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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1900, p. 8

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- 4~-C--.* -~ - Ct Ct Ct - icz& i.r..tq9.Ifl0-sn o. rn.a44çtwaxCau t.. .to..ia tUe i ,~.-,ii, re'u'"t tl'0 ~r ;~ ,Sfiedi~' 'r" - ---t-- - .sr.,rxÀzrr rt{tv.-~r r'-- , - --- ., ~". . . ... B0,wmANxvi El". 4 MI-Ný-/I I I Iý- -jRI-M'-W-m W If, ln I j 4 4o 4H copihti n b ucaigaSwn Yo wil aeeoplshthis earn uralisingfa ewiong. C oney, tiu -me, srenth nyu r ta-lan eer. Y r ou will gin 4 No ûMd style or repossessed machines to pan off on you, but Snew, Biodern , durable and almost nioiseless machines for sale and so simnple a child eau operate them and for haîf the prite usually sold at, The important part to be-ar inu mmd is this, 4the maniufacturer's price is going up and j f you wish t 4secure one at the preseut prices, you miusat not delay. 4T. N.0, RIeKAR-'uD 4 Jeweller, BOWMANVMILE. Pily to Waste Fuel Just because vour old range cau't * lie kept workingwîthout con- ~ stantly pilîng tful. THENE* SIMPERIAL la saying ml"iýoneyiluhuLndreda o! kitchens by its ecouomny iu the usge o! fuel. Its anugtssd flues are so scientiflcally perfect that you eau have aIl the beat yGii want-jiist where you want t-sud !romn a -suPPly o! fuel amazingly- leas than la required by any old style range. You're welcome to come aud see them-evleu if you dou't expeet to * buy. FOR SALE BY Mason & Dale, Thýe re Foundry Co., Limiteti, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. tor and trY it, and ihe did, witb the result that iu a few days the tide o! health returrned ndf to-day he la head- îng toward a coinplete r-ecovery. Its a kid-neyspecific. I t acts quick and sure. ORONLO. MiHss H-utcinson spent 'sundity weelz at l3wavle .rJ as. Wýaddeil intends visiting Manitoba tis summner DMr. andt Mrs. T. Il1. Powers, Kirbýy, ,were recent guests of Mr. \W. ThioruitonD ..M".. W.Mýathesoni, Detroit, Mlich., is vlsiting his laughiter Mrs. R. Hockin. Mr. Robert Gillies-, principal Port Hope public achool, recentiy visited rel- ativeshe...Mr and MIrs, C. J. Thorntoni and Mr. and Nlrs. Amos Cob- b!dik penut Sunday week at Mr. John Rickaby's ... Mr, W. Il. Giddy , Port hlotpe, visited at Mîr. Wes. Thorxton's.. Mr. A. R, Gasb Rbs returnied from Caliornia, where hie spent the ivinter., .Rev. Mjtr, HRbert, graduate o0f Mc Master Uiversitv, Toronto, was g"uesRt o! Mr. A, A Gamrsb-y last week.. . Mr. Dert Anidrews has hiad bis house re- shingled .. .. The band gave their firat openair concert Saturday week.... William Scott, a former resident lo!this1 village, died ucar Pontypool May Brd of inflammation o! the sltomach. From Bad to Worse. Anld This is the ExperieHoe of lianyBowffanville Readers, An arching back la bad- neglected it grows worse every mo)nth.7 Backache la Kidney Talk. To cure the back you must cure the kidheys, or other -ilîs fohlow. Urluary troubles, Diabetes, Brights' Diseas-e, also symptoma comn- mon to other diseases. Bowmanville citizens 110W tell you the easy way o get cured.