A Frind?'S - W ',lýMhen you findiyour kid- nieya ont cf order, wberi your hart aches and faineansi gives you and.- ssmiser>, w-ban yen have te risc oftetanin tis igbt andi endure trr durinz te dauv....ela DESTROYJNG ROSE INýSECTS. Â-mong thle worst inseects 18 the leat hopper, whieh is quite small and ac- tive and van be easiest detected by the6 white c-ast ekins on the leaves. For this net as weil as for thrips, furniture and ï-enavating the entire) b1ouse, 'witli no other duties 'to per- form but serving at the ta4bla, SA dast.h of soda put in theý watar in which cabliaeis builed mwill pre- vent aniy odor tbrough the bhouse. A tablespoon cf vinagar addçdm to the ragular reoipe for coPkies willi make them crisp, and the cide enjoy the snap. The vegetables, calibaga, onions and carrots are much more del*ica taeand delicios if after tboy are bt,ld1yo pour ovar tham a lîttie mlk bil peppar, saIt and butter, and boil likel T;1E IL CRANK. l uttelite-edt a gat many rec- pie hesides base-ball cranAs ta knuow baIt wh l3 al"uvs hog the air nvirst one way sud thien ano.theýr after 1ear'- lng the it hbaudi, it deî-s what e- lhey inde f - f 7' U~ : 7 , GRPPSLEURCY r hattercd Nerves AND Wcakcned System. à & Nontreal Gentleman Tels About IL, Mr, F. J. Brapby, a wli-knowu employa. lui diensaney-order departmeet at the gan.. eral post office iu Montreel, telle about bis essas ïýfollows: "I1 had a Very severe attack of La Grippa, whicb lefti me aPIlrtin down, veîy nevuwitbout app)etite, sud extrasely WC k. Ver y oftan 1I oouid not aleep Mt night, and 1 was snucb tîonbled witli pro.. fuset perspiration, which naturally eansed mrencb phaunoyance. Learig o! the r good1 effecte of Itilbun's Reant sund Nerve Zilla I bagan teiing tlem,sud mncb toamy gratification they bave braced me np, iu- m'grae y entire systes, sud made me fel ie s naw man. 1 as now &Il O.K., sud ighly recommand tbeee pilla toa ny- or'ifrigas I did." 1 Miihoru'a 1Eeart nd ]Nerve Pille ours ,t.plpitation, nervouriuase, leapiessusse, weaknass, anaemia aud generai debility. -- --- _ O1 fl l.VIIJ1î1u±.0ý 1'1 a 17 ýeinigtsses ute --unf, fno,- 014 rie a; 1C, -t vC *Vst as they merely suck the sap and do tra expense iueurred is more tliau ra-1 good solid ninacular flash on to the frame' ticket, and tbey will accuse me of not aat'tha leav(a,, and seine ramedy paid 'by the improvad condition of theansd imparts freFli nerve-force and vital fraud." that will kili hy contact or act thr jugb " wonlens.," anergv. It is the -nost perfect cure ever Seeing her distresad stata of slnd, the respratory organs must ha used. An excellent substitute for cream discovered for tbroat and branchial af- b ad _g he estmatrias i pye-i tea rau bE5 made hy baating the fections, wasted, ;run,-down conditions, asad Amug h atsaaasi P i white of an egg te a froth, and then and ail diseases dJue te imipaverishsnl "Oh, don't slnd. gare, take my tick- thrum, or Persian insect powder. but adding a smali lump of butter, xvhicb blood. et, and I will give the guard a prob.. cane rmust ha takan that it is fresb, must ha mixed iu wall. If tbis ha per- i It is the invention ecf an educatcd and lem," wblle their feliow passeugers as it soon loses its active principla. fecetly sixed and addecl gradually tel experienced ph3 icý:-in Dr. Pierra