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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1900, p. 7

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f 5 I. e Rev, Dr. Talmage 5peaks ofIt hue Thoti ýin a recliable genleman like oasSimmoý,-i(ns, of Chaf.. Ont, steaml- cornes forward On his c)wil ac- //count and adds ta the 'value of 9 amedlical Cure, lu? e jba levai et tise sea. A'mis- ýjý)eIle public has inr euie iacenccntric cm- îàassurance that oieas, and foancd Oee-trea thsirly1-five >5.SIMO.thee ssoe hudred years ehd-]iOngl-ràooed, broad dese-vig atenton. ff brlarucisas, ahi tbe year ici luxuriant leservng attntion. Offtoiage. MY text intimatess lisu for the past two years, lie Crs1 sts ear u h sol nced initenise pain down thei fro U li quartera are lise birds Ibal rerve. So severe was it'iîodge ansong tisa branches. "I ýs that lie was unable ta hîoaa od juar u na the throttle of the engine, 'ilshalldwahl al towl cf evary wing."1 ,uld be oblïged ta lay offAsiiEaislm, se now-Cislrist! ;. "eforthefrstbtîleissugoodly radar, sud te hîm are fiy lal's heuatc Cre adicg ail kinds of pepla--young ,snd -la lis Reumaie ureha oId, ic'b ad pon; maei igb-sapIring rand"said Mr. Sim- 0 1I cou]d feel the bcneficial as eage bs irea ien u and those gan'lae as the dove. "Al a n d by th e timne I liad u sed r fowl of every wing."- wasconpltey Cured. Eînz, tILe youug may comaý. (of nst spring 1 have been en- the afghteau hu'ndred sud saventy- >ee fromi pain. Dr. Hall's oue years that have _Passeci, about iatic Cure did It.", 1 sixeeihunudrad b-ava been wasted by dI'shaumiatic Cure Ie put up i bbc rg9oed in misiirecled efforts. Un- it botties, eont,ining ton days tii Robent Raikes cama, tisane was ne t. Foar eae by ail drug-ist raazdefotfrsaigtreyug tran edcie.TiseDr.ïïiinl W/e ancd eIffort reng le tYong.t e Co.. Kingeýton, Ont. 'e a steghtri o bernd' olc trý.ees,"wheci a uitIle pressure w-ould have been sutticiant ton tise T R O BANK qý1Phng. We laime go deavn te tise vey bot c fsn eo w try te ode a Generai Banklng BuinýfieSS at lifftI'bm up. [t is a great denT easieil lle Agauc1y. sof kaep a train on the, traok thanu to DEP SS 4ei on, wben it is off. Tis -xpni j, Saviegs Bank iDearatme'it a ccd nmnd!cbecks tise fîery lovçýed at currant rates. NoticeOOf slead it lise first jUMP, for wbha i lnb ecesay. 11depsis pyalegets ;ia full swing, the swifft boots EXCHANGE cinkitig tire fnom tise pavement, and ýd olçaiiDiftsisse ponEurpetisabit betwe bis teelli, bis memea-, Lt aud Canada, aise &old. Silven and lum is irnesîstîble. ILt is said thal the tes renbacks hought and sold young m'-st houlo-wad Io5,.'w Ltie,* COL LECTIONS "wild eas." I have acîiccd that iada atcorrant rares iupon all partsi those wbo sow thain wild cals seldomi itan hnlnueiitaeaand the Do- n ta ide rp ianada. try le raisean tekidocrp egrap Tranfers Heaven la lu eue direction, bail is lu anothar. If yen ana geing te beaven, ange on emailsuins en ail parti ofý [i isjeecIaIy1, adaaageot ye ad batetba t heIbstraigbî road, lu Mantoba vor the Noth-et GadntÉYtgooBsonb %y1 1undg available at ouce at tesi tpulnayeegol oso b a t.of New