111E SIAN LIFE. Rev. Dr. aI~g'e -Speaks on the Evening of Our Sorrows. I li ghtn ing Adepach rm harïtn says: stp etke. Steady those botering neyerstri- -1ev. D. T magepreaced from imbs; they will soonlie atresu. nexe stik--Re..P. Tlinge reahý- frin Plougha pot up that face willi any 'a, es twice ini the foliowing bext: "At eventimue it 1ore wrinkles; trouble and Gare have thesa e hall be lig'lt.'-Zechitariali xiv., 7. marked it fulil end-ugli. Thrust no thl a mTe' While «'night,?' in ail languages, la thoria into that lieart; it will soon cease place Thethe symbol. for gloom and suffertngto heat. " The eye that mocketh itis same cari be said of rheumatîsm, i> 9lnreîycerfl rgi, dfaîher, aud refuseth to obey its miotli- whicli usually attacks employeeS impressive. 1 speair not of, such nuglits Leroteans!he uv alle shal pic of al bottfing works, in the hands as corne wit e trp.rnhgi t cul anc ie yoninag nds hahea I it." flietarrglt morning sud lio and arms, on account of them f romn aboyé or silver wave t-Qsi g nouday of i! e have passed with having t handie cold substances utp ight from baneath-i.nurky, hurti- -xma .la or cocr fie '1ok to s~1o cockIThe sliadows fali longer and dabble in cold water a il t he ing, portentoue, but sucli as iyou o! len and thicirer, and f aster. Seven o'ciock 1 yerround. Mr. Oscar Perry, for.- cee w1en thé poimp and magnficence eiglit o'clock r The son lias dipped lie- year low 'hie horizon; the warmth lias gone merly employed at J. R. Hinds' of heaven tuwin out on nîghL'-parade; oat o! the, air. Nine o'ciock!1 ten boîlîn woksKinsto, Ot.,and it seems as thongli the song whicli o dock!!l The heavy dews are falhing; wasln a sufreringtinespet., itle morning stars liegan so, long ago the activities of lifes day are al l huli- 1 wee cimig yt aoin th coste- e; i istimi), o go. 10 led. Eleven Rheumatism affected him itewr hmn e mn the cosel 'cloGk I twelve o'clock! The patri-. arms and shoulders, and besidesi lations, and, the sons, of G~o& mwrr arch sheeap the hlesesd sieep, the cool stferdsho ting for joy. Sucli niglits theýsiep thie long sieep. Heaven's mes- thepai exerencdhesaiorblesses from the forecastle, and sengers o! liglit have kndled lion! ires peounlary loge. After having tried1 the trppr n1heivat ririe, and o! victory ail over the heavens. At var-tjie strectwments wifheu tai g radron evs r, eventimiel t ila igit1 Liglit relief, he wag indUced to giveDr Il' the belated travelier by the road-side, 111. My text sh-al find fuIfilmeni. Bhomii Cure, a trial. Legse thaxi and thie seidier !rom thie lent, earîli- in the latter daiy of the Churcli. Oiy tndf a vA reifauhefOre !-! , &n,'tt pel 1a-f ew mnissionaries, a f ew churcheaý, a- TLUE, WATER LDblID i. of pe-rsectiin has been extinguished; 'oo 1 wanit to see Jo)hn una after the last pilgrim has ý om crne (lite gale of ht£. I the celestial city; abiove ail, 1 want 6*Ab u tC a SC to see Jesuis after the3 last saintlibas0 lits lhrone, and leu to sing Halle- 6 lujah 1* ~ Thus briiglit anid beauliful shal l be PLAYTHINGS FOR CHILDREN. thje evening of the world. The heats I' h otntrltigi h ,d eart1hly conifict are cooied. The I' h etntrltigi h glo'y c4 heaven MIS lls i th scene world that littie chiîdren sliould grow' with love, and joy, and peace. 'At tired of wax dolîs and mechanical tops eventime il is ligl*glr!aI this season and want to play ou IV. inally. fin; texl shail find f ul- filment at th1,e lentd of the ChrýisÈian's o! doors, and kind nature,> as if realiz life. _You know how shorIt a 'bin- ing this fact, lias been good enougib teT's day is, and how littie work yen b provide any number of plsythin gs cmn do. Now, my friends, ife la a witih wbicl to- keep lier children's short winter's day. '[le szen riscs minds and litIle fingers occupied dur- at eighl and sets at four. [lie irti-. ange] anid the da.ath ange] f iy onty a ig these long, glorious summer days littie way apart. liaptisrn and burial Did, you ever know that from acorns are near together. With one hand you ean mnaie a perfectly faseinating the mother rocks thie cradle and wàlh little tea set, sucb as our grandmnolh- the ollier1 ers used to take deliglit in making SHIE TOUCHES A GRAVÉ. W'ben they, too, were littie girls, long 1 went into the house of ene of my ago 1 For this tea set you must gath- parishioners- on Tlianksgiving day. er, il possible, tw-,o kinds of