Ný,otes and Conimen-,ts. and evidently raises men not only in _________________________the Moral, but aso inl theeCOnMomic aMd industrial scale. We have not a ïhe peiodical recurrenceý of faines d!oubt, that if the, whole population of in dlifferent parts uf the w'orld coie- India were Chbritian, suoýh an atil- atp; lý) th, iiin-iiey fisos(l s roIrun4l imrovemient of the Ideas as atua flýor te hiumrateliposeai se- wl lisideals of its inhabitants would' ion pobeminpratialphlathropy. resuit as wovuld ia-e faminles infre- In soime counitries fainiies are almost quent, if not impDossible. Meth(Od of Inceussant. It is8 dif f jouiLt t teil wbhere work would become more intelligent, Oil fýmiL eue ad a'oLiei e i ii uproved implments of husbandry one ii fam.ie ends dan othrbgnwould bha.Lntroduced, society would be thecaues halprduc faine. Fomtoned up, wate of resOu1rýes woldC be the ùlU piodue f Miles Frin 'corrected, reserv're stores would be the Christian 1IYint of view faminesi gathered, anýd evcn if in limited s4ec- ire in Part prcl(ential, usng,,hati tions famines stili prevaiLed at times, tern i [ ta rpar sense, but also freim the neigiabloring sections of the in P-art prý%eentable. He wuid be a country, &id could soon be readily af- bold înaa w;ho would ventura to as- forded.ý sert tbat famines are neyer sent by Mhe Lord as a direct puniÉive visita- tion uon certain classes of mankind, Many a local famine is simply a su- whille yet it dues not behoova ns to perfluity of stupid nnughtiness, as in endaavor in a cens-orous way to de- Turkay, whera lu one province thous- termaine just how much Of the afflic- ands may ba starving, while a, hun- tUon endured [n thia world is punitive dred miles away food may ba f oand anà hiow mutbh il prevantable. [n plean ty. -But under .present, pool' 1 1 while the Arabs hava bean scattered over the country ta titi the land, or are aengaged on canai warks sund iu rebuilding Khartoum. Next, for administrative purposes, the Soudan bas beau 'divided into !ive provinces sud three amailidistricts, aoach of the formier being lu charge Ai a BrCitishi officer, witb two British off icars under h¶ma as travelliug inspectors, aud under them the mag,ýis- tr'ata.s sud police officers. For mar- tial taw bas beau substituted a Soudan P'laa Code framad aftar -the Iudian Code usad i[n British East Af rica sud Zanzibar, sud a Code ai Criminal Pro- cadure, based on Engtish military iaw, sud so famitiar ta the officers called upon to administer it. As for siavery, wbile it bas beau fouad ira- practicabla ta at once abolish it, the institution being fimmiy rooted. in the Soudan, t1re traffio in sud ill-4treat- meut of slaves is prohibited bv beavy CA-RE 0F THE F HORSE'S MOUTEI. An asýsenIial feature in grýowinGg go01dbharnteas lborses - iS sucb ,attan- tieu t0 the meuth ;as will rnake ,it certain tJhat it is in a co0ditiot raceive anLi masticata food wih om- fort to tha animal, otherwvise' it ray partially starve and becomaemnaciated befo-re one is- awaxe of it or has a suspicion whaLthtJe trouble is. This is bad anougli in the mature hýorsa,' but iu the yoUing, grroui ug colt, it lis4 mnucli worïse, for the stunting of any kind of live stock duriug the growing p'eriod 18 vrery raraly evar fully ra- covered from. We do nof now refer should be taken ont te let la the sun- light, to keep the trea ftram an- cocigon its neighbours, ta re- mnove wselassansd injuraýd parte, sud to ma-1-spraying, cultivatiag snd bar- vesting easy. Firat remove dead or broken limbe. NePxt take ail branches crossing ona another. And further pruniug will de- pbend upon the judgmn ni the pmun- el', but, as s rule, saine further thin- ning oif tha top ila desirabire.Ney set trees shuldhaprunied savareiy to balancue the l os 0 f mots in tranis- planting. Selec, t afew (di the branches to foria the main omids of thie trea, and eut back one,-haif or two-ihirds of those which axe retaineui. Use a sharp saw with fine teetb. Cnut branch- as as close te the tree as possible. Caver ail large woands with thiek Isa d paint. Buru ail brusb sud trimmings ta destroy insecte, eggs, etc. Success for Sixty -Years.