Orleans. W/bal is te ha tbe e cirtclascciattba bauk. bisbory cf this multitude et Youngt ~~t - _Qaer peopla wbo sit ud stand aneund me -to--uiigb-t I1 wL ake yen by tha band and ýishow vyen a giories ucnce e~n w , etwbiiaabout Ibis Ihing, 1non ~JJ~ ~groan) about lb; but coma, Youug mcai and mnaidaus, Jasus wacits you. HiS baud is lae; bis voice le music; bhis, smile la bea van. Religien wiil pet Lieale'Vï U nohandeuffs onyobsr wrist, n op on ou feinoiindonTou fre stop baýkîng altogether. WVe can gel a;t LUTTRLL'S, Boranile,suchgood Bread anid P-ns, and Pies, and Calkes, and Mr. X.--Ai ll t Sarahi, don't tell, mie any more. It will ne donbet be the best plan for the summner anyway. A x.Luttreil. Bi-ke and Coife tioue(ýr, Bowmanville p" -sud "flow yon are gwindied.1" i rougis sketch on modal of yeiur in- rimpirovenb itaici vcsviilteiiyou spiiiiou at o mvietlitr iliI. prohably1 e. Rejectted applications have efteu cessfnlly proscculedI by us. Wc1 fîlly eqsuppedl offices su Montreal1 isîngion ;Itlisqsualifie us to promnpt.< ých worklarp.i scd atnt ýivc epecl navewpaper I>y t-Paten id lýnieei ARIJON BOOK f-Iegged ( nita Again: I remanb that tisa olci may coma. Von say, "Suppose a man basý te go on crutolas; supposa le is blind; suppose lia is deat ; suppose that cime- tanIsacf lie lite las been wasbed."1 Tisen I aswer, Coma wîtb crutchas; omae, old man, bliid and den, comae te Jasus. If yen wouid swaap youn haad arounci bera youn hhiud eyas, tle final Ihiag yen wculd tond weuld be théc cross. Il is bard for an aged mran or wcman te lava grewu old wiisont religion. Tlein laste bas gen1e. Tha ppeh and the grape have leel thair, flavor. Tley say tînt scmeisow fruit doas net baste as it u seal te. Their isasng gets detec- tiva, snd thay miss a groat deal tînt la sid la blair presance. Thaîr friands bave ail gene, and averyhcdy seems te go away tnom Ihseu, andi tbay are lef t all alone. Tbey isegici b teel icitise way wbea yen coma liet bbc reous wleea tiey are; and thay move their chair nanveusly, and say, "I bope I am net ici thc way." Aise! Lti. Hi. seraeraîîvesç 1 at fathar nand moîbanebouc.i aven thiroui Marlon &ia- r h ii thc way. W/ban yen wre ic notice vitlsout chargelu r, distribubtec througisout andi tiey ast up sîl nigisl nockicig you, nt business of Manuufac- siuging te yen, administerng tb yen, ne. did Ibcey tbiub Il I yen waeein tle &MARION \waýy I Ana yen tireci et tisa hd pao- 'ta nd SII~i~~~. pie I Do yencnamp them up quicb andc ork L.fe ,'id'er, riontreai? :le nWlg,WsshiisgtanDC. harpI God wihl cuî e yen te the ___bona fer your ingratitude acidukiaci- 0F TUE IEARS Anees. ;Tise vary baci, tle outrage- hotsdOther toÉieS.'l ously aintul, may coma. Mca talk et tbc grace et Gocias houg it vene se msny yards long, i sud se msny yards deep. Peaple peint s te the dying bliet as an encourage- i lmciii 10tise sinn. How muLchbebt- tebwould ha te point to oun own adSay, ',IfGoci us, Tisrama' a bosa ipsene wiso nover bac i ee aîa ,%ordî said tote eu L bot isaî1n seulS. Cosdrme ns i i iutiug y baud ou ye)tr shonidar, su id loobicig ini yaun tye. God bas 1),beau gocd te yeni. Voî ab, "Helw do os Tie