'V.- h 5 Inch s Long This man knows whnt lie did and how lie did it. Sncb endorsements as the following are are a snmfcient proaf af is monits. O shaewa, Mlinn.. Feb. 22,1898. Dear Srs- Pesse snoniessone ofyourTreatse on the Hlorse, your nom book as advertised ou rour botties, Enghlihprint. I halvoe ured tWo Sing e and ene Cus'b with two boities of your Rendaii's Spa-in Cure in four weeks. FRIANK JOaCCIEN. Price, $î; six fer $5. As a linimnent for famiiyuse it bas noequal. Ask yoidraggist for KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUÏZE, iso "A- Treatise on the Horse,"l book free. or address DR. J. B. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURG FALLS. Vr. A Severe case Permanently Cured by "I lad Sali Rham lansny face n aislnuds for ibres ycars anti coatti net gai aoyîhing ta cura me tiltl useti Bardock Bloati Bittera, "lOn teking the first battis thora wasaa greet change for thse iciter anti by tise time the second battis was Oished 1 wes complatoly careti anti lave hati no reîurn of the disease sinca. I b ava great faits In B. B. B. as a cure for blooti anti skia diseases."~ Miss Maud Bruce, Sheiburne, N.S. ROT WATER FOR BEAUTY. Women w-li are tmying ibair lavai best tae be enutiful sometimes forget thel the inwand treaimunts are as nacossany as lotions anti cometica ap- pliiotet the skia. A glass af bot water, teken au houn or evea lessi, bera breakfast, anti egain bef ore going taelied will w-aik wontiers in cleaaing-ibo complexion. If e teespoonfal ai phosphate ai ioda is adetiit ta the annng glass te nesuli wiii hba neficial. 'A glass ai bot watem w-ut aiten ne- haeve beedachea. anti the aieram- atiy bas liean prasonibati for a sud- don eh. SOMEWUIAT DIFFERENT. McJiggen. He wanctat bornow $-5 but 1 woultin't let bina have ht. rfhinganblba. Wby nat Has Insi. I'd trust bina with my life. McJlggan.. Thla's all igbu. f do't oupposa your lie is insuret i n bis fawor; but would you trust him ivti Summer flouse of Sir Claude Mac= donald Destroyed. A despatch from London, Tuesday, says:-The only bit of information which the Britishi War Office hýs made public regarding the situation since it became important was the admis-É sion yesterday that the summer resi- dence of the British Minister in Pekin Sir Claude Macdonald, lied been burn-i ed.i MARINES CHASE THE BOXERS. Sixteen 'Briish marines, reconnoitr- ing in advance of the internationali column marching to Pekin, faught and chased 2,030 Boxers Monday, killing 20 or 31. A corres ponadent accompaniying 'cbe coiumn, in a despateli dated Tien- Tsin, June 12, via Shanghai, June 13, 0.16 a.m., says:- -Whule the working parties, ac- companied by a patrol oi 16 Britishi marines, commanded by Major John- son, were repairing the Uine Monday afternoon, eight miles bayand Lofa, they encountered small parties ai Boxers who were destraying the un.The Boxers moved away f rom the advanced marines, and apparent- ly dispersed into the cauntry, leaving the rails moved and the slee3pers burning. WERE 16 TO 2,000. "The marines, when two miles in advance of the first train, near Lang Fang, suddenly parceived Box- ers streaming front a village an their lef t. It was estimated týhat they numhered 2,000, some of them being mounted; and they were trying ta get between the marines and the R~AVAGESAMNCCfNAàJdANS. Invalidied at the rate of Forty to Seventy Per