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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1900, p. 2

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1119 Iu I ltl=ectwgc- utiÉEcna- e foroced the bicycle at is hast spee diaectly toward th2e couchant lion. The beast raised its head. Than, seeiïr,'g this unoarihly creature, with ,-Co strange a vobce, rusbing fearlessly upon it, h. gave a lood-curdling yelp, and sprang t-o one side-just as the rider flew past. DOT'S'FRAYER FOR PEACE. heef breeoeaI 8P monhaoid on the samne care'and fded would mako the greatest gain. Young animais deve- lop muscle along with th2e fat and Iwhen fatteued young contain a larg- or proportion of lean me-at to the fat and hence more profitable to the butcher. The first I 100 pounds put ou a steer is the cheapest, as the an- imal ia growing as woil as fatien-. ing, and Ithe ru-rd rof I-he.inerearoof On une evening littho fun-yean-old WeIght increases wiih age." Dootby had taiied lu emember hem fathen lu ber Frayer hecause ho hadý scolded ber. 'Yen muai pray for PARASITIC INSECTS. papa, ioo, Dot," suid ber moîben. _But A certain autbnniiy ha tated that I dun'i want io,"' repflied 112e itile onu, a single fem aIe luse may hocome 1the 'Eut you muai, Dt," said hon mothaer. graudmother of 10000 in ight weeks' hlnopping upon ber kueca again Dot limte. Some o112'. paraaitic insecet added :"And for pity's sa ke, hiesa papa are naid to broui eýven mono rapidly. too, sud lei us have pouce in t12e tam-- Thero is but oee xay Lo exterminate ily." Iba and that ila lu kil1the final one as qnickly as possible befure i ha AN ISLAND 0F BLACK CATS.[au. uppo-tunity for bre-cding. This is Oneuouth11e quecrest corners ofth11e not se dîfficult, if Oua pays ettention otartb is Chatharn island, off t12e t the malter, and as soon as Ibeir eooast of Ecuadon. 112e islanil abounda prosonce la suspocîed uses aay geod ln caLs. Every une of tbom ila hlack. 1neliahie romcdy fur 112cm, of which Thyivel 1e rvce t12ylv there are many, athongh we know neur 1the ceust, and geL a living b1 ~ eemr fiinhnkersn caiohing fish and orabs instead of emu Ision, or a mixture et kersee rata, ~~oeevplt in four plats ofskmi. Iu that Iperonbrion il may ho used 11E WS NO A CLWN. af ely by a sponge or cioib, ruhbing lu te reach t12e akîn. We nemember Cholly-She called me a clown. when it wan' as unusual bo see calves Miss Peppr-How- idiculous of lu the nping that were not tronhi- 'bren!ed wiib lice am' il l' now 10 tinda Cbtly-Wasn t iléfloc of poultry wiiboutt 112m 'sud Miss Pepprey-ýYes, Why, -the clown we, hope anether hait coniuny iili in. 112e modern circus la a man W12 un- bauiah ihera trom th2e Poultry yard nual intelligence, wbo commael a as generaîiy as the lasi baît century splendid salany. has fromn the cuit P-eu. LITITLE DEEDS 0F KINDNESS. Little deede of kiiness are, afien al, ba ak ite lovel y, and dcvelop bbc fIowrs of affection and sympa- thy. Itwonud he a drearyworld with notbing hut meunLeina la7 lb, and a dreury lite witb noihing but beroho action sprnging fnom ht. TO MAKE SWEEPING EASY. To lessen 112e waar on brooms sudý taae sweeping casier an improvedl haudie la dividedi mIethree sections, 1t2e conter section bing n tlàt pring pluie setlun1the aune plane with the bfon bead, which relievas part et th2e aIrain on th2e bnsties. AGES 0F ACTRESSES., tSarah Bernhardt wus hotu la P aris ln 