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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1900, p. 2

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SPIGSIE.By clea-nisg littie by littie, onle JAPAN TEA DRINKERS! be a targ-et, because the enaxny wor't ONE ROUNDING TEASPOONFUL OF' SPRJN S11¶LES. ~ ~ -rooni at a time, tlie whole family are sep oui ar . Do oukno watsxike moey80not m ade uncomfortable throughout fhe 1iii Ueahiet oit t source V asked the mnan who was mrak- n e riorrie tbousele dnisngtsesonaBo te ihh iedrfts fro'Si ldot iýl ~~~~~hausted that lt takes ail summer to ihtelnodatf olal subject. Ys sir, answered a e rested. jontescnd battalion at the front, înan in the front row. It's sitting SPING HlOUSE OLEANING. Ruab ol-tanteconsist cg 1W0 rank and file of the rnhubarbose eol tl uw thirgi, fourth and -tiftb battaiions-40 LEVLO P~ aeIocpodicoi..lsms cnme1 --ng to work. cennboseoeteliWSsoi! t, with haif its weight in sugar; CEYON IIEFiN TE:4A men being drawn front each to coin- That boy is going te make bis mark should begin wjth the attio, then press tlirough sieve. Mix a coffee- Cheaper to; use than japan tea. plete the draft. The niilitia left Bel- ln tLhe world, said Mrs. Corntossel, dlean the chambers, then the parlor, cupful of cold pulp with the same fsto Saturday nih.Aithougb nlot if ehveon, heliin rom hll, montofwhipedcrîta.Seveoff icially intiinated, it la almcoot cer- Th 'ra p" irul 1Y. What niakea you think sefw aeoe h iigrobla mut fwipdcem ev anta h it atainwl eI tcvrhweal tgs n Mýîandy f aked bar husband. I've the dining rom and china cioset, the' coid. 'tai tha theI 'eft Lorlio nîce Itbe~l ni htafn beau read(ijI' sïoma biographies of fam- kitchen 'and pantry and last 0£ ail Creain Pie.-Bake a good liglit cruat JOTIN lTI 1fi IA1 abde o ciesrie Ii~ ls tln ouaI Moen. An' a whoie lot of 'em the cellar. Other people tell us te on the'inverted ies pan,. Wheu dons US0 IÎJUJ THELJ2 WYILI ---II i dildn't show any, particular smartness begin with the cellar. slice a banana into tbe .crust and fi TA NTRS Ûl at, 1col We noe huaeersdagE, with a creain as foliows: T-wo cap IT 1EMS WILL YOIJ rflE4Iif CAINjADAj lie, as the curtain falls-My dear wbIat shall we do? ~ sweet nuiik, yolks ôf two eggs 'hait- AT THiIS TIME.-I1 IU OJS believe 1 will go into the hobby te it B t h K cup white sugar, one tablespoon corn- a8irdu oe h ue od otretali ~ ~ ~ ~ nt niy lmes She-ou'v been muat starch. Cook in double boler until The Boy, OR the Ttiefleld and iliesee tird poerheae Dd' t th hoby les ties ou steh m ust dy the question from lier own thick, then, flavIor with vanihla. Whip 'tilitir %Vey te the calie-Ail lErîtaln Kde il reMkn.I I1~ yourleg, ad te hat tme henenvironment; but study and plan she up the whites Of egga until stiff with oeks te 1;eei of Bravery.____ you camne back tbey seemed reai weak. muet il she wouhd save tixne and wor- two tablespoons of granuiated augar. wa et a afraid you are stretching them ry and get through this dreaded sea- Apedlgtyo n e nmd Thaearen' twn ttreegt fil 1a09s. fillatue fleosersq of et. Edwtdget theierbke hanlahr tl toc mauch. son oft thte year with as littie confus- ere ovng nTibi igh arwn diCiool Abtainawrarnthj ,9. Lts tpredFrel el htv beror aerving.e' ahi hak air Onicou 1nantry Mtarcbl et the rate of caeMan-Ojae Box or flod*'a poe Onion as Possible, writes a corresond- pie and easily digested. ehtbigt yards a minute. 