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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1900, p. 4

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NEW ARRIVALS AT THE adPabst's Special Quotations in Dozen Lots.~ I wish to thank the peopie of Bowmanviiie and West -. 4M- Durham for the interest taken in and patronage extended to ab' the New Drug Store You can rest assured that if you grant --on_ g-me a share of your custom your interest wiil be céarefuily 4P. a;ended to. The very tact of my entire stock being absol- . 41-utely new"and compiete in ail uines is almost a guarantee in - itself of purity and freshness of drugs,--4 A CALL SOLICITED. W. C.TOLE, Phm. B. 2 Doars East of Post Office., TH F GORNER-MILLINERY* MISS MEDLAND hiis received lier new I Summer Stock of HATS, BONNETS, SAILORS,H FLOWER.S, WINGS, OSPREYS,H CHIFFONS AND GAUZES.H Alarge stock of Goods suitable for Chidren, consisting of Bonnets, Hats and Sailors, which is offered at lower pricesH than usaal. Cail and see for yourselves, Miïss Medland. the flair depend( Trhis-is the re on it being a "'Siater Shoe." egistered trade mark and a point of distinction. ]Beware of the "Just as good." 12 foot-fitting shapes. Ail reliable leathers in black, and faslîion' s shades. IZvery pair Goodyear welted. 4, JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. ~ ~ Nursery stock from United States Scannot corne into Canada af ter May 1. BOWMANVILLE, MAY 9, 1900. o John G. Kennedy, a Texas rancher, of22,000 acres, has ordered 50 automo- biles for rounding up his fiocks and The Rome, N. Y., beet sugar factory herds. is shut down-it did not pay. This failure should be a warning ta those Ail honor to the noble wives and promoters who imagine that small fac- mothers who signed the requisitio to tories cau be run as cheaply as large the License Commissioners against ones. A factory of 5oo tons daily capa4 granting licenses in Newtonviile and city with enough land controlled by the Orono. Ilu some cases husbands and company ta insue Lu case of possible brothers signed the counter petition. It hostility of farmers may succeed. was a grand victory they won, too. ND new licenses were gra»ted. The amaz- 0f ail the detestabie styles, we krfluw ing probiem to us is that sa many pro- of noue more objectionable than the fess edly christian people could be found trailing skirts now worn by women on Lu either poling sub-division who would the streets. They are beyoud excuse. put their names on a potition that a What is more flthy than to see a lîcense should be granted. Surelyi woman's dress trailiug in the tobacco their conscience must have chided them spit and other filth that gathers ou the hotiy for smothering their principies ta street ? We saw several fema&s in the please the man who wanted ta be legal- ,city recently with habit skirts that iy premitted ta assist Lu running the were so dirty around the bottom that as youth and ail others who chose ta We came up bebiud them we set them drink the liquor that makes inebriates dawn as common vagi, yet they other- of al who indulge 'lRad thev seriously cc nsidered the nature of their action, wise had the appearance of respectabil- we think thev would'not have lent the îty. Why do wamen adopt such abject- power of the ir namne ta the would-be louable fashLons, any way ? We ask lîquor seller. pardon for referring ta the attire of women folk, but there is anc other f ca- ture of the latest style in dresses that is far from commendable ; we refer ta the close fitting habit skirt. If the "femaie"~ -womau wants so badly ta exhibit hert divine farna she bat better adopt maie attire in its entirety. If the vataries af these end-of-the-century fashiaus were aniy ta hear the remarks men passt about them, they wouid certainly not expose their figures so plaiuly ta their grow paying crope bocause tbey1re iinhoiy gaze. fresh and always the beot. For j __________________________________ sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Stick ta Pery's eeds and prosper. C hildren Cry for 159Sed A*nuafrel, WrIte forstM DM. FERRY & CO., Windsor, ont C%è"ASTO0%R I A. I p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p ------------------------------ - 1 pCousiderabie snow fell at London Ont., ou Mav 4th. andi a few flakes fell here Saturday. 