acorns- The littie child of the househoid was large ones having fiat, shallow cups, glad, and with il I1liounded np and and the srnaller ones wilh ronnded. down the hli] Christmas day came, deeper oups, for the shallow acorn and the liglit of Ihal hocsehoid had ours maire the saucers and the, snïller perished. We steod, with black biok, !ones the cupe. A cliarming lea pot, reading overc the grave, 'Ashes to 15 made from a big acorn liy adding a ashes, dus(t b dlust." n ose and a bandle froru a piece of But 1 hui sway this darriness. I, match, and culting off the top to canbot hv you weep. Thanirslie; maire a cover. For the cream pit- unt Gd, ,ýo gveh s te ictry 1cher and sugar bowl take two more at eentiait hallbc iglt 1 a corns, out off the tops, scrape ont at venim'it hahlieligb! the inside of the nut and put on han- 1 have se many Cliristians die. 1 1isHesaewyyudi o h e neyer saw l oy'o! them dis in darir- 1de b amewyyudi o h 1 pot. Wheni complebed you wili have ness. What if Ihe__billtews-of-deiallh ~tlw focu ! aatig . mog hegorLges, lie IHwdd he'1!se nsgt1ç hololds thé ýSpîoolsud irea d Ld.11 il Lue noL I'wwn' ,s , noTht ID'.jrer _ .. t o 10b le repaired or whatever piecé of Are IL- e 1-Y-1. -U- é yo 1 1loe? re0 yu on uuýauîéietmes,.M ega? l -ýis your liocitbeen dycné&'iiae oaav siny .? oui' 6~'N NA~S sEbWITOUTwirITTZN CON-SENT. PR4.. frthl n u1this ibtLrr 1" "Ho IWill yen ]et it go ai' lessa Ilian hall X.-I say, John, 1 amn going to', rice? Going - going-Gone J" Wil stop baking allogether. We the grat e o! God hoid 0fl44Up insucb ean get at LUTTRELL'S, circumstances? Whal have liecome cf thc great multitude e! Gcd's childrer Bowmanville,sueh good Bread whc have been pounded o! the fiail and Buns, and Pies, and sud cruslied under the wheel, and Caks~ nd~tram-pled under -the lice!?- Did Ilhey X.-AI rght Saali do't elilie down iu the dust, weepine, wailing X.-Al rght Saali do't ellaad gnashing their teethh ]Jid tliey me any more. 1t- wiIl 1 I ike Job, curse -Ced, tnd l aut -il dontbcthobc~ pln fr hpa 11-tevhaI oHs!en 1- Ibm umrner. nywy. .-t-~k~ dd1V Olier la refU omd; I walit we secFlor- u 12- pdult n te S a- 1oatci. iLu t tdrawer ut itingtaiU 4 h nc Nghtingale when the last sabreceud; We thé trees of Lebanou clanpis ready for servine. woud las teped nrtng;I wnt heir hands-lhiey cannot tell the And whéen thé repaire have been 10 se John Hss when the last fame hlaf f i. rch,ýngel beforé the, made, place the frsh aricle at thé Il Ilrone, Ilion îailestl bottom of ils own pile, asiug f or your h ~ ~ ~ ~ next occasion the articles on the top!______ y hats oZ the glorified; and if with clothing wil]libe allowéd te remain iu evcoly if its position is changed ev- d witl yompr sns you cnnot rexpressan the drawer until it becomes yellow ery two or lliree years. Rip in haîf anc youssons yu c!nno exres Itfrom laiciro! usé, aud the wear wîll be sew so that the breadths forxneriy al thanlt ail hémyriada -of the saved t utequal on- aIl the--suits--One of -the side, wili cor n-the ceain4 o i 91unité iin the exclamation. "Jesusi Iour objerts in ho dress wali and at room. ~ve hav the ? ~ ~ wiî ué aassor~t ~ h e sa~nieaway, -"'ai ""gr'denacugli A cn nairth, P. Jsal éss! It é aie im, o vod réI ccri- crpb lit a nredundr s iiré- iaio o grmnt-to oo l le os sretoge mthéaen rtt a ~ ~ a *'" er'-n idkliega t $ tl. Thé1l,,t,'0O,1,1 [ap anU.--.---o.(j -.--. ux i aU X[l-i;eper anuys, 'h aswr." TeËhroÏl' ak6t fa-j'aT h I ~ t1iVuan- e'~wr~i ~ ara ful luh He nis+ae os Iî-.a4î~needn-.tu..-.,~,j-.4. ao RGANIN~F~ T-handled, will retain its coier betÊter ndl tuin liy avsy other moans of whioc twe av knowledge, Sýome recommeui .~ agr o~fledbut the hea o!th. fa-irons turns the fabrîrc darkr, ao- il- cording to the owner of a lauIndry We name thein" thus Becanse wo bcliove they are King of ail shoes. d.c on"t beie e-re in a woinan's shoe sold fo r $In this w hole 01r1d which is as good as K-i ,-ing Quality. That lu a broadi statement, but try the shoe and you will agree that we have reasoxi for boasting. It is simply perfection. It lias ail that a shoe ought to have TRAOt. -ease, durability, style-and it costs6 but $3 while ,.t looks like a $5 shoe.a Try and judge fer yours 6lf. c ZVL Made by J. D. KING CO., Llnjited, Toronto. 8ATIGFACTSý' FOR DISEA8ED VIOTIMO . ES CURES GIJARAAITEED OR NOC PAVYI HEi,"Eisan' ~old adage reco rded which tea- Mrs.