AThankful.Farmer m ien more Ssubjecttoall I~ <7~w~the juls the humanflesh îthan farm- ers. Their t causes themn V to beout in "J ail kinds of weather, con sequently when sick- ness overtakes them they become great sufferers. Rheumatism is the disease most prevalent among the farming classes. Mr. C. W. Trotter, Cushendali, Ont., a niost respected farmerof Pittsburg township, suffered for two years from this dread disease. So severe ly was he afficted that for three mnonths at a stretch he was compelled to remain idle. Being induced to give Dr. Hall's Rheu-. marie Cure a trial, he is now very ueankful he did so. Before the omtents of oe bottie had been taken the pains disappeared, and ho to resume bis work. Ilc took onui one bottie of the Blieumatia Cure alloens nox cf pls but even that saill qnantity completely cured him. Re lias not been troubleil with the pain since, and is now as strong and healthy as ever, Dr. Hall's Rheuinatic Cure is put up in 50 çent bottîles. containinit ten dayýs'ytînent. S yet caîl im an peaeful as fhough ha IE A Y N T S lay o o eu cfthe green4 banks cf hea MAINT DLIUIIFUL *wiURMENS6 voyn, watcbiiing the onramen dhp thair padles inLu b. crystal river 1 Wby, Outing for May, from ifs frontis- _______________________ t seems toi Lau thia moment,, as if St. place by Fraderic Remington tof the Paul tbx'ew te us a pomiologisf's lasf page cf ifs montbly Ravîaw, f rom catalogue cf the fruils growing in the Peu cf ifs aliter, teeme- witb mat- R1ev. Dr. Talmiage Discourses on tfi this great gardon cf Christ-love, joy, tara cf interesfte sportsmen of al peae, patience, cbarity, bref herly degrees andi testas.' Wbher tbey ha e . kinliness, genflenesa, mercy - glorions devoteli te tha Rod or Gun, to the spring lime.fruit, enough te tfilt alk the baskets cf Thoroughbred, the Trotter or the Bull _____________________ artb and beaven. . - Dcg; te the Cruiaing Yacht or the LAgain: the Churcli, in my Lext, is Cance; to Gdlil or te Cycing; or te Many Beautiful Gardens in the Worid--The Church apPropriatiy cý ýalledu a gardon, because Athîrticsaet homle or abroad, thry h l stboroughly irrigateli. No gardon xiii finI abondant inferesting aud Compared to a Garden==The Different Kinds Of cou1d prosper long withouf plenty of haîplul matter tan is pages; and wafer. 1 have seau a gardon lu the sboul their penchant be the ceading ]Flowers==Men's Character Compared to the midaf cof a dasert, yet blooming and of othera' adve.nfuces and hair-breaîtb luxuriant. Ail arounli was daartb 'scapas, A Shotgua Episole, by Fred- Flowers. ald barrenness; but there were pipsanrc Reumington, The Professor's Scar, aqueducta reachiug tromn this garlan Witb ftha Colorado Cowpuncher on a A despetoli frcm Washington says: ha iiiÎr the gardon, and if they are DoftcUP te the Mocuntains; and througb Round-urp, The Hybriei Wolves cf --Dr. T-i * rahed f rom the f ol- 1there tho.4e aqueducts the water came aul t l ndTh e Bad BadLLada feWs a ag et HEN SHAME ON THE CHUJRUR. 1streaînîng dewu aud leasiing up into pandl th teBdntdaecf.Atwhelst lowing text :-"1 am coen oiemy Reigonbe-uful fountains, Until eVery root, ntroieect entyîupo.,ium Af uniesiy garden."---SolmQn's Song, i.s nef a usera filowering senti- 'and lest and flower were saturated. nestgsypiu ofnvriy gade.