The NwDlgSoe r ~ BOWMIANiVILLE.,, MAY 30, 1900, WEST DURHAM LIBERALS. ANN.UAL ME]9.TING JUNE 14. Notice is herebv given to the Liberals G's Kldney-Llver Pille, lt Dreotly on the Liver <ldneys. some, nourishing, highlyreomenu bys leading physicians. *Rokco is equal to 41Cc. coffee, but only cosf s one f ourth the price and is useà at Yrur meals in- ste.Rd of poisonous teas and coffee. Rokco is sold in 1oc. packages, 15c., or 2 lts. for_25e. For sale in Bowmanville WestEndl BOWMANVILLEO ' -~ 4 r 1 ~rr4rr-~ i 4 '~ XW¾ {- r1~-~ o' r- ,~, ,r- r