Day. A despatch from Ottawa, Ont. says: -Capt. M. Rodgera, writîng from train. Most of them were armed firearmas, which they bandled awk- wardly. "«The marines retreated, keeping up a running figbt for over a Mile, and killing between 20 and 30. "The Boxers pursued the Britishi for same distance. Then seeing more mar- ines froin the train coming to their assistance, Major Johnson's 16 balted and poured a heavy, continuons fire into the crowd, driving them across the front of the reinforcing- bluie- jackets, who punished the Boxers sev- erely with Maxims. "The Boxers fled; and the Euro- jeans, foliowing up their surc( cer ed ouit two villages. The totallssa the Boxers is estimated at forty killed and wounded. Seven of their wounded were aitended by British surgeons. The British loss was notbing. "Unless thE5ir lass causes the Boxers ta lose heart, tlie international colomn w~iii have anucli trouble before it reacb- es Pekin. The railway is 50 mucli damaged that the columu only cover- ed thirty-iour miles Sunday and Mion- day, and there is reason to fear that xih spaars and swords .A few had the ro'ad beyond is more badly dam- age. "Evidences af Gen. Nieis operations were found in headless bodies. The whole countrX presents a desolate as- p'ect, entire villages having been de- serted. "The expedition numbers 2,044, as follo",s:-DFrtish, 915; Germain,, 259; Russian, 330; French, 128; Amerîcan, 104; Japanese, 52; Italian, 40; and Austrian, 2V." BOTHA'S FORCE REIREATED Roberts Finishes Ris Report of' the Battie Near Pretoria. A despatch from Landon says Lord Roberts reports ta the War 0f- 5v Lflurg, £sruy 5Urss atsr uuot.great l'ce ---o, rciabte i-t ori a, vens haivoc la being censeti by disease linlice, under data ai Pretoria Wednas- tie ranka ai the Canadiens . On tbe day, as follaw - day ai writiug 40 man lad lisen sent "Methunnadvancedti t Honing ta the hospital ia charge ai Lieut. , epuit yeatonday and founti ail quiet. GoCrdan Stewart, anti 70 more w-eaKnoonstad be atrougly bolti. Methuen Ita go tic iallowing day. Plie mon roturnoti to-day ta Rianoster rrivem, -wena auffering irona forer, ehiefly w-bore the railnoad b being repeireti. entenia.j We were ongagoti all yestordey Wth. Th LReolyal Canadien J4cgimont had Btha's ermy. Pie enemy faugit 2been'so reducedti l t tic rail only w-hi considoreble titermine ion, anti show-cd 374 mec oui ai 1,035 w-ho lait I bld aur cavalný' on bath flaaks, but 2C-atiea. Some ai the eompa lies hati j 15 Hamilton assistcýd ly tic Guards 2but anc olficer. Thoý draft ai mns sent Brigadi3 of Poie-Cerew-'s division, 2out ta neplýi-ce tic Canadiens w-hoj pusbiag forwarti, toole the bihlu bis 2 b t b-an invaldeti, ete., litt arrivedi j front, whici easedtheibo ncny ta fal - j huaon their secoii position, lia the I FIHTi~ IN SHANI. astw-and. This they arc still holding. lu s slightiy higier ti;n, the ona w-e Ksîisst tht heConusAlsi nsase h ave captuneti.Plie great extent of country which lias ta ha covenotiunu- Tie Landon Daily Express bas the don modemn conditions af warfare ron- foltow-lag from Preshu, dateti Thurs- dospog1, an lw day - '~Dtails ai the casualtios bave not hPir as beau anoiban fighi 0f reacieti me, but I unticrataudti tey ana the lineofaicamnaunication af the RU- moderate lu aumbers. Pie only fun- mass reiefexpedutian. No tieteils bave bauofiîiaily sple.tien casualties