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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1900, p. 4

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..The New Drug Store., Bin gin lAhen you see an adv~t. lîke this don't believe At this New Drug Store we don't give bargains in drugs, but honest goods at an honest value We seli patent medicines as low as the lowest but in the days of keen competition if a man advertises cheap drugs depend upon it that what he selis is cheap drugs. See the point ? N-)w here we xii try to give you honest value for' your dollar, always considerinig the quality of the goods we seil. We keep one grade and that the best, a square deal is the best deal and we do flot try to mislead you by advertising BARGAINS IN DIRIGS. JP= CF13LL W.( 2 Deors East et Post Office. SSOLICITF-D. . Tole, Phm. B. Bow-mauviie. Mïliiinery!1 iÎllinery!1 Zîe UaIlad Illspet Oulr Now JeSilinilr Stock§ >0W Dand Leghorn ilats inail the leading li stylesan* shades for Ladies, Misses and SChi]dren. Styles and Prices to Suit Ail. *lil * Miss ledland. 11Mk BoWTM>AN VILLE. 4w. ONE GRADE ONLY AND THAT THE BEST. McLtiuulHLIN C RRJAGE G0. BGWMA'NVILLE REPRESENTRTiVE-JOFJM PERCY. 1 st Consignment now on hand. -Artistio-Up-to-date- and the Best. Inspect-Compare- and you ivili Buy. 1.-Pecause they makae niy on3 gratie anîd a McLaughlin Carrnage is exaetly as roprosenteti. 2.-Because they tise the Pest Material andi empley the Best Mle- chanies In evary departrnt. .-The almost pheneminal growth ot their business, demoustrates 1,eyexd dctubt the wisdom et mauufacturing elle grade enly and that the Best. A. A. Standard, Wheels, Compressed Bauds, Special Steel Axîes matie te entier;, Special Cast Steel Springs, matie te erder; Rubber anti Bnass Washers on axIes, noiseless; Rubber and Brass 'Wasbens 0on Whit- fletrees, noiseless; ail haud forged Steel .Braces mauufaetured lu their -works-not bought; ail hand buffed leather in Cushien an d Baek; Tops mnade in their ewn shop and frem the best material. 4.-Geed secend-hand Tep luggies on hand and will be sold cheap te make reem for New Buggies. BowmANviLLE. SEEDS Murdoch bas a full assortment of Fieldi and Garden Seeds.> Garden'Seetis in bulk-all tresh Fieldi Seatis of ail kintis Stili head.quartars for the GEM FENCE -the cheapast Farm tence known. Variety Hall, BOWMANsVILLE. From Mentreal. From Quebee. Tionisian (new).. ' 0, 4 a. m. 2 p. m. IÇomidin .Jny 7 9 a. m. 6 p. m. ornthIl _Yw 144 a. m. 2 P. M. Parisian. ... .... . "'29 a. m. 6p. m. 1Tunisian (new) Aug. 4, 9 a. in. 6 P. m. NUmidian ..........11 il5a. m. 3 p M. Corinthian (new) 18,9 a, M:, 6 P. M. l'arisjan .......... .25,5S a. nm. 3Bp.nM. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Tiret cabin, $5250 anti upw-artis. Return $100 anti upwartis. Second Cabin $35, e37,50 and $40. Liverpool or Lontion. Sieerage$23.50. Allan-Siate Lina, New 'York te Glasgow. Laurentian, Jua 9,29 a. ni. For tickets and every Information ap. ply to àý" John Perey. S EA LED TENDERS addressed ta the under- signed, and entiorseti "Tender for Lock anti Dam, Si. Andrew's Rapide, Redi River, Mai," will ha receivati ai ibis office until Menday the 113h day of July, 1900, for the construction cf a conecreta Lcck anti Dam ai Si. Andrew's Rapids, »ed River, Prevince of Manitoba. Plans anti specidleatiln can ha sean at ibis Depariment; ai the offices of Mr. Zeph. Maîhiet, residant angineer cf the Depariment ai w-moi- peg; Mr. R. A. Gray, reeldeni engineer, Cenfeti eratien Life Building, Toronto; Mr. C. Dejar- dins, Clrk ot Werks, Poet Office, Mon treai, anti Mr. Pi. Belanti, Clark of Werks, Post Office, Quebe. Ternis of tenders eau aiseaha ebtatueti ai the aboya mentieneti places. Persone tendering are netideti ihat tenders wifl net hae considereti unless made, onuthe prinieti ferme supplieti, anti sig-ned wiib their acinai signatures. Tie contracter wil ha require tie confcrm te regulptions te ha matie by the Gevernor-Gener. ai in Cuncil, respeeting the accommodation, mnediéal treaiment anti sanitary protection of