Conssthâng oq CUTICURA SOAP, tG cleanse the .skin, CUTICURA OINT-' MENT, te heal the skIn, and CUTI- CURA RESOLVENT to cool the blood, ls often sufficient to cure the -most torturlng1 dlifigurlng skin, scalp, and blond humours, rashes, tchings, and irritations, with bcas of hair, when thse best physiclans, and ail other reniedies faau. Sold by ,ai Coloniali Chemisto. POTTUE DoRUe AND VCa. éCoa., bol@ I'xops., Bouton, U. a. A. a "AilDunlop, Tires in O" On macadam roads- on country road-an good roads and bad roads - Dunlop Detachable Tires are safest and easiest to ride. If you meet with a mis-~ hap . a pun-cture - ten miles from home-" these are the onlytoolsyou need." -'The oniy tools." The Dnlcop TireCo., Lfnited. vor onto. 1 monre" i, tnipeg. St. JeOa e Narrow Escape of General1 French's Forces From Capture. A dempatch from Pretoria, says -On1 the ground for 50a or 600 yards,. but Tuesday iast there was very hardi were ecked by artillery fire. Th&n fighting on bath flanks of the Boer the 12th Lancers on tbe right made a position, and their centre was almost frontal charge, while the Household tmpregnableî Gemjj. Froech went to Cavalry, went to the right and clear- the left, anid entered a section of the ed tbe mealie field, country that was unmnitable for cav- It was in this figh t that the Earl of alry manoeuvres., Hlis force was sur- Airlie was kille .. After it wias Over rounded, and suatained a heavy cross- be was fonnd with a builet tbrougb fire. Tbey made a splendid figbit, bis heurt. Col. Egerton Green was boviever, and the Boers retreated juat wonnded in the tbigh, and taken pris- as the artil.lery ammunition. was ex- onV.. He bas been beard of since hausted. as doing welI, There were very iew Hamilton's division advanced on thé casialties among the iBritish, con- right, and 'Gen. Broadwoads' brigade sidering ibe short range at v1wh the became iinvolved rather seriously. fiegbting took place. While advancing between high kopjes No Transvaalers took part in the en- against the Bioers iu their front tbey gugame.nt. The entire force ttiat op- wiare surprised by a close cross-f ire posed the British wes made up ai [ Hli- from anipers in a mealie iield, aud au lauders wbýo have settled iu the Trans- aurrouu.diug kopjes. The number of veal, colonial rebels, and foreign -mer- Boers iucreased rapidly, and their rifle cenaries., During the engagemenlt tw fire caused mruch damage among the of the British guns were firing ta- artillery horse. wards tbe front and twa others ta- The Bloers advanced aver a rise in wards, the rear. BOERS STILL RAIDING. CONSTANT FIGIITINO. Nine Killed and Eleven l'issing In an Action at Vredefort. A despatcb irom Landau, Wednes- day, says:-Fram thea casualty liet'la- suad by the War Office on Tuesday, it is apparent that there bave been engagements lu tbe Orange River Colauy that have not heratofore been reportad. A recaustructian train wcs attackad by the Boers at Leanw apruit, forty miles nortis ai Kroon- stad, on Thursday last. This was the day ai tise Zaud river attack, eigbty Foreign Garrison at Tien-Tsini Kepti Busy, Says Our Admirai. A despatcb fro-m Landau says. The Admuralty bas received tbe fol- lowing despatcb irom Rear-Admirci Bruce». " Taku, via Cheioa, Thursday.