-(oomn' cnv.. mentality. h ta a apractical, life-gîvîlug, That la lîke the Claurch. The Church iiPo omn Te tnieainty Ue- Christ said this te the Church, us- beaithfuî frait-not postas, -but ap- is a gardenan lu th midst ef a great ea rbe niaRlto eU iga figure thaf saems very fresb pies. «'Oh," says semebedy, "I lcu't deseri of, sin and suffering; itu la weîî dergraduate Afhleti,cs bas heen gatb- andggetv this mcrnin g, now as ae wbat your garden of the Church - -iatd for aloIs r -ýno,ýe rd. The contents cf this nuaiber h yedd Weedil your ilsyims Iîrgîa 'u ee r notecerning fcemi more thon twc losen ef the blossonas begin to start, and t bshe lad"Wbn jt bills frona whencéa cemeth oar heiP: the best-equtpped authors of the day, coma frouai and your hoapitais Fad ïEom the mouantaÙis cf Ced a aîrength h-lhttaualaaeeti parks are alive with birds migrafing yeun institutions of i-rcy? Christ lbece flowr dowa rivera of gladuess. jsifying tstheDim angm.ti nonlbward, and our yards are being planted eveny oeeOf tham1; Ha plant- Thare 15 5 river, tha strram wberaof plantali sud tnimmed. If you have ed fbem in His garde. We hrsh Iak ldtscity cf ou, Gl Among the twelve slniktug p-ipers ia bea lutheoutikita f ta cty hiagave isight to Bartimeus, Ha laid the Preacbliug (lie Gospel i& canet these the May Frmmyh ige u morn ingth oasàJ avrbaus uwo ha the c oreratne feerhbinsai 1u aqurducts, The Bible is ancier-, for special mention Mr. Clark's article veri g cf th avnsbeesud thatrthl that has even beau bult. Whou, Bapîism sud tEe Lord's Supper are on Britisb Policy ton ard the Boers; vei ofth dakneisandthestrmlaChrist soofhed the lemonîar of Cmali- aqueduots. Water tu siake the thîrst rhe Constitution and the Flag, by taken a way, you have seau Christ lee, He laid the corner-stone cf avery ,Water te reatoje the faint, water te on.Cal Dny aeUiedtae luatic asylum that bas aven beau xasb ha i-clan wte- oeeharetertChna, Ula em datesac waking amil the hyacinths, sud un- asleblishad. XVben Christ said totha luthe k-lîat tif tSo ed righ- cfSaes, byChna; UncO. Dwî gbt; ib der the trea branchesg, eud in the gar- sick Inu: 'Take up tbiy b end waîk,' usai th 1s,;Xsofg sthen frainbi-of ASpraeby Hreenta0 DCampa Igu dana, sud you hava heard His voice Ho laid the corner-astone cf every boa. aoîîd ti sl1irne. h!s nsthe ere lîy Henpry itcbfreidesf; Taay-n more distlnctly you heur my pîaortewndbs vnsen h Iave ngardon &0 thccougbly irnîgit-!Pauncefote Trraty, by 'Henry Wadoi Christ saili: "I was ini prison, auduys ah i Yen kuow that the heauty tOgesffNcbvstr n riy cwn saying: " 1 arn coma info My gar- visitaI Me," He laid the cerner-etone Versailles audf Chýat awortb eenaIliois; Tof uitesttes aUnvrsty, den." of every prison neform association eedIliosThUntdSasan te Thât wouid be a strange garden in that 'bas aven beau formel. The wver 1 mamuen Ote reattaupplycetuueo hn, yHu ila wbib hee wraneflwer. f c-Cbunch cf Christ la a glonlous gardon, 3xa t. Icm ete at pae Wooîviile Rockbiil, the -Aell knewu wher ie they viii bno lners ber n- audu ifta full cf fruit. I kuew there swrfbk, oeeday wbau atrangers w ritar and diplemaf, lata Assistant wher ele tey wll e alongthebo laissomns penn fruit lu lt. I knoxvthoraare( not tu e hasditted; but by aan-, iSecretary cf State; euh Jouralisnm oratti'gtaa. h brai-ar orewed1ta og t e av ducement, wbîcb aiways seemal as1' [liera, r t ith g.tewa. The hm. rou recSc-m'.wee-e hat ougt to . ve n q i in'JT. , by .. T. kaagawae, SeSore- ThisShoe is for the rich and poor alike. What is the tuse of paying more, when you can get perfect shoe 7:;ý-,ý satisfaction for $3? That ix what you get when you buy King Quality. Whe-n a shoe wears well, whe n it is stylish and com- f ortable, what more can be deslred? ' Try King Quality once, and'you wilI l D Saiways wear them. $3, and the appearance of $5. Made by J. D. KING Co., Limited, Toronto. 