DR. L. POTTER. Office and residenee,ChurchSt.,opposite Trinlty Congregational cburcb, Bowmanville. 25,6m* MISS EVA LUTTRELL jl trepared to give lessons on organ and piano â rrsidence, 'King St. 7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARTIST. Iristructinsg -venuPAINTING j Ou, Water Color aud Cin,te hîug andi piniiug fron nature. KILN ou promnises, jar- ing ut usuel prices, 5.m MISS REGINIA PErUt.y Pýupil cf Prof. A. S. Vogt, Toronto, ls prepared to give tessOns On 1iane or Organ, eitter ai ber own résidence, Silvs.r St., Bowmalnville, or t be Poe cf ber pupils. 50-8m* NEW AUCTiONEER. g AMFs Bisnor, icensed auctioneer, -wlll con- fuet sales iu West Durbami ibis seascu atiowest rates. ÂpplY for ternis dates, etc.,ai JOHN IRnanLESa laruesa Shep, king t. E., Bowman. ville. DIR. J. C. MITCHELL, ~fEMBEROP COLTEGEOF PFLYSICIANS ML. an d surgeons, Ontaric,Coronerý, Pte, Residence. Enniskillen. 74 A. B. MOLAUGJELIN, 19arrioter, Solictor aud Conveyancer. Offie:- balyBlebpKing street, owmai4vnie, ROBERT YOUNÇG, V. S.ý d-oFFlCE IN WEST DURHAM NW Vclok, where hiniseif or bis assistant wlll be fnund from 8 a. m. to 9 p.In Nigbi cal].s ai reaIdeuce,directly oppositýenli Sb11',ed. Oels ab y elýipor telephone wil recelve promipt aî-1 4n, B171 - yr. 1 TAIR WORK.-Ladies wi8hine' hair! .1 -Rdoeever, calt i as DicKiNsoN s,Ring Eai an'd Cor Of Oteri St BOwmenvllle. 4ti -%,IlARRZIAGE LICE NSEs,ý--M. A ,U.LJÂmFB. Issuer of Marnlage Lieusen. Itebidence:ý Cetre sireet.___________ $50.000.,)o00 TO LEND v 9 oungos«mort- Zaeuilerit tmoderato raies cff tIner si, RPEATE,TAIRLORI Gentlemen's Clothes made to Order. £1000 te bis Insiitnte, se that deaf people hable: te procuré the Ear Drums may bave hmfe Apphy te 780Eigbîb Avenue,lew vork, U.sI. 27lyr. DEr.NTISTRY a. HÂRNDEN, L.D.S. firaduate f o ie Royal College of Dental Sui geons, Onario OFFICE.-Oppomilte Expse,68O0fmce. VITALIZED AIR Two "severe cases that I i AUl Dunlop Tires in z9eu » WhIen you bire a wheei, front the Bicycle Livery look at the tires. If they are Dunlop Tires then you can rest assured th e wh eel bas a' good pedi- g-ree ini its every part. Dunlop Tires on ail good wheels. "The only tools" The Dlunlop, Tire C.. Limited, Tonte. kietre.l. Wimiipeg. et. John, CHALLENGE COMPARISON. Another Tribute to Canada's Troeps at the Front. A desputris tron London soya: W/heutise lest mails left Souths Atrica tise Britias amy sud tise army ef cor- respondeuts were eugaged lu the haardeat tasis cf ail waiting for tise word te advance. H. H. Pears, chiot correspondent nt the front cf bise London Daily News, bings eut more cleamiy tissu bas beeu d&ue betore the -marvallous aud varied composition et the Britis forces. Ho aise, taises oc- casion te psay thu Canadian contin- gent oueetftise h4hies eft-tise mauy compliments they have reoived. -Ho witea: " To.Canada w o ake off u bats represenbatives, a regimeut et intan- try bisat winz admiration frein every source. For muarchisig, or endurance, on tighuing it au challenge ceuupari-1 son wih sny battahion of Lord F enta' army, sud that las aylg sagi deal." TROOPS RFACH BEIRA. Change ln Ralway Gauge1 Caused Great Delay. 