0 11ev. S. T. Bartlett, Madac, has been P quite lII with pueumonia but is naw on 0 a fair way ta recovery. Mrs. Geo. Dowson lef t this week for Portage La Prairie, Man., where hier hushauti is iocated Their son Edward is il! with heart trouble. 0 That tired, languid feeling and durl headache is very dissagreeable. Take two ai Carter's Little Liver Pilis befox( retiring, anti you wili find relief. They~ neyer tfail ta do good. Do not despair of curiug your sick headache when you eau so easiIy obtain Carter's Little Liver Liver Pillîs. They will effect a prompt and permanent cure. Their action is mild and natural. Orono citizens with commeudable promptnless met last week and organiz- ed a relief cnnxmittee ta colleet money. clothing and provisions for Ottawa suf- ferers. Mrs. Jno. t3iller is presideut andi D. F. Walsh, Secy-treas. Mr. J. M. Joness is lu receipt of a letter this weck fram his son lte. Chas. H. Joness who is a' member of the Canadian Moutited Rifles under Gen. Hutton in South Africa. A piture of himself and comrades also came. The League mneeting Manday uight was well attended and verv profitable. Miss Ada Silver read the Scripture les- son and Miss Bunner presented many eboiee thoughts an the topic 'Howý, Christiaus Grow. " The interest is well maintaineti under the presidency of Miss Minnie Joness. Pi au ordiaary column of type there are about 12,000 pieces. About 25 col- umns of, reading matter appear each week in TEE STATESMAN newspaper, which moFans 300,000 pieces of t'vre tnust be picked right side Up with care and b-v the time these art) repiaced 600,- 000 pieces have been haudled each week. Is t any wouder that a few nieces get mispiaceti? THE OPINION oF WOMEN-Women who have tested the merits af Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills return the verdict that for backache and kidney disordors there*S nopreparation lun any way equal ta this reat discoveyo r A. W. Chase, America's greatest phy-- ician, This great kidney and live(,r cure is soiti by ail dealers at 25 cents a. box and has.prove 1 mast effectuai as a remedy for the mnany ills ta which wo- man is subject. Our best thanks ta aur aid feilow teacher, Mr. F. L. Ellis, Hampton, for a quarter Century af beautiful Scillon ian XVarcissi raised from bulbs lhe brought from the Scily Isles last year. They are a bright yellow and several varieties, încluding Harsfeldi, Sir Watkin, Emperor, Empresa, andi Henry Irving AIl who have sec3 them have admired them. The pulpit af the Methodist chnrch wa-î decarated by them last Sundav. We receiveti these rare fiowers on May Day, the Gth birth- day of the donor, on the attairimeut ta which we congratulate hlm and wish Mr. and Mrs. Ellis mauy mare years ai lii e amang their fiawers.t We give this item because fram a knawledge ai prices, we cau houes ly endorse it. An intelligent lady who lives in Toronto, on Brunswick Ave.,5 being Lu the Mason Co!s. stores on Saturday iast was sa pieased with thec values they were offeriug lu imparted gootis that she selected gootis to the2 extent ai $36. Ttsis lady is undoubted y an expert jutige anti would note valuesd much quicker than the average but iu the goods bhe selecteti she undoutedly saveti money. The Mason Ca. buy from the British manufacturers just as cheap as the Toronta departmentals and their expenses beiug less they eauS afford ta seli cheaper. Dou't be hum- bugged by any silyv talk about bargainsj you eau no just as well iu buying in Bowmauville as any, where in Canada. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. 