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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1900, p. 5

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TRIP TO ...T .. . Stott A Jury's fars Green Not -Ile .ordinary kind, but the Genuiine English Paris Green sueli as you bought years ago. Our Pa-ris Green isthe best the world produees and we seil it as low as the Iowest. STOTT & JURY. Iseet Powder j.' ur own 'Importation and the Vàv best. Tt kilis every fly ia moo in less than an hour. SEE TEE NEW FLY GtJM. STOTT & JURY. Sponges The stock 'of Sponges in- eludes the best value in Car- riage,Bath and Toilet Sponges. STOTT & JURY. Baking Powder Our Baking Powder contains iei tler AJ-am or Phosphates anid we guarantee it equal to any Powder on the market. WVý recently had a letter from a person who had used it in the family for over 20 years; they wiIl use no other kind. I'ricee 15c a pound. We sel the -best Ph-osphate Baking Powder _-'t 10e( a pound. STOTT & JURY. Tooth Brushes W1le have just received anoth.. er eonsignmnent of imported Toot]h Brushes and can show you somecthing nicer than has ever beeni in town before. STOTT & JURY. PAIlNT-PAIN"4T-PAINT We soul the iost satisfaetory Paint that is manufactured. t's eheapest ecaue its best. SEE LT. STOTI & JURY, rggssand liOpticians. GRAMID IRUNK HAILWAY. BOWN-ANVILLL STATION. GoitecaEÂBT. G011'lGWE""P. ,esosh.. Slp.m.aeer. 1 40 p.M, Expres....70252 Exg il. 045 4~ Dallyexcep't sunday. :Sundays ouly. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents The Candian Statesnian. OWMANVILLE, JUNE 27, 1900 .A New Bakýing Powder at a New rce, Neoper l b, at the New Drug Store Constable Nevision of Fenelon Falls vill assume the duties of Chief of Police Lt indsay on July st Thae new Catholic church at Newcastle vas openied on Sunday by Bishop 'Copwcr of Peterboro. Mr- H. F. Huiinter, barrister bas open.- 3d a, branich law office, in Orono aud dvil vsit that village every Saturday ,om to Cip. M. why not çail at M. Mtayer's bat store vhr o wili findc the latest styles in elt bats, soft or biard, and in straw om 5c up. Cailite see themn and get a )argaiu. Placee your orders with me at once r4d g-es your papering, painting and ~in~g doue early. Splendid isoýIrtment of patterns to choose from. 1.(.Week's. 3ýeddipgý Giftiý-Four Large Cases of plte just openedi up at Riekard 's l'ebst anod newc,,st things to be found n Cndian and American markets ýndtheprices are rîglt.< Nw is the trime to get a bargain -at 1. Zayer's hat and gents' furnishing ýtrwheey'çm will flnd anytbing in, Leaoe lnes and as cbeap as the 3caet. M. MAYLIR, turrner. Fci«\G '1'i N-i acmon pni of wormls among chtîdren. whio suspect their child is aluwilh wormas should administer i.Lw's Pleasant Worm Syrup. It is FALLS. Do yeu çvaut a pleasant Oting?l Thlon t ake youir family auàd enýjoy the excuirsion te0 Niagara Falls 0on Wednes- djay july 4th. Fane oniy $1.25. Bout louves Bowmanvîlle ut 6 80 a.m. reuch- ing thek Falls bs via Elec.tnic cars trom QueenEton ut noon. Tisoge is ne btter wuy te enjoY a holiday than ho tuking this trip. Road udvt on tlrst page. Ask H. Cann, agent, fer particulars. Mouday next s a holiday. Nichels' sous îiaware cbeap- Strawbenny social Friday uight. Note change in iGand Tnund time table. Great tOme ut Hampton Dominion