nopontedti t date are Phono ana 10,000 Ashantis surrouni- fInlie aiternoon ai tic same dey ing Kumassi, anti 5,000 fading the re- Lord'Robants celles. lief force. Tie leaders ai tic rebol- "The eunemy evauaitid thein strong. lion inctude Asientuab, Queea ai Oie- psto.drn h ihadhv rotie o the ia ticnia t nt hv «Bullen's force anti mine neye ai- STILL DRAWI1NG SUPPLIES. fordeti eadi other mutuel assistance. Our occupation ai Pretoria causeti j numbers ai Boers ta witidnaw- frona Two Steamners Arrive With 4,000 Laing's ne, anti Builer's ativace ta Tons of Cargo for Boers. 1 Voîkamrusi matie thena feel their rear A despatch ta the Landon Times -w-ouid shortly be entiengenet.' frona Lorenzo Marque s-iys that tice Boers continue ta draw substantieli A Certain Methot for curing crampas tilannioca, anti dysentery is liy using supplies lram Delagoa bey. Tw-o Pain-Killer, TThis medicine bas sus- steamers have arnivedti teie with 4,_ taineti the ligiesu roputation fon 000 tons ai cargo desfincti for the aven 60 yeers. Avoiti suistitutes, thora Transaal.is but anc Pain-Kilbar. Penny Devin'. Tranaeel.25c. and 50c. à A Spoolal Formula of a Great Physiolan l8 Dr. Chaso's Nerva Food- The Great Blood Bulîder. Th e(re iai-e iniiators ai Dr. à. W. ed leader among the Lady Maccabees, Chiase, but ne who dare ta repra- Foresiers and 'ther fraternai sanie- ti.eu, andi is -weIlI known thirougliaut ducs ls portrait and signature, wbich tV it orbreeu1e2ai.t n are found an every box of his, g6u- lsai qualities. Mrs. Young bas ne- aine rernedlea. 1 aent.y recovereJ.f rom nervou.s disar, Nor are there s ny preparations that 1d.ews, wbich she descrîbes ln the fol.. eaun duplicate thue iarvellous cures lowing wod:- brougbIt about by thîs greeat physician '"Mysocll and othier duties in can- ai recipe book fume. Here 'la a sampde nection witli, neyeraIl fraternel socle- of the lttera d«4iy received froin ties hrl) drawn so miach upon my gratefu]l cured anes:- strengili that I laund mysekf ail rua Mr.,Â. T. P. Lalisme, raiway agent down in health. I was very nervous, at laranceTitte, Que.,- writea :-"' For Isacino appetite, ùould get ne real twealuve yenrs I hîve been nen down r-st from eleep anmd was, trsi bl à very wMt neSvous debility. Isuffered much muoli witlh pains in the lle a nd and consulted doctors, and used med- bauta. I tried meny salris of tanics, lainea in vain. Some months ago I hut coulkd gai no perma.nant lselp un- keard of Dr. Chaee's Nerve Food, nsed 1 itI £ aed Dr. Chas's Nerva Food. 1 twa bozee, amd my heal(i mproved so took twa boxes as directed and fauind rap?4cUe that I ordarad twelva more. a perfect cure for my troublai. Their " I can say ire akly t-bat thîs tr'-at- action war, very mLid and effective, ment biaM no equal in the medieai antd 1 baieve 'hem ta be the best wrld. While uiing Dr. Cluase's Nerve medicine for nervoues troubles that 1 Food I coisid feel my gyâtem beag know af." bluâst up until now 1 ama etrang and In-isi on hkiv5ng the genuin e and be-althy. I canoot recommend it too yo 1cnan be alialutaiy mane ai great b4hlfor wa-ak, nervous p1)apib." ienet. Dr. CibKsee's Narva Food, 50 Mrs. B. I. Yoaing, at 214 Gr=esn..d oents a box, at su. dealers, or Edman- sveaue. -Jackison, Imàoli.. lu a recogaiz- son, Bates, & Co., Taronto>. NOT IVUCH, DAMAGEB. jA SERIOUS REVERSE. Latng's Neki Tunnel Can Soon Be Col