1844; Mrs. Kendall, LinýolashLre,1 1849ý; Lily Inngtry, Sit. Reliera, Jer- suy. 1850; Adelluia Puli, 'Madrid, Vihatever may have been the mis- takes of ibis war there was no stingu-- ness on the part of the governumeat In providing the soldiors with, warm clothiug, as is evidenoed hy the ffact that one consignment of stores includ- ed 250,000 pairs of gluves, 200,000 pairs of iambs wool stockings, some 50,0001 flannel gowns for the bospitals, snd 60,000 gî'eatloais for wear over the oth ens. SINTENCED TO DEATI. A 4rlooiaa ta >c:.ark IF.uqentia- eae'c 'Three Tme%. Afamous criminalinl Deumark bas had the unique experience of being sentonced to deaib three sepunate timen. Such is the lenieucy of Dan- i,sh law, or, rather, the indisposition of the ruling powena 1e proceed to e xtreme measures, ibat this notor- ious person, before 12e was tried for the third time on the capital charge, had already beon roprieved iwicc and relegated to prison for a long term. It wabs lu prison that 12e commiited bis third offense in murdering one oIf hin' juliens. He began his long ça- reer of crime ut 112e age of 8, by eetting fine te a farmbouse. la October, 1894, a ciminal. la Ge.rnany was fouxid guiliy of the murder of two, women and murden others. Unden the Germun law sen- tence is passed for eacbcrime, and th2e prisonen in ibis case was cense- quently twice condemned to death on the capital offenses, aund for the mur-. derous assaulis tu là yeans' ýpanai servituide. DON'T ANSWER IMPERTINEINT QUESTIONS. WHIAT TO PL~ANT. , ' Impertinent questions are to bu met Them aretbre tbngnwitb tirm and-dignificil p li*teness*Any gàrdener sheulil cousider Ibafoýre 12equsinbetaihnserolu- puIs seed la 12e greund. irsIwa ar, about the pnice of one's clothing, cruipa bis seil is besi adapi,1tèd1 12 amnut une's ouninga, 112eimou;-. aisa. 'To try te grow that which la s ons eebs o e.reypnvtecn netudatedto hesoula wutedu-bt, ta impertinent. Would I unswon eftlime and labor. Next what -4ioes he fcuc'h quest ions I Not ut ýal]. Usually, underatanil tIa cane ut besi Tisisa y a littIe tact, Oeue can seille sncbý ions importtnt hecsuse if ho is let quost,7ion a If, there is no other way, very sinpid agricultural papers Sud cone a plain but courteous sincer- boulase, t :stimekind neighbor may ýitY-,a simpie refusa! to anawer.On ieacbhlh.m enough om1 a ke fhlm S u c- a instsay: "Pardonmu, I pnetfer Icestul itb s crop et whicb 2e ibas no-I tç give auy information whatevýer- bail nu proviens experieuce. Third, on Ibis matter.-M,ýargaret E Sangs- what 'crop osu'lue ftiud a gÔed markoi 1 er la 112e April Ladies' Home Journal. for xibbouLt bumach exjýeùse to-r -- transportation, i Noarly al .t-ho tarm-IOUT er's crepa are lu demand but t-lie EÈla-The gentleman who iddgeaâ weed crop, but'nul ,ail may sel uxell abovQ, appeara veny attentv 0yn la bis eau neiàhborhood. Tbinýk iteover Polu-Ah, yien; .fam emon eugsg- before puiting luin'te seèýd. -- dtg hlm., But yai ,h an tontuneil wri-. inis - IA f 1" ,. 11 l-r, .