Whitby ivic holiday August 6. Frosl ii111Y 1i~ Mr. R. Beith was home from Ottawa flhI1 IIi~ over Sundav. Talk of the town-Cawker and Tait's china parlour. AT if you want a stylish hat get it from Vi iMrs. Diu.gman.' sweet Pickles in Bulk, Try themn. Cawker and Tait. Seasllale ~ si~Annetta lutelii son, Toronto, i5 ______________viiting rela ives heve. Mr E. L. Fortt, Oultarie Bank, Tor- - -J -onto. was in town Ovi,r SuadaY. Visit Nieholils great variety store. Four columns of matter crowded out. Luttreli selis Web5's Chocolates. Try them. Buy your paper and, envelopeà at Nichols'. Brooms, dusters, and dust.papis eheap at Nicholl's. A Gent's good second hand W heei £,or $10 at Rickard's. Steamship business of this district is done by M. A. Jame's. 7,Fieldtnnd:,-,ardeüàseedofai kinds at M. A. James is Gnvernment issuer of Marriage Licenses. No one in Canada gives sueh va.lue in wedding' rings as Rickardl, Bowman- ville. Picture Frames-Geo. P. Freeland makes ail styles and sizes. Prices reasoniable. Mrs. Windatt who has bèe<i yisiting Mrs. Thornas Tod lias returned hoQme! tç> Beaverton. .Men's llats-the ver y latest Eriglish and Arican Styles-at Couch. John- ston & Crydermnan's.1 - - -ng-- -- --- ---d- -- --- -- --- --t-- --M-- --A.---Jam es----. Lady's bicycle g anted, nearly new and cheap. M. A. JAMES. Look ahead! Make no engagements for Wednesdayeeng Maý 28, except to spend a social evening with the Young people of the Disciple church in their school room. Admission 15c. or tw o for 25c. LAWN MOWERS. To mypatrons-I respect.fully thank -. 4.W ill PayY nu --To.Examine Our Seeds ---