bas awalted the scane at the station wilb the tea, se that it may net curdlin l beau for neanly hîryeyars chief consult- Iutenast. Pyratb-run, say ha applied in a pow-' tha bot liquîd it ývilj ha fouud to ha a lng physicienricf theInv--alids' Hotel aud hnteransoptegud der frs or in water, but it is most, chaap and effectv usttt. Sr ir1 naitt a uflN . n bntetansopd h u effeetive wban burned on a aboo c Permanganate of potash ils one cf bsmdcin sare rcecognized standard cietdaltatcesbtoa hot coals, Kenosena asulaicu is an-' the simplest and best disînfertantsiream.edies. Whei' a l your ticket?" hae asked the lothr ecelent emey frknos ciesIL shouid ha used lu tha pro- r Some five or si ears ago 1 had a bad young man. othe excllet eedy or itiscla a prtion of an oura to a pint cf wa- cough and gotïs 1wi~th it that I coula "Yen bave got sy ticket," ha replied. of insects. To prepare it, dissolve ter, and a littie plaGed in an open flot it uplong a tiir"wîftes Mrs. Mit- "No, 1 bave neot got It. l'Il ral the four ounces of aoap lu two gallons vassal will rhoooughly disinfect a 'tir Gray, of Nýew L Tdo, Uion Co., Ark. 'Wr calîrd aur f;ol phy iab., and hae station master and sec about it." of belli ng water, and af ter adding ana eem told my husbad iliat I bad consumption. "Wbere Is your ticket?" asked the galln ofkeroene gitae wih a To dlean pictura trames, dasp a Alof ourireighbbrs 'thouglit so tee I bad station master wheu bie appearad. galon t krosna agiatewit asponge witb a littla gin or alcebol painsthrouigl my cbertaend spit uip blood. farce pump untîl an emulsion that and rub gantly. Leave te dry and add 1 omne hynr'odnMdcl "H1e lbas my ticket. Sec if ha bas a wil not separate las beau forsed. a thin coating of glatina size. Discovery'1 and bhad ouly taken fi two or ticket lu bis band witb a sall place This wîl taire fros five te tan min- Tha odor cf on ions may ha removad three days wheu I frit lika a différent per- off tba corner." fTos forts, etc., by stickiug thes for 'Bon. I teck four" ole f the mdcn Utes, Befora using, dilute with wa- asotts usndo oi.Tead it currdmy ougs. haa fot een Yas, you have, Davel There It 1s.11 ter te make 16 gallons. Tobacco is aise ica wno o i naual o othered ine, uii a 8,hert titsa ago I "Weil, sea will that fit it?" said Pat, qqie efeeual prtiulaly gaistthi pupo-e.tant cold and cosincneud te cough apin; liaudlng bis the smail place, aud il puitt effec ta, artir uear s aaîatths uros. ire ed se et once. I thint it le the hast did. À look of surprise rrept over the or as a vapor or a decoction. Tobacco BABY IN WARM WEATHIER. ,nrdiciue in the warid. It saved isy life. guard's face as ha laft the carrnage, 1 don't thinlt- any ona would dia cf con wblie Pat caused ncb amusement hy extreet is aise an excellant resady. Duriug the beated season thare is a 'sumption if they would teke Dr. Pierce's acamu,"aorIkc'h ol th seil i soud ha ethoughly at-very great nead cf reform lu matters Gel an'Medical fllacovery. I recommeud ecamn,"eor,1ke i ol the oil t souldlie horughl stei- t to ail my ftiends, sud tell them what it not salve it!"