8TATLNGFACT8 -"FOR DSASDVIGTINM M-URES GUARANTEEwDOR NO PAYI IRE YLIu ? iea-ils;sssr acfà~ li e -erstç tir; oks;wskhek U j; ia-îliiricA cosidicer. lîr a aoelgan su t-reuigtis - wu OA AtCUREs ul RE.sTOôRED TO MANIHOOD MY OR&. K. 9- 3011F A. MANLIN. JOHN A. M&NLIR. CHAS. POWnxtS. 4 r Telegrapli Transfers âlade for large oramall sums on ail parts ol Canada. This le spcelaily advartageou8to ja- oc-as living in Manitoba or the North- West, it makes the funds available at ocr at the place 01 pay ment. For other narficulars call atIthe bank.' A. J. MCCLFLLÂN, QEO. MeGILL, Accctîntant Manager Ail 1-4Hands Agreeable... iMrs. X.-I say, John, 1 arn going f0 stop baking alfo.gether. We can get at LUTTRELL'S, Bowmanville,such good l3read and Iluns, and Pies, and Cakes, and --7 Mir. X.-AII right, Sarahi, don't tell me any more. It will ne doi be the best plan for the sumimer anyway. Alex. Luttreli. Baker 'tnd CoufectionerBowmanviile Teiephone 97. GRATEFUL COMFORTI NG1 Distingulshed everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior quality and nu- r tritive properties. Spec- t ially grateful and confor- tin'g to the nervous and t dyspeptic« Sold only In llb. tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Ltd., H-om- oeopathic Cheniists, Lon-. don, England. BREAKFAST 8UPPER 'y AINTED - SEVERAL BRIGHTt vyand honest Per-sons to represent us as Managers le this and close by couchtes. Salary iloa er a expenees. Straight, bona-fide nemrn es, salary. Position permanent.0 0r reeene, any banikIt any town. Ilte maioly iewor onducted at home. Refer- ence. neolose self -addreeeed stampe nelope TYDouiviox COMPANY, Dept 3, C=dogo Soid GOdI. ...$2.815 Besbt Oold F1111.50a 5 ysGoldIFill .00 eý> Best Glasses... 100p We guaýrautee perfect satisfaction. GLOBE OPTIGÂL G01, 93 Yonae Street, Toronto. A TORRENT 0F WOeDS. Us says is wife speaks fhree ian- guages flusutly.9 H=1! My wif s apeaks oesquit e f lu-e enti>' snougb for m..i keeping out the glare of the sunlight. They are, perhapns, more 1lke the rau- unculus, creeping sweetly alo'ng amid the thorns and briars of hf e, givingj kiss for sting, and many a man whoý has had in hie way, soe great black rock of trouble, bas found thry hbave covered if ail ovar with floweryi jlasa mina running in and out amid the crevices. Thesa Christians in Christs gardon, araeflot like the sunflower gaudy in the ligbt; buw whenaever dark- ness hoers over a sotai that needs to ba comfortsel, there tbey stand, uight- bloming cereusas. But lu Christs gar- deu theca are plants that usay hbf- fer comparaI te the Mexinan cactuse -thocus without, icveliness within-a mnen wlbh sharp points cf characien.L TE-r>' weund al-moet avec>' eue that touches themn. The>' are bard teo han-! île. Mon pronounce tbea n thing butt t horus BUT CHRIST LOVES THE'M, notwîthshanding ail their sisarpuess. M-an>' a men bas hed xery bard gruunh te culture, sud it bus cul>' bren througb savane fou ha bas raisel aven these maliest crop of grae. A ver>' barsb tuiniatar