M J. HIGGINBOTI#JM & SONW CIIEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. W The tigkt p1aee to buyW TH-E KIND TIIAT KLS Pure Paris Green guaranteed., Tangle- foot Sticky Fly Paper. Hy Poison Pads, Etc., Try our Cream of Witch Hazel for STan, Freekies, and Sunburn. J. HICCIRBOTHAM & SN ~ BOWMÂNV1LLE. I r~I As Go-Cart. 1ave you seei4 our Go-cants 1 lnot cali and 'Seo them. As Carniage. and Carrnages; if This cut shows combination Go-cart and Baby Carrnage. It fills al noquirements sud is taking the place et others, We have other Unes of Carniages besides Furniture . 0. . Our store is f ull et ail the newost gootis, tegether with the regular linos trom the cheapar te the btter geetis. UNDERTAKING complote andi every attention given. Night bell on sitie of doon answered any heur et the niglit. . 1 BOWMANVIL.LE. L e MORRIS.l Are asq if you h IMF Becanse its eveneau ho rmade as hot-as like--and checked down again as soen à Net a minute's waste ef Not a copper's wasteofe Btter sea thoru at otir nearest agents. FOR SALE BY M asi The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited, Toroi OR -BREAKFAST easily madie as porridge- àaye an IERIAL OXFORD RANGE you like-whenever you as you're through. ftim- fuel.* on & -Dale. >nto Winnipeg, Vancouver. * Visitors: Mrs. Everetts. Toronto, at Mr. John Rantoh's ; Mis@ Johuston, BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 13, 1900. Welland,is guest of Miss Keunedy;Mrs. Weatherill sud family at Prince Albert; Miss McLaughlin,Ouhawa, guest of Mr. BNFIELD. R. Hanua; Mr. anti Mrs. A. Chailenor, Toronto, guestx of Mr. W. M. Wotton - over Suutiay; Mrs. Nathan Byes with Mr. A. Crandell, Port Perry, visitati friands in T7oronto sud Markham.... friands hore recetly ..,.. Mr. Stephen Rev. W. J. Weatherill, Mr. sud Mrs. Hogarth, Solina, visitati Mr. R. Pascoe F. Rogers are at confrence,Port Hope. ...Miss L. Raynoldis bas returnati .. .. ROv. R. M. Phalan, B. A., anti Mr. from, Toronto,... Congratulations te John McLaughliu are at Halitax at- Mr. Fred Page andi brida. Sea marri- tending General Assembly ...Dr. age 'column .... Mr. Alouzo Nitider Mitchell raturnati Saturday trom an1 bas bought a fiua new buggy ... Mn. Z enjoyable vacation. Ho attentiet thea Kivel lest a valuable yearln colt International Association of Railway1 recetly .... Mr. J. E. D.Yr h two Surgeons at Detroit aud th'q Ontario1 regitereti sheep killeti by dogs last Medical Association at Toronto turing2 eek. s absence .... Congratulations Mr.j Te anraye t nia. abahAit. Mitchell, B. A., onyu success in Tebool il harof as oîîowS: batwînning first-class houons again lu Juna 17, sl emonds illow preac , your final uxams. . . ..Mr. W. C. Frank, Jun 17 semon wil b prachd aBMaple Grove, preached very acceptabiy anti 7 p. m. by BRev. J. B. McLaren. haro Suntiay, J une 3. Singing by chool ani choir. Coa-_______ tien at eacýh service. Moniday, June 18, the exoercises will ba r--sumeti St 2.30 p. A BusDLE 0o' NpRvEs-Narve force is ni whien a good progran .of recitatienfi the vory lite of man sud evary organ et anti singîng wil be gîven by the schol- the human body ix tiepentient upon it. ars anti atdrases by Rev. J. E. Moore, Just as soou as the blooti gets thîn anti Ph. B., Peterboro. Bey. H. Thomas, watery anti tails to supply nourishment I Hampton , anti others. Tes servedti t the nerves there comas a train et frein 4 o'cilc. Tickets 25c.; fer tes nervous dixortiers, narvous prostrationt anti lecture 35c chiltiren 15c., lecture paraivsis, epilepsy, insauity aud deatb. onlS c. Rex'. J E. Moore, Ph, B,1 