av-agedOrosi":you new tisaI IeHe a!as een vany iri Baisq, "The '.ia W, PojzssIble Tilles 0 (f Future r d umcn," " VTbara didiiren coma ci of ffer," "o W Ni,,, e -l i v ïasses" etc., et« ehi ii ru ""cc"'Tsnyuhv loih, pinitec an «rra 10hom. Hvayen a ven liakeiGod li hee t hum orei s i,, ook .pu b-' IledPeidafdor $i ÇC O t youn hme IHava yen Iidrn" 1forur211 s Misius- . Y"Vas.",Hv e ve bne ild free. GCives Teuthse loy- lý Ilv-Yo1 v t:týnk ( hoke ddrass ailw~ders te f or yoen iiidrn IW/ho kýapis tbhem NER COP - Cr '-r'ai e na yen aven io e "Vs'." trr, Ale ran, Ohia. iccioreghl raui~'.J-maîo. Who ade ýyen well!' Have yon beau ted avar day ? Who taadm you ? Put,ý your baud on youir pulse? W/ho niimaka Ut throh I Listaru b the respir ation ot your luugs. Who belps you te breathal Hava yenu a Bible lu the bouse spread- ing befone yen thse future 11f e IW/ho gave you that Bible?1 Oh! il bas beau a story of gooduess taad marcy al the way througb. Ycu have beau oaa of God'm pet children. W/ho bas fond- led you sud carassed you, and loved you ? And whan you went aosray, and wauted to coma back, did ha aver re- fue X know ot a t ather, who, af- tar bis son cama back the fourî hi time said, "No; 1 torgave you tbrce times, but 1 will neyer torgive yon again." Aud the son want off and diad. But Gcd takas back bis chlciren the thbcu- saaaidtb tima as cbeerfully as the first. As eaa.ily as with my barcdkarchiet 1 ftrike the dust off this book, God will wipe- out ail your sins. O this mancy of God 1 am told it ie an icean. Than, 1 place onit'Our swftt qailing craft, -with c'psand cbats ad coîeigging, and skil- fui navigatorsý, and 1 tel tbam to 1launcli away, and i discovar for m- Ithe ,-72'tenit of- Ibis ocean. That craf t puts out lu one direction and sails te the norlh; Ibis to the soutb ; this te the easit! this te the west. Tbey crowd on aIl their canva-s a tndt sail tan thous- aiud years, and oaun day coma up thse harbour cf beaven, and 1 silbout ta tfhem from the, beach, 'Have you tound the shore P' and tbey answar, "No shore to God'.s marcy 1" Swift an- g as. di pa ched ft(no m Ibe t broe a a- îempt to croPs it. For a mlinyeatrs tisey tly aund tiy, bu t then comaiebsc]Iý andl told tiseir wiags at tie foýot' ef tisa Ibrune and cny "No shore! ne shore, te Ged's Mercy 1 Ageli. ahi tise dyiug i iifinlù Ibeli nsý ici Ibis goodily cedan. lb is cruel te destnoy a bird's nesl ; but deatis dees ciel heeitat o te dsîroy oaa. There was a beautitul ciest ici the nexl streat. -Lejvingiy tise parents bneeded oer il. ýTisaee ycre two or tbrea ilitthe robins iin the cest., Tbe scanlet tas an thmnist ils bot bauds icito the' nesl, acid the birds ana geon e. Only thoýse ana saLe wise have îl -ir naît ici'the geudIly cedan. Thay bave over theus "tha teathers et tise Ah1- miigby." Oh!1 le bave tisosa ,sÉt, warm, eternal wing3 streîcbadýý over isl ILet lb-a storme sbeat, and Lte branches et tha e, tartoou tha wine ,:d -ne danger. W/han a slonacomasI, yen can Iboa the birds flying te the( w code. Ena the storna et dearli uumea dowa, let us tly 10 lbha goodly cedsn. Of abat great varietieýs beaven wiil ha madle up Thara coma' men who once were liard sud cruel, and desper- your mirror today. Take 'a last look at iiqir. Itsure- 1- may be helaât if you want lt sa; y ou n1eedn'ke your gray hair a week lon.,ger than you wish. The re's n1o guesswork atout ilhis; it's sureevery ti me. use- or three weeks notice how >niuch younger you ap- pear, ten years younger at least.