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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1900, p. 8

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MJ. HIGGINBOTHRM & SON-> M~ ~ CEMISTS MND RUGGiSIS. M The riqht p1aee to bay M THE KIND THAT KILLS. SPure Paris Green guaranteed. Tang le- foot Sticky Fly Paper. Fly Poison Pads, Etc. ~~ Try our Cream of Witch ilazel for Tan, Freckies, and Sunburn. J. HICCINBOTHAM & son. ~ BowmA-NViLLE. As Go-Cart. As Carrnage. H ave you seen our Go-carts and Carrnages; if 'not eall and see them. This cut shows combination Goeart and Baby Carrnage. It fuls ail requirements and is taking the place of others. We have other lines of Carniages besides Furnituree * Our st-ore is fulil of ail the newest goods, together with the regular lines from the cheaper to the better goods. UNDEIRTAKING compiete and every attention given. Nîght bell on side of door answered any hour of the night. BOWMANý,VILLE. Because its 0v, like-and ehe( SBetter see thei The Gurney ven can be ira -cked down ai Not a mini Nbt a copp ,m at our near FOR SALE fFnundrv Co., HOT eC"AKRfES FOR BREAKFAST Are as easiiy made as porni dge-* if you have an* IMPERIAL OXFORD * RANGE * ade as hot as you like-whenever you ,ain as soon as you're through. * lute's waste o! time- ýper's waste o! fuel. * rest agents.* BY Mason & Dale. Limited, Toronto. Whnn0n, .V,.ncp.e.e. SALEM., Annivcrsary services Suuday -passe off pieasantly and suceessfully. In th, aflernoon Rev, J. H. Turuduil, M. A pastor of St.Pautl's, Bowmnvîlie, gav a eyinteresting iiiustrated talk to th ebirn and in tise eveuiug Mr. Jak Giltlian, B. A , Heatimaster cf Bovç meuvilie ligliScîsool, gave a verv pra( tical discourse'. Music was furnishedbl tlicchoir wlich was greaitly assisted bý the Misses Clumens o! town and ,Mi John Winters, o! Thp Guardiais office Toronto Mr. Winters bas a fiue bari toue voice and sang the- ' Lost Chord in the afternoon and lTise Hloi City in tho evcuîog, bis reudering o! the las named solo being oxceptionally filn! Proceeds about $30. SOLINA About 25 members o! Oshawa Divis ion visited bero Friday niglit and fui nished a program, ..r.M. T. Rundl bas about finished bis bouse. which ver much adds to its appèarance,. . . Mr' Harold Williams bas gone to camp as voluniteer. . .. Mrs Doidge of Oxford Co wbo lias been speuding- the win#er a Mr.A. Wasbingtoin's bas returned homei Mr. Washington accompanied her a far as Toronto.. .. Miss Maggie Mc Dougaîl wbo has becu spending a yee or more bere lias returnod to hier hom, at Seaforth. . .. Recent visitors:-Mr and Mrs. Sandeitron, Little York, ani Miss Clara Littlejolins at Mr.T,Pascoe's Mr. and Mrs. Oco, El. Joli, Newcastle at Mr. E. G. Pascoehs; Dr. M. W*. Pas coQ o! South Ottumwa, Iowa, at home Mïiss Edith Goard, Bowmanville, wit] friends. .. . Messrs H. Osborne and E~ Worden, Ebenezer, with friends. HANUS CRACKED WITFt SALT RHiEUM- Mr. James Mclssacs, 25 Elgin St., Otta wa, Ont., writes:-I suffered with sali rheum feýr up wards o! ten year., th( skmn ou my bauds cracking and break ing- so as to make tbem useless. Aftei trying ail sorts of remedies lu vain. because discouraged and thouglitm suffering's would neyer end. Las spring I used Dr. Cbase's Ointmeut an( in a short tiie was per!ectly cured.1 Dr. Cbase's Oiutment is o!unoparallele( menit as a cure for ail itchino-kn i eaEe, allfdruggist.siidt NEW IIAVENX. Report for S.S. No. 3, Darlington, foi May: Sr. IV- Howard Foley, Ireni Lanigmaid, Ida Jenuings, Elsie Grills Sr. 11-Roy VanCamp, John