But joy for one family meant sorrow TTTE INFUSION OP CORLN SOWING for another, for the dead man's familS, ALWAY5 A W INNER ........ ý7 la a proces IL belleved -hira to bc a priso 5_ 77ýý f7 a cond cted. by the agency On, the Falrill. of tight boots all the year round., Corn return. reaping is best ûonducted through the î ap agency of, Putnam's Painleýss Corn Ex The nearest proach to a resur- rection which lias corne und tractor, the only sale and er our sure-pop ý4 DIDN'T FIGURE. FIT CURfý notice la that of a Gorman soldier îý !corn cure. Putn(am's Extractor . is 1 bave recenily attended a sale In will cure E aft -er the terrible battle of Grave- tlow wideli îimitated. Beware of all O:M'Zl-(DMT IZZI-8- bas the reputation ofbeing the most rq ýe1Hef1sy, Fits, oison niy towm where the tarin and lier- it«Vltus Dance en Falin lotte. This young fellow was very ous and Bore producing substi- Lead Packages. TYLE sontFISLlÊl.11 CEYLON G"Ï,ýEEN 12, A nos$. A TRIAL Bc severely wounded, and in the hurried rnonaI VToperty- were sold to satisfy ALý CHARGE te any sufferër sondist u us their name ana addrèss &K5 examination on the battlefield lie was is crier to that of the finest japan 1 the cl.aimýý the moTtgages. writes be teas p W. P. mentlening this palier. declared by the army doctor to grown. 7'1"ilu About five yeurs be- kddnsaThe LIEBIG CO. beendug correspondent. dead. When the trenches had THIRTIE là, M " sTýe 179 Kine st.w., for burying the killed the sea foTe the farLrýýT liad received molneY 0 body of the young soldier was soins thait plroper icultivation lias in - 1 1 CALVERTY%9 from. his father's estats to buy this kept aside by a conirade who view the coaiservation, of the mois- Carbolîc Disinfectante, Scapa, 0intý property, which is worth severaî ment, Tooth Powdere, et*., have beau The Ontario Mutual Life Asstirà. formed one of the hurying party; ýurP- Of the 80111, eâPENcia-JIY Of its uP-ý thousand dollars. This man's failure this vras donc, as an act of brotherly per erata. Thls eau bc accomplish- I swarded 100 medals and diplornau for superier in dairy farmingi the Iffls of bis whole love, for the comrade could not endure excellence. Thoir regrlar tise prevent infecti cd! by a: mWch'!, and, it haé been found eue diseases. Ask yeur dealer ta obtain q the thought of his friend's body being supply. Lista mall6d trac en application. Ite Banner Year-Advancing ail Along the Lino- piroperty in so siiiort a time, if we, can undermost, and wished to arrange so that finie earth la a good, Inulch-few F. 0. CAf 2."'T & CO., JeLarn the reason, should have Borne !eý o that it miý-ht be the last to be placed better in tact. If the aurface, say to Cathering-A Po.Iloy-Holderla Coml lessoris for us. RAY in the trench. a depthi of three inches, ia frequently MANCHESTER ENCLAND. young mon had been brought INCIDENTS OF THE bS The earth w as filled in, but the Istirred and fined, thus breaiking up BeaTe thIrtieý_ annual meeting of this growing Company was 1 rd RoomonThursdayMay24,1900,ativ.m. Theatozidance,?q d e r na in a uï" oii,.hâs father's 'farra, and lias liv- capillarity, the inoisitiure of the, soil praý din a w iz à LI ' lie ' gre eýha -_ LIVING SOLDIERS.W110 HAVE BEEN Ils effectittally cejisýrv6d and evapor- t in LI a aecn n A. 1 arrow, C D Somervil on T ed on a tarin atl his Etc, so the reason îý-' ec cru ch&racýer a y t et t rmony ation from. the surface of the soit 'a .Pl hilis failure wae not a lack of ex V enne >B à A P. Ciem nt t e IL t 0 pa n'. of GuOIphý Oeu h chai , a - a 0 e tlose prose REPORTED DEAD. F. > - e ana Othel 8 00 eý n o Diejbel ý Mayor 1 pierijance in farming. The mortgage on raduiced to the milniinum.' This does J. in Sn 'd. r as. Hope r. c 1 a end a d 0 we aticel AItel instruments, Drums, Ûniairms, brio. Mlla