lit MS:$.0P AXNUM. OUR TOWN AND 0OUNTY FIEST; TUHE WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Prpit1 wv SERIE's. BOWMANVILLE, ONTMiilO, WEDNESýýDAY, MAY 2, 1900. VOLUME XLVINo18 ARPETS, LJRTAJNS, #.- 'i -,~ J INOLEUMS. CENTRAL PA UKN EW4 YORK. Having se maiy laesto scee audI thore is se mucb that I1 desiro t e laru during my brief sojouru lui Newv York city, I can scarcel,' afford tm to write tengtby descriptive articl,ýes for Tu S'FTTESMAN, but that m\ Canadiani frîends may zot somie of what a satisfaction I ani geh ting eu;t oet my ep- portunitv, 1 shah ate ilt ashort letterj ou the most interesting pac of publie rosort and pleasuro t 1atIkavo yet 'Visited. 0f ail the beautiful, parkcs 1 have see(n lun Europe and on this conitineont, CeuGltrà I. Park is cet i ee of th1eflnest. and it is fuit cf attractive featnures. it ex- tends from 59tb St.on tho ýscoith to îtht 8t. ou the uorth. anid ifrm 8ffb ve, on the wost te th Ave on athe iatluail about 21 mites long anid of a mile ,wide, se that will cenvey to th)e reader seme idea of the a oun f ground given over' fer the plaur f tie people, of New Y ork. Not oniy the wealtby % classes got the benefit cf tIhis recreation greunrd, but ail Classes f rem the bumi. blest- te the greatest aepriviloged tefrquntthis gardo ei pIradlise as lon astheàaide by thl aws ýof the park. Tbe park as well as tbe wboleý city le ituLated en ef solid rotkýand it le surprisýing to kuow thiat fluor lawns or Th~e roserveir is situatod ou a Ihigb rocky eminence wbich is reacbed by etimbing stops cnt lu the, granite - Frem the*sumroit of 'a large tower a grand vîew of the cîty can be bad eu this hitI-statures ef Sir Walter Scott, William Shakespere, Robert Burns, Christepher Columbu8, Daniel Webster and others may ho seen in the parkz, Seme birds had evidentty made a f riend of Daniel Webster and ha built their nest lu bis baud whîch is baugiug at bis side parti.y closed. The museunm cf *Naturat Art situated at tbée ast end of the park is an interesting bui'ding for loyers of ancient Cal-Vings, scuiptors and antiquie articles. The moenagerie wbich has always been worth xvisiting is boing moved te Bronx Park,' formerty aHlarge farmn, ttftcen mites ncrth cf the city, whicb has been roceutly pnrchased by thie city and isbeing mucbimproed. «Tho foot-pathe whicb aremade cf asphonaî lu e places of rock, tedoatbrengb soea er.y picturesque parts of the park. Tbey wvind arouïîd the hills and tbrouglh the forlest, ae.oss bridges wbich span the lake and wbicb are decoratcd Nwith urns of pansies and daisio,through caves hewn out cfrock s. Bencbhee ara locatod aIl atong the patbs se that w-r-pdsriu an rest sud admire the atsbeenoerdisosd1 te do0 se. Certin idais of tôwe gamos are permnitted on'th lv1 c E til tI ACA.REFLL COMPANY. NE QSTOE.. From Montroial Star April 27.-" The A great attraction Ssturday night on ýTictoria-Montreal Fre Insuranceo e ast I-ingf St. was the briltiantlY illuminated reek cancelled 411 its insurance i the 'l" drug store opened that day iii the lult and Gatineau di,,tricts. " The eau- Buckler]Block, twvodoors east of the oulations above referred te were the Pst Office. Bowmanvilla, by our wortliy 'esuit of an investigation made bv Mr.i'. yung townsm'an, Mr. W. C Toto, lHe 4,...'Tmpl, oe ofthemanger ofbas shown admirable tasto infltting the his company a shiort trne previ'ous to soe and the nolarneeto h Ie flre,anid'goes to show that the inter- ctric tiiehs hosil off to splenidi, sts of the stock holders are being ctosýeI advanta o. Wo 011 of our own boys ý ywatched. launches out iii business on his own t a- ___________count speci;al iintcrest i,, manifested by Our citizens and Mr. Tote hasý the b1appy MORSE !S1ow. facutty of making triends whre eh goos, so that we predict for hlm iia suc- Mr. R, Beith, M. P., 'won those prizes cessfnl business c areer lio bas shown ,d sweepstakes at Toronto Ilorse Show hisat persoence)pff(ýii and utyin, ist weok .Ilackney stattion, lst Squire iasoi i hoe rfaefn adbss Liell ; 2nd Ganymede. IHorse suit-wl-kon rsmtes odreunss bde for artitlery,, lst Cassandra. Iîack- atondngto tbe want'oflcutomers cy mare, st Hermia Sepq wes ill onsuro h alm ah-irhare of publie est llacknev mar,anyg,,i leiipt*nage. lHis a xN n a n of ex, ,woepstake3, ben llacknev rve or ayéar g ai1ood 3morals, Ilyby imported-siro e t cfan im ore just the kind that wins3 confidence a, am s Dri Eesal nakos overy'customei(,r bis find1 I'i onu swstt omastHackney stalSrATLESMAN we]Clnces Mr. _ToG to intoth un wepsaksan aeSquire rantcs of the Lnsinoess moen of Bowm11a- ickeil. Sweepstakes. best- stý11!on or vieand bospePer atiro colt, lst. Squire Rickelt. IHi-h i1,1 absp:ks for ihlm a popr ;epper flot under 15 biand, s1!t Ea mis career. Pay tu1e 1ne'w phiarmlacv a. ony h lu hrDess, lst Bates. This vsaoento' u aant u: o ,cord to feot preud ever, tiruly. wilt ho Sure of a cordial wetcomie, las Ri ab Sm fitl da tii Rf Po rec 1 Ait Aboutee- 0 Ob 60