'15 -2,~Tpwaa 'î'~wem 'oo e dalanO .51 poo.â lIT130 uo dolunuU -uTuEu. s Ioblq;o ON \-OsTqzo. riJo c Iuv 0.1tcx dI(IqsLiui3rn.oasJo SIDop lie jsu!rirT pQ;buefan2 si pari, q si p doun l L, Sa -p0oo. J o iluwnâ i e ,i ..oo6z u! 's-P1. doluna liv,, DR. L.POTTItU. rce ad esdncCnchStOppelta Trinity ongregatlonal chur-ch, Bowrnanville. 25 6m miss EVA LU TTRBLL ~epr c teg v!lsson's0ou ergan and piano ai residenice, Kilg St. S MISS ETIFHEL MORRIS, ART I c~nsgvn10PITN in 011, Water Color sud Cfinai. Sketching amci T,~tlng froiii nature. I i YNon peietr at 11sual priceg 5L61. Ie~ve esspa n PanoorOrgan, eitbar at har o)u rmidenca, Silver St. Bwavll, or at tiehorne of ber pnplls. 50-31m" NEW AUCTIONEER. JAÂMES BusiiOr, lleensed atinerwil cen- dnt sales fil West florbi-aml this seatesn at lowest ratA5s. Appy foi' ter, claem, etc., at JOHN RîftLSuu' ani hp ing St . E., Boýwmnau- ville. M nd Surgeons, Ontaio,Coroner, etc, Restidecea. Einnislillen. 74 A. B. MeLAUGHfLIN, l*&lîBie 1K18Sre, omnIl.rr8ter, Solilcitor aud Convayancer. Offie:-1 Money 0o ban a reagonable rates. 4-lyr, ROBEIRT Y9CNCG, V. S OFrlCE IN WÎEST DUERïýAM NEWS 0 Block, where bimseif or bis3 assistant wll be found frorn8 a. mt. te S9. 0: Night cails at ,,lraph or tleptione wiil rece.iv3 prompt at- IIAIR WORK.-aeawsi hr d9le Over, CRa! t Mss î~ass5K Easad colr of Oxiari ýL tBwa le 4t KREA(ELICENSES,-M. A. m Eusarof Marriage Licenses. 5udne.: Cen-ti e street. $50.0)() (0 TOLEND ~O. aO,. o n g cd mort- nAe sec-uity t inoderate ,rutes cf interest, WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Sigior Mqlieun Explains Wliy ReRaIts Were Nei Satlsfaetory tu SoutIk AfýrIca. Semae surprises .having been ex- pressed ln Englaud because the ex- perimnants with wireless telegrapby lu Soutb Af rica did net produoe botter resuits. Signor Marconi, the weli known luventor of the systein, han thïeugt it necessGai-y 1 explain ta the Royal Iustitute wby no balter suc- casse culd'have been expected. fIe ad-, mita that the war lu the Transvaal a.ffered an excellent epportunity fer tastinig th e merits of bis system, sud ha does net besitata te dlaim that the results wouid have beau eminauitly sat- !sfactory if the authorities had tak-1 en ordinary' pains witb the work.1t Mr. Bullock and four avistauts went1 te South Africa as represeutÉatives of l Signor Marconi, and witb instrue-11 t i ens te use bis systemn theare. On Ibeir arrivai at De Aar they were, accord- ing to Signer Marcoin, mucb disap-1 pointed at finding tb.at ne stepe had bean taken te rrovide them wîtb the niaterial witbo'ut wbicb tbey cculd net seL up their les, rumnents. Maijori Badon-. Poweill came te thaeir assistance,an tbanks te hlm, tbay procurad masts and the other necaasary material,1 whicb thay set up i hemselves. Iu view cf the fact that they were ebligad te work hasitily, and to use auy material tb!at came te baudfJ it is not suxprising, says Signer Marcn, tha2-,t wiraless« talagrapby, under schcondtiens,, asnet aprnct nad! ces The theery bas beau broacbed that the main reasn wby desp.)atches coul net, La transsniited readily aud cor- rectly was. becausa the electitowavesi were dsturbed 1byý the preseuce e>f irein lu the valicys and mountainsi tbrough wbicb tbaey pas*eed. Sig Nif.arer-t however, olain.a that Ibir. tbeory la