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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1900, p. 8

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J, IGGNBOFIm & SON ~~-The ~riglit place to btiy BOWMANVILLE, JUJIE 27, CLARKCEUNION, 1ev. J. P'. BerryV, Prince Ed' visited a few lays at homne recentl Mr. and Mrs' Lias BerrY,ated Model Faria excursion .... Mrs.1 Crawford, Toronto. bas bleen vi> her siýster, Ms.Aldini Parker ... tva Kelley is visitilg hler aunit, entlv vsitedaIColvîlle Bres'. The worst knsor splitting aches caln be reieedla imniu Milburn Steri eadache Pem ITho bydon't cdeera's flte heart Tyone nion pci asdoff vr TI<IIONE. T-v- -- a Leasn ofhalth uetly. Thie threatening weathr 0I I S N 1900. whe We doubu pre3ven1ted a considerable 1nmber, you mmattenig.Games and races Our Natîvwerepar"bpd"winas Umual y theBOW A fouigsers whlof t110111lyen- [Ward, ~joyed thieisel \es. FOIllowvin iis a 1list of !y, iieprize- winners: 53 id race, bens 7 rr aad under, Bruce Iloneywoll, Lorne fPI Blake Sanders; 50ý yd race, girls 7 y rs and EEATNWMP FOTROCIEA siting ~~~~~~~~~undidr, Edith ondgdlon, Effie JT. Man-LLUI TNWMP FOTROGVpA Miss rnnig; 75 yd race, boys 12 y rs and undei, Vie will give with every $5.OO cash puirohased Miss Ho ward Saunders, Wilbur %Wight: M 1thjs rmoatarhbenm P0dt a f and T'1~1Afrvd rc, iL2 vears and unker, E-1a n.,arlabe eu-o-aeMpo1 rec -alt Sanders, Pearl Sknner100 d race, This mnap is 3 feet square conveniently mounted in ColtWbod ee h ia os, 1G6 yea-s and ndfer, Wihsnform showng townsisad0,ut i-erira Col h ghtkepth itlOtto Sand"ers, 100 yd rac gurs wnhpadconyneaira head- orgatis fortifled agaiues uumewr 16 years and under, Addie Lindsay, po(st offies, aso index givi»ng population of al ddrs se.Oabxenogo2O.aLxeg E lSanders, itigin Wrcight-10 d ac twn, nd vilages. These nmaps are marked '$9.5 Iici m. il OJ~Jt~ crïX7;sà HaS, S 1 Ci Wnd , - ~ ~ .. ~ ~ .j. :.~j d~ui~~ u..ii..montre ur .......~wui ~hk n a i Arbur .catlcun Sau.n ac., 7Ca-v Mr~oý -vOLAItoadful, ee liln;~Vvli ~O~fg±ea~et LiiuVc, in Lri) wve<1 UOWn te h A M A Ë L U-.a %W. LactUe& W aists and -Waïst Material. WI VIIAT A DFEEsETHE 4( Oxfo rd Z WVilIî make in yonr kïltchex-until yen cee its patented impreve- - .tii yol're a hocusekeeper call at our nearest agent'S and ex- ~ i ni Ls rew features asnd de-vices for saving tîme, trouble, and -~ ue-me irst cost of the rang-e is a simail malter whylen yoil Con- -9 sider the years IA economy, emfort, and conrveniience il wlll give. FOR SALE BY Mason &X-Dae.c' -9 Thec Gutrney Fou;ndriy Co., Limiited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver.Z "Success" for July is fasinatiriglyý, Mr. S. S. McCure has secured fromi gcood. The s-ecrer of thl&,iagazi,,ne is Ruidyard Kipling a series of stories of to find iOut the eMergywhc the South African war. The first en- eýcry hmnaýn iiog-even the duiest titied "The Ouitsider" wiIi appear in the -possesses, and start themginJUlY nUnmber Of MCCLURE'S NMag"a7iie, Pubfl)shed