- y J. Saunders, Clutter at couch, John- ston sud Crydermgn's, of your own town, gives ample proofa of the truth of this assertion in the following letter;-- "Permit me to say that I used the bot. the o! Dr. Pitcher'a Backache Kidney Tablets procured froen Stott & Jury. and they did me a great deal o! good. 1 fiud that they are not overrated, wor- thy o! confidence, and verv genthe tbougb sure lu action. I find~ thev act finehv on the hiver as well as the kiduey sud bowels, and 1 feel safe lu recoin- mending them to anvone requiing them.ý They are a good ail round med- icine." IfYou have tbe slightest symptoma o! Kidnev or Bladdeýr troublles, vou eau test this great medicine freeý. Arrange- fienta have been mnade whareby every reader o! thi, paper eau obtain a trial packaze o! Dr. Pitcher's Backr- Kidne ' Tables absolutely free by en- closiug two cent stamp for postage to The Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont. Wheu giving address mention this poper. If yo0u are convinced that Pitcher',s TableIts a re- what -yo-u-waul,- youeau puirehase regular siz7e for 50 cents per boCttie. If not obtainable at dntlggist'S. mnailed free o os tag )nreeto price. n 1_ eep ) em,.nlit P1'4Sana-a ruitnaur L -lE. Pbelps, M. D. Such'a physician could only give what wworthy o! bis great and ele vated chlaracter to suffering. 'His best hours -weïe devoted to the perfecting of wha-t is uôw known lu millons o! homnes in Britain, Europe and on this continent as Plaine's Cclery Compound, nnture's food medicine for the nerves, braiu aud blood. After oui' long winter and late spring a host o! people o! every age have been le! t in a weak ,languid, and depressed condition o! health. The nerx'es are unstrung-, the body is e-maciated, the blood is stagnant and impure, digestion is faulty a.nd constipation is doing it's deadly work. Your sa by ealth and future physi. cal happinesa* demand the immediate use o! Plaiuie's Celeî'y Compound, whose marvellouas irtues are recognised by. Our ablest phy.'siins, manY of whom make personal use o! it ini their homes. DUr. A.- W., K Newton -1writing the pro- prieters o! Paine's Cele.ry Comnpouind, says: "'The formula o! Paine's Celery Coin- Pound, led mle to give ita personal trial and 1 was mnuch pleased with the resuit. I pescribe it for men and womren who hav"e rno appetIte, cannot sleep, and for the wveak and rundown. For thisý con- dition. and for disoi-ders of the blood and nerves, it bas no equal. It la the beatposbeeed to keep up one's streng-th andieeg duing the sprinig and summner m-onths." Rocel tvisitors: ni. G. lHolllday,Broi, as Mn. D. McCuilloch's; Mqr. Oliver Hîeatîle, Long SaulI, at Mr, J. Vrtuels, miss Nancy OrmiSton, 1Bowmsniv1lle, aItMn. 6. Onmistou's; Mrs. Clis cggIinat Mn. w. Kuapp'h; Mrs. R. P1ascoe aI Mnr. C. Mackey's, Kinssie; Miss C. Camiienon, Toneul)o, aI Mns Camerou's M.Nr. -John Cibson died aI bis lhomo o ast of bore May 10 afio4r long iliness from canccr of stomnacb. A widow, sou sud live dangbters mouru bis losýs. TUe funer'ali to Hampton demn- elory was weli tedd TRIN,, W-ATERY BLoOD-When the blood is thinansd watery, the nervea are actually stsrved suýd xervous exhaustion and prostration soon follow. Feed the nerves with Dr. A. W. Cbsse's Nerve Food sud you will imart to themn the new hlite and vigor of perfect bealth Face eut anýd fac-sîmîhîie signa. ture o! Dr. A. WI. Chase on every box o! the genuine. Mn. W.,.Mor bas typboid foyer.