-« r 7 Don't Ciethe I 4 ons if l, b. volin the morning. It isn't the Schild', fauli. It le suffer. ~ gfrom a. weakness of lthe kidneys ana ladder, arnd weRk kidnieys need Ftrength- bning-that'Ea il. Yoncoan't Lfford to riik ROely. Negleet nMay en"ai a lifelime cd sufferlng Dadmisery. y"% eNJ%& y " - I MIlr<mT has been taken to the pan, butsc THIE TRIP Tii) flWSOU CITY a rich strike in thie pay streýaki. i called a pocket and unfortunatelyý HOW O RECH TE LAD OFTHEoon peters eut. Owing to improved 110WTO EAC THELAN 0FTREmachinery in the shape of steam MIDNIGHT SUN. thawers being operated this winter by many dlaim owners, there are larger ExPeylences of An 014 Timer on the and more numerous dumps awaiting Journey - Tüe ùIt Direct noute t. Water for the dean up than ever be- Take-Dîfferent ximiung cIaims la th fore; therefore, the output this spring Tukon-cost of Living lu th1e Country will ba the largest ln the history of -Chances for Agriculture. tbis camp. Se mach yellow jocornalîsm and ab- NOT A POOR MNSCAMP. The inaccessibllity, short ypen sea- solute rot has been written regard- sons, and high rcate'of fegi makes iflg this country,- that 1 shahl, ini living and everytiýng e1s, in this comipliance with many outside friendes country eteeyhg In fact, Wndenqires, ndevou tostate a1 this, without a dobi s the m Iost cx- andenqires, ndevoa topensive miining camp to-dlay lu the few facts and f arnish information of world. This statement 1 shall later What is to sep, more Canad(ianrin bm er. reap- IE A Y N T S ing the benefits. At resent Cana- LI RA Y N T . dians do flot reprPýeent 5 per cent. ofJ the population, anl I regreýt te say Àiuong the twelve striking papers a large percentage o., tLe majority of in the May Forumt may be singled out the foreign population are undesir- for special mention Mr. Clark's article able, have no interest in the country on British Po]icy toward the Boers; further than what they can take out The Constitution and the Flag, by lion. of it, and that by any means. The Charles Denby, late United States moment they make a stake they Minister to China; Uncle S-am's Legacy leave the country, taking aiong with Of Slaves, by Henry 0. Dwigiht; The. Ap,. them every dollar they caui lay their proacbing Presidential Camnpaign, by hands on, speýnding it ln a foreiuHer LthfedWest; The H ay- land. I Pauncefote Treatyý, by Heniry W\ade TUE NVESMENT 0F f~pr'~. IRogers, ofNorhetrUnesi, AH ND AS ES 0 F CEIALIllinois; Thje Ijjunit altlsadthe AN AM SOf Future ofChn, yli.Wlia As- a rule men with 'big capital do ' Wo-odvillîo Roc'kliil, the, wel known. not care to face the privations Of writer and dipbomat, late Assistant this far-north,-rn c0!ntr'y, and in the ecetary of State; and Journalism in great majority of instances where .Tanan. h, T. T- R.e' Castoria is a 1 Castoria, is for Infants and. Chlldren.