-> Ayer's Hair Vigor also cures dandruif, prevents falling of the hair, makes hair grow, and is a splen- did hair dressing. ht cannot help but do e these things, for it's a hair-food. When the hair is well fed, it cannot help It makes the scalp healthy and this, cures PAthe disease that causes "My Lair vas comiug ont bailly bcmt Ayar'e E'au Vigr $topped na fallisîg suddliasrmade a ir er j tiý,Lzk sU[ d uelidnrkel' isisbefore. 1Ithilk tiere s Leatlnug like il for thebsr" CiÂ1.LÂ Lpril 25,1855. Y'arovt, I.T. If yen ade ast ebtafu ail tise bepefcis you defr om tio se ceof ibe Vîgor, vrte 15 deto abut l, ddrege., Dii .. . YEILowdl, Ma8ss LITERARY NOTElS. -eynnell, Silver- & Co., ot No. 24 W/est 22nd Street, N.Y., will publish imme- diately au tntensaly interesting and limely book for oùeau voyagers, en- ttled '"Old Ouýeaui's Ferry; the Log of tha Mod".em Mariner, the Transatian- tic Tavelr, ad Quaint Fades of Neptuuas Heala,cmiled by John Celgae Hoy. It L, a ollation of odd and satu inormaionfor nautical traval and stranige teaturas of the A dspalcis fro'm Wasbicigîo'n says: -ev.Dr.Tjialmage preachac iahem th oleowici« text:-"AII towl et aýver-y wng".-Ezekiel xvii, 23. T.he cedar oaf Lebayina lea royal tree. Il stands six tlhcusaud foot giaunae s, .-,1.-- ---o ----- I I -,!--. ----fighllin îthe history of Aaisipi FO OERFfeL'l ' ~vatý,ean S, Rcid's greaitfight ii île Gailurl Armstrorng," against the milloi~ f mllersfo îîs~r~iî1dennii .Tbe S. S. McClure Co., New taeethiiig. I ilne Iaigtsd brokan of with tihe pain et iutiog tethsnut once ad Srb n'a Magazine for June i)pans I 1er Ohlildneu Testliuîg. h it i1 relitea the poor wîtisau article apprepnîste le tise saen. little scîfferer aieuces. Depend ccii l,mothers, 6sou et ustionial conveutions. It is ais. Lisera îe inistake aboutiti. 1Lt cures Dlianrba titled Hovw a Prasideut Is Elected, and regniates thea stomacis sud howelq, cnas Wlid- - Callie, se lieus thse geis, reducen iuýjm matioa i give-s a vîew behîad tle scenes efthîe and giestouesandf euergy ce tise à,hdh, îyâtena. wsayii wbich tle great macbiany et Sns . lna11.ows' Soothing Syrup form ciildnen a Presideutial elaction is put ici tathiog i la essant te a taota s.iid 1le epre- oin Aita rii tntoa iceriplien 0foDeaof the--eidast asud hajsT feuile mto.Aote atce-fntoa laysiclans and nurses je thse Ul States -icteret la Are the Philippines W/orth pue25c a boutle. Sold -tIl i rLugý,'lgs tisre gis IHavingî? by George F. Becker, a Unit- eut tiseworid. Be surs sud ask fi forMa .U. ed States geologiel who recenlly spant BLO S'SoohinZ ý' vrw,ýmea Ian a y car in the isiands. Mn. Richard Harding Davis bas beau toi- PARADE 0F 'THE TROOPS. îowiug Ganeral Buller's columa, and ____ is tirst article is publishad ic itbs Slageglas'gatlce t nh e S 4ei vî iaai numben, describiug