Dr. Chase's Nerve Footi rehuilds anti Pewebcro, will deliver his ver y popular revitAlizes the nerve celîs wasteti by s lecture at 8 o'clock, subject: "Mother, tisase, overwork anti worry. It is ho- s Home aud IHea en " Noue shoult yonti douht the worlti's greatest rester- r miss tliis fine lecture. ative. Recomned eb y your tamly0 WJ. WSFAThIEBILL, JENNiE AsHoN'o, physicisu, Ail!tiruggists recommenti1 Pa2ttr, Secretar.y. suýd seîl it. S As predictoti,"Ur Sabhath Schoâ anniversar.y on i3uday atternoon and eveung was highly successtui. Fin( weather anti geot cengregatiens great eti our fermner pastor. Boy. H A. Strike Demorestvîlla, who gave excellent soi mous at aach service. The collectioni were generous in bohaît ef seheol fund anîd ail were delighted with the rasuli of the tiay's proceedings * Allin Brotlî ers' quartette sang a beautitul solo tio the evenu-ng.' Collections $15. OROOKED CREER Mrs. Joh)n Haucock vîsiteti friands in Bownanvilll.. ... Miss Philps epant Sun. day at home...MLss Fero'uson speni Suntiay in Port Hope. . . .essrs. Beri Raid anti William Wilson spant Sun. day lu Kendall .. .. Councilor Milîson i, inproving bis rosidence hy a naw feuce arounti bis bouse.... Miss B. Hancock spent Sundav hl Port Hope .... MisE Ruthertordtis visiting at Mr.Chas. RaI'ç ...Mr. George Cenflin speut Suntiay with bis mother. SHAW'S SOHO()L. Sehool Report for June: Senior IV- J. Biekarti, R. Bragg, O. Cobblatiick; Senior IV-N. Allîn, B. Pentounti Senior III-M. Lovekin, R. Riekard, equal, J. Galbraith, H. Knight, A' Soper; Junior I1I-L. Galbraith, G. Moses, G. Trewiu. N. Trewin; Senior II (2)-F. BAragg, W. Allin, A. Alin; Senior II (1)-G. Allin, E. Knight, A. Soe; Part I1-B Allun, O. Bragg, K T .prawî, G. Galbraitb; Class I-M Gauton, E. AllUn, 1. Blewitt. EDqA J. F IELDING, teseher. For any case et narvousness, sleep- ness, weak stemach, ýiui.igestion, tivs- papsa, try Carter's Little Liver Pis. Relief is sure. Ti. a euly norve mati- dune for the prica lu the mhnket. SOLINA. Oshaws Division visits thîs Division k rîday night .. .. Dehato next week: 'Bosolveti that the Boars are justified in fighting for their country," Captaino Jue. VanNest anti A. L Pascoe .... Miss Stella Bey noldis is improving lu bealth -.... .Dr. M.- W. Pascoe, Iowa, is axpected borne this week . ... Mr. Fred Page aud bride, Enfielti, visiteti at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's. . .. Grand Worthy Patriarch Mr WV. B. Burgoyne, anti wita, St. Catharines, visiteti haro guests et Mr. Thos. Pasce anti family . .... "Norfolk Haro," the fancy carniage stock hersa, bas a stand at Mr. W. N. Pasce's on Tuasdav noon.. .. Mr.W.Werry attend- et Contareucê at Port Hope anti was guest et Mr. Jno. Bunuals, Welcome. Palpitation et the heart,nervoussuess or trembliugs, nerveux beadache, cold hantis anti feet, pain iu the back, sud other formsof etwakness are raliaveil bv Carter's Trou Puis, matie xpecially for the bloot, nervas anti complexion. OR-ONO. Miss F. M. McCullaghbhas beau ill.. *.Mn. Thos. Vinson, Toronto, was home rceently .... .Mr. John Armstrong h home froint Montreal.... .Bev. Mn. sud Mrx. Chas. Adams, Yarker, visited relatives bore. ... . Mrs. Boht. Best sud anti Mrs M. L. Travelle visiteti at Mr. Cx!entar'sLaskart, receutly .... Bevi W.HAdams, wife anti daugliter, Clare- mont, visiteti friands liane.... Messrs BruceBell, Parçy Doncaster anti Frank Boddy, whaeled tiow.n trom Toronto Saturday week the former coming only as tar as Bowmanville .. . .Mr. A. Ball agb, produlce commission marchant, Toronto, wss