-This is the record of Perry Davis' Pain-Kîller. A anthropy is not a specialty. Ther'e-j fore, we May lay this dowu as afu- dational principle, that reaily the miost economical method of famine relief£ ini the long rua would. ha to C'hiStiîan- zethe World, sud an make famines neit to impossible. But for thi:s reseut diatress, as P;aul mightl say, a wise metbad 0off i m- ina relief becomas litcessary. In In- dia millionis are tbiretened itb star-! 1vatian, whUiluArmlenlia a residuaoOf thae ilis aifore amn istrasa ahides ilu the ocsite f idows aind orpheins. -lunviaw a f ail Éthesa fataltan for thaý administration ai fuuids basa beau proposed by the Misses Leitch, formaî-ly missionarias in (aoyli, wbichcoutemplates the formnation ni a permanent Interden- ominstianial Relief Committi a, whicb could ha chargad witb the task of wisely proportiouiug sud distrihuting ail contributions for tamine relief. It is cartainly the case tbat simiply Co raise a great fuad is not auough.] The question af its dishurseaient is ai equal iutarest sud importance. With the hast intentions mistakes of ad- ministration xight bh adue which wauld prove exceadlngly costly. In the case of mnuy spant abmoad, it w ould be very hazardous, in soma cases to allaw any part ai it to ha di'bursed, mare likely disparsed, by native govamumeut officiais, mauy of whom have vary sticky fingere. Sncb work ni distribution caunot ha vell csrried ou by parties autirely without experience in the business. Thora- fore, the estahlisbing ai ragular chaunels of snpply sud axperieuced boards ai contrai wauld seem ta be advisable. îý; ýý ýý ý*. ' V ;,, ',We akre ,aJwara Lhtiii l may ha argueaci tia h aablishiag a apof anu Interdenamiunational Relief Committea THER,_ s 18 215EKINm 0FD PIN r R with a paid secretary, wouid nacas- ACHE, 11RTERVeAL OR ETfNL sitata a gonld deal ai extra axpausa, THAT PAIIN-KILLEI 'tdLL101RL and iniglIi aven -seen ta &et-a premn- LiEYE. - jn apthat kind où apatisy sud int- 10G0K OUT 0R 1as"!r A T! CNSA Nn euc providence airaad, ta wiio we have rrUTES. Tvii: ýGEýNU.JICBT referred, wisich iucrases if i doas -.ARS TIHE NAME, not originata famine disiresa. Mare- avec, il migist b h iongisi dfficulita PHRR DAIS ~ appeal -ta tisbpublica ail tise tinte ou ~ LQi~a kimi ai continuons famine plaiiomm. jWiie tisera is force lu tisase objection s iwauLd appear as ibovugi soame sys- tain migisi ha worked ont combining lé a certain amouat ai voiuntary adv[s- ary wark by ira stees-men who oaa ha trustad-sarviug gnatuitaously, witis thlàe expert paici laisor ai a perman- ent secretary, tisafull hoard or coim- mittea inakiug speolai appeala wheu a part 'icular urg6ey arase,,yet net amy- iug "Wolf I' tao fraquantly or wjub- flA on reason. lerisaps tise secretary's cateaion Dmight vury samewhat quîre, bing pd.aced. ai cemtain sea- Lýý à csus an uaiting orders, or wligeu "dis- t ess" w iia ,aieS. ,bigýecitu dev&a ,JMU only;1 fraiction ai bis tmetotiseworrk. O ulCi O, j ; grel. el wotia ddeperl noaba- -P,,moesallp(lisii an iapuitesfomilng 'lise serviceas ai tisa igh isuosat Rémoea al pison sudimprliis fof sai aacratary, and ni sensible trus tees. lia ysteru.