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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1900, p. 8

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MW a-o-, Am-Zmàw oefF fâ-n FULLY PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE' (Incorporated b)y Special Act of the. Parliamecnt of Caniada) AUTHORIZED CAPITAL - IN -J0 ,00 DsHAiRt q ElSC0F- $a10(ace.:etAc;ce B1 ,O-OOOOO.OO l'he necessary dleposit hiaving been made wltli the Insunranice- Departmnent atOtaa this Conripanýy is licensed to do bu,(siness thronghotit Canada, 'îFhere lias ared beeni subscrlbed $65oooo; $x 5,o00 iS- reserved for ubsripionotsidCe of Canlada ; and th,e rerlxalning $200o,ooo -is now offered atpar to~ the Can- Rdlu ublcto be paid -lu fuli t havîing beeni decided! by the, Companiy to make its CASH CAPITAL $,OO.O D [RECTO.RiS: PR~IDNI: Hn.: WMX.PUGSLEY, D.G.L.1 Q.C., Mý.P,P.t Di,ýr-ctor Quebec, Mnnoec and Charlevoix -Uaîlway Conzl'pa, m,!ontreal. Hon . D. ROLLAND, PrsMutlland Pa ïper Conpanly, 14td ; Director Banque d'H1chielaga, Montreal, WM .HOLLISTER, Ecq., 0fMsas ountze Bros., Bankers, New Vork, Presjdent CnaaAtiantie alwyCmpnOttawa. EDWARD P. HTH s. (Lotd &ITylor)Dry Goos, eNw York. JAMES TAL.CoTr, Esq., Dry Goods, Commission, New York; Director 1-iank of the Manhattan Company; Director Trust Companiy cf New York, UNIT ED STATES TRUSTEES: CHASI7. E. HUG-E.S, Fsq., 0fMsr.Carter, Hughes '&-Dwight', Cuslosa-aNew York. SOLICITORS. Mlessrs.,IHATTON &,McLENNAN, Montreal. Thi Copan coniecedthe bus'iness of fre asrneon May Iýth 189,anid has alreadfy re- ciiinp-rmumaftedeucinalchiargesfor re-isurnce, reate, ec.,ovçrî6ooooco pon wchthe loss 1ratio liaIs lcubut noinlal. bts harholersconsis cfmanUofthemrost prndeu sd scrienlbuinssm n lte Doino, and the Conipanly isenjyig great adatgsthereby, beceause of their inIfluien-ce aAhebusinless thc11y conitrol. The ýpreinmimson Caniadian business Ibave al~sshown a regular and steady increase, a -por t'hefooin table, covoerlng the precedinrg ton years:. 1891, - ..6,î68,7i6.oo j î896, 189, - 6,793,595-00 1898S, 1894,- - - 6,711,369-00 1 899,- $6,943",-02-00 7,07ý5,850.00, 8,1--3,498-00 ""cle c ês of thoe two prinipaIi,-l Canadian Companies, the Western', amidfthe éIrii niAerica Ilof Toronto, is well known nand their rcr for regularly paying suibstanitial divdcns, hi a th sae inme incroaîn thirassets, bas keptlthen&aretvalus of their stocks far above par. -h mret-valu1es of ithe stocks of the British 1C(îniani, oigbusiiness i is country average over 80 and tLlie avee fdthe Ameriancomupanies oporatiing in Cana-da is 26%. Uh iidends paid b1y the latter aeae153 4Vhile tb Ivrge dvduso h nls opne r vnhgir Tic assetsin Canada ofAil the companies cnegaedhin te bous ifofcirisurane hae increaýsed du1ring the past to yeras follo-ws: RODOBLPI-IE AÙYDErTTE Esq., 0f Msr.ThbuenFrères S: Ci,--, ealirGods Montreal anld Qube. res-ident La Banque Nationale. JýAMES A. WRV-IGHÏ, Esq., 0f lind(e- ritishi Refrigeration Company-,3ontreal. T-JOS. A. TEMPLE, Esq., 0f Messrs. Tho,ýs. A. Temple & Sons, Pire insuranct. MoIntreal. VALENTINE P. SNYDE.R, E8q., President Western National Bank, NewYVbrk, Messis. BARWICK, AYLESWORTH & WRI4JHT, Týoronto. Assets, December 