1 11ey I'nsillîîuted a %V pratect ost Mer way te lber wedding she was Ant feakas Dimfo.rtabie wand oune a sitDm m nehî Instantaneous fuse burns at the ratechne thow ot f ie crrag ad prtle pride 1n tebauyo h thiow ou o he crnae nd ur, If there ha no vegetables in the cupa of cohd boiied bain minced fine oft about a hudred feoet a second. StEwde u. iy7 - hing but s!he insisted on going te thelS.Ewl QeMy -o hn. s chrch and _avn lh-oe.remnriv Ar- ceihar. or if tliev were tsacked in dry and a cup and a haîf of potatoes Fards sboulil he msrrp.< hy Il hom prer. f,~lo c foee htthn.Akyu dae oso torrned. Mis. Peck-Welh, the poor, earth when putt Lu in the fall, and shiced thin. Arrange the hain and pichets driven into the riveras bed. has caused such a universal sensation 5r-. l -a.;,- d l- maisguided thhng deserves bier fate thoera ls no decay, and especlaliy if potatoes in alternate layera, season- The seamen in the Transvaal are am ong ahi chasses of people as the AEs»182 thon. there ha a window with hinges and an Ing the bain witb a hittie pepper. served out witb infantry great coats. mniracuhous cures performed by the j A F 3-ighted Ctizen-Dickey-Is a Outside door se that the cellir bas When the dish ha full pour over it a jHigh angle fire ha that from guna olaos reeiDddald-Ms.EL dijplomat a pohitician who knows beau tboroughly ventilated it will pint of creani sauce, made as foîîows: at ail elevations beyond fifteen de- ney Pila wba t do Lnca CritoperI nelt endanger the heahth of the family Meit tablespoonful of butter, stir in grees. cases a reoeevery day. Pro inc t ne ele &hrtoper-No-no-Dickey; a and wili save work te leave the cehhar a heaping teaspoon of flour, add very Rear guarda abould ha formed Of we boar Of a Case of Chroma e - wh'tnat a nta pt doafte wote knw tihi the aild potatoas are planted and showly one plut of .milk and a pincb Of the best and most-highiy equipped mati8a down in D'rummond, cured by PROJECTILE AIR. nEs n nathro e diioatisa ohtiia wo noathe carrots, beets and other winter jsepper. Let the sauce h:oi up; pour tlroapa. Dodd's Kidney Pilla; thon a man in liticiana hava done what bis firat vgabewilhsaefmfrt Ia hittie of it over two beaton egga m'oVe waa intended te Makte them do. thIe woodshed., and then add the agga, te the reat Ail British soldiars are volunteers, Sherbrooke is cured of Bright's Dia- per cent. aliago uea opw juat as, af course, ail volunteers are ease., Tlion another curud c hsTer ia EblîDteib ase osdpstn nnywt i ê At he outryPotoiice Smme .t la a gooii plan te bogie wih the of the sauce., Spninklas a tablespoon soldi-ers. forxnenly incurable diseuse in Riche- Rulet* Expiode lit the fledy. tue extenLî o isbsies At 1e Contr Pos l Sumerattic provided it la so warmn that one of bread crumba over the disb after lVisitor--Ia it true that the postrnas- wiii njot take cold wbihe doing the adding the sauce and set it in a bot Troops on ontipost duty do net sal- lieu. 