LATESI ODORS IN PERFUME. (Sold in bulk.) Italian ïink, Wild Roses, -Gardeniia, White EHeather, Valley Violet. jIf Yoll Noed a Raur Briislih E We have a few solid back bristie Brushes at _- S50c. EXTRA VALUJE. E We carry a niee variety of FINE TOILET -: SSOAPS; our special 3 large cakes for 10e. has a - Sbig sale. Our DRUJGS -AND MEDICINES are ofý un--z Squestionably superior quality. Fresh supplies e very week. E J. HICCINBOTHAM & SON, E BowmANviLLE. Chemists and Diruggists As Go-Çart. As Carrnage. H ave you seen our Go-carts and Carrnages; if lnot cali and see them,. This eut shows combinatioll Go-eart and Baby Carniage. It fusl ail requirements and is taking the place of others. We have other lines of Carrnagesý besides Furniture .. Our store is full of ail the newest goods, together with the regular lines from the cheaper to the better goods. UNDERTAKING complete and every attention given., Night bell on side ofdoor answered any hour of the night. - --------------- Soldby STOTT & JURY, druggists, Bowmanvilte. BOWMANVILLE, MAY 23, 1900., COWANS VILLE. Clarke church Epworth Leageue have elected the following officers; reident, W. J. Robinson, lst, Vice-Pres ,F. Hancock; 2ind Vice-Pres., S. Knight; Brd Vice-Pres , Miss Edith Cowan, 4th Vice-Pres., Miss R. A.Walsh; Rec.-Sec., Miss Eva Couch; Cor. Sec,, Miss Roben na Hancock; Treasurt±r, Thos. Kins- ma n. A man's wife should always be the saine, especially to her husband, but if she is weal; and nerveus, and uses Car- ter's Little Liver Pis, she cannot be, for they make her 'feel like a different person", so they ail say, and their us- bands say so too! S. S. No. 2 (CLARKE.) Miss Doncaster, teacher, is ill. Miss Bertha Donciuster is teaching in her place .... Mxi. H A. Adams spent Sunday week at Mr. A. Thomas'... Mrs. J. and Mrs. Frank Bone visited at Mr. Barrie's. . .. Miss Nellie Gray visited Miss Ada Barrie .... Mr. and Mrs. R. Barrie visited their daughter in Canton. Mr. Martin Argail and soi, Charte8s, are visiting at Mr. Frank Bone's. A REAL BEART CHAUMER. Dr. Aznew's Cure for-the Heart Rends the Diâease Clouds andBrings the Sunshine of Health in 30 Minutes.', The beon of quick relief is abundant- lv realized in the use of Dr. Aznew's- s' I -- - I 11 IOS ROB~ 1UTE.- .lso r.H'.Bih.j uare made accordi tle form.. Bright, ani SehRogers, Ph.DO famous KLdney Specia ists of Lon- doù , Eeg., who bave used, th!* forul in their most suceessful ractice, relievicg ami curmg a >~g nuimber of persons sufforiIr front.. DISEASES -uric acid in the blond, etc. Whr it WouldCot yo. $i.n tri be under the care of these specialista, we are offerm.g their valuable.mdi;i-a specific cure-for â,1 ci.. a box, at your druggsts, or by inaýiI. EECTINME M EODICIN ECO. TORONTO. .. . THE m e PROVIDEINCE. Sunday,, Schol anniversarv-Child- - ren's Day-will ho held on Sunday June lOth. Sermons at 2.301 and 7 p. mi, by Rev. llarvey Strike o! Demorestville, Special miusic by school and choir. Colý lection and subscriptions for S S Fand. We expect a good day. Corne and share the Pploasure. THIS PREACHES GR'FEAT FAITH. Deep Seated Catarrhws his Cros-Dr. Ag- ne'w's Ctarrhal Pswder Lifted his Burden. The REov. Jas. L. .Grimm, a well known Amnerican divine, writilig from Springet, Fa., saYs: "Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder has proved a Wonder in mv case. It did everything it dlaim- ed te do-gave me relief in a few min- utes, and persistence in its use cured me of a very aggravating attack of catarrh in the hroat and head." Sold by Stott & Jury. COUItTICE. Mr. Jesse Arnot, Taunton, was Sun- day guest ef Mr. M. J. Gibson . ... Mr. Blake Courtice recentlv visited friends in Port Perrv.... Mr. John Patterson, Campbellford, called on friends here Monday . .. . Miss ileatle, Mt. _Vernon, was