-Loudon Tif-Bits. lizad with steam. pariaiuiug t-' tbe corafort of the babe, 1 did for me." and it is witbiu the province of the "About six Years ago my beaith bagan te Two ofet l ta aes. Jphysician aoet rn bu e fail," writes Mise Mollie Buttny, cf Sueed. aloe t hrug bou a e-vile, Beucock Cc., Te-n. "I wss waak William M. Tweed was a partiy man t Ors in thasa sattars. The eider aud nervous, b.d ctrhin the bcad, and of medium size, wlth a long, peudulous eues cf the family ara dressed ta suit indigestion-eery tbigIe hurt me and iniosa, uttle porcine eyas, fat, drooping theirowu deas andit wuld e 1s aused rse ta have pal!pitation oettt hebrtc thei ownides, ad i woud sei h Mylongs ware waakd, wes troubîrd with eeks and a straigbt, tirs soutb that that the average man tries te sels et snasa great del, a . we 5despoudent wasdcielbshatftu.Te how mach rlothiug ha can wear and Iid not tata auy iuteeraytbn. ntlaso bsfaewatof o not drop down dead f rom sunstroka lunsuedicine 1 ceuiidJ, hear cf, vbut nothi îg ed pwrd ad hot weatber. Thus se for the"a ver- sessd te o oseý any good onîy for a litile, neyer saw rraft se paipebly written ma,"bu watcfth bba while t a tise. A bout oua year ago, I w.. upon a huinan cotsutanance. Nast rag anda"enut wuptof the ruoter, aloot sakelaton adad aimst given up ua ab oda rwn we' wxholly deedn pa h ohr ver beiszigwll gi.A frieud advised nurse or physician, or ail tiiraaI1 is mie te write ta Dr. Pierce about my case, fch h aa ui !mny a lamentable fact, knowu and rerog- i nd 1 did se and inilowed tht advlce lie The genaral contour e! is baad lent nized hy aIl physiciens, that diseases gave-me. 1 liegan ati once ta tise the suedi. Itseaf ta the autllines cf tha Fack, and of obldran are fer more pravalent aud c'ne$ that lie1prescrib-d-' Golden Medîcalhaue$ a Disovey, Ilre botia sd te Favrie ue aks for the nosa and ayes. fata duingthaheatd saso. jprescrlptioni, ' ontbottit, suid thea 11111e Straugq ta aay, if was a capital por- Knowiug this the ramedy is pra-1 'Pleasanit Pellea.Icentruly aay tbe7 dld tr ait. ventiva, kaep the baba cool wbeu tha ne great -good. ', eau ow est auytbîng1 heai ad'scsesn comas, take off the want, wrkah d&I leeV wel, udinw lsIAnather a! Nast'sî trïet picturea w55 flannals; and kaap ïtha baba lightly or4 bundmed e~ twenty-tbree pound- reao RsH oninle would dressed. Try tht baba aauring the asaarly as mazch a 1eve-wighed in my draw a large latter V, witls a saler v awelteriug beat of. a Jaly or. 4ugast lif.'Inaida It and surmount the pair witb by takiug off ail1 clothirrg and- aîîaw It wOeýnL a corbis for auy fas. il te ba nj)ude datiug the faw hottest 117eY av sÙop c D. -ce', i au interrogation mark upside dawu. houre of the day. The baba itsalf did thQuiSSid-psgt- >f retck, "ht i~ The big V repreuted Contliug's point- .,~ap. ~.Cwill saka reply. Dress the tender l'acoriiiuioi ais Medýical Advleer, ed beard, the samalisr oua bis sharp i ~ ~~.i4î ~bud in accordance wth the vwaatber; ;piiflig t1je caf 1an d 1, alth, in 55ose and the interrogto pinth "The Dow-legged Ghost and Ottuer Strles." qMtet oet r emisRie>. An iiiluta'ard vol. Use cf original So M orous i3ketchs vra facetlae p ra- oes.'Ace o that QlVieG disapoin thaFrack of porceiaiu-bLuýe serge. Te Çjïraeasi skiri s trimmad wi.thtree rows o sud eratforeahined hiaclr satin rilihon, The cor- ilnexpleored fielfi cf -hunor. A bok t hésage is ornamented with shirred nib. resSau u bosn imitating a halera, ind Lirea rews enJoyd and Z. of ihhon fors V's lu front. Beit cf Tour fÈeînda. CnanMTieBwaggd . ,' iak vlvet riblion. Maealre- MoiSn't EzauF !'irst Be, "TseMan WL quid for girl oag, Psil il.c uusqief 10 yaars, serge, 45 Bt," "Seliiug'Loats of Hair" "No Womian, No inchas wida, 4 yards. fted,". ..Socety Actresses," etc., etc. 