Day. TOn toupets 10Ods each Satunday ut Best value Ou Stirling Silvon Speens ut Rickard's. Talk efthte towu-Cawker and Tait's china parleur. Sweet Pickles lu Bulk. Try theni. Cawken and Tait. M. A. James s Govornumont issuen o! Munniage Liceuses. Stnuwberry social ut- Methodist chuncis Fnîduy oyening. Field aud gardon seed et aIl kinds ut Murdoch's, Varîety Hall. New subscnibers eau get TEEr STATES MAN te end et 19010 for 55 cents. Bewmanville Orungemon will celeb- rate thse Twe]f th ut Blackstock. Don 't miss the stnuwbenry social ut Methodist churcis Friduy evoning. Yhic's hatching pleutifuliy.ut Tait & Ce s. photo galiery overy oeein a dozen good. Burgain n Ladies underwear ut Miss Martin's Friday and Suturday. Cal and see SEED BucIIwEAT.-We have seed Buckwboat ton suie. MoCLELLAN & C). Bowmauville. Cildrens pint and pique dresses now seling off ut huit pice ut Concis, Jehn- sten and Crydernxau's. The Musen Ce. une selling more cloth- ing than ever this'soason, sec thein new steck and you wili kuew why. Tise New bats are in ut The Mason Co's. An immense assotment et botb stiff and sefttbats aise the common straw huts. Perfumnes-some new and exquisite odornenver sold Ou Bewmanvile betore new en sale ut W. C. Tele's'New Drag Store. Couch Johuston & Cryderman have nover sbowu as fine a stock et Crpets et ail kinde as they are doing this Spring. Tise biggest snap Ou Lady 's solid geld rings tisat 'eu over suw .une to bo heid ut T.N Rickurd's. Pnice $1.25-just think et that. Black and Colored uudressed mous- quetaire, Kid Giovos worth $1.25 a pain seliing off ut 75c. ut Couch, Jehuston & Crvderman's,, ise Rame Tait & Ce. ou a photo vouches for its qulity, as for its dur- ubîlity, usk your neighbors. Our repu- tutien s the best. -Lots et strawberries, -good program, plousant tinie, assuned te ail who at- tend the social Friday nigbt at tise Methodist church. Ladies' Tuiler Made -Suits, Spring Jackets ton Young- Ladies a.ud elegant Capes fer Middie-ag'L edI Ladies ut Coucis Jehnston & Cry-derman's. TUe buse bail game eon Saturduy ut- ternoon between Mason & RleU, Toron- te, and tise D. O. & P. Ce. rosulted On taven efthte home te tm. Score 28-8. Any article tbut Riekurd Jewelier Bowmanvilli as ton sala is to e uhed ut tise iglkt pnice, ton hoe buys ton cash and marks bis geods m ith a smull profit upon theni. A strawberry social wlll ho givon in the Lecture Room efthtie Metbodist cisurch on Friduy evening, by tise Ladies' Aid Society efthte chunch. Ro- fneshments served ut 6.80 alter whic'î a goofi prognum will ho rendened Ou the churcis. Admission 25c. Ail are cor- dîaîly invited te ho prosent and enjoy the social and extend a wo-iceme te tise new puston, Rev, W. J. Jelliffe, B.C.L,, and tumily, who will be prosont. Mn. H. F. Hunter has $27,000 Trust tuuds te boan ut once ut 5 per cent. Bornowens taking e4,000 or 85,0C0 can have their boans effected or their old mertgugos muturing puid off,, without payment, bv them etf auy law tees on changes Ou uny wuy. No trouble about nemittances on account, as'puy- monts eau ho made and eudonsod on mortgage ut Mn. Hunter'uî office in Bowniunville. Ternis t suit bonrow- ers. 20-tf No. 8 Ce. Bowmanville, undon cein- mand et Capt. W. C. Milligan, witis a full complement et mon are in camp at Kingston, where they term part efthtie thse 