ý 1843; Marie Roese,. Paris, 1848;1 Ellen 1 Oi N OAOS '.rry,-Cevenl ry, 1848; Mary Anderson,1 Saranaunto, Cal., 1859. Wh on ii. is about -time ton tli culmu:sud poüatues te break.tre4 11eground go over 112e field with a A 11ALF-1IEARTED EFEOIT. lighi hannuw, net alune te leesen, t-hoe Daugiter-Yes, h knoxv Mr. Sý3 soil and break th2e crusÉ if it bas bik- late -cimes very et bon, but it fan't may ed at ail, huit- t-o kll ail tbbc utile xveedrr that arne star' ing cr 'ihe suIf dce tanît. I do- evcrythiuîg Ioau te dr,ývc hlmawy.'I udtrying 1le get l aead 'p Old tient Ieman-Fudge! f havcu' patc.Wae by r pIbu hear yor sfn lu lm eoe.twu inchesl12gb réear the barrow- - ,ing, and continue ilb until lb is time, leu ueé'12e cal tivaton hetween1the noiva. PLAINLY IMPOSSIBLE. To an -wnet- nys smc Y1oung Mr. Fpoona,,amore, who bas lubor' luwec ln, but it-br ru Jont beon acpel-BuwbiaL ii wil ioula as if il bad! had a turf ilizing yo-uo- fathe2 s ,ydar4ing?- Yeu lcno,xwitbin 24 boums aftrrthe harmow went lie do-cao'ulike ime any bu xeil. over ih The Ycitng- WnrIrnýWeois ocr, ,,, 1 ,- r -O,ëcaicmct -o uset-be Iandgùge iu LIVE VEIGH'T 0F CATTLE. wvhtoh papa xxiii express ,huaitself wheýn I have tried auveral. mcLbods ut find- bu~~n heushfet.lire wight of cattie, x ites Mrn. P. F. Frantz, sud tiud Lhe fol- PIPE AND WRISTLE. oxg~ a~ correct: Moasure tbe Av inxentive g 'nias bas proiluced is ginth arounc t-ho3 bre:ist juaýt bebind tobaceco pipe whicb bas a whistlo in i tbho shoulder btada, sud -4e lengch the 1cia order 10 enable 1the amok- IÇ-f 112e baclaftroma the bail bbthenuor er 10 summon a eab witbout taking1 part et 112e shoulder hiade. MuiIipIy 112e pipe tron bis moatb. I1>12he girîli by the e bogtb, sud if the he o oves me for myseit cloneli Ella-IBut vrrby lu the xxorld should bu marry yen otberwiese'? Belia-Wseli, 10 bell 1the truîh 12e owea nmy mether for six meni;ha' ent. ' NEW FRUIT PICKER. 11 ruit --nu ha îicked and anioma- ?traly rtscharged in b a burel with- -uL hruisîong by a. Ca-nadian patent - pcker, wbich han. a clobh tunnel sus-. pended on t-be end et a rake-, whicb, la useil uc pull 1the fruil't uth 1e tua- ioc'lw lu a tube provided wiLb a pad rt the lujwOr end3, against whicb1the, fruit- strikes. CHILDREN HELD SACRED IN Fï"n oeenoaf e pai tte bcel-' cm, a childi i treated as a saored bhiugi beu il unes uwn or a strangcr's. lEach eue carrnes ita name and address on a tilcket round iLs nucla, but sheuld il. indecd stnay tfroua home tuod-anil shoît-er and klaness wonld muet it ailwlaere. ibrue pensons o-ni0feveny tour in I.L o cobolss thatune nound a wvould douibties bave been used as miliiary messongera long ago, but, boiog li'.ely aad sensitive cï'oatnres, they speodily drtmonstrated, when the firsi expeniments were made, that ihoy could not under existing condi- tions long endure sncb work. Pigeons wben taken from their own cote, will readily fly back to il, but a military mesonger service requires birds ié do mucli more tha n ibis. Thé( firat ex- ponimonts were made with movable pigeon bouses, whicb werc placed on wbeels and accompanied the army.. 110W THEY ARE CARRIED. In this wuiy il was possible to send messages té the sttttionary cotes wbence 112e hirds bad been taken. T >hase bouses on wheals, howex an, could only accompýany large'bodies of o-uv- airy, wheress il ivas fan mono desir- able ibat seime means should lie dis- covered of s-afely transmitting mes- sages from smali bodies of soldions who migbt 12ie roconaoitning or oth- enwise emnployed a good distance ahead of the mi army. i was dlean that th2e only.o'(-,of achieving ibis objeet waýs by t: an ing pigeons Co accompany soldions ou borseback, sud that ibhis could only 12e done by construcLing ,cages lu wbich thýebirds woid not teet faiigued after a long ride. Mauy .styles of cages-some, of wicker, oth- esm ot