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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1900, p. 8

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e' AsO-C nrt. As Garriage~. Have you seen our Go-carts and Carrnages; if Hnot eall and see them, This eut shows conibination Go-eartý and Baby Carniage. It fuls alrequirements and is takinig the place of others. We have other lines of Carrnages besides Orstore is f ail of ailte newest goods, togethner with the regular lines from the cheaper to the better goodis. UNDERAKINGcomplete and every attention given. Night bell on side of door answered any hour of thie night. BLe MONVILOE. Yoî moneyb ne a i a nd will SNo old I Sand sew the mn secure ci S Jewell iu will ae ef romr R timie, stv by saving live diffei [explain yeur 0w, sttyle or Y >d-emn, du iie Ica SOMt at. ut actare. cne at t .1ler, Be lie' i'm'ule , M",,,Y,, 'sg eoxnplish this cuti by purchasing a Scwiug , IOKARD, Bewmanville. Yen will "ýsave" ength nnd your temper. Yen -will "an ýg ail four anti that i-s wLiat yen labor for. ýrent ma-sde is a "meehanie"' anti eau te yen the wearhlg qualities of cach ene. mi Interests eaul anti investigate fer yourselt. repDssessecI machines to pan off on you, but araible and aîmostnesls ma chines focr sale ;cbilti ca-n eperate thern ant d i flat -1fthe price ,e The important part te bear in mimd is this, r' rc 5geing Up antICi f yen i wish te e present prices, yen must ilot tielay. 11AeN 1 Good Bye"* te kitchen troules-to aIl vexations waîtîug ton the fire-to the even that* only bakes wcll occasionaily, ati then just on one site-andt teal cx-* orbitant punse wreckin tiemnanis for fuel.* WleinyeuniuyGunney's ave you "Ceen them yetr 'beir atent imaprevements make tliem the easiest runaning, Bonloieal aind most tielightfully conycunient range mnati- qaltisueeess. ~he ~'u'r lua new range m nooti" caîl at our nearest* FOR SALE BY Mason Dale. r nny Foundry Co., Limiited, Toironto,, Winnipeg, Vancouver.* wie i.LOW'S Wo0113YA1D' YELW 0@1,cailnlot bib xcel - 1 led asa pain reieiving and "Oting f51MLZi~ n.d ~5o. il eaix 1 retýmay £or ail. pain. aniliversary srie eewereý a suc- cess, Tea was serveti in thesho- roomli. Afterwards a prog-rilmre wws given in the churili consîstîng of spechîes, recitations andisi 1ig)Y the chloir... Mr. Cliff. lnicock, Peterboro,1 spent 2th in the llag..... Mr. Rd. Hughles, Toronito, is b lorne for h1olida3 S. w..M. W Joues is imp'roving thÉle Temperance bus ib acoat ef paint. Found it il) a 1ott]e cof Soth Airkn,, "- natic uraniS waçs ealed of ,1aiuscuIlar "Musculan trRheumîatism bad the !111e nearly rackedti oetme," sayýs 1M. D. MeD)onalti, of St. Georze, P, E.!,' 'Il wvas a great sufferer and hiat tried many remnedies and tioctors witbiout an y per- mnanent relief. 1 heard et Soutli Amnerican Rheumatic Cure, sent 50 miles te, Charlottetown ton a bottle ,anti before it was ail usetiI1 was tne fromi pain. To-dIay I ame as woell as ever ami arn tiing ail I eaui te pedthe e, od ne', ef this great hecaler."'lSold by Stott & Jury. Mr. FredSteringTorotevîsited frientis here recently ... Mr. Oliver Sprole, Cleveland, Oieis visitin,1bS mothier whe lias been iii.