was faik- I iug with a very placili aider, euh the placili eider oaili te theha isr -mnister: "Docfcr, I do wisb yen would control yoîîr temaper." "Ah,"' smid the uinister te the eider, "I con- control mreateipar lu f ive minutes than yen 'do Lan fiva yeana" » If la harder for soea men te ho ighf than rVJ vtn As uduJ5U. Iu 10 tha t would elevete yen te the aev- antbh haven mLght not keep ycun bro- ther trctrn kncckiiag a man lewn. 1 bah a friand wbo camne te me sud saih: "I lare nef joîn tha tisurch." I saih; "Why f' "Oh,' ha attil: I'lbave sucb a violent tamper. Yesterday mcruing, I was crossïng ver>' eanly et tise Jer- sey cif>' ferry, euh I saa mriikruau pour a large amùount cf wntcr into tise milk ca,, sud I said te hlm: 'l tbiuik that will ýdc,' aud ha insulteI me, andi 1l kuor-kel hilm down Do yen think I ougisi te jein the Chnrch 1' Never- tiselesa, thatver>' ame man, who s se barab Lu bis hehavieur, losel Christ, and could nef spaak cfsancraI things wifhonft ears et assactien euh affection. Thos ns without, but sweet- nasa wifbin-tbe basf apecirnen of Idexican cactus 1 aven saw. Iu this gardien cf tise Churcli, wbicb Christ bas plantaI, I aise finli the snowdrops, be4utiful but cod l ook- Lug, seemsingi>' anethar phase ef tbs ivinten. I ma these Céristiaus whoi are in their fastes, unimpas- sionel, pure as snowhrops and as cd. The>' neyer shah au>' tana, the>' nover iget excitaI, the>' nover say anything rashly, thry neyer do an>'- thiug precipitateai>. Their pulses neyer flutter, tiasir nerves noveri twifch, thein indignation neyer hoila over. They live longer f bau meat people; but their lite is in a mincr key. The>' neyer run up te "C' eheve the staff, la fthe musiecfof thein life tEe>' hbave- no-- ataccato- - passages. Christ planfeli theân lu the Chunish, aund the>' mustt ieetofsoeaservice, or the>' wronld neftise tisane; annwhrops, always snowînops, - Agai: The Church mnay ha appro- jiniatel>' compaceli te a gardan, ha- cen-se if is a place ot select fruits. That woulh ho a strango garlen wiiub ah in it no bennies, no pluma, ne peaoise, or apnicets. Tise coarser fruits are planfeli in t heoerchard, co- th'e> are set out on tise sunu>' bih- aide; but the cheicest fruits are kept Lu th hagarden. So lu tisa worlh ont- sile tise Churcis, Christ bas plantali a great rny beautiful fisings-peti- ancs, cisenity, generosif>', integrity; but Ho inteuda t haeboicesf fruits tu flans. Thera arr Cbrist ian mea in thýiS bouse, ohs religion is nct a malt- ter cf psalm-singiag and churcli-go. ing. To-morrow merning, that relig. ion will kaap tbrmu just as consistent and consecratad on "axcbanga" as it ever kept theïm et the communion- fable. !Uhera are women here this morning cf a higher type of cbarac.. ter than Mary. of Betbnny. They net eniy sit at the fret of Christ, but tbry go put inte the kitchen te brlp Martha in hec work, that, she may sit there teeý. There la a -woman wbe bas ,A -.IUNQd TJSBA-N.D, who, bas exhibifrd nacre faifli, and patience, and courage tban Hlugh Latimer in the fire. Hae was consurm- ed in twenty minutas. Her's bas bren. a twenty years' uiartyrdom. Yonder ta a muan wbo bas lain f if taen yrars on bis back, unable aven te feed himself, V 4 nausea, sick headache, and general weakness of- >- the whole body. You can't have it a week without your blood being impure and your . nerve .s ail exhausted. There's just onme remed y There's nothlng new about it. Your grand- parents took it. 