70 per cent of the BAKINO POWBER Sold 111 Canada Contaîns ALUII! Thisu a very large percentage but the last Government report shows it to bc truc. It is be- lieved by the best inedieal authorities that alum is a very dangerous article in food and should neyer be used as it is very injurious to the health. In order to be 'sure you are not getting alum in your Baking -iMOwder it is necessary to buy a iaud inade by manufacturers on whom you-eau rely, and whose guarantee means'some- thing. J 6 Bakîng Powdor You get 15 guaranteed to be absolutely pure and nou.injuri- ous to health. Aiready it bias alarge sale and is giving perfeet satisfaction to its users. Tt is a money saver for we soul it at 15 cents a pound.- Try it. It is sure to please yon. STOTT & JURY. Bowmianviile. We sel) the fluest grade of Phosphate Baking Powder at the usual price 10e, a pouud. STOTT & JURY. The fi-flowing letter bas been received by Messrs. Stott & Jury au ,d speaks foritself: C Copay Royýalaanadian Reg., Soutit Africa. STOTT & JURY, DEAR Sîns;- -Yours to hand of Mardi 3rd and 1 must thank you for sour kindness iu sending me another box of Sour Foot Elm, which, oniy those who ave used it know what benotit is de- rived from it. It is the best cure for tender feet 1 ever tried and 1 have tr ied sevecai remedies. When 1 volunteered for active service and. was accepted, the only fauit I bad 1 suffered with tender feet and dreaded the thought of the long- marches we should have but thanks to vour remedy, 1 have flot suf- fered witÈ'soro feet at ail. When Foot Elm was issuef out to us, several mon did net take it, 50 i1nianaged to g-et two boxes, but thosp mnen wore sorry aftec ward for flot taking a box. While on the march from Belmont te Paardeberg- 1 gave some of mille to those who hadi noue and they were surprised at the benefit they received fromi it, and I ean saf ' ",ay my foot were lu btter con- it6 ntïhattrying- nsrchi than they had been f(,r c ars and 1 hope with the use of yoïîr Foot Elm they will remain so. Agaîn thanking N ou for the box _you have sent 1 remain yeurs trui y, 1W. B. BUTLEI. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. QoInG EAST. Gommes WEST. £r preasa...8 Si a. m. 1 *Express... 5 17 a. m &Express .- .1 7a oa. 8 15t Fassenge... !-8B126 p.m.I asnger.. i 185 p. zm Local-6 Sip....IExpress...- 7 39 SToTr & Juar. Town Agents The Calladiail Statesulan. BOWMAN VILLE.,, JUNE 18, 1900. Miss Conger, Picton, is visiting, at Mrs. M . Crydermau's- Mr. Geo Buxton bas gene te' Toronto where h e has a situation.- Mirs. Geo. L. Rowe, Winnipeg, Man. tia visitiuig relatives bere. Orangemen of titis District will -elebrate the l2til of JaIy iu Orono. A New I,*klng Powder at a New pric-e, loc pq$ lb, at the New Drug Store Mr. John Spnryhas retuirned frfm a j' J. F. Moars, Baltimore, preaci. ed u thie Methodist churci Suuday nicrning- to a fair congregation. His discour3e was delivered wilh an earn- esîness-that created a most favorable iincession"',nd ho will roceive a cordial ceome back at anytime. As he was Fuffering from a coid he pcevailed on Rev. C. Parker who was spendiug-the Sunda 'y bore te take the eveuing service w hose former parishonors were giad toi greet him again.1 Mr. W. Buxton, Toronto, was home Sunday. Beat value in Stirling Silver Spoons ai Rickard's Taik cf the tewn-Cawker and Tait's china parieur. Mr. Fred Grant, Toronto, is visiting friends lu town. Miss Edua Muir, Toronto, spont Sunday ah home, Swoet Pickles in Bulît. Trythemn. Cawkec and Tait. M. A. James is Grovennmoul issue for Manniage Licenses. Miss Lente W illiamns is visiting friends lu Rocitestor, N. Y. Steamsitip business cf this districi 18 doue by M. A. James. Field :and gardon seed of ail kîuds at Mucdoch's, Varioty Hall. Toibet soap cegulur 3 cakes for 10 cts new 2 foc 5 ct-i ai Nicitoll's. New subsenibens eau g-et TEn STATEs mAIS te end cf 1900 for 55 cents. 