> - . Mrs. Ilunit- er, O rillia, wlio bias been Ivisiting rs ,McDow,ýell lias retnrnied homte.. . Mrs. Jas, Caniphell, Chicagco. is v isiting- ber mister, Mrs,H1islop.. Miss Mabel le is organist ef the Presbvteria iicliurcb. Oshiawa Towîn Ceunicil are asking for tenders for 8,55,000l worth 0of corpora- tien tiebentures. . ... Mr. C. MI. Munidy, ef IlThe Reformer" lias gene on a trip te Denver, Seattle, Vancouver, and otherpoints et interest .. . .MM.. Frank P. Rae, of the National Lite Assurance Ce., Toronto, visited bhis niother. . * * Mr. Ed. Jms Gananoque, visiteti frieni'ds here last week, . .. Mr. S. 11. Grabiam,ýu editor Templar Ativocate, Hlamiilto, Birthdcay. YOU CANNOT SECORE HEALTH, STRENGTH AND IIAPPINESS UNTIL 1011 USE Py"aillo's loryi A Home Medicine That Meets the Most Urgent Cases. Reliable! Paromnpt! Effective! If up te the present you biave failedt t get rid ef nervenisnesS, SleeP'essn"ess, dyspepsia,hert palpitation, andI unsigbt. [y skmn diseasesý that arise frorn impure oloed, it is becauise yen have -onet used Paine's Celery Cemýipolndl. Wliat this rett of ail Medicines bas done fer sufferers in your condition may be learnedl frem yevur fientis andj neigbibors whçi have been madie well by IThe discoverer et Paine's CeIerv Cern- poundic was ne idie tbieorist. Professer Edward E. Plielps, M. D,, ILL. D_, el Dartoutli Medical Cleehdpositive Proof et the great virtues et is w 11oni[er- diseovery before lie offered it te bis tellow practitieners andt t the public. For absolute reliabiility in banishing obbtinate diseases frontu tie system there is neotbing that appreachies Paine's Cel. eny Comrpou. At thiis season eftbte yeair it shoui beý usedl by everyoue wlio is try ing teget id oet nerve anti blood d is S es e d ,spepi a, 1nen1rajli a rlieum -a- tism ant iliveradkduvtobe.I yeor djesireý a certaiand napid ceure, take netbiug, less than Paine'sClr Ceuipennd. M tr. ueo. nuue ueor fp1al]lln at the resîden1ce 0of b'is brotheîL-inaw Mn Cas v TrLI afCter a fwda.ysi lnte's R. e cen t visitons ;-Mr.anti M 1,r S. Hïugga"rt aniSon, Mr.Wicxat danhte, Ms.JTr uli and sou, Wiîtby. Mn. anti Miss Ioat.Mr. and MNrs;. Aý1llaniiTr-uIl, Osbwai a t Mn, CasýeY TIritll's ; Mr'sW. andti chlren, Port Penny, ut Mn. W k's ;Missanti Master Scott, CoILumbus1-, at P. . T. Guvii ; Mn.r. Strýickland, Toronto, at Mr, Alient Good-',s . . . Mrs.h Powen- is visting broher at, Oshlawa. Evory Day lieroos. Tne SaIne YMstako is Mvade by IVany BowuuailvÎIie People. Its a cemnmon errer te plasten the aclhing- baci; to rely on beits or band- ag,,es; te rb withlinimiïent rbleutnatiei jons-lien the trouble corneus o the kidueys, Yen want Dr Piteber '1'ýs aclicheKitney abltsthe Great' Kidney Remetiv, thev are endel(rseti by Bo wmr anville citîz7ens. One et tbe m n nBwavlewho teil et their Value b)y expenience is Jnio. S. i undie, dealer lu canniages wbe savs :-"I1 bave been bothereti for tLhe past twenty yeanqs more on less, wîtb liven ant i kideey tr-cuble, ogeten itli constipation. J trietiuan thnpre- paraiions, whicli aiwa)vs upset mly Stomi- ach ant id itme ne goti. I procureti a hottie ef Dr. Fitehien's Bacliache Kiti-1 nev Tablets froml Stott & Jury, anti eau triotlifnlly say they hiave done, me a gneat (l et fgooti. The, are 4gentie, safe, anti sure lu aeti,-n1. I take pleasune hin eeoimmening tbern te ethers" ifyeut have the slighitest sym ptomos er Kinue.v or Blat1ie troubles, voit eau ments hav7e been matie wliereby every readen of t bis paper clin obtain a trial packaze of Dr. Pitcber's Back- Kitiney Tablets absolutelv free by en- closing- two elt stamlp forpotag t The Pitchen Taiilet Ce., Toronto, Ont. Wien g-iving atdnress mention this paper. T YRO0 NE. Mr. Johin Harris antidaughter, Park- River, Dakota, wn rcntgesse Mrs Agnes 1Barris .... O'liiz ' to in Meuday m 1-orning'"S solar elpe.. Mn,. Chanlie Snes Winuîpeg-, is spentiing a brief week wiýtli fientis bere 11etflîls the res-ponsible position of booker ton a Ian ge firnm lu tha'lt rusýh- ing