in town recently-... . Rev. T. W. Jaekson. Elora, brother et Mrs. Wm. Luxon, b as heen electeti Presitient et the Hamilton Couterence., Mr. R.A. Stednian. Depllty-.Wmardeu, Ontario Reforniatory for Boys, Was cured of a severe case of Rheu. matism by Dr. Arnold's English' Toxin Pis. This Case only One of the Many in the District. Panetauguishine. -0f the many Goverument Officiais lu Ontario, no one is botter, nonr more Iavonabiv'known than is Mn. R. .4. Stedman, Deputy- Wandou ef the Ontario Betonmstonv ton boys Ponatanguishine. Mn. Stetiman has held bis responsible pogt Ion mauy yeans, giving the utmost satisfaction te0 ail concarneti. He is kiiowu as au up- rigbt. faitbfui nadi couscientieus officiai lanti in pnivato lite ix as highly respacteti as ia public. For a longy time pnast Mn. Stetiman They hava, cureti evary case lu which thy have beau usati acentiing te, irections. Dr. Arnoldi'& English Toxin Pil are 501d by ail druggists, large box 75c. ;mÉ?il box 25e, or sent postpsid on lceipt et pnica by the Arnoldi Chenical o., Limiteti, Canada Lite building, 14 King Street West, Tornuto. Solti hy 3t'tt anti Jury. ri easy to attain, easy to retaixi if yen use NATIVE HERBS and curts ail surnier coi S plainte; re u1ates and tones the t otomnach, teeps al the organs rhealthy. MO tabiot, E.00- cure gaaxedo THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO. 851Pi 1t M C.i a .NEWTONVLLIE. Rer. E. E. Howard, Blackstock, gave an address at the ice cream social at *Shiloh .. .. Mr. P. Edwards is home from Toronto hospital havin.- undergone a successful operation .. .. Mr. Simon Porteousdissick. . .. Congratulations to Mr. Ed. Hughes on his success at the University. . .. Miss Nellie Watts and Miss M9,mie Britton sang, recently at the concert in Bethel .. .. Mr. J.Runnals of Port Hope and Mr. W R. Miller, Toronto, were in the village recently. 35 CTs. vs. DOCTo-Sonit people have spent fortunes seek ing to repair the inroads (if disease which have had »origin in the simplest of beginnings- >food fermentation and indigestion-a disordere<I stomach-the money's gone, the physician bas failed to cure-but Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets have proved the littie "8pecialists" in a thous- and cases-andi a box of 60 of thein have made a cure-cnsts just M5 cents, HAMPTON. Mrs. T. Elliott ix isting friendo in Port Hope.MNr. Lorne Hastings andi Mrs. F. H. Mason have returnedte t Friendship, N.Y. Mrs. Vason's child- ren will remain for the summer ...,. Mr. H. J. Hoidge bas returued froin Port Arthur, bis health having failed . . .. Mr. N. and Miss S. Woodley were recent guests at Mr. W. Short's. . . .Several from hoe atteuded District Division at Blackstock .... Mr. E. Hastings is at- tending conforenceat Port Hope. A eBRiGHT IDEA-Was' that of Dr. Chase when hie discovered a combineti treatment for disorders et the kidneys and liver and so provided a cure for complicated diseases of these organs which were formerly incurable. Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Plls are the world's greatest cure for kidney, liver and stomach troubles, andi bas an on- ormous sale in ail parts of Canada and the United States. One pili a dose. 25 cents a box. MAPLE GItOVE. Mr. T. J. Cole is making numerous sbipments from bis prize herds aud poultry peux to al parts of the Domin- ion... . Batse Line Eudeavorirs'visit was a moest pleasant event fine prograin and g1 ïil social time. ]tefreshmeuts O. K ... ýr.,Fred-R. Folev spent Sundav at Port ý!ove. . .. Leath has entered our mnidst agafli anti taken off