3.500 British treopa bave airnived h tibsafr. Tise Pertugesme off ir bave been utiost friendiy sud bolb lu paaaiug thoin tismeugis. Cisangiug the rallnoad at Baux Creois tron narrow te broad go.i bas caused a great delsy te were completely cured tF "res A liunibuer of nurses The la smucis sickiss a angt rby th~e G etE d mn. lb la an unboaitisy place, 'Purifir a d He er peislly at this tine et tise e Cenuine Suftored For aver eleven years 1 'I earmi. sufféred witiu Dyspepsiea and tried everythlig 1 couid tiink of, but was unabie ta get relief until 1I toek Bur. i ck , 7 ý 1 dock Blood Bitters. I had oniy taken one L tl 1 battis when I conumenced ta feei better, and aftem taking Ave or six bottles was Must Bear Signature of eutirely weil, and have remained no ever minces, and feed as tiscugis B. B. B. iad saved my life.-Mrs. T. G. Jcyre, Stanhope, P.Q.' 0FIIUNDeF >e Fighting at the rseEansaat. c R.'ECAPTITRE Pive Days', Severt Biggar London, May 15.-The W/ar Office te.. day 'bas received theb felowi1 de- spaltches f rem Gen. Buller. "Kýemp'S Frm, May 15.-ThO tollow.. iug telegratms sent te Reberts are new ropeated te you. They begin under date cf Msy 13:- "Iu accordance with instructions ta' koep the ouemy occupied et the Big- garsberg, ou May 1ltbh I concentrated the third cavalry brigadeof the seond division and semae corps et artillery at Sunday'a river drift, cn the Help-1 maissar read, and directed Colonel Betbuue to sdvauce on Groytown with the Bthune infautry, the Urnvoti Mouuted Rifles, and the Imperial LighÉ Iutantry. 1"On May 12 we utoved te Wasch- i banis sud Bethune te Pemeroy, white U1NION4 JACK HOISTED. Gen Huntep Raises the British Flag at Christiana. A despatch from London, Tbursday, &ays:-D6spatches 'f rom thse Fourteen Streama district indirate that Gener- ai Hlunter advanced aloug the north hais of the Vaal river as fer as Chria- tiana. A reconnaissance showed tisat 1 the Beers isad evacuaiud this place, and were rcbreating. General Hunter-' thereupon marched lu at the bond ot 1 lis division without opposition, and1' for the tirst time sinee the outbreskis of the war beisted the Britislh thag lu the Trausvsal. As the Union Jack was gîve.n to the breeze the treops cheered for the Queeu, and a baud'ý played the National Anuthem. lb le re- ported that Generai Hunter subse-1 questly advancedlu tise direction cf.4 Klerksderp, 100 miles souht-'weat et Johannesburg, but this is net cou- tirmed. - Notes and Comments. luaan natur7e tendu. teü run to ex- treimes. We oflen remark tias, Ix a soai--poogeieway, failing perliape ta realdzu e ow unlortrInate- the efforts of ac xceaS of ,seutilment or energyl fre oj e ntily po e t e b e . h i. ,' f cO&ifse, lot whelly strange that mon jShouý Linrua atimes imb , extremeS.ý officers we'-e taken prisouers. "The cwner of the tarin States that the8 Boers threatened te shoot hlm wheu ho protested againat their mais- ing ou improper uIseo f the white flag.'l x1WvILL NOT PROPHESY.ý Roberts on tise Probable Date of Cessation of Hoetilities. London, Weduesday, May 16-Lord Roberts coutriýbutes a lune te tise dis- Ouission goiug, oulu tise press-as- te wblen tise war viii end, by the teýllew- ing telegran, dabed Mcuday, sud sent tismougis s correspondent, wiso a *mode tise direct enquiry:- -1 regret tisat I caunot give anv re- ply te yoxsr question. a55 11/ unpos- sible ai proent to predict wsen- tise carapaign moy end." Tise vie vfethbie ûîhor aide la report- ed isy a corresponde nt, te _wiom Pro- aident Stoyn said :- "SoOnor tison, beave tiis'cduuitry te foul mcc tise lande eOft biet Bnitisis, 1 would destroy ai Our bouses sud beave it a dosent."1 KIJMASSIE STILL INVESTED. UbEs Uff, lelt-ei 5êOolilie Goveno "*" au extreme pilosophiral systen bas simply prepared tise way for a reun- ton syste in tise nexi generation quiîte as extreme lu the opposite di- rection. So ia theelogy, an