4Jorrectedlby J.lcMurtry each Tuesday FLOUR, r" 100 lbs........1 80 ta $2 10 WHEAT, Faîl, bush .... 0 O>" 0 63 n Spring......... 0"0il065 t' Redi Fe.......0 00 t0 70 n Goose........ 000 t 0 67 BARLEY, P bush, No. 1 ... 0 89 0 O40 il I il2 ...0 26u 035 le te li3 ... 025 0 30 le i Two rowed 0 25 "0 40 OArrS, white te...........0 24 0 30 RYE, t' .: . ... 0 '0"0(50 BUCKWIIEAT e ......0 00 t' O 48 PEAs, Blackeye, VI bush.. 0 69 i' O 65 I' Canadian Beauties O 74 i" 0 65 et Mummey et O 0 0 eO060 il Small 't O 0 0'fiO60 i' Biue 'e O 60 et O 65 BUTTER, best table, P lb...O 0 0'leO013 EGG, e doz ............. 000"teO0tO PorAroas, P bush.. ý...... 0 0'te 0Où HAv, 1ý ton .............. 500"le7 00 A CARD. We, the undersigneti, do hereby agree to refunti the money au a twenty-five cent bottle ai Dr. Wills' Enzlish Pis, if aiter using three-fourths ai contents ofI bottle, they do nat relieve constipa- tion antiheadache. We also guarantee tour bottIfes wll permanently cure the most obstinate case ai constipation. Sat- [sfaction or no pay when Wills' Puis are, useti. W. C. Tale, Druggist, Bawmanvilîe, Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmauville J'.,Higgiubathasn &,Son, chemist, Bow- nanvlle.2-4 I I Mr. Guy Pethick, Toronto, is home. Mrs. T. C. Jeweil is visiting relatives in Toronto. A, Gent's gooti secoud-hand Wheel for $10 at Rickard's. Port Hope waterworks, by-iaw was carried almost unanimousiy. Master Ror Craig, Oshawa, has been visiting at Mr. J. B. Mitchel's. Miss Amauda Bond, Oshawa, is guest of her uncle, Mr. M A. James. Rev Jas. Anderson, Methodist, died last week in Belleville, age 68. Sir Chas. Tupper lectured in the Col- legîate Institute, Lindsay May 4. Mr. Jas. A. Roblu, former resident here, died at Serameuta, Cal., April 18. Mr. Chas. Frank of Youug and Co's Gracery, has gone ta ,Minota, North Dakota, Quecu Victoria gave 500 guineas anti Prince of Wales 250 guineas ta Ottawa relief funti. miss Cook's Recitaf. Town Hall, Bowma,,ivulle, Wednesý day, May,9, 190,3, unaer the auspices of Trinity Church, a literary anti musical treat will be provideti by the folIo wing qualifleti artists;-Miss Myrtel Teliesen Cooke (ai Chicago, 111.) Dramalie Reati ter anti Impersanator, Mrs, Auna E, Jury (of Taronto) Drainatic anti Concert Soprano. Miss Eva Luttrell, Instrumen talist anti Accompanist. Having appe,!red on the same pro- gram wîth Miss Cooke at Brantford it is with verv great pleasure 1 cammend her ta a Bawmanville audience. She is a very fine elocutionist indeeti. EPPA GLOVER. Miss Cooke has neyer been surpasseti here by anyone.-Rev. Newton, Nor- wich. In Town Hall, Wednesday ùv- ening May 9, Miss Caoke's reudition ai "The Native Born" was well worth the price aifati- mission.-Principal Hendersan, Chest- erfield. Hear her in Town Hall, May 9 Coming ta Bawmanvlle-Miss Myrtel Tellessen Cooke, the popular dramatie reader anti impersanator, 'of Chicago, Ill., Wednesday, May 9. Keep the date clear. Chesley Enterprise: "The audience was thrîled with patriatie emotions as she rendereti 'Canada! Canada !' Miss Cooke is a Chicagoan, but she knaws how ta tauch the heart strings ai loyal Canadians." Town Hall. May 9. Pain-Killer cures ail sorts af cuts, bruises, burus ant i trains. Taken intcrnallv t (cures diarrhoea anti ds- entry. AvoitI substitutes, there ta but one Pain Killer, Perry Davis'. 25c. anti 5Oc. BORN. liRWN o flareApril 80, the wnfe of Major Wml. Pt >-o, Ofa son. MCMURTIIY t'- OshaWa, May 1, the wife of Mr. T. H1. McMa1-jtry, of a son. O'LEÂSY-l]n Oshawa, April 23, the wife of Mfr. Datnteileary, of a daugliter. TRAYES-TO Port H1ope, April 29, ta Mr. and Mrs. W, F.Tre, a son. PARROTT-At Columbus, April 7, the wife of Wm. Parrott, of a daughter. DETEmAN-At Fenelon Falls, April 23, the wife of Mr. Ceeil Deymali, of a daugliter. HEAju-At Fenielon Falls, April 18, the wife of Mr. Joseph Hoard, of a daugliter. JOHNSTEN-2flIn owmanville, May 3, to-Mr. and Mrs. G. A Jobhuston, a daugliter. MARRI ED. GLIDE-DAy 5-I Oshawa, at the Manse. Apr l30, by 11ev. J. Hodz-s, B. A., Mr. Richard Tilde ad Miss Clara Vietta Dayis, both of Oshawa. a 11DIED. COWLE-Ofl Aprit 30. at 6 Elm Grave, Toron- to, Myrtie Irene, youngest daughter of Mr. John Cowîe. aged Io Yeats, G6nionils. Interred, at Little Britain. MCMILr.At-In Sidney, Austraha ,of typhoid Alex. MeMillan, formerly of Cedar Daie, aged 54 y eays. PATTE-In OsbaWa. April 21,Josephin e Birdie Armstrong, adopted daughter af Mrs. E. Cawker, aged 15 years and 6 months. ASHLEY-11u Cedar Pale, .April. 