- While [t migbt ha an importantý ad- Givas streuglth sud vtaliiy lu Place of vantaga to have a ýgenaral commit- waakuass aud isuguor. tee, wisicb would caver tisa ground eTisa mosi vonderful btood purifier, o thserwilse ceurseci aven by :varions ir- ieelorative And siraugihanar knnwn 10 reaponsibiea suvertures, tisai comitu- science. tee, in order ta commiand public confi- 'Br. Geo. Heriol, Dailliéboro, Ont., osys: 1ana, isauld ha broa inlu us cousti- «*Two yaare ago I was very poorly lu tise tution, rapresanînîlve of tis ehat sprng, biad no appatita, ielb waak and ànissîanary talent sudd adesi praciic- narvaus, ni able ta work imuais and Wsai, p4ilauihrapy at iobmsa and abroa;d. tired ail tisatinte. I aw B'sdbdfBfodBifara liighFy Pulcntrs[aoceerd pn recommanded. an gai a botte.Puleîtrs ocneedpn IL started , aking, it, and lueide af iwO. tise progresa ai avants in Sauth Africa motislwssaealasavar I wassnmyliia Chtiai tile thaugis is givan. taotisar 111 chaerfuliy recosménd B. B. B. as a ' fplendid blood purifier and epring mad.. parts ai tise great continent, thaugis *lue."tise reorganrization ai tise Soudan un- In these days of imitations it le well for everyoua ta hé cai-cfui what lha baye. Especiaily ie Ibis neccssary wisen a matiar of healtis is involved. Tisera are so mauy lîmitations nifDoa' Kidney Pille on thé markaî-somne of tisem abeolutaly wortisiass -that we ask you in b. particalar ta sas tisatishe fall naine and tise Irada mark ai tisa Maple Lëaf are on evai y box you boy. Without hia yan are m ot gatimg tise original Kiduey Pili, wiich bas carad SBoînany severe cases of kidney camplaint in tisa Unitedi States, Australia and Englaad, as wsll as bure in Canada. t'ho Doue idney Pll Co., Tarante, Ils q'uite P']ababie tihat if the peoplea Q! India had beeu Christians for gen-I erations it woild not have occurred. Por Christianity le historically sudi êenîtially the religion ofprges You can't b. healthy if your bowels are constipated and emyour systern clogged with te, eýpoisonous material. There ýî tshould be a natural move- e rhent every day, and the beat jêway ta secure !t is ta take Laxa-Liver PlIs. The mosýt 3,obstinate cases yield to theïr action.' They neither gripe, g sicken nor iveaken, are easy ta take and1 prompt ta act. Dr. ~Heais !and soothes the Norway Pins Lungs and cres Couglis adColds ol the worst kind after other remedies fait. Pleasant to take. Price 25c. Avaidauca ai labar by ne capable afi illeads inevitably tota iîm sud lacis ailintereat. No ana lu tise ildst der Sir Regiuaid WiuTate, in auccas- of nia wark, pausisec witlv euergy sud sioru ta Lard Kitcisener, la waîl worîisy fidelity, complalns aif ennui, or bas ofi atLeutiin. Tiseo pciug o ieisan acqasintauce -hil hU i uodiug its ar vasi ragian, clasad ta tise autside daspandancy sud ntoÉbid iniraspea-. world for mare tissu sixteen years, lion. And suaic tsh sruai out vit- toak place lu Novambar last, whvi tise Kisalifa was killad sud bis army aity mucisi fasiar tissu occupation annibilated in an advaace toward couid wsar i t oui, or aven an excsp- Omdurman, by tise lissiofai iethrea I tiouaily isard gninci exhaustiti. Tisa Anglo-Egyptian expaditians saut adjnstnient jfmank0n i tls serions againt it. -ha govarmmnt set up ta work 'S. a noble andysd far mare succeaci tise ideous iyranuy of tise dessaving ai a place ,ýas e cience tissu Mlahsdi and tise Kisalif a la neoassarily wisarteiscanventionraily cale Ùncres- military, tise natives "ownig n argni, trou. Per-ioda afinemt are gooc, bah1- muant but fo>rce," an ammy ai 11,000 men cisys ha,ýVa t11iar paca niofulfaci is heiug permaiiintly roouentmatad ai e afresis ug far, i (dotng sonàû(tinig Omdurma sd Ksatont nsd