'Thon away down the river, a PbhyË!ians in South Af mica now avnfrabeitenmnts uta their aupleriars or notice tbemn un- weman' in the County Of Rimouski, 18 haeaohrter frepann ' E ý1 ~ M L tandj i a ioe to e hi the pasitai Wlien cîeaning chosets it us welî te 1 as& addreaaed. cuned of, Droaiay. Iv~~~,, îsg, cardathataomethrogh te ofiQ~?î ban a I wooen grniets o theIn, Montreal the cases of cures Of away the charges made by hotb Bni- LLOYD V("rroî,5gRLoN The Pestmau)ter-I, s'pose Bo; but it' ang l ooe amn nte SOMETHING ABOUT OLD FLOORS. nifnr ode nruh<on vantous -forms a! Kidney Ulsease- by ton, and, Bom 't4at the ather ta uehng- mighty bIard ta rouad some of 'oui. cu9thes lina exposed te the sun and, ' should bie more than a match for a Dodd's Kidney Pilla are le g in. xlsv ihea h extensive The bill ta io araewt Qyeikar lbeog t aknwînd after a good brushing. This Nawopapera tomn into--smahl places mounted mean. »rabetes, ballets. Theînr ru dcae buty ok rei gines eug at theibas been m-y piractice for yeara and 1 and oel in water are excellent for The Royal Marines number at pre- hies, Women's Weakness, B.iood Dis-. a1rto9ot~fud D bl intrciuced 1ntefoseo em. canI coe u tethe oysin heîow- bave never had any maoths in My clos- set1,0,o flh ,5 rei h resaltekde dsuelnlonsl o ad obldetttearc a. etcasi uconr col. ets. Dlresses or coata that wilh fade filing up, cracks in old floors. The srlen braO n ! ch, ,5 v i the in aid ra-ishv ýe h the kidneyt dirss n oud snws ives befe if~th in-!Man eatama inaurooutryaciolstinthesuitu uhdha urnd wongwetpomer ora asoft plp hatcanartpery bano.rmudngarigt'sDisase hae benwbih ta nullt dive haDirsets, aid ot. asly e resedint asmal pac-, The second linsofa attach carry a p)ermanantly>e'aýdicated in scores of, to the wound. Theexistence a! thîs W .V 03 hPoitoe tahie hapnseditoasmal pce lino jonn witL 81 oes phenornanon cen ha proved eaaily. If mm=2 ENOLISlI TAILORS' BLACK LIST. 1cf k ta bave the shalvas and floors and if putty ha spraad over this filling it in the charge. litil claimed that whorever Dglarudbleb rpe né ls 0 ofcloaet paintedl ta avoid da.mpness it wlh last a long tiine. _The paper iWalhs leas than four feet bîgh re- Kidney Pilla. are bonestly used tbey cf watrý froni the. hight of a faw test CAV R'j Pa erlgafter washing. 1 alsa like a biard fin. shouhd ha presesd firnihy into the uo mltec uko h nover ful ta drive kîdney disease out, it will hal seu that xvben the ballet Carbeic mllfoata as m FaritsehasReeeu-d l>r W*hlek Brltllh isb phastaned waiis in closets se that cruire aît anai trench sune one tht Of the systoni. This bas bean, toucîhes tha botteîaî a large bubbie of 'l~ 'rO'Oth odrec.h Tradesasen Preitet Thesuselves. I a bmofwt ht rcawt af id.Taca-inaido to sacure, caver. . warded 100 ea.adlpea orsi T~~~iere~~~ lan top hao off wbanc no forwrng i ing o! putty gives it a srnooth appear- feund abaalutely true by thousanda o! air will becoino datacbad andti se toex,îne hi eglrlh rvnil Thr at en hnenwfrwugout in bot watar. ances and the floor Mnay than ha stain- 'The advance guard o! a brigade ua- pol hogotQee.ttsrae ati aatebbl u leoA1 ai oirt th. gentlema whougou hikeso tee gofae an tiarent wbase are outgrow or@ ed wtheutlean bio tlion fo twae for ohar eaos hcann otgw ha usei or painted and with a rug in the ýially consista of four companies wlth Hilaine Daioaier, of St. Edwidge, a whll uaually ha f rom terk te