3r8t, ir8, $ ..,I99 1X Dcemlber 3ist, 2898, - 2,684,785.30, Inicrease inlton yoars,-. $ Sq ,265,39 Thle total firo as-sets ofths compianiies,; (exclnding the life, asesoftecroaincmbnn life with fire insuirance) advanirced during the samie perioedby uearly $So0(,,ooo.oo ; anid iin addkition to the acquisition of this onormous sumii, large dividends have been1 regulaý,rly paid to th'le sharehleidors, Owiuig tobttrfýIre protection applianices aud wa,-,ter si!pply, superior cntuto fîbuildings, and ,a more careful isot ion thereof, the ercntae of rescofei to thie bildings in wicl thy oigiate, a copard t the ýýtotal number of firesý, lias withinth',le paszt fwyasgetl nrab The dags f conlagaionrias teeoebe ic esn u thie ch-ance of nlrgos irbing th aeragovofmhe yoars operatiIionIs been endredmor reote. Trho average lo-ss ratio of ail eomnipiea operat,, in- ini Canada and the United State during Ltise tonii yearseonding -Deceî, x9~was-58-2a% of the net preminms received; leavlnig, aiter >1ui eduction 0Fof iex-penses, and without inrl-i.L îing the immiienlse sumns received as interest-upon investmnents, a large margin of profit. îiims Th. ratio of losses to premiiums receîved. iii Canada for 1.899 -,as thie sm-iallest for ten years, the avera-ge bciing 56.02%., The loas ratio of.-Ixe uiponl whichi the Conipany coinenced bsdneme, to Dec. 3Ist, of the saMe Yealr, wvas 011- M.04%; whle the loss rati o, on; its total pýremitms frOm the date of its startinig business to the2 present time lxasvot excet-eod1354; showýin)g that every care bas been exKercised ili thie selection of its riskiS. S;tron)g co)rporations in every branch of indlustry bave irioam- parable ad(vant,.ages over those of small calibre, and fire imr- anice offers no exception to the genieral ruIe. 'With the large cash capital which the " \7ictotia Mountreai" vwill hiave, -t will '-e in an unlassa-ilab)le position, anird wel be-able to mlost sccesfulcinpete for business. Dy7its abij 1_.- L sproead its risks oe a wvidc area, which, with proper mnize. ment, is the essence o(,F the science of underwritiing, -,ndzwlTh its large inicome, It will noýcessarily, being entirely indepenclet 0 locail cnditions, iia-ke a substantial profit yoar afteryeaz 'w, muc reater ase'ad to a much, greater extent 'thaïn ,'Io&be possibleu fo r a cor",paniy operating upon a sinaller scalo. The onnctios wich the Company h-us beoi forturate oogitomae aread will bo to àt of thie groatest possible be itTey ili&s it to bocome one the largest fireinsnsx. anecomupaiols ci :s conitinient, aoa ble iît tcreach a hg plac amng he sroneatfinancial i"nstitutions of Canada. BO)WMAtI LLE, yï1h re Wear sleagntintonfor i- t sFeit Hatfs. Th-e nlainteCrtyat onee is lagurne to ailiattends towardPrecininthe 1a- igO'> bats both a-s to style and durabîlity. W hvle opened out thi wekthefinest tandlags choice of new sprig styl1es that wve lhave ee shiown. Cbristy Stiff s will lie a pe n style for dressy men and Bllack an-i Terra(Bwn -,vl]l le the lea,'ýIinu shades. We are also sIOwý- ing- some very exclusi lie styles in sof t shaý,pes in i3lacks, -Natural Grays, PearI.s, and Ultra Siate, prices range f rom 50c to $.50. Fzine- Tailotin9q. e t lligh-class Tailoring