whoIlly untanable, since hr is abundant evideuce thiat lectrie! waves are uiot in aay way disturbed by iren. Futhermore, ha expres.ses tue pion that the defectýive workiug cf i!w insýtrumzents mue hattr7ibutad to thefact that the masts wvere net hiigbeeugb, anid that ewing ta 'thea I~ ~ ~~ý> peuIaldles f suEj, there was net atfficiant contact with the IJuder proper ceonditions hae insists that'the instruments weould werik as wl lunSouth Af rica as tbey have werk.. cri averywhera aise, and ha bluta that thare naed have beanuon lack cf &nc- iceas if the e authorities at the War Of - fice bad provided bis represeutatives witb pr-er mastesud othe r materiai. TOO MUCI. Papýa, reaching for the -red-Now, youug man, L'h1 attend to you. What hava you t e say for yourseif ?: Tommý,.y-Le t it coma,ý pop; but say, as a special faver, wblile you're deing itý, please don't sprîug tisataid chest- mit about il hurting yau more'u me. THE DIFFI(JULTY. SRhure, said Mulcahey, re.mcving the pipe frcm bis, moutbi foi, a minute, if 1 only knew bow to say some av tbim! Dutcb names Oi'd ha afther denounc- iu' -England's c irsnluthe Trans-.ý BOY SHOOTS liS FATIIER Peter lVllntyre, of Toronto, KiIled by Jus Son, OlTHIS YIIAN THlIRTEENYEAR-OLD LA!D QUAR- Police Cons3table Johnson and etfî RELLD WTE IS FTHE ANtivea Eorrest and Verney went R.ELED WTI¶RIS ATHE ANdown and arrested the boy, wbe wa an usiudbyIsetrSarm' ,.e F osRcp kand Ceat =1m1Y DThEW A REVOLVER - AFTER- taken to numiber one ie stato WARDS SAID LT WAS AN ACCI- -,thn akS - ~a r anei d DEN,.searched. Beaides thte revolver lie bad edes have mna dea him Locved and Ad Mi rd the usual conteuts of a boy's pockets 'a A despatcb, from Torouto says:-au<l fi e cartridges,bt no m.onay. He 0 Arthur Melntyre, of 2939 Markhamn cried continual]y at theý andlioà%and street, the 13-year-old son of peter wben arraigned ln the court. Melntyre, freight mnanager for the TU-E BOY îSHOOTER. Otro RceiuNavigation Coin,' ýlierailsa alad against whomumsta v lou pany, t, and instantly kilied biaya charge of murder," su;d the Crown Attorney. father at the latter's officýe at MilIoy's "I'didîu t murder hlm," s-ai theI wharf, on Thursdlay maorning., The boy, wbo was varbally renïded tiii boy want(ed ta go toét Caharines to to-morrow. se bis Uucle and 111r. MclIntyre ebject- Arthur Mclntyre lùs rx -ok-TECRA OGD BJLDR th e In~îg la d cf 13, with fai Jr ha ir, Jbiu e eas, ed. The boy thn, as haliesays, taand a rtiddy Vmle n leý rD..Conbrn 6 RcimnlStT frigliten bis father, drew a revolver dreased in a dark suit, bDrowýn peak ..Crisey,68RcmnStT and pointed it, Mr. Mlntyre sprang cap and tan boots.Hei the oldest -ttei"My dhewhosw nawieg fro'm his chair and the revolver went cf f onr cblidren, there b -nltwoboysgt opeeyrnd nbyhetaycofem of, h blatatein r.Mlnye aud two girts in the fami. H bs1XAULi atein required at her work. 'b becnýworlting withbhis fat3her for tbe lef t breaat, 1 1-2 luchas aboya the past f ew monthe, and it iesai that NEVV. ereý so exbausted and she was heurt, their relations have always beendeliadththe adogv KILLýING Hild INSTANTY amicable, Mr. Mentyra being_ an ex- ! entirely for somne weeks. ceptnially gcod father. Poewh"She then began ta use Dr. Chases neri Twoclrk, dwrd avn udC.E.kncxm th'le boy eay tha liea bas 'ee found it excellent in restorincr ber ta health and st Watson, wbo -,ers in the outer office, sonan ungovernabletepe. Ieý beard the shat and raja out cf the -va eY o 9g gadwa-lay reatly irnproved anid at work again. building. TJhen disuovering that tha the e hat (cfterme witb -bote ' ev Food also helped ber through a very seve: sbuootiug ewaýs side thley ýveAt back a ider.B skout aa x la grippe. 