ai Akron Ohio, at 81.00ù per TroE S, S. MCCLURE CO.,14-5 East year. 5thSt.,NwYOK The Iavellous Record of cares made 'Dy Dr Pitoher's Baok- aýche Kidnley Tablets in EveY Section of the Country is Alwuays Backed by Solue 11011e Evideilce. BQWMVANVILLE PROOF. J. Suner. utter at ouhJoh- Ici'l. tow, ivcý amp;le proofs oÊ the truth of "I have suffered two yearis frem ack tîl asetin iithe follewinlettert-eace and kidney complaint, the bowels Pritct sv that 1I used thIe bot- werecnspad and the water scanlt v tie f D Piches Iackache Kde and dark. 1 tried a good many exp:1en. 'lbet )ocvdfrom Stott &- Jury, ý1 sive preparatiens with ne relief. -MY ~nd[m' dd m a ret daio d. I w'ife get a bottie e01 Dr. Pitcher's, Back- fi;; i tb~ ae net everratedl, wor- acele Kiney Tablets fromr Stott and tb~ fl'ncand very genitie Jury, and although the b--ottie is net al t' r ,ation. I fi.d thev aict gene, 1i t'iaiew man. My ba-chache lb c [I. ,is weil as the kidey15gene, the bowels; free, and the water s' I foel 'Zaf, rco-cear. I olyv take two at a dose, anld n -vo non req uiring recoinmlend them-i gladly te an1yolleIli t )~ Ooi al round rnf ed- imy cond(ition"' -i !htest syrnptoms o! idcne.v or Bladder troubles, von cani t- ~dcn frec. Arneet have been In-ace whereby <' ~- !it;ts {aper can obt:-ain a trial pak o f Dr. 1itcber S backl a ' ts abs ýo iutely free by enceloing- two cenit stamnp for postage - to 'ltt Itc let Ce., Toronto, Ont. When givihig address mention this pper ~. ; ze 50 eents per bottie. 1 a Ouue 9JLin .,nVtL oaut bag,ýs. Il cures culs and wounlds wît]i wonderful quîckness. Avoidl substitutes there laý but one Pain Kilier, Perr:v Davis'. 25c. and 50c.- REND AL. '1eV. J. A. McoK-een pneachied in lhe Presbyterian cblurch Suaday on "The shadow of Peter!... ev. M.E.WViLson iarewelled te a gend congregation Sun- day, -. Mn. James Robinson is huiildIini- a bouse fbr bis fatber on his farm; 5th lin e.. .. Mrs. Wrn. Scott, Port H1ope, was bore recently. .-.Mn. Win. Ufide woed bas purcbased the old corner store andl will have il remioved "ora store bouse... . Messrs WbVite, Prowse and Wm. McMillan are building new barns, the latter te lake the place of those receatly bred - awsuii betwcee Messrs. J. Stark and T. J. B'allag-h witb reg-ard te a cow kilied b~y an accident will be tried aI the next division court .. .. Miss Ida Wbite, 611h lin, isiitnrfendsa ethla ny Mrs. Wes. FinlJay bas sub let bis milI route te Messrs Scott Bros. and wiii go te Neorthwest in fail. Am~an's wife sheuld aiways ho the sarne esp)eciaill- te ber busbaadbut if she is weak, and nerveus, and uses Car ter's Iron Pis, shi( caninot be, for tbey m-ake bier "feel like a different person,' se tlh.ey ail say, and Ibeir usbands say se tee! ENNISRI 1LLEN. Viitoýrs : Mn. ail( àMss. Clapp and farnîly, Prince Edward County, guesta Of Mr- Jas. Pyve; Mr. R. A. Lee, Port Hlope, guest of Mr. F. Rog-ers; Mna. W, J. Miis , Chicago, guesl t Ms.J S. Mille; Mn. Jas. McCullocbi, Manchester, at Mlrs. S. Gilbert's; Miss Laura Ranlon visitiag in Toronito,....Mrs. F,- Rogers bas relturneci trom amn enjoyable visit te Port Hlope andi Frankfort. . ..11ev. W. J. Weatberull preacheci an exceellent farewell sermon Sabbatb nighl. He and farniiy bave geone te Enterprise .... 