C. a Il M r eea eorg ,the peroortal property was owned by Bruc_ J. K rr - ' - They Have Turiaed Up Arter Long Absenee not affect the capallary risie of the the grain dealer in our village, who ta Ai î.,! à. Ev -;-'Y Town o a n 7.,. a ouTotion, Mr. W. H. Riddell, Secrotary of the Company, acted toolsh yhelr Friends-The Preent Il B water from the subsoil înto the soil, Lowest linces ever 4ý?ted. Fine caltai had sold. him grain on credit until War in South tfrlea Ras ]ILS Surprises m.,,ec, cane 5co illus in@, an ut the request of the President rend the debt had become so large that the Aise. or disturb the recta. Snob cultivation tratione free. lits us for anything in la UrIc Acid In the blood. can beý done v4th broad shovelis or Mualo or Musioal Instruments. THE DIRECTORS' REPORT: farnîer was unable tio pay it, sýo was The recent incident of the reappeail- Unhealthy kidneys are the sweelis, instead of pointeil, narlrow Whaîey Royeo & CO., Toronto, Opt and YO£Lr Directoïr, respectfully subrait for your consideration their obliged to give the mortgage. ance of about two score flighlanders, cause of the -cid bel- Winnipek, luani th ?e,,ar ending sa. 31, 1899. who had be-en reported among the there. If the kid.,ýy. ..t.ý shovels or blades, and as these; shovels , o e are pleased ta inform you that the business was of the mosi The tarin was a good grass tarin, killed, recalls several sirnilar In- as they should th would may he made wideenoL:Lghý to include FOR SALE. 1. volume excèeded that of az4y year in the Li3tory of the Company. and yîielded good crop3 of hayî and but civil iife the strain the Uric eL 14ATTIRAI, IIEN INOUBATOR, 100 EGG IIATÔII. ta enable us ta continue the saine lîberal scale of surpILIR distribu stances of past times. In îd out au the splace between the rows, such EP., cozts only 1ý1,. plan the ret. The death rate wa a light and much below the expectatio litLle grain or soîling crops were appearance among 'bis friends of a of the systern and rheurna- VICI ý n cultivation very thoroughly accoin- >l Calgary, Alberta. or% proportion ta new business and that already in force, still ce grown on the fàrm. Grain was pur- man supposed to be dead is Dot verY tism wouldn't occur. Rheu- Applications numberIng 3,313, for $5,184,762 lasurancq, werort the vicissitudes of matisni is a Kidney Dis- plishee the other purpose of corncul- ý7,_ 7ý M Mille, Mille & Halce 81751.0.96, were accepeci and policies issued, and 1,011 fer $t6i 250 m 77 policles in force ta 18,819, amountin ta $26,916,441.20; the âesýrv éliased for the ùows nearly, the ýwhoIe 11111-0111111011, but ease- Dodd's Kidney P1119 tiration ut tbis.timýe.-thp destruction Barri8ter ai warfare render such cases verY muCh setc.,remoYed am cent of policies in force la 84,321 08 64 * Premium and Annaity ir yeux, excep't two ý or three monthis in more frequent aniong soldiers. have made a great part of of weeàs and IgTass. Every rulEv lias !ta &nd Reats,$197,5ý9,06, suldrieiq;$8.4ý. TotýI Income.si,051,396.19; Toi mondât. .', oionto. the summer, and the railk was sold a t During the war between Russia and their reputation curing àmount pail ta policy ho ders wa8 83M901.80, embracing Death Cla Turkey in 1877-8 several reýsurrectiOns Rheumatism. Sa %et ut exceptîons, and circumstances ma Endowments. $54,441.00; Purchased.Policies,$54,155.66; Surplus, the pýrice in the ar y Rosarles, crus gu. 15. creainery where Z Cifixes, Scapulsirs, of the kind ývere reported froin botil the cause of those fui make lit adeiesabl8 to depart froni't] CI Prayer, EDO'$ The surplus over all liabijities onthe Oompany's Standard A. Ilgious Pictures. Statuary, înd Church Ornaments- suminer sonietimes dropped to about tten, &55. on the Government Standard Hm. 4J ver