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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1900, p. 3

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AITEWO 1rJRTHY11ïICIà,DENuT J CH S W l An incident that aittracted more Llhan psiinterest was the re- znarialble cure of Mr. William Boyd, a most honored resi- dent of Wolfe Island, Ont. Mr. Boyd's heal th had suf- fered from frailty, which led ta an acute attack of rheu- mnatism. Rev. Dr. Talmag< Paralble of l A despatcb from Washingfton says: -11ev. Dr. Talmago preached frûta the following text : "The parablo of the ton virgins."-Matt. xxv. 1-12. A young man and a young woman have beeu atfiancea, according to Throughout the autumn and to, the Oriental custom. The tinse ut winker of 1897 he suffered most their marriage bas arrived. Gains di -jssingly frorn rheumnatc soft, beautiful night comas duwn on pain 'ý. His constitution became the eastorn bills. The bridegroom so weakened and the affected parts 1iutited bis muet intimato friands to so painful that he was rendered como. They are come frons the perfectly helpless. His appetite lita of the hbis, and they ara boister- becamne impaired and sleep for- o ntermrh. Ie aeec sook him. To move unaided wvas 1lhebs as their rusticiîty affords an rnpssiiliy adth hep o anthem. Each one bas a flambeau or an impossbility an the hel of oiu brase, with a piece of wood on attendant was constantly neLess- the top of it, the wood wouud wîtb' ary. A friend whomn the treat- linon, the linon dipped in olive- oh, nient had benefited advised Mr.i and a cup fastened under it, su ihat Boyd to give Dr. Hall's Rheumna- the OH may not drop upon the man tic Cure a trial and the advice l'bo heurs it. They strike the flints, was acted upon, and to Mr. Boyd's ý the sparks fly, and the flambeaux retSurprise and joy, a cure -was blaze. With theso torches the -pro- cfl'eted after ail other troatments had cession starte. Haw beautifully the faiud II used the contente of f1elighsgat nan u mn h otes"ho writes, "land i o pains left;'lgt lnei u u mn h Ime eutirely. I ams now enjoying ther" blaves, sud in the air redolent witb r Very beet f health." hules and frankncenoe. Thora are Pr. Hall's Rheumnatic Cure je pot up in 50 songe, asud ehouts, sud glee, such as, en1t botties, cotaining teo days' treatment. yugmnie nterwyt orsale by all diuggists sud deaiers lnungmnfe ntorwyt inedlicine. The Dr. Hall Mteeicine Co., King- marriage. On sud ou they go. If le ston. Ont.twelve Wciocik at uigbt when they come witbîu bailiug distance of the brides house. 1u the isuguor of ONTA"RIO BANK Lb oeea oaeern uighis ail the brides-1 potneto do a Generai Bauklng Business ai maides have fallen .asleop, wben the1 Bcwmuvlie Agacy.souud came through the dweling: DEPOSITS "The weddiug party le approacbiug," 1Eeeelvod in Sav ings Bank Deparimnent and sud the liglit of thoir torches pours Ilterýe t aliowed at crrent rates. Notice ef a sires m ut ire on down towards the 'slthdrawai ýAnet necessary. Ail deposits payab hoso Zn demaudhOue Wh5.t oxcitment there je lu -àt.,A ype 2Of lhow,'-e %ill feel at 'Vitls Is, if wo dD, not get Inside.. j le suppose oerY Ih»ur Of1t16 day and ntghtt t hero are souIls going intoetr nity nnprepared. oh, what excite- e Spe ks- o thement it muet bo aboait the deathi-bed ~ S ea s n heYO u AR E crying out for a lam.p, and for the Iloil,anfo the light; throwing hands the Xirgins i ruffering ftom Baclzacbe, Rheum.. ot hoin he p atism, Dropsy, or other forms of fllidney Diseeae, P nd îf 3yau have no arc'und, .untËil' the. nurse asks: eut I learn, also, f rom, this su1ib.. gotrelief,anhretremis "What do You wAnt,, waterM~ ject, that thoe oul neede a movablo lhvfieyuhuds o as eaig hie hbond: light. These torches cuming ont of 1 "No." "i3athing of the temples ?11 He the door are in motion. Theso torchesd ,o., ha de o& the bridegrooin's party on the hili holi want ? Oh, hie cannot gei hie light are in motion, hoieted, loxered, glane. unn. 1 utstrt oj ing in and out among the lbaves, alsatd hLo, u ota aeo tmovab1o, The sou] needs a movable bae i ncsecis Ltm light, and in 'the Gospel of Christ in 1" Ho je not admitted. Hoe ay)s wo have it. That Gospel is nof a 1 want to see the bridegroom." The Iamp-poet standing on one street. It Theyaire the best, ~o-~t. voice