'Dr. Malone was cecent,,guest coflte Misses Mooccraft, 'lMaple Gene." Niciolis sella 10 cakes oid Brown Windsor Toilet soep foc 10 cents. Rev. J. F. Means, Baltimore, was guesi cf Mr. John Grigg Suuday. Rov. C. Parker, Napanee, spout Suu- day lu towu guest of Mca. A. Buekier. 11ev. W. Coombe,,Wooler, speni Sun- day with iis fathen Mn. Citas. Coombe. West Durhtam Facmers' Excursion te ModolFacm, Guelpht, Satundav, Juno 16. Cii's hatchiug piontifully et Tait & Co's. pitoto gallery eveny one lu e dozen g-ced. Miss E. Beaceck and Mcs.John Joues recontly visited Mr. S. Beaceck et Myntie. Saturday I will soul 100 betties Stan- dard Sitoe dressing 5 ets. oaci. A L. Nichoîll's, SEED BUOKWHEAT.-We have seod Buckwheat for sale. MCLE.LLAN & C0>., Bowmanville. Rev. R. D, Frasor, Toronto, bias re- moved from. 582 Mackham St , te 7 Hemewood Avenue. Painting, papering,kalsominiug,etc., doue on short notice and inu atisfaclory mannen by J. C. Weeks. Mr. A. S. Vogt wili spend bis vaca- tion during July and August in Eng- baud, France and Germeny. The Mason Cc. are selling more doth- ing titan ever thus season, seq Ihoir new stock and yen will know wity. Mca W. C. Ferguson and ciid Blackstock. was guesi at ieonfether" Mn. John Beacock. over Sunday. Mca. W. B. Anderson and Miss Vic- toria Peol, Janelvîlie, are giiOsl8 ai Mc. M .Ccydecman's, Beeci Avenue. The New Hats are lu aI Tite Mason Co's. An immense assentment of botit sîliff and scf t bats aise thte common stcaw bats. Penfumes-some new and oxquiaite odor nover seid lu Bowmanviiie before now on sale et W. C. Tolo's New Drug Store. Ceuci Johuston & Cryderman have nover showu as fine a stock cf Carpeta cf ail kinds as titey are doing titis Spring. The biggest snep in Lady's solid g-ci d rings that 3 ou over -saw are ho be iteld et T.N Rickard's. Prico$81.25-jusl lhink of ltaI. Mr. Chas. A. Nobles, Greflen, lias been >appciutod dck cf lte Sixlth Division Court of Northtumberland and Durhtam. Mns. Coison V. Jeffery and son Han- have gene ou oid -extended visit wiith friends lu St. Merys and other places in lte Wsto. Black and Coloned undcessed mous- quetaire Kid Gloves worlh $1.25 a pair seiling off et 75c. et Coucit, Jotusion & Cryderma n's Port Poccy wiii coiebrate ou Domini- on Dominion Day - A siik Banner velued ai $25 will be competed foc by Home Cices. Thteaime Tait & Cc. on a photo vouches foc ils qualiily as focrIs duc- abîiity, esk yeuc neigtbccs. Our repu- [talion la lte best. Ladies' Taler Made Suis, Spring Jackets foc Young Ladies and elegant Capes for Middio-aged Ladies ai Ceuci Jetuston & Cryderman's. Dr. M. J. A James, Aibicu N. Y., bias besu eujoyiug a brief holiday ai homo, accompenied bv hia friend Mr. Jas.A. Philiips cf New YVork City. 11ev. S. T. Barîleti, Madoc, who la recoeonng nicely fcom a sovere aitack cf pneumenla, apont Couference Sun- day ai Mr. John Heilyar's, "Gladstone Villa. " Auy article that -Riekard Jeweilcc Bowmanville bas for sale la te be bad et the ig-hi price, fer lte buys for cash and markts bis gooda mu iii a amail profit uponthem. WVe were pieased te notice by Satur- coUgrogatiens cf tite town lu St. Paul's churcit Thnrsday evening ou "Our li- poniiied Sabbah and iîcw il mev hoe seved." Ho presented bis subject ln a yenv pieasiug and prectical manner. A Branci was orgenized bore as foi- iows: President-Jas. Gilfillan, B A,; Seccetrv-T. C Joweii; Treasucci- M rs. R.