cent.. $491.394.00. countries, but the most singular was shooting pains and stiff, Gultivation ýsuggested above. In gen RjucationalÉorks Mail orders recelve prompt -pe[r quart, and during the that of R:ussian nobleman - a gching joint, Tliere ié 'for granteid tien. * J. SAOLIER a Go., -4 the last session of the Dominion Parliamant, the Governm( one cent a s. eral, howaveir, taking it à Aý1 , giving muoh larger scope for the investinent of money, and râ winter monthis it did not averageï over young man of about twenty-five-who but one sure way thtat the ground hasi bleein properliy ý_;erve - froin 41, per 1 cent. ta 3J P t. Hm'., the latter amendmoi Lwo cents par quart. We, know that had distinguislied hiinself in severai POULTR BUTTER, ECCS, APPLESo LSiý jshea withic, nt; eon years. lie am endintrits we believe t( engagements, and notably in Skobe pireparM for 'the reeeption of seed, 1 and other PRIJDUCU, te eneure best reaultz c ta çm- in the best interMts et polioyliel orm. We bave at present a bit making milk faw two cents per quart 1- the objects of culti'vaticpýiiara a mulch The Dawson Conitni@--ýion P.O., Lln,ÎIrEed, lîamo t, askiug our arfer ta be pmonded by changing the name o: leff's attack on Plevna. k trial Lits Assurance am 'anada and hi chang.ing the date t1n, on a hay and grain ra- Be led a pýarty of men to the attac Cor. West-Market Celbarne et., Toronto, thefýurthThursdayIn ay ta the Ilist ýhiirsdayin Murait. tion, uncer ordinary conditions,, ut a point whieh had scemed vulner- of fine Aurface sioil and thie dest Mr. George Davidson who had bei one of our auditors for sa lion of unpý-ofitabIe growths. Thiers, ni -,1 the daties of th&t clou, ta the complete satisfactio Lhe farn1týr but little margLn if lie able, and lie appeared to bear a charm- ri- n of.the il hi@ positlon early In the year, and the cd life, remaining unacaLhed In the la no need, to stir, the soili deep, toal- Board apfloiatici il c =Wolu consoquunce of the steadY and rrid growth of a oral artist bu all the grain, fed, and that midst of à hail of bullets while his low thia roots to go cleop, or to put come neoessary ta have a monýhIy audit. bis la now being donc, a toi b9y grain in ÉsuMmer to kýeýap, up, mien were dropping around him. the soil in condition tç) yield food. the Board ai each meeting. ,the flow of milk whein 'the pastures When the battle was over lie was lutereet on our investaients was promptly mot; our timide were. rate of In Lerest did net vary Riaterially front that of 1898, With thE bleconie dry and ahort, and then sell tenipt to crush RusSia, and especially ment which the amended insurance, Act gives, we may fer saine tin alter the terrible releat Irom Mos,- about equal ta that earncd ut prescrit thie tillk at one and one-half, cents poil cow, many of the soldiers of the Little czi, For soin@ time the accommodation in the office ha% beau quite L bas been made thereto, sufficient, we think, ta meet Our requiremen ilýiart, does riot puy. I thlnk that and was lying amongst the heaps of Shhe,ý Do 1 talk In my aleep, John? Fortheverybestsendyourworktothe Po-valued spid respeoted IL During the year we lost-by death a much ard of Directors and la about 30 cows were, kepit eriý this tarin, bodies of. the hercd-- men._who perished He. No. Net when you are asleep, 'LýlRlTISH AMERICAN DYEINC CO." Tayler. Mr. Taylor was a member of the in the attack. His death was report- comrade only shovelled it lightly over ook for àgent;,n your town, or send direct. ince. f the Comeny up till the tim e of lits death, and lie will and that they were, fed a liberal grain hie friend's body, A couple of hours Maria-thà,nk beavanl Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec low-elýroècltoor,3. Mr. illiani Solder, of Waerloo, wag appointed 1 ed to lits relatives and lie, was mýourn,. Yeu wid lie called urne te eleot four Irectors in the place of ration for about 10 months of the Year ed as lost; but within, a few weeks of 1 later the sorrowing soldier went back 'Idd Wm..5,iider and R. Melvin, whose terni of office bas expiud _and t hat the prioe of mibk for the year the conclusion of the war lie reappear- te, the trench, inapelled by some in- The Trade fflnds <,"r-1-----FURS» FURS. 