Carter's Column Sufl'ers Heav3r Repatred. Losses in a Battie With the A dospatoli froým tandon, Thnrsday- Ashantis. says :-Theý despaicb from Lord A despatch f rom Accra, Gold Coast, Roberts oloaéringI up the situation at says :-Deteiis have bean raceivad harle Pretoria and e long the communica- af anoiber serions reverse ta the ne- tions stands alone. Miilitary oliserv- liai oolumn under Col. Carter and ors,1 noting Cht ho mention la made'Major Wilkinson, a dey's mardi north aif prisonens, assume thet Geýn. DeWet ai Prahu. There ware haavy casualtieýs. gat away witb bis forces- practically The lateat rumaors report a furiben intact. îdisaster ta a dotacliment an thernonili General Buller entered Voiksruat1 banle ai the Prehu, whîch is now f load.. Wednesday, pessed ilinongl Charles- e d, and w here the Ashantis were fiound ton, Iindencamps-d near Laing's nek. 'strongiy entronchcd. Ehe tunnel was not mucli damaged. Ca: anWleco'avnebsbe Bath ends were blown up, lin.ths en-1 delayed by rains, wbich have u~detroy- gineerstik that repairs an en ef- ced the bridgea lu the Prahun rond. fectcd. in abouut four days. The ad- i The continued absence ai nowa framn vance troops ofai eeral Bullan saw Kmsi tends ta confirm the pessi- the Boer rear-guard four miles dis- ratstlc viewa as ta the eaiety ai the tant yesterday. It was estiinatedGovernor and has staff. The coasi that 8,000 Boers were withdrawing. ltawns arc apprelieusive ai their own Tie tawnsp"_ople ai Ermelo couuted 15'safety. guna. TdeBritish gunboai Magpiie, station. Tbiree hundred Free Staters ne' eased e- ai Accra, is the sole protection for f rom guardiilg Van Reenen's pasa have 'te coast., gone ta jaïn Pxesidenz Sîeyn's comn- Owing to the difficuliy encountered miandw, in the FEastern part ai Orange in pracuring carriers, the enfarcament River Colany. aio a labour ordinanca is threatenod, Gen. RundÈe bus sent notieata the but sncb d step ia considered unatis- Free Statena that uniess they surren- ale in view- aofibis present tompen of dci ai. once, Char farmaneand othor the inhabitants and the unprateced possessions wiii becanfisoated. condition ai the colony. The genenal President Kruger, accarding ta a de- opinlon la that tic present farce is spa Lob from Loronza Marques, keeips inadequata to cape with the situation, a locomotive witli steam up attachod and thae local Governent. apparontly ta ihe car in which ha coneentrates faits ta rocognizýe is grevity. the Executive offices ai the Govern- ment, and lie intenda ta :eeve Media- BULLER AWAITS SUPPLIES. dodorp soon, and ta eatab:ish the Transaeal capital, et Nelspruit, in the antAv e FrUilheTn mounitains, a fine defensive region. The State printing presa la oDerating nel is; Cleared. et Machadedorp praduciug icaîlets A despetcb mena London, Fniday, containing war news for distnihuting says :-Gen. Bullar will ho unable ta, emong the Boers. It b agein reportead advence furiher untîl lie gets Iaupplies. ai Lorenzo Marques thet the British I-Be will ç'robehly wait until the tunnel are advancing tnirougb Swesiland, bas licou cieared. Neariy every fami- Lord Robierts, it appoars, bowever, hanse bis troapa pessed fiiew e white couiernaanded the orden givon ta Stnathcoaa's Hanse land on tbe coasti fag. Tlie Britisli tooke uotbing with- and peneirate ta the Transvaal oui çaying for it, end a brisk business through