46th Raoiment, commauded by Col J. Hughes et Newtonville. Tise other officers are Lieut. A. Staiker, Coi-Sg-t. G. Allno- g.c StaùnrsPehik nd -Buy your maiik pans at Nichoils' Ilot weather coal oul stoves at Mn. )Jas. MUeBrien hias opeued a new tin sbep in town. M. A. James is Governmeut issuer of Marriage Licenses. Tnimmed bats at Mrs. Dingman 's sold ut a great reduction. Lady's bicycle wauted, neurly new and choap. M. A. JAmES. Don't fail to attend the 'Whbite Goods' sale at Miss Martin's on Friday and Saturday. Picture Frames-Geo. P. Froeland makes all styles and sizes. Prices reasonable. Canada hias been awarded first prize on hier display ot lumbor at the Paris Exposition. Men's Hats-the vory latest English and American Styles-at Couch. John- ston & Crydermau's. Mr. Freeland now makes a special line et photos at $1 a doz. They are well worth tuie monoy. Painting, papering,kaisomiuing, etc., done on short notice andiOn satisfactory manner by J. C. Weeks. Couch, Johnstou & Cryderman are selling off tbeir cildren's pint and pique dresse.q at haIt price. Christopher Columbus discovered America and Nichoils' discovered the secret cf selling first cass geods cheay. No need to set a hien te get Chi's, go to Tait & Ce. for them-they are fine. They have picture trames for sale tee. Linoleums suitable for Halls aud Kitchen floors just received direct from London at Couch Johnston & Cryder- man's. Ladies' Costame CIe tbs in ail Cleurs and qualit'es and Home Spuns lu plain and plaid at Couch, Johnston end Cry- dermau's. Wmn McDonnell, Lindlsay, oeeof the oldest residents and ut eue time Mayor cf the town, died June 20, aged 87 years. If eur tewn oliciaîs would b ave tise Iew hanging branches of the shade trees, removed it would greutly oblige the public.4 Whitby tax-pay ors will hereatter contribute te the tewn treasurv hait, yeariy, thereby saving, it s estimated, about $6 -O in interest te the town. The Masen Ce have roceived trom Jas. McCready & Ce., uearly $1000 werth ef Boots and Shees and they guarantee ail their goods satisfactory. New ties, uew collars, new under- wear, new gloves, new sox, new umbrellas, new waterproof coats, won- derful value. See them at The Mason Co's. Print and Linon Dresses for girls trem two te teurteen years. Just ne- ceived direct front New York and now showiug at Couch, Johnston & Cryder man 's. A large stock et Gents' turnishings sucb as Underwear, Shirts Collars and Cufs, Umbrelias, Braces and Gloves, Ties etc. ut M. Mayer's, Practicai Fur- rier, Bowmanvilie. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman repo rt that lust Saturday wus one et thoe big gest days in the history of the firm. Their store was crowded with cust-omers ail throug-h the day. Special iu Boots and Shees at West End House this week. 15 pr Ladies Choclute Kid Bal regular, $3.00 at $1.50 15 pn Mens Clsoclate and Tan Boots reglar $250and $8 00 ut $1 50. Now fr papernng. Beautitul lie et sumples-ail thie pretty -and standard_ patterns. A lanrger asscrtmont than ever before. Cali and sce me or drop a card J. C. Weeks, Ontario St. Bow- manville. Hourseness s a common trouble durnug the summer wlth those baving weak tisreat or lungs. It eau ho readily cured, and the throat and lungs ho strengthened by Dr. Wood's Norway F ine Syrup Pnice 25C., No matter whether you