- -.Miss Rota Kerslake ài iiiMiss Queonie Hanuam Is sufenig wtb u scess ... - .Visitbrs : Mn. A. Guily,. wife and son, Bowmanviile; Mr.Bouuetta wlfe su d daughter, Ebenezen ; Mrs. Mason, sr. Miss SIolla Masoni, Bowmauville, Mrs. J. Nunný1 su1d cblidren, Cothorne... ,Mrs. Thos. Ward bas r eturnod to han nid home at the soutb end.... Mns. W. L. Ward bas moved loto tUe lbouse op- pose tUe woigh scales.. .,Mn. O. J. Ciatworih spn udy atIlEhentezen. . . Visions: Mns. . J.Higsulton .... .Rev. Gco. Gale's mauy fnions wor leaote10sec himlm Ue 10 ii bis appointmient bneSunday mornlng. 11ev. W. ~. Socombe, reenbank, pnoacbed Sunday 13AN KER'S WIFE MOSTF DEMENTED. Nor-vous rroubies had About Wrecked ber Reasn-SuthAmenican Nenrvîne Lifted the Clouds ud Cuned lRer. The wîf e o! a wel-knowu private banker lu the west was se aificted with nervous, disorders that lier phvsi- clans feared she would !aose p-r reaSoîî, but shie rejoices to-day wth ber familv throur-h reading- a -simpre testimonv o how ýouîLh Amenican Nervine, curedl suother aeemingly hopelesa case. She wao induced to try it, too, and to-day lsa a ured gomau bhersel!. subject by 11ev. R. M. Phalen, B. A. Too much praise cannot be given to tbis gfted young lady and 11ev. gentleman who eould so thoroughly m'reent f0 an audience the true meauing of atriotismn. The portrayal of the wouuded and dyiug soldier by Mtr. Jas Souch, touehiedthe hearts of ail. il was ail too sadly, realistie, Mr 0. Pollard reudered "The Absent Minded Beggar lui bis usual capable manner and last but not least in aliterary way comnes Master Bruce lioneywell's recîtation of 'BJobs" given- lu full soldier,s costume,riflo in hand and sword lu bell. Grauted the saine experieuce as "B1obs"' we biave no doubt of this Uitile man displayiug tbe saine iutr-epid bravery. The youlig ladies' flag drilli wt appropriate siuging was excellent and refleets credît on their abîlIty and the training of their drill master, Miss Minute Adams won much praise for the manner iu which the tiny lots weut throngh their good niglit drulli. "Teuting on the old Camp Ground" was au able depîction of soldier IUfe. Lieut ParrellUs ridle aud bayonet drill was wamiy cornmeuded, the boys under bis commnand bavîng been in training sncb a short lime. The program was concludod by the beautiful tableau Britannu., wltb Mrs. Joues, Newt- vile,.as the charming Britannia. God Save The Queeu aud the illumination of the otire build- ing wltb plnk tire brought the proceedings to a close. Proceeds of concert over 8.52.00. [Bravo, loyal TyroDe.-Ed .... Mr. aud Mrs. John Roidge, Toronto, former higbiy esteemed ,esldenýtsof Tyrono ,spent afew dsys with oid frîends brought here ou the occasion of Mr. Pbare's fureral... Mr. aud Mrs. A. Wyýborn, Courtice, and Mr, E. G. P. Poilard, Oshawai, were roceni visitor-s.. Mrs. (Dr.) Beti t ad Miss Fisher, Bwavie eeguesîs of Mrs.ý Isabella Dnnua... .Thesuddest eveut wbich hlas taken placý e bre lu imay a day was the deatli of Air. John 1S I. lPhare on Weduosday iaot. De- ceased hadl been ailiug for, several moulla the trouble flnaiiy cuiminatiug lu typhoid. Vie disoasge wrought its way witU terrible rapility and despite ail tbat medical aid and careful nursinig could do doath. eusued. A gloomn per-. vaded the entire neighborhood as thie tldings sproad Uodpîng agalust hoipe tUai death miight be aveorted. Decoased was a clever ,intellgent youug man, as fine a type of pliysicaimanhood as could befouud auyivhçre. With immense ouergy and uospartlnig 0f bis strength bc won bis way through diffieulties whieh tb ordinary mgu would be tlhough,,It lsurmountable. Akiud sud olgu egir a trueý frloud, a deyoted and tenÏder hiu8band aud fiholr, hic wlll be, 1 rlymlssedl. 