11ev. S. Crookalianka, eus new paster, andi failyv take possession ef the par qenage fhis week.,. . .Dr. ""allte, S. Washington, wife and dangbitpr, ýNew- ark, N.J., wore g-uesta of bis oldfi nd, Dr. IMitchiell. Dr. Washingtea la ana old W'est Durbiaisebey, son ef Mn. Johni Waishîng"ton, formnerly of Tyroue. The dlocton bias a larg-e and lucrative pric- lice lai tho cily ef Newark and like oui, Ontario hoys -geaeraiiy bias -gene te the front Larnong ýour American cousins, ln addition te bis privato praclice ho bas aise the post et County phvsician a position wortb $3,00o per anm. AniouasED A-r LÀavT-To the terrible ravag-es et consumpîlen ln Ontario, the Governiment la petitioaed to'establish bo)spitaila tor censumplives. As a pro- ventative toeconaumption thore ta ne. treatmenit t be compared te 1)r.Chase's Syrup et Lin seeci arnc Turpentine wbich prmtyand effectîîally cures eveny cuband cold. ItLbas bY fan the ,:i- ~1eetofaniy remedy frIra and Ilung11-troucties, 25 Cents a bottie. Famnily aizo 50 cýents. AIl dealers. Ie lil-er ls op -ar oetre Ont . -iesasfeloa1-- lh co veries ofthe 19tdibLen tury."IlAdmissionresa' 10VS ls prognamn and tea, Aldulýts, 3,k; Cblidren "For -,ears 1 have snffered from con- S15e, Tea and lecture 8c lecture 15c. stal siceadncache and nenvousneýss. Cerne, andi enjoY a good time. At limes I bave been se badi that 1 bave _________been unable te sleep tw-o heurs a inigbt for weeks; I bave tried many mnedicinles1 c and doctored a gneal deal, but neyer k Sreceived the hundreth part et the valuxe Popuar oto M rom themi that 1 oo)talined frese Paine's e Celery Cornpond. Af ter uising three1 botties I can aleep weli My beadaches baved ceased, and 1 feel1 beaithier and frehe thail I lba-ve en for years. r Royal Rotel Sheiburne, EFEt~ é ftThean nverarvSunday and Menday rOntario. week',waa the nIost succestul la oitr bistony, the proceeda being neally $580.t -t- 1ev. J. B. ïMeLaren, Columbusa, gave Teis o Hi Recu Frn~ ndiestonthe children a verv interealing and T el s f is R e c u e F r nd g tiox n p a c ieat talk on th e I"S eein g E y e " t by Dr. Arnold's English Txn Suniday 'atterneon ana pneachieda Il PilIs-Every Other Remedy capital sermon at niigbt, Bothl congre- Was Useless. galions were large andi thoroughýly ap. preciated the discourses. The sîngiag cend(ucted by Miss Jeninie Ashton with1 Miss liestie Gibert at the orgoan was Every commercial Iraveller, and iinygd.Cletosaut$2 O tact every »erson whose business inoces- vrM od a olnecioanasoutend2Oen sitates travell'ing te Sheiburne, knows Rev. H1 Thomas conducted devotionial Ms. H.L Backa, the genial prepnieter o e vcs n later made a very apprep- tbe Royal Hlotel, and every one who riate speech. Gordon Hall ý-ave