twenty, BUPpl, IstV.le ra saylal yourûu tammiiy may haao fovr away. centrtecakwlscrlyhsan tw mciegus village near the Grand TrunlI lina ini tinles the size ot, the ballet. F. 0. OLET&C. monhaorave fo a inefiit P Oi r any moiay heate todois for . The, general docides wben the on- Conspton Gonty,ý ls among the lateat Now, s Mauser bullet traveling at MAO SER-. NLND ànad,nd tor vn coag isdfnt t er- Inf t gvingopl ofes e; t a"eatBRdo* OS an'afr bsbensf!cenl UR-fortd.H artîtîd wihbîbsee a adtacrr a oei liierpandth an c estee basdta thor. I foar oa kiin" ofifendsabyta "haur aAKN O dued ta dehivan the final assault. kidney disease. He was natualhy de- a hubble, of, compTessed air of large Liverpool,~~~enra Hectorter aandal sentr bisti id"wl ida a eb licate, neyer baving been verýy strasig. dimensmions. Experirnents made hy L â lreplcsthe tihiors are laading (Leng Thae Peoooe toahf cane qaela eb Ha was traated by numnerous and vani- a surgeon wbo fired a pistol inta aEU tare pace oitwelktbac i te n giv advicat sudr ei ined. plcnounsdPaîeo eisdlae<tst o !cooae aaeo h ui s adoctors, but they availed notbîng glass o! watet showied, the bual tae tha wayit withe inamn, eB wehh thon livacg outt~ garmant bhur moat neaded. LOs the sr ofeth. bail. wcrhed on lnes tbat are being copiad 1Thosa to ha muade aven for youî own A British soldier writin ri ae.a int olgGeamnt awato iing eutm weat,- but, lia hunredUes the aime o! caethoe, has teîsîtteted. ors, Drateme, Uniformofth. Rtc.i by thein trade braîbren ln othar parts! family should ha ripped aud bnusbed king during the siege o! tbat town IThora aie, 796, off icers holding rank ha beard cf Uodd' Kidny Pila. Qne and fromi thesa experiýments it la con- Every Towninhv a ansd dippad lu gasolina, not gasahine Thaahi e!sane o th mot aar-gallons put lu the wash houler at thé moat curions featuras o! the heno rdrs the Medijidie and the Osmian- j4e la re ing ho h anbis aningt boy af Maher h0ulaI enlod s u t iretefi lomi r.WtseIrnti gtcspirits la to, buihd up a national idaors and the light cohored or cleaneat badin.Wben the big Boer guil!hfoiggetrprso h de ia hoe. îin Wtr hCenfdaul ta' bodyn foc th a u nextensie sucer- Muie or u ala lamumn getia~~~~~~~~ bandmeut. iebpe froming grete sharts of wiLe de-de theLme i WstrnCaadoud'tfiiet ore o aue xtnsvelaer- hasyRooe& 0. Tyio t, black list, which wîhl inake it îimpos- rub c atig ipled fit It shousid the a oddtelo-u a Kidney. Pilla baving madls a atîong tien. This destr 1uctive air hubble is __ _________ sibla for mean withoul me-ans ta go; gasohina, squaaed out and rinsad lu tans, frein whauce ail liar movernants The Ordnance Survay Sappars did Imain locf liii. Simulai casas are well knowu ta surgelons under the ilMle~Hi ibldrsse lkegenleenat heil gaslie.ceuld ha accurataly watobad, gava the uat leave, ta mahe sketch mape o! comi-ng te light froni ail oven the camne o! pirojectile air, tBt . about~ri dressa lîko getlma nat therr dea gaolnaunAX I in vxpanse o! the 'fiirlTe lista' arel.. Meacasadgwsta ontaa ysudg a dcep-tonad bal the country undor active oparatians IProvnCe. ilng botter kepi every year, and il ee renuaking can ba washed iu this an *-th unrswn e iebr n--ltrNtl-a en nae Topics of the Day. jul b ssil a uprbut nda o thor tmaann