our oldest residont, Mrs. Wm. Ranton, who pass- ed peacef'ully away Thursday morning hsving reacheti ber four score years. She liveti a very. earnest, peaceful, christian, life and was loveti and re- spected by, aIl. -The sorrowing ones bave the synipathy of the entire con- munity. Our Sabbath School auniversarv will be held as follows: On Sunday Jûne 17 sermons will ha preached at 2 30 p. n., by Rev. J. J.Rae and at 7 p. m., by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B. À., B. D. Col- lection at each service. On Monday June l8th exercises will be resumeti at 2.80 pan,., when a progran of recitations sud music, will be fui-nishedl by the scbool aud speeches by Rayas. J. J. a, H. W. Foley, B. A , andi others. Tes serveti from 4 p m. Tickets 25e ; Chulti- ren 15c. Ail are cordially invitedtiet anjoy the services Jacob Stevene, Supt. Ernest Foley, Secretsry. Unpara]leled by the success of former years, was the Ebeénezer Sabbath School auuiversary Suuday sud Monday Isat. It wss ideal weather andi very large congregations greeted Rov. Y.. Lim- bort of Selby sud Pastor Wilson. àfr. Wilson addressed the eblidren in the afternoon. Mr. Linxbert's two discour- ses were splendidly delivereti sud the people were delighted with hlm. As s preacher ha certaiDly occupies the CASTOR lA For Infantus ad Cildxen. limils - . i o5ltnz '.=o#*-i~ ~ S' NEWCASTLE. Visitors:-Mlrs. Dyer, Port Hope,î Mrs. Elsworth ; Miss Minnie Basxie villa, Toronto, at home ! Miss Vanner Onillia, at Mîs. M. H. Mason's ; Mni (Rev.) B. Taylor, Nonwoeti, at Mn. W H. Chapiu's ; Mn. ant iNMrs. H. Sautord New York, have returned te thoir sunm mier resitience bore for the summer Miss Lithio Pickarti is home trom Piekei ing;- Mr- Thos. anti Miss Annie Doug las 'visiteti Contenance Suuaay; Mis Mauti Clemeuce home troin Crooke Creek; Mn. N.A. Pickard, Nenwood,a home; Messrs. Biekerton Etimison' an Arthur Rowland, Suntiaxet at Por Hope; Mrs, Manning, Bowmauvillh with Mrs.Wn Rickard ; Blarry Yarroi was scnicken with paralvsis Monda, anti dieti Thursday; Mn. W. C. Frank M1aple Grovo, preachet in the Math< diet churcb Sunday moruing anti Mr Hugli Simpson, Orono, lu the evening A quiet wedding took place lu thi Methodist cburch Weduesday eveniný at 6 o'cloek wban Mr, W. J. Moore su Miss Ethel, altiest daughter et Mn. -Jas Stapieton, were uniteti in marniago b3 Bey. T J. Edmison, BUD The bridq lookati chanming lu s fawn traveiliný ecostumeand was unattentiat. Mn. au( tMrs. Moore loft en the evening train t( sntiteir bouay.moon lu the Wes betore takiug up their resideuce ir Newcastle. We aIl join lu wvishing tht young couple nany years of happy an prospérous marnîcti lite. W'atoh the Skiun and Eyes!l ]lhey Are Unfafî1ng Therfofflotors of lloaltk, The skin sud eyes are two unfailing thermoneters et health. 1f the skih bas spots, eruptions, au unhathy pallor or a yellow appoanance, anti thae oexsa 1glazeti look, witb yailowish wbitas, it hs hi.gh tinoe te purity anti cleansa the blooti anti regulate tba liver anti kit. nae s. Paine's Celery Compontmakes pure, hnigbt ret nicli blood anti relieves the liven anti kidneys et the strain thal is breught upon then whenoven impure bloot isi pounîng thnouzh thdir sub. stance. It bas heen fuliy proveti by éminent medical men that-Paiue's Cetery Coin poundi supplies that neeessany sud appropniata foot that overworkod nanves ara tee teebie te extract froni ierdinary footi taken into trie stomach. Paine's Celery Compoundtineases the appetite anti anti pubs the digestive or- gans into shape te pass the foot oeanto the