unintai- ligeut pietian, or dreamy inysciciain, bas Mere tison once been folewed by qnanid rabionalisn, or vice versa. Hu- mianity tiresofet tie tipping et tise scales overmisci in eue direction, sud muat needa, it seena, seoit vaniety by subsequeutly tipping tI bainlutise op- posite way. W/bat la dittiruit is te seep aun ee balance anid tise cen- peUlg scisools, tise escilItalg rmo- tiens. ,Parbisansbip la easy, poise i s isard te ho serured. Heure, it la that wcth unfortunato frequeucy geod durcis peuple are beiag dniven te, vety opposite poleý,osfettisogisi, acb set et oxtremiats reu-derng tise other moeo îronueucedeither as ultra-cou- servativea or rechiklesm radlcala. lu p'rsc- icot affaira this excusa etview, tis undue orpiieac f syinpaîsy oe way or tis oiser, la5 unfemtuusteiy il- iuscrated in preswnË eceuomic sud! ocriological conditions. The ricis are becoaing riciier, tise poor peorer. In our everyday vers bularies suris orins as "classes" sud "masses" appear. Systeins are inaking slaves. Frateruity sud bnothenly love romain very large- ly but pleosiug sentimnuts andi enpby n anos. Rob- Try tolBreakoiîogm There is15grave danger in bisese ex.. reat Accra, Gold Coast Celouy, May 15.-' bromes. SeOfethtie social refermera Tise stuation is uurisanged. fIis said are beginniug te say thst a ropublir lu officiai cirches that tise Governor bialf inis aud baît poor cannet tive. ansd ceumniader-iu-chief cf the Gold TUat muny econeuni sud social injus- hCoast colony, Sim Francis Hodgson, bas tices obtain at tisie present ine, eV Has annunced bis intention,, unesin- ery caudid Christiîsa must admit. Soine unediaueiY relieved, te noise an ai- remedy for msncb lis sbeuld 4~e found. bouit tempt te rush -tise rrP ut oune patciditfirulty lu dont-, here Tisere are uew 450 1trojpsa at tKumLxas.- igwitIsibi ytJ- act etfextrenes,' 'Wh ai,450 buwe apoef udl h xteordc.ls tmauy Of Prapshu nd 5GO n f lu would ho refe0rmra swbo wouldvie-- pfuî- Pasd510o hi w1y troniïetly seois te -bauige tise social sys- Jeishatebns tisa are-new lu force. Tiseir views Tho, disatffectio)n la apreading -cou are lu nunorous instances su degma- boo tise nontheru bribes. Rings Touie sud ic 50 doctrinaire, se eue-sided as te Luge Cudgoe, et At-cru, have beau apprýoais- iin<olve thmpir coutention lu a genemal tise ed hy tise Ashantis, coudenuation aitise banda cf aunai- lied hle sud yet suiac.tcmen. lb ran- KRUGER GETTIING REAIIY.ao hodndelietsismesp tise italilts are se extnemely grasplng sud 05 Thearrogant am te greatly embitter a esiiT oo10r Capital Will Be Remnoved situation, wicb(; if lett teo sensible, -o tahie Mountains. wcl baiauced morn migisibh soon ai- I teviacsd. Extrenmes inaise xtrenes. IA tespatccbte tise London Tmes aud fewqusin are ever settled fr-on Lors uzo Marques soya cisere rigbbîy, wii-hueans tinaily, hi men seins to e ho n ger anyelioubtthat whoe ideas run away witis thon, On et i tie itenion f tse rasvs h wsi expertt bis wisobe world te tee ite18thser ieti soft thGe -rnaltbchaIS tine wb.h tiseir faucy bas to tanifer'th set o Goernentinspired tirera sornewbers te draw on to Lyduuiburg, sud toeondeavour te tishe la aena. It is net witisout maiso a finai stand tisane. Thse Volts- 5OiSiO social as weli as tenupunament- * ~ ~ ~ ~ t hadl ootd c ave eudorsed ah significance tbat an inspired apes- 7, rad i reprted tbiccuniseba: -Lot vour modersu ion bho tise propossi. isnowu unto tii moue."1 The despeucis adds tisai tiere is - gouerai tait lu Preoria Chat Presi-' Energy sud euihiîsinsm