie, best lu market 25e IIJOUSEIIOLD AMMONIA, - doubleý strengthl, larg-e bottie 10e GILLETS LYE . . .....1 Quick dryingl PAINT with brush. Fineet quality, makes ail colors. ........20e W HITIN G extra qualîty .. . e VARNISU 8 oz bottles.......1e BED BUG POISON Large botilas,,..... ..25e Smnall size ........15e SCRUB BRUSIIES (small) 3 fer 5c Arký Brand Mmced PAINT admiitted te be the best paint man.'f'd in Caniada $.40gai PAINT BRUSIIES aIl siz(ýs, . . . 1 5c to$52.00 WINDOW POLISR rlarge bottle . . ....... l - STOTT & JURY, W. T. Pember at the Beninett bouse nFriday May 4th. Miss Dorothea Whiton, Toronto, has1 ýen guest of Miss Kathleen Meath. Mrs. W. G, McKav, Bradford, bas ~enguest of ber aunt Mrs. A. Buekier. Mr. Ed. Basseti, Toronto, visited bis :andfather, Mr. Thos Bset last îeek. No oneý in Canada ,ives suchi value àweddiug rings as Rickard, Bowrnan- îlle. Picture erams-Geo. P. Freelaud akes ahl styles and sizes. Pricesý easonable. Miss May James returued to Toron- oMonday after spending Easter vaca- !ou at homte. Men's Rats-the very latest English ,d Amçrican Styles-at Couch, John- to & Crydermau's. Mr. Wilson PoWer of the Anglo-Saxon ea Company, Ottawa, was in town ast week. Miss Ireue Jewell entertained a num- ar cf youug friends very pieasantly riday eveniug. Mr. and Mrs. R.Goodwin and family, oronto, were guests of Mr. Thos. coar duriug Easter. Mrs. W. G. Bennett and son, Toron- o, were guests of Mrs. J. Wickett, lorsey St. last week. Tait & Co. eau furnisb you witb fine xayon portraits and frames for same. all' te get their prices. M). Gordon D. Fletcher was the first o-anunce having planted a haîf acre dpotatoes early last week. The latest songs. 10c, Seud for cat- Logue., Instrumental and vocal music' Iways in stock. -Jas. Goard. Bond St. Congregational cburcb, Tor - ailo,'have decided to invite Rev. J. E. 3tarr to succeed 11ev. Morgan Wood. Mr. D.-D. McDonald, who bas been ;ending Easter vacation at home, has sturned te bis school at Auidley. We have a hune cf pictures lu stock lat we are gong te clear eut at vour )wn price. 9Mo D, Williams & Sou. Miss Lillian M. McLean, teacher, Poutypool, bas returned to herschool iter spending Easter vacation at home. Linioleums suitable for Ralls aud [itlien floors just received. direct fromn London at Coucb Jobuston & Cryder-] nan's. Dr. Neil Colville has returned from England wbere ho bias been "walking ;e hospitais' of the principal cities cf ie Old World. Mr. P. A. Roar bas been apppointed receiver cf pow rents sor the Metbohist churcb lu place o! Mr. C. M. Cawker, resig-ned. Ladies' Costame Cloths inaIl Colours and tjualites and borne Spuris in plain and plaid at Couch, Johunsten s'nd Cry- derman's. Raye , ou scen the styles in beits and blt-bucl-,es-Ricknrd lbas tbe newest and prettiest tbinlgs ou the mnarket an.d the price is rigbit. Mr. J. J. Mason, District Counceillor, anul Mr. F. R. Dunham attendled the mneetiin- of theo District Council of Royal Read W. T. Pember's ad. G'At your sohool supplies of Jas 'Goard, Stationer and Jeweller. Muchi news crowded out by the big advt. on"iast page. Mr. Thos. Wilson, Toronto. spent Sundav lu town. Mr. Ilarry Caun is sufferi ng froin - flammatory rheumatism. Miss Meteaif. Port Ihope, is guest or Mrs. R. U. Loscombe, "'the EIms". Mr. G. T. Hancock, Port Hlope, -was recent guest of Mrs Geo. Patterson. Mr. W. C. Tole's new pharmacy will open for business Saturday. Soe advt. West Durham Farme-b' Excursion to Model Farm, Guelph, Saturdav, June Miss Plummer s tteudcd the fanerai of littie Miss Bertie \ eale, Oshawa, ou Sunday. Miss Kate Casselîs was guest et Mrs. F. A. Phil p, Coîbrue duiing Easter 1hlolidays. Mr. Stephen Wright died suddenly yesterday after a brief illness from dropsy. Miss Ruth Welch was bridesmaid for bier sister who was married last week at Oshawa. Miss Maud Purdv, Brighton, was g uest of MissNýEthel Trebilcock duriug aster bolidays. The largest collection in Bats, Caps and Tam'o'shanters at M. Mayer s, prices 15c to $250, 1Rev. J. W. Rae, Toronto Junction, was guest of his brother at the Method- lst Parsouage yesterd4y. Tait & Co., Bowmanville, make auy- thing in the photo uine that ail other photographers make ' Miss Thomas, Coiborr e, was here re- cently atteudiug the fanerai cf lber uncle the late David Fisher. Painting, papering ,kalsominiug-,etc., doue on short notice and in satisfactory mmner by J. C. Weeks. WI. Pember will have great variety of hair goods for the ladies at the Ben- ,nett Hbuse Friday May 4. The District Council of R. T. of T. will hold their next meeting lu Bow- manville on Thanksgiving Day. Khaki, paper is the latest w,,riting material. See Big 20 window and pur- c nase if you desire to be upto date. SThe New Bats are in at The Mason C's. An immense assortment of both stiff and sof t bats also the common straw hats. Coucli Jobnstou & Cryderman have neyer shown as fine a stock of Carpets of ail kinds as tbey are doiug this Spring. No place like home-Make T.N.Rick- ards' the home for your watcb and dlocks to