blond in such s pantectly preparad condition that thé change into nerva, brain sud tissue substance is easii¶ anti tuliy bnougfat about without waste et iionveus energy or wa upen the liver, kidnays or stomach. Iu a word, Paine'x Celeny Compound builtis up the weak, wasting anti dis- aaseti bodyv; it givas ail the conditions of health thaît guanantea a long anti happy lite. No other remedy lu the wonlti bai aven doue such a noble work ton suifer- ing humanity. SMake triai et eue bottie, dean rester; it will cenvinca you that you have feund wbat yen mest neadti t make y ou weil anti streng. MT. VERNON, Visisens z-Mn. sut Mrs. M.A.James, Mn. B.T. South, Bowmanville, at Mn. S. Seuch's ; Mn. Wm. Jeness, Bewmnu ville, at Mr. C. Rogers'; Miss Cola, Bathesta ; Miss B. Brout, Tynone; Miss Atidie Pasce, Solina ; Miss Kennedy, Euuiskilleu ; Miss Johnson, Welland, at Maple Corners ; Mn. W.B.Abraham; Victoria, B C , Mn. A. Abraham, Scar- borough, at Mn. Mn, H.Abraham's ; Mn. W. anti Miss FIe Aunis, Ebenezer, at Mn. E. Aunid'; Mn. Tinl8, Columbus, Miss M. Walters. Taunton, at Mn. J. Pascoe'x ; Mr. J. anti Miss Littlejobu, Miss Bickle, Countice, at Mr.J.Haatlies; Miss Stevenson, Oshawa, at Mn. H. Heti- don's; Miss Ethel Wootliie, Tynone, at Mn.>J, Gantats; UNiss C. Kapp, Brook. lin, at Mr. J. Orchard ; Miss A Oke at .Mr.-J, Moore's; Mn. N. anti Miss A. Aluin Bowmanville, at Mn. W, Souch's; Miss L. Ranton, Enniskillen, at Mn. W. Crydermau's .. .. Mn. G. Milîson bas ne- tunneti te Gnaveuhurst Sanitoniam anti taken bis little tiauglten withhi Mn. McTaggart bas beau re-angaged at- P.ke-' rcdmy..h- ua SUMMER CouGns-aro otenbalrtest to shake eff, anti fraquautly lesdto cou- snution. Botter have theni cureti proîùptiv by Dr. Wooi's Nonway Pîne Syrup, the hest ramody for bating the .ungs anti baiing ill kints et coughs aut colts. IT'S soepleasant to takethat ehi.dren ory for it. but Its death to wornis of all klndq DIR. LOWII '%ORM SYItUP. Price.25c. Aildeaplers.1 THE MASON, Cou BOWMANVILLE, ELEGANT NEW MAPS 0F ONTARIO GIVEN AWAY. We will give with every $5.00 cash puirchase during this month, a reliable, new, up-to-date M1ap of Ontario. This map is 3 feet square conveniently mounteQ - folder form showing townships and county lines, railroà~s- and post offices, also index giving population of ail cities, towns, iind villages. These mnaps are marked $2.50 and were intended to have been sold at that price. We have received a lot at a bai gain and shah proceed to GIVE THIEM AWAY as above while they last. Nomatter how- many maps you.have this map will take a place. Clothitig Department. . . Our clothing sales show a very considerable increase over those of last year. We c.tn safely say we have the best values we have ever yet shown. Get a -cew suit now and get one of thefie fine maps free. Groceries. . . We are selling teas, sugar, rolled oats, soaps, biscuits, at lcwer than ordinary rates as we are ruuning off our stock. Now is the time to bay Groceries, bring in your Butter and Eggs. Ordered Clothing. . We are turning out a large number of fine tWeed and worsted suits this sea.son, Our cutter is very successful' in cutting neat clothing. The new styles in Collars and Ties, also new' Hats and Caps are selling well. ]3oots and Shoect. . - We have an immense assortment bought at lowest prices. We are flot tied down to one or two raakers, we get the best value money can' buy, and seli at'ýrices to, please. See our boots and shoes. Dry Goods-Special sale of Ladies' Vests. 