are cf tise dent Kruger la couteinpia Ling ain- greatosi value as mecive-pewers la' imediace departune frein t[isecptl lite, but lite tise fgrces of nature, A iLumber-eoffiiaIs nsareaçby pro.. hey are worse tissu uselessa nes ipuîing fer tiight istlsl t ttiat ccuîntolled. RecenusU on s rsîlroadý Stats SecreÈary Reitz bs hoentieeninensu tmn-n t rs Soucis Anerira as bis futuse hom enitraingbrins eipd iest niofxacao FRENC LOC lES OERS tis engiuse, wbereupon su tint ne BOERS. aiseman attompted te run tisetrain TheyWih Mae a tan 30Miles inlto town. Ile pulied bise tismottie tooe Nrt i 0f k roaStad.30wide open, sud to bi ishonrr, the train, gatiseriug momentusa, plunged lessly pulls the throttle wide open, while mon about him posa jbly are fallen lntp a stupor of selfjah indul- gence. The wi]d-cat reformer may tfrisg up in a station, or in a, crash. Really his best friend would be a man who should pernuade hlm te try a touch or two oM the air brake. The precipitate reformer would do well te learn prudence from the ex- cow byý a ropo, unit thLe cw an -away down the read carrying the boy aleng, whereuplonti tIe latter cried lu terrer te s4ome people who appear- octd in the distanc-e.-" Hu-re we Umme. Headr us off." The proges of more than one.legitimate f)reform lun this wvorMla i facilite ted moat substantiai- -ly aud la.9tîngly by heading off many ea aide-rush of oxtreme prejudico or fanaticiýs. 1 The visit ef the Austrian Emperer te Berlin, even if, as la vigorously de- rclared, it bas ne political significance and la intended simply as a compliment te Prince Frederick William of Prua- sa, the Crown Prince cf Germany, la atili suggestive cf the relations that iobt-alu between the twe ceuntries. For 1twenty-one years Austria and Ger- m'any have been allies, and theugh the -Dreîbîud is suppesed te have lest aomaething cf its first vigor, the tact that the, two chief partners in it can stili visit ene anether speaks well fer their political cenatancy. Nobedy would rare te prephesy that tweuty tyears hence the Czar of Russia and -G11.1 - - : zt , -- 1 ;,L I (lm -g- e, (- culçiei b- U e > <. ' tt ladifficýult for, semijontures te rùî " ein. Haimlton at al i nleistLy vcourse at break. with yç b ,Uptesee okspeed. A, senas Hty ,atarL Siopo cf W;luiotk . TLhe third cav- he gather Kmome1luuni, , as lat he alry brigade crowned a bill on each case with the ýruiner romipeinig witk1 aide ef the main read, and Bethune at.. cager"otetns uafoot race, on- tacked by the Pocmeroy road froni 3 thusiasrn ie, determinia ien hardonsý ides. The eneuny hurriediy abandened aend tjse pu;ce iïs ,ioenwJy acelerated. the position, which they had st]rougîy Moreover, 1whleu it ,conEýs te thecreti- entreuched, and retired tethie ne in lucal opinions pre>(judi.e casîily warps the fint ef Helpmakaar, whence we hope vieçvvs ofE en nany -cf wbom leook te disiodge tbem te-merrow, as mauy at thu Wonld abouut'them, threughcol- of them have retired. ered glasses, or disterting lendes, anti "We ave ain(j te mUmmi bhoc o iothem ,big things seent lit. "egw/o hvege the os umminy ft ef "he tic and on the ether hand sorte littie borgwih is bs f ni afw mon things appear se big that ahi cothoî "1 avaue tomerow u Bithsudinterests are sacrificod, iu order Co Hildyard moves ou Wessel's noli.