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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1900, p. 7

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Lw forT,,Yfi It is flot neecessary for a man to' meet with au accident ta becorne lamne or otherwise physically irm- paired. Friends e- of Mr. Samuel '3, Donaldson, Postmaster at Dufferin, Ont., poetoffice, have wonderedfer some time what * couid be the ffatter. with MR. S. DoNALDSON. him, and when' ~odthat his crippied condition was due to rheumatism, couid hardiy believe it. But such was the case, however. Mr. DoPald- son was la me with rheumnatismn for two years, -and dluring that time suffered internai pain and ex- pericnced the greatest difficuIty in getting outt of a rig. Mr. Lion- aidson used liniments andmix- tures of ail kinds ta no purpose. At last he tried Dr. 1-ll's Rheu- matic Cure on the suggestion of a~ friend, who had been cured of a simqilar compiainit, -andafter tak- iing one bottle of this' wonderfui preparationthe pain disappeared, and now hie is as weii as ever. Dr. Hal' ReksaleCui-is le ut Urlin 5,( cent bottkes. cotawlýng %ten days trea-tbnt, For sale by aHdUggs xidealetrs i inedlicine. Tbs r il bie Co., KIng- atou, Ont. cot1nues Ù, 4o a 0enera;i lg BusineSs St tlbdawaioc nceaay.Aildpoispay able ssdemand EIXCUANG siought and soid and Drafts iaaut-ed tipon Europe. U ited States and Canada, alan Goid, 411var and alited States reenbaeks bought and aold COLLEC«TIONS IIF GREAI ,WANI 0F RESI. Rev. Dr. Talmage Speaks 'of This World and the Next. A despatch from aWatshington says:-- Rev. Dr. Taýimnage preaohed from the foilowing taxL.: '"Arse ye, and de- part ; for tlitisla ot your rest."-Mi- cah il. 10 Tbüs waz the drum-beat of a pro- phet who wanted to arouee his pao- pile from their oppreeaed and sinfu] condition; bzut it may juist as pro- parly be uttered non' as then. Balls by long expos&re and much ringing When an army la to-be ruade up, the recr-uiting officer examinei hevl tiniteers ; he tests their, eyesight ; he ha sounids their lungsà; ihe measures their stature ; they must be juat right, or they are rejected. But there shall be ne partiality in making up this army of Christ. Whatever your moral or physical stature, whatever your dissipations, whatever your crimes, whaiever your weaknessas, 1 have «, commission fromin he Lord Ai- ',re their clearneas ofito(na; but this MiguuY te usake up this regiment. ofi rousing hall oft the gospel strites in redaemed seuls and 1 cry, "Arise ye, as clear a tone as whan h itirat rang and depari ; for this la not your resi." on the air. you. have larely joined thîs You and, I have rgeen men who tried concpany, and my desire ta chat yeu te test here. They baldedthemselves may ail join it. Why noth Yeu grat sores. They gathered around know in yeur own hearts' experience (hemn the Patronage cf merchant that svhat 1 have said about this princes. The veice cf their bld ahocit I orld ta true-that it is ne place to [-ha no.ney-ma:rket&s They-ha stock test in. There are hundreds here in the moert succassful railruaAs, andI weary-oh, hon' weary-weary *ith n"safety depostai", great relia cf sn; neary wix.h treuble; weary wich govarnmeni securities. Thay had earn-ibareavemient. Sm fynhv blaond arags, hih-etle been pierced threugh and throughi. steed, footman,, plate thatcenfound- Y ou carry the scars cf a thousand ad,lords andI senators, who sat at conflicts, in which yen, have bled at Luhai.r table, iapastý ry on which fient- ery pore; and you sigh, "Oh that I etI the richest designa of fereign had the wings c f a dovaI that I miglit ornas, splendeur of canvas on tbe fly away andI be at test il, Yeu have wall, exquisiteness of music, rising takenthe cup cf this world's pleasure among pedestals cf bronze,. andI drop- andI drunk it te the dregs, andI still ping, soft as ligbt, oen anon cf sculp- tetis lw a u1u oge n ture. Hare let them rest. Put bacit the fir si clas t your toanueun theefever strikes te your anain.aYe [haemboidre cutai, ntIshacehave chased Pleasura through every tcp tha pillen' cf down. Turn eut the ligts I iseleeno'cockatnbgt.valley, by every stream, amid every Let sîkîmber drap upun the eyalids, bihnsadudreeysao' antIibe ir icattbrogh he h 'f-but just at the moment n'hen yen oYpened latice drewsy with midsum- wr i ed eptyu aduo the rosy, laughing sylph oit the n'ood, merparume Stnd aci, al rreshe turned upon you with the glare anxiety, and trouble 1 But no 1I they cf a fiend and1 the eye cf a satyr. wili net stand bacik. Thay rattie the lai~~~~~~~~ lieihyhokudrth aoy er locks adders, and hier breath the Witli ro.ugh . touch they startle .bis rll apc h rv. Oio pulas.The d' ou attweve 'clckjests Christ ne test. No volce te ail- at ilight, " Awaka, man!1 How con you ence the storm. No lighite kintIle slaep when