'Tbis 5irs edition bond luî cloh, printed on extra flua snpriud absoisslely tbe hast huscrolis.book pub. HOUSEIIOLD HINTS. se . orth$2,50, meiiad postpafd for *1.00. O)rdeef t once. Send for oui uew spea llls- To do away witb mollis garments treteil catalogue mailed free. Glve yeu the low. d hal be etan ind shaken lu the et prises on ail good books, Addiesalordaiste ba TU9E WERNER COMPANY, sunlight and bang ini the air for lib, beri,aîsd Manufacurera. Akron, Ohio. bours. Woollen goeds sbould ha ex- îm~~ ~ is hMoghi reiabe.IEdior. aminad .1 iaast once a mnonîli. bruali- ad and expoaed te sunlight. For in- TR N H NSfested cuphoards br itesur T'ý"ENTC lLi"ýNSpackages ef suiphur having printed directions. MT'ÂK LJN S Tha st ramady for bad bugs la A sure extermînator for roachas is powdarad borax. Mary pereons are lu a condition te invite For washiug carpats-bsov Puu onia onfCoamption by reanon ai box ofaygo shnpwdri iuLirted teudeuoy or ether cause4. Tbev u odwshn odnl ci.tch Coo!( a'ly-1 ud 1 diffleulsi 'ý0 get i n two g allons of hoiliug watar; use as efiau ordîuor coug l od. Wea 'tould a soep wben coisi. RdVi.. ail seoh pspieteuse Dr. Wood's To ha delivered from ants mata aa N~rwy Pis Synp.pyramisi cf crocks or ather vessals S E,ïla a odrfnil a Lrnghaarsd 1healer containiug stigar, bread. cakes,-'etc., ai te beathug rgan, sd fortifias the with the lowe n ee standing lu water. hmeaalo erious pï1KL.aleaaîy iseasse.1 For peiisbiug furulture.-Oua third Cislararshi Mcro, Osat,, 'wrltas: linsaed oit, ona third 'arpentina and 'I bave ufeedseral years wiîisweak one-third vinegar, The boft liamust uggacsu ola gat na cuIre, sa bac.%mef be shaken avery tise an application dlsonraad.Il ý osuglit cld Ilw2s ard la made. ~ogt rd o h.Isartd niugDr Wad's 'j'e ean wall p'tpcr.-Lay a abeat &~orsy insSyru, sd a a reni 5Yof thiet biotting piper over tisa stain, acgb bas1beau onured sud my longe greatly and then press e bot trou over it, e®tboed."As- accu as the lotting papar ha- comas graasy soya it; briug às dean DrM pat ovar the stain, and than appiy tha iron again. iRepeat ti ui Norwa Pinstha stain bas quite dlsappaarad. Bu ttarmilk is gond 10 bleacli fine ~yui.lace2.1 Lay the laces lu the butter- mut luiii he sunlight. Oua tbl1'd vinear andi tae thirds 25e su 50ei. a bttIs, All drngLqfi1St linsaad oit makeanauexcallent mixture to biglitan furuiture wbau ruhising lb in tha spring ciaaning. Tha uaw Britisi fiqt-.ca rmeured Oua fine houisekeaper neyer bas criser Aboutiir was auanchesi et Glas. spring uer-flu cieanings. She keaps owyesterday, lhan diuing-noom maid rubbiug the an extra jacket to put on the bahe. Many mothers keep the warm wooi- en abdominal band on duriug thé first ya.ar of life-no matter what the range of thermometer-under the mis- takan notion that it helps the a L<a9. to teath. This may ha t rue of very thin, ill-nuqrished babas, whose sup- ply of fat is very limited, but in a healthy baba, it'is ai] a foolisb, cruel notion. We guarantea, if the littla dictnm