be properly cared for and 'you will lhave comfort. Black and Colored undressed mous- que,,taire Kid Gloves worth $1.25 a pair sellig f a 7c a ouch, Jobnîstou t& Cryd,(ermnau's Enig Pghformierly in chfarge, of the Salvation Army Corpvi here, is in verly p oor healthl, anid has decided to speud the summier bore. (ýeintIûamÀn .if vnn aro tinkin2' of SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINNENT. Bowm anville-on the-Lakze i s becom- ing each year more popular as a sumi- mer resort. Mauy pretty anid tomfort- able cottages have, been erected for the occommadation of summîer visitors who come bere from a distance and join the townspeople, and miake thîs pleasant spot their homne during the beated season. As numnerouistranisicnt visitors congregate there each evening to enjoy the refresbing breezes of lake Ontario it bas been deemed -wise 1w ani interest- cd number te provido musical entertain- meut. Accordliily \a inumber of the ladies devised a sehemew by getting Up entertainuments the lirst of whicb was given in the Town Hfa11on Wednesday evening., The D. 0. & P. Co. baud opeued the program with an overture and rendered other selecýtions during the eveniug The first part of the program was an aimusiug farce entitled "lBetsy Baker, or toc attentive by baif " lu which Messirs. A. E,. McLaugLhlin. F. J., Byrne, Mrs. E. C. Soutbey and Miss Beryl Edsall representedl the characters. Miss EdsalI was especuiallyv good lu the rol of Betsy Baker, theý lauindry maid, acting lber part exceedingly well. The other characters d!id themnselves credlit and th#3 play was Jiuterestinigly present- cd. The second part of the programi entitled the "Peak Sisters," was a compauy of eigbt -maiden ladies moet charmiuglv dressed lu the styles of fifty years ago all auxieus te wed. Seven of themi camne to spend the eveuiing, withi the other aud aftfer partaking- of tea, they lu returu eutertained in solos, chrsepano duets and recitations. Theywer frquetlyapplaudedl and on several occasions were recalled, wbiebi they gracefully accedled to. Tbe dresses and bats were very muchel gotten up and created xuuch merrimneut whlle tbe owners emplosedl their spare moments lu knitting etc. Thiose taking part were Misses Glover, hostess, M WIorth, Armour, McDowe'l, Etta Fait, Beryl and Florence Edsall and Victoria Tambîvn. Miss Tait whose hearing-, was slightely affected, wvas very amus-1 ing lu hier character role. At the close Miss Glover sang -"Rer Majlesty" splendidly. We neyer remnember hear- iug bier do better which is saying a good deal. The song was made somewhat more effective Iby Messrs. King- and McLaugblin dressed lu the Queen's uni- form standing on either side, each holding a Union Jack-an embiem of protection to ail who stanid beneatb its folds. At the close the .,,urig folks en- joyed a pleasant social dlance after which choice refresbmnents were served. The entertaiument tog not largely attended was verY scesu in every otber resnect. The patronesses who were instrumental lu promioting the concert were Mrs. W. L . Mailoy, Mrs. E. C. Southey, Mrs. D.B. Shimpson, Mrs. (Dr.) Riler, Mr. Dr ) MlaigbIlin, Mrs. R. R. Loscomble, Mrsý. J. K. Gal'braith, MJrs. D. Btitih, Mrs. S. S. Edsall. MNr. A. S. 'Goard, Trno pu Suuday at bone. Mr. Ernest G. Legg -hI' aç,ceinted a situation in Toronto,.1 Tenear: approachi of Spring reminds us that the spring house cleaning sao is at hand. We carry a fulli une of ail that is needed in that line. Do you in u -I tend getting a Carpet-Sweeper ?, It wÂ111 pay you to see' what we h4vie. Tubs, Pails, Brushes, Broumrs, Churns, etc.,, al. bought bef ore -the rise in price and sel];g at close prices. Pure Maple Syrup-You that hasve bought f i om us in the past know what .we mean b)y pure. Try it, if's great. llams, Eniglish Breakfast Bacon, cured special, for our tracle. Remember ouPL i China Parlour, Surerto interest you. Cash paid for Butter and _Eggs. ~ BWMNVLL. awker & T îait. «Wrappoirs alla ElBhrt waists u 1M aN Also Meni's Ready-Made Clothing, Shirts, ilats, Ties, &c. ALL NEW THIS WEEK. Nex* Door to Standard Bank. M rs.Thos. Stapleton ,Coteau Junction, Que.,,is visiting ber fathor, Mr. Geo. Brimacombe. Mr. Thos Jeffery, foreman cf The Globe composing staff, Toronto, was lu town Saturday and gave us a friendly cail. Tbe centre section and offices of the I'chofield wollen knitting mills,Oshawa, were badly damaged by fire early Sunday morning. Loss about $25,000, Florence Nightingale Lodze, I O. O F., attended divine service at St. Paul's church Sunday afternoon wheu 11ev. J. R. Turubuil, M. A., preachcd from Jer. 5. 1, outlining the qualities requidite lu overy honest man and uirged upon aIl the dluty7 of heiug true te their mission. H AR MOI 014Y. Mr,.mand Mrs. iAlex Michp, el',, home was the scene of a pleasant g-atherinig W'ýednesday,ý eveniug April 18th, thel evenit beinig fthe marriage cf their dagher inniie, to Mr,.ee Mc- Millau, Oshawa- At six o'clock thle bridiaiparty assembled Iin the ,parlor, ! and 11ev. J. J. Liddy prerormed tbe