buy a cbeup Union or au aIl wool or Tapestrv or Brussels Carpet, you will fiud a -big variety et ail kinds and at pnices wbicis cannot be beaten anywheno ut Couch, Jobusten & Crydenmun's, No, it wil! net puy yeu te have your kuive s plutod ; ton ut Rickurk's veu eau purchase Rogers 1817 kuives, fonks and speons for less mouey than some will- charnge for plating and thon- you will have geods te bo rolied upon. The meeting et the Local Union in the Methodist church Mouduy eveuiug was addressed by Rov. B. Huyden, ou ', The Opportunities efthte C. E Socle- ties." Allun Bros. gave two wM-,l ion- dered quartettes that were much ap- pneciated. Miss Jeness presided very gracetully lu the absence of President 1Ceurtice. The ladies of St. John's cburch will give a struwberry festival and gardon purtv ut tise residence of Mrs. Southey ou Wednesday, Jiine 27th. Tea will be ,:pi Ez SrIFA invi tes ail ie eaer ton jý natuIre, tuiseariai iandderir of glues tie movemVen1I*tirofwcll kulown peýopiebusýiness mcae. Senldas a postal card orl-drap a note iui oir office ýIcîter box. M ie's tella Msonspeat Sýundfay fl OnPrt Hope. Mn. H. C. Web, Coboatrg, was Oniinwu This Lay. Mr. John Goacis, To)rotoý, spent Soniday ai home Mr. Chas. P. Medlaad, Tornnto, speunt Suiday at homeý Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pinel, spent Sund)(ay in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Batiy, Foley, iiriOntown Saturday. Miss Lena Daucaster bas becu visýiting fcieu)de, ta OYrono. Miss Etia Tait bas been \vlsiting nind i Toronto. Miss 1»ateliffe, Toronto, is guesi 0f Miss ae Borland. Miss Maggie Bogue is vîsitnlg fiendecî at S tratbroy. Mrs. Gen. Bic&gbas been viitinjg fienda On Peterboro. 111,i Misse 1dn Gonld. Torýonto-, s ejoing a holi. day ai home. Miss Bertha Dancasier is-isiig fr;ends in Niagara Fals. Miss Nellie Brown, Betbiany, la gueýsi ai Mn. J. J. Masons, Mrs. C. H. Nix, Uxbnidge, Ojs visitlnig ai Mr. Gen. D:>wney's. Miss Aikin s visiting bier sisýten, mrs. 's. B. Grry, London. Mn. lIber G. Foley is on a bOycAýle tOO Cam. bray and Peterboro. Mrs. J. L. Smith, Whitby, wae ýgocest of Mrs. M. A. James Friday.,, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Fleury, Tor-onta, are guests at Mn. Jas. Alexander's. Mr, Heirdmnan, Toronto, was guesi at Mrs, W. Hl. Hansouis over Sanday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Soucis, Mi. Vernctn, spent Sunday witb relatives n town. Miss McDougall and Miss Jessie MuDougall, Toronto, are visiting fiende isere. Miss Clana B Eby, Toronto, te guet of Mms. E. S. Meatis, ai Port Bnwmanville. Mn. James Moore, Brooklicn, aiiO town lasi week and gave TiiE STATES5MAN a cal. Mn. H. C.Hoar, Bethsdaý. waisi receut gest of fls sister, Mrs. J. A. Charlton, Toronto. Gev. H W. Foiey, B. A., bas gone 10 bie ncw Istation ai Stanhsope in tise Lidsay Disrict. Gev. R. Douglas Fraser, M. .