Clarke May Guy; Jr, lhl-Mabel Curtis, Gor don VanCamp, Ethel Rundle, NobiE Metcalf,Wilbur Bitton, Samuel Clarke Lof tus Bntton; Sr. II-Frank Rundie Ella Britton; Jr. lI-Nellie Towns Pt. II-Clara Nichois, Edua Britton Sr. I--Bruce Metcalf, Kennethi Clarke George Hoît, Eveieyn HbIt. S. L JEWELL, teacher. .. . Recent visitors:- Messrs Madison Hall and Adoîphui Ilenry,Orono, the Misses Burk, Oshawa at Mr. T. VanCamp's; Mn. 1H. Martyr Torouto, Miss Daisy Jewell, Welcomne ait Mr. T. Powen's ; Miss Witlieridge Toronto, mt home .... Miss Vida Vau Camp feul off ber bicycle and spraiuec an ankie .. ..Mr. Henry Mann had"' stroke of paralysis eecently.,. .Mr. E Burk bas erysipeas.. .. Mrs. C. Truil i, recovering from nervous prostrat ion .... Dariington township lias pur cbased a noad-way tlirough -Mr. F. T1 Guy'à farm to 'Darlîngton .station foi the convenience o! the public .... Mr and Mrs. P. T. Guy, Messrs L. Batterv J. Bell, E. VanCamýp and others took it the excursion to thé Model farm Satuî day. A Terriblecu Affliction. Tortllred IIr. James PRthick of Toronto, Untîl Tinuely Help Came. In the Dr.Arnold's English Toxin Pills Arnold's Toxin Pis cured him after other medicine,% Failed. 82 Duke St., Toronto, Dec., l6th, 1899, Arnold Chemical Co , Limited, Toronto. - ~*- -,--.- . - '."b '~" ~ Gentlemen;-Fon several years 1 ~ have been a victim o! that terrible affiic. tion, Diabetes. Alilihe special symp. toms o! the disease were present- ORONO. Uination causeti sevene cutting pain; a le anadau tattmauthe urine was unnatunaly dank coloreti; Mrs. S. S. Gamnsby, Toronto,was here I suffereti with intense heatiaclies BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 20, 1900. last week,.... Mr. T. Cowau was gnest anti with twitching o! the nerves. The ____________ ___________at'lBeecliwooti fan, ... Mn. John Miller qnantity o! urine discbanged was great- Tornto,is elsiting fientis here .... Mrs. ly increased; my lips wene always dry; ANTIOOH. Joim. Cobbiedick, Exeter, is visiting lier 1I was tortured byv a perpetuai aud -- Inother and other relatives here ...,. Bey. intenîse thinst; carbuncles broke out on Mn. and Mrs. Strutt visiteti ber father Mn. andi Mns. Lowe, Sbawville, Que, my body, aud I wasted to a mere skele- at Mauvers. -. .-Mn. Jas. Waddell deliv- visiteti Mrs. John McComb. . .. Mrs. ton, lu spite O! aIl doct ors could do. lu ereti bis flue fat shippens to John Poster (Rev.) Geo. Brown and daugliter spent despain I resorted to patent medicines, Monday week . .. . M ns, D. Hall, anti son a few days with friends bore last week andt tieti one after another-to lie dis- were receut visitons at Mn. Henry ... Mr. W. W. Truli attended Christian appointeti by eacb. Rowe's .... Miss MAnie Watitell took Confenence at Bloomingto .... Mn. and My wi!e pensuadeti me, mueli against part in the pnogrami at Siiloli recently Mrs. Wm. Pepper, Lindsay, visited at my will, to try Dr. Arnolti's English Mrs Geo Waddeii visited the City lier father's Mn, F. L. Andrus .. . .Mrs. Toxîn Pili. I thaîîk God, now, that :.Miss Beatrice Poster was recent (Dr.) Adaîn anti daugliter were recent she tiid so, for this wondenf i. Heaven- guest at Mn. R. Foster's, Orono. . .. Mr. gnests c! Mn. A. A. Gamsby. .....11ev. sent medicine lias cureti me completely. Walter Cobhledick was recent guest of Wm. Walsh, n if e anti daugliter, Bramp I amn to-day enjoyiug perfect liealtli, his brüther... 