'Tw as i]an old Sarsaparilla before other sarsaparillas were known. It made the word' "Sarsaparilla " famous >ver the whole world. There's no other sarsa- pàrilla like1t. In age and lecader of-them ail." f---- $1.00 à atole. AIl iruL. Ayer's Pilne cure constipation. "ÂAfter suffertny terrthly 1 vus înducoliot ry l'ou 4Srapsriila. I1 ' tokthree boties snd uow feal like 9 a aew man. 1 woald alivise ail my y feiow ereatues ho try this Molleine R tori ia ustaod tise test oet taeud lis curative Power esnet hie ex- Jan. 30, 189. ilrewntows, Va. WP.Ie eE. e 001P. If you have a t eoa a btever àud deoir iebî esla dlsyqs an Ê»1sty retelve, write thse doct,' T' fasi'. eS iii recelve P rosmpt re.. pl,L fi1ý Lwci l,Mats.s Il notice thatL the fine gardans 8ome- timea have hi!gb tances arossnd tbeml, anul Icanno yïg t lu. it is se with the Kîuga desn. Thte oniy glimuses you avec gel of sncb n garden ha wbeni the king ri o ut lu bis splendid car-' 1 rage Lt ta nei.t sewitb this go rIen -ibisRingszgrdon. h throw wiIaý jopea the ge, !ud fell yen al te corne in. No ooo> in religion. Wbo- aval wîll, fil:,-i2,hoosp- now Letu ;eau a dasert 9and agardon, Many eof îou have trIai> theý garden of thîs worid s deiig'hu. Yenbava tounI it bas ber-n a chaecin. 'ýAit was w itU Theodoco Hook. fie molIe aIl the world lau-gh. He makes us la!ug-h now when wve rend hi-s poamsï;j but ha, conld nef makeblits own beactIlaugh. White lu the midat et bis frativitias9, h cenfrontal a lookîung-gless, atar i te saw himselt, and isai: ' Theret that ila mue. I look jusÉ as I-arn, doue up iu body, mind, sud purse." So il was witb Shenstene, cf wbosr gaclan I tol you eat the beginning cf my sermon. Hesast down amdthoar bowers, and saih: "I bave lest my rosI te btppiuass. 1 amnaan- gcy,anul- cuvioisi, sud frautic, euh de- spise averytbing erouLnd mie. juat as it becours, a mialman ta do." Oh, ys' waary seuls, couse imb Christ-s garden to-day, euh pluck a liffle heant's-ese. CHRIST JS, THE ONLY- REST sud the cnîy pardon for e paturb- ed spirit. . yan- net thiuk your cisance lied lm-ct corne! Yod, men and womeu wbo bava beau witîug year atter ysar fer some goedol 0f portunit>' lu whicb ta accrut Christ btnthave, posiponel itf fivo, tien, fweuty, flirt>' years, do yeunont feel as ie yeur ;heur cf deliverance, and pardon, euh salvefion, bad corne? Oh, man what giruAgo basf thon agaiuatthfs>ypoi' sou'!, that thon wilt nef let- if ho savod? I feel as if salvation must/ comib is mrnnugin soea of/your hec ris. Somae ywars age, a-vessel struck on t ho rocks. Tha>' bah ouI>'oua lit e- boat. Iu that iift'-boaftisae passen- gars euh crevr ware gattiug asons. Tise vessel bah tounhenel, euh was siukiug draper suddlesper, auh that one boat coul nof tara tise pessan- gars ver>' swiff 1>. A ittîs girl sf001 on the deck, waiting for ber t-urnete gat into tise boat. Tise boat cameandu wenf-came euh went-but ber furn di nof seam te coma. Atter au-hile sho conl iait ne longer, euh abs [lampaI on tise teffrail, euh then spraug inte tise sea, crying te tise boafusan: 'Save me next i Save me next 1" Oh, bew man>' hava gone eshoro jute CeI's marc>', euh yet yen are clinging te tisa wreck of sin. Otisers have ac. ce'pted tise pardon ot Christ, but you aire in 'pari. Wisy net, tisis mornng, maIre a ruas ton your immortel ras- oue, cryiug