tbe Swasi country. I was done in mille, eggs, bread, and ------- chicleens by îbriity housewives wbo CHINA DEHIES THiE POWERS. were pleased ta gai' so mucli Engîli ----« money. Oae woman, whbase busband 30,000 Troops at Pekin's Gatos to aad twol sons have been figbuing, Oppos theMaries."You British are unlike aur ceopie. A special despetcb ta taondon firoma Tbey took my horses in exoliango ion Shanghiai says th,, position ai the Le-i shaep, and mpade me make butter, gations ai Pekin la moat citical. Ac- whidh tbey nover paid fion.I am sendL- carding ta ibis despatcb 30,000 Chia- ing ta, have my men came home ai ose troopa are drewn up aniside the once." gates ai the city ta oppose the ne-j Usuello- the firsi question e Boer lief force, and guns ara traîned on2 woman puis is :-"Will mçy husliend lie the Amenican, British, and Jepanese shot if hoe b captured t' Legatiaus. One young man wa p-led fromt un- der tbe bcd, andu ha w ont on bis lenees Tlie American, Russien, and Japan- be gging the Britishi pairol not ta shoot ose Ministers bave sont courions ta hies, Tien-Tsin asking- for 2,000 troopa ai eacb nationalit. EIGHT MEN KILLED. The United States gunbaats York- - tawn and Sastina lait on Tbursday iTerrIl2 Expla',lon aofGas lu Canore for Tong Ku. Thora is no ioroign XCIme, Alberta. wersbip now bore. A Cammore, Albanie, special seys:- i bas beeun laened in officiai quen- jThbe mosi serious gas explosion that tara Chat, alihough i la expectad the a lven occunniid in Canraore mine toole Goveamen aiPeki wll shw n place on Wedaesday afiernoon, ne- tunther resistaince as soon as ht shahl suliing in the, instant, dsath ai aight perceivo the powers ana determnined, men andu severel sligty enjured., the commander ai the international- The nanas ai the daad ara ;-Pres- forces bas beasa instnucted ta laflict a sharp lassan in tisa avent Ofai eor Daye, Amandu Regard, Tony Bol- rosistance, and not ta brook any de- i ni, Pceter Ceulfield, and thraeotaiers, lay lano-oponing the gaies ai Pekin faoignens, whose naumes ara non yat if hoe finda thena closeti. kon h frtIra e ag familias. LAING'S NEK NOW OPEN. The explosion ls supposod ta hava - besa due Ctoana ai theminons unfock- Majuba and the Pass in General ing lus saf et y lamp with a bey wnong- Bl-lfp.'s I-ancIa. jfully abtaincd. Landoan, Juine 12, 9.12 p.m.-The War Of f ie has issù'd thé'followine! THfE F -IMILY At.COLYJTED FOR. iBuliar ta the Socnetary ai Wam: John's gona ta practicin' law-; Biil's "Janerts faa, une 1, 1 .m-oui exiortia', Dick's teachila' scbool, Encampeti four mitas nati ai Voiks- Tam's la the dry goada uine, anti Ra.a's ruai. Laing's ne anti Majube w-en ruanin' fan tie Legisiaijîr. compietaly ovacuatati by thie Booms lest An'ý lia ai' maa-w-bet'a le a-doia' aight. Gen. Clary, f rom Ingago, is 00w- O naming aven the noe. IOh, be'sa asupportiu' ai John, an "I bave hadt t camp liere for w-ent Bill, an'-Dick, an' Tom, an' Huis 1 af water, "A correct lisI ai ycstentiay's casu- alties w-ill ha sent as soaon as raceiveti." a 11%0% 0% a mg" KRUGER'S PAPER MONEY. Notes Are Being iVanufacturet inl His RliroacI Car. ,A despeici f rom bondon, Fridey. eya :-A despaicli main Lornzo Mar- ques, datei yesiortiay, s-ys;-"Presi- dent Kruger la holding on ta bhis goid anti issuing paper nois rom a pres la bis- Exacutive car. The Boer Cov- erament's nain stock is