canvas and wood,-were tried, and some'auswered the rpurpose aid- mirably, th2e resaIt baing that the birds were soon taugbt to tiy from their temporary homes on 112e borses' backs to the movabl'e dove, cote which was with th2e main armymany miles away. The transmission of mes- sages t rom outiying posta bt the main army was thus greaîiy tucilitated. _No mat1ter wbene the moyvable bouse la, th2e pigeýois who havebeen-feileven for a few days lu it wiil fiud h oui, and thus communication cani readily 12e est abljsbed between two hodies of troops in motion. Hleretofore pigeons iae only carried mess4ges trom one stationary cote té another; now-they. will juslt as readily perform Uthe samne srice btween imovubie b ousesý. The isilctin à unotable onu ,from a military point of viow, and mauch labor bas beeri uecessary lu or- der to achIýievezsncb, A , RMARRIABLE RESULT. Il was oay Io construci e comfori- ablemovbledove- cote, but il was ve yditticuli 10f ashion a, cage in wh-,ich a couiple of pigreons w-ouid feel entirely az ihom-e.,,while on 112e back ut aý gall9ping blorne. Delicate birds like, th antbear b o lejoited, an îa ia fa a long ride, ibey cithe rc.uaed e f énhom, or.thcy tlew sshotdstaceand thon set- tled do Cufi mach needed rost. Especially velre 1tbley distresscd by 112e .motion ot 112e bonne if th2e weatben' was cold, ani, -,-len rolensed frum 11e cages, they sedom found tbeir way to the moýýabie cote. Gradnally, bow- ever, these difficulies have been oer- come la a la rge meaýsure, an d, as a result, il seemýý afut 10ay thut'pig- eons will, la future tovm part of the indispensable paýraphernalia of t12e cavalry in ut leasi three 'Europeqan aries. Iu Russia they are noôw cannletl lu cages w hicl k are sirappod b 11the shoul- ders of 112e horsamen.ý Experiments bavaehw that, when releaaed, they can f ly finom iwenty-five 10 f ifty kilo- moIres, in tnom eigbteen to twenty- tbree Yiniutes, and thus la ,a veny short iine a commander in chief eau obtain xc information about th2e mu ;empînts of an enemy wbo ilas day's march abeiad of himi. Thràse cages une of wood and, tbougb pleaiully sup- p-lied with bay, are rather unwieldly andl uncomfortable, thé resaIt being - 110wý obeug-a ' U- ne e retnrned to their dove cotes in spite of the cannonading, around such townis ?" O dare the only S medicine tht will cure Da- betes Lke Brghts Dis- case tb s dis- case was in- cur a ble ont i Dodd's Kidney Pis oured it. Doctors à ~ themeselves confes that without Dodd's IKidney Pis they are Ipowverless againat Dia. I etes. Dddd's Kidney Pilie are tbe first medicine Ithat ever cured Diabetes. Im.ibations-box, name and ut te medicine that des~ le Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Dodd s Kidney Pills are fifty cents a box at al Jdruggis. ENGLAND'S COAL SIJPPLY. Alannilst lihesslole tegelrdging thé ' Danger oft le lixhaustlon of the N11nes. The possibility of a duel famine in Great Enitain la the surbject of a ra- ther alarmist discussion, in England. The hi2gh roost of coal is begihning to touch many interests- and industries, and should it ýcontinue ai its present price, white remaining cheaper in 1 ountrieàs whicb are commercial riv- ale of 'En'gland, it ýis feit that it will do moren to lessen British foreigaý trade [han any other imaginable ca- lamity, even xvar. Th2e mot eiu thaing in the inatter is the rapidity ,Wjth which, the stores of'coal in the United