isibut tia, min uin essofisumianity commaýnd carrying \witish Litise gaver. is zaos okialkcontinuonus uer-ganaýralsisip ai tisa Soudait. As tise 1Ihor as lang as streuigtb endu-Lres; nid mule was alsa tisai of farc-e, t L isens c hlaugihana ýlii a a1s wail as swVeeî- naew ule diffama iront it lésa in tlisa ans i. If auy ana tiiks ta b .ng meana employeci tissu in tisa abject taihere tisa man wil the tisaoalai tise aimaci ai, wisichis l, bro)adly spaaking, earlier view aif Carlyle ha tise au- to devalop tise nation whici ina-a rude swssi: "Venanable ta me tisahisard sud dagraded f rt camaein beiug band-enokad, coarse-whisaein, not- am a resuli aiftise Mahisat ravoli, aund witisstandiug, liesas snuniug vi1t-tue, ta prepare it for inclusion, amang indafeasihiy royal, as oi tiese ceptar ai civilizad peuples. Iu ibis pmoceas final tis planai. Veïaerable; to', ia tisa place is given ta tise establjisment aifna.ggcd face, ail weatbér-tanned, be- law sud ordar, sud tise firsi atep bas, soîlec wih is rude intelligence; for beau ta preveut tisa paslhility ni au- it ta tise face ni s man living man- othar insurrection by tise deponiation like." andi confinement ai Roesua ni aliltisé----- ratations aitise Mahdil sud tisaKisalifa ljkeiy to famentonue. 0f tisa ramaja-1 C 71 CIdr en Il JIfor [ng Dervjises, tise blacha have, ioiiow.. ing tise Britishs ouatant, beau irealy enliated in tise Saudanase bua tousn, oua ni great daiicacy, auy beavy taxa- tion threatening ta praveut the re- vival ai prosparity assautiat ta tbe payýmeut of taxes at ahl. The plan of lavyiug uew taxes mouthly as trade inorases bas, bowvever, beau adopitad, sud thus far iouud ta workr iairly wel], thaugh the danger of averdoiug it is evidauît, sud could revenue be oCtherwîse provided, a more rapid lu- crases aif prospervity would follow ware ne talLesi te ha imrpn)sed f or the uext tbree years. 0 f the other abjects whiLch must pracede the larger dvoofnet ithe pos- sibititias ni the coatry, 'the redistri- bution ai the o pPulation, establish- meut of commilunications, rehuildiag ai cities, etc., coma lu naitural ordar, sud thse anergy with wbicb tbay are being pusbed must go far ta couvince the natives, that the purpose ai Eng- land iu thse Soudan is not destructive but constructive. A receut London treatIse on re- creation as a science bas givan rise te s disonession as te tse prapar dlîisîon of wakiug bours betwean lahor sud play. The attemptu t draw ahUne ha- tweeu vocation und., avocation is mis- leadîng, for work lu a great many cases la the higbest eujoymeat. Oua fallacy ta get. rid af at the, start ,is that megular, strenuous work, a full day s work as a habit, is iujuriaus. It îe idleuass or biaif-hearted effort, not regular occupation, that is cor- rosive. The wali-kepti machine in motion outlasts auy' other. There 15 a tradition;, thaýt people w-,ork tisejseives to, deats, brut ia sucb cases ,sthe trouble Oaa hé traced ta irreularities, fafln ,Or neglot ai f xed sud pi er fectly weflikuown laws (A býaltb. The proper bodiiy balance muat ha maintrnlneuiljy sieep andi nut- rition, and hpandaiurry sud fluster muat, ha avaided, but tise c -able warkmau may, labor on from youth toi age tealisours a day sud ha ail tis, bettar for bhis steady going along tise arbit of years. The-deeper -infliieice-s back ai such a - lie are pmue s-ervative, flot destructive, lu former years, muis mure than at Preseut, tisera was an idea that tha goal, ni business was ta, obtain a competency sud tisen "retira." The tso'ugbt of dropping a regular pur- suit sud doing uatising thereafter, or as oua pýleases lu the mattar ni re- creation, mnay l ook, attractive on the surface, but