*Freeiand; Exeuhive Commit- tee-Pestons and thce ropresontatives from oaci chuncit, 5 Ring found-apply to M. A, James. Solid Back Hairbrushes 10 cents aI Nieholl's. M. A. James is Govrument issuer of Mariage Liceusos. Lady's bieclce wanted, neariy new 7and cheap. M. A. JAMES. Pictuce Fcames-Geo. P. Freeiand makes ail styles and sizes. Prices reasouabie. Men's Ilats-the vecy latest Englisi and American Styls-at Couch, John- sten & Ccyderman's. We bave a line of piclures iu stock thal we are going te clear out at vont own price. M. D, Williams & Son. No neod te, set a hon te g-et Chi's, go te Tait & Co. for them-they are fine, They have picture tramies for sale tee. Liueieums suitabie for Halls and Kitchon floors just ceceived direct from London at Couch Jelinston & Cryder- man 's. Ladies' Costdmo Clothin lual Colours and qualitmos and Home Spuns lu plain and plaid at Ceucit, Jobuston Fud Cry- decman's. Tite Mason Ce. have recoived from Jas. McCready & Ce., nearly $1000 worth of Boots and Shoos and they guarantee ail their goods satisfactocy. New ties, new coulacs, new under- wear, uew gloeos, new sox, uew umbrelias, new watecproof coats, won- derful value. See tiem at The Mason Co's. Print and Linon Dresses for giris fcom two te fourteen years. Just ce- ceived direct from New York and new sitowing- at Couch, Johuston & Cryder- Lman 's. Wo are making- special effers for youc trade this spriug Our stock of furniture is largo and .the only hhing smali about il is the prîce. M. D. Williams & Sou. We are sole agents foc tic Oster- moor's Patent Elastie F At Mattcess. They are btter thau hair and Iess titan baif the price. Ask te seec hem. M,D. Williams & Son., Ail cases ef weak or lame back, back- ache, or rieumatism, wili find relief by wearing one of Cartec's Smart Weed and Beliadona Backacho Plasters, 25 cents. ,Tî-y them. A large stock of Gents' fucisilngs suci as Undecwear, Shirts Coulacs and Cuffs, Umbrelias. Bracos and Gioves, Ties etc. at M. Mayer's, Prachical Fur- niec, Bowmanviile. Couci, Joinston & Cryderman report that last Saturday was oeeof tho big g-est days lu the history cf the ficm. Titeir store was crowded wiit customers ail tiroug thlie day. Pain Killer cures bruises, burus and straîus. Taken iuteruaily il cures diaritoea, dysenîecy. Avoid substi- tutes, there is but one Pain-Killer, Perrv Davis'. 25e. and 50c. Our chief constable, Mc. R. Jarvis,has been appointed by Counties Council High Constable of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Tiiece were four candidates for lte position. The County rate of taxation foc Ibis yeac is lgty reduced from that of lasI yoac, b=g miii instead 1.05. $90) is lie amount we have ho pay the Counîy Fund, and $74 79 10 thé Sîukîug Fuud. Mc. and Mrs. W. B Couch and Miss Norma, Miss Thempson, Mc. and Mrs. Thos. Sherin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Foley, Mc. E. G. Feiey