- Tnntbas returned from tise General Asecmly, Halifax. Mn. Fred. Foster, 1'Norwood Pace, rcenitly enjoyed a tripla Penetangisbeîiie and IGooýrgian Bay. Qacen Victoria bas rctunuîed to Egadbas'. îng becu mucis ben efitttcd by beur sta y lu Scot. land. Gev. Dr. Courtice, editor cf tise Guardian Torouto, s ejoyiug atwo moîithe' vacationiOn Halifax. Capt. Gibson bas been appointed H arbor Mas- ter ai Port Newcastle in succession, to tise laie F. J. P'ope. Mies May Hooper, Georgtowni, s viiting bler grandmntber, Mrs. Thos. Kinby, anoth oler rel. atives lîcre. Hon. GeD. W. Rose, Premier of Otais seniding a few weeks ai theismiea1 itpnnge, Danaville, N. Y. Mn. Jas. N/ale, formcrly %7itihtlise Electric Ligist Company of tlîst 05n, h ishome froin Cnt. orada for a vieil. Messrs. John Higginbothiam suid "Mnl. Thomas Basseit were out to Scue-og iase week enjoyiuig a few days' flébing. Mn. J. J. Mason te a member of tise Board of Dîrectare of tise Dominicis Council. Raoyai Tem. plans ni Tempenance. Saîurday's Globe had a photo (if a nîu(mber ot tise participuss in tise gaines at ie 4h fMay sports aiNicastle. aiurs. John Balfour and daugister -Margaret, Manitonu, ian., are guesie ni ibein oncle Mn. W. Foley, Conceesion st. Gev. J. H. Tarnisuil, M. A., le suppiy iing tf ise pupit ai tise Fret Preebytenian cbich,Boc ville for tvo Sabisalis Nice letters writteu by littIe Msse Lalis sud A. L. Hice, Tynone, appear Oni th, ch1ldciîj's cOd fSaturday 's Globe. H Ion. Johmn Dry dcni, Minister o!f giulue leaves sisortly foriEngland and i lPnoa"Y go te tise Parie Expositionî. Mn. J. Rosesosnsoponitr ise:E-. coiing Telegnam, Toront, s cjy'gatbr(e îmanîhe' vacation Ou Europe. Mise Florencie and Mn.a. MoruDti. sud Mise MabelGo-, Tinto iete9o Mn. sud Meis. Nselson B. Cbldc fe short visit n ils ber mather, Mis. Isac JeweIll left for Exeter thein future home. Mrn. C. A. Lapýp, editor of tise BiltnEn- igo, bas iseen elecîed Dcputy Grand aserof tiseCanadian Orden of Oddfcllows. SOis Lawric bas coinpleted tise tenu i) tise NomlScisool, Ottawa, anti rctunne houi by toat výÀia'Montreal Wediaesday mrhg Mr. 5uwd Mrs. Peel sud Dr. J. S. Sons, Ton- onto, werc gaets o! Mn. W. J. B a ad Mn. John Samers, Providence, over Suuday , Mn. S H. Grahaan sd Dr.CV. Emdrý,y, o! tise Royal Templan head offices visited thuIsemiitary camp at Niagara yesterday-Hamîtoný Post. Dr. H. S. Bingham, Canafagion, soui of Mn Wm. Bingisain, Eniniekillen, bas been eiected Grand Medical Refence ofthîe Canadian O rden ni Oddfellows. Miss Carnle Marty n ia visitiug relatives lu Rochsester, sud will spend a couple of weeks w îth hen oncle ai Atlantic City, N. J., enjoying tise ses reezes. Mn. Tissellowiece, Toronto, Secneiary ni thse Provincial Satbiatis Scisoot As"eatioa, gave an address aitishe York townsh' 1p conven.- tien on Tbursday. Mre. (Dr ) Fred E. Sparks, daug12 ister ni Dr. Michael Laveil, ex-wanden of Kingu-on Peni. tentisny, dicO ai Alameda, Califori, June 215t, oi blnodnisouîîsg, Mn F. F. McArthur, foi nerly Manageý,r o! tise Upper Canada Furnit'.ie Cnmpany,Bwm - ville, bas been appoioted LaiuigW era tise Customrs House, Toronto. D. D. Grand Master Dr. Shaw, nfin ,gto,), necently paid an official visit to Jerusaaem Lodge A. F. and A. M., sud was welcomned by a large concounse of tise crait. MissBain, Taunton, tn costume of cast_,r brown with bodie ni pink eîtk sud chiffon i iîm miuge, wae bridcsmaid at tise Meadow -Medicows weddîng Ou -Port Hope June 20. Lady Roberts bas isadtlime dîetiîsgaiishbýiooqr' oi raisîag a Unions Jack over caiimportant place captured by tise Britisi n SouitIs Ainica. Most o! ibese flage wene made by hnet Gev. Francis Coleman, Hamiltoni,died Joue 151h in bis87tbyesr. Be was atone lime pastor of Newcastle Metisodiet ochi. Dr A. P. Coleman 0f