iuv-ariably laads te dis- appointaient and< as A mule, te physi- cal sud otisar jus u.uknowu bai ore. A bealtby man wakes ixp lu the moruîng witis s complete day's work storand up. Tisera i no methnd cf ret ir-' eet- iron this provision ni nature. The sometbiug useful, sud this reqirées mno- re o esacls e effari ud sýiii". fui. knowledge, Pe3;pla arce trnlyl salo to; ha as aid as they feai. Aniiong the,_ buietraLas in thie \Norld ito-daýy are tiosa aioftishre akaiaad Pre- sideut of tisa Boaers and Lord Salys- bury, bolis paat 70 snd both, carry1rng ou t heir sbanldrs, somuewhat bout hy aga thongh! they ha, the caras ai a nation. Thea rula ofi Queen Victorias lufe bas' beau stat ansd social xwork promptly and tborougisly perform- ed. Her trip;ta Ireiand, 'with its rondaifunctians, bas beauno ight undrtaingfrom. ona past 80e, but her pisysiciaus, do not couceive thatý inîgbt ot ha beneficial. the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Chlldrent, givlng healthy and natural sleeP. Castorla 1$ the Citld±eun' Panacets-The J!/other's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. ".Cautons le au excalienut mediclua fbr "Castori s le anweil sdapied to children clldran. Mothana have napeatediy told me Chat I recommend it s superlor te any Pm>. aif is gond affect uponltlbeir citiren." acription knwu ta m.." Da. G. C. OsGoonu, Loweil, dlf4a H. A. .Al;Csss, -,, D. 2rooktit, Y. y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F *jsmaii alivai- ta panetrate the gum or The'y Are -Net Averse Ie Practlelag thei th. ida of the ciseak, eometimoa-s tisa Arts of Fïaglssi.% displaced crowu of a milk molar witi Wrestliug le geatly lu vogue witl Ecause s groat deal ai trouble, ai wisicb tisa roylty ai the word h ueo 3the reai cause je unsuspectad. Salie a3aai.Ts uea horsas hava taath 'tisat ai-a sait or York wap an adept ait the art wben saIt in spots, sud they wear uneveuly, a " middy " ou hoard the Britanuica, i caýkiug a tootb t-hatc lacerates tisa while Prince George ai Greace, wbo tangue or ciseek. Some h lava aclaugat-iswtatadbtiesrngtry -ed moI(lars tisat ulead tise rasp'. Youngswihu aduý h trnet o bi rlcsee framr two ta four years aid ai peýrsorîaga lu Europe, bas grappleri citen suifer fromt the developmaat oain uwrastin ueI5alKcigt tise petrmnent inilars bei)i dthé tamlnnmths u trni Spirary aa,. ts Iffclty -conpatitions witb aone ai tisa worI d's anly ha reaulc'bhy aXt ractiig isa la t- Ajtrongest men. Prince Georgeaunti. ter Hrse sife fom ecye(j s few years ago was coiIile to play teathi, too, sud oiten from the ccm second fiddtle, santa speak, ta tise late Slat;iajn af food or bits ai -corii ob Ca'iIlsia literai Hercules, and about a ciispased tootis, maLking a ielidCzro .usa ador that la very epulsive and lu- thse idéal ruler from tne point of viewi jurions ta the healtis of thse animal, Of fiersoual appearauce. Czar Nicha- The lampas, wisich is not a disease, tas was a woudamful man. Thare waî but s cougested condition ai the na coin ai bis realm .wisich hae was ual "bars," due ta rspid development oi the'abie ta baud ho breakiug point lu bis teetis sud ta the iucresad quautity liuge hgnds, wbile il cama astural'to ai blond wisich sticb developmeut calîs him ta double up a poker as a mens *ta the mouth, aiten gives feading aof demonstrating bis muscular pow- trouble, but it oaha cured by prick- er. Ou ana occasion, by means ai a [ng tise congasted Parts ta bring tise patent arrangement, ha raised uear- blood sudf thon wassiug tbe mots ly sisaulder highi at the samne moment 1witb aluni watar., Iudeed, nearly alI lover 20 memisers ai bis f amily, inclnd- Sthe difficulties we now have lu mmnd