within say; "You can't see the is not a chandelier bung in one room. Your druggist, or bymail. bridegroom; hoe is busy with the It le not a lighthouse sot at ono bar- gueqs now," says the man ; 'I muet bour. It Le a flambeau-a movable H corne in; my children are in there. Il light--something to ho carried. And ELECTINE EDàNEO muet corne in." A voice within says; w.e need to tako it into oux homos, 99iý "You refused the graco that would and we need to take it into our stores 18 ADELAIDF 0;î. W. have brooght you where they are." and shops, and into our 8chools, and TOOTO'But," says the man ; "I muet come loto our churches, and in the cllars ________________ in ; ail my friends and kindred. are in. where the pour freeze and iii the gar- EleeciineKihîue', Beanneso d by Hark i. now 1 hear the suund of their rot where the fevered ianguieh, and in- STOFT & JURY, druggizs, Bowrnan- voices, and the bounding of their foot, to the hospital where the woundod die, ville. Let me in." And a voice froni with- and far ouf in the wildorneisse wýhero w..- in eays: "You are t oo le.te 1" It enys the em¶granÈ etruggles. Do yon know U f one man:- "You are twenty years that the lights, of the world ,are sta- was not oven the gloam uý f a star or toc late;" to another, "you are a fionary, and that soon yon; and Iwill the flash of a fire fly. But the comn-uaontb too late ;" to another, you are hav tootat o arua whre ilmand came forth: "Let there ho lighf," a minute too late ;" and the mob of thoe lght wil fit sb ho ighe o and flashes of brightness quivered destroYed unes outside the door take al tmosemts are kiindefl mthtrough the gloom, and the darknese p h chorus, and cry;- "Too late! andaltos htaeInleite was lighted, and the mist arose, and And the bot win.d uf the de- mue brllanthals f ert, cnntiere was a faint gloama on the wa- sert sighs : "Too 'late 1" and the flah uasprkutcharontbtpthter, aud there was -anow on the crest bell in the tower of eternal whih ouandI il son sae ofu the wave, and the remnants on the midnigbt toles and tofile "Too are al. The lmpe of un churchs night rolied off the sky in splendour, late!1 too lato 1" And the torches of aresfaionry.AI th chndeier u and the bridogroomi of the-igbt ap- the gilly virgins begin lu flicker sud Christian sauc iuaries in one flamoof i eared in the beavens, and altehe nt~som n n b n glit could flot throw1th -sintp lradoe4oe A GI0W-ORM PAR glorios ut the oarth wif h lighted torch- tbioy go oui until in the suffocating ee went forth to meet him. "And the darkness they cry: " Our lampe ha-ve upon the path which you and I will 1vnn n h urigwr b oeotI n hyg adrn soon have to travol. The domiestie light 1eeigadtemrigwr h oeot1 n hyg adrn le stationary. If yon should take if iet a. ho.heentee fe gs to the door on sujch a guety nighf as Inx er rmti ujo that feeling out for the lighf, for comn- this it would immodiately ho biown nu man has any ligbt to spare. 1 suIS- fort, for peace, for hope but, findiug out« And ail the lights that PO"' if sorue -f ÈhE-sa obiiging brides- noue and crying: "Our lampe have Il' WKINU QUALITY stands for ail that is finest in wonien s shoes. It means grace, style, conafort and economy, al for $3. It iniglit easily be $5. These are the sort of shoes that please fastidions dressers. We are sure they would please yon if you wlll allow us8 \V I11/ to introduce you. King Quality's thle name--$3. TRDENG ~ Made by J. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. * LATER ý'EXCESSL'S 'NMNHO MAKE NERVOU., DI'SEAPSED ýMEN K p bls n xpsr r osanl rci-t e rly ed n t the blueeom of manhood, wbjle olbors are forced to drag out a woary, f raltioe su nelanvholy existence. Others roach metrimony but find no solaco or cumfort there. The RVictime are found lna ll stationsetflite:-The farm, tihe office. thse workshlop, thse palp, ýthe trados and thse Professions. _______ SRESTORED TO MANJHOOD BY DRS.. ~K *WA. WALEB. Wâ A. WALEB, MU~. CHAS. F IRZ CHAS. IfBY-. 8 azra~TaÂTMqTAm TZÂr~~- lvorced but Uie si r:INO NAMES 011 TESTIMONIAL$ U$ED WITHOUT WHITTEN CONSENT.»' Wm. A. Walker of iBis 8Street says-"I have suffi SPHILIS untold agonies for my'"a lf." l-wamlndisometo EMISSIONS rvntoc:~ P;i~? ~ ,rnnlsn trat ou ais h lus, PIm -p1M

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