11ev. Chas. Adams and ton, have returneti fromn a visit at the anti every organ does its duty thonougli. wife, o!fX unker, visiteti ber father. Mn. home o! bis mother, "Mount Pleasanit" lv, ap a nesui o! my use o! Dr. Annold's E. Cobbledick .. . .Contnactor Cowan is ...,.Mn..tnti Mns. W. W. Truli enjoyeti English Toxin Pis. erecting a îsew residerce on the Best the flnst strawbmrries gnown liere tbis James Pethick, (Barber) farni.. .. Mr Wrightson Poster is buying season Suuday evening being 1 resenteti stock ens.. John Armstrong, Mon- by their daugliten, Mns. Jas. Dickson.. Tlho thousantis o! persons us Canada, treai, vi îted bis aunt Mrs, T. Waddeil . .Mr. R. C. McCullougli was lu Co- wbo sufer with this disease. Diabetes ..Mr>N'Wm. Stutt soldt tree o! bis bourg last week on the Jury .. . Rev will reati Mn. Pethick's letter with fine cati10oT, Somerville.Mis111s H. W. Foley atidresseti the7 Epwoth gennîne pleasure for lieretofore, every Gainmsbx: lini. greatlv improveti ler resi Leongue Tuesday eyening ou tbe For- remedy lias faileti to cure it. Dr. Ar- dence ... Mx John Poster, Bowman- werd Movement o! the Missionary nold's English Toxin Piili have proyeti ville,vxî-.s'sfdieîts on thieline recently., Campaigln.Mn. anti Mrs. RHu11gbson tliseîves to be the one-the onlv _________attendeti the funeral o! the late Ira medicine that wiil cureli Tbey cure it AIou rLAST-To the terrible Smith o! Hamilton âpwnsbîp... . Mr. in the only possible way-by kiiling the raxi e'.f fusuptioi lu Ontario, the liarry Davey lias a situation lu John germs tbat cause it. Thet are a posi- , petitiolied to establish H1allam's establishiment, Toronto....Mr. tive cure-bave neyer yet failed---can- tair ~ f îsumptives. As a prois_ anti Miss Buckley attended the Glennev o fi, becanse-they remove the cause venlml\i onsumiption tbere is no -Morgan weddinig at Lakeside, Ma.i- of disease. A trial will convince, trea t i'o'o comparetito D r, Çhase's 1posa, Juue 6. Dr. Arnold's English TVxin Pis S-ap iiiansi'ed anti Turpentine whicb 1 for weak people are sold bY ail druggist pri , ill, anti effectually cures evcry1 My fieuti, look hene! you kuow how lange box 75c., small box c.orsn coig b nisc id. It bas by fan tbeinh e ak anti nervous your wi!e is, anti postpaid on rec-eipt o! pîice by The ge . f remedyfor throat ant ou knlow that Carter's Iroî Pis wiil Arnoldi Chemicai Co., Limiteti, Canada luî.~. 25 cents a bottie. relieve lier, uow why not lie fair about Li!e building, 44 King Street West, Faiý c~ ents. ,Al dealers. it anti buy lien a box? Toronto. Solti by Stott & Jury.. d e S. j'y Jy ci- -'t 1- X.- e 'y a at e le r. a id ýd )r le Mrs. 3. . Wheer, Toont, s ben gc e f -Mr.JksW Vte . Mran d rs Ca Se w- fok .r ý' .M S.T M s n snio ,hve be er ou baig b r 0diploraa n0e0 tndn toTee.. Mýlr. g.."iîua ise i aches ctibrel O insed osile mius by 232eSI Paul'teressthe eat. Price. ofMr: . A. Trotb ud .M.dagtrs Care.viStew- Ma rtudli, shawa iss d a Oe, Mot. e renon ... rs. . Mad ad son,treeubave spen h wueekendoaMr. J. Sltrs.. . .r. . W.g toLeaedrida veryslug.uee a ilaer eenoye....eWe cuonrto Ge MrphSrdylvaud er oo t apleasant dy 'soutig.asnagsersaden all ays okathe litatrthe nomafort of bis nat re on.he S. Sylsver sy wiil hae la but sua nomintec ionsy. Rn. o. Ws ebbr Toto, wied. _prs.Éeacli ua4sy lbtbseIie The oaervouhis orspptic trva ares ii elereile minstesia Makers you ervous, Hadcervouserss maes yon'tdeptic; ether er riee oMs .Teuabland theselitepreuis cure or.A ybr a recent guests fof.RAvr beý. rn BI Ebenezer evening of June 111h in conettjn COBnLEDIC-c-JEXELL. 