Kingdam are being used up. InI consequence,, to a great extent, of the irg expor-s- of coal an d its increasing use in iridustry by rail- ways and in other ways, the supply is in many directions hetndwh exhaustion. al a relatively near per- iod. In Lanarkshire, the mocsL import- an t of ail the coalfields of Scotland and the one of ail ofhers, on which the great.,nianufacLuring indpstries on the Clyde mainiy depend; la South StaffordshireB, in the Forest of Dean, ru Durham and Northumberland, and 8lsewh ene the availa hie supplies of coal are being so rapidly depleted Ihatc more or less serious ý exaustion will have to be faced wi,,Lhin the, next twenty, and ýome say la the case of1 the deep coal of Lanarkshire, \viLhin the nexot ten years. The gravity off sucb a situation is so great that ht le somewhat difficuIL to realize, One writer asks what will happen to Engiand when il han no more coal, or coal oniy obtainable aL a he-avy increase lar the present cost of min-. ing. Already the stores of iron ore -tarc'-scomaerora -ro-pot--yWii-un-- dergo a radical change, and th2e lat- ter xiii pass away Lo 112e country pussessing the natural advaniages England la losing. Th2e only appar- ent remedF la lu ostop the export of eooai by t12e imposition of a heavy cx- port duty. This îs suggested by une wnitor, but, ai the besti, h would only 12e a palliative. Th2e couni ry ai proseut takiug 'the 20,000030 tonis annually ex- prei rfom Engbau.d wouid find oih- er markets lu which te tîuy, sud 112e Engiishla ine ewnors xx uud ho suf- torons along ixith Lhe minera, l-uvom th2e Ioss of wagon on 'the gotiing of ,&o many millions of tons woulil mean s good deal. The question, as will 12e seen, la not easy of solution and th2e discussion of il is likely toa 1e a long one. COULDN'T FIND ]?REM. A countnyman-and cuuntrymorl may-geuenaily ho trusteil 1crtell 1the tnuih-nrelates la the Cincinnati Times- Star a story illustrative' of wbai 12e calti 11e idiotic hehavion cof city, folks on 1the farm. "Why," said ho, 'a stundent frun t-ho Cincinnati University visited my tarin lat summer, sud une day, when .1was atanting ont to dig some new potatoos, 12e look the basket ont of my haad and said 12e w ould gelt tem. Hoý was gone haIt aheur on se and came back witb an emi ty basket. Ho bud hunted over th2e whole patcfl, Me said, and couldn't t lad anyihing but blossoma-. There wasn't a sing,p pot-uEo on 1the vines." "I really thoughi 12e would faint when I took the 120e sud begun'dig- giug 112cm ouiut of1te ground.1' The New Woman Now entera upon punsulîs f 1rel Eluopolrzed hy man. But It, emîn-l rua, nerve s are stili bers and she tst fers fmom tooth!ache. r To ber we r ie- coramend Nerviline-oeurve-paraî curet -cures toothache inanallment e-s lîne. the moisi manvellons puin rern,,dy knovn te, science. Nyirvrhntc ma'y bhe naed etfficacîously'for alI nenve pain. that aunOL Le Cured kby the sof HAaa'JS CATÂRRII CURE. .FRANK J. CH INIEY. Sworu to before me anci subscriled inm preseuce, this Ath day of Decembe'ý-. A.D. I88Z * . A. W. GLJlýASON BEAU. Naàtary ulie.UO àallssCatarrh Cure is taken internally, a.nd acte directly on thfo blood and mucous surfaces of tha system. Send for test imoniale. free. F. J, ClEN0EY & CO., Toledo, 0. SII.d by Dr 15ct, e Halls Family Pills are the best. En1sinea-s f ailures ln Great Brntai» dîuring 1899 wvere 8,600, against 8,894 in 1898. MONTIOEAL HOTEL DIIIECTORY. Th