'hie Ïor re-election. waisý less than two cents perguart. It ed- Ile fiad been taken prisoner by definable feeling, and threw aside the Blow strong since Nervilinelà In the' _ .. 1ý,>, Il- MELI the Turkish soldiers and kept in earth front the body of his friend. To market. Nerviline la the great nerve- Importer and ex, orter of PRES IDENT'S ADDRESS. w 'Il be undeýr.ý;itoocl hýow that the pro- Plevna; on the -capitulation of the his dismay and subsequent joy, lie Raw Furs and Skilps. Con- pain cure. Its penetrating and pain signinents solicited. Iligh. in moving t a adoption et the report, the Prooldent said the bus fita froin thiis kind of farraing were place lie had marched out with the DETECTED SIGNS OF LIFE. subduing power is îuich that relief la est prices paid f Rat very small and how that they would Turks and had fallen into the hands of The report of the young man's death or ginsing. isfactory,:an exceedsthatofa ther r,,ear in the hisuory of th the Roumanians, who had held him. as reached his home one day, and was ý almost instantaneous. Try it Rud ho H. JOHNSON, 872.00; the total inïurance in force $26,915.441,58, be insuffîcient to pay the running ex- renegade. Be only contradicted forty-eight hours alter- oonvinced. 494 St. Paul street, MontreaIý be sattsfactory ta every policy-holder of The Ontario and will more piemffls of the tarin, and for the farm- wards. 1 with other campanies in respect ta the aMOI111t addoâ. 'rl2etegtofi ESCAPED WITH IIIS LIFE The only Eur-opean country w1ilch y0sanre awnidnýt, lui rat nera, visisouuesdly, ibnutotrheee.ainBoyutnhtiasdtedsotdtihneppraosl)toryteiaorn wtcasiteh er'is living. lu this instance, therun- For a cruel instance of reported Our history. P. every Othe Il respect that denotes pros erity and a - owing te the kindness of a eoumanian death and rapid contradiction 1 we has a lower death rate than England The Canada Permanent WeaddadtootirinDonie fl,- .51 tc ning expenses of the farni were un officier. have only to turn to the present la Norway. 7à 27431 ; surplus $31,658.40; ta a-ets $527,423-97; and paid 87 , 50.28 in surp] ulsually large. To do the tarin work, During the Napoleonic war such in- campaign in South Africa. The and* West rn Canad Ores, e of $1,819-58 over amenait paid in 1898. thrise double teains were sometimes stances, as may lie imagined, were fris- i family of a sergeant in the Drageon 0 J FOR OVEýR FIPTY YEARS e a ur dcath rale cotinuos toi liq inuch below the expectatio ai MRS. WINSLOW'S OTHING SYRTJP bas beeu the interest on investinents by the sum of $29,145.17; the cash aurron kept, and for all of these, grain had quent. During the ill-starred at. ýGuards recelved a letter froin the ased by mothers for their children teething. It sec, lies -aga Co rporatlon. 