- Our otl h vrmgiidejce amaît loas, I thinit. was eertainhy due te the excellent troop-leadiug ef Gen- Nevertheless it is neot wehl te, run erals Harnlton sud Lord Duudonald, te extremes. Sîuch excess reacta upein sud Colonel Bthune." the individual, deranges his mental ___ anîd emxptieuai nature, aud obscures KILL-fB UNDER WHITE FLAG the xvision cf other, and perbaps or iportant îierests, uer is it god Roberts' Report of the Latest Act fer seciety, f or the excessive partisa:n- of Boeer Treachery. ahfip or special pleading oetoee inu olonggenerally prejudices the averagercoe- The war Offko' posta the oown mon-seuse masses cf sec.ie.cy againsi despateh tront Lord Roberts, under thue causes or reforms soeigbt te be date of Krocustad: p'ushud through. The radicalîsua cf an 1 over-.eager releormer is semetimes cem- "Two offirýers and six men ef Prince jAlreds Gard, hit ou foagig pared te a wedge, wMh il suppesed Alfrd~sGuadsw ble ui oraîugte prepare the way for îho outrance on Monday a few miles frein Kroon- cf eew' ideusý, ,ta linse end, wili atad, visited a farm flying a white cleave a giveni system asunder. Such fiag, tho owuer cf which surrende.red radicaliam mighit quitie as ofIen be re.mpared te an energetîcally delivor- Ihiaif with armsansd arcmunition.1 ed, b ut poorly tim.ed blow wiÉh an axe, Tbey thon apçroached another fan, which strikiug a bard substance, aira- aise fi5 ing a ewbite flag. Wheu w-th- piy rebounds, leaviug searce a dont te lu terty yards cf the enclosure they register tima. were fired upor by fifteen or aixteen Boers, ronrealed bebind the farin wall.! The evil efforts et extremo viewser Twc f ie mn wre illd, ieu. F niethods have been exemplified many B. Walton was wouuded, sud ideut. W. timaever ln bistery. Tbey are observ- R etn and w n -omjýso able iu the sphere of thoughot. Many plant the native religion by another, and are lnjured or killod in these3 efforts, theY Must accept the couse- quences without grumblirig. It is absurd to assume that they are on- tÏtled tc the saniepoeto from their gcvernmenta as mon. engaged in business purseits. Neone cf thUee ar- guments, save the Iast, are, cf courseý, worth seriou% discussion, because tboy have been anwored a thouaand time:s, and becausei fact, is more im- portant than t huory. &nd the fact la thlat as long as Christian peeple doem it a duty te aend the Gospel to for- eign landa, aud' men can ho found te carry it, misaionary enterprise willl continue. Ail that la worth consideration, thon, la whether the missionary la te be protected in hua work by his own geverumeut, as are other citizenm on- gaged in lawful avocations. T[he question might perhaps hoe au open, one if the missionary by his teachi- ing were breaking the laws cf the country in which lie resided. Even then a very good dlaim might ho1 made for hua protection on the ground that ne recogni tien should be gîven to the right of a pagan or semi-civilized power te bar the entry cf Christianity. In the ceuntries lu which the question of protection is, llkely tu become emharrassing, the legal right of the missieuary te re-À nide and teach la as ciearly guaran- teed by treaty as is that cf his, fei- low cîtizena te engage ln trade. The ECZEMA BECOME-S And Can OnIy b. Cured by Persistent Treat. ment with Or. Chase's Ointment. The extremne suffering produ-ý,ed by tht frlghtful lîchiog and burning c 'Lf eczeoa usually leads the afflicted one ta seek a cure, and thus fcrtunately prevents the disease fromn becoming chronir andi deeply rooîýed lu the Bystem. At whatelver stage t-his wreicbed disease mnay b, Dr. Chase's Qintnien t is a prompt relief for the sufféring and posiiively and! permanently eures. Ttlias effected mort cutres of itching Skin diseases thai ny remnedy lin Europe 'or America. It î, . standard preparation for ilching skiv Z2z eases, and is recognized as suchà by d most akilful physiciens. Dr. Chase& Oliment in invaluable in every homo as an absolute cure for ecsema, salt rheum, baby eczema, scaid head, old people's rash, chafing, sors feet, pimple1 blackheads, and every faxn of ltching skin disease and skin eruption. 