cîty. . . _Miss Mf. 1awkey is in the Qýuoeil. City gueSt 0et lier Auint Mr's. ...r.. ... ev. C. W.' Barrett, Bethiauy, rfflchedtihere Sabbath meorning anti ev.W. Joiliffe, Bowmnauviile, lu the evening.. . . Both were excellent prac- tical dlisceuirses... Onr teaehinlg staff liolidaveti at Pceig r.G. Sandens anti son MNilton, Uxbridg-e, at- tendetidthe tunenai ef the[r nephew anti conisin. IF THE DOCTOR SAYS DIE- Tee Many Peuple are Willinig te Take Hlm at Ris ïVord -Thîis M an DiS d't-South Amren-. ca iny Cure TurneS the Tales,î ",You xnay live a 'ee-you imiglit live a year!" This is the consolation bis physician gave a wvell-known manu- facturer lu Toronto igliteen rnonths ago. D)iab.etes anti other kitiney comn- plications iati a fas! liolti on hlmi; but be's living, anti hale anti learty to-day anti gives the credit te South Amýenican K7idniey Cure-the greatest et a il kitiIneyv speccîflcs. Thiene was improvenient at ter one- bottie, anti three more eflectet the cure. Solti by Stott & Jury. HAM-3PTON. Mn. 'W. H., Moore who had trvpliiti is pnognessing' favorabil.. ... Mn. Lornle Hlastings, Fnieudshi,. N. Y., anti Mn. W.V W. Hern, Toronto, are -homne for a short holiday.. 1e.H. Thomnas preaclietinlu Osbawa Simcoe St. churchi Sun"day. R1ev. Geo Gale liatichange et service here lu the morning, anti the Epwonthl League ilu the evening,. ,... Mrs, J. Salte"r is iii witli inflammnation.. M.John Cowling-, sr., lias quinise.. Mr S F. H1,Mason - ,anti chilcirenD, Friendship, N. Y., are gnuests of Mn. E, Hatigs .. M.Geo. Bati, ocbest en,(corinmonlyv known as Du(tchGer) 'was gu1.est of 'Mn. W. Beer whule bers. . . Mr. antiMr.J. Snowden., Maple Grove, spent Stuntiay at Mr. E. Tren- Trene Jeweill..Bwanile as been liinber uncýle-, M.Davidi T. Walsh ....Mn. Frank Momient visitet i fîentis iuBn evle. .Mse W'iunie Joues andultia Reid, Bowmianville, recently visiteti mt Ms oe'..Mr. John Carvetha, Tononito, is assisting biis sou, MnI. A. W. Cneh Ms Sarahi Tourjee(, anti niece, MiýssRim Tonrjee, are visiting Mns. B. Davis, C'annington Mn.Arhur Rowland, Newcaste, wa.sneyent guiest aù 'Mn. Rai-ph -Stutt's..ý- D r. James Chippfle, wife aad dtaugit- er visiteti relahive here prier to ieaving for BillinIgs, Moni , Mr. A. Odeil, P.I., Coorant ilittie niece, Dorotbv, was berne last week .... Mn. A. Smith, Tren- ton, is lu charge of the cheese factory.. ..The Methodist ebuncli choir ]oses oe ofits, Most faillitul ,members, lu the person et Miss Emima Bucikle3y, who was unitet inlumaniage te Mnr. Glenny, Pontyvpool,..._MnI. Lewis Chapple whîle splitting w nooeu ct a deep gash lu bis foot, whicb eunt several stitches,.. Mn. R. Heoekin bhas soeucned empley- muent lu the Malleable Inon wonkis, Oshawa .. .. Mn. llenrv Dickson b as seenreti a situation la the l3owmnanville ongan tactory .. .. William 11mev was commrifteti teo Cobourg gaul byuic Carveth, for breakýing anti carraý ing off a bieat stone frornthe oltibnyn grounti. A CHEAP -MEnîcîNECin'-n.D williams. Gooderharn P. O., (0nt., wrires: -l 'I hve useti Haygari's Yellow 011 for -Burns, Seailts, Sprains, Bruises, Sore Tliroat anti foi Pains lnu the Store- aei anti Bewels, anti it lias alwvays given relief. Miv moche-r says it is a regulan me.dicine Chiest lu itself."