3,witis tbe Epworih League was a fine succes fînencially and artistically. Miss Fieidbouse The lStli o! Junie scemed well awane bas an exceptionally fine voice and ceptivated o! what was that day expected and bier audience. Miss Eriossie Fieidhouse n an- accordingly smiled Most approvingly oiber class was eqnaliy popular andl for one so and breaf led ont so! test breezes on the ynug bas deveioped a remarkebly cleer voice anfi e vers' effective manner. Miss Jennie pretty lionse wcdding whicli took place -Jenkins In lier recitatioîss was inimitable aud it on that date at the home o! the bnide's IS seernef to bier audience as if no amount of art- mte istic training conid edd anytiîing to bier naturel mte, Mrs. Isaac Jewell, "Orchard grae of expression elther iu voîce or gesture. Villa", Scugog- St , Bowmauviile, wlien iTaken together tbey mnaltee splendid combina- Irene O.bhreds agtr a ation on aprgram. Mrs. (Rev.)J. J. Liddy of .ble letdnltr a Oshwasag wtherusul ccptailtyandil n i~,td in marr-iage witli Mn. Nelson B. adutwth is Fildous l wichthir obledckofExeter. The bridai 1- voices blended subeiirtifuliy the audienecwas party entered the parlor at 4.30 o'clock ýd dýeligbted, A very pleesing variety was givetD h tan o edish' toteprogram in a piano solo by Miss Aimatehesri fMndlon' wedding a Conrti&e and violin musie by Mr. M. J. Gibson. marech, played by Miss P. Daisy Jeweli Pi Poceeds o eoncert $47. o! Weicome, whule the bride was given *-Honses aud cattie bave colie and away by lier uncle, Mn. D. P. Walsh, cramps. Pain-Kilier will cure theni (mono. Tlie ceremnv took place lu every time. Hli a bottle lu bot water front o! a solid bank o! feru and white r eeeated a !ew times. Avoid substitutes flowers, wbile an artistic disposition of er tbere is but one Palu-Killer, Penny flowers was everywhere made. The Davis'. 2âc. and 50c. bride was cbanming lu white organdy and chiffon with white roses, lien sis- S<TYlIONE. ter, Miss Velma, who assisted lier, was r daintily gowned in white ongandv over Miss Cernie Scottlooks exceedingly weili fter pale bine ansd carried piuk carnations after ber vigit witb frienfis in Eastern eswi M.F nkD n t ... Mr. Thos Burden, Bowimanvilie, visited bisadfeswie n.Fak onst sises, Mra. O. Stock and Mrs. S. Bond Monday teuded the groom. Bey. J. A. Jewelî, .... Let tbere be a good ettendence et our union B A., Welcome, uncle o! the bride, picuic on Friday afternoon nexi et Mr. Wm. performed tise ceremonv, af 1 er wbicli, McbLaughlini'sgrove. Lots of attractions, don't feul to be on baud If Rot convenieni to csrry the guests, about fi!ty lui numben, par- your basket, leeve it ai the cbnrcb vestry anti took o! the, daintiest o! teas, the table ih wilI be conveYeti for you safeiy ... Miss E. bigdcrtdwt ht oe n Campbell, teacher, Haytion, wes with us over bsgdcrtdwt ht oe n Suntiay. She is ever a welcome gneat 11ev. ferus and individual bouquets o! forget- R- N. Adams fareweiled Suudey cvening to re- -me-nots. Those preseut inciuded tur to tbe scene of bis early labors tiown Pit- fnieucis front Exeter, Welceme, Toron- on way .. .. A match games, for a prize, wil be playeti between Ennisktllen Dragoons andthte to, Omemee, Orono and cisewhere. Tyrone Shamrocks ou evening of Union Pienie. The bride was the recipient of many Don't miss it .. . .Our brave volunteers passeti baudsomeL and use! ul g!toeîs! thro h to camnp Tnesday morning amld gener- _ehgl itei uw ih sh e s oft al ý.tt.lasm 0 OrGueipli excesionists hbda the -sen nwhèhse a e gooti time Saturday ...ev. R. N. Adams wilIliHer goiug away gown was a stylish be mucb misseilui the