il ËIDFT Ii7D ý AI - l~i-~T~ 4 *4i.*- ~4~44~ -5T.~ ~ 4-f- 5 - ~-~4-- ~t4tntt~ ~u~r .~ 4- 4 a aind5 aborve lier heusahold duties; and. the Virgin Mnay wthoegad atrconpiting lier taisk, had for lier g uide(18anilTi roWtet r. mif hhe-r "Ail DanTrs i c~i - t: 4 - ----t-.-4--~.4-----..-.., -~ $4- *>~~ .44L. 41 UUt 444t4~4 .-.5--.. (raduater-of tie RaYi Colffegé aifl'iïtàI 'Sili geons, Ontario OFFIOE-Opposte Ex res Ofie. VITALIZED AIR COVERED WITHA are ottiprm tisat t-to not venture such a iSanguine opinion, contenting tem- ,se1veb by sayi-ng it is thie begianing of thk- endi. Tley recal t-lie frequent- Iy reiti'erateti intention of thr oes to wil'hjraw into tlie mountaimýs of Ly-, this jatention in îhe fact that Presi- En m t ry ti4iiv44444.44, J4-444444*- George Prety-man,--at noon fo)rmal[ly proclaimedth le annexation of the Freeal Stata under tlie designation of -the OQrange River Coliony. Thee ceremony was so;mewliat improsiag, andth le scene in-tie -market -square inspiring. An' immense concourse lad gathered, and --~ ~ 4-*~~ ~ ~ -..Li t- trey-co)u-i ical 'hlimw'a i lra is ew gain of "«catch".the bliouseB to house. TheY sit aronnUld the alune a-rsnong a strange -people igo boys will enjoy. It isx cnlled -'Stags xa 113, ant pass the ti'nte merrily 'orfof a st ra nge faitli, she is ani1 licuntis,' anid i laiying it ofLe boy Ithemiselves anti th1e gil s, in jstanld Te ut oni fRs-br is at first 1the hounti, andi le must try -joke, andi in telling fuinny ,stoIes miog. anti self ein ta nti unfear- j aieta s lýiiYiïn, r to toucl ithe other players. When lie The fun la alwnys great 1in 1the camip ponGds h n ng.Sspiarbintag t, ow toa oumplîbat -ls man 1iy lambs re lias touchedt nue, the two hountis jOinflhouse andi the greater part of it con- uu o' sanii prt s .et tae ffbdeagolsohager, iJ iaapro- liands and trv to catch-another. Wheu -, t awty aiae'"rnn nd mu>ring- prayers te h id olne;at ab Srwe o!wi it tliey àdrapi]y O with t he prayers of the poor«mother wl1'ielnewj lyor, ("!lteapoulus s they have can'glit, the three join liands ecli.Astyradypy their Goldien eagles, habitnalldy rcarry andl mn after others, until aIl exc-ePt fnp.1r adkenfAr- swhqu, at home, is pieading fervent-_I weiht(s -of -sx~osl~hihh.tue. kiarv8yîwaS one year aid lie broke ont in sores ail over bis body. They- would keal up for a ie, tIen bréa& ént again about twics a year, tili ho was past four; then ho seemed tta get worsse k Tas oompleteiy ,grostrated. When doctars failed to cure imn I gave hi Burdock Blood ititers, and besides bathed tiese Bres with 13, " It is nine years apô since this liappened and 1 mnsésisay that in &Il thistime lie las nover had a spot on bis body Qi &V y i4n of the eid trouble returning." The question of tiae removalof the, BritiLih pr iso-iers is receiving t-lie sl i - oeis attention of thre Exemutive ('ounu-il. Ther commanding officers ait the front desnand their s- i aeremýoxai to Matges, which ilo -nse t-o the terminus o-f the Selati raiiway. President Kru- ger te op.posedl to re'moving the prison- ers. The feverisit activity i-n adding to, andi strengtlening thle defence works of tle capital continues. P ' ar1 41 , i n ul ,! 1itUUTI, tS!, *5i f i t'O Il an sa U U of tw y une gun DR. A. W, CHASE'S25 CATARRH CURE... 1 te sent direct fo tthe diseaseid Heals thse ulcers, cicars thse air passages, stops droppings in thse frthroat and permanantiycures Catarris sd iay Fever. Biower re.Ail dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase TeA cn Co., Toronto aud Buffalo. ~; VE~ OFOR RPtiTiIO1E. FOR SA.LLOW SKINM. ORTHE COMPLEXION CUR£ 8101< NEADAGH.~ :,les sucessfuli y-used moathly by over 10,000 Ladies. Bafe, effectuai. Ladies ask ýZyour druggist for Coks Coton Rosi Com- pound. Take no other as ail Mixtures, puIs and imitations are dangerous. PrIce, No. 1, $1 par box; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, maileti en eept of price and two 8-cent st ,ThCk Company Windsor. Ont. lýs ud2 soid ana recoosmeaded 1sF ail responsible Druggists tai Canada. No 4. a al2 sold ini Bowia.vilb by HGýt,,i' Bfla %M & SONt, ST)rrr& JURY; 01-0o!o bY j. GIL CILLAN; Newcastle by DR. FAastcoM.mi. ___IIsuffered for nile years froni itchinig piles,-at times being unable to sleep on accounit of 1he snnoyance caused by them. After trying almnost ail remcedic' in vain, I began the use of Dr. Chases Oitaient, whicb cn}*- tirely cureti me. 1 cannot speak too highly of it. I have recommendedii to several of my friends, ail of whom bave been cured by its use." Dr. Chase's Ointm ent is an absolute cure for piles. his n5 ie o remedy guaran teed to cure piles, wlîether blind, itching, bleedi ng or p truding. It is the- only pile cure having the endorsement of ernineý phv'tic inns, and of the best citizens ini the haeud. At ail dealers, or E rnanson,I3ates & Co., Toronto. -.1~ ~its 4~4j.T ~sU~iu~ JOYS h~ra~f ~o tii r.nxf morrnr~ t- -The- danne ; 1 - - - - l"Il- 1111, l' >, 1 - - ýý ý, ý- 1 ý 1 < - ýý - Il ý , < , 1-ý 1 ý x 1 1 -1 1 ", 1 , 1 ýý 1 ,, ý - ý ý ý -1ý- 1 1 ý 1 1 ý W