« Visitors: Miss MeDougal, Seaforthi, guest oftlier cousin Miss Arnet; Mrs. G. Mitchell, Mrs. Griffith, l'orýonto, Miss Trebileock, town, guests of Dr. Mý.itchi-Ë eýll; Messrs Wilson Hiolmnes and Alex-s aînder, Kendaiïl, guests of Mr. S. Alex. at home; Mr. J. W. Virtue in Toronto;x Mr. A. IN. Mitchlell home for a few dla.,S âiEce crpeigbis Varsity eas 11e returnecl te the city Monday last te take a position on the Toronto Sa staf. .. heannuiversary of the Meth- odist Sabbath School on Quieenl"s Birth lt dlay was a great suecess. Proceeds Q ever $70. A splendidI supper *,nc- asx the ladies et this village kne ow to n prepare, was served to a large cod I n t-he evenigi-a rogram -iwas gen in the church I with superintendent;, Mr. eý James taintnlutrie chair. Af ter thc sehool haceoi-ipaniied by orchestra had and prayer biy 1ev. R.L M. Phalen, B. A., a duet mwas nicelY sung by àMis'es Saidie and Editli Virtue; necitations hy. Misýses Nry\,Craig-, Lottie aveElsie ID Mountjoy, Louise Calver, May W-eath- erili anti Masters Wilbur Gi)son an1d1 WValiaesý Stainton; singinug by seheel, Sogof dte Beils; adidress, 11ev. R. M. Phalen oii conservative and liberalismr not ln a political sense but from a literi' al st-tiilpoýit; volinduet bv ih ai stndpont; iolinduet by i Myrtie Williams and Mr. A. Beech; recitations by Mliss Leona 'Williamis and Miss Olga Willims; singing by the sehool, We'Illnever say Good-bye. The prog-ram cleoseti with a stanza ef "My- ti Counitry 'tis oý Thee" and Godi Save the Que"by the audience andi benedic-p tien by the pastor, 11ev. W. J. We'ath- I erili. 'Miss Ettie Stewart presideti at,1 tergnand the orchestra ia en posed Of Miss Myrtle WillîaMS, Miss Laura Rlanton, Messrs. A. B3eecli, H. j. Werry andi A. Stainton..- .Preparatory il service at Ppeslb ý erianu* 1rcliFriday anti sacramental services on Sabbath 0 Sking-Torîu red a e CRY FOR CUTICURA., Instant relief and sleepsm a Sot bath î-il C CURcs, ÂSuAaiuSasglaoitn tI CUTrciTBÂ Oictment. AÂblessing ,t" shîn 'Or- tureS infants and worn-out, wvornied (lparents. 2O? 5.ýMI. QW to 6e., yard. They are fromn le. to 2c. less thanr the present value an~d are going fast. ýAise a big range of iMuLslilus, Gîinghams, etc., !Oc, 121>- and] 15e. We also ,struk a snap by buying ai traveller's samuples of Dress anid Underskipts. These are oisightl erushled bu we are selling tbem at greatly redueed prices. Thev ineclude Lhiens àund Pique Wash Skirts, Roman Saitin UTnderskirts, pricee 50eý and upwards. Speelal values tis, week starting- from 25e Up. JowellryDe Pt. We have been reeeiviig a lot of New Goods eonsisting of Beilt Bulekies, Bllousie Sett, Links, P'ins, etc. See Our Special Offer o-f 50 Lde'Soid 1Go,-ld Gem )Rîings for $ 1.50. R-ings like these have nleyer been sold in Bowmanville for lessý thau"$2,00 te 1 3.00. This is~ a snap. THEASO NQ N EWCASTLE. Recent\Visions :--Mr. sud Mns. Cianke anSd eblld, Toronto., with ber father, Mr. J.,R. Allen; Mtiss Ethel Camc KirbY. ,[atMn. Richaird Warren's; Mrs. SrweTerouto, withblber sAster, . To.Dog;Mh-ses A-da Laing, L. B. Davison;MsssBertha anS Wtunie Mlorris, ilowmaiiicl, with their sîster, Mrs. A. A. Colwiil; Mn. Edgar sud Miss Aunie Aluin, Dârlington, Mr. sud Mrs. Harny AllUn sud daughter, Orunu, at Mm .W. . RAllins; Misses ihaud Darch sud Anne Barnett. Buwmsuvilie, with Miss Mary- Stiggens: 11ev. T. J. and Mrs wh]siein sliups sud places, othier than blouses of pulicentertalmeut. Il That the vote of the3 electLors uoft te satid the ý' Muiialhtyof the To f hp t Dalgien, wvil1he htaken on this flY-law on Satcrday, tien eenhday et April, A. D.,19,,nmeec al, nlI Iine uthle trno anS ontmlng oultil five o'(-cek iten fenoat tien S iffer- eut places berinýatter imenioie: - (a hvtso the electors etitied to vote lc polinig Suie division No. Iinisaid Mlnicipalîîy willl betakzen a tli s ,en-ns in eho sn thoni No. 5 in sSd ntcwipalIîty, and Thionag vml il! be tihe dnputryreîuruliug Qlflr ,ïte take tbe votes ufti the said eleetorsý. ho' ()The votesutthieeleefors centitied ta voe ipolling Nb dvso 1. 