300 Ladies' Vests, assorted, bleaehed and uubleached, short and long sleeves, fine f ull shaped, well finished, strong and durable, special sale price 2 for 25c. These vests are a good bargain and will soon go. Parasols. * - * - . Al marked down to prices th at will clear them out quickly. Ladies' Waists and Waist Material. We are fully prepared for hotweather, Ginghams, Prints, Sateens, &c., &c. Mushins, THE MASON-Co. TYR NE.bouses of public enterntuent. TYRNE.theII That the vot, of the eketors e, the aIl Clmos ave the Muniiplty 0fthe TwnhipotDarlIug.eu Mn. anti Mrs. W. R. Cwjî1 he tipaeu obis ny-îaw n st~ beau in Toroutt on a tw das. . . eet day of Apnil, A, D.,is,, c'hic 8,ý ~at ulue 0o'clock iu the forenoon, and continuung J .H. Barnett gave us carnest pra etical until five o'clock iu the afternoYwn at the differ- sermons last Lord's Day .... Mns. Wat- eut places horinafier menionedî:- tati, Chicago, is guest et hen nioce Mrs. (a) The votes of the electors eutitled to vote W. H. Ciernens.. Mr. W. C. Fnank, lu polliug sub-divlhion No. lin said Municipality Mapl Grea, xplauet thaworîngft wiIl be taken a~t t hesc-hool-bouselu Schno sec- t gostita-ion No. 5 lu said! Municipslity, and lTbomas the Forwant Move.neut toe S malfc-Sete will ho the dcputy ro:urning officer te tioh ef ail the Loagua Friday anti wili taire the votes of the saiti electors. preacb bora uext Sunday!morning. Rea (b) The voies.0ftht electors entitledte vote lsa veny tbought fut young mn ni~in tvlen N, 9- i said Munic1ian-. ceusocratedti te is work, ...Don't fergat of Tyrone luaiMucpatyadRch that the aunual Union Picnic takas Hawkey will ho thie deputy returnlng oftlcer te place Fnitay JunA 22.... Mn. J .Ssutans take the votes of the sait olectors. visitoti Bowmanvitle Suntiay, and lu(c) The votes of the electors enititled to vote Ipollur zsuh.di vision ,o. 3 lu raIrl Municipl. brought Mrs. Saudens home.... Mn. T. ty will be taken ai the Sous of T.imperance Creeper, P.M., bhas nocoveret tron bIs Hall at Maple Grove lu sait Muul[cilality, anti accîdent .... Tynona Circuit ix on th18e Chales Axord will bc thedeputy re.tuning nui vive rezartiiug its future pastor... .. (d) Tl-e votes of the olectors entltled te vote C1ongratulate the Chicago man thhis uin g sut,-diîiiof No. 41in said Mnîuil week on securnu fer a bride s former y> will be takeu at 'lie Towu Hall iunte1vila6 Tyoagirl, Miss May Biugham, Mars- cf Hamiptonin r said MuniicipaLlity, sud IHeury Ellioit, Jl., wiu bethe)e p Puty retuirulug offfe.r hlttowu, Iowa. to takee votes of thesald electors. __________________________________ (e)The vole 0 he electors entitled te voe hi pllîn subdîvllouNo, 5 L) si'l NIUIi~al ty w1l be talesu at the Hall knownl as K.nuuety's Hall in the village of £pniskilln 'n sait MunI- lpality, suand teic Rgers willl b.lbe d:j)ut,ý neturuiuk offlcer tte te he vot6s of tlb, sadeectors. (f) The votes of the electons entitiedt te vote Mlu .sb-ivs Gluo.6 nsait Munlelpal- ty wl et nn h Sous 0f Temperance Hiall, on loiNo. Si in the second concession et OBEALErD TENDERS adtressedtet the-under- the sait Municipalîty, aud W. R. Ceuntice. wlll sget, andi endonset "Tenter for Meatord b. the d pty retnrnlug officer te take the votes arbour Works," wilIl horoceivet ai Ibis offie of the ait clectons,. until Wetuestay, 131h June, 1900, for tht en- (g The votes et the electors entitiedtot vote struction ôf close pile work, au extension to the lu poling sub-dlvlsion No. 7 lu snld MuleloialI. breakwater, removal of oIt pion sut dretging, iy wilho taken aithbe scbool honse inu seoo at Moaford, Couuty of Grey', Ontario, accordiug section No. 14 lu salti Munucipallty, aut Samuol te a plan and speclllcatiou te ho seen nt the Soucb wIll b. the teputy returi)lng efficor te office of H A. Gray, Esq., Engineer lu charge teks the votes et the sait electors. harbeun wonks, Outarlo. Oofeteraion Lite III.Thationthe thirty-lirsi day of Mareh Building Torontîo; on application te the Pest- A.