Toronto UnIversity, s a son. Gev. A F. McGregor, B. A., who bans fie- quently prcacised lus Tniiy Chai ch, Bowm'ian- ville,1 bas resigned as Misionary ýSopen'intindeut ni the Congregational cisuncies of Canatdai. Prof. Chas. A Burden o! tise ieniyo! Oregon, Eigene, One., sud sevenal ello pro- feesore froin tisatstate bave gone ta tise Paris Expositions and will spend tlsree i),atise vý isitiag places of inieect ta Europe. Mn. John Smints, Whitby, bas placeed ai use dispasal of tise deaconnpeses of Toronto, a bouse nucntise lalce to bie used asusommer home for lioor chidren. Donations for saine will be ne- ceivcd at 237 J anvie St., Toronto. Srs. Paterson, wife o! Gev W.Patno formcrly pasior of Cooke's oburc il, Ton o was prcsented wts a beautîful gold dye yocioci tes service bv tise Xomen's Foreign Missionnry MISS Wison1, 1Tprclto. is esonItise Mse Hanilla.s a Mliss Carrne Cherry, Toronto, Oshomefor Vaceation. Mr, A. B,. Couici, Torôinto, s home for tise isolîdays. Dr. Frank Tre-bilcocle, T orouto, s home for vacatn ion. Miss E. Stevens, Pleterboro, was guest of Miss Siserlock over Sunday. M ,rs. C. Borland, Toronto Jonction, was reccut guesi of Mrs. H. W. Burk. Miss Minnie Hosken, lressmaker bas gone 10 liser home Ou Toronto, for a resi. Tise Misses Power are eejoying a holliday wiiis fniende ai Lake Simcoe. Mn. sud Mes. F. A. Hoar and Miss D. Osborne. are enjoyîng a two days' outing st -4,ugog. Dr. Graham and Mi. J. mulle, Enniskillen, were gueste ai mr. P. Trebilcock's, Sunday. Mise Nellie sud Mn. Joe Pollard, Orono, sud ,Miss Bain, Ilauntin, were guesis of Mn. Jacobs Poilard Sanday."I 1, 4 Gev. R. Seaborn, Hect r of St. John's oburofi, bas retnrned fnom a visît sis bis brotisen Dr. Scaborn, Detroit, Micis. Mise J. Currelly, Canton, Mn. A. B. sud Miss Lors Roberts, Cobourg, were guets of Mrs. L. A. W. Tole over Sudy. Mn. RG B. Anidrew hbe nesigniedis spositionas manager of Mor-ris, Ficld, Rogers Piano Com- pany at Lîstowcl owing to 111 healtis. Editon sud ms, m. A. James sudm'vnsd sers. Wm. Werry, Solina bave been enjoyingsa driving to.ur visiting ?riends at Columbus, Port Penny, Utica and othîer places. air. T. F. Boyle, manager of TnE BULLETIN, San Frauceco, Cal., witis bis wfe sud daugister are gueseof Jos. Bitiain, Esq., of Rer aajesty's Custome. mies Boyle will remain bere while bier parents vOeu tise Paris Exposition. We are pieased io noie by THEe HAMILTON TmEaix iis complimeitary notice ofonue of Bow- isanville's young ladies. Iu reporting tise clos. ug cxrises of tise Ontario Normal School "f Damrýe_eSience iu that city it sys: "A greai measure of tise succesof tise institution le due to tisenficers, and of these Miss Gilfillan, B. A., tise efficient secretary, s entitled t0 uhe hOgisesi praie,. By bier tact sud ability ehe has doue mucis t advance tise intenesis of tise scisool. BORN. TAYLOR-In Oshawa, June 21, the wifeof Geo. Taylor, of a son. BARRETT-Ifl Newcastle, June 4, thse wif e of Mr. Richard Barrett, of a dangister. BRowN-Iu Leskard, Jonc 20, the wife of Mrý Thýos. Brown, ofa daughter. BELL-At Port Coborne, Jane 16, thse mwi., of George J. Bell, Publisher, of adauighter. JOLLOW-In Howmanville, Joune 21, to Mr. t0d Mrs. Lewis Jollow, a son. NANCEKIVEL-Near Enfield, June 23, thse wîfe of Mr. S. E. NanceKivel, of a danghter. Tnomrso-In Darhington, Jnne 