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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1900, p. 1

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TERMS~-$1.5O FER Â~uM. OUR TOWN ARD COUNTY FIRST; TuE WORLD APTERWÂEDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEw SERIEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WE,4DNEbýDAY,, MýAY 23, 190. VoLUyJE XLVI No, 21. Ail Ab out...0e.06. c TRAINS9 JOII ONSTON & CRYDERM.ýAN 7have reevd drect fromi the nianuifacturers a Big', Stock of ail kinds of Carpets. They show good Tapestry at «40e, 50e, 60e, 65c andi 75e for the best, and lrussels at 8.5e, 90c, $1,.00 anid 12 for the very best quality made, Union Carpets from 25c to 50c and Wool Carpets from 65e to 85c, Best quality 3 ply forý $1.00, ancl 1no house in Canada will seLi you the,~ sanie qualities for less mo-1ney. LaceCurtInlS.I A BigStc of LaceCuran with new designs and special value. IMPRESSIONS OF iEW YORK. Con cluded fremlatwek Snnday is an unknown day. to a wVst number ef people as a dlay of worship, but observed chiefiy as a d.ayý of recrea- tien. Many of the cli0dreni go te Snnday School and it is common on theirvway home te se thiem playing bail or having a game ý3of 1hoinstep and jump. Many paients go out te somle of the parks and snmmering places, with their families and spend theda pcnc ing. This can net 1be vonidered at either as it really musýt be e grea t relief for them te get ama\- from the(irdig flats. The weaIthy cl(-asses leaivethe city for the biot months and njoylite at anme cool sùmmer re.sort linii hr New York o r in Canada. I saw somes verv fine c~ce in the city and great attentionà is given teL the singîng which is usuallYfrt class I had the pleasure ef aîtendcîýng- a Jewish Svnagogue on Fit th A\ve., theý fashion- able avenne of the city. 1It is thle chnrch in which Mde Toranto has hee,,in sing- ing-. The choir is composed ofe traine"d snrsand their reniditioinef "Seek Ye thie Lord', was a1lm11't perfect. I at- tended1 a mod0cest littie chrchýI and wit- nesed the baptismnal dreceptien service wIliel) was eordcilted er sirniilar to or ewni, FI!(" general service was a1 little mlore if er the style et teEnglish chutrcli sric.Social ,cuistemis differ, fromi ours aci homre. ID. stead et making a formnali iteen-minute cali as is the custem in Caniadian towns, the ladies ,emaiiu fer an heiur at least and oetteLer two heurs and eýnjoy atter- noon tea before eaj n.'J'lie New Yorkers are quiito ugil in soeme respects too-Luncheon i orve at 1 p. ni , coffee and cake betweu 4 adJ 5 p. m., and dinner at 7 p. iii The alternoon tea is ind(ulgel ini by th(, servants aise. Coffee is the favorite_ afternoon drink in New Yorkwnreas in Englandtea la [he avriebeverage. The city 15 kept in a very clean condi tien and is nef at ail as smroky as 1 bad expected te find it. It is mo're atter the style et Paris than Londený. The horse car is stili in use in seule parts et the citv but thev wilI soon lie eut of exis- jWARDE.XS 0E THESE UXITED COUNTIES Beiow we give the Dames and post office address et al [he Wardons elected within these United Counties et North umberiand and Durham,viz, 182-Walter Bosweli, Cobourg. 1843- Il 1844- " 1815- ' 6 6 1846-G. S. Bonîton. 1817-Harry S. Reid, Bowmanville. 184- - I . 1851ý)-Asa A. Bnrnbam. Cobourg, 1852-John M. Grever, Coîborne. 185-Sa dney Smith, Cobonrg 1854-James Smith, Port Hope. 1855- 6Il 6- 66 1856-H1. J. Ruttan, Cebourg. 1857-R. M. Boucher, Coîborne. 1858--J. McFeeters, Bowmanville, 1859-J. D. Armour, Cobourg. 1860-A. McNachtan, Newcastle. 1861- .46 1862--E. S. Barnum, Graf ton. 186-Hlenrv Squires, Brighton. 84-onFisher, Cobonrg. 1865-John McLeod, Bowmanvîle. 186i7-John Fisher, Cob)onrg;. 186- Il Il Il 1869!-J. L, Tucker, Grono. 187-C. AM. Genld, Castleton. 1871-Samuel Wilmot, -Newcastle. 1872-J. M. Ferris, Camipdellford. 1873-Wm. Thompsen, Bowmanville. 1874-J. S. Fowlds, Hastings. 1875-W. F.Allen, Bowmanville, 1876--John Clark, Seymour. 1877-W. H. Sowdeu, Milllbrook. [878-J,ý G. llagerman, Cobeurg. 187i-,Sam Burden, Bowmanivilie. 188-EdardCochrane, Brighton. 1s88-Rebert Colville, Oreno. 182-Gilbert Bedfordi Seymnonr. 188,S3-Henry Eilîott, (saa [188-Dr. Wileuighiby, Coîborne. 1885-George CFrmpbell, Millbrook. 1886-Richard Carke. Co1bornie. 188-J. J. Robson,Newýcastle. 