the working men employeti on the werk. Each tender muet ha accompanleti by an ac captati hank chaque matie payable te the ertiar of thte Ieneurabla the Minister of Publie Werks, equal te ten par cent cf the amouni cf tbe tender (10I p. e.) which will ha forfeitet Iif the Party tiecine te enter inito a contraci w-ban calleti upon te do se, ortIf Se fail te cemplete the work cenirseteti for.. If the tender hacflot ae- cepteti the chaque w-iI hac returneti. The Departineni doefnt binti lisait te accept tic lowast or any tender. By order, .JOS. Il. ROY, ActÉng Secretary. Depariment et Public Works of Canada, Ottawa, Juna liii, 1900. 1 Newsnapere insertine, this advertieent M1. A. JAMES, tI ihufiitoit ihe bepartmenît, w-iî I.lan Line Agent. BowmanvliCe. J not ha pe id for it., 25-2w1 Urinary Troubles Kidney and ladder Aliments that Wotld Yield Oniy ta Or. Chaso's Kldney-Livor PISl. Mr. Wm. Gîles, carpenter, Sanit Ste. Manie, Ont., statas:-" Unsoliclted I write te tell yen of the geod qualities or Dr. Chase's Kîdney-Llver Pilla ln curlng urinary troubles. I de nat write for your especial profit, but for the good of those afhlictat a- I have been. 1 baVe usati aight boxes, anti do nût naw feal the o1l4 trouble lu tbe least. I fait relief ona heur after taking the, firaipilîl. It is a great sourcc of cemfort te gue te knaw that there lsaa medicine te halP my weak kidneya. Thosa wlsbing funther particulars may atidras e aas aboya." Dr. Chase'e Kidney-Llvcr Pilla ara specifie fer ail kidney, biatider, andi urinary derangements, anti liver treubles, anti bave an enermoue sala ail over this continent. Oua pili a dosa. 25 cents a box, ai ahl dealers, or Eti- mansen, Bates anti Ce., Toronto. Dr. Cbase's Oineut la a positive anti absalute cure fer pilies. i le the only preparation wbieb la guaranteeti te cure every terrnI of piles. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 20, 1900. THE SI'ATUTE VIOLITED. la the Counties' Council session held last week, a piee of business was transacted that sheuld get some of the Council lors into trouble. The Township of Haldimand bas bad thrown upon its bands a piece of thm Kin éston road tbat was owned by a road company for aboutÏ50 years. It is said to be very mnueh eut of repair and being a leading and i mportant road it requires imtnedi- ate attention. The Townshi had a motion subînitted te the Countyl Fathers for a grant of 8200 and sent up a streng deputation of is Council to present the dlaim and urge its adoption. Exception was taken by some ef the Fathers to making the grant because it was con trary te Iaw, and. therefore, ne matter how rauchi tbey might like te aceommo- date the good people of Ialdimand bv ligliteninL- their bu-.den, they had ne power to do se. 'This position wvas cern- batted, the claire beinýP that, thougli the road was an old on'ý, yet- to ilaldi- mand, it was a uC-w ene andi could be designated as such and thereforo came within the Act The dobate was ieuîgtby and antirated and fin'illy the counîy i'olicitor was asked to givo bis opinion on the points ln dispute. Titis he dîi on the floor of the chamber in the clearest andi most pointed manner reading the clause in the statute bear- ing upon the case. By no process of reasoung, he said, could the road be called a new one, It hiad becu a road for over 50 vears and ne change of ownership couid brin- it withî,n the net, and ne condition existed that would legallv entitie it to a grant. Despite this opn ion the motion was flot ruled eut of erder by the Warden and on being p4t to the Chamber was carried The supporters of the resolution are surelv, individuaily, hiable te these United Counties, and are opcn to an action at law for ther recoverv of the ameunt granted. Such a -vilation 0f lawv has been seldom witnessed ln any legislative body. Os1EVP Cobourg, June 9. 11R. H]OAR'S LETTER No. 2. EnlIeR STATESMAN.