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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1900, p. 4

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MODE'L FARXL EXCURSION. A W Oý*iEgPFUL PREPARATION. ,,T h N e D r g b#"àt rea Ec em a n 0 A. C. tans fr Otari A-ieu-' Rokeo" cr'al coffee. Pure3, whole T he N ew rCg tor e Ec oma ona terni thenext smnuihnhgl eomne West n a 1o use ho Sca p Saurday seei~thebtter.akiugto, but onv cos-s one fourthBO T ANV I LE whe yo Be a adit.liin the DairyBuligaGephnx steçd of poisonous teasi and coffee. B U M N I lAien ee flItol and Cura untà theO Child audy Rokco is sold in loc. packages. 15c,, or ke hisdo't ,live Sreiflsd wItIi Ag@fy-A Wonderful Better value for the cost of a ticket to 2 Ibs. for 25. For sale in Bowmanville liketbisclont beieve Cure Effoted by Dr. Chaso'S Ontmoint. Guelph next Saturday cannot be got in by the following grocers, Young & Co., this countrv. . Cawker & Tait, Hfeal & Co , Mason & * *The case recorded here la one of the oxyu redan. egibstCJhnMuty .B.atnad D M g orttever brought to the attention of -Coma you rîend a neigbstoAiCo. Jo cMur, J.B.Marynao Toronto's best physicians, and when a(cmay o oMoe am ni.L icoi.Akfr it. 6 lyr doctors gave up ail hope of reeovery, Saturday. Grand day's outing. At this New Drug Store we dntgv agisi r hs' itetwsscesu n Ecrinssfo eeMysa an honest value producing a verfect cure. avneôver in Toronto for the 9.36 train I C drugs, but honest goods atanh svlu Mr. james Scott, 136 Wrightavne Saturday night. See advt. for rates. O OIVIH S 01E. We seli patent medicines as iow as the lowest but in Toronto, statee:-" My boy, Tom, aged ten, was for nearly three years a.fflict- KENDAL. the days of keen competition if a man advertises cheap ei wlth à bad form of Eczema. of theThsiuhnead oosor ,drugs depend upon it that what he seils is cheap drugs. scalp, which was very unsightly andPleso ugisihyaejs s'emlsted ail kinds of remedies and doc- Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hodge, Mitchell, PlednBgis hyaejs tor'. treatinent. Fis head was in a i iiiga i ohr r.Rb what you want-new in design and ,See the point ? terrible state. We had to keep hlm from Hodge .. .. Mr. Chas. Thompson lost a .euiu nfns.As gn o Njw, here we ýwi)l try to give you honest value for scho, and at times his head would valuable brood m...'.Mrs. Jas. Red Bird Bicycles-up to date inl -your dollar, always considering the quality of the goods agny. For two and a half years we MaylosbinsoBethesda.Misses S. . and money wheu vou bu a Brantford; ~we seil. We keep one grade and that, the best, a square littied with it in vain, but at last May ûino, rokdCre. n and Cossitt Mowers, Rakes, Corn__________________________ founda cure in Dr. Çhase's Ointment. Mrs. Wm. Coram, Leskard, were VSI Planter and other implernents. Cali ~deal is the best deal and we do lo't try to mislead you by Akbout fOve boxes were used. The ors last week at Mr. Neil Stewart's.. original sores dried up, leaving the skin Mr. A. Souch had his arm broken and inspeet before you buy. .advertising BARGAINS IN DRIJGS. luit i normal condition. To say it le recently white returning from Hope.. &psr e o esif t te onerulMr J. G. Honey, Orono, we noticed JflO. S. Ru n d e's f1ý f:ýL S LICTE0 sneitsof r. has . i.tmnt s pt- ereon riday..Messrs. Fred Brim- llarness and Implement Dr. LL SO IIT D.ti a ey mintment, at ail1 dealerssinaimetig fWaest Duham Emporium. X~,T >Iol P ii'î 3 r Edmnanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Farmers' Institute at Bowmanville on BOWMANVILLE. W . C Toi, PhB* oSaturda3. 