and Miss Howson, atended conference at Port Hope Sun- day. Mr. W. W. McLaren. son of Rev. J. B. McLaren, Columbus, is te ho congcatulated ou carrying- off te i$5 Politicai Economy scholarship in the tltîcdyoar Toronto University examin- ation Now for paporing. Beautiful linos of samples-ali the pretty and standard patterns. A larger assortmenhttan ever before. Cali and sie me or drop a card J. C. Weeks, Ontario St. Bow- manvillo. Hec mny friends in Bowmauville exleud heartiest congratulations le Miss MIay Bingham on hle7 macriage le Mc. V. G. Palmer, Chicago, Il!., which teck place Tuesday, June 121h, at Mac- shalltowu, la. Rev.E. Roberts, Omemee. bas accept- ed superaunuation and will speudhis decliuing- yeaîs lu Lîudsay. Bowman- ville citlEens are mucit disappoiuted as titey expected Mc. Robonss le iocate iu our pretty town. Our lino Maîtresses and Springs are uew and cf the very fluest quality rauging in prico fcrom $2.25 te $15.001 fer maîtresses; spriugs from $2.001 te $5.001. Seotem before buyiug-. M. D. Wiliams & Son. Mrs W. L. Heciman cf Lindsav, aud son, Dr. Herriman cf Orillia, acriv- ed up a week -age last evenîug-. Mcs. Hecciman will spend a short lime visil- iug hier sou Hl. R. Eferriman at Houera. Little Current Express. îNo matler whethec yen, buy a citeap Union or au ail wool or Tapeslry or Brussels Carpot, yen will find a biz ilis edited. In no othor furm eau 50 mi cf L-enuine worth belitnd dollar for dollar, as lu a uewspapec cf tite class cf whicit the best exponent is The Illuglrated Biiffalo Ëzpreps. TO CURE A COLD IN4 ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabietq. Al drnggists refond mouey If it fails te cora. 25c-. 1E.W. Groeas signture in on eachbbox, EXCURSION TO GUELPH. Excursion is next Saîurday, June 16. Give lte boys a trip te Model Facm. Eveny farmer's boy may take a course at Ontario A.-ricultural Coibege June Don'I ceusider the day losi-nexit Saturday ai lite Model Facm. Ne farmer sitould fail te visit Guelph noxt Satuc day, Evecy buildingý and field open foc inspection ait theO. A. C. Witen ai lite Ceilege nexi Saturday g-o on te roof and eujoy one cf thte prettiest iandscape -views lu thte province-complele bîcd's eye view of the Fana. STATESMAN le end cf century 55c. Mc. H. J. Kuigiti spent Sunday lu Port Hope. Mr. Cocil Weich, Toronto Janchion, is home foc iolidays. Mrs. Chas. Hooper, Toronto, la visit- ing Mis. J. B. Martyn Miss Jennie Hooper la visiting ber sisher lu Rochester, N. Y. Miss Ethel H Molion is visiting hec sister Mrs. M. Prout, Toonto. Mcs. W. H. Williams attended the funer al cf Mrs. Rochefort lu Toronto. Miss Lau-a Jackson, of The Sanitar- ium, Dansviile, N. Y., 15 visiting et Mc. Wm. Courtice's, Mc. Fcoeland ueW makes a spociai lîne of photoi aI $1 a dez. They are wel Worthithe meney. Messrs P. T£ebilcock, R Adair, A. Mitchel and A. Niciteils are atteuding tito District meeting cf lte Oddfellows ai Oshtawa te day. Very inherestiug lettors from Miss Mluir ou hec trip te Hawaiian Islands and from Mr. Titos. Iloar ouis tour lu Engiand are iteld over for want cf spaco. SEvÈRE HEADACuIIPS--'FOI some lime I was lcoubled with vecy severe ioad- aches. I lcied Milburu's Sterin Powders and g-et immediate relief.' Mca N. Burke, Lindsay, Ont, Maps cf Ontario are often, needed for réference. The besi aud latest map we bave seen of titis Province is the one cefenred te