-The S. S. Par. isian nomainoti at Quabec a tow heurs takiug on passangors etc. iNany et the passengars took lu the sîghti et the anci eut capital, a large nuinhen et car nîages baing in readiness for the con- venience et the tounists The St. Law- rance river banks w-ara covenet w-ith suew. Over-coats anti ladies jackets ware at a bigh premium. In the aveu- ing vanieti amusements w-as thaentider, ani a]l w-eut merrilv. On 1tth w-han 1the bail sountietfi tnbreakfast, verv taw rosp ondeti. Sea sicknass hati holti et hIte the passengars, lu fact the ship hati become au isolateti hespital. Th(. nain w-as talling lu torrents anti the sea w-as rolling mountainshigh. Tha Dec- tons, w-aiten anti waiterss doue ail they coult t relieve the distresseti. On the l7th the sterm moderatati, aise the sick- nasa anti on the lSth many retunnedti t usual appetite. The 19th w-as a lovaly day anti every eue enjoyeti it by prom- eaating ou deck. On Sunday-at 10.30 divine service was heiti in the saloon. Collection in aid et Seamen's Orphan institution. Ou the 2Ist at 4 p.m, the coast et Irelanti came lu view w-ith ail its beauty. The fieltis looks green anti the treas w-ernl leat. A very inter- esting avent took place a mock trial et a young man for thef1t. The ceurt was helti in a large second cabin dinntng hall anti was filiedtit over-flowigw-ith ladies anti gentlemen. A jutie from the Uniteti States presideti. Af tan the jury w-are sw-orn in, bis honour delivar- eti the change te pnsoner for stealing oystens anti breat. The plaintiff and pnisoner wene supperteti by twe able iimbs et the law. The witnesses w-are cailet t give evitience Oua et themn in faver et the prisener be- lievet irlmte be insane, because hae hati fraquently seau hlm pnemenading w-ith diffenenit yeung ladies. His Hon- our asked the witness if ha nally knew w-hat insanitv meant Ha neplieti, "O vos yeun boour I bave beau an lumate et the asylum 2 or 3 timas mysaît. " This cieseti the evidene Atter bis loueur atitresseti the jur-y, the verdict w-as given that the pnisenen ba disehargeti on suspateti sentence. The trial causeti more menniment. thau anything aise turing the voyage. On the 23rd as the steamer camne close te the dock the passangens w-are'ail in raadiness te put foot ou landi again. I hati only been on dock a tew minutes w-han a gentleman put bis hanti on my shouider anti on looking aneunti I w-as pleaseti te flut it w-as the same gentle- man I matie mv home with tiuring My stay in Livepeel iast summar, Mn. Johnî Fry. He is cenvanient te the lautiug stage anti nailway station, anti is agent ton steamers te ail parts efthte world. 1 eaun ecemmeuti his Hotel te the trav- For Infants and Children. nlmlefo cligatiue vy elling tourist. I tookthe train for Si Helans, a city of 90 ,000 inhabitant w-here the laest glass manufaetorv i: the w-erld la owned by Pilkingto: anti Brothers,' employing ove 5,,000 hands. I w-as escorte, îthrough the establishlment b, enaeto the emaplo.yers wbo explaineti thý 1process et manuafcturivg trom, th furnice te the grinding anti polis hing r anging (rom # te t inch thick, plat glass, the erdinary winew glasE leeking- glass, ,and every style c fiow-ered glass. 1 w-as very much pl eaq 8(1 te have the privile'geetofgemn, through the- establishment. Res peeti tully yeurs, TEomAs HoAR, Liverpool, Eng , May 25, 1900. "6TUE PÂRADISE OF THE PACIFIC.1 EDITORST 5vATESMA:-Many reatierso "TEE STATE,-smAN" may feel interostoi te hear a Canatiian's impressions of 111, in the Hawaiian Islandis. Leavioe Bowmanville my trip te Vancouiver wa without special interest until I came ti the Rockies. My words are tee teebi te diýscribe the beauty and grandeur o sueli seenery. Leaving Vancouver bN the R.M S. "Aorangi" I arriveti a Honolulu only'te finti that quarantini was on and that if I lantiod, niontb wouid ela pse before 1 eoul d get tiowint( the Islandi of Haw-aii. Fortunately' w-as transferreti on the Islaiîd steainel "Kinau" bound for Hilo. We ha( on board, the Attorney General o the Islandis, Mr.Cooper, w-ho w-as goiu(ý down -te declaro 1111e an open port When w-e arriveti at Hile w-e hati a -reat w-eicomne lu store for us. A mol et 30 armati mou came te grect us and tolti us if w-o attemptedti t landi