community. Plcased to tailor-made grav homespun with toque know tbat Mik s Ida Adams, plant, wlll remasu witb Tyrone friends for several weeks. . -"We to match. The hiappy- couple left uiid cennot guaranise you eny chicken pie, 11r. Eti- showers o! rice and flowers on the 7 p. sitor, but you will yet plenty b setis ty the stom- ni train for the East. Mrs. Cobbledick ach of mortel mani by coming to our picolieon e*re ih4rt e e oei >Tyrone Civie Holiday. cre il irt e e oel A woman wlio is weak, uer vous, and Exeter the best wisbes of a large cincle sleepless, and wbo lias cold bauds and of frîeuds for a hiappy wedded lîfe. feet, cannot feel and act like a weli ero.Carter's rou Pilîs equalize the PASCOE FAMILY PICNIC. cicuaion, remove nenvousness, and give strength and nest. Tfie annuel family picmic of the Pascoe connectiiinwes beid Saturtiay eftcrnoon, June 16, et tbe olti bomesteatitmile wesi of Solina MAPLE PROVE. occnpied by Mr. Eli Pascot. h wes perfect pienie weather and ail wbo took lu ibis popular Followimg In the iinc of sncccss came the an- gatbering were pleaseti wiib the bospita ty niyesar sevics 0fourSabatbSebol lst bow them by Mn. anti Mrs. Pescoe, wbo mead n=y-ryserice ofourSabathSchol astail weicome to their comfortebie home. The -uniyand Montiy. Very large congrege-nde olstarniteiwn rucih ions wcre out Sundey anti splnedid sermons odrpol a rudtelw ro h were preecheti in the afiernoomi by 11ev J. J. plazza and chatteti, wbile tbe younger and RaBWmil, pesdor.the colecns b ey eryfokndlednbase anti footbhall. Tbe,.B lomnvi, ati l Tbevlentinsb 1e 80 benalo atia good timme romping anti Ibriadthe siinging gooti. On Monday au.J plyln about tbe farmi. Tbe ladies excelleti other irg gatb6ring assembieti anti an exceed-t s e npeaigavr temptingtea ingiv good programM'as presenteti consisting cnîtn fcks is ike fa of 36 numbers, Pasion Wilson occupledth te antilestt not ieast,cbicken pie in abuntiance chair anti the followiug iook part inuidialogue, to bcaledId 1Justice. Itufielti Bandi piayed recitattons anti song: Venue Gimbicti. toî someestcb airs dul Dgthe afiernoon and ev. Snowtien Lesile Cox, Ada Tyler, Menti Power, eniii and added muchto0 ie day's cnjoyment. A 'Etira h.lcReynoltis, Mabel Cox. Eva Foiey, Some wbo- were present: Mr Tlsos Pascoe and Lesie Snowdoen, Alde Coliacuit, Elva Power, Wfc Misses Mabel, Atidie anti Meggie Paet Clydie Crawford, Pearl Snowtien, Shirley Snow- Mr Lewis anti Dr Mark 'W Pascoe; Etiward tien, Ethel Adams, Bertie Gimbleti, Merl Pow. Pascoe anc wife; Edigar Pascoe- iR Pascoe andti er, Glatiys Snowticn, Wiil. Munntay, Ida Wood, wlfe; Lesiie anti Ellis Pascoe- W~ N Pascoe antiE Etina Snjowtien, Eisie Coliacoit, Cecii Jefery wife; Jobn Pascoe, wif e anti âuby; R G PascoeS antiHazel Powcr. Piihy, pointeti anti practicai anti George; A L Pascoe, wif e andi Gertie; Jobn atitresses were delivereti by Re-. J, J. Litity, Pàscoe, wife anti famiiy; Oliver Pescoe, wife M. A,anti Mn, Fred..Devis, Osbhawa, anti eV. auti fem!iY; Elgili Annis ant ifle; Hi L Pascoe, H. W. Foiey, B. A.