is a speciahLy with uis. Som me sem t tik it ecesýsary vto visit the city tailors, to have thecir tastes pleasý,ed, on this ue To try- us oncue wouldlesue[o ucovr0ct such l eror. We garanitee ail work tO be first-class in workhmanship 'anti fit. Sp e cial1 valuies 1now ShOwinurin- ScotchTwed Bn SreBlack --atdCloed orsted I SitingCs. We have a--lso receivetivr special value ini Clothing, CarpetsCtis, etc. We are now showing our fil stock of Ladies' anti Misses New Bl01oussParasols and Umbrellas. Our Ladies' anti Misses' Strawv Sail'ors are creaing uitla sensationi. 'We ar-eshil seliling lost of Our Cotton Stapls atthe lti prices. T hie M o Co.n The"Vcra- nrel wifll, so fJar as it is psibeta o c, abide by the rules ai rates of the Cnda ieUdrrtr'Ascain chrIn te sanie ratecs of preium- as the companies belonging bothe BoAd But, as it wisi'-is ta have wthereaiig tCof Atscappial hed à the' sai ay as teprinalIrcady subscribed for, lot --;ee ,a, wcaia- ist, bt aongthe SOL d pro Prcty ownecrs 0cf th0Dmiin , asidere taobai as much as psil of Ah business of thil class, wich it has foun abe of great valfue, fitwigiye 7 Cta ea nCh -i -vC Stosbsribig0o five ormore fulîly pa-id shaiuslthe s ae privilege tatlaé bengiven bits preentshrehîdesby deliering t o hi naremn o lo reatfa 20%ýý off the;, regularn tairifrtes on alpeim of policies 011eingon is property ta the etn of the fuli grss ine, including rinsurance, wich this Company can write thereon,. This privilege is to remai n ini forceý for a pro of five years. A rprt we ~iItussetat neenetyof the dividends ta bcai on theshr3swhchthere iseer reason to believ'e WIl be~ý lag,"n-,i aùe ml re-pay thinveàw-'stmnerlt' the agreement rerel'nd ta aov wlI )ncbu ta el e naddition itheret- an amutequal t eet uo bsshrsat f rom E oT ET LE ET e nit r .ETt VET theinfuene o a upeiorclss ofShaehdesConservatismad ener-'gy an thle part of .tsdirectorate and imanagemexnt, and a stron-ýg finlancial positioni, il- is believed th-at the shares'ai the "Victoria-Mvoci±reaI" offer exceptionamlly 'good apportunit 'ies for investmnent, ra.nd that the resuits thereof wi'lI b highly satisfauctory. TERS: 0%payaleuo application; 15% upon alomn;2%op Juiy lst; 25% onrepemrl-st; and 25% on November 1st., Stibsmrifpdoiý-ists wilkbopend a 10o'clocik a.mi.,on Tusda, My 8th., 1900lrU, and wi b lsed at 3 O'clock u.m., on Friday, 1bay eusriptions for stock and renittences in paymülnt thereof to be mlade by chleque, reg2istered letter, Post Ofie Odo o Exre msi (1derto thle TORONTO GEINERAL TRUSTS CORPO RATION, Corner Yonge &.'Colborne StsTrnoOtro (Rieistra'r anid Transfer Age"Lnt for Ontario and WýNestern Provinces.) Or to the MONTREAL TRUST & DEPOSIT COMPANY, 1707 Notre Damne St., Montreat,ýi! (Registrar and Transfer Agent for Qee and Eastern Provin)ces.) ave you seen our Go-cats nQcall and see themr. and Crae;i eui ct shows conibînnaf oinGocairt and Baby il)Carniage. lu fusl, 'h e hve ûotheýr lunes of Crae eie lu cî s fIlofrilthew es losiogtorwtvUcreua IETKING c1icead x rC tenin1ie belon side c ot 'cda Y lout o! th-i i t. i e e ILLMi% BOWMANVILLE, APRIL -25, 1900 new ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 DmnoornforMrJames Devan .. .Mr Jhncou 11i is engalged atci tnas obnttermakei at aincras esalary. . .. Misslauak pntler vacation at Newtonville ... 