a un- knows hlmi respects hlm. -On maay iuea fdea tweicomle, cialo à occasions nia sfrienda bave hbeen under olwd yLoNiieBeatricet the necessity of ottering their svmpatlh Stark, Wesley Powell, Pearl Hurihut,1 ies with hinron account ef the pain hoe Milton Cochrane, Pearl McCullough,' bas had le- endu1re as a rýesui1t of indigos. Editb Griffin, Jamnes Stark, Viola Mc' tie, eto a miost sineep and obstinat e Cullou -I, Ina Dyen, Maye MclCulloug-h,1e type, with) its attendant ovils et sour Elenla and Olive Niddery. 11ev. W. J. Istornacb, hiliousness, sick headache and Weatberill made brief -remarks aItheli sflatulance etc. Se severe were the at. close heartiiy thaahing aIl wh hiad L ttacks at limes, that Ms. Backus was otiue e h uca.EdilerS cenfinied te bis bed, and wa s under thecJames uedtBo tahle sccpeci hfi cane et bis phyîsîcian. Many articles D ame fB !navle0ýuidtet food-'pastry, meats etc , Iwere igon cha i evdi h Sn'1,1t iously dehanreci, as they caused the YmosîTeawssnvdlfheSn'Halt i ; ntense azony, Varions patent medi- gooýdly number. One who dlaims le be )cillssetfprelenidec ivonderful merilsa a udgesys il -was a firl-lsa tea. b .wIere gien e ise but nonedid hliiihe The lecture aI nàight hy 11ey. J ,. E. It 1ghtesl gooci. Minerai waters etc. Moore, lPh. B., Peterbe(ýre, - Mothier,- wt'e tiec, bt ithut uccsa.MnHome and Heaven-was a neail treat, Backýus seacheci finaliy a conitioni of ful ot enoblîng lbougbts and puncituat h almat ontnua sffeing Wnlig ed wilh lokes. Dr. J. C. Mitcell wmas et he asehe ays "î ws nt ulili hainan andi intreduced the speaker 1 began using Dr. AnldsEnglisb Tex. in a neal speech. 1ev. J. H. Moore, l in PllathalI tundpeac. AfewBangor, iMich., brother et the lecturer, boxes efthIis splendid medîcîne wenkod sang, a pretly nogro sole and in neA woner. My stom-acb is le-day in ah- spense le a vigonouls encore gave a aoluteiy perfect condition, and miY dig-es- sacred solo. Entld people entertained live s ystein does ils Iwork pnemptiy and the tnîends trom a d istan cellanrdsolY. perfecty* . I bave gained 80 pounda in Recent visiles:-Mýra, L. Hezziewýood weight la fourwek since slarling 10o and Mrs. N.HezwedIoaMn use Dr. Arnnld's 1nIishToxîin Pilusl , nc M-s. Mý. A. James, Bewnaaville; and arn robuisl and heallhy, sleep) and Dr Mark W. Pascoe, Otturnwýa, la; eal lîIke a boy, t,aae nefreshed and Mn. and Mss. Dtbbs, Richmond 1ui;IL vigorous-feel twent yeyars younger, Mn Brase Ab-rahamn, Britis-,h Colui A .il tact," Mn. Samnuel Deacon. Pennisyana 13 Dr. Annol(J's Engýiali Toxini Pilla Mss. D). Dyer, Port Perry ; 11ev, E. A. l - for wtýeak people are alldrgissTenin, Syvdaev is N ii cCullocl, Ni large box 75c., smail box 25c., or 'sent Manchelýýster ; Mn. W. Tordiff le Mani- il postpaid on neceipt of pnice b)y The. loba; esr J. Nidderv and G. Loeil a Anrici( Chenicai Co., Limnitedi Canlada rane aI eakdl. .. Mesars R. Nid- fe Life bildingo,, 41 King, Stree Ws derv, J. J. Alexander, A. Ndeyan 1ila Toronto. Sold by Stotl &,ý Jur.y. A.