ing, we believa, tisa Pninceas ai Wales are simple sud easily overoome mare- iserseli. ly by giviug attention fron time ta Prince George oi Greece is no mean time ta tise condition ai the moutis. successor ta thse Hussiau Euîperor. Ha, The principal reason why they do the tua, bas made gond use of bis strenglb harin tiat aiten resuits £rom themau more occasians tisan ana. Lt ils bis is that mauy owuars nifisorsea who passion ta visit exhibitions ai streugtli mnake a, pretensa ta being expert sud wrestliag matches incognito, and isorseman, avartook the uecessîty for thera taise part wîti ss aristocratie troquent eas»ination ai the moutis1 pugilisis'sud men ai muscle lu tise ta ses that thera ara no lacerationa varions encounters. Ou ana occasion or other conditions Ithat intariera wjtbhah was attacked in a low district af good ieding. Atisaus by a party cdi fierce rougis, Iwiso meanaibis deatis. Hawever, hae ual EXPfERIMENT ON THE FARM. oniy waOs quite able ta defaad bim - Every farYa shauld [n s sense hba self againat tise adéis, but aven man- aged ta put tise wiscll baud ta iligist expaimient taiobut, like atiser ax- i by -a-tjudiciaus useaiofbis' fiste, pamrimant stations,- tà ssnlW !kap -Of IuianPrinces ferwrtisera care-wha witliLi ise appropriation."iBy Èibi; s' (a,0 doÉat ireactive part in 1mýoa i tIi-e pettyv wars lu which tisaeir count- Smeant isaid it sihouid try no large, re r lneiîa iet îa doubiuîaxprimants in wblicis f a>il- Tise Gaakwar aif Baroda, when in Eng- ara wou-ld cause appreciable lass. If a land a few years hache, took home witb uew croýp ila prapasad as advautagaaus hlm a young soidiar ta instruct hlm in s pa rt joular section, wisere il ils un- sud bis isousebotd in tise geutia arts tried, ao farmar eau afford ta r'îsk a rslu u oig auy large areaslu tryiug it, but if it ha reaslouahly pramising ha may welt FOR OVEII FtaOTY -YEARS. devote a smatl amouat ai land sud Mrs.Winslow'm SoothlngSyrup bas beanusued bv laorteth stteen o te u-milllou'sof mothers for thei bîre hf isho ta isa ettimentai te q es-tathiug. If disturbed at nigrht aud brakea af tion for himseli as ta wviether it is yaurat by asick ciild îuffernug andcriî ai value ta hlm. Tise feading triais tisai with the a 5in of cuttîng teeth saad atron ce sud5 are- carrled on at tise regniar expemi- fet a battIs of Mrs. Wtualnws' Soothlug Syrup mentstatonsare ittl ornothng or Childran Teethlng. It wtll raliave the poor men satinsar hitl o uohig ttle iniferar at once. Depaad apou h tmath ,ers, mwore tisa» au effari ta leamu, wltis thers ijane miatake about t. It cures iSiarrhoea as mucis accuracy as possible wisat rlates the îtomach sud bawali, curas Wind resuts wll illn tis feaC.g i .asd' nthe garai, reducasiflammation, resuts wli ollo th feeingof aandgivas tane aud anargy ta the whole syatem. given kind cf animais with a givan Mns. Wlaîlows' Sclothtug Syrup for chtldreîi amount of i eading stuf fa, under a pre- teethiag ta pleassaut to the laite sud 18 the pré- aragdset o conditions. Tise chiai acription of ona of the aidait sud hast famais arranad ah ebviauis sud nunais iuthe Uu'ited States difiarance betwea tbam and tisaV111r2ea ba ottie. Sld by alidruggits thro, gi- feeding dloua by tise farmer. is tisai out the world. Be aureansdasfor Mrs. tu s- accurat-a accounit [s kept aif tisefeedes BOW's' 5AthlaQ SY ra) used, tise weigists madd, tisa kiud sud eonition ai t! ise stocktaO begin witis, THE SOURCE 0F GLYCERINE. sud tise circum:tancasaunder which tise iedfiughas beau doua. Evary Aiyelîta esadCni etr orh isgs [twouîti bo a ieeding trial, .ta Ia5crea., anaiI 1In the expenîmant tationseausa, if ac- Glyceriue ha nsed lu mairiug nitro- cura-téf