harein set forth is well looked into' thara wil be far less of the summer disease of ciidran. The gospel of hea]th for warm waa- thar is kaap cool; te feel aven cool at times means ta countaract the miechief cf yesterday's and to-mor- row's, heat. IN PPHOHBITJON TOWN " 1S- jntoxicants, remarkad. the pharina- ciat, as ha filied another praSrip tion f a ak r ow a drug in the market. Adý,Vice ta IThere are three great renie- Idies that every person with weak lungs, or with consump- tion itself, shonld understart. Theîe rernedies will cure about every case ini its first stages; and many of, those more advanced. It is only the most advanced tlîat are hopeiess. Even these are jwonderfully relieved and life itself greatiy prolonged. What.are these, remed es ? Fresh air, pîýýr o odind Iof Cod-Liver 011 wîthHy- Ip/iosp/ît's. Be afraid of dranghts but not of fresh air. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of tnilk. Do uot forget th at Scott's Emaision ie tîhe Ioldest, the most thoroughly tested and the highest en- dorsed of ail remedies for weak throats, weak lungs and Sconsumption in alits stages. Iany vlal ugsin and receipta for curing com=ûnn aliments by simple hoane-treatmnt. It has over three hun- dlred illustrations and colored plates. A strong paper-bound coapy will lie sant ab- soiutely free, on receipt of 31 cents in one-cent stamps ta pay the cost of eus- toitis sd aluonfly. Address World'a Dilspengary Medictal Association, No. 663 SantreetIal, N. Y. A haudsome cloth-bo-unid, beautifully etansped copy will lie àet fewr 50 stamlps, This populai' wokcentaine mpran nfqranation for th8 yomaun ad, Oýbath male and fensale, s&alead rmarrie,not lhereto.. fore publilhed iia this couutry, for the paus cf sunr acrdag 0Spare Moments, was floncfcliatîng -witb e witty rhimneysvep Once, -wbau isle sinister rtre frosu bis îsummner bolisinyà, bcha bapn- ed ta seat bis yîsisnlac'uaiuîanre, wbo seemasid bavo ba t work. "Wbere baýve yen eau?"astesi the clergyman~. "Su eepiug ts cîsuy t the vie. arage,," wus tlPa boy's anàwar. "Hcow maoly cisimnays are tisera, sud bow sncb do yenü get for eacis?" wa.. tise nexf question.3 The swep saisi thera ware 20 chis- rneys andi tbat he waas aisi a shilling eplace., Tisa clergy-man, atter tilklng aena- me 'ut, lookei et tise aweep lu apparent astoiabsen,ýt. "Yon bave, earues ea great deal cf sonaoy in a litile tise,"j ha resaî'ked slmlwoederîog,r pnobahiy, vwiset the .,sooîv fellow wou!l reply. "Yes," sasthaweep. tbrowiug hie hag over bishule as ha started avray. "We ho ear black roufs gef oui soney vreny ea'iiy!" The oloint(ory is toldAnl "Tise Racoiections c f Sir AI,,.. euWest:" Oua pourlng vwet uiigbî Lowe missesi bis umbî'la ifrs ise clos tüaroom in the bouse cf cssn, o iaeha ssi are- fuiiy put IfL ayUndar tise latter ""Haeneroaeitis ecustodiau, Mn. Coe, vwho teisi bis Sir,11, 0., Lyt had fakan à. "1'ild ,)(ibis u t ws yonrs," ha saisi, '"au d Si' Edwai'd saisi tisat If ha fonus thiaIiL was wben lie got hase bha woul7d sens itilat uintha morulng." Ilyron ocure wmcuj e bi@a ways alloweu te fali uegiigently upon bis forebead. That caricature made tisa baugbty sen- ator wiid and axasperatad hlm 'sors tlîan any bit of fun that was aven pokad lu bis direction.