24, the wif e of Mr. Frank Thorupson, of a daughteir. BiRD-In Bowmanville, June 26, thse wif e of Mr Robt Bird, of a daugister. MARRIED. RICseAniSCN-BOWES-In Milton, Jne16, by L %Wesley Cassou, Toronto, assistedl by Rev. «(Richardson, Milton, William J Hl Richard- soWhitby and Frances MeF.,secondi daugit- e Mr Geo rge S Bowes, Milton. PALMER--BI' NHAM- 1u1MarsbalIltown, 'la, Jane 12, by Rev F W Russell, Mr Vici leý Ï(nn Palmer and Miss Ellen May, youngest de(Lugbit. er of Mr Arc'hie Binahama, formierly of Tyrone. MEAP:DOW5-MEADOWS-1b Port Hoýpe, June 20, byd G ev D Young, Geo L Meadows, West Zorra, a. . Care, youugest daughter of Mr Jos Meadows, Port Hope. ALEXANDER-CROFT-At Middleville, June 13, by 11ev J S Mellraith, Rev J Lanbert Alexand- er and Maggie A, danghter of Mr Wm Crof t, J P, Mddleville. MCCULLOUGH-COURTC-Iu ealnJn 14, by Gev J B McLaren, Hagli MC uogh, Columbus, and Cora May Goortice, eldest daugister of Mr Tisos Courticc, Raglan, \VILLIAM-STILL-At the residence of the bride's parents, Oshawa, Jonc 14, by Gev J J Liddy, M A, Alouzo NWilliarns, Reach, and Ethel, eldpest daughter of Mn Ezra Still,Oshawa. BRANI)DN-CURTI1s1-1n Oshawa, Jane 20, at thse resiclence of Mý rr S IN Cawker, by 11ev J J Liddy, M A, Tho, mas J Brandon, Whitby, and Mi55s Mary Cn rtis, Oshawa, yonugest daugister of tiseý late T1)omas Curtis, Tynone. SU(1111ER PARSONs-At Port Perny, Jnne 18, b'y Rev (G W icCoîl, Mr Andrew Stouffer, New- market, and lorcece Winnifred, dangister of ýt ,Pablisher of The Observer, Alerauerbîohcroftise bride 'dr. B. Hoslev ind Pilippa L1., second danghte'r of Mr. James Alexanider, Bowmauville. DIÈ 0. MeNaugiston, aged 61y cars, formerly of Nw castlc. Porn-In Newcastle, Jane 17, Frederick James Pope, aged 67 years. sEALED TENDERS addressed to the kun dersigncd, and endorscd "Tenders for Dredging, Collingwood, Ont.," will be received ait Iis office until Friday, the 2th July, 1900, inclusively, for dredging in the Harbour -of Collingwôod. Ont, according to a plan and combined specidication'and form of tender te bc seen et thse office of H A Gray, E241, EngOncer in charge Barbe and »Iver works for Ontario,' Confederation Life building, Toronto, on appli- cation f0 tthe Postinaster at Collingwood, Ont., and at thse Departmenit of Pubise Works, Ott&a- Persons fendering are lnotilled Ihat tender9 wil flot bceconsidered unless made on thse forrm ,snpplied[ and sîgned witis their actual signa-. turcs.1 Each tendcr muet bc accomDanied by an acceptcd banle cheque made payable to thse order of the Hionourable the Minster of Public Works, for five tisousand ($5,000.00) dollars,t wbich w1ill be forfeitect if thse party deoline to enter loto a contract when called upon to do so, or if bc fail to complete tise work contracted for. If thse tender be not accepted tise cheque will be returucd. The Department does flot bind ltscîftOn accept t11e lowest or any tender. By order, O.RRY Acting Secretary. Department oet Public Worksl Ottawa, 21st Jonc, 1900.J Newspapers inserting f his advertisement withoui authority froin the Depariment will uoi bc paid for 10. 