1 Corporal were reporteil dead, but War Office to the effect that the the child, zotteris the auras, allays pain, cures wind in 1898, and lapse rate in proportion ta amount of insurance lssued a to be purchased, and ther. the farmer STRAGGLED BACK INTC) FRANCE sergeant had been killed in actio ý colic, and is the be,,ib remedy for diarrhou_ 25c.a bottle. ii on ý Sold by ail druggista throu hired two or three. men to do lits work, December 14th, and the official'letter 1 ..d ask for - Mrs. Winsiows ootthitnhgeSwyouripd'ý' Be sers M71lotuhrrreigiadradhtolinpoorroasînntg ttohothrrteaendarddaofharlefseprevrecraonqtuirlehdaundE te turu the grief of their relatives into el,", Canada Permanent jjuliding, frein ve a and lie made very frequent visita to expressed, in the usual stereotyped it will net trouble The Ontario Mutual Life much ta comply with ToRONTO ST.,roRONro. before the time given; in tact wara it deunied advis-ible It could lie joy. form, the sympathy of the Secretary EnANGH of-výIcEs- -'hie village. With this maLlagerrient , Tlib revulsion of feeling caused by a The dampý, chilly, cloudy north of If,@ry short time, and still Icave P very handsome sur-plus. f 'lie loved ones of State for War at the death of Whinipag, Man., Vancouver, B.O., et. John, N.B. At the end of the third docade of the Oompany's history it may 1 the iiicome froin the tarin didI net pay seeing the forins o t brave soldier. After this official Elurope, fis healthier thau the dry, over that period and note the praire s that has been made and whai his, t ses, and the result was that ýarken the doýors of their hoines was warmi, sunny South, our policyloolders. On February 1871. the tirot annual mçetingw xp.en document bail been drawn up, the War CJO ing rocoi ta am, ýqntîng ta 81,955.52, and expçnditures 83,10,50, leavi Ln some cases se great that death re- Capltal Pald Up, t- ý4.743.à1. tî $1172. and isolosTug total asýebs of Wnat bas been he goIt in debt to such an extent suited, and it belcaine, the Boldier's Office reccived the information that Ïsd from thn folio' 1 imary: lotalprelnîumincolnetrom the sergeant was not dead, but a STATE OF OHIO, CITY CF Te,ïýEDO, thaL lie was obliged to moTtgagp, hie turn te grieve. $8. Receme FUnd, - 1,5,)'jUÛCý C pald $1, 82 prisoner, and that lie was wounded, LucAs COUNTY. 1 a'ýh âtiras 7fflgn4ýglut7endowments and apiruities pald pwoperty. We inay say that the tv,,ýo It is not generally known that the, FRàNK J. CHE-NEY inakes oath that ho Is I)olicyhol' lors, týti1 payment; ta pôlioïliiders. $3,82à,91 but doing well., Instead of tearing NEY & l9ý, the Company hold In reserve for the seourl y of and belong] great Napoleon hiniself was once rec- ior partner of the fLrm et F. J. CLIE Money to Loan itantIal sain of 14,324,û80ý64. main reasions of failure in this in- up the letter, the officials added the C' n f Toledo ,o., doing busine:,,s in tbe City ported dead. During a sanguinary an- and 15114?, Sld lI,ý; Ceorge Courterham. IL conclusion 1 sel assi, red that you will agiles, with me, thait stance were buying too much grain more recent information as a post- County and Statu aforésaid, gagement with the rLussians the great script, and sent it to the relatives. will pay the mun of ONE JIUNDR]4',D DOL- Ist Vice-PrtB!dent and Deposits Received bas in itall the elements that comtitute a qtrong and progrI 0, lmstead of growing a part of it on commander was suddenly missed by LAR-S for each and eveLY case Of CATARRH Chairman of Executive As tleil, If net botte il, fur its p olicy bol dors th an any o thet Campan the tarin, or soilLug cropz to tiake its the officers of lits staff. Night The feelings of the poor people On that caimot bc etired by the use Of BALL'S and Interest Allowed lu e past and doservea In the future the fullest confidence of the 1 1 J. Herbert Mason. reIading the letter and its postscript, CATARRH CURE- VICE-PRESIDENTS -ý%.DDRESS. fell, and the fighting continued inter- and their admiration for War Office FRANK J. CHENEY. 