20, George M. Ashley, aged 41 years.---- BALFOaUR-In Ashbnrn, April 25, Agnes M. daugliter of Mr. James Balfour, aged 29 years. RicE-In Wbitby, April 25, Thos. Riee, aged 63 yecars, ANDERsoN-At Dalesboro, Assa., April 24, of pneumonia, William B. Anderson, sonl of Mr. Gorge Anderson, Whitby, aged 38 years. SrxrNTONç -In Parlington, May 2, Maggle E. Staintan, eldest daughter of Mr. Thas. Stainton, aged 25 years, 5 mouths. HAntis-At Whttby, Ap rIt 29, Carnie A. James, eidest daughter of Mr. Walter James, wife of Mr. Samuet Harris, in her 29th year. STÂPLES-At Courttce, on Tuesday, May 1, 1500, Eliza H1aynuond, widow 0f the fats Jas. Staples, aged 92 years. TINEnE-At Cobourg, April 29, 1900, John Tinney, sr., aged85 years. 1 TtAvxzs-In Bowmanvîile, May 4, Frances Raynes, aged 73 years. BaimACOMBE-At 159 Pniving Park Ave , Rtochester N. Y.. Aprit 28, of croup pneumonia, Beutali Cathanine, youngest child af Frauk and Catharine Brimacambe, aged,1 year, 10 monîlis. PETEAN-At Feneion FaIts, April 23, Mary Adella, beioved wife of Air. Cecil Peyman, aged 16 years, 7 months and -26 days. BOTTEIIEnL-In Bowmanvilte May 9, Nota P'atricia, third daugliter of Mr. 'hos. Bottereit, aged 10 years, 10 mçnths. A BOON TO HORSEM EN. English Spavin Liniment removes-ail hard, soi t or callouseti Lumps andi Blemishes from horsos, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Spîtuts, Ring Boue, Sweenev, Stifies, Spraius, Sore andi Swolleu Throat. Coughs, etc. The use of one bottie may make you $50 Warranted the most wouderfui Blemish Cure ever known. 14-10w. SF.DS Murdoch has a f ull assortmnent ai Fieldi and Garden Seeds. Garden Seeds'in bulk-ali fresh Fieldi Seeds ai a l kinds StUR head.quarters for the GEM FENCE -the cheapest Farin feuce knowu. Variety Hall, BOWMANVILLE. Children Ory for CASTOR 1 lA. The End is_ Paralysis. V th taeWauted Nerves are net restored and revlZailzeti W' Dr.OChue's Nerva Food. "A living mmid lu a deati body** lu the way paralysis is sametimes described-. What eau lie mnore horrible than ta lose ail contrai aof the body a.nd feel death gradually claiming you for its own? Siseplessuest, nervousness, headache, ls af energy and vI tality, gioomy forebodings, easy fatigut and -dweaess of the body' are symptoms of the ne e xhaust!an which wili finaly endi lu paralysis, nervous prostration or insanity. Whethier Q-verwark, warry or rregular habits were the cause, restaratian rau lie mast effectu- aly braught about b>' a few manths' trcatment with Dr. Chase's Nerve. Food, thegreat restora.. tive in P11 farm. Dr. Chase's. Nerva Food inutils vital energy Into the body, stops the wauting proccus andi graduail>' but snrely builds up the systeun, creates new nerve farce and permanentl>' cures aIl nervous disorders and weaknesses of meni wamen and children. As a restorative its efflcacy is unnivalled b>' an>' preparation knawn ta science. 