exha-ustati; and the officiels are aow peyiag oui plain golti dises unstampeti. Soma wba hava declinedti t accept notes have takea ibein salaries in golti bers. Pis Boer Govrameat la stihl peying oui mucli gotti la tiat way.,' BOERS AGGRESSIVE.' President Steyn Is In 1'ersonal Comi mianti. A dospaich ta île bondon Pela- grapli frona Sbeeper's nele saya ibet the Booms are aggnoaaiva along the iviole length af the Sanekal-Fiks- bung lina; A strang farce menaceti Ficksburg Wednestiay, andtihte Bni- tishi onipoats etiredti thticvillage. lic Britiash guns ilien openoti lire on the burghers, wha rotreateti. The Boersaxae aiso active ta tic west- ward ai Senekal. Presideni Steyn is ai Uit kop with the main la agcn. IRis prescace doubi- lcas uccaunts for the activity af the burgiers. Liýttie Liver PRIS. Must Bear Signature 01 Seo Fae-SImlle Wrapper Below. Vory m'd eeisSas easy te tak.a as oufer. '~CURE 510K NiADAQHE. The Enemy, Defeated by a Britishýl' Force From the North., IAF despatch from London says:-Tbe, Roodeval if they followed the rafIe War OffiMce publishes the followîng ronad. The flact that Gen. Kelly-Ken'- desPatcb from General Kely-Kenny: ny says Gen. Knox will move out fromu Kro)onstad to "intercept the enemy! "Bloemfontein, June 12.-OLur troops, would seem to demorntrate that the frOm ithe forthi are at Hloning spruit, Boers are retreating before the north.' 8Outh af Raniprval, whpre the Boers ern British force, and that troopa cut the British lhues of communica- fiom Kroonstad, soutb, of Honings tionl, havfng defeated thie enemy. They 8prflit, have béeen sent to nerp wiIl by at America siding to-mou#row;. tbem, if possible.:1îý. ai. 8 a.m.1 The following despatch hlas been re- "'Gen. Knox moves out fromn Kroon- ceived at the War Office from, Gen. stad ta intercept thae dnemy. oral Forest ier-WalIke r, in command of "Fuiler particulars later., the Unes of communication in Southi A comparison of General Kelly- Afri ca: Rennys despatch ývitb the mapsavailî "Cape Town, June 12.-The follow- ablýe shows, apparently, that the Brit- ing is from Kelly-Kenny: 's'Il Une of communications eut by the -June 11.-No communication f rom Boers bas been restored by the move- Methuien since June 7. Heé was fili,7t. ment of troopis from the nortb ta-in June (6 to the north of V(,tchk-op. wars Ionin spuitto eacl whc ýsteyn is near Reietz. The British pris'-, wads onig sruî, t recliWhih oners sent ta Vrede are well treat-, Place tbey would have to pass throughi e.' SOIE BOY UOIYIANUERS. VERY YOUNG LEADERS OF REGI- MENTS IN BAPPLE. C!olnels o ev enteelk nd E Igîteen W-re Pleiltfsîin lise Posilasulai war- Lord Nelsson Wsss e Post eaptatu ai Tweily-Oue. Mlitary peeaity nover lins reaci- &cl tha stage it assumeti in Engleuti CAPE TOWN STREET RAILWAYS. Atyle ef tise Cars tsed aed Whalthet n'sblic I ave tss Pay. The streat rallways of Cape Tow-n hava a treck mhileege af 25 mileýs, the emnployas numbar 300 men, and 15 ain- gle-deck Imatai cens, and 32 doula..- dacek and 8 trmaler cars are in use. Th-e, lineosrua ta tia subuîbs?