2nd Vice-President-- Debentures Issued place En etipplementing short pas- mittently, but Napoleon was still no- methods, may bc left to the imagina- Sworii ta before me and subscribed In my W. H. Beatty. In supportie the motion the fIrst Vice-Prosident, Mr. Alfred E tures, and In no. baing econonLioaIýîn where to be found. The officers kept tion of our reýaders. pyýýjnoe,. this 6th day of Decembe r. A. D, 1886. Xanaghog !)Ircetor- in Sterling and Cur- was pleased tais ale thatthe fends of the Company have been caret the matter of ruainqng expeuses, or, the matter secret, as they knev'r that Major Coventry, who took part in : ... : A. W. GLEASON ut the best attainable rat,)8, In view of the fact that noue but the big BEAU Notary Publie. Walter 8. Loo. rrency. àustbea soLirceofgreaLsa(IsEýction hot ouly ta the La a ward, we moyaay this young man the effect would bc demoralising to the Jameson affair, was ut first re- :Hall 'a 1 C . atarrh Cure la talfen internally, and tccý,,ý.tethL ti'g'o-nts- and all others intereeted in Lits future waltare, ta k the soldiers,, but they dreaded the re- portcd killed;, the Bart and Countess acts dirertly on the blood and mucons surfaces of the Ontario Mutual Lîfe are adinitted ta lie among the very best ai sult if hie did not re-tappear before, of Coventry were about to liold a ofthosystem. Send fortes Limonials, free. Thoyearl899wasabanneryearin the blatury Of the Camps, management and the aqency staff upon the successachieved. e h; There are soins lessOns here for the dawn, when there, was no doubt that funeral service, when they received F. J. CHEN Ky & Co., Toledo, 0. rontinue ta ho the ambition of all convec cd with the instiiiiition ta in yaung Iman wbP is thinking of bu the fighting woýuld become tierce news that thpir son was alive, but Soldby Druggists, 7.5c. enjoy8 for fair and honorable dealings net enly .As the night wore on their wounded. Major Coventry alter- Hall's Family Pills are -aith all others doing business with IL LADIES AýI Mr. B. M, Britten, Q.C., M.P., 2nd Vice-Prosident, dosired ta iýng a tarin. This instance of a fail- conjectures that lie had been killed by wards Btood his trial with Dr. Jame, holders on this tf:e 81st birthday of our Most Graclous Majesty the Q ehows hîrri the kinid of farming a stray bullet while indifIging in son; lie was married to an American MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. considered the 3uth Urthday of the Compan which. Isvery g6nerall that does not pay. Now, 1 want to his habit of walking to another part lady a few weeks ago. of all Canadian 1 ille Companies. TFIs Î. iMed a " growiDg-tiine helpi sonie of Our young men Ivho ar of the field by himself settled into con- The "Balmoral," Free Bus-"-, Plan smot DRESSING seoins to lie In the air. The progresa of the Ontario Mutual Life d viction. With the helpi of trustwor- $1.508rup and with a new. appropriaýe_ and more comprobensivE thinking of making farming Chair E_-ývJcGiIl Collage Avenue L C 0 L Or PIS i impulse tinat the raPidly devéloping industries and ý1] rosperity of HA ffJ [J E OF CORN. ROUýq Family Hotel rate% $1.50 reasonably expect the business of the carrent year ta ully fqual, If thy men, they made a seamhfor his S LLOW C LT_ R 7 %Iid that the steady increaue wbich bas marked cur cureer in the paE business, to Iearnýso:rn8 lessons front body, but without success. In this perday. oints that the Coin an tbits failure aM to suggest to theým state Of Mind the staff Officers ILassed Deep cultivation culs, the roots, and ST. E - NgTEL..Opposit, (I.T.R. DeII _ th the night, and anxîouslv awaited the freqJieutty, as whon it îs eloseý'to the 'Railway. two blooloi from 0. P day, and that it pays out in lasses over 500aday. aI plan of farming that would have First-cla a Commercial Rouse. Modern im dawn. root provements-Ratessmoderâ te. not being able ta bc present, and touched on the bill the Company m turned out differently. Sometimes the plant, by cutting one primary Mr. Gao. A. Somerville, manager of The Huron & Erie Loan and With daylight furlous fighting was ily concurmd vvith ail tbai; had bean said by proviens speakers In re ,profitable work a man eau do again resumed, but the rumeur had i ay it deptroys a large root growth. The Yorkshire bas the greutest railw 1 -',ecietary, and Head Office staff, the Superin tendent and Agency sta is ýo do a little figuring. It would got about that the Emperor was kill 1 second:ary roots rieur tha severed end milisage of any country in England; Cotnpany had roason ta bo prend of such offioers and agents. 