12 Doors East of Post Office. Bowmanville. WDIN EL.Nwi h iefr i% BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 13, 1900. T heP MTIOIA VNINHP, --,% WEST DURHAM LIBERALS. G IBSO-WELCII. ANNUL METINGJUNE14, On Saturday. ,Jutne 2nd, Miss Mabel I IKKUI ~~ NoticLis EETNG UNoTE Li4.rals elch, youtgest caughter of Mr. and IVII oiei eeygve oteLbrl Mrs. Thomas M. WNelch, "Locust Rie- M ÏIIÏ wd% ryy o West Durham that the Annual Con- tieat,' was upited in matrimonv to Mr. William H Gibson, of Carke townships vention of the West Durham Liberal near Newrastle. The happy event M ffl ner ! Asocitio wil behel in he ownthe absence of a few of the immediate illi prvrHall in Bowmanville on Thursday the friends of the bride and groom. Rev. M a ~.s ,~ l4th day of June, 1900, at 1.30 P. M. J. A. J ewell, Welcome, tied the nuptial lVI y j ' hr.Mh bsns obetasce knot. The bride was tastefully attired Olir le uinss.ob tanace in a neat and bec< ming costume of blue '~will be the election of offleers and gen- silk, and chiffon trimmings. After theu S c -bontiui dejeuner. Ai one o'clock the Proptes l atedane s peialVt- ey tnok passage on the steamer North My stock will be found v erv compietet * l~y~jjy Cl~nr ,. dsird a te metig ~illbeaddressed Kin g for Rochester, where thevpurpsand prieà right. Beautifuil patterns ium r ailckheà at the conclusion of the business referred spenIditig a short time with friends, and frOm 5 cents.- lto r *1 on returning will take up their abode Wnor Shades amiLehor iaanI ad Vg Z to by The Honorable Sidney Fisher, on the Gibson homestead. near New- -0FDiJ3ty ehr Ht r alteedn Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa, and castie Mr. and Mrs. Gibson' $ many Gurtain PoltesA * styles and shades for Ladies, Misses and *F by Mr. Francis F. FroSt, M. P., for loriends liJonou nd hahpny tem a oornmoIldings -W Chidren. ~LeaadGevle ie n New stock of framed Pittures, Frames IV. ~ . F. ALLEN, M .JMS and Picture Moldings just received. A E E YH N 0 Stlsand rrces--to Suit AI I Prosident. Secretary. TEMPLE-RiDLEY.v2y5c.Sete rieChformainPo tsforrER Y T IN O NE W Sty0 ______ St. John's Chureh, Bowmauville, was No trouble to show goods, and quote H r' tr ig r-a dbg IORRUT ELETIONPRACTCES.prettily decorated Wednesdav evenîng prices. e 'sa to ebg ivu1C ieui nu. ~ CRRUP ELCTIN PACTCES for the wedding of Miss Lillie Louise The Spring starts the Base Bail, Foot M is Î ç The. iledugtrositeM. ae BOMNVLE.Tepo tion taken by' the Laurier Rdedube flt r ae Bail and other games, I have them.b -~~~~~~ ~~practces a t elections must commend it- H-ery P. H. Temple of Toronto P. Trebi Icock. g r b a-ta n te. I * . sef t ai tht ar no to bîsse byProtoptly at,,5 o'clock the bride entered pef arta reices f0 approe f an the church with her cousin, Mr. W. F. BOWMANVILLE, ~e s rote eynn h t iLi -Iéprisnpeuicst prLeo n Allen, and her bridesmaidsMs dke p motev r h*0 ~~ ~ ~ ~ poliey emauating fromn their pltclM~ d ~ ~ ~ ~~'~$' opoonetsheprtclaso le cae Temple and, Miss Erie Temple of To- of West Huron and Brockville, are andno. Mr V. . E Htchesnfoa pretty ihoroughly undcrstood lu the the groomýman. The ushers were Mr TE PH E a d Wo e wa tfr h msle eoul try. There was the unexplained J. Casteil - Hopkins and Mr. Willie Wo Temple of Toronto, Mr. Arthur E. Wol or t er ia d enteprisin deùîv on the part of the opposition last Meag1i aî r oh oadMe-th rcn ur . i TA K E N O IC .vear to bring to the attention of the MLuryB mnvilM. he bowrdeand and TA E N T C .Huse certain information which ap. loeiiawht uhseFor, peared to indicate extensive fraud until satin go n arrieduc heraep s îg,~a re ,o Satin totbo- posessina;dn e n p ie le afhetaas. an anaig, mouths af ter such .infornation 9sme ln- bouquet of bride's roses. The brides-o'j. m r rquiesene bY the Governiment ini the misw' ei pl in afeayndw ype pedo more 1n request for an inquiry before the parlia carrîed linge buinches of pink roses. A0u mentary Committee of Eleetionis and The bridegroom 's present to the bride, - - Privileges, and the failure of the op- ivas a peari créscent, and to the brides than anywhere else. h pp r position f0 produce any evidence in maids each a peari pin. The ceremour support of the ailegations, although the wspromdb h etr e.RT i dh r l e d r m n ig t a Seaborii. After a reception at Drum- the Govertiment permitted the exçen- -1 r adMsTepelftb h - ~diture of thcusands of dollars f0 heng fola r.t andMs T espe ts fromle a dis-d r micL witnesses before the committee. Then trainfrtems uet rm-ads the Governinent ag-reed to continue tance included Miss