recent guest ef Miss Littiejohu i... Keep in mind Ebenezer anniversary June 10 and 11. Particulars next week. THE EDITOR'S DOMESTPS TROUBLES Quit Huim the D.ay Bis Wifa (Commmend Usng Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets for Stom- ach Ailmaents. "I was attracted by euie of thet littie "Chapter' 'ads' telling& about the merits of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets, and my wife, bein,, a great sufferer and having doctered for years for stom- ach troubles, we procured them,and'it's weil witbîn the truth to sav that she nover get anything te give her relief until she usedtbem. They worked like magie. She has net only been relieved et distress, but they have effected what she believes will be a permanent cure." Editor "Liglit" Yarmouth, N. S. Sold by Stott and Jury. BLACKSTOCK. Crops are looking fine -in Ca rtwrigbt -,Methedist S. S. Anniversary held on Sunday last was Iarzely attended. Rev. J. G. Lewis, B.A coniducbed the services morning- and evefing. . .We are very mucli pleased te know of the success et two of our Cartwright boys- F. W. Marlow and F. H. Prut-who passed their final examinations with benors li the Trinity Medical Cllege, Toronto, last week. Good boys-a credit te Cartwright and te your main- mas. PROFITABLE WORK5 Is To Profit by yeur Neighbor's Experience. 'Here is a Chance SQuumE RICICELL, the proerty et R. Beith & Ce., xiii tand fer the season of 1900 at bis own stables, Bowmanville. Terms $15. Parties from a distance can get geed pasturage at 81 a wcek but must take a)l risks themselves. YO U~NNRFOlIK HELLO. TiE. FARMItRS' BFsT MozEY-mAKIxG, FRIEND. One et-the most baudsome carniage stallions that travels ln titis district is Young Norfolk Hero, the picture et his daddy, only a much hhpavier herse This handsome stallion is a beautiful, dark brown, stands ever 16 hands high,- weighs 1400 lbs-a splendid size for a roadster-and has good knee action. fie has travelled'two years in this county and bis colts are modffls et s ymmetrv and beauty. Those who have the m are very prend of tbem. His colts have won prizes at Cobourg, Bowmanville, Orono and Port Ferry, and ne herse has a better showing of colts for these years in five townships. Sce what a grand pedigree he has on both sides:i YOUNG NouvoLK IIEIO was sired by1 Norfolk ilero (515) HIe was bred by Mr. SSanders, Dunsil Farm, Taversal, got by Perfection Jackson. Hereo's (515) dam bred by the late John Clay, Esq., Shortlaud, Derby, and, got ýby Sir Arthnr; dam by Bedford Phienomen on Xýonng Hero's dam by Old Green Mountain Morgan; hc was sired by that uoted herse, Ethan Allen, 2.15;,g sire, Black Hawk - g g sire, Sherman ; g, g. g. sire, Justin Morgan; g. dam, Claron Chief. Terms $10 His stands are: Menday noon. John Clemence's, (Shaws), 13ennett lieouse', Bowmanville, 3 te 4 p.m., Fred Nichols, Ceurtice night; Tuesdav John Cornish, Taunton. neen, S. N. Kivell's, Entield, night ; Wednesday, Mr. Steele, near Raglan, noon, Oriental Rotel, Port Perry, night ; Thursday at Cinsa rea, neen, Hawken's Rotel, Blackstock, night; Frida 'y, Jas. Mentjoy's, Ennis- killen, noon, Jue. Robbin's, Hampton, night ; Saturdav to homne stand Orono, remaining tilt Monday Îeorning. Geo. Redpath, preDrietor and groom. If sick headache is misery. xvhat are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure lb? People whcî have used themn speak frankly v0f their worth. They are smaîl and easy te take. N EW HAVEN. Mr. Thos. Ayre who is living with Mr. M. McMillan was kicked by a herse Snnday morning, receiving a bad cut in the neck,.. .. Mr. Geo. Shnrtleff is seniously 111 with Dneumonia.-., . Missi Maud Lucas is visiting friends near Lake Scugog. . .. Mr. Levi Bartlctt, Caesarea and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allia, town, visited at Mr. W.H.Wood's ...Mr. 