6o cents a box, at ail dealers, or Edmansan, B3ates & Ce.ý Toronto. AFFAIRS AT PRETORIA Boer Newspaper Strongly Advocate.î There La, ciserefere, geod reasen fer tisinising bisat Frauda sjosephss vîsit te Berlin la merely a vîsit et counctesy sud a preef cfbis iindiy sud forgîving disposition. No dou.bb it wîll hobcmode tise occasion of pleas- ont refereures te tise virtues aud stability efthtie Triple Alluance, but tisat alliance, bas* really ger pat bise point whvistl con be resenreu-ted by incantatiuons> Germany bas eutgro.wu it. ltaly bas baîf ruiued iserseif by tnying te live u t t its requîrein&ntts, aîud Aitria. bas gaineti frein it onty an atly who scaitires ber interesta, axa~;' ua&.housýu ' f 80 urlo aold poison la In your systemn and your sisferings wiII b. great until Fou set thse kidneys right- Or. Chases Kdiioy-Liuer Pil malso thoehîy hoalthy and cure ail uric acid troubles. Tise moat painful, tise meat fatal and poisoned bbood may cause the cure cau censequeothy thse mosi dreadod diseasea efonly ho bre ugisi about by setting tie kid- tise buinan body are caused hy tise pro- neya dg tuht. eure ot cric acid le tise beod. Tise oxperienceocf tees of tisousainda AI Uriç acid la tise came given te tise foui, meii aud oecn leCtnada and tise UnitesA peisoneus izupurities wisicis are lft injetise States points to Dr. Cha-se'a iny-ie bieed wisen tise tidnees are deranged and Pilla as tise mest effective mean-fs et oting unabie te perforinichoir duîy et fibîoing tise iiduicys igis. Ne cuber iidney medt bise bleod. cne can produce so îuucb irrefutabbe Se long as tise iidneys are le perfect evideece cf is wendenfui curative virtue. bealti tise uic acid la passed eout efthtie Ne otiser kidney rAueicine bas rce_ýived body by way of tise biadder suid the blonud secs isoarty endonsal ion fi-uni pisysic ins, is Sept pure and cieon.No is tisis te ho,,-wondered ai wis-en it in 1Fbuxfirfr-sorc'tda n ~eeitu--dY eti Chose is a p(ioceý hoalarHc~ F~IIIIè-er-virainoa u~ tI-e uasn~Tî-siT~ais. llarc,.wbe vlr-skurbcrïus--elltw ry-h. aromt-hv l- k7id-nemae tp. 'ý-A %ti ý .LLu bal 19.t 1 used bthe B. B. B. as a wash as weIi as 'teroaliy, and ib seemed to give great FOTuCMPXIN relief as accu as Itwas put an.-mrs, F Jci b passy~'gs Vhilip Mitchell, St. Mary's, Ont. iz HADAH. - wiunseveaigna re h~ldV.ing anon,- F1iamps ,--The o ook Crpu IdoO trenhed ositon tseme Thoimr S MNos. 1 and 2 oid ana recommeuded by aIl sien la poiionat î. heyw ie atmbris- respausibie Druggis ts lu Canada. place, sud tisai ibis will hothe bast No.s, s auîd d te osuianituby IliQr-,q stand tise Booms will make sentis ef tise sevRa & SONSos- &J csv*Ono 10 Ly J. GIr. Vaal river. -ILLAÂ; Newcastie by D'a. FARNcoBEz. rk 'j ith îr - --needeu protection ita, mon, tue saine Adsac ri rtn a i theo1laa Frnrh Republic thon,, lnuoeecase as lu the otiser. ATise roct Beer rersesaec siui will o n spuaking ternas. Ille tactTh entBrrvrsmaecuig lsai ahebb more interestiug wben oe-- a splendid display of patriotir ardeu1r. remembers, that the Bapaburgsanad Injdeed, it ta impossible fer a gev- Amazen corps are being formed, bu!t'b 1Hoheuzollerua have for