ihings are se unrertain? the darkuess. No dry dock te rapair SUDENCHANGE in the weather affects the kidneys. Possbl>y yenhave backache, impossible ta re- tain Urine, or sufiering wNi i h I Rheumatismn. I'tshows lhtbn your kidneys are wak- Help rnature by taking.. ELECTINEL KIDNEY' BEANS 25 doses-25 cts. Ail druggins, or by mail. THE ELECTIE MREDICIRE COQ 1" AD ELAInF- 8T.W. Electine, Kidxxey'v B e anis soltI by STOIl'IF & JURY, 'druists, Bowsn ville. father andtImaother? Th)e mesi et yen are orpbans. I looitaarounui,, and where I see one moni wb'u ha;s parents living I sac tan who are orpjhansY Where are your childIran h Where 1 see one, farnil y circle, m1ai is ,unbroken, 1 see thrte or four ftat have been desolat- ed. One lam'b Wine cn, of th-is fold. uone ilower plurkad froua that garland; one golden lunitbrke froem that chain; here a bright hight put onut, and thýare anot he r, sud ilyunder anoîh- er. Withî stcli gi;es how are you, to te st? .WilI there eh a power chat can a ttune that sallant voire, ot xindie the lustre utf ihi, iosed eye, or put spring and dance int-o that uileJ îoot? Whegn we ban'IIkup) the dust ever -,the tIead, ta the sdnavertote h broedran? Ls th, e remeiy te hear ne nu .,oiind t b u teýrr cf the hearse- wheaf, or, the tap of (ha bail at tha gate as the long poesoscoma in wiih, thaîr saufui burdens 'Of grief? la the bottoniu of the grave gravai, 'ver, we shall clasp bands, and cry lt ihsud tu togay farewtell on earth, b~ut hbw 6a~d to sa.y farewell imn the judgmnt-to gave oternally up to-. wadthe phace where elur luved ones dlwell, but be ourselvea thrown out 1 Ohi the bitterness, and the agony, and thea heart break of that last lpartlng 1 By the thronça of your departed, kmý- dred, by their gen îlle hearts, and the Lenderncas ana l ov-e with which they now cail y0a fhum ie .les, 1 beg po~u to et art on the high-road to hea van. EST SÂVIiU N EÂRITI. ASHANTEES NOW COMPLICATE AF- FAIRS IN SOUTH AFRICA. nuorflty or Thel' (rimps -and Revelling C2uOstoms Rgnder the Asisaatees the 5.ost Btioil Thlysty Race Thai IVere Evar Foughi by WhItcSte Mel. With rumors, in the air, and the pcissibility, ufan outbral mn Ashan- tee a ccuniry that has now? remained xi peacefu iou;bjection for over a quarter of a-century, Great Britain wlll have to deal with -a race of sav- ages whcse barbarities in the past have bean, of a characxtar unique aven tLn the annaIs -of savage nations. Thae enormity ut their crimes, and the ravltibsg awtnulnmss of the eus- toms practiced by thoea people, might shcck aven the stiardiesi, aind anh ex- cellent appraciationq of these may be gaî,ned when one leerns that xvhen inglaind last made war opon them tbey .bad, been in the habiti oi, sacri- ficing on an average naarly 3C09 human lives each yaar upon the altat cf a ghaâtlyý horrible religi on Tb,-s littia item ofitsîteit should gîva ccvi- lizad nations eomething to shùddari at andI dwall upon. Ashantea, ns ail studants of hstory and gauýgraphy kÏnow, lies anuggled 'in thùe indýe r cuat utf the aolidj bodjA o1 Upper Atr-ica, and (lue aoiuth of, the Soudan andti thaGreaxt Sahara Deaart. TheKiieg, iogu recognized as oa demfgod, antI illuned to carry on af- faira that wuld coma uýnder the head of ulrdînary adaninetrr.tion, whein it cornes (o a matter oft peace or war, bas to conrîut thase chief s or Cepj- There Is no fairer offer than that of the King Quality 'Shoe for $3. W. have squeezed into thMs shoe actually more than $3 worth of style, dura. bility and ease. Nowhere else that we know of can you bu.y the same amouint of shoe satisfactionl for $3. Yon are a judge-every woman îs-so please comae and judge for yourself. We are not afraid to have \Vt î'4 yott do so. Remember-King Quality. TAE Af nh ULI Made b J. D'. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. 8TARTL 03GFAÈýCIS FO:R D ùSEA 8 E) VIOTIM8. CURES OUA TITE D aOR NO PA YI AR Y IJ? krron3s ,nd dospondeiiç; iealz or dcb!Li tec;rd M-i otos' ~poit n uinean drains at stool; digtltfà ; W"t oeo0 1c enrg n~ trnth-WE QAN OREYOUI fE70ORED 70 IVMANPHOC)OD SBY D-? S. KM. e K. JO',N A. ALtN JOHN A. MÂNLIN. CEAB. POWEES. cil DF3 POWyirS.. P40 NASES èOil TESTIMONIALU USED WiTHOiJT WRIITEN CONSENT. John A. Memiiu say:-"I was 0119o£etbthecowutise r! - V A 10 G LE ti1728Of eal!Y igaOrRjsCe cenr . !ed t&arF, 4e aQ, S tried Ê l ieva md1c l irmoafrjýît N") wit il. 1MSINS T gavc p Ir dep cr. , èl8onMysé1 .- eakeniLe là e e s x~as IP OT E N Gy ite MG' oteraossmea st eô> t rrà Dre. Xnnedy ~Nrgan. X ecjmeit hQiryGvs!msêtila4 C UR~~D~ Treutena, lnaiwwss Et 216Wnaw n, vitl lite and 10 mbitio.Tis s'as toqz Y09SXB ,s eai zP.ý axa arred atIhappy. 1 recoimend ê»e elal epticialiets tô al rny afficted fellowmen.," CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL.

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