'TUe mysteries of this pecuilar Providoaco are bard ften ,derst1and. The ingjtestImouy to he esteem lunw hichhowas hieî, soine eigbity.-five carrnages folloiug itUe members of the Reome Cirele who lui latrgo body walked f0, Betbesda cemtery. 1ev. R N. Adams conducted tKe funeral services, preach- song wlth comfort tu the boreavod friends The omne Cirele partilipated lu the burli service.A touchlug feature was the sinuglfng by Bethesda choir of "In tUe Sweet Bye aud Bye"I theo heart.reudinz soumds of the failing iâ sweily deadoued by the rise sud fail o lu.n sjpirnug adenesq. If is uoedloss to say thatAMis. Pýansd liltiu onos have the uufeigued syvm- patby of il lib tis bitter lime of triai, Ono 0of the Most paihetie memories whlcb ire now treasuire of tUe departed was the sIgbt of hlm leadiug Lis two littho sons to Sabbat h Scbool on the Lord's Day Immediatoiy preceedlîng bis, prostration. Mr. W.J. Roy,bis teacher ou tUa occasion, commeuted last Sabbath with deep feeling ou aa sg significaut of bis desire for bis dear iittle orles. A si witlic-tt blnuisb end a body irour.. ilboS wltlipurîe b ocd. iucU l a the îUppy condition produced by CIJTICUPA SOAP end CUTICU1PA Ointmnrnt, exýternfaily, endS CUTICURA RESOLVENT, internaliy, la the sevene&t -cases -c1 1cnturngn~~itg~i, ltcbling, buxnx, uand acaly '-uxuors. So. INne EiTeiiT. r; R&OLV£rNT (Ca,'it ,>,0. FPoTTU[t Paon AND Cees. CouRP., Sole Pro0fa., Bosion îr l Uw te dure Humer,.," 64-page bbok, tres. We are showing beautiful Blouse Silks at 35c. 50e ., 60c., 75e. and $1. Mercerized Pongee in beautiful colors and patterus at 25c. a yard. -Prints, Sateens and Ginghams in great variety.,BbysMuslil Silk Hats and Bonnets-they are handsomely made in a variety of4" 4e trimmed with lace flrilling, embroidery, etc. Prices range '~25c. up. Crescent Brand Underwear. We are the Manufaturer's Agents' for these goods, eonsisting of Ladies' and Children's Veste aud Hosiery. Those who have, won these goods say they are better than any other-make. We wvould like you to try them. They do uot eost more than ordinâryr cotton gooda. AUGTION SALE. SATURDAY MAY 19--The whole of the Household Effects of Mr. Alf. Ben- net will be sold on the premnises, Queen st Bowmanville, al o! which la nearly new. The furniture, c 'ar- pets, etc., are high class and bought of thie best makers. Sale at one o 'dock. L. A.W. Tou, Auct, OId Materiala Profit- ablyUsed.ý DIAMOND DYES Are The Favorites of Ail Mat and Rug Makers. Mrs. P'. L. Stanhope, of Victxi,130 writes thus: "J reet icvee hat I1adsuf - ficient old ateria1s such afiannel, cloth, yarns, and dliscardedi underwear stored away from which 1 could make a Couple o! fair siz6ed ruga fer the floor. 