- ndt ;are to lie extended ta the doce. . Lie sino-ln.Ano-deck , havele re ln tlnrLns Alil Dunlop Tires in i900" When you hire a wheel fromn the Bicycle Livery look at the tires. If they are Dunlop Tire& then you can rest assured the wheel bas ai good pedi- gree in its every part. Dunlop Tires on ail good wheels. "The oniy toul".1 The Duislp Tire Co.. Liitd. Toronto. Montréal Wisil»g O -V. I yeans ega. For instance, iL w-as quite l rn n er ihron ai Bomorhanrofortanh-eng a byfor the accommodation ai snokena, atLw-hireBarrwas begazetted a«'Trailors,' open cars, with seanie run- Caiptinwhiehe atruggling witb ning crosewiso, ara attec-edta the tisa pans asinanam, and defying dis- dûl okr onn ideeig cipline, by going ont ,ao bounds, and dul okr onn n leig w-lieu George III. w-as King many a Ath cens daee tle ineie ravaie young publice ïshool boy was sent Altecr xeý h rleshv streighî f rom the class noan ta f ight a Middle 'aisie, wiih- se-ais oi eaeci sida the Spaniards as a fntl-blown Lieuten- iting ftweapensos.ie upaindlsi- ant on Captain, w-hile aven Colonelsigoft sa ilacnndl ai 17 and 18 w-ara plenîlful almi e as elweys uet and thse colon ofi the cens, blackbennieis. yellow, is kapi inright aud froali. As WELLINGTON AT TWENTY-FOTJR. tie Engliob, people are kind ta the Evea Wellington w-as fer less pre- blacles, no distinction is matie on tie cocius hantheefavredyougstrsnana. New- cens h-ave heen lately or- forcies han theafavotihy aunst4ns dcnad ta serve the increasiug popu- fanaio ho hati ta atteuntil- a wof 24 ba fana ha was gaxeited Lieutenant Col- lala cuodbtheodusanvaland re oi, and Lord Wolseley, ia spite o a geeirmbte ranavldealin ýedu the ontyrehei el ae romoettoewibo, et balf prie, ara goodu patrons egaai26 ranedtheLod Re ra ati taew-hem off duty, or iding ta eaad frona ait 1f02yans Logr. fa rýha so-the varions camps. As Mast, ai the wait10-ear loger InChoe sow-maýrchants clerles aad Goverameat ai- cnr-mo-ving tinys an affier is farin- fîcials live oui 9i the city p-noper, the aie if ho blossonas iuta a Lieutenant train linos 'are we.l patronixcd. Žln Colonelmuchbeboae 40. ,pafe rfe ikt r But wliile the boy Majors and1 Colon- pse nmctncaaefriid ais ~ tc lst entry eîachiilyThe cierges ara higi, 6 cents ling cleo tetaairthceiruniior .l Pîttise egutar rata for a distance of contnt e ar týei unforis n P inana mtwa ta tiras miles. Eight xjiles, Mal or Piccadilly, many baya mueli tic extant ai the langest lUno, casîs yaungcr aven ili-an tienaselvas w-ara 36 cents. iighting thoir eountny's h:ates ai sea, w-hidi bas ever beon tic greet nursery ODUS AND ENDS. ai boy-fightarâ. - NELSON A POST CAPTAIN AT 21.- interessmitte .temï Gaîlsered Fresn Valoare Laid Nelson was takon eway i nom lam. the grammer scbool ln Norfolk atIil Fiva 1mo n have ai various times inied ,ta serve on the Raisonnable, under ta murder the Queca. bis ncle, Captaîn Sucklîag, aad ec- Unden Britishi mie tha cottan- cnap quitted hinascîf se w-cIl that he was ai Egypi bas daubled, and aow am-, made e Paîlt Captain ai 21, a very ne- ounts ta aven 500,000.000 lbs a eyan., menkabl!e exempta ai rapiti promotion Tlie umber of rooms la a hausefoaf due aatinly ta menit. windows or doons la a roona, e-ven af Admirai Lard Callingwaad, w-ho w-as rangs on a ladder, in &Ïam, miuat al- Neieoan's second in command ai Tra-- ways lie odd. falgar, loi t seool ai il ta jola bis Tic amount ai gold coin in actue1l rotative,.Captain Bîatiweito, on board circulation la tic w-orld bs estiMated tic Shannon, but ho lied to wait 14 by thse Bank ai England, officiels ta yeens fan bis Lieuionancy and five bc about 865 tons. yoars more for bis post Captaîncy, and- Duning tlie