-New Orleans Tises- Deniorrat. FOR OSIEH FITY FEARS. Mrg.Wiusiow'a SootbingSymupias been us.eciby millloîîs of motisars for thaMI blidren wbile taatbing. If di8turbadat nigbt sd broken o! ,yorretb.yastck rbild suKtertliiýadcy wih thse pain of ruttlng teeth@enatone i. g-t a bottie cf Mms.:Winsiows' Seothing Sýyrup ?fercbildren Teatlîlng. It will rmlieve tisa p'oor thama lano sistake abotit. i ua Sanie mgnietes theomach ad bomais, cures Wn C'clle, ofienýS tegsreduces ilauain anîd giafoue a i!d anrcigy te tba whoie syteîn. Mmei. Wniw'Sotiug -Symnp fori- ide teetmg le C'pî lassant bt isa teste and lm ie r erri iion ea f 0tsa cdetansd hast aaa physicinaiý.(dnt nree lnthe Unitedi fiLetas Prc ic a bttia.Sold by aldruggistaibre' ,gis out tise worid. Be sueaneu ast for Mis. vý is seows Se.thing Synîsi .Jack Was Glad Too. A Sait Late City paper reports that a tall, gaunt wcmau, witb ginger baur ansi a somewisat tierce expression of conîstenance, lately camaef0tiste ccuuty ciait of B 'oxelder cots'ty, Utah. "You're tise man tisaI keeps tisa mar, nuage bockis, aln't yen?" iseaskesi. "Yas, saam," heanswarad. "Xyhat bock do yen wish ta see?" "Kin yeu finsi ouf if Jerk Paters was marî'ied 1" Searcs devalopes tise naseet fJehn I Pters, for wisose a rnage, a license h asi beau issuesi twc years bafore. "I tisougist se," suid tisa' woman. "Marniesi Liza Xaters, didu't ba?" "The liceuse le issuesi for a marriage wlts EhîzitWaters." "'Yap. Well, l'm Lîxe. 1 tbougbf I'd cugist 10 cocule lu ansitl] yentisaf Jack Paters basesad" ]Bat ud Waga,. "Wbat's the dif ,enebetwaau a bat ansi a wagar?" ateitis a n wla fisints tisera are tac many w-onde lu thé Eugliss lauguage. "A bat," saisitise friand w-ho always, wears a dress coat aftas'6 o'cio'k, 'la aomathling yen nica w itlîa ant, wuiicis bas te ha poid, ne setter wbe loses. A wager s' aomathîng mse r r linesi. il a made with a voîn ansi la -net-consldeî'ed coIl@etahie aests THRE NEW COLLARS. Tise eariy Victorien days ara ha. spoten in tisa returu of bro'îd collarr, of lac1Ve or eUuLuiU's, y, wiiin w xiin Uruguay gets 'sar tabla sait from w-onu about hara throats tisaaraa Esagland and Dnez(rÀaommc sait fros along with brqad, drooping hala of Cadiz, jIltalian etraw, f lower wreuthied. Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Saur Stoutach,Diarrhoea, W'oris ,Convuis ions ,Feverish- nless and Loss OF' SLEEE. Tac Sînula Signature or L= = CPOFWAP~ or EVERY BOTTLE 0F OOZnI 10pUt up 17e1eus-Sfe btI.al lq not sold la b 1k. Do't shlow osyaat yen stliig aesantise piesairpren,ýsse tl is"sias goed" snd '"will aur êe'ry pasr." Boaestisst ynou t 0-Â-~0B et5 We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very eheap-first-elass goods at very small arice3. On carry a good assortment of Ladies' Ox ford,eolored and black ai $1.00. Men's Caifand Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, freux $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Chldren's Button and Blms 25c, 50e, 75e, wortb 50c, 75e, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to corres,.pond in priceb. We will tell you what the stock is in eaeh and every pair. Tlia reason we do that is beeause we know. Latest Spriflg style,-110Ww1in .stock-. in every Une. The publie is invited to inspeet our stocýk; no trou-ble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Tranks, Bags, Stha Shawl Straps, fancs and. plain ; Dresbing, the vcry best that eaxy ," bought. Cheap trash dressing'is dear, it wiil ruin the boots hi appi. ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches in first-eiass style. Y'Ine work made to order, sure fit or no sale, Than kiug my enstomers for paat avors aud hoping for a continuance ofthe tame. the 001 f e la1uare wih1) p iV S Beaver Block, Bowmanville. Hampton Generai Storeu, We 11Hold a vaster stock than has been," snd are as usual prepa red to give bargatin s iu Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hlard warei. Glents' Clotinug Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. ood Serge Suits to order $8.Ofe. WVe have- a very large and wel assorted stocK to sletfroiji, in Serges. Worsteds andTeds both Foreign and Domei(stie annufacture, W. are bound to) SUIT ou. Groceries and Hardware. In our Grocery and Hiard ware Departments you will fiud our stick tvell assortad, bought in the best markets at the closest prices, andi will be soid atthe riglit price. Some people want quantity others qu-lityý we eau please both. Highest pi ice, paîOd-,n cash for produce. Give uis a cail. HMPTON. "One grade only and that the Best." llavlug been apptoîiteýd sole representative for above company for Bowmauville we, beg to inform the public that we bave bought thus early our supplv of Cuitteris and Sleighs for the coming sleighing season. As the McLjaughlin Coý. have sold over 2,200 of 2,600 lîundred cutters they are rnaking to meeýç,t their ever increasing demand that exists for their goods, we took tie y the foreiock and ma de our seleéctions early and our flrstcosg en wili arrivýe this week. c few spýecial1 features of their Cutt-'ers: r OOWOi.-r>nesare 'glued and c;iiped onmad carcfullv screýwed and ph. ged; Bent Second Grïowth Hi!e'%Ckory Kýns~s; second G'rowt[1 !HickorY Ileamp e: hat fenders mortised ou to beamsin and braced-the s1rougas1t4 job; ptn !ih ged dash braced; shafts extra XXX7 Hickory. IRONI 'ORK,-Ai hacesý T's, etc., of steel and forged in our own are lu n projecting- steel shoes; shilting shafts (right or left) or centre draft with oe without bar, PAINTING.-Rich warmi colors, or dark, with geariug to mth han s.omely- striped and fiuisbed, carviugs on, aides are solid-not transfers; i nsdC -panei of dash buri wainut or rosewood. TRI MMIN7G. Crùmson.- olive or gold Mïoliair- plusii or gr-en or bine 1utl xtra high and easy spring back, spring cwlhion, deep quarteir,., caripet lu býottoi and ail round pariels inside: toe rail; handsonte nickel plate ila rrn rails, extra heav1; ecreen, soiid brasi fuli placed; shafts fulli leathieri sive s;lVer ends on whiffletfrees. We have decided bargains in 2nd lland Carts and ' ge.C&B and inspeet, and also make your seleetions Bow MANVLL]3. JOHN FERC' LITERARV NOTES. PADJIREWsRi AS AN EDIT017L. Paderewski sailed for Europeu on the sixtaenth of May after a wvonder.- fullY sueccssful sason in America. During lis traveis lieliaýs beau work.- urgon The Century Library cf Music whicli The Century Co. will soan bagin ta publish with Mr. Paderewski as editer-4n-chief. It mwill appear ilu 20 volumes, containiug richly illustrated articles upon the great comnposars Af the world, written hbrthesr conenïr iltitýittiti lim-111, -ý-, 09 lii 1 lý 71 "I.S-