- D., 1900, at the Towilî Hli-u lthvllae-J master d Meofrd,ansut aIthe Departmeut of Hampionilusait Mu"icipality ,a -th-iheur-. Puble Works, Ottawa. thIni>' iinutes pasi two o'clcjkit l htafternoon Teutons will net ho conqslderet uniss mate Mr. Albert E. Clemens, Reeyt of the sai Muini. ou tht foteu supplied sut signed wlth the actual cipalit>', shaîl appoint in n-rltît)g signet b signatures of tonderers. himself two pensons te attend at tht flnal sum. Au acceptet bauk echoque, payable te: tht mlng up ef ths votes by the Clenk sud one Minste of Pbli Wrks fo sven thousaut rmon te attend ai each poîling place aboT, dollars ($7,0D00 00,)musi accoingany each tender. an srdou ofhal! 0f nthe poiosIn ofsttis Tht choque will he forfeitoti Ifthe part>' tecline sud tcsîroadsa ike number on heha ff cf u the couirset or fail te complote the werk con- ya, tracted for, anti will hertturnet lu case of non- persous interesiod lu andi desfr.ous cof opposing acceptanceofattenter. ,ith.psssing ofthIis IMY-law. Tht Dopartmoni dots net bint liself te accopt t IV Thot Mn. Heur y Elliott, jr., the Vlerk tht îowesî or suy tenter, o the Municipal Conei1of the &id the Muin1ef. By oderpalit>' ef the Township of Dalington, shall ny entr RO, attend ai bie office bu the village et Hampton In .TOS. . ROY, sait Municipalît> a.t the heur of eloyen oeloekc Acting Secnttary, lu the foreneen ou WVetnesday, the eleventh. Depsrtment of Public Works.l day of April, A. D., 1900, te sumn up tht nnmbr Ottawa,* May 251ht, 1900. ofe votes given for sut agait ibis By-law. Newspapers iusertiugthiâ advertisementwith- V That Ibis nv-lsw shaîl come ne m opera- out authonity frein the Dopantient wîl l o tien sud be of full force on sud afier the tirat paid for IL. 23 2w. day ef May, A. D.. 1900, helur the firsI lay o BY-LAW NO. 573. 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON, A4 By-Zaw te prohibit the Sale of Liquor Reftai in the Township~ of Dar- lz.tn nder the provisions of R. S. O, 1897, Chap.-245, Section 141. The Municipal Couneil of the Township of Darlington hereby enacts as follows:- 1 That the sale by retail of osirituous, fer- metd, or other naanufactured liquois. is ana shall be prohlbited Iu any taveru, fun, or other bouse or place of publie entertalument wîtbtn the Municlpanity of the Townsnlp of Darlington, and the sale thereof ls prohibited, except by ,heiesoaie lu shops and places, ether than. Ma ei ftonté latpssnloreof. Dated sud finally passoti the 101h dayc Apni, A. D., 1900, (S$gd.)H. ELLIOnT, Jr., (Sgd.)A. E. CLEMErjI, Township Clerk naevi NOTICE. The above hstrecoyetanyl passetl by tht Municipal Councit f th. Towi, abip of Danllîîgiou ou thet ulnetteetb day o Avril, 1900. .And aIl pensonsaoré hereby riuiredtt t notice that au>'oee sirous of app yip Ills scb ly-aivor ay 1prtîthereof quaas hmi make bis apriecatimn for that purposie te thi Hîgb Court cf jrusuie, witbln ibrec menM niex alteor tht pubdcstou efthis nitice once week for thresucceoivo weeks lu the iw pprcalled tht CANÂDiAN S,4,ï81LAN or ni llo tee laite o b eard iu that bohaît. Hlamptonl May 26th, 190. H. ELLIOTT,,Jr., Clerk ot the Couneilî of tht MunIcipahit>' of the Towr.shtp aîofrHg ton. * *****IF if If If ýLj