'III versary tÉhird Snndav and 'Mondla y in Jume. Particulars later. IlHAV 1PTO0N. EwthLeagne new officers : 11111- pr ILRe 1 Tmas ; pr:es . Fred T1. Allen ; 1lSt vie pres Mis's b lo lis ; 2nd vîte-pros., MssAda Crîydern; S )rd vice-pres , F. J. Gr4oat; t ice.-res. Miss Eva Clatworthy 5thvieps. Miss A. L. Ashton, See'v., Miss Gertie Tnee;'reas , W. TL N7Moore ;:past' me. .J chs.,..Ms.W reerl sciosl ii.,.McC.iH. Barcsias aecepted (ia stuti.. shwa Farmerm are ueîv% ÂIle aee dinug A BOON TO l'ot1V1N ls 'Fihe use t i Uie.,i5 W arranted tii -fi lhlms ("Ur(eeven nw. liw SOLINA. viior:Mr. J, A. Werry aud wife, Ennihilenat Rsoludvle;Mr. C. W. and theo Misjses Stevensý, Einuibk ilin atL Mr. Blake Sees;Mr. -Wm, C ox and Miss Anie at Oshawa; Mr. Fredl Brayv, Enftie1ld, with frieads heýr.... Missý Min nie Ashitou hais bad (throat rul. Mr- aind Mr-s. S. B. Brw eft for Lonj don. On)lt, last week te eîe ..rf A. B. Crydiorman la training the cul ren asusa for this year'i nes a ry. TYRONE. Before orderingo yonr now carnages, Open or ved just seýe what eau lie shcwn yvoualn that line at the West End balacsmitli shop, Trn.Mr. Wtsla a loely ovre egg nw ou. eýxhibitiona ailthe iup)to (date imprev- mIent,u10oe botter Imade anmwhre.The beat ake of harrows also 0O1 baud. returnedfrom a uea -ant ii i w Sochsd il.e l'eun ept Port Pry Mr. and Mi-s. W!i Trenfouth,Net- D. Hedcr,'s:Mr an Mis N Butson at J.0cad~ i - ,loru, i lneddio n àt home, i sOa iui .i; ecc- t 11. J o sce's; Sieo'd1,ing', "rgessng lc', et Mr. C. W. So1nch's; -i Dnna r, To)ronlto, at M.C tge-' aM-.nd Mris C. J. Pso n agtrHzl have eturnd teT"ooto. ..Ms L Gilbethan resumed hme tdio ut Bowmaniville.Mi>ss Mx rtl Mlio has retuirned lte cole1e Miýssax romnains att homo (ýf c a rm. . .-Mr-. Abratîam lias purchrs-od a !fine',general purpose horse from Mr. IVWeur, Sol- ina .... Mra. A. clogh Ilan. chester, viiîd ir dughter Mr-, W Mci. T., goLnsy.(i h.c~Farers, Ahox'!Ive haveo Mr sdMn . .Wat.C rci0 eson. he Phreha i iekeuith tyUbe11W, bas h d aiid sub sail P!ins cri XXa) t i îb r.ifRîse1 i'eb mscis l ti-h tco pru wbhm ness. istas wihï WGTe ' o o8rtutJjtfflc .( Spi'ing Ail the leading au IlMilliner-y May lie bad Sery v ros Corne in ornti i ~ our order early. S BOWMANVI1LT-X ncd correct styles in Ar, iat Mrs.Dimas1V his sao' er ing Comfort b hvea fw orecfla~ xî'a'sbuggies left wI ell' onit a 6.-flliv aaîted. IJhveth e Brantfo,l andtfi iGreen at $75. 0, ar o f the moat stvlish riîga out Com-e and sce it. GC Sorder. Second lhanid ci-s taken asud lime 10 suit cus b aise handle the fani1ons Frost Fence, Spright W W achinery, and ex'er3 tinig requiircd fer euti door ns e L ENNISKILLEN.O.L I *it1M14!t 1441 ..-444f 1441444414441 WîltIithe BYERS" 'ill ill lie sold and 1 malte one- 'et theisn p toD istomler. Wagon, Dee-ii r se, I"YERS Subscriber,,s to this stock to the extent o shares are enitfled to a rebatLe of 20% on a-il preil ol insurance on tlheir prop!,)er-ty placed in this corn ali r mk is tai-inor me :Pja- ot lotners. ýï i - - ýzïv-- ýT ., -.- ý '- ors r -1 Li i 11-L ;ýlý NI im E CO.

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