bbc battisetfPie- l South Aîfrea Shessclice an"Icieuipa t,r's Hill. Auyocie neadingt Ibis î'cri"rarticle will actually follow the Britiali à core.spodeui riWýsoldheaoii wblle tbey are lskiug a fonti- corr.spndan wnteste te Ln- ied kcpje. It is a brillisut pictuYi' et don Dsiiy Ex-,preuss suggesting ani a battie under nmodern conditions. The "Impanrial msnch pa it h aîe Oldcîbn adaetfthe pctrejepnesanted Counstry. Ha es;ys. byI Thomas F. Millard, anl American "On the eturli comnr spocide:nth wiso bas beau witb the "Ou le atua e cu Arm" a tb BorIimy, sinre eaniry ic i te wan. Ha fr Ont let tha wb[ole (eft tetroopîsZ, 1P r (idsc, a ve-ry grapbhicily bhow the isb sud Coloniail, ai prse iuSoulh Boa11'-s ight, ebow,,-iug heir cusique Atrica, with ali île gunsý, baggaga, ani mehod,- ett d tac£ and daeuca. Gov- aernrR*ooseveit cenohudles bis mono- comsaitwaggous, mri utbrois019 graph iinCnomwelwitb îiJia judiclous Groat Bnibain trom Southampten te summany cf the, great Fnotecior',s 1Invernil ss-via Lond(onî, ni Lo rd qualities as a personal mien. Barrie's Robants andl Kitcheuer aI Ibepir -ed great seriaI, Tommy sud Grizal, k, On thlunaîl wibb intense inleret.Cale lat tbemIsbtaici as mauy etrbc ang Major, tle author cf W/ban Kuiiglil- tomwii, as possible an rout1e, ;la11, i,(VIis bo-ociW/as Îu Fiowenr, wriîas an essaiy psaiIhrougb, bogethanr witbli te eouitled W/bat l'S Historic AfImes- radiuis, te koep holiday for t'ise day. bicbareOf importanluoain th Tieuauds would visît oaicL I et'teililsion wb,,icb is necassary lu good, tavoured Iewcs to e1 ale sudd henhiteiclficion. John Fox, Jr., our Anmy, and nacruits woujid Jein by a'uthor0et Hal-ter-Sarbain, witsan bundrade. culdoor sketch cubitled Down-i the Kontucby on a'Rafb, which le tuii.eto "Af tan reaahin.g Inverness, ts the Lamuiising moutain characters turu siould ha made by a different hicb iha bnows so well. Edit W/bar- route, the varions regimentýs tailiiug boa, author of Thc Touchetona, bas a out as bbey raacbed the neanest point 'stcry lu dialogua entilled CopJy, whicb iSil artlminiscenca of tisa love aftains of te thair naw quartera. A mardet bfiis a great cieveliat anid a great peet. The description would ha e na c uld's play tiretOf etsverai railroad stonies by a for he toop inued t th foriednon' writen, Louis C. Seaýgar, is publiis- for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~E lI.topinrd10ts occ dnder 'the ible et Train 14, with marchas sud baties of lisevar; il illustrationis by Clinadinet., Anethar wonld giva the wbole counlnyi an op- briet sketch is Tise SIen,- ol a Tin portunaity of joining ici th isjuilationis Soldien, by Rloy Rolfa Gilsoni. Sema eto that are ssually coatincd te London, baarheptproduced sud bcrief ly dia- sud oae olr tiv et tise langer town js; cci HnieS.Mortris. TLhe Ficld would atm isathenation te its depîihssroetArt centainspprbyteuî- give evenyenae, old and Young aubke, an eutainIer sud crîiic, JohnILat Fanjge. ides of the magnlitude and amagisi- IatceoaTeRla tLdsi tica-ncacf the Britishi Armoy, and create iiiseJuy cnhur'givas grpbi snob a wave cf paîn',iotianati lîrouigb- s u mviag ipesofetthaenf- ent