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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1900, p. 4

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1 ML .,'U.. .M~.. ~ ,.u,. .,b. .!.I~. .Mt. 4U. f.4,k &~!lf~1~ W~ MMllineryy e-~ IL Cali anld Illspet Or New*1 Da ySiliinlr Stocks DanyLeghorn Hats iii ail the 1 eading 01 styles and shades for Ladies, Missý:s and :Dr SChidren. *'Styles and Prices to Suit Ail. Miss fledland., BOWMANVILLE. >41D1_ME011 el 4,. 1' ~ 4,. ,f 4f.-l I n tf th.e!. Satu rday, May 26 1 will place on sale a Pure Phosphate Baking Powder at 10lc. per lb. You ask, 'Is it pure?" 1 answer, III arn trylng *to build up a drug business in BoWrnanville. Could 1 afford to risload the publie as to the quality or purity of the drugs I ~sell? Front a 10e. Bakiug Powder point of view, this is an ex- Opensive ad, but 1 arn willing to stake my prospect of obtaining e share of your custom on the worth of this Baking Powder. 8WIil You Givo t a Ti1~ W.V C. Tole, Phm. B: 2 Doors East of Post Office. Bowmanville, A Victim BOWMANVILLE, MAY 2-0, 1900. ENNISKILLEXN Visitors:' Miss Helen' Walbridge, Bowmanville, guest of Miss Leona Williams; Miss Olive Stevens, town, guàest,,of Miss Olga Williams. . .. Mes- dames Angus and Alex. McI)onald, ia ldimand, guests of Mrs. P. Maroney; Mr. and Mrs. John V.inNest, Solîna, at Mr, Jas. A. Werry's; Mr. 3.' O. Mills at home previous to writing on his Phin. B. Exam. at Toronto Varsity. . Con-1 gratulations to Mr L B.. Williams on HIigh stand ing-lst class honors-at Trînity Medical College for his first sear .. . .The many friends of Dr. iF. C. Trebilcock hore congratulate hlm on completion of bis, Medical course with highest honors .... The anniversary scr vices of IMethodist Sunday Sehool bore Sunday were very successful. Good at- tendance at both services and excellent sermons by Rev. R M. Phalen, B. A The singing by the sohool was very en- joyable and the violin accompanliments assisted verv greatly Miss Olza Wil- liams gave a very applicable recitation at morning service and Misses Saidie and Edith Virtue zave a pretty duet at night' A good time and crowd oxpect- ed on Queen's Birthday ... . Relief of Mafeking was ceiebrated here on Sat- urday evening. .ORONO. Mr. Sam Allun bas Eecured a situation in the Toronto Silver Plating Co's works .. . .Bev. C. W. DeMille recieved a unanimous invitation from the Quart- erly Bgard of the Methodist church to remain another vear.... Mrs. H1. Hall sprained her wrist by falling down stairs. .... Wolverhampton LodgeS O.E. will attend divine service at the Meth- odist church Sunday evening Mav 27th ...Messrs. R Moment and W. J. Robinson were delegates to the Meth- odist district meeting at Hlampton.... Major McCaughey, D. D. G. M., Co- bourg, visited Orono Lodge A.O.U.W., iast week .... Mr. Addison Rickaby bas been sick.... Mr, andMrs. W. T. Lock- hart, Newcastle, visited Orono friends recently. . .. MT. H Hooper and son Charles, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Harry Hooper's Sunday woek. ... Mrs. John Foster, Bowmanvîlle, visited ber sister, Mrs. Rich. Beer, Sunday week .. . .Mr. Joseph RickabY, and Mr, Ed. Scott, Brookîju. were here recentlv .. . .Messrs, Fred Bales and E. Nicholson, Osbawa, wero in town rocenýtix . . .. Mr. John Bigelow and Miss Ethel Chapman visited friends lu Newcastle recentlv.. INr. D. T. Allin vIsited his sister, Mrs. R JRowe, ncar Crooked Creek. . .. Mr. Wm. Adams and Miss Jean Adams, Bowrnanvillei visited at Mr. Leui Gamn- sby's. Mr. Nicholson. of the Adv. Dept. of the Globe, wi-fe and two child- reri, visited at Mr. R. Knox's .... Mlessrs. John J. Gilfillan, Ruddock- Waddell and Lewis Chapple, take pjart in an bntertainment Empire Day, at Antioch Public School.. .. Mr. Arthur Linton, B3usiness College, Toronto, is leaving for Leamington, wliere be bas secured a situation in a bank. .Di-, Jas. Newsorne, who bas graduated from Trinitv, Me dical College, iwith bonors. expecte to locate in British Columbia, 60 SPEC[ALISIS 0ON TIIË CAsE-m ýthe orinary, run of medical practise a gre ttor nuinber than this have treated cases of chronic d yspepsia and hiave tailed to cure-but DÉ~. Von Stan's Pineapplo. Tablets .(60 in a box 'at 3.5 Cents éost)-lbave mnade the cure and put te rotit the mistaken notion -that ploprietarY remedies are trash, and andi ray help but nover heal. These littie "specialists" have proven their real menit. 