accouats ai al tisa feed usad1,, glyceriua, sud nitra-glycamî ie his te grains mada sund conditions mai wIere c'hiai constituent ai dynamita. Lt kap-t. -Every suais axperimut wouldi have au educat1i onal value fur iseyoud also entera 1l.argely into tis1e composi- tisaita obcecderjved fro thtie mare tienononsam of tisa smokeless pawder work ai' feadiug ivisen no tub is kapt -cordite, for instance. Tise Soutis on it. L t would teacis saine gioad point kfrican. war, tiserefora bas brought ta be imitated iu future work. o r i oi samne fauli, ta ha avoidad, sud farmars, i noncreasad demaud iu Euglaud aud partiicular youug farmers, wouid juat now, altisougis its exportation do waýll to Ibche ont a systain ion bas 'net beau praibited, as was tisa thainselvas in regard ta it that would cs ihcroiai e ek h1a asnerfctas ihairaiuastion sud cs ihcrai cdafe ek facilities wo;uld permit. When ana ago. Tisa faat is, lydita. lu tise car't-da ,just-as-ha wautwto,-tise net--manufactura aI which a denivativa o t béat ting la ta do tise hast hae cari. carbolia acid is usad, can ha handled wth lesa chance ai accideut tissu dynamita; sa tisat up ta tisa preseni VALUE0F GOD PASURE. tinte thea latter bas not fouud auy ex- An Euglisis writer tells us that in tensiva application lu war. And aven au experiment made tisera, ana acre nilra-giyceriaa gun-îsawdars ara gaiig of iel potur mae agai of500ount ai fa van becausa ai their un-- ai naispiatur ruae agai ai500stable cisaracter sud otisar drawýbacks. peundis oi heaiou stears ied tisera Still, for the tima heing alycarine en- for six malntl'is. On cafl de ai saine age 'jays an enhancad popularîuy lu tise sud naarly saine siza, stal lad, it taok markets ai Europe'. 3,W) panus ai claver hay, 1600 pounuis !Samatiig like farty tisousand tous cana and ail meal sud 10,009 pounds of ibis cammadity ara made yearly aof Swcada turnips tn maka tisa samas juat now, yet tisera is uawhereas fac- gem,ý The pastune was called geod tory davotad primarily ta its manu- enouis lta have eut about 3 1-2 tous ifacture. It las a hy-pwoduct of sosp af i,, ifayif h iad beau mowu, but even suad candle factories. Lt lasRot itself tissu thepasture foodi was ciieap. iatty, but it is associatad witb fat lu Very îaw isare wouîui pasture a fili nature. Whan alkalis are comhiuad as riais as tÉbat, sud w a are not aura with tisa fat, la makiug aither st ear- [t, would hae lcaomy isere, but qe re ina candies or saap, sud thon a littie very sure isat it would ha pjrofital at Ud0tats apants ta try ta make somle of ise pasinras I steanina,, or saap, -wiil saparatéi frein grow tissuhanthey dlid. 1tise reat ai tisa fluid, , -w isic acalled grawmor grss spe ive," Formen ly tise manufac- turer allouwad tise latter to f ow away, SPRING ORCHARD PHUNJNG. Now, isowger, hae baves isud seaka, Do unet allow asainulutisearcisard ta alirninata tise glycarine. whoestmats hs scces b th am wTo bagin wilîle haias, a mixture nf wisaestmats bs sccea b tie a- vater, glycarine, sait sud somie otiser ount af. brusislha cuis ont. A ton impuritias. The a wter is baileci off, sevara pruuing wili ouly cause tise trea tise salit recovaraci fan future use, sud ta gow mre ankl. Bt enuhtise residua 18 amruie glycerine. Tis to gow are auky. ut eougs imuai ha carefully reiiuad before il is fit foar use, but tisa degrea ai reflue- nient ta wisich it is subjactaci de-- D11 W. 