26-2w SEALED TENDERS addnessed te the undcrsigned, and endoreed 'Tender for Pier 1. tht-LowerDivisioni of thec Harbor niMonireal" sill bc rcceived ai tis office until Friday, tise 200h day of Jnly, 1900, fortise construction of a Iigis lével pie nd udhakiseads in tise Lnwer Division ni tise Harbor of Moîtreal, Que. Planesund specification can be seen ai ibis Depanim-eni sud et tise offices o nry ~~vA lra. WA'D * iýlÎÏ- U 1 a '---e êw- le- le- ap-- do- T -e- -e- -e- -e- -To Examine Our Seeds-. Phey are strictiy first-class, and having testd I the same you.can rely on getting a crop. CORN.-4 Giant Prolifie, Improved Leaming, Selected Yellov, llorsetooth, and Red Cob, . MARNGOL.-4 Mammoth Saw Log, Danish Sugar Beot, = Yellowv Leviathan, Royal Giant Sugar Beet. zý TURNIPS. Jumbo, Sutton's Champion, Gray Stone. ý Skirving's Improved Purpie Top, Batngholm. -ZI Purpie Top., LIVERPOOL LAND SALT IN,, BAGS. BomAýNILE.!ighestý price paid for ail farm roue.- I.___-, -71 lies ' Bl3 ous es.. in the ùâatest styles . And ail kinds of Blouse Mater- iais. gýC-EADQJARTERS foir Men's Ready Made Cloth- ing. A f ew Ladies' Costumes and SprÎng Coats to clear at COST. Next door to Standard Bank. THIS IWEEK I $0((TLA-Ogodfrpr- '-perty. Interest 5 per cent per av. nom. Apply to. A. JAmEs, Bowmanville. SWe have a very, large assort ment of patternls at 5c. per roil and upward. Window Shades Inl ail colors and wîdth f romi 50C. Cuirtain Polos Oak and Mahogany Triiarings to match, 30c. each. Roôm Moulding ~ Tomatch, any shades of'paper at low prices. Pictures and Framning We have ti(,e largest stock ia' town and chcap. WÜ. T. aln BG20« DR. J. COL-%VILLAE, (--i ADUATE 0F TOGONO U1VESIT ý....and Trnity University. Office Over st Nigist cails answered froma residence of Mni Davis, Beecis Ave. 5-f DR. J. S. SOMERS,DENTI.T, GRA DUATE OF THE ROYAL CO-LLrLGE Bd Of Dental Sungeons, Toronto. C.rowu sud Bnidýe work a specialny, OFF'ICE:-639 Spdna Ave., Toronto. 16 -tf. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON,,Q. C., CHAS. P. BLAIR. Barristers, SolOctane, Notarie,- etc., Morris, Block,>up-staine, King Stre..î. Bomanville. Solicitors -for tise Ontario Bank. Private moncys loaned ai lowcst ranci" H. P. HLTNTER, R ARRISTER., SOLICITORÜ, N O T ARH Puble h ievncr. onv.Prîv,, i DENTISTRY.' G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate On Dcntistry of Toronto Un".' versity. Ore'c:-Over Cooch, Jolhaston ar.( Cryderman's store, Bnwmauville. 18-lyr. F ZARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- -2Biglot 28, concession 1, Danlington, con- tainining 126 acres. Plowing possResion tis faîl. Appy te CuÂs. A. ANNme, Port Union. 24-sw* FSALE OR RENT-That desir aOReresidence On tise town of Bowmanville,, formerly owned and occupied by tise laie Mrs. Holland. Tise wbole On tiorongh repair. Terms of sale or rentai can bc ascertaincd upon arpli- cation tb W. Il. HOLLAND, Executor, 46 Dunu Ave., Toronto. 244w 8[[' MY "WRIiN "I revel in My freedomi. Compare Il with the first you saw from my peu."1 Se wrltes a teacber from N. Simcoe who spent ut term with us last summer. We eau develop good business writers be- cause we bave tlvo ot the best poumon On the country on our staff. We are q uite as strong lîanded On every other epartment. Enter any time No va- cations. Secial Summer Term from July 8rà. OUr circulars explain, write for tbern. TORONTO. W.- H. SHAW,, Principal. Lake Ontario and Bay ot Quinto S team- boat Company, (Limited.) m - 1' 99 - 1

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