1A WOXDEIIFUL PREPARAT.ION. of Piles For 2 0 Years-A Constant Suffoerl FroMl Blesdlng and Protru ding Pies-CUrBd by Or. Cise's Wntment. In vain d"idMn. Jas. Brown. of Hîn- tauburgh, nea.r dttawa. ueaxch'for 16 c ure for piles. In Europe and America. she trled every remedy availablo. but It nemaned fer Dr. Chas's Ointznent te effect a cure. Mi-s. Brewn wte:-" I have been a censtant sufferer from nearly every fermi of piles for the last tweuty years, and during that time belh here and ln, the O1ld Country have trfed most every remedy. II amn only doing justice te Dr. Chiase%. itmient, when 1 say that 1 boheve It le' b* the best remeédy eh- talnable lor bleed¶btg and pretrudlng pilesr. I strongly recemmnend 3,Dr. Çhase's Olntrnent te mothera, or indeed to any person sufferlng f nom that dread torment-piles'" Physicis.ns and drugglst.s reeommend Dr. Chase's Olntmnent as the oeepre- parutionr that will neyer failtot cure piles. It lo guaranteed te pesitively cure piles, whether kehing, bleeding, er pro truding. 60 cents a bâx, at ail dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates and'Co., Toronto. PIANO RECITAL. Pupeils cf Miss Florence Tilley, A. Tý C.Mgave a musical recital in the par- lors cf Dr, W. E. Tillev's residene Menday night te the parents and a few iavited friends. Thei roems were beau- tifully ligbted, and decorated with plants and flowers,, "ie little folk did tbemnselves and their teacher credit la their piano performances. Miss Alma Courtice, kbonezen, is worthv cf special mention for the excellence cf lier play- ing, Amnoug Ibose taking part were: Misses Norma Elford, Rhea Manning, Ada Allia, Norma Coach, Mildred Jury. Della Osborne, Edua King, Aima Cour- tice, Viola Ilundle, Bertha Osborne and Masters Hubert and Creigbtou Hliggin- botham, Burton Tavior, Gordon Jury, \Villie Prower and R. Waddell. Miss lZbea Manning gave twe recitations in ber pleasing stN]e.Ilegrtwas expres- sed that soe f the pupils were ana- vidably absent. The program was verv mucb eajoyed and those partici- patiag hope te bave similar recitals te attend again. MAFEKING* IS RELIEVED. Col. Mabon and Col. Plumer, se far as latest war despatcbos can be relied qn, entered Mafeking, as Lird Roberts romised, on Ma317 or 18. Our citizens turned eut Saturday night en masse te celebrate the evenit and rîgbt well tbev did it A procession was formed on the mqrret squaýre headed by some yeuug mnen ou borsenbackz and the Dominion Organ Baudi. Coucillers J. B. Mitchel and Capt. Kiaig led the pedestrians, vollies cf fireworks we:-e discbarnged along, the route, guas wore fired and the singing and shouting was tremend- eus. Flags wene fil'yiag eyerywhere, buuting hungr from the buildings, dwellings wre ilmiaated and there was gener:si roJoicing all over town. After (~rai the principal streets the procession iUrotýe up. Cheers were given for.' Q]uen Victoria, L'ord Roberts, ColBde-cel and other genorals, inacludiing our own Col. Sain. Hughes who eot asbîga cheer as amy cf tbem. Mn E. L. WXelsh marsbnlled the pro- cesion Thero( was a bot lime in the old tcwýn. Oth)or warnewson an inside page. West End. buse BOWMANVILLE. "!Rokco" corcal coffee Pure, whole. soîne, nourisbing, highly re-ommenden byv leading physicians. Rokco is -equal te 4Qc. coffee, but only cosfs one fourtb the price and is used at x our meals in- steçqd of poisoneus teas and coffeec. Roke is sold in 10e. packages, 15c., or 2 tbs. for 25c. For sale in Bowmanville by the following grocers, Young & Co., Cawker & Tait, Heal & Co , Masen & Co., John McMurtry, J. B. Martyn and A. L. Nicholîs. Ask for it. 6 lyr SEEDSD Murdoch bas a full assortment of Field and Gardon S6eds. Garden Seeds in bulk-all fresh Field Seods cf ail kiuds Still head.quarters for the GEM FENCE -tbe cheapeet Farm fonce known. Variety Hall, BowmANVI LLi. Thesunmshines and so doos our Palmerston Buggies; they are just <wbat yen want-new in desiga and beautiful in finish. Also Agent fer Red Bird Biex ls-up to date in every particulan ; you are saving rnoney when vou buy a Brantford; and Cossitt Moweî-s, Rakes, Corn Planter and othen impleinents. Cal and inspect before yen buv. Jno. S. Rundle's llarness and Implernent Emporiumn. BowmANVt,LE-. Nlow is the time for MIl My stock will ho found verv complote and prices 'right., Beautiful patterns from 5 cents. Wincdow ~Shades Crrtaiti Poles \Rporn £folcings. New stock cf f ramned Pictures, Frames and Picture Molding-s just received. A very nice frame for Cabinet Photos for 25c. See tbe Oul Chromo for $1.00. 1 EVERYTHINO NEW,' Here's a storebigger--ap.d big- ger by far---than anyother.- It keeps1 most everythilg that Men and Women want for themsel7y4s or their children,- It is,,enterprising and pushing, and there's a reason why people do--more, trading here .Wl- e,ý* M. lwý _Iwý ý, The Big Busy, Sto2e

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