-No communication Irom commander-mn- chief lu seven days, and iromi Tien- Tain lu five days. The allies hold the Taku forts and Tong-Ku, secnirely and they wlll advante ta tise relief ai Tien-Tain when in sufficieut streugtb. DANCINo TOTE UIC0 DE-Arn. I WELLT WOUTIJ RE ÀDING. Toi a ld n thousands of men, wlthout realfiing it, are daily idalngrt; the ftiwisc of depath. It la a p¶easure that eveu grows faCteîý and hulngý a nian rapidly nea i-er atnarer ta the grave. Ta. x unch work -too nu-ch business - to. uiueh worry. Too Iltie tinte ta eat and drnk- too littie time to rçcere- ate and rest-too littie thon lit and cgre for 1 eai e. Theée are the k-notes of the doiee of illi-iealth. TIie-mats wha dances to, thent is soon in the grap of generali i-health, and wilii peediiy be in the relentiess clutchpjf somie &tal malady. It may be nervous exhqustion or prostration; some wasting disease, deadly consumption, or almost any ail- ment lu the category of henian ills. There la a sure, speedy, sud permanent remedy at hand. Niuety-eight per cent. of ail cases of cousumaption, chuonlo, or lLttgeriun cougbs and kludued ailnmepta are curea byur. Pîerce'e Golden Medical lMscov- euy. It acta thrugli the blood directly au the lungs, driving out ail diseae gerus and building np new and healthy tisaues. It builds firm flesla and usakes rich, pure blood. It tones the neuves and brighteus the braits. It invigorates the liver aud makes the kldneys active. Dgoglst) have nothing else "just as ,About two years ago 1 had grip, which left me feeling miserable-no stuengtb and a cough," 1wuttes Mr8. C. Maynard, of lîast I,yme, New LandaunCa., Conn.. As same of my famlly died withi cousumpt*iI feare dthat, sa i ber-an taking tDr. Pi1eur1eIs Golden Medlical Dïscovery. After taking the second bottle 1 fait ucnh better, and naw amn feeling very well for ane af my age (sixty-threc yrars)'. Hava had a hanse fu of company al ouatner and twa hired men part af the tiup, and 1 have doue ail the wouk clone."l "About two veaun age 1 was taken with eczemna in ita Iruse forns," writes Austin Pa. , comuieuced doctoring for it as soon as I fouad onut wbat t waa. Trled tliree doctors but qt ino. relief. 1 thought NOTES FROM ALL POINTS OF THE COMvPASS. of setInterest Glccnmed Froin liuy sources and Served lui Flihy l'ara- grsplis-lingr ai ie Iay. It is not everycua wbo la aware tisat a Bank ai Englaud note is nat oi tise sente tisickuessalal tiugis. Tise paper la tisicker in tis e lat-baud corner, ta enabie It ta retalu a koaner impression ai tisa vignette tisera ; and it La also considerably tiiker lu tise dark sbadaws ai tise centre lattersanad beneati tise figuras at tise ends. Counterfaît notes are invariably ai ane tisicknesa auly througbaut. Lieut.-Geneuai Sir Arthur F1oweu Palmer, K.C.B., wiso la spoken ai as tisa uow Comma nder-in-Cisie f in Iu- dia, La3 aveu six foot in iseigist, aud la broad lu proportion. Ha la ai a pow- erful pysiqua, and la cxtremaly pop- ular witi tisa troapa, especialy -tisa Sikhsa. His manuers are pleasaut, points, withiu wbich is the cross of St. George eucircled by the garter. Mr. J. .M. Bacon, who wlth bis daugbter made a lofty balloon asceut ta observe a meteor shower, tells some iniierestiug tbîugs about the saunds that reacbed their ears. At the baigbt ai 5,000 feet the ringing af bouses' feet on a bard road could be heard. At 4,000 feat the splashiug sound made by ducks in a pond was audible. The barking of dogs and the crawing af cocks could be beard at 7,000 feet or 8,000 feet. These souuds penetrated tbrough a whîte floor ai cloud wbich bld the earth from sigbt. In the per- fauot silence ai the air arauud balloon they were startled by what seemed stealthy footsteps close at baud. In- vestigation showed that this souud wa.s caused by tbe stretching af tbe ropes and the yielding af tbe silk as the -balloon coutinued ta expaud., HUTTON CAPTURES GUNS. Lord Methuen Bouts a Column Undor DeWet. good-nctured and jovial, but ha bas A daspatch front London, aays:- a strong undercurrent af sarcasm, Tbe War Office bas recelved the fol- wbich laeflot always appreclated by lowing despatch from Lord Roberts:- his botherofficvs. Pretoria, Wednesday.