until Jeans shall hear yen, euh heaven and aartb Iing.witi tise dry, "Sqae me next ! Sae me nrxt Il' New is the day et saivetion. Now 1 Now I This Sabbathis l the hast for some etf you. It 15 about to sali away for si-wr. Iler bell tchis. Tise pIanuks tisunder bar-k- lutise geu-gwey.She Aboyas off. Sise filasout towarhsý tho great ocean of etanniiy. Wave farawell te your lat chance for hEas- on. Oh, Jeruýsmier, Jeruselem 1 hew offen woull I bave gatiserel tiser as a ban gatheretis ber brool- unher lier wings, sud ye woulh nef. Bebol, your bouse la laftunuto yen lesciaf e luvitel to naval lu a gandan, yen die! in a dosant, Ma>' Ge Almigbty, ho. fora ifla toe laie, break that infatua-. tien. Cryfor TU lîGrat -R-glîe7t Reined. -Z Sold sud rcnmne ya .rdrugg18ts lu Canada. Ouiy i-ait. abi eiahcine discovered. e.pe7 ckcyîs gueranteecl te curea¶t foims 01t sexual Weakness, all affecte cf abuse or excese, Mental Worry, Exesise use cf To. bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Malîd on receipli cf prices, ee package $1' six, $5. One aili pleffl, sîx alli re Pamphlpts free'to any addrese, 'TüeW.odcevapamy, Windsor, Ont. Wor 'te Flîes;hoîliiese ld lo Bowmaîvhety Stoltt& Jury, Iligglobothain & So; Orono b J. GîihilIanu; Newcasstle b0v Dr Farnco)mbe. iA"The vices cf early hoyhccd laid the fondation cf myi muin. Leter o-'a "a lite" aid exposure te bleod S hisE Ison sasas con irtîel the wreck. 1 had ail the sympktonîsof yp lî E iso Nervoua De lt-Funkea eyes, amiesions. drain inlurine , sj uervoosoess, week hack, e. Syphilis cangee my hair tï ueu. fen eut, houe pains, ulcers in moottu and on tongos, btcbea on doy, etc. I tbaukGel ItrialPr,. Kenredy &Kergau. Cîhey restored me to healtb, vigor anl happlues."CGRAS. POWERS. SWe Ireat and cure VaricoceZs', Emissions, iNevoiar Debility, ÇS,?etial î Weakness, ýGiee1, Sriture, Sy/mhiin, Unnatu,-al Discilarges, S/ Ause, Zidney and Bladder Diseaseî. ____ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CIURED. NO RISK. R E DER IAre yon a vlctlm? Hfave you lest ho fe? Are yon coutaMîlatIn1 mar- ý-1EADE r ings? fas yor ll e disease ? Rave you euy wPà ness Our New Method Treattenet will cure yeu. Wbat it bas doue for others it well do fer von. CONSULTATION FIIEE. No matter woo ha, treatel you, write for au honeet pInion Êree cf Charge. Charges reasonabae. BOOKS FREE - "The Golden Mtontor" h(i llstratel), on "-hNO NAMCýSU SED WITH OUT- WRITTEN CONSENT. PR!-. VATE. Nol me-dirine s rit C. O. D. No namesý on boxe or envýI- cees. Everything confIdential. Question- ilt anrd cost of Trenat ment, PREE._____ E yR t 1) T 'i EL1 , Y% 0 . cf 5,00'ysrars aigo has been brought to liglit by the University cf Penn- sylvania excavations at Ancient Nippur. Dr. IHîlprocht,the £a mousAsÂ- syrian scholar, la the leader of the ex-, pedition, and hié vcondarfuldidscover- tes are the subject cf the principal ar- ticlr iný Ainsiar s for May. Lieîatan- ant-Commander Caîkins, Admirai Dexvey's navigating, cfficer at Manila, cçntributes mucli intaresting: fîrst- baud information in T'bc Filîpino Leaders. A. Inoisit efreshing article is James Hamilton. Lewis, n Political Para dcx, by E. D. Cowecn. Harvey Kitchen brima. with the dalightful humer that charactarizas al bis work. The Biltmore Estata and The Genesis the American Herse are good reading as isainsc Oscar Kinag Davis' account cf Uncle Sam'w taking the Sultan cf Sulu