- The treasurer, Mr'J. D. wif e anti iamiy *Chas Mackay,wife and mamiiy; Stevenîs, anti secretary, Mr. rnest Foley, gave Herb Tink; J 'J undie anti wif c; T Baker, wifeE satisfactory reports sbowing an increase lu anti femily; %V VanNest, wifc anti famlly; 8 nmeofsebolars andtechers. The sebolars Soucb, wlfc anti famiiy; Jas Heailie, wif c anti acquitted themseives ver' crctitabiy in sin--- famlly; Jno VanNesi, wie anti f miiy; S J ing antircciting, Miss ancock, Mrs. W. J. Williams anti svife; W J Goar'I, Miss Etiitb anti Collecuti, Mrs. Fred. R.Foley antiMn. Chas. Rdwerd Goard; Walter Osbornei Mn A Banti Snowtien bing the commitece wbo spareti no Misses CrycLerman;A Hogarth wife anti femily; pains to prepare thoe utile ones for thei respect- J G Langmnaiti, wif e anti family; John Rey- ive prts. Aitemtive waitens, prettily icoe-noltis, wiie and family; Mns Gorrili; Mn Mci-rag- cd tables, anti very appetlig ia8i satisfieti gant; Jas Moore anti wife; John Slemon antid the tementis of tebsgry mutitude. Fimi wife; Dr J C Mitchell anti wife- Fred Les; Mr weather witb etyof socab'iiiy revaileti itaniMiss Moore; Mr Mce nhin e ma ing ebeneniversary one of-tebs ever Joli anti wife; JoÔhn Jol anti wife; 1 Clark anti heldtib. Proceedsmsearly $100. wVife; W Leecb, wife anti femily; Eli Osbornie, wifc anti f amily.'F Mrs J anti Misa Clara Littiejohns; Miss Bickle, A CAvR D . John Osborne anti wifc; J Worticn ant ie anti son Eti; Misses Mabel anI lola AngueRose andi Mauti Ashton, Meuti Reynolds* W'Westlake antiP We, the nndersigned, do beeare famiiy; Oco A rgue Wîf i 1e uantitauber Kainina:a rey greC W Soncb andwîc;S enfoumdl, ife anti orefund the money o atw " ' fvesmiy Thos Westlagat sons rtîsur ant cent bottie o! Dr. Wills' Ene-hisli ilîs, Percy;1ev Il Thomasý, Ife anti son; 0hoase if aterusig thee-onrlis ! cnteIts Eioti antiwife; A trin antiwf e; Misses E if aterusig treefouthsof ontntsSouch antid E Annot; Fred. Henry anti Miss o! bottle, tiev (do not relieve constipa- Hetidon; Herb anti M"iss a .Roers;A Terwhl- tion anidheadaclie. We also gUar,î%ntee legar anti son; A antiMiss VanNest; Alberti fourbotieswiliperanetiy uretheShort anti family; Thos Short anti wife; R O tou botle wli ernancity cre heShort anti wjfe anti sonhJohn; I4t brtn anti most obstinate case o! constipation. Sat- wif e; J McCulloeh; Gelo Niddcny, iLevi Niddery,Y isfaction or no pay when Wilis' Pilîs are Fred L. Bray, Lance lieath, J. Hurihut, S. Fer- fi used. guson A. Nidtieny; W Werny, wmvf e and faimly; Mrs ilA and Miss E Sophia James; Mijsa Ellen Stott & Jury, cliemist, Bowmauville 1 J James; W Tink; Misses Mary Elfoi i, Manti J. Hgginotha & on, hemit, Bw- alters; Normain Buas; Leslie anti Ida Allun; J. Eg-gnbotam , Sn, hemit, w M h nia; R B Mitchell andti wfe; Misses Al matll.2-4 anti1,M Hogarth: Gco Reidi anii ie; Mrs Shsorti- rige, Chias antiAima; antimamiy other3-aboutk W. C. Tole, Druggist, Bowmanvilie. t25oii ail.p IYEDDIMG 1BELLS. GREENAWAY- CARSCADDEN. The home o! Mr. Robert Carscadden, We.sleyville, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, June 13, when his.daughter, Grace A, Lillena, was married to Mr. Jacob N. Greenaway of Welcome. Rey. A. J. G. Carscadden, Scarboro, cousin of the bride, performed the ceremony. Wisile Miss Young, Campbelif ord, was plaving the wedding march, the bridai ary appeas ed and stood undeneath a lovely bell of flowers. The bride looked very pretty in white organdie with lace ttvi - mings. Miss Alberta Ilancock, Bow. manville, As bridesmaid, appeared charming in white organdie over pink, with lace trimmings, The bride and bîidesmaid carried bouquets o! roses. Mr. WiiiOke, Weicome, supported the groom. About eighty guests wore pre- sent including friends f rom Toronto, Peterboro, Campbellford, Bowmanvilie, Pickeriug, Thornbur-y, Port Hope and varions other places. The bride was tihe recipient of many bandsome pres- ents-tokens of the est eem in which she is held. SANDERSON-GItFORD. A very pretty house weddiîg, took place Thursday, dune 14, at