present century, 410hu- Admirai Hardy, Neteou's Captain and man livas, £25,000,000, anti 200 ship)e friand, wes a midshipman an board bave blicclestinlu ruitîcas efforts ta tise Helena wlieu ho wae a boy af 12. finti tic Nati Pale. il -A MIDSHIPMAN AT TEN. At Queen Victoria's table an )J(l Even those marvelous records were customa, wbich originatat inlatic time eclipscd by the sou af the firsi Lord of George IfL, la preserved. As eech Gardner, w-liaw-as a midship-man ai Artificiel yawniug should barsat 10, w-as wonnd-cd a yer later antiwas cd ta lu cases ai sora tliraaýt, bu-,zxing made a commander ai 17. af the oars, catarni, andI lilka ti iu' le. AdmiraI Rowlcy esignalizeti bis cf- Thora ara 0),000 policemen ila GiEnLt trance ia the tecas by promotion Bitain. Of ibese Euglaiad bas 41,3312; ta Li'ce rnulofa Lieutenant, and was Scotiauti, 4,744; Irelaad, 12,1M5; Waloâ Capiain la communti ai a frigata bc- 1,283; thie Isle ai Man, 52.1 fore lic reacicd bis twentieth hinili- Rtînaway homges are uaRfowa la day; but aven ibis precociaus boy Rassie. Wieuý an animal bouts, the muai yield place ta Sir Fleetwood Pal- card is pnallcd, and the hanse siopa a,1 liew, w-ho bad sole change ofaiew-ar- soon as it feals tic pressura on the sîhip, et 10, aLtI ai 18 was Captalu wiudpipe. ai a savon iy-four gua fniga te. Bciore long the sandwiic--maai-i LORD LYONS, AGED ELEVIîN. have a serions rival in thie attract ive Lard Lyans, wi-o in later lile waa sautiwich-woas, w-ba is aiedy mak- tu commandi ai tic ficai during the iag Iber appeerace lu the streets ai Cimean Wan wint ta 'sea ou board Londau.- the Rayai Charlotte, et the agc ai 11, Switzertand, in proportion ta the and a shart time laten w-as fightiag number oi inihitanLs, produ-es more ander Admnirai Duc-kw-ati in the Dan- books than any atior country, ths Admirai Provo Walisb, w-li died e proportion baing ane lbook ta avery ah-rt urne ega w-a able ta e liack 31000 Swiss. an neaany a century ai naval service, The Kliedive ai Eg-ypi nacaives a for lie entered the navy befono Tra- sala ry ai -£100,000 e year, âad bas also falgar w-es fouglit, w-ben h-o could net have beot " more ihan sevea." But a pnivate fortune investet inl produc- tiara ls et loast one exemple ai a tive fanons and cotaa plantations ine boy w-liaw-as appoinieti to a.men-ai- tic Nule deiLa. ivar w-ben ho w-as litlie more Chan 5,____ and some yaars before h-e lait achool. RECKLESSLY BRAVE AT 16. Oook's Cotton Boot COMPOIund 0f English Admirais now living Sirs Now-etl Salmon w-as a midishipmanaet l epsulyue monthly by over "'f10,00 adis. afe efectual. Ladies ask 12 andi Lord Cianwilliam ai 13; w-hile your druggist for eoks Cetoi Rosi Cote. Geneanirm veiya Wood, w-as a "sea- po:d Tae noao er as ail Mixtures, pilan do-g" et 14, antiw-as winniag thesaup- Imiîtations are dangerons. Prics, lNo. 1, .$1Pe plus f naryby deatis oarck box-, No. *, 10 degroas strongen,$8 per box. -i plaiLs ai anarmy rck- 'or 2~ abdc ecp fp5esm w -e lesa lbravory in the Crimea w-heu ho item, s Ths Cook Company Win sor,01n% a only 1w-a ycars aid-en. f'los. i an 2 sold ndncecommanedbý il Iresponsibte Druggiets ia Canado. Sama ai the mauntains la the Orange X os. i sud 2 sald int Bowmaviiic by Hliei ý(i, Free Stat e rise teana altitude ai ovai' I onnas-s& SON, 8-rOT & JURY; Orono by J. Git 10,0603 les , .ILLAN. Newcastle by Da, FÂARicosiE.. p