undar tha flag. The fiction is by Stephen Crane, Erigadiar-General Charles King, Eugene Wood, C. M. Williams and Howard Fielding, Street & Smith, Puhiishers, N.Y. Pater Jtosegger's story, The Seal of Confrssion, p'ablishad in The Living Âge for April 21, in a translation by Dr-. Hasket, Derby, is a striking stundy cf the workîngs cf conscience, and a cocflict of moral dutics The facts in tliat present-illay tragady, the poli- ticai oblitaration cf Einiand, are coin- pactly but forcibly'presentad by Mr. J. Wrstinke, in an article which iha Living Âge cf April 21 reprints fromn The National Rsview. kSeribner's Magazine f or May conum tains four illustrated articles that are unusu'îlly informing in regard te ev- entsanmd questions cf centemperary i.mportatnce. The leading article on Sonc Picturesqîte8 Sidas of the Expo.- si! or eîis botb wriittr n sd illustrated hy th;3 artiat E C0. Paixotto. Ha bas spant a numiber cf nîontbs in Parisi recently, sud these drawings give an artist's Impressions cf the very pic-, turesqua grcup cf buildings wbicb, w lha soon crewdrd with visiters fromailp~rtOn-i c th wold-M r.- Peixotto's akill as a draftsinan,shown in îhi-CromwlIi nu'Jthe Revelui on- ar)y series, ta this magazine, has en- abiLad him to make- the be ýt possible pictorial presentation cf tbe great French Expositin Ju6t, 17,600 square feet cf floor space' are set apart fer printing presses in, the building just srected fer tha La-ý duies' Home Journal. It je lu the rear' ef the preseat publication office, eigbt iu heîght, and within a short ti-me willl ha occpied by th ehan- icai deportments cf the mgzn.Th, constant rapid growth cf the Jour- nai's circulation, ueces. itatsd great.. iy extended facitities foci, printing snd j r. f E This man kncws what hc d, -d andI how ho did if. Such endorseýr'c.nts as the followiog are are a sufficielŽf preef cf ifs menits. Oshara, Minn.. iM. 22, -les. Dear Sire -Pleese senS me one otyonrTreeaîon the Horse, Yor nes, bonS as advertiaed en yenr botties, Engiish print. t1lhave cured te-o Sos, 1,,, s.,d on5e C.rb wlth te-o botîles of ienr Itedati' SpaviluCure inifour e eeks. FRANK JcnEBlNz. Price, $i; six for $5.-As a liinient for faiaîy use ithas no equal. Ask ycur druggist forKENALLS SPAVIN CURi3, aise "A Treatise on the Ilorse,'" bock free. or addresa DR. J. B. KENDIALL CO., ENDSBURG FAL.LS, VT. Mailing, aniA the new s-t mc- f urn meets thase demande, providing e th tsmre urne for, future expane- Sien in -iii lepari ments. Spaciahl>' le- sigued priesses, sud ail tisa most ap-, preved mechanical levices appliel ta prnting ana haing walibI to t he oi-c nel's alneali> extensive aquiprnent. It is tise aim tu make this plant tise fin- est la Amerlca.- Tisa deaili of Mn. Thsomas De Mcli. eyns, Q.G., whicb occurreli radentl1>' t Langforli ternece, Monkstexvu, ne. moyas et 93 years a loal persouege w-v-hoý-fer- 8(- yaans-was. Ceuni>' Court Julge et KilIre-n>. Ho was oeeof ther fw survivons lu tise preseut geneýk allen Who saw the great Napoleon?' lu 1815 hie was siaying wiiî hi& panents at e seaporf ounfise English coasf vihara tisa Bellenopison ma- ýwar, witi tise Empencr ou beoard, puit lui fer a few hours. Young DeMol- ayns wasneef e oat's part>' wbich reweh round the wa-rsip aud ho saw Nepolson in militer>' costume paciug tise leck, bis heali bout ferwarh, hi-a bauds ciesped bohinli bis hack. ChIldren O ry CASTO