they would use violent measures. We wore thon at a stantistili, but the ce ofe thE Amôrican Alan of-War "l>athfitider' came on and gaýve as their protection After this I was transferreti ulong witi 1319 Japanese te another steamer and put off lu a smnaii boat, a distance of 2( miles trom Ilonokaa. Mv broth-r camne over w-ith a carrnage tD meet me anti s 1 arriveci sately at my destination. The Islands are semi-î.ropical, with a climate simplY perfection ; a souit o ex- treme productiveness ; scenery et ai- most unparaileled ba&ut.y and grand- eur. A lovelv spot, andti 1 which the terni "Paradise cf the Pacifie" has oaci practieally but justly avpliod. W'ber you visît lHawaii voui become thoroughly itubuet w-ithi the 'spirit et the lanti. You are eut off, se te speak, from the busy bustlîng outside w-orlt anti exparioncea tiesire te tbrew off, as it were, aI. thoughts ef business ant t give vour- self up te the pleasure that is offereti and the ficsf italit y that is extendeti troin every sieea Mark Twain has se beautifuilv ex presseti lite thare: "No allen lanti in aI] the w-orlt has any deop streng charinr for me but that oe; neotCher land coulti te long-ingly anti beseehingly haunt mie, sleeping antiw-aking, througlh haIt a litetimo as that oeaa clone. Other things leava me. but it abides; other things change but it romains the samoe. For me its balm.N airs are alw-a 's blewing, its summer seas fiashinz lu the sun I can teel the spirit et its w-oodlanti solitude ; lu mny nostrils stilil 1ives the hreath oif flow-ers t hat perishati twenty yoars ago. " Our readers are doubtloss aw-ara that su- ir is the main produet et the Islandis. Thie Eonekaa Plantation censists et 7,510 aremiles ef raiîroati, 213skiiled enpioxes, &2 unskilled lab- orers. The total, output par year 9,150) tons. Cost ef runniiuî-plantai'tin 289,- 111Procoads tram sugar $662,953. To give semae idpa et w-bat a manager et a sugar plant ttion receives lu the way et compensation, $7,000 te $20,000 is con sidereti a ver *v motiest sumn. The gar- deus et 1mawaiuara lika sceuses et tai y- lanti, filletiwith roses, begoja s, hîpsi. eus, eboice terns, gardanias, the w-isean po)menias;, the roYal palms, and mauy other flowers et tropical growth. XVe hati a super aibundene. et bananas, piua applo, flgs, manges, papaias, strawberry, guavas, oranges, lamnons, limes. etc. Ator a time, lite becotues very mon- otenous on a plantatîon,en aceount of se few w-hite people. . Thelr enly amuse- ments is a "1Luau"ý-What w-e ealla pienie only thay aIw-ays have, noast pig baked underground, 'sweet potatees, anti' tare anti stewet chieken. The Haw-aiians are fast dying eut andtoe seas veny faw et them. Tbev always great yeu W-ith a softt &'Aloha" a beautiful word inaaning everything geet and, kinti. They are an indolent ueeple, their oniy occupat- ions ritiing anti making "Lois," string- :ng are flow-ers on a string anti decorat- ing themseives w-ith t hem. Honolulu is a fine city. The most preminaut and richest peepie are hait casts, educateti in Englauti, but et charming manners and et the highest culture. Man »y have asketi me "lIs it a fildt for our seung CauatiiansP" I coulti net cemmenti it to anveue. Ne place in the w-erld bas such temptatiens for youug mn. The Orientals have brought ail their vices SPRNG IASCOKE, The sun shînes anti setioes oun Palmerston Buggies; they are just whatyen want-new lu design anti beautitul in finish. Aise Agent for Red Bird Bicyceles-up te date lu overy particular ; yen are saving meney w-hon vou buy a Brantford; anti Cessitt Mowers, Ilakes, Cern Planter and ti eo implements. Cal andi inspeet betore yen buv. Jno. S. Rundle's ilarness and Implamant Emporium. BOWMANVILLE, Now is the Urne for oA MIv stock w-i be founti verv complote and prices right. Beautiful pattarils frem 5 cents. Windlou Shades Cut'tain poes tîoorn Moldings New stock ef framied Pictures, Frames and Picture Moltings just reeeived. A very nice tramne for Cabinet Photos for 25e. See the 0Ou Chrome for $1.030. No trouble te show goodî, and quota prices. The Spring st arts the Base Bail, Foot Bail and other games, I hava them. P. Trebilcock. BowmANVIILE, TELEPHONE 57. WooI Wanted For Cash. You Triïed W ante d Cash or Trade. Our Bakillg Powdor A WONDERFUL PREPARATION. 