Temple, Mr. and Eggs I& admh v v r ti gfr*V the inquiry this session providing anv Mrs. R. H. Temple and the Misses Wantedaa time, but the opposition demandB -that suaMssTepl, Maad rs EiB Thanking Mny patroi s very much for their patronage such inquiry continue this session ai Temple, the Misses Temple, Mr. and Trade. ad ra di though the stipulated new evidence was Mrs. Win. L. Allen, Mr. J. Casteli this far in the Fen.e and Carniage liDes, I will withdraw no otstg ra eatn vdneHpis M.adMs .W er not fothcomng, Vtopsr. aEr. J. W. Ke. rrand my advt. for awhile, but trusting business will continue that would have been givenamoment's Mrai.orH.E.ewchsoBlroausesKrO ue the same. ~~~~~~~~~~~considerationiluany court of justice. oadadMs una. Ms 15N w B o ss just tesm.The Government however refused týowranMisBnam beeito alprsn rtretdallow à further expenditure of public e as in Wire Fencing (agents included), a government wire the opposition to show any reasonable A C R .A 5.prpud eW Ia~ Tete hihwi1 et i knd f ie ene, n wnprobability of tangible resuits being New Suits, Testr wichwij tet al knds f wre encs, nd ilisecured ; and that refusai was eudorsed We, the underslgned, do bereby agree T 0-by two thirds of the House of Commens,orfuthatwnyiv f~e .fre xibtininal hevllge ndasIar o- sud it may be safely added by a lik8 cent bottle of Dr. &illrlish Pis, .me418 3 DIOS, N w N c w ing nto he ork s ageneral, this is a rare chance t proportion of the electorate. Having if affer using three-fourths of contents ascertain the true value of ail fences. thus declined f0, be dragooned -luto a of bottie, they do not relieve constipa- OMNIL.ew Pa so fic ivestigation befoxe a partisan tion andheadache. We also guarantee BWAVLE See posters for date of meeting. ~tribunal, whieh could not possibly have four botties will perrnanently cure the _______________N w rrs i See ostrs or ateof eetng.aecomplisbed an ythiug deflnite, the most obstinate case of constipation. Sat- AITf Preie anoucedtht, o ar ro lfaction or no pay when Wills' Pille are r iID E0IELLN . L. IBYF-RS.beiug averse f0 athorough Investiga- neef. -INATE- FRIi tion, the Goverument was prepared f Stot -d&JryN TEE, o mavil ____________________________________order a judicial inquiry of the fullest &JuNeemet owanileTonshi fC are eharacter into the circumotances not H.Iigginbothaïn & Son, chemist, Bow- To nhp fClre ouly of West Huron sud Brockville,butmnil. - "emsAve"sidtePrm-iT_0n- _________Va-tir_______ nde ntucin Vomteeectr f h e ilnghams AA.Sadr hes opesdBandse, aSteel Al m Trat4dj. u.- 4, 9 . m. p. M. mny toremain on morigage. A.A.StndrdWhel, omrese Secal AxesA umdian .e u.....a . 6p. m The property wlll be offered for sale subject a y q a tt o md oodr pea atSelSrns, made0 tI *Corjtinn (ew) 189 a na.6dp areserved bld. Ful possession eau be given yq ords aser;Speial etS t oieelsprue a r; Rubber andDd ahr o hf Parisian.......... 25, 5 a. mi. 3 P. ni. onulst April, 1901, with partial possession of ont- buildings and possession of bouse any time after Metrees, noiseless; ail hand forged Steel Braces iuanufaefured lin thoir Childreti ryfo RATES 0F PASSAGE. Noenber Istnext wovrk-not bougbt; ail hand buffed leather lu Cushion and Back; 'Topesr First cabin, $52.50 and upwards. Returu $100 Further or more full particulars will be made Iiigb.est miarket pi e C A. f A~T'et~ ~ A s d second Cabin $35,$3a7.50 and $40. kuown on day of sale. made in their own shop and from the beet material. C JR[ST* 5" LRIA. ool or London. Steerage î9.50. For fnrther particulars apply to Frederlck 4.--oodsecnd-andTop ugges n hnd nd wll e sldcealAllan-State Line, New York . to Glasgow. Lovekîn, Reeve of Clarke; Jiohn Barret. the Lanrutian, June 9, 9 a. mi. tenant in possession; sud tb the undersigned to m-G ood foreewdhaBu ilbes cep C h i d ren Cry for For ticket@ and every information ap- . sliAt. ' 'L ay to L.A .TL, SIMPSON & BLAIR, BOWMANVILLE. M. A. JAMIE, Auctionee. f Bowmanville, John Percyl. C A S Ol .lIan neAgent. BowmanvIllle. Be man Sleolyi3, 100.233wv;o h 1%1M

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