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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1900, p. 7

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THE BOX'3CRS 0F CHINA. j ~~Cetyor hieesand iMurlererg NUMu- 1 Zblng iIhI «,.sCE'u~.sig TrOuble lui OriginaUly orgaýnized, on the plan of LEI a law ah" . ýior e& gRe, for protection FIT CUIR£ againat the bandits that infested WIII cure 1tiIersy. i$ -ii,;province, the Chinese So- AT. Itu Ane n cioty 0; Boxers at length degenerated ALL CHARGE t. 'nY sufierer sendirn1 into a band of murderers, robbers and mon9itlonlng this paper. ge-neral l'awlessness. Repeated out- Âý ddreî3ThC LIEBIQ CO. ragýes of the bandits led to the organ- 7 I7tW Lztonof the* "Boxers," who were at firsýt knlown as the Society of the Great Sword. (ionest and designing persona sue- ,jin getting control 0! the af- eairs oif the society, the efforts of ___________________ whiclh they directod againat thoîr pËrorial eneiie, whom they ropra- &onted as bandits and lawless persons. These victims, in turn, appoaled 'te UI HTN fL tho Cristian maissionrias, especially Gh3 ermian Catholics, for protection, prfslgconversion,. and, the mis- k;iouiaries used every effort to.socure The auburbýn rnad was gay with justice for thom. It la believed that the plumes of flowering lilac, and the sime of thase elluws were hYPOcriti- bright promise of laburnurn. The, red cal in thoir pirctensiouns. At any rate, >buds on th e May bushes hadl not-Yet ta condition 0f thinga intensified the uncurled. The watar oart had just feeling that the Chinese have always 1g'one by, leaving a pleasant scent cf heîd agýaJiit the misblenarles and, tak- wet earth. an with their general contempt f or She was leaning ber arma on the frgnrproduced an ainniming an- gate and looking away frem him. t&a-onism that has resulted in num- "Se it'5 nô, use t" be said-healase cro n uirder-s and outrages. Was leaning on the gate. The road arouswas very quiet except for pas8sing Up teo ton years ago theo missionaries tradesmen whose cartg new and thon hid £eLaino unmelRasted for somo flashed along its silence. Hae had cal- want of sleep, haggarýd with anxIety. Sh. took the great basket cf roses b.r friand bad brouight, and holding it, told hlm how the night had passed. " They were ainging like maid dcwn by the station," ha said. '*Confeund the brutes 1 I expect yonr nigitingala isn't corning thia year." "Don't," said the girl. "I1 beliave Vynie will have no reat if he djcean't. Whan sha heard the churcli bells this rncrning she told me te aend te the clergyman and tell hlm te explain to God that ship ceuldn't do witheut the nightingale. Oh, my ewn littia girIlt Oh, Tom, she's al I hava." Tomu was not snob a bcdl as te say, You hava nie." Ha only sad, " Yas. I know," and pressed ber hand. " You are good,"I she said and went bacli te the child. A littia fitful sleep cama in the long nigbt heurs cf that terrible Sýundiay, but it wa broken and fevei7ish, and at evary awakening the littie vîce, growing ever waaker, said: " Isn't it dark yet i Won't J-3d aend the nightingaie ? Oh, Sissy, I do want te hear hlm," The old se'rvant, who hgd been with the two sistars since Vynia's birth two montha aftar the father's deatb had coat the life cf the mother, însisted on sanding Rosa, te rost, and sat by Vynia's sida. ..Nursey," whispead the chIld, "coma close. Will you do wbat I Say?," "Anytbing, my precicus," said the od woman, holding the bot littîn baud1 in bý er smootb, withared pairna. "Weii, lineel down ana rtell God I shahl die if I don't'hava the nightin- gla. God will attend to.yen because yen always remaember te Say your P'rayers. 1 farget mina sometima, aven ýwhan 1 am neot very sleeipy. Oh,: gJC'apan tea drinIcers!1 CEYLON GREEN TEA is more heàlthful than Japan tea. L IiINT.S FOR. J THE FARMER. PLOWING FOR CORN. Both deep and shallow plowing for corn have their ardent adyccates. Whero the iand is covored with barn- Yard manure the plewing should be at laast an ,mich ahallowar 'than the last plowjng. The constant' raina carry the soluble particles of fertîlity clown deeper ln the soil aftar each aeaking rai-n. If plowad shallow the strata- of formarly pilowed land lYing immediately undcernoath' will take Up and holld mwoet of the soluble Plant f ood, whereas if turned under te the usual dopth it viiLl-soaki inte the subsoil, and being deeper thanj meat plants saek their food, ls almnost lest as far as immeaîïate returns, are cencerned. Only deeper plowiflg1 xiii make this -Iocked-up f ertility1 available for plant fooed.t With a stiff. sod the conditions are almest the sanmeas wbLen manure la applied to-tho surface, and nlnwpI that coiuparatively few worthlass or.. chards ara cleared off annually; so that if more ara plantad and receive ne greatar cara thua the prosent gan- eration la Siving, the markets will ha.. corne more and more fleeded with inferior fruit. whieh, depreciatas prices. FOWL FACTS. The earliaat chicks are the hast win- ter layera. A,% a mile it la best te feed sunflower seuda sparingly te hiens in good con- dition. High porches induce bumble foot and the bumbla-feoted f owl la neither profitabla nor goed looking. Ûultivate tha soil for chicken food as systernatically as for corn and wheat and yen will realize la rger profits and surer income. Tho amount cf f aru produca that goes annually te waste would f eed abundantîy a largo flecli of bons on every farm where but f ow have bera- toforo bean kopt. And this is oeaof the leist epportunities, and oeaof tha groat wastea and exstravagances lui farming, Good lhans are important, but, a goed mala la aven more imperortt and oe aspecially atrcng lu those peints wbere the famales may be weak. Rememn- ber, he's baif the flock, when it cernes te progeny. If Your markeat demanda a brcwn agg, koep the kind cf lhens that lay brewn eggs. This la gumption. It is useleas te argue with customers, or te try to teach them what the8y shouldE RiTUels 'c Wi sdom in buying tea consists in buying the et CEJ Y .0N ~ li A~. Lsd Pckages 25, 30, 40, 89 and 60t, Is usually a good guide ini the selec- ~A I1~ WVM N tien of colors, and a, good celer chart VV~ I' ~ wjlj assist you te select the exact shade ycu want. But a woman wants UII~~A~kU~a good paint as weIl, one, that dees J ) 9I E N T I net peel, crack or blister. Pain lts, are made fer baauty and durability, to look weIl and wear welI, a littie-pret- tiar than the prettiest and just a shade better than'the best. They beautify and preserve evarything tbey touch. Asfr your dealer. TUIUD DIPLOMAT. Cathiollo Prayor elie,@a Mra. Nuwed-MY husbaud bas talk- PiioulPtrea yà.sta ud haroh Oam adc me ont of hbaving a naw epring Ed.. i . A 8ALeR&*. bonnet. in D.&. ALRr00, Miss Gabby-How did ie de itt FOR SALE I

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