* Staey b ave returned frein' camip ooigquite eIýodierly like after the i drill .... A langre numbi)er toek la the ex-c IT5so pleasantl to tak thfat eiidren,ýi cursion te GneIpi.... Mrs. J. Orilon S0 ery for St; bui t s tealtl)to w Of. 11hIavr aaeqitn e aIwe kinds. DRt. lýOWs woRM y a in Priee 25e. Ail deaiers. j _,Mns. W. Tapipla sick. n1 HRaydon-Jiy 1-2. M i~rs. Jacltson is:I .Mrs. W. Joni ZION. MCCU".1glgliasg Mi"ss M-ary Fowler Thie anniversary services of Z;,i nvsiig e u Methodist Sabbath School wýjI h eM Mate Jrvsm Sunday Juiy Sth. Sermons -will be visited in the ity preached a' 10.30 and 7 p. in, by 1ev. Chas. 11111l and dauu T. J. Edmison, B. A , B.,.Newcastle, are visiting rois' Freewýil offering- in aid ef school fundcs. Daisy Jeweil, W ele uncle, Mr. David ILttzD5CRAOED W ITIS SALT 1HU-Nichols,Toronto,is MIr. James csac,2-5 Elgin St , Otta. Mr, T. W. Jackso wa, Ont., wie:" suffered with sait FE M.Jwl, Batý rheum for upwards ef ten years the sk-in their aunts,' the oni m- Iuîuds cracking and brealkingse nHugb Chishoi M,- as te make themn useless. Atter tryring brother in-ýlaw Mr. ail sorts of remnedies in vain, I becaine ly.,. .. Mrs. R1eid, dliscourag-ed and thoug-ht niy sufferîngsCandrLshi weuld neyer end. Last sprinig I used NMr A o~e Dr. Chase's Ointrnent and lu a short returned te' Toron time was perfectly cured. " Dr.' Chase 's speniding a few day Oinitrnent is of unparalle]ed merit as a Grilfilian, Bowmnani cure for ail itching skia diseases, ail Andrus, Miles Ciîy, drLInggists. 1______Saturdaywec. NEjWOASTLE. Bowmanville, intel Mn. Fred Pope, wbo bas been wharf- 'Tro miaster for a numbor of years, died June tfon Se 17, aflor a long D;Ilines .Mss. Jeftery, la, viai.t contralto eoloist in Elm St. Methodist [W. Ti cburcb, Toronto, sang a beauliful solo boy, hs la the M'elbïodisl church Sunday evenlng Mn1. au week. She was guesl tfMs.M.' H. »Tourje Mason . . . .1ev G. B. MIcLeod b las l,een cousin, le Prince Edward Island -... Mrs. nesdgy Robent Bediford, Mariolle, Mich., is and P, guest of ber fathen, Mr. James Eiibeck, 'Merrifi "Thie Willowe."... . Mns. Williami Loy- combe, os, Embro, whio waa bore allendîng et îUi ber mnolber's funeral, Mrs. Jas. Eilbeck, Lowe, bas returnied home ,,,. The Roman i n S t. Cathiolie church -,aa opened on. Sunday. W. Hl Special itusic was furnisheci by a choir E d ma, fromn Lindsav. Mss. Sanford enter- recenti tainied the o!Ffcialingz priest over Sua- Wn- day. .. Ms.Thora bas reluraed borne Mn. 'Ir from a pleasan)t visit in Tloronto. ... ý11Rev. F I ss Delemere, who bas heen allending M Nettioi Normai Sehool, la home. ... Mr. Go i M.G Big-ham, Tornlto, now in R, bank ,i nLoe llxbidg(le, l i iling bis 1uncie,' Dr. Me- X. Ni. N'aug bton., . . Ms. Wellington PFoster iFoleyvs bas returneci from Bu'Lffalo, bnining Youùg with hlm a fine N oung flve--yean-oid M Nissioî horse. ... Little Mi ýS iiada1ugblher.hgy of Mn. Duncanl Galbraith la viaiting aI ila Nk.ý David GibsoaC's .. . V isitrs i ss 0drI-uý1 , ,1