'rhos. Power is makiag prep- arations te build a new barn with stone basement.'. ..The C.E. will visit Maple Grove League May l3lst. Do You FEAR RItART FAILuRE?-NO death corn es se suddenlv and unexpeet- e* OJULLU vii. . Li UdL". ifU IJîUU lvii l .. -~ f-. . - - -made pure; âleeplessness, nervonsness, Rancock visited in Bowmanville receit- tCblflgS, and irritations, with lOSS Of liar, when - - d headaches will be a thing of t he ly . . .Col . Jno. Hugheïs is addiag a (he best DIysIil=aDSfd'ail otber remedies NIL à- c s Il> ,~r extev it k . ),ast. This is tbe hapio)v experience et second story te his.dwelling lieuse 8îî.wh,.PieNSTi2;etuîtE 1r adlt w!, Xt.LQ' WR ýÂH ' -IW OIL, i- tens et thousands et men and women lu Rev. M. E. Wilson visited at Brighton" SoldevryheIMU. ric. e,Tngnvea2 r siCIsC),Ic. le I - B -B'-à."71lu a d OTi av N um CR. oeP ope ston, led mais ala mlelvInff SItE OImhdU Canada., on Friday. MP" owto CDun HmwÀNDopbgçS ne NOUfilS GOIIR MEïg RI g1Wglll. 0-0-0-0, Ready-to-w«ear Clothing IWe have increased eur stock et Clothing this season beary f the expected advance ini prices. We have $5C00 worth of Clothinï,,- lin stock and our prices are riglit. We are showing a good service,,ble Man's Suit at $3.90. An excellent ail wool Halifax, a nice summer Suit, always sold at $6.50, now $5.00. We have nice neat patterns in Twed Suits at $87.50 and $9.00, goods that are really, worth more nioney if prices were put at marked value. About 1 doz. lef t ever Suits te b87 cleared at hait prie-a great snap. We have the choieest s elections of black, and, eoiored Worsted Suits we have eyer yet sho-wn and prices ar0 no higher yet. Boys " Suits, 4 to 8 years. We have openied eut about 40 Faney Vestie Suits. We have soôme nice Bieuse Saits (neatly braided) from 70c. up., Boys' 3-piece Suits, a special line at $3.50. See themu before you buy. Men's and Boy's Pants, an immense stock,:. Aiso Over- ails, Sinuelis, etc., la every size. Boots and Shoes Stock ln this department is now compiete. We buy from theý best makers (guaranteed goods) and sel ut pnices to please. Whecn neces- sary corne back for changes or c-orrections, Your satisfaction is eur best reward. What isn't right we wi]l make night. We want eaehîî purchase te bring trade. Trv MeCready's Donagola Kid or Box Cif. Try the William'sPatenit Men's Work Boots; both guaranteed lines. Another pair irerc if wear is flot satistactory. Always some snaps in our special clearing boxes. 0ur prices are 50c., 88c., $1.00 and $1.20, take a ileok threugh these boots. Gents' Furnishings Ordered Clothing our speciaity. We have found the tailoning trade exceedingly good this spring, Our tailors have neyer been busier now but we are in a good position to meet new orders. Are you con- templatin'e the purehase of a new Suit or pair of Trousers; if you leave your order now and you tbem by 24th May. Our values in Black Dressy Suitings at $16, $18 and $20 are very superior. We arýe sowiýg an ex- cellent range et Imported Suitings-at $13.50, $15 and $18. Remnember it will be a pleasure to show you geods and give you hints on new fai-hions. Special Sale of Ladies' Blouse Waists. We have marked 50c. each on a lot et new stylish lip-to-date Waista that were intended to have been sold for much higher pnices. Select one quick, they will soon go. Big Choice of Materials for making Waists. 1We are showing beautiful Blouse Siiks at 35c., 50c., 60e., 75e. and $1.- Mercerized Pongee in beautiful celors and patterns at 25c. a yard. Prints, Sateens and Ginghams in great variety. Baby's Muslu 511k Rats and Bonnets-they are handsomely made in a variety of' shapes, trimmed with lace firilling, embroidery, etc. Prices range from 25e. up. Crescent Brand Underwear.