2 ho a id Muulici~a c votsu icycle raee, T. Lvceti lst, Fred Hoeney, Orune,(t nS. TUhafise baill match betweothe Business ý acd Protes.Sionlai men of tihe townl, restilted iu a Vl ýictoryfor tlie Professionlals. Iu the îquatecr tieali o nie foo)t race Mn Jas arvis, B mavle, w.11ntb sa. rtpîzM. I. NWalters. Croco, fnd, tsud Mn e te Donald MeL'euS Srd. Itu seFoot Bail mto f the s Netweec Leskand asud Newaste, the L'eskard i (g)' temwouII)i. 1 rpohhel (From another crepnet)Ywill A very successtol Tweuýity-Fuurutii was cele- uuh ,rated here this year. The sports in thse after.. take ths 11001 were wnii att nedsd ulike former hulhdays the erowd was exeedugnly weli b'e- MI laveS. Iio the evnuîng a cncert was given jr, A D., Il the Musie Hlall, the proceeds golng towaruds the H&ilPt BanS sud tie Park. Mr. T. E. Kyle ý,corme ltll"tl lug-er ut Tornto, gave several sleton h rhMn Itl wene lsa l eored We wneure than de- aplity ighted witb Mr. H. J Kcgtsmuing. RilInlseht chohenuteect(i nwss ha ppy anS he was n M-ing i 'y raCeived. Miss EibeVk, Busffalo,'persont recited sud was""'oe d lustiy vou every in- uescnib >er. Great crè"dit is 4ute Miss Parucomb accom. sciuSs] sanist foru lrtahgtie tiik at t15elst Bya cornen!t... SmnlWilmot i8 ic towu ,ýpensonls Iligs AncheMaNagh of ,et(Sndary 18,,,est lise pas of lit. Ducaean Arnui.Tse Misse's oWdet, IV1 Mlr. àulin s. Smîth, sulirM. George Shî ield(1ut futhseM Thse Teleg-am", Toronto, were gue,îs t l-ins. pahity Wiliiam ri, Qoeenï's Brtbiday.......lIr. anS attend s Mrs. Alex. Drumutiwil anS Miss Aynhe Drum- saiS MuNl coud ,ere rcstguests out Mrs Drommoinndt.. iii tie f .,Rex R. Seabo-ru. Bowmanviiie. asud drMse-5y of '- raec Farncomie weeld tu)Port Hope anS auk ut votes n1 24th.Coi bucthv lma'de tbe tnpi yhý1 [nr. anS 2i) min .. Can;on Faruniomb eSe -1thon il 'mes lin St. ergson Thursday, beingithe tay ut ' fsth is eusos lns ash as'4 May lun 'esthou ut('ftise Ins.Miss Futisenghireturo- a Sd from Turoutu Fniday eenc. "El BY-LAW NO,573.ý 0F THE CORPORATIONN 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINOTON, A i- to prohib)it teSaeof Liqttor Ry etaiz in the owshpof- Dar- unq nuder te provisiosf R. S. , 97, Chap., Scin141. The Municipal C oni f the Towniship ot Darfnlngton bereb'y ennets -ns fo)llw:- 1 That cil(% sale1by retailof slrtun, fr- ueuýtd, ou11r hn ,uuatue quoes. TS 5.00 sha beproibtdun1Y taverul, ioni, iorhe bouse o pae t u leter-taiumn,t wiiil the ouïcnll f the Townsulp e) t DarliuLtou, and the sal thereof is prohibited, excepit by (SgS.)H The votes ut tis elec ig sois division o 1he takenl at tUe h ilot No. 31il tlUe s cicp Municipai, anM leteturuîn 011 Thse votes of thelie l .. , v) ,.. " ni1¶M.J4IJV s g7i-en for, anS agaioist this By-haw 2hlat tisis flv law 8sha0 corne inte eper.] id be oft tuil fonceeunaud atter tie lins iiay, A. D., 1900, boSeh tiselnSi day u ext afeth [e final passiug thareot. 'e nS sud alhy passeS the lOtie day o A. D., 1900() - ELLO)Ti, Jr'., (g.A .CEsns Tuwu-isbip Clerk.Rai NO0TIC E. Thse abuve is a tru.cpy IasseS by tMe chMicCo"unC, shtp u aligo u ie iu AýnS al pnsnsare beni3 e n not(tice isaiam&un % iOMMotalp SUchb'fy-lawon auly part thernot -i mae isapîeain for thai 1- 11i,01Court ud Justice witici nlex sfter ise is , tof ut'this i wnek fer ibren sccesi enks espreed teCmmanaSi wlbe toli bl ne ard luntiat H1ampIjtun, M.ýI y 2is90 ot tise S ton. Li. Tt mot Itib lu& lut, IWI lut. ý& 1 ý - iu,

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