'ilokco" cerpal coffee. Pure, whole some, nourishing, highly re-ommendeu by leading physicians.. Rokco is equal to 4Cc. coffee, but ouiy costs one fourth the price and is used at your ineals in- ste.qd of poisonous teas and coffee. Rokco is sold iniloc. packages. 15c., or 2 Ibs. for 25c. For sale in Bowmanville by the following grocers, Young & Co., Cawker & Tait, ileal & Co,* Mason & Co., John McMurtry, J. B. Martyn and A; L. Nicholis, Ask for it. 6 lyr Bý.1OUSee 5 dozen Ladies' White Biouses have just arrived at $1 .25, $ 1.35 and $ 1.50 each. Another shipment of BeltBuok- les in eut steel and jet have just arrived. We have hii Store,.. MacLareu's Imperial Cheese., Lyth's Marmalade, .pint botties. Lea & Perrin's Worchester Sauce. Libby's Peeriess Ham Loaf. Libby's Peeriess Veal Loa 'f. Libby's Ohipped Dried Beef. Davies' Lunch Tongue. At 15c. per pound? Davies' Jellied Tenderloin. Davies' Cooked Corned Beef. teilead 3tOse Olarke's Ready Lunch Beef. BOWMANVILLE. Olarke's Compressed .Ham. AUCTION SALE 0F FARI¶ Clarke's Cooked Corned Beef. -IN THE- Township of Clarke. Un dan instructions from the executors of the will ef the laie John Wellington Lovekîn, there will be offered for sale by public auctien at the oriental flotel ia the village of New- castie on Tuesday, June 26, AT ONE O'CLOCK IN 7THE ATTERNOON, the north liait of lot No. 32, con. 2, Clarke, (gave anti excepi a dwelin g bouse thereon anti about 2 acres of landi fenced in about the sainie binhe north-east corner.) The saiti pareel to be solti consiste of about 98 acres of which 80 acres te arable landi, and about 15 aneres,, f the remainder f5 well timbereti. The sel s said te bc a good cday loani in gqoot state et cultivatien; and the farin well feneeti. The farm tas situateti about 2 miles front New- castle, 4 miles front Bowmanville, and 4 mites from Orono. There le a publie school about mile distant. Thea pramises are well waiered wici a neyer failing streani, wells anti cisierus. Thara is sati te ha a gooti orchard cf about 5 acres, w-al stocketi with excellent fruit tracs iluffll icar- ing. Tiare arae aid to bc erected on thapreie the following farm buildings: A tramedw., n bouse, il store y and addition 1 sterey; barn, 30x 60 feet; stable 20x30 feet; cew stable 2Ox2b feet; anti hog pan.. TERMS 0F SALE. A deposit et 10 par cent of the orchas e money is1 ha b paiti on day of sale te the vandors' sol- letters, andi the balance lu 30 days thereatter. Easy termes can ha arranged for a portion of the money te remain ou morigaga. The property will ha offereti for sale subjeet te a raserved i bd. Ful possession can haPgIven on jet April, 1901, witb partial possession cf out- buildings andi possession et bouse any trne after Noveinbar jet nexi Furiher or more fnll partieulare will ha matie known on day cf sala. For further particulars apply te Trederiek Lovekin, Reave cf Clarke; John Barrait. the tenant in possession; andti thte undereigneti selicitors. L. A. W. TOLE, SIPSON & BLAiR, Auctioneer. et Bewmanvilla, Solicitors for the Venors. Bewmanylll May 30, 1900. 23-3w Ciarke's Devilied Ham. Ciarke's Devilled Turkey. Oiarke's Deviiled Tongue. Ciarke's Devilled Chieken. Cioverleaf Salmon, fiat & tali tins. Anchor Brand Salmon, tail tin. Golden Eagle Salmon, tali tin. Noble's Crown Brand Lobsters. Heinz's India Relish, Sweet pickles in Bulk. Cross & Blackwell's Pickles, &o. We are just placing into stock a car load of Redpath's Sugar., Get our prices. Highest price paid for ail kinds of farm produce. John'Mc urtry. estEnd House BÔWMANVILLE. 11For the balance of the mop$h we have a table filled with 50 snap inci tdingMuslins ,Prints, Ginghams, Towellings, Men's Ties, Laces, Em- broideries, Flannelettes, &C.1 BE SURE YOU SEE THIS TABLE. o r e c a M' p Season... ý'm- a-ve

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