1 sent to !Wells & Richýardson1 Co , Mont- real, for two of their handsome ruz designs. Aftee they were recoivedl, I wasbed my old materials and colorad them with Oiamoud Dyes to match the shades on thie ru- patterns. I hooked the two rugo ,ýandthe v are so handsome thiat ail mu friendsafadirUe tfieîn. The Diamnond Dyes are, 1 think, thie ý(est and most reliable for home dyeing. I1 certalinly, recommend thiem to ai] who make mats and rg. IRE PORI Z 11 N[IN i BRQ f NOTICE. Thle aitir enonal meeting of tUe Share boldons ofthe Ponf Danil!ngtoui Harbor Company wiii be held a1 tho ie of fbie Company at Pont Danlington, Bowmauviiio, out Moniday tUe 4tU D. B. SrmitsoN, 20-3w. Secretary. Thieynmake oue feel as tboughI lifel waa 'Worth living. Take one o!Carter's Little Liver Pilus after eating; it will relieve dyspepsia, aiti digestion, give toue and vigor to ithe system. The final short fiction that Marie Corelli bas writtea for au Amïeican magazine lu five ~ears a ppears ilu Tho SaudyEvng Post. It la caled Theý Lau.rels o! thei Brave, sund il tells the story o! a hiero husbaud and a societyv wi! e. Court of Reiin NOtie 1beey î hnIat tUe court of Re- Visifre Towusb'j f Dariagbton wli be, beld at the To wu Raill intUe village of Hs-IA foy, ou audy 6, 10.aI Ibe bour of NE f'CEC, P. M , when a,1Il mattors relst- ing Iboe-to will bc. conislderod sud deaif wlth sas, thela direts. Ail persons having business to- Iransaci aI Ibe said Curt are bore b y requxeàted to lake noficee sud govor-u themnselves accordIuýg- iy. H. ELLIOTT, Jr., Hamp ton, May 7, Tousbp Cerk YOUNG NORFOLK IRERO. THEj, FAEles' BJIIIT i10-EY.MAIfl«l, OnIle O! t'fe 1mfost 3handsome c arrnage stallions that traveL- lu this district is Young Norf.)lk- Hero, the picture of bis daddy, ouly a miucbh heavier hose This handsome stalli' on las a beautifiql dark brown, stands over 1(3 banda high, weîghs 14UCI lbs-a splendid size for a, roadster-and has, good kiee action. f.e, bas travelled two veatra lu this county and bis colts are miodela o! symrnetrý" av-d bleauty. Those Wbo have theM, are ver.- proud o! themn. His colts hstve won prizs at Go bourg-, Bowmanville Orono sud Port Perr v, sud no hors bas a better showiug oA colts for hs 3 ears iiu five townships. See what a grand pedligree hee bas on both sides YOUNG ýNonýFrLu HERO was aired y' Norfolk Hiero (515) lie was bredy Mr. S.SanIders, Dunsil Farm, Tasav got by Perfection Jackson. Haro's 5L5 diam bred by the late John Clay, - -_ Shortland, 1De rby*vsnd got 'by g Artur da b BefoçlPhenomen o- Y oung Hero's dam lby Old Green, Mountain Mor-an]; he was sIred by ha noteil horse, Ethan Allen, 2.15; g'. sre Black hawk; -g. g sire, Sherm ,an ;g ýg. ýg. sire, Justin MIorgan; g. dam Clarion Chie!. TerrsMa 1 His stands are: Mouday nojýý_,h Clemence'a, (Shaws), fieniwett Hocse, Bowmanville, 3 10 4 p.,Fred Nicos Courtice night; Tuesday !John Cornih Taunton. noon, S. N. Hirl~,Eiîflo, nigbt ; Wednesdâhy, Mr. Steele, na Rasglan, nooD, Orientali lotel, -Port Perr,night; *Thursday at ,-soe~a noon, llawkert's IRote], Blaespk', night; Fridsyv, Jas lEtoy', - killen. noon, *JnO obbn~ nighft; Saturda v to homne stansd OQ 0 reaiiu tlIMondav imornmng. , Red.path, prop)rietor aud grooun. r <r ~ ~rttSSt 55 - <-r- t -i r -' -rS I ti Twee WORM csnotxis esiie inchiltiren i!FOR internai or e.yternal use HAc- oradits %vhon iDli. LOW'S WORMw YAIID'S YELLOWYOIL canniiot be excel- ~YRU lause. 2c. Al dales. led as a pain rolelvling and goothing 25c. ildeaers. reniedy f or il pain, lk4 1

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