1 cala recommend it as an exccellent rej and foLÀd r. einyre dead. The, boy teusî VErea arLandte be adee told tha mon that be kad abot bis t ner t ila believed Lby Ra ýnIber (,f father, aud te go for a dootor an-d bis acquatinitances that hh. -mind bajs a policeman. This was done, but ne been eprrly uhlue fromi medical aid oould belij the victim. toc muvhJ reading and thbikiuig. BE RsIN FU' Battie at Zand RiN Twenty A despatch from London says :-The War Off ice ou Thursday'banded eut tbrec cabies from Lord Roberts, the last of whicb shows that the Boers, aftar making a stand nor lb cf the Zand River, eccopying a position 201 miles in leuglb, are niow lu full ra- treat, witb British c)vairy lu pur- suit ln Ibrea directions-.1 . rom Welga]egen, under date"- cf Weduesday eveniug, Lýordl Roberts cabied, ',Pole-Carew's and Tcersdivi- beavy naval and Royal garri.son ar- tillery guns, and four brigades cof cavalry marcbed bera te-day. The 1anamy hold 'the, opposite bank cf the Zand River. Their strength will ha ascertained to-morrow, wheu I hope I t1. . . * . Anat. . af it 1ver Extendedî Over I liles, Tbe n ext message is as follcws, "(Jable cart beadquarters at the front, May 10, 9.10 a. m.-Wa are nrow acrs the Zand River. The an- emy are still holding a streng posi- tien, bot we are graduaily pushing them back." Tbree heurs later ha cabled; "(Jable Cart, Zand River, May 10, 12.30 p. m.-The anemy a relun f ll rai reat. 'fbay 0occupIed a po"sition 20i miles in length. Our'swasnees- ily longer. With the wdl-ctee force it will take sm iet er the casualties, but 1 amnbpflw have flot suffered màuchI.Ltne caval- ry aud herse artillery ïare ýporsuig the Býoars by three diffoeatrcd. Lord Rober ts aisoercblad f-rm Zand River cau, May 9, bayiig :-"I bav recýeived a most chaery telegramfrei Baden-Powell, datad April 27.1 This evidently rafars te the despatcb in- rRem- te the ýrd of F000 oronto, Ont., oods factory, int and close fier nerves' so weak and ve up work rve food and Lrength. She Dr. Chase's ere attack of cmedy.,. I WEY-LIVER PILLS UNE PULL A DOSE, 25a. A BOX. Mr. Alex, Marshall, 59 Essex St., Toronto, Ont., say.- "Dr. Chase's X idney-Liver Pilis are a spleiidid medicine and certainly do al thaL is claimed for themn. Bolh myseif and KIDNEY- wife have been greally beneflîed by their use. 1 DISEASE. bad kidniey disease and pains in Ihýe back for over lwo ýyears and at limes the pains were so acute that 1 was totally unfit for work. Among the reniedies 1 lried were English pills supposed to be good, but they did flot fit My case. I heard Dr. Chase's Kidney-Lver Pis highly praised, and used lhem. 1 now feel like a new man. The pains and aches have entirely, disappeared and I can now work with comfort. My wife ils ruch, improved iu health and we both endorse Dr. Cbase's Kid ney-Liver Pills most beartily.5' 3 CAE'S OINMT M ENT HAS N" VER FA5LED TO CURE PILES.