1 the nýext comes Lancashire. 1 have tairen this young man Only a ed, and the men began te, show signa make a larger growth than if MANAGEEVS ADDRESS. of demoralisation which thr officers primary root liàd not b&en out, but ------ few minutes with a Dencil and nqnp."r nu M1ý Pî-,Pý.Ly wUý rictulneu Lu min. M---ÜtÏiàJl native life compatry in7Canada, ne more nan FOR 11APPENESS. In one of the battles of the Austro- penatrate deep. If cuLtivati-on iisclose î The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada," ané ho bail, t] seconded by W. J. Kidd, B.A., Ottawa, tbe to)lowîng rosilui German campaign of 1866 a Gerinan and dee!p,, mýany roots are destroyed, x Y à movin flelp some one with a kind thought, sergeant waa numbered among the and some hâ.ý-e been lied ta believe R A M S A Il &..e T et thla annnal general ineéting of 1 ha polleyhoiders of the Or slain; there seemed to ha no possible ance Company e ersby expresses lù,3 entire conc urrence in , he provi-, the Dominion arliament for the change in me narre of the bar kind word, a smile, a bright look, that thie indiaces the roots ta go doubt about the matter. for one of no& Company of Cawadaand thoýhangeof the dateof thoani kind deed. Look on the bright side. his men swojte to the ide ýdîeeper. The error Ls eEusly,, for as'all P A IN e members of both Housus ol Parliameht wili ou ýPr rt the pas The retîring Directors ana Auditera, were re-electe Do your duty. Live your best. Re- THE BLOOD-STAINED BODY. the roots near the surface are destroy- VOTES OF TU.&:NJZS. peat the dose daily. At the eûnelusion of the war, ho ad, af ter a Lime the onýly rootl are the made with exactness, from yearà appeared in the Prussian village where deeffl oneïs; and also as 4.1je season of experlemoo, With juat the pro- As îg oustemary 4tAn4nýj Moetines, n ter a year of great succes his parents lived, and so great was the t h r ma- nvëylzîgt Most earty hanksotthepolicy bol ers te the Beai [ ýprogresses, the, surface of the soil,,be- par proportions of the prope ommittée, %fedical ][5irectop -Manager Secretary, 9ûperintendent shock to his mother that she fell ill t e, for th% teriale. Office and A ey staý very Aleand efficientmannerin Do -you know anytlûng at allabOut and bar life was despaired of for sev- comes dried, aspecially when there is their utios seng t, e pwlt year. The Prgifdent, Mat oral days. it deep, cultivation, and thýB roots go érilling ? aLsked the Sergeant. Upôn investigation, knowly t belirri ents pald, l'ood. Save the Qui Eseni 1842. gracefull:r ap ged the corn of patrietto ervor, a ter whîch meeting adjourned. Faith, I know all about it, replied was discovered, that the sergeant hâd deeper to get moisture. Manýy of those, been taken prisoner, and that the man rootA wUe ha cuit hy deBp, close, cul- L Rou i 8m, RHOnGANIZATION OF THE BOARD. the raw recruit. 1 wurked, in a quar- who was killed was a sergeant, in an- tivation and the affect Ï8 at onoeap- T a Direçtor mot sub2equently and re-eleoted Mr. Robert, Melvil ry for monny years befoor Ij'ilne üther company, and that there wasa Parent'. îloswin, 0., ernt Vice-Ptesident, and Mr, B. M. Britton. 0., army. striking resemblance betwoen the two. Suoh is t1je usrial character of our of the Company for the enoining ysav.