the resi- dence of Mr. Alfred Gifford, Oshawa, when bis eldest daughter, Ingaretha L. V. Gîfford, was united in marria-e with Mr. Herbert Sanderson, drurgist. Tor- ontu. The ceremouy was performed by 11ev, J. P. Wilson, beneath afloral archi. At 5 o'clock, tihe bridai procession, led by two littie flower-girls, Misses Iluby and Hazel Gifford, entered the driawinug room. the bride iooking radiant on her father's arrn, and was attendod bv Miss Jennie Dearborn, wbile Dr. J C. -Devitt of Bowmanville, very ably supported the Lgroom,. The bridai robe of white siik organdie trimmed with embroidered cblfon, a coronet of orange blossoms, and veil, a bouquet of roses and ferus, completedàalovely plture. Thle groom s present to the bride was a beautiful .watch, to the bridesmnaid a chair, to the maids o! honor, rings After conïgrat- ulations supper was served to about sixtv guests, mostl ' relatives of the coutracting parties. Arnong the invited w<ýre those from Ne.v York, Ohio, Michigan, Manitoba ,Dundas,Peterboro, Newcastle, Burketou, Bowmanville, Port Perry, Whitby,% Torontd?, and Oshawa. On the, departure o! the young couple for their home lu Toronto the carniages were showered with flowers. The presents were choice and numerous. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson wiil be at home Tbursday, Fridav and Saturuay, 28th, 29tb, and SOth inst., at 66.Elliot street, Toroito. Ladies' Waists and Wvaist Material We are fully prepared for hot weather, Muslins, Ginghams, Prints, Sateens, &.&C MT. VERNON. Visitons: 11ev. H. W. li oles-i B. A., Mn. W. C. Frank, Maple, Grove; Mns. Preston anti daugliter Bessie,, Miss Rylev, Betliany,at Maple Corners; Miss M. E. Abraham, Syracuse, N. Y., at borne; Mn. aud Miss Allen, Miss Samis, Newtonville. at Mn. J. Pascoe's; Miss Wlialey, Nci th Toronto, at Mn. J. Gar- fats; Miss Lîlly Gilbert, at home; Mn. anti Mns. A. Hardy, Taunton, at Mn. D. lieddo's* . .Mn. J. Arnot, Brnadley Sobool, visiteti teaclien McTaggart... Crops are lool !Dg excellent.... àlrs.S.E. Souci is!Iii. STANm"DS FIRST AND Compounld À Noted Physician's Pres crip- tion forlthe Banishinent of Disease, Physicians, timuggi tanti those coin. petent to jutige, cand idlyack1owe dge that Paine's Celery Compon= las calieti forth the most reliable anti the stnongest testimonials ever publisheti in the p-ress o! the country, Each letter on testimonial tells o! the extermination anti banishment o! rheu- matism, neuralgia, kidney troubles, skia diseases, dyspepsia anti headaches. The gooti work doue oy Paine's Celery Compoundi brings satisfaction, joy ant i peace becanse the cures are alivas permanent. Tbousauds o! the best men anti women in tbe Country to-day. cen giye to wen anti tespoudent suf- ferers the blet assurance thiat Paine's Ceiery Compoundi makes si-CI. people weIl.' Paine's Celery Compound,. the won- derful discovery o! Amerýca's greatest physician, is now withiu reacli of every aiiinbJ person, youug anti olti, anti shouiti be useti before sîckness anti dis- case are aggravated by tise coming bot weather, If von entertain doubts reganding the curative anti lite-giving virtues o! Paine's Ceiery Comupoundi, speak< to your druggist about it or cousuit your frientis anti neiglibons who have bîocn cureti by it. [T'S so pleasant to take thât chlldren syfrt;but its death to worms of ail knd. DR. LOW'S WORM lîrUP., prie 25c. A11dealers. Entrance and'Public Leaving Examination. The Annuel Righ School Entrance Examin- ation will be hel i in tht High Sebool Buildinra, Bowmanville, on