tha 1lngilis ani bneaIdtl cf Grant teiargsii privations anduneili tis Bilsin as las ncver bean taît bfne"lrý-eiae ity ud etfisIbnl APPROPRIATE., Yociag Bainabridga gave lite tianocae an oddi enggaýiwnatprsentl, sii Larbin 'b Gilray, W/t-lr ,as it? A bicycle.. A haëll went w,%itb tise wiseel, Isup- Tfison ha inieiudad t iat tb provide T?ce Great Rngliili Resnecp. -e S folci anti recommendeti by druggistdsiîlaCanada. Only rel abus medine discovemed. Éa cgess gssroateecf toecure aIl -arine of SaxU4 . Vakue ss, ai, affects af abuse or ecee,.1 a'r ,, Exce-ssive use of Te- bacco, Opium or Stimnulants. Mlled on receipi f prioes, one package $i, six, $5. anUpls, st eu re. Ppamphlets free tûavay atidress. The Wood C(lemauyWindsor, Ont. Stott & Jury, ifig"gi)tnhoiam & Soul; oreo hy J. Glîilani; NwçsloibDr. Farucinhe. forsja n h5ir masi csedfi I dyrd Kipling, Dr. S., Weir Mit- tf/ prctcereisvng cd ureg Ichel ah,n Itaclaren, Cyrus fowcisand ir umnber of puer)sneeifri g Brady, Julia Magruder and Mrs. Bur- tram ton Kingsland are amoug tise con- tributors te the Juna Ladies' Home KID EYJournal. Semaeof ils notable tea-] DIS EASES uras are. The Passion Play This~ WIer Yar, The Richast 'Womac'iniciAm- -uricacidiin tbhbinod, etc. ebr rica, (Hatty Greaen), How Soe Fa- i itId ceci ye.n$-, o o haunder ilian Thiags Cama to Be, sud 'fhe tbe ars of theserzpsciaiits c r cffering their valuble mnedc-ine-a Mastarpiace et Mary, Queaa of Scots, specifircur-fra. i t. i1box, .e picturiug an apron worked by that y0cr crugg-ist's, or b y mail. unfortunata sovoraign whila ici pri- - ý)ilawaiting the axacutioner. Dr. S. ELECTINEMý1EIFICIPEC0. Weir Mitcball's article, W/ban, the Collage is Hurtful to a Girl, is sure TOR 0 Nro k: et a wida readiag; 50 are , Ian Mac- 1~ORNfO...laran's viows on The MiaistLer and isý Vacation. Mr. Kipling's hist-sci n; ~ ston-y humorously accounte for tiha kaigareo's long bind legs, and is the EiÇctine Kidnuay Beýaci3S sldby tures of the June Journal ara tbe STOfT T & JURY, drggssBomn-hst et bis series. The tiction fea- ville opeaicig chapters of Julia Magrudar's ______________________________ ew erial, Thse Voice in the Choir, nd The Autobiography ot a Girl. A ate ici ickednass, yat now, 0otLtand d1raming by A. B. Frost, Tise Auction cbanged by graca-,,Ibey coma into at tHe Farm, a sanies of p)hotlographas glory: Ahfo"viai vary wiig,"' And soigSol Smnith I.uss l aHis, Summr Hoe, and views Trui liera tbehy coma, ithaochiuldrnvwho eie-PcuaqeAelolneibn rearac'd ilalovinig ioeiceflociuinarstboheexcellenit numbare. By Ibrougis the, gates eof lite: "hfowl 1off The Curtis P ub)ih ilig Ce.,Fua a1Var'y wag" he-e ware wie api.Oaa dollar a year; Ètan conta and cae rom Nontheýru hom--es; these acoy w-,era bLack, and asceuded trous Southi- The Juenn ocf _Mdclureý's arn plantations; thae wnaccpper- panticuilarly sýtrong and vanied ic,ýitIs colounaid, and wa3ntuip from I1ndiacicotj tboth -ýas reýgards f, ictI(liosd resenvations: "Ail f owl c et every toful frcc euil 5prry wing." ed lu n sue cîrsud y hyF. Se God gathers tisam up. .