centuries erument to discriminste between ita oeadi eanebrwt h 1been tbbcgreat rival bouses et contral itzn eietarat ath bsadinJansugwl E 3Europe, tise final.ascendancy et the ciiesrsduobod esyta bject et releasing ail avallable uo - latter isavîug enly been acisieved with- euly the engîneor or aîrtisan, or the for active service. The spiriitoeti he in the la-st f orty years through a mnwotae ucte goodabrheai rnig -fb adte - caratersti stekeof Bismarcian shall bc protected. A. man dues not aedtrie emk eprt diplo.macy by wbirb the Hapaburgs afi i ctznbpbeas ttoreiaae tendte Bnis. Tere laýkt were the, sufferers. Se far, thon, efibi tzesi eas tterstnctoheBts. TeeIM frein there beiug auy bistorirai rea- çaU etf dutY lhedevotes bis lifa ui vrnhatvtyl i heGwea sous why Grnany sud Austria uisould seme river City et Cina t 0evrs cityIalteCoru ho tnienda, there la every iistori.cai resruing the natives from tise mn u iiaydprmu ireasen wby îhoy aheuid net; sud that, mental sud moral stagnation. The Velissateni atrenuoualy adv- * alliances uotwitbstaudiug, la a tact ofet aucestior worsbiP. Ner dees ostos the destruction of tbeWta- rnet te ho tergctten . ho f orfeit bis rigbt te protection front 1 erarand geld mines as a necessary annoyance or injury lu teacbisg sand îiaymar. Moreover, et late years tisere have miuistericg toe i gnorant people of itaymsue been growiug p lu the I)ual Mon- Asia Miner, se long ahoe abides by Michael Davitt, the Irish Nationkal- aroisy vr thout ~t hb ie law. To art ttpun tise theory that lat, who came bore ostenajbly as the Germ ny aa p ayu g s as taigi t gamo. bu do s se w ould entail so ne v ry Fcorrespondent et a new p per, he Ferans .Jsephla vIngart-tuull gaiis . sentous cousequences. lb svould, for started on bis reburn te Europe. Frni oehi irulybsonjexample, ho quite certain te invite___________________ Foreign Miister sud his diomacy orag. opes ue notte iend n geeruout DRil CAE ie manked witis the straugilt orward- ,weuld at ines oblige the goverumeut ,0D.AW.C SE8 ie.ss sud loyaIty et bis ewn chanacter. wvbicis ought te protect, te exelaiti ita ' CATARRH CURE ... 0 1W/bat bus feeling ee bu lsmr ialure te pretect by sayiug that the U stdrc eiedeae takîug s cynucal revougo for hua dis- ctZt nuoie slo a agtpartabythcIbeiproved Biofe,. muIssai, pubtisised the tact that Ger- occaatouaily lu a mission arbýool, sud eate sacesadcPPuath L i Hfrei oil o it eels t ubcrden is it mnanly iad cocl-u;ded s secret sgree- teeoei eidntitrere. No asbsat~ e~uîcue ment with R si sbehlind Austria a govrim ount au put itsef lu suris aand eer . itï etr backansd auunedaet lber, may fesily -hop osittîousud rota-tu thie respect of otb..fre.Aideaiers, or Dr. AW. Chlue guosaed. Fron tltua moment te speaisi r nations. If ritizensbip is net te -. . MdCQC.. Taroutto aud 8uffaie. ef tise iiple Alliance as a couvon- 1 cesse to ho a complote protection fer "~"-- tien with any et ticnacy 1Mb i lb wF5a l[ te wbom lb apples, geverumeuits ,;imply te paudoer to the politenés etoi must iproteot temeu whe teacb as 1 MO E FG îINU. m odýe m d p om acy. Thro ufgh et tb ey do th se w h ti na ie gain. 1 1 Ausbria-HLungary there was a very -- , 1 Thirty BOers jKilled aPd Woun<çf derided- opinion. that their -iutore.sts But wbile this la true, itqs net aillu ae1 1ny iseidbeen bey ad.wte t rul-wsys easy te determnine iaow p'reteer A epbr ri DJistu, C astde hybdtien may beat ho attorded, or bow Adsac rn ùig& fo pesur my wiely ho arried. A Coloy, reporta that district as beýing Tliser. was