1It restares color ta the cheeks, roundness ta the forin anti elasticity ta ever>' movemnent af the body. S50 cents a box, at,,all dealers, or EDMANSON, BATEs & Ca., Trs». Book free., 1z A,,TORONTO. Astrong, reliable sehool, with spien. did equipmnent including aixty first-c1ass typewriting mnchines- There are no vacations, anti members are admitted at any time. Write for particulars. W. H. SHAW, Principal. The sun 'shines and 80 does our Palmerston Buggies; they are jusi what you want-new in design and beautifui in finish. Also Agent for ~Red Bird Bicycles-up to date in ýt every particular ; you are saving money wheu vou buy a Brantford; and Rossitt Mowers, iRakers, Corn Planter and other implements. Cail t and iuspect before y ou huv. dno. S. Rundle's Harness and Implernent BowmAN viLLE. Emporium. Now is the time for pan'I My stock w-111 be found very campiete and prices right. Beantiful patterns from 5 cents, GW'tairi Poles tRoom flo1ings New stock of framed Pictures, Frames and Picturle Moings just received. A very niee frame for Cabinet Photos for 25c. See the Oul Chromo for $1.00. Nô trouble to show goods, and quote prices. The Spring starts the Base Bail, Foot Bail and other games, I have them. P. Tr-ebilcock, BOWMANVILLE, STELEPHONE 57. Have Von Tr Cash or Trade. WooI Wan ted For Cash. Our Baking Powdor At 15C. Per Pound? J4eal 1trose ]OWMANVILLE. Lake O ntario anti Bay ai Quinte Steam- boat Company', (Limiteti.) 8fr. "North King" SOUJTH BOUND. Lv. Cobourg.............. 1.25 p. m. ýtPart Hope .............. 2.30 P. M. Ar. Charlotte, N.Y ......... 7.15 p. m. Rohstr N ....7.50 p. m. NORTH BOUND. Lv. Rochester, N. Y ........ 8.25 a. m. ilCharlotte, N. Y ......... 8.50 a. m. Ar. Cobourg.............. 1.20 p. m. 'tPort Hope............. 2.00 p. m. fi'eTime subjeet ta change with or without notice. J.,H.-H.-,UltY, H. H. GILERSILEEVE, Agent, Bowmanville. Manager Uest End House BOWMANVILLE.,> A WONDERFUL PREPIRATION. 'ýRokco" cerpal coffee. Pare, wholc some, nourish ng highiy re'iommendea hy leading physicians. -Rokco is equal ta 0c. coffee, but only mil~s one fourth the price and is used at your meais in. stestd of. poisonous teas and coffee. Rokco is sold in loc. packages. 15c., or 2 tbs. for 25c. For salE in Bowmanville by the folowing groce-rs, Young & Co., Cawker & Tait, Ileal & Co , Mason & Co., John McMurtry, J. B. Martyxi and A;L.NichoIls, Ask for t. 6'lyr EASTER TERM From APLIIL iLmerges in the Sum mer Term from JULY 3, in the We are giving special attention to our House Furnishing Depa;rt- ment this year. t A Fine Big Range of Lace Curtains, new designs and rextra good value at per pair 25c, 50c, '75c, $1., anid $1.25. An extra good choice of very fine double-threaded Curtdins, in splendid designs, at per pair $1.50, $2, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00. Art Muslin, A good choice of Art MVuslins at popullar p i ices, 7c, 8(-, lOcy 2i4cl, 15C. Blinds, Our Blinds all have guaranteed springs attached, speial prices 40c, 45c and 65c each, eli-rtain Voles. Wood Curtain Poles in four colors, complete with tr.mmings and Curtain Pins, 30c each. e2arpets and Mattingse > We are showing some striking values in Hemp, Union, and Pure Wool-fllled Carpets this season, A good assort- ment of Hemp Carpets a 15e a yard. A fulfrange of pat- terns in Union Carpets at these close prices, 25c, 35c, - i and 50,c. a yard.- A choice of Wool-Filled Carpets, 0o0nI heavy quality, and splendid patterns at 60c per yaïrd. Mattings. We experienced a big sale of Japanese -Mattings last season and this, spring we, are -showing a. muchilre choice of patterns and the best values to be had, Full 36 inches wide at 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, and 40c per yard. e%ýilcloths and Linoleums. "If yoru want a piece of Oilcloth or Linoleum it wil pay you to have a look at our stock. U LRCH'SGiant Prolifie Improved Leaming C Sel. Yel. Horsetooth o R N .Red Cob White Cap Ail strictly First- Class Seed Corn. 'Vety Eati1y Seed Potatoes. T-he following varieties : Rose of the North, Burpee's Extra Earlyp Crown Jewell, Early Thorobred, Early Market. Mammoth Saw Log Mangel. 'Yellow Leviathan Mangel. Royal Giant Sugar Beet. - Danish Improved Sugar Beet. New Maple Sugar V"ry Fine. New Maple SyrupsY rfie WOOL.--We are open tobuy' any quantity of Wool at the highest market price CASH. John McMurtrv. Iloilso / + Furllishillgs....

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