-Huuter-s ad- Su Ieur Caphel-Banertaunas ance column accupled Krugersdo'rp a mania for watch-making, The watchwthuapsion ha carnies ha bas made entir ely bim "Methuen, who was escartiug a large self., Most ai bis persanal frienda at aonvay ta HIeiîbron, Tuesday rauted a force under Christian De Wet, who en- sometim or the hae reelvd adeavoured to pravent hlm iroma enter- preseuit fromnthmaifa "Bannerman-1--1 made watcb." The tima kept by Irixng the littie town. Methuen had ouly Henry's watches, ltowever, is sante-tbecaatis times erratic. Lord Salisbury re- "Badenr-Poxvell lait tiais City ou markPA n nhinIv a np f h,; rn-Wednesdayi au bis returu ta Rusten- tiser peers, who had occasion ta ask hlm the time: "What tinte do you want 'Landau tinte' ar 'Baunermau'a time 1 President Steyu, ai the Orange Free State, lu an address ta tbe Afrikanders ai Cape Colony, at tbe begiuning ai the war, said: "Do you wisis, Afrikan- ders, ta sae this frigbtful abomination burg. Tise country la quietiug dowu in that direction. "This satisfactouy state aiafar wLý Ë t mute i .Ily a s sted by thoCý ap- ture betwean baie and Rustenburg,, on TuesdI.y, af rwo guns, by Huttan a maunted iufantry, front a body af tisa eonmy knde.r Commindant -Duplessis. SEYMOUR -AT PKN Reached tise Capital Sunday Aftere Frequent Figistin g. A despatuis fiantLandan say.s-A uews agancy deepatcb tram Shang- hai mayas: «"After an arduous mercis aud ira- queutiighitng witb tiseCinee Vicc- Admirai Seymour, arrived at CPkLu Suuday aiternoon. Ou five occasions tise Ciinese attacked tise columu lu great force. Tisera were mauy mounted men amaug tise Chinese, but mot ai tise natives wcre badiy armed. At tintes they iought wlth admirable courage andi iravery. Tise laoses of tise duriug tise marais are os- tima 'ted at five isuudred killed. Tise lasses ai tise foreignera were trif- ling. " Tiseexact atate ai affairs luside Pekin it la impassible ta describe, ln view, ai tise nany coaulicting reports, uotbing baving beau received fron the Legatiaus or faraignau. tisere. " Surprise Le expresaed at tise icot tisat a large force ai Indian troops bas not beaun ordered haro." Anotiser Shanghsai despatais of thse sente date scys :-' 'Tisa Pekin uewâ wired Wedneaday amauated froint ise edministrator ai tise Chineseta- grapise. Marchant steamers aire not ta proGeed ta Tien-Tain, and ve.sseIan tisair wcy tisera hava returued tae- fao. Co rrespaudeuoe wltis Tien-Tasin, la difficuit. Tisa Chluaae Marchanats' Company bas ceasad aeudiug vessais nortbrward. It la leauuad autisentical- ly tisat an uuderatandi-ng exista be- tîveen Great Britalu and tisa Viceroys of Nanking aud Wu-Cisang, whiLch ac- conuts for tise quletuess lu tisa yang- tse-Kia-ng valiey. It la reportaeI that Smu i axaouting large ibodies nai sus- pecta daily. Tise Britlis armoýured cruiser Uudauuted arrived at Woo- Sung yesterday, and cleared for acu- tion wiii passing tisa commuinication, between Tien-Tsin andi Ppiin la int- Tis man knows wbat ho did sud. isovvha did t. Sncb endorsements as: tise iollowing are are a sufieut proaf of its merits. Oshawa, Minne..Feb. Si, 1898. Duear Sirs -lase send me One ef yoir Teatise on the Hoee, y0cr 110w booko a, advertised on your botties, Englsa print. t havse cured two 5pa,-l,,s and one Curb os-ah two botte, of yeur Rendait' FRANK JUBEMIEN. Price, $î; six for $s. As a liniment far family use it bas no equaaL Ask your druggist for KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, also "A Treatise ou the Horse," book free. or address DR. J. B. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURO FALLS. YT. misisas ara ai dailv accurrence. The peopIe t.hat oppose tham on th.olu Boers there are contmaudad by De match ta Pekin for the re-acue of their Villiers and Hermann. feltîvi -couutrynten." ____--The date thartisae above despatch WARNS lVISSIONARIES. waa sent off front Taku la not given. Lord S alisbury Says Caution Shoui Mark Tiseir Actions. ORBEFREB -TO JOIN BOXERS. A daspateis fran Landau aays:- - Lord Salls'bury was the prillcipfle Responsibiiity of Chinese Go6ven speaker at the bientenary meeting u ment for tise Trouble Proven Tuesday aiterîtoon ai the Society for A deapateis front Berlin says:-"Ths the Propagation oý tise Gospel, which ueaposiblity ai the Ciines@ Gveu6 to-ok p la,s.ue itis .cil v lThe Premiermu ofn ..o 5--nt .._f, _A -ý welOnehoever saw. 145 tai ie ethere was lonencremedy Lu tise uedicali world that be knaw of tia wouid re4ch my case and that was Dr. Picces Golden N4edical Dis-i cavery. In Ist--1îî ione bali-houstar I had MY fiast a' fait relief. Thuse bot- tics have cures, me easund aud well. Now where eau I1flnd words ta express my gratitude?"1 Rev. Dr. C. D. McDonald, ai Graiton, N. Dak., FuesMC:eut of tise Nortisfakt Chrstan ndui.orUniop, writes "Mrs. Meflenald tlrA sFo imuai aiyonr bock 'Cûmain enseMa-dcai dviEr' se- wants asescond cop'y of t-shiç bas loaaed toa anelikortise irst. I enclose 3Y cents for clot bouud,,copy." 'Tise Cffluon Sense M1edicial Ad- viser, " Dr. Piercc's tisousaad-page familv doctor book witb aveu thueisundreà 1ulOiI.-L'me r-teno. as ueen dau UlIqilU- Ina rteauL.are;- jfit Kaj'es station, wis'n tise Boers, un. sit uccess, fo uirin thu e iirst year Jams K wing,tise well-knuw 1m dr lien.De 'Net, suddeuly cpeued a no iewar thâzi 90,934,000 labsters ware ber marchant ai Queisc, and ex-Mý.iP.- rifle f ire at 3 a.m. Kitchener managed batcisad and plauted, and since tisan P. for Magautie; Mrs. Nolin, wlfe of ta reais bis borse and gallopad t the numiser bas beau more tham dou- Mr. R. Nolin, manager ai Messrs. King Ebenostar, two miles distant. 1 ise bled. Tisa cod fisiseries ai tisat land Brotisers' saw miii haro; J. Nolil, sou Boers uumbared 900 men, with tl'ae axceed thoseof a y orbher country ai cf R. Nolin; Josephs St. Pierre; AI- guns. Tbey burned the cuivert, the world, tise average expout ai this fred Desebamplain, Josephs Faurniar. whicis bad joat beauXrebuilt, and de- flis baing 1,350,000 cwt. par anuum. The pariuy were fishiug in Lake urailed tise' train. MsssWar--~r4te- f ra-il-' ~aiipeih, tisat 4 ~cIck~nuisir T4~ llars a- te be_-hemmed lu says Omega, "that the wbole country suddeu gale spraug up and upset their by Geni Rundie began sholiiug Ficha. la perpetuaiiy lu a state ai nemi-in-1 salîhoat, tisrawiug ail into the wuter. burg June 19j It is said tiey appre,- toxa'aon an coffae-meu, woman and The lake la vary deep, and bas mauy baud that a.faorce ai,,ntarh rmtise chlldren alika, and ta babies lu arma it eddîes. .~- - narth uipon theut,iseuce they will cný