-It isaastoar- Edmunnd Grel Ecletportraits iehiiag hb o aýsy iit lafori geo sul ut K'ýrugra I is i,, ara included. te enter beavec-i. ApromjinanýLt huai- A_ lyisrld ril ntaCp Noma Gold iels yWill'1iam J. naese man n la Philadetlpia wan homlLamlend"1ieeslite ii Nuea Cityl Ona atenolydw ntalugwhiîch hl "the langeaI e. t is ;age la anld said, "Il is lie1 ormc-e,(j ' etise world," ani gives 'Ïiba LaÈýt sisnd wasvey ge. isdagbarsa id teexactestl intormation ava.ilablia con- hlm,"Areyousicki" H sad, "o; erniug tise possibilities etfthi na ilim "Ae yu sik?"11tgeid region. Experimauts ici Flyiisg, by bu il i s tlima f oîr ma 1(go. 0av . Chanuote, is an accouaI cf _bbcau- Johbn put 4t ici lwo tif tIe,(- nïiing îor's own flying-macbines, oae cf papens, that myfisay know; whicb was so consînuctuci as ne main- Ibhat I in mgeine.Godbe"ad as tain sucaesstully a speaýd ot savanteca miles au heur. Oua of the momt sîrik- quick ase ibal, Gedd , itak ibimn. ilg featunas et the numben Le a nbnil- le i eaî~y e g wiaci ha imeliug naval story et tbc Japaciesa-Chin- comas. There are no epsîhe ee war by Adacbi Kinnosnka, wbo is oui, to pull usabena; thea are ne sîmothlias nly axisliHng Jpn Istiders leitdowni te pl Ius upi.- Christ wîewoeltrr a oomas sud takes by the bacUtid sud wiiteraboisheltaay raputaiii bas says, "Vnhave had anoug12" of 1Iis; ene als- h i vki coma phjbU. o o12orallyEiglisis languaga. The icurs re wben you p]ucitî iý,!Le bux rt feu cfIl£act!ion snd usually ,affective. nais b"u Jses buc1 îbu aditi-,l ont Iis, Ibere ara sevenal and the rnad n of nbeal bvvite'olrgodsotstne.Terssas mbbcll t minalp yanatu isoia ln b hoa.C ,I Poe.-be stor-r of the ore,'et1 Clark, :a new -writarr, pind a satireby' Soid pGold. SeatChaplin Pentitlad ;Tha Stfa'i- Bes -old Fui 1.50 ad-Gass olitcal latfumnehia amougtha ilustrtionsara. raprod(ucý-'5yGodl10 tiens oif an uapubilied portrit oM-Ba lass. 0 Alexacider Hailton, hy Sharpîcs, We LIuarautne erfc aifcin anccompanyîng a latter coniiiriing n PTGÂ1 a wbriraon cA bisslayar, Aaron IAL 0 BEurr; vi iîiunpubi.,shed pbotogcapb aiof Yoýn2e Street. Terorito. Priq4ht and Seth Rgr I Ask Y Our Friend zabout King Quallity Shoes, Ten to one she'11 say "there., are inone b-etter.", They are- fa-vorites wivth Y, good. r esbcuethey a-rec otle a n d y e t stylÎsh-,stylls and yet eco. noxuical. Ask aqn expert their price, and he'11 s"l>I/ say "$5"-he'd be wrong-for while ' they are worth it, our price is $3. 'YAOPl A R K That's one secret oif theýr sticcesa. Ask to see King Qualit-y Shoes." Made by J..,D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto_ MA KE NE OS IESDMEN ed yustmcd xpoure %e oneavttyrte th91il eur o,>d ' 3agüga me"-tràue et th blogom f maho * hileo er'Dit forc ta u aIfert victim Fare foun1d in al sdtions of 1jfe-The farna, th o i, et wor e p, the Lotrades uand the pirofoesions. _______ ,â RE8TORED T ANOO7-0R.K.4M c War. A.A- ML-TE1U WïlA. WALKES, >1.CAS I3B, HS RT SnwauT2E~MW~AFPTR ET=m vorced bnt cUnited igaîn ~~N NAES R TSTIONILS SEDWITNOUT WRIITTEN C0NSNT.