iisonaaort. I thia was sop-piemanted by the 'shllniii by the Boers. CULGN.ROJ Evaryoue is àarpîisead at the repi-CahloP ye oko*Is0 wii hsd isupwrthioat îL o wheawitlor t aciebcomes dirty shlow the tinkle o! a smalien hall. Aitar this lumkn nrnhat h ik-dity and& e!!icacy witi hc Nervi- îue , ryce aU, kt-1, n awtottewoeihltegsln emuai ha used iront aud resu, and lot- ras-ov'-pi outs Ohursh eemese, ta-mept tbemn wili ha prael d front dm1t to.setiia ta the bottoi n d pour warning about ibrea seconds would ne Bitlsh Dislike lliMb Bmore Thau Au" Other liennepi ur-aivanti Ldito re ~eiodr oaiepoas too g1ing erders, for new clot'hea by the, Off the top Olotbinig that neoda alapse before the explosion, anl acros rb, rench one can mon Boer la seauth .&fnlca.a sudfi fr eatism.v Naivns nd .D &i ALHE~s5. ru teamun can 1a putk byncý wbauj uno b The. town doga soon fully gnasped its, s8afeywr isrtgte tsc o i ev an u OLR UTR ~ Mn g'reai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h eiskt are haand aindno!ban attended Inrto hn orfa.l ail South Africa nman is more slo e kpi on baud b vr oohrRpj onueeieuton (let ectd su ad confrouted wi th avidencae caaaaecend n meaing, sud whanaver the bell rang, operauld tha horfe.b eYsdlpO i! deil incurred alsewhere. , ta afier the houseclaaning la finusbed. began te bank il inl ail quartera, The vehic:le usoi by Gaenerai Joubert disliked by the British than Cranje- Ifamily. The Ota l muin' PIÇ$ well dressed man, witb more taau- 1 Soe housekeepens wash their hum- se tRIai if by chanceoana failed ta ha headed tor M1ool River bas not aven Paul Kruger. Ha is calied 1 ,. r~e. ens' iiahnclothes at home, ceau dnwssudrthiinteUI beai tb. hastyý ahi toua o! the ball beau 'found. IL la an ambulance wag- Black Cranje, poo is4bly an accaunt o! tr îe Mîr Table-Geoiglo do. It bpiac wtll ai with coiî ýat least ana a yeam, athara fit naws- tbe loa voices lu unison could net dd ~ ~ ~ ~ .. tr IM.eulyIa a.I sudsag-iod o-ay;hath 'Imh ppers iat the boitoni o! thair bureau îaiî te waru anae to taka shalter. 1 u o eno or ehaakKfr-keaipeops-î' p lli.iwas just waitin' tg e la ua a sif asîL mn boPs drawens, puttint lu fresb anaes tc- Th1eapae nti avnec !îeivld sibly fear bis more t han K-affin crualty. hlm plick up bis glatss ai wateî a cash~~~~~~ don n oerdem hli i casenally. If thene are any traces of big n aouigt h ase, corn-_ The Queen saut froni Buckingharn Ha bas nopver beza forgives 'the 1 heard pa tell you tha t bc lrnslk long liaI of credit transactions lu anme ilmoihe the dîawers ahouldt ha thon- mandant being waunded, no leas than Palace a graceful letter o! thanha lu îreaaiiery at Pelcba!stroom. Thea l.__________________ fanawa ton cn psaily a gt a Ioughly washed, the insida o!-the bu- tcre times; another, a rouýgh Irish rep:ly ta tb. congratulations of tb. vaiant garnison at that placie, uindr FOR TEBBEn~ by bis Lonidon tailor. reucendsd1netpwe l terrier accompaniad the Protectoratse resideuts of Kenilwomth upon ihe ne- ClnlWulLadot theIL voîy fi, le ot neceasaîy ta boy cor cures y I5e.U U~I" But this kînd 'of tbing will bý more inta every crack sud corner bafcoua Régimnt in ail is engagements, a cent ruccesses ct liem soldions in South' sudne thsle wasd ounpetitsu-Mnud w enhol rmmbnr buerewrko