1888-C. A. Mallory. Warkworth. 1889-James Parr, Blackstock. 1890-W- L. Payne, Coiborne. 1891-Alex. Fergusen, Milibroek. METHODIST DISTRICT MEETING. The annual meeting of the Bowman- ville District of the 'Methodist church was held a t Hampton on Titesda - and Wednesday. On the first day ail the ministers of the district were in attend ance. A careful examination showed that therp were no charges or cein- plaints of any kind andthat the regula tions of the discipline of the church had beenu well observed. On the second day lav representatives from each district 'were presenit. The schedules recording the resuits of the work of the year were read and care- fullv considered. IÉ was evident that greater fidelity and liberality was needed to secure a fuller measure of success. Revs. W. A. Mc. Young and C. W. Demili were recommended for college for next vear. 11ev. W. H1. Clark, baving cornpleted bis probation but flot being present his recommenda tion !or ordination was laid over until after conference. The follo-wig lay men were elected to repreqent the District at Conference: lv. ..Tillav. P. C. Trehilcock, E J Rouse, lýobe)rt Gray, James Rickard, loetMornient, W. J. Robinson, Abram aksn A E. Clemens, William Brent, Ewr Hlastings, iFrederick Rogers Williamn Foley and W. C.Fso. Elections to the seve rai Conference(, Comittees resulted asfo]es Sationjing -Commnit- tee-Bey. J J. Rae; SundaySho- Rev. R N. Adams, R. Momnent; E pworth League-Rev, T. W., Leggott, A. F, Clemens; Sustentation Fund. Rev. EE Howard, W. C. Ferguson; Conference MissiýnAry-O. Rezzlewood. 11ev. J, ,S. 1. Wilson again filled the position of Secretary and 11ev. M. E. Wilson that of Stn*'icaSecretary A veryhearty resoluuiun of appreciation was given to th,, Chairman, 11ev. J. P. Wilson, for his uiýform kindl y and honorable ad ministration for the past three years. The people of Hampton were accord- ed a resoluiion of thanks for their generouis hospitality du~ripg the session. 'lh meeting closed at 3.30 on Wed- nesday afternoon having been charac terîzed thronghout by marked harmony and earnest interest in the higheqt welfare of the church.-Com. lia tt MVORE COLLEGE HO0NORS. JWhat a splendid r-ecord W1,est Darbiam Boys are making at th is year's,, examn- !nations, te ho sure! From the results et the Ontario Coliege et Pharmacy ln, yesterday's pmpers we nete Nwith great pleasure that Mr Bertram F.: Souch, (son et MIr. S. E. Soucb, Bradlevs) who served his apprenticesbip with7 Mr. J. Il. H., Jury, has won thie Scott golo modal for, highest standing in Botanv, and passed bis final exams with firat ctass honora M r. J. C. Milîs, St. Mlarys, son et MI - S. Milis, harnesamnaker, Enniskillen, was one et the leaders tee, having passed the final Coilegea exams with First Clasa lonors, standing weil up iii [ho hioner list. Glad te have yen sus- tainiing the geed record et the et I [h e countv, boys, -It means co ntinuons and bard work. but the sucýes la wortn the effort. A BRILLIANT RECORD. Seldom, indeed, tlees astudent make sncb a higli record in a nniversîty course, through ail the years, as bas Dr. Frank C. Trebiicock, Bewmanvile. In bis first rear's examinatiens at TrinitY àMedical1 Col lege 1 o stood first, winning- the Scholarship and .50(. In' his 2ud ye-ars exama hie again headed [be liai, recei% in"' a Silver 7Mýedal and schelarship (4150) for bighlest standîing. No prizes are givenin the 8ý rd year's exa, but Dr. Gieaneouncd at convocation [bat hto sýtood 'first ilu [bat Vear aise, 'lu bis 4tlîand finial year. as s-,tated by us last week, hie won [ho Gold Modal fer bighest standing amd [ho Fellowship et the Madical Colleeand atterwards won the3 Trinity IJTniveýrsity Geld Modal for hi,-host staniding lu [hoe university examinations lu whicb lie received the degree et M.B.C.M. WVe conzratulate Dr Trebilcockz on bis very brilliant record aud assure hlm that as citize ns we teol exceediugiy prend et o M. 1lIe puts lu bis firat 3oar'practice witb) Dr. Powell,Coeg St., Toronto. Jin. NORXI2N H ILL'S SUCCESS. Our citizens wiil rejoice to learu [bat another ofounr worthyvoumnk townsme.n PEIL ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY PIRST; TRE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. VOLUME XLVI Noý 21.

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