« _____________ W. . aikâr 0of lthet gt5aYs:-"ý ia 79 SY HLi ntoida gcllies;formjy "gay life." vagn 1i therhoe, utiand throat, bene pne sions, beooia STR I TU RE ugernsilocamoo, '1 depne T. en doctors ted me -W7t cMav Ou R ED ~~Potash, etc. Tehle ebtouc Finilafrenindce nltore.] ri.e yK hr New Method Treatuient red me in a few weeke, Theirf,'i-atmTetIon zicý W-~CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED 1 Capt. Chas. Frysy:'Ioem ieta Dra. K. & K. Ât14 1 learned a bad habit. At 21 1 lidail the eymptoms IP of le mial Wealîness and B permatorrhoe 0 EMssion mcd eakeninmg -1;' tymavried etVA IfllÉ -,1uner a vice of, my fanadly doctor, but it fts d xperin aeightobn montth e vvere divorce.! M 1 u 4oîsultsd Urs. h. & K., Who geSt-erd me ta M7.1hoo ~hyhei .Nw sih4 2reUmet. felanw lte hrFltîough r y n;rves. We vere onitedagain and are happy% n~vas __E_________D_ 17 i 0 lEf iT , 2C e% v tqCUR fNo RIS1 cfChrg. oags eanbi.BCOCKS FREEL Tc a .a îioz" (iIIý dae5),on 1,O NAME8Z USED: WITHOUT %,V ï- EN CON1SENT. R- VATL n - -edicin D .O.No name11S on boxes or eênveIs rythng ontlentaiQuesionPutaricicosI o? Treaýt-$ 1r48 SELBY ST. ýî%QE à L ETRO IT, rlMciOH.t ing scenas foillowed the incoming Lîncoin; 1,î the frontispieceaflgrav- of Bulaer's troops. 1He says: "To cng by T. Cole f rom Turners Ulyssea anyone who bas sean Ladysmnith the Deriding Polyphemus.. wonder grows not only that it was Paderewski sailed for Europe 0on ever relioved but that it was ever the sixtee nth of May af ter, a woil- defended." derfully ucesu season in Amerioli-a - - - During bis travels ho bas beena wor)k. One of the Most roi ibjla a rtfrcles The ing upon The Century ILibrary of Century bas ever is , Tha pro,_ Music, which Thei Century Co. vill hlem ucf Increaaing HuiiLm Energy, soon hegin to publish with Mr. PA-. cotihtdto the Jtune numbati)r Iy erewski'as editor-in-chiaf. It will apý- Nikoia T ý4la, the eleetr ic invesigo-1 pear îi-n twrnty volumes, cont1ainiing tor. Mr. Tasia!a regards mankind ýas a richly-i*llustrated articles upon tho3 body ini mionr, and addraesseýs hm greatcmosr of the woldvrit'. self' o tha p1,roh4eM 0f inc:raýsîng its tatn by other cmosrandi with force. Thi Yai ha donc in tbre-ways- 1musie bch will icÙt h ra byitcraasînlg its mass, re ducfng its of pia1no-forte cliterailrv, minldng frictiio,end adsing to its valocityv. Pdrwk' nierprorec Tits mnass is chiafly reduced hyý lacI1 of place pnewýi y fingar, ïePbhrased andIC fuLood, aud te increase the food supply pdlàkd acri othe ý liest ha would utiliza, as fertilizers, hyd- and bighes.t sadrl.Tha work l roygen compotindseaxtracteci froma the baingrapairad undpr M.Pdrw a-cmosý hy the chamical action ski"s, 'eso S sper'visýion. 'Tho of a!ectrî't dîscborges. The chieffrsyimwllpealaepme. frictional alament diminishicig valu- city 15 organized warfare, adliel- would lesseci the asrutiensscf future battlas hy pouîgelatrie 1'1A y machinas that would figlitwthu inolin te xpsne f Üthose whu NG IF T thus taking the personal animus out CU T N of war. Thaý transmission of inteli -____ i vi i sceivea jil l)ltceat ai en demanci dotuglit ean V ibed Sma ýnited St Frompltly r il Great cBr miIsimiancf ( -_ Tel' ýlInde forla Canda. 'f scile living miakes isa nt pnymaut Fol' other A. J. MC Agr Alrs, X.

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