Balmoral," Free Bus AVEUE HOUE -McGi"-ll eAeu per day. lroenent-Bates modierae. W. P. C. 1027. CALV ERT'S r Carbellc Olinfectasitm. Scapa, OUi4 hmeât, Tooth Powders, etc., have bqëi awarded 100 medalg sud diplomas fer su cpr excellencre. Themir regular usse prevent le fgtotî. vus diseases. Ask' your dea!er to obta16s supply. Liste maltd ires on applcation. F. 0. OALVERT & COip MANCHESTER -ENGLANr Instrumîents, Drunis, Unîferma1, Etc. Every Town oan have a Band Ltest price8 e e eZu d. Finc ataiogus R6e iua tratlone mailed free. W rite us foc atnything in Music or Musical Instruments. WbaIÎ Roco &Co., ToruteOpt, and FOR SALE. \<ATURÂL lBEN INCIJBATOR, 100 ECG HATCIL ER, sonts e111Y $2, plan or construction $1. A. VIOKEItS, Ctalgary, Albeta, TORONTO OUTTI?$Q SCHOOL offers apecial adean. r agea to %Il desirous of acquiring a th orevugh kirew- Iodew of Cutting and Fitting Géatlecens Gareets. Wrie or iatirilro 113 Yenge st., Toronto. Barltr,.reqq lic Wel,5ey Hldgs.,Ua LA Wd lt. W.. Teron la Ove on thusad ervants are em- ~1 ployed in the Royal Ronse,%ýhold. 0OUR BRAVE VOLUNTLhERS PraerB ý5, eu' Cru. E-nured Ée, seer'maehngof heReligions Pletures, Statuary, aud Church Orasac= Northwest ampagu wih admr- aton,Worlcs. Mail orders receler promiýt atte, * rth-%vst émpiign ithadmi- tc.. 0. *& J. SAULIER & 00.9 Moitreal. ablIe frrtitude. 'The, (oe msa s9,hould have supplied theinm withl a POULTRY, BUTTER, EGOS, APPLES, quantity of the ce iebrated Putnaým s and other PRoDucE, te ensure hast results o0'tign lM Paîînless Corn Estracor. It neyer Thé DAW.SÔil Commis8ion Co., Li'Ylited, fails fu reomove corna parniessly, and IO.OtMr, ebreS. e~O the vcfiunteers antil everybody eisc should b ,vo it. Býware of stubstitnteq. O epm 2 Get Putnann's Extractor aud tlika- no other. Mer the cery iastêend your wrk tetlie- "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC 00." Ou an average only one builet outi Lte fornto Ortaow a or snddiec of 500 fired ln batILle strîkas home. Muraooî,OtwQee MR. FOR OVER PIFTV YEARS RGO F I H9CGand fhoot MetalWorke. MRS. WIZZ8LO'S SCITING YRUPha3 eenROOFIN,ýG SLATE, ln Blanc. WIITSLWS SOTHINGSYRUbas bec llJ or( -ea. BLATX BLÂONitOARDS. (We supply uord tsi reetheri for tîer cehildeniteeting. It cee lies Puli ad lih 801W ,feetlIongFtit~ Oie child, rettens the guins, allayd pain, cures wind Ceai 7Taretc. RO0 FaG 'ILE (5S .New Qity fluile .elle, and late bail rsornedy for diarrhoea. 2ca bottîr. . rutiochyone Ocrefii). Mora!tfl Ceilics, er Sold by aIl drugglsts throughout the world. Be asure nice,et.slassîrlhed fCwii uneo e and asi for " Mrs, Winso'os a lothing Syrup.' cîrael dt nvro heoor.'in 0 HER OWN SELECTION.FRS FUS Blarry, she said, as sha uatched him Iprtra' xprere adjusi his collar5 there is ont- thing ImpoFre and Skius. on-rc,ý about you that I like. elguments solioite.d.Rih ,Bis face hrigbtened. est prices paid focr gtnslng. What la it, dean 12e questioued. R. JOHý'N$N Why, your neckite, and as she had - 494 st. Paul street, Monitresi' ho cause t be happy, C ýL1 p l LOAlI AND SAVINCS GOFMPÎ14Y. fle0dtand Largest Canadian Mort.. gaga Corporation. j Paid up Capital, $2,6oo,ooo. Reserve Fund, - - rzooo HrnitIeadi Office Terie ost., ,,*rente. anchanf, Vaiooueri-r DEPIJITS tEGEIE -,nlest ctlowed, Goveenniest audMuiplorae. Foei lteï partiÀcula rap ly t J. iERERT MSN Manegice DiîreClot',Trote - 1

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