by The Mason Co. in their advt titis weok. Il sbould be lu every btouse lu West Durhtam. We find it se very ceuveulout It is weil bouud lu book focm. You should have one. Everybody knews thet ail linos have advanced lu price, but we 'are pleased te inferm our customers that we have a large stock on hand and orders lu aitead cf lte caise anîd we w-Il be able to give yen all linos cf Furnituce citeap- or titis sperîug titan il is possible foc yen te g-et Itm eisewitere. MD. Williams & Sou. Florence Nighttingale Lodge, I.0.0. F., macched ho the cemotery Monday aftecucon itoaded by lte D. O. and P. Ce., baud and decerahed thte graves cf lteic deceased bretlîren..uumberng- 21. Thte cecemony was vecy impressive. lu lie eveniug a" banquet was given lu houer of the viait cf Rev. T. W. Leggott, Grand Citepiain. The more iiiustrated newspapers there are the more apparent becomes the superiocity cf The Illustrated Buf- falo Express. It is nover content witi printing more pictucos In Tite Express lte Dictunos are invariabiy eiltier artis- lic lu a bigit degree, and tierefore, valuable for titeir beauly, or titey illu- strate new8 malter cf presout interest. That is wity Thte Iliushnated Express is net throwu aside ef tec a itasty glaecel as is lte case with most of the piclonia. Sunday ppers. SELF CULTURE CHAINGES TTrLE. With the Juiy issue lte publisiters, propose le change-the tille cf the Self Culture Magazine te lte Modern Culture Mag- azine. The substitution cf lte new name for lte oid wiil, without paning entirelv f rom lte former designete tille, mark the advance te au eca distinctive- ly chacactecized as eue enricbed by "modern culture" in eveny depacîment cf ituman enlerprise and tioug-ht. As iterelofore, lte Mazazine will ho tite ecg-an cf ne pacty or ccoed ; the pan. amount aim cf its owuecs beiug te makre thte publication a Magazine foc evecy thcughtfRil and weili-edeced heme, W bile seoking te premohe ludopendeuce lu lte discussion cf public affaira, inter- est ini litecary questions, and an intel- ligent concecu foc alltai make foc ttc upliftiug-cf lte people and fer lte mat enil and social advencemeni cf th.e Nation. Subseniplion price, ôuiv $1.00 per year ; four moutha' triai - 25 cents. THEn WERNER Comp.ÂNY, Publisiters, AKineR, Orneo. S SAY :-Do yen want Gi- înouc's Celebcated Ieigi Cla,.. Doons foc that nice new house yen are building? If se, tebe- phono Ne. 15. Notwititstand- iug ail reports te the centrary we are sill seiliug and golng ho seil, Dooca, Saab, Blinda, Meuldings, pickets and ail kiuds of dcessed and uudcesaed lumber and are ilalf-pouud tin cf jam, 7s. Ote packet "'Oid Gold" cig-rettès, 25s. (ordinary pnice, Bd.) Two ounces cake tebecco, 83. Ono pound Boor tobacco, £-I, Smail tin cf dripping (about 1 lb),15s. Matches, ifla. and 12s per doz boxes. One pourd tin cf rebbit, 13s.-6d., A doz cf amaili hmatoos, 1Os O6d. oui y. WEST DURHAM BOTS. Mr. Chas. Cootes holds a responsible position with Messrs. Eby, Blajui & Co., Toronto. 