difficult lu the future. Thora .1 p-arie anyhiuebas. the1 third arnused itsahf by ruuniug a! 1er, Âfnica iand'i,.wacmeldt ur'e n onsol o .may iapamb hih te dawes.the amali Maxim 5i18i1, bakin lu, mandier -by thtc frsud o! Crouje. This thaIt Puitnamr's Painiasa 'Con Exirýac- LookISI ANRIANDYIN C nineyrps nty ifai. the bmac but.. Fuis and fîsunaîs wbicb ar t-e anîn ly anm osîeoî a ,~esdpl se iOokfrStnyu o ree u base he11s sud lnLT e r c b tt yi g lard te et ieve piec s; I The A m e nias arrive dl at Sou ha np- ai, T or nt th U CuOCe ur a d pa bsdoue business most recently, sud habe nruaed sud bouton, wrappead in ws rdn nml u hnvn oaefu !tahre eihed. On Matrc1r Î, 1881, Sir Evolyni Wood womkd quîclcly sud witb cenlainty. Set the chances are thal a wtre will brhng nwppesuthneadp nn-she board the alaîmi bell tare int tRIe he bias Lord Lvt' i~~amaiewt b oo Iiîea<i .C Poison on boar Lin la~rtap e i informnatian tbat will Put the talo bleachati catton abeeting. Some jjeo- bombproof atiachad ta hanr master's sd mbnsfre etc ets leaders at La.-ug's Nak. Ont o! the appears on, eacb bottle. Beware aosM rk0 on bais guard. pirplkeeeu ih cub fmdoubt, aud memained thora tili lhe Yeoruanry at Southampton ion South tarins ,vas that tbe British, com- PIeO~nO"i imitations.-bi guin camiphor or place math balla o was over ..raalaeyee iesc.01 eds about thain bef!oie wnapping; but h elosinAnmadrsolhaalînytaed Tht wisest ma Ma always îêarn enOfOdîOi pout reag ~ t CONSUMPTION IN NORWAY. have known peocple wbo have kept --- TRIe Vica-Chanctellor o! Cambridge aighi dalys' provisions ta each o! tht igcualhlu.g front lb. bumbleit pasant. ., oot< WP .GXO1U1Àe -fuma fiee froru motha for more tban A THOUSANI) TEÂPOTS. Ujnivarsity fins beau iuvited by the ganion l the 'Trainvaal, ail ha- .-3, P. Semn. ](c OiRe l>lsýrIe tut ibiseasme ft&a% leuereseit thirty yaams by aimply brushing snd 1teetnv haat7iug theým ibefom wnappiuig sud Anycue lu wani o! toapots should Sacrolamy ae Staýte ion Wam la niml- 1 iltias being sunpended for lbaI e,ing them up. go to Japun. An Englishwoman, an ate 78 candidae for commissionsý lupiidi etJuetudmoht Tae La alv CP 8 Onne D AUR . PU S In Novemben of!ýi asT Dm. Claus mme may ha taken le thet -si -uin a .l in -ha Tlk Lstv Brom QuinIne TeLe,. tl .rhupele atexorero Bailn o p eri, dtlivýieod a lec-ture piazza sud( placad in the suind ai- atisi mdueîa ooecti n tha m ou thoanm y -2ilr 5 in th e avalry Oth aend ai~o!n adBorinistia tdair. On giteeodîeoe i6c gai î enll ocure box'usatiSis. Ialon Io ai hel ilw ung ini thea Khefore îlae Stortbinig aI Chnistiana, ô owdtaar13î,pîow ryideacnlcio ! oe hn aalÂtllAi- 5luttMyalm ndgrnsnssdBorcomndr- .Grv' bi 11b îLecasasaitubnclosa ntiîL wnd butlual lth sun, blankels, if flot stbouan specîmens, lie îwo o! them 3lthÂrySrvcCap.Maroh 12, accordîn ta Dr. Jonissan.- -nm-Why'h ijoues rounpopu1ar li-n ORSN - ~ ~~~~~ . . sihed enDough le waab,_ hung an1 a- lin.r a il. Acaonin ta the Norihwesl- Oi o"S thiaia raa l asotîeamsiemahdCe polici circles? V -ick-Hle' launch----- 4S-Pulsitt otea fugf3i agaînaýt it. Hac stzted that dSa- for saveral-burs.- 1- Unita Catdlica, munas a -tilt against -at Potcheistrolm But the da s d a oriirnalfas îhe popular

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