Wctincstiay, Tliurstiay andi FrlIday, JUNE 27, 28 and 295 1900, Commencing ai 51.45 a. m. Né Fee Is charged for thtienceExamination. The Public Sehool Leaving Examination wiu begia 1.JULY 3rd, At 8.45 a. m. for~ whicb a fee of e2 is chlarged. Ap leic~on.s for hoih Examinaions shoulti be met 1 DR. W. E. TlLLEY, P. S. I., Bowman- ville. JAS. GlLFILLAN, 21-8wprincipal Lake of Bays, Mi ùskoKa This Interesting c snW rapldly coming into prominence, sîtuated as it is in the heart of the hunting grounde of Muskoka. It is reached'by Grand Trunk Railway Systemfrom any poînt -TO-- HUNTS VILLE 'rhence kv steamer over the beautiful waters of Fairy and Peninsular Lakes to Grassinere, where every facility exists for reaching different parts of the lakes by means of the Lake of Baya Nav. Co. Anglers w.Iî find this a vernit- able paradise. and can safely be prom- ised an abuDdance of speckled trout ae the resuit of their efforts. Excellent hotels and boarding bouses wifl be found here. Rates $1ýý and upwards per day. Tickets, folders amdid i nformation from G. T. <R. Agents, or write J. H. H. JURY, M. C. DICKSON, Town Agent, D. p.A Bowmanville. Trno M1ARRIED PEOPLE - LIVE LONGESTI Try itsomnetimne. boy the Marriage License from- M. A. JAMES, eppointed by ibe Gov erument, surfo b onnty of Durbamn,-and wtbproper cere will'lest a life-tim ni ud give you-beppinesa.ý MO}tAL.-)on'i eminun- Merried. You car elso arrang-e to, bave tbe Wedig CtS' and complete puift prinited 'n ortbodox fash 11 ' bv your obliglng humble ser v en t M . A . J A Mý E S , s u r o f M r i e L c n e at bis resldencee27 Centre St.. or et TnsiSrATEs MAX office. Bowmaniville, T, Coî. AS BOLWMANVI LLE"-., ELEGANT NEW MAPS 0F ONTARIO GIVEN{ AWAY. We will give with every $5.00 cash purcha"se during this month, a reliable, new, up-to-date Map of Ontario. This map is 3 feet square conveniently rnounted in foiler form show5ug townships and county lines, railroads and post offices,ý also index giving population of ail chties, towns, ,-nd villages.., Thesemaps are markecl $2.50 and were intended to'have been sold at that price. We have received a lot at a bai gain andI shall proceed to GIVE TFIEM AWAY as above while they'l îst. No mat'Ë--how many maps you have this map will take a place. Clothing Department. Our clothing su]les show' a very considerable increase over those of last year. We c-tn safely say we have the beat values we have ever yet shown. Get a i-ew suit now and gýet one of these fine maps free. Groceries. '. 1 W/e are selling, teas, sugar, rolled oats, soaps, biscuits, at luwer than ordinary rates as we are runing off our stock. N .W is the time to buy Groceries, bring in your Butter and Eg(gs. Ordered Clothing. . e We are tnrning ont a large number of fine tweed and worsted suits this season. Our cntter is very successful in cutting neat clothing. The new styles in Collars and Ties, also new Hats and Caps are selling well. Boots and Shoes. . ..~ We-have an immense assort ment bought at lowest prices. We are flot tied down to one or two makers, we get the best value money can buy, and seli ait prices to please. See our boots and shoes. Dry Goods-Special sale of Ladies' Vests. 300 Ladies' Vests, assorted, bleached and unbleached, short and long sleeves, fine fulil shaped, well. fin.ished, strong and durable, special sale price 2 for 25c. These vests are a good bargain and will soon. go. Parasols. .0 . .1 AUl marked down to prices that will clear them out quickly. , 1

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