11ev. T. W. Jackson, Elora, a Clarke boy, Io President of Hamilton Methodist Conference. Messrs. Harry Rowland and Malcolm Gal- braith bave purchased a drug store on Gerrard St., East, Toronto. Mr. W. C. Allun, principalof the Glencoe Pub- lie Scbools, is presideuî cf West Middlesex Teachers' Association. Miss M. E. G. Waddell, daugbter of John Waddell, Esq., Orono, a Wtat Durham girl, won Firsi Class Honors lu Mathemnaties and Physica in bier tiret yearat Toronto University. Bowmanville 111gb Scbool boys and girls con- tinue to lead in the eompetitive classes ai the Universities. Itlai our great pleasure ibis week to cougratulate a Carke boy on bis brilliant succese at Toronto University in bis first year. Mr. E. F. Hughes, son of Col. J. Hughes, P. M., Newtouville, stands first in First Cluse Honore iu Matheinaties and Pbyslcs, wlnuing the Fulton Scholarship in tlhat Deartinent Mr. Hughes won the Blake S -holarahlp a year ago at bis Matrlculation. The anmal meeting cf lte Durham Old Boys' Association, Toronto was beld Monda y night. Election of officers: âon Presidet-W. E. H. Massey; Hon. Vices re,4idents -Dr. John Rosk- lu, Q. C., G. B. Smith, T. D. Craig, M. P.; Pi es- ident-J. L. Hughes; Vice Presidents-City Sol- !citor Caswell and Dr. E. F. Bowie; Secretary- Thos Yellcwlees; Asst Sec-Geo. Porter; Treas- urer-Inspector Wm. Stark; Executive Coin- mittee-Principal William Scott, J. Walter Curry, Dr. W. Hamilton, J. D. Keachie, Prof- Sqoair. E. Fieldiug, ltev. M P. Talliug, B. A., Ph. D., Dr. Carveth, Rev. J. W. Rae, N. S. Young: A. Sînte, and R. C. Steele. The annual excursion wili be held te Newcastle Aug. 6. We cougratulate Mr.'Alf. N. Mitchell, son of Dr. J. C. Mitchel, Enniskilleo, on bis saccess at bis final examination at Toronto University aud on receiviug bis diegree of Bachelor cf Arta Me bas taken firsl.class honora each year iunlte Political Science course whic-h ta a particolarly beavy departmeut. Thtis year he also managed tbe 'College ropies" making a complete suc- cess of this journal. He always took an active part every y ear lu atbietics, winutng a number of prizes and titis year three medals. He was a member of the track team sent to Montreal for the Iutercollegiate games aud 3vas aiso the 'Varsity selection for the Intercollegiate debate witlt Qucee's University for t bis year. We umdorstand he iut'uds goiug itt the turbulent sea cf joornalism lunvhtclt we wish hoin succes Mr. Wm., Ormiston, Jr. Enfleld, is president of South Ontario Farmners' Institilte. The ladies of St. John's church will hold a Garden Party and Strawberry Social at the residence of Mrs. Southey on Wednesday, June 27th. Proceeds for the church repair fund. 22-2w. MoLÂudnLîm-Xear Enniskillen, June Srd, the wife of Mr. James McLaoghlin, uf a son. OKE-Near Ennîskillen, June 4th, the wife of Mr. James Oke, of a son. BFEecE-Near Eunisklller, June 7tb, the wife of Mr. Arthur A. Beech, of a sou. SHÂP-Near Enniskillen, Jonc 10th, the wife of Mr. And. Sharpe, of a daughter. Pac.usE-lu Oshawa, June 4tlli, the wife of Mr. P. Frouse, cf a sont. BLAT-In Taunton, Jue Srd, the wife cf Mr. Geo. Blair, cf a daughter. B? AUND-In Darlington, near Tooley 'a Mills, June ith, the wlfe of Mr. Frank Braund, cf a son. GLIDON-In Oshawa, Jue 7tb, the wife of Mr. S. Glifidon, cf a daugbter. LAKE-In Newcastle. Jue 5, the wife of Mr. Alf. Lake, of a sou. MARRIEDý PAGE,-FERGusnN-At Blackstock, Jnne 6tb, by Rev. R. M. Phalen, B. A., Mr. Thomas F. Page and Miss Isabella Ferguson, both cf Dar- ltngton. MOOlul-STAPLETO-Iu Newcastle, Jue th, hy Rev. T. J. Edmison, M. A., B. D., Mr. W. J. Moore aud Miss Mary Ethel Stapleton, both cf Newcastle. NEWSOM-WALttER-At the Methodist Parson. are, Magersvilie, May 29th, by Rev Robert Walker, assisted hy Mev. Gerald Willoughby James Adamus Newsom, M. D-, Toronto' ami Harriette, second daughter of the officîiating clergyman. LYNE-DiNNEY-A± Oshawa, Jue tb, by Rev J. J. LiÉldy, Mr. Geo,. Wesley Lyne. Toronto, and Miss Catharine A. Dinney, Oshawa. HALL-GAMIILE On May 28rd, at tite Method- ist Parsouage, Brookîtu, hy 11ev. J. Marris, Mr. John Hall and Miss Aunie Gambie, belhi cf Osh- awa. TEMPLE-RIDLEY-At St. Jobn's church. 