funther friction betweeu wa -e ndfneo miso atil uissettle&. Smili bodies oftri- tetoallies ever-the epul ei fteresswagd lu de te c mis nry bo-làsare, reaiing about thecocuntry. b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ li hto xlscn teotlaatugtawecidntOuParty iooted a atome at Gootdri-uk Assaîriait aubjecta from Germ-mauy, desire, for net culy would it ho "eout i-n the neighýbomehm of lJping ,o Tiseisada e Autria Poe inig ot keepiug with the spirit cf China- Tuesduy. Tisere loa buen a akimmiali work lu' the Pelisbt provinces. cf Ger- tianaity, but lb mîgbt destroy a11 pros- at Koegas, fin, wUboh it la stated tiat mxywere eunmariiy turuned bars pect of subsequently disseminaclng tbirtY 0f Orpou'a Herse brought B sud ordered bome. No attem.pt waa Chisitiauity among tisepeple withBers Mtoyn kle 1 id wun mode te detend tise action on legal jwbýon we siseuld ho ai war." Ou the e,1 fte. greOunda.hit was; toieso oety oui t o otisen baud, while the misaienary rousudemation for Gemmany's prîvate Jsiseuid oxercise tise gi-estee t possible political situation and tise protesta ef restraint lu calliig fer tise interven- ber ally wore q-uitby diaregarded. tien ef bis governeut, hoe canuet, re.. i.-T ~ l However much, reason there mughi main quiet whiie bis property is iooted A TR hsave been for tise Kaïser's attitude, sud tise ives ot bis tamîly are tbreat- it was toIt very keeuly ir( thoi P-ual ened. T-o tisus romnain quiet would jee- For Infants and Ohidren. Mena rriy, sud Fraudas Joeph, pardize botis bis legal igîts sud bis wouid nover b-ove treabed German woris. Bots tise maintenance ef bis !hTasfi. subjectase h rusquely as tise Kaiser rigis as citizen and et the nos port fer 5ji. 0v15 mient,. deisanid reparation tor tise eut- ~WAW And fm,-ïlt 1ýe (ein,,T-Cechfe(,rage. Tie problein l ifs lus net an Audflui I, tse Grma-Czch eu. tesy cue, tiseugi heie ntlgeveru.. iii ,Aur.ria bas been auyth1ing but a monts w1th wiich such emhiarriss. 79 FATAL CASES. source of amlty between tise two, mon- 1monts are inoat liisely te arise, gouer.. arris. Tise Ensperor Fraudas josephs ally yield uudler -,pressure, wbich lais read or Ilm bxle Fo inli cauot o gnoantettis taittha Jnet xvar, sud wisicis wii probably net 1 A:ub 1ra'5.. cannt beignrantof te fct( hatlead te war." Tise ether ditficulby, bebhisnl Vienîta sudBerlin there are lbow protection cati best ho atfordod, 1 A desfpeatobi froum SydLeY, N. S. W,, vigorous polibirai parties whicis arela a more senlous eue, for a goveru- I sys:-T'wo budred -sud thirty-tivo ~orslu fo tie .ecesie etGeranmeut, say like tisai et China, may netJ cases efthtie bubonir piague bavýe 1tisua Ausra isgfr h e erm-n oonial prtyai ways ho obeyed hy its subjecis At- i tan been offtirially reported. 0fths A ustraTheGeman Clonalparytempta te punisi tise people fer is doing ail lb ca-n toi accuaate Ger- attacis ou missionanies nigbt ,tis 79 have preved fatal. A second dea(ic;tl nana te loois upon a* larger alice. et iead eacupinaantgetfrefin tise plagie las ocrurred otRo- Auisc risa as tiseir naturai pney; sud its provýinces iu a atate ef anarrby. j iamptoSi, Queensland. effortis are bacisod up by a factiou îu ----1 Vuenua wisicis opeuly sdvocu es ez-1 cbaugîng tise IlIap-burgs for tise Hoiuouzohtoru.s as tise ouly mea-us - wxbeeby tise German-spaiscug Aqis- IQ trions cau escape beung swainped by tise SiavB. Ih s certain tisai sbould tise -ual Monachiy break up on- tise deatis of its presont ruir GemmauyU wiIl insist, on o voire ilu ttîpartiten.- ___ 1 1