'CHA011 pends on tise particular fate ta wbiais CATARH lr ltiS thon ta ha davoted. Out ai a GA'If"IRRHLUREsundred tous af fat niotcvar fiva tons 1 c ent dir.ct tathe i- i jof glycernuacan ha ahtainad. JOHN FE BoWst XNVILIAI. APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. L TM~7E CeNTAUR COMPANV. TT MUR- rnt.NEW Vf~CITY, TicBeverlok 0Sale 1 We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six week,3 and have lots -ta dispose of yet, aud very cheap-flrst-class goods at very smail nrices. ÉOui carry a good assortment of Ladties' Oxfordl,colore-d and blaek s.t 81.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, tramn $1.40 *to 82.50, worth .$2.00 ta $3M.50. Cildcren's B13uttoti aud BlMS 25e, 500, 75e, wortb 5b0e, 75c, and $t.0.Mises', Boys' aud Youths' ta correspond We wil i tnyon-wht tho stock is lu esýchsud every pai,-. 'ThE) reason we dIO that' is becaýUse we kuow. Latest Spril1g syes in *stock l U every liue. The public is invited ta inispeut aur s3tock ; no itrouble ta show goods-we do it with pleasure. Truuks, Bdags, Satchelî; Shawl Straps, fancy and. plaizu Dreshing, the very best that can be bought. Cheap trash-dressiug idear, it-- will- rmin the boots Ai 1 appl- ed ta. Repsiring doue iu ail its ,branches in flrse-elass style.- Fine work made ta arder, sure fit or no sale.- Thsnking MIy customîerrs for past favors anld haping for a continuance of the >ame, Beaver Block, Bowmanviile. Ham pto n- Geineýr alSo re, We "bld a vaster stock_ than has bea, nd are as usuial prepared te give bargains in Clathing, Dry Gîoods, Groceriesasud Hardware. Glents, ltig Good Tweed Suits ta order $8.00. flood Serge Suits to order $8.OO. We have a very large aud well assorted stock ta select froni, in Serges, Worsteds and Tweeds, ath Foreignansd Domaestie manufact urd, Wt are bound to'SUIT ycu. Groceries and HaUrdware. In aur Grocery aud liard ware Departments yoit wiflIfind aour stco*k well assart-d, bought in the best markets'at the closest p!iï2S, and wfli be sold at te right prîce. Somne people want quantity oiYhrs qua1ity, we eau please bath. Highest price paid iu cash for praduce. Give us a ea i. HAMPTON. "One grade ouly and that the Best." llaving been ippoiuited soit represeutative for abave cornpauy, for Bowmauville wbcg ta Lfut the public that we have bought thus early aur supply of Cutters ad Steighs for the caming sleighing season. As the McLaugiînCoa. e saild over 2,200 ao2,00hunre ctters they are makingý ta mi-eet hi ever icesn demiand Llhat eit for thieir goods, wve tookç tiniah the forelock auid made aur selcectionjsean sd aur first couisiguren wihI arrive this wveek.- A fewseil featu-res of thleir C!1ttrs: WOODL)WOUR.-Planieis aie giJued and tLïciape a sd arfuivscýrew aud luged:Ben SeondGroth Hckoy Kses SeondGroth ickr Beams: ihenlt îfènders mî_ortised ou to bea.ms su ad braced-the sragetjob; panfi Lhnged dash braced; Fhaftà extra XXX Htickory. IRONWVýORK.-Ail braces. T's, etce, af steel aud forged iu aur owu iotcey li lu, projectiug steel shoeq; . hilting' shaits (right or loi t) or centre dra ft ôr without har. PAINTING.-Rich warm colors, or dark; with gearing teo match, hand somely striped sud finished; carvings ou sîdes are solid-aot trausier; u panel afiflash buri waiuut or rosewood. TRIM MING.- -Cimsou, olive or goid Mohair plush or green jr blue cloth, extra high sud eas 'y spriag back, spriag cushion, deep quar'tors, carpeot i l attoi and ail round panels inside. toe rail; baudsoma nickel piated rmi rails, extra heavy; screen, soiid brase fuit pisted; shaits ifnll ieathered and sle tipped,. silver ends on whiffletrees. We have decided bargalus in 2ud baud Oarts aud Buggies. Osl sud inspect, and aiso rnake your selectiaus J' 1 Castoria Is fer Infants and Children. Castorla is harmless substîtute fer Castor Oil, Paregorie, Dr,« aud Soothig Syrupe. It contains neither Opium, MIorphine noir other Iarcotie sbtne It ls Pleasant. tve m.antte ls ti .e xM ?Sor (;lýïùeriail