110w- mauville, Jue eth, by »ev. R. Seaboru, rector. Henry Pery Ranfurly Temple, eldest son of R. M. Temple, Toronto, aud Lillie Louise, daught- er cf the late J. P. Ridley, Esq., cf New Orleans. DOULAN-WIIITF-In St. Mark's choircb Park. dale. Jue 71h-b. by 1ev. Chas. L. Ingles, kM A,, Mr, R. Doulan ad Miss Ida B. ycungest daugb- ter cf the laie William A. White, al cf Toronto. WccuS-EBv-At 016 St. Andrew's cburch, Toronto, by 1ev. G. M. Milligan,.D. D.. Leon- ora, Christine, eldesi dangbter cf J. Fisher Ehy, Esq., and James Hcssack Woods, ail cf-Toronio BgrBEE-Fissl.Ey-In Bowmanvllle, Joue 6, by Rev. W. Joiliffe, Mr. Elmer Lorenzo Beebee andi Miss Bessie Fisbiey. both cf the township cf Hope. FÂmnnÂaNIt-An<îNSî-Ou Joue 9, at the resi- deuce cf the bride's brother, Herbert Austin Aikius, Ph. D., Clevelaud, Ohio, by 11ev. Jas. D Willlamsou, Ida Dredge, younigest daugbter cf the laie William Thomas Aikins, M. D., Tor- onto, and Rhys Dakers Fairbairu, eldest son cf Mr. J, B. Fairbairn, P. M. Bowmanville. CÂWKE-BOYNTO-In Beach,,May 23, by Rev G, W. McGall, B. D., Mr. S. John Cawker, eldesi sou cf Mr. S. T. Cawker and Mtse Leona y cng est daughter cf Mr. Thos. Boyuton, al Fort IFerry. GBON-WELC-In Hope, Jue 2 by Rev. J. A. JeweIl, B. A., Welcome, Mr. W~illlami H. Gîbson, Clarke, and Miss Mabel R. Welcb of Hope. DIEO. CUTTLE,-In Orono, Jue th. Mary Ann Butt, beloved wlfe cf Mr. John Cule, aged 72 years and 8 montés. Mother cf Mr. S. Cule, ediior, Orono News. VODDEi-In Bowmanviile, Jue 2nd, Jua Kelly, belcved wife cf James Vodden. aged 43 years. RÂNTOr-In Darlingion, Jue 7tb, Jane, reliot cf the late William HRanion, ilulber 801h year. FLOUE, P 100 lis ........$ WHIEAT, Feul, bush ...1 " Red 1 ife...... " Goose ... BARLEY, P bush,' No. 1 "Two rowed1 OATS, Whtite t...... RYE,. ....... BUCKWIS4AT ..... PABiackeve, e bushi.. Canadian Beautics Mummney EGGs1, z tio........... PorAToEs', 1P busit... HÂAYI etý) _l ...... $1 70 le $2 10 0 0)" 063 0(0 ,0 65 00O 070 O 011-t, O 67 089,-0 40 0 26" 0 5 0 25 t0 OB 0 25"0,40 0121 t0 27 '000 0 50 0 00 0 45 O 69 t0 O60 O 74 '0 60ï 0 00 0 60 O 0 10 O6 0 60 t06- 0 100 0O 1B 0u(JO 0 t1 0 00 0 20 5 00 '7 00 wflWWW9~ê~>êWI*WI~ mmmmemIImImmmmmIImBilmmIIIsmêIIBIaaI a oe-T Examine__Our_______-_ - -o EThey are strictiy first-class, and having t.ested the same you eau rely on getting a crop. CO)RN. 'E Giant Prolifie, Improved Leaming, £ E Selected Yellow, Horsetooth, and Red Cob. E MANGOL.- Mammoth Saw Log, Danish Sugar Beet, 0- Yellow Leviathan, Royal Giant Sugar Beet. Jumo, TURNIPS. £ Ju bSutton's Champion, Gray Stone. £ Sk irving's Improved Purpie Top, Bangholm E Purpie Top., LIVIERPOOL LAND SALT IN BAGS. £ BOWMANILLE.Iighest price paid for ail farm produce. TRIS WEEK t L-bicycle(geutlemau's)îr. gcod repair for sale cheap. Apply at Tams OraEic. O TOLOAN-On good farm pro- perty. Interest 5 per ceut par ait- nom. Apply t0 M. A. JAMES, BOWMauviîle. 17-if. DENTISTRY. G.O0. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S. D. D. S., Monor Graduate lu Danttstry of ïToronto Uni- versity. OFFICE:-Over Coach, Johnston and Cryderman's store, Bowmanville. 18-lyrl. F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- -VBelug lot 28, concession 1, Darlingtou, cou- taioiuiug 126 acres. Piowing possession ibis faîl. Apply te CHAS. A. Asîsus, Port Union. 24-sw* T N TORN -Teldeso h fina large tant on reasonable ternis. Apply te Mas. L. A. W. TOLE, BOWManvllle. 24-2w S TRAYED-Came on lot 12, Broken ýJFront, Clarke, on or about May 20, a twe- yaar ol16 steer. Owner rnay bave same by provîug property and paying expeusas. JABEz SCcv', Port Granby. 24-3w' SEE MY WRi iIN 1*1 revel in my fceedom. Compare it with the first yon saw from my peu." Se writes a teacher from N. Simcoe who spent at term wihh us lasI summer. We cau deveiop good business wrîtecs bc- cause we have two of the best enmen in tite country on ouc staff. ?Vo are ýuite as slrong- ianded iu every nther epartment. Enter any time No va- cations. Special Summer Tormu from Juiy Bcd. Our circulars explain, write for them. .TORONTO. W. H. SHAW, Principal. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam - boat Company, (Lîmited.) Str. "North King" SOUTHI BOUND. Lv. Cobourg .........1.25 p.m. 'lPont Hope-----------... 2.30 P. 6M. Ar. Char-lotte, N..--------7 15 p. m. Rochester, N. Y--------..7.50 p.60 NORITH BOUNI) Paper. We have a very large assert- mont of pahterns aI 5c., per roll and upward. Window Shad es., -unaiR coloré and widhh froum Curtain Poles Oak and Mahogany Trimmings to match, 30c. each. Room Moulding To match any shades cf paper ah low pnices. Pictures and Framing We have lte largest stock in howu and eheap. W. T. Allen. BIOG 20. DR. J. COLVILLE, G ADUATE OF TOÈONTO UNIVERSITY and Tciuity University. Office- Silver St Night calis aitswenad from rasidauca cf Mr Davis, Beach Ave. 60-tf. DR. J. S. SOMERS, DENTIST, G ADUATE 0F THE ROYAL COLLEGE cfDental Songeons, Toronto. Crowu andi =nda work a specialiy. OFFICR:-6309 panaAve., Toronito. 16 -if. D. B. SIP oNQ., CHAS. P. BLAIM,ý Barristensr cos, Notaries, etc., Morris' Block, up-stairs, King Street, Tiowmnanville. Solicitors for the 0Ontanto Bank. Private monays loaued ai lowest m9a1 H. F. HUNTER1, B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT AMY 3 ul Convayancer. MnePnivate andi Co>mpaun ds tciaend at lowest cornant rates. OVFF'CES!uKing St., opposite Dr,. Mai-uden'a Den'alRoomns, owmanville. 136 m' XNT toi undersigned heg thai ha is .ow îîrý.parod to pay cash for ail grades cf wool aît cnt cetprice.ebsae ouh bada ae st).k jf Baues aud Flauneis etc., for axchange. Solieitiur a coutiltuance cf youc favors, 1 am yours trniy D. TAYLORm, propniator %voolleu milis, Hampton 16-3m 0 ENTISTS. Lv Rochester, N. Y-------..B.25 a. m. S Charlotte, N. Y-------S.. 850a. m. Wiil ha m w lock on ine lirst Ar. Coluîg.............. 1.20 p, m. Mouvi ttîla (cn rn Pur' Hope ............ 2i060 .1ý) ;j In t:, ' audet Newcestle vý lime suhject le cita ugo witit or fein 22 3). n ulte second. wititoul notice. Mo'tlay e1, l mtit., il. H. ,IURY, H. HI. GI,,[DERSLEEVE, Orrîi--:-T euese St., Bewmaan- J.Agont, Bowmauville. Manager. ville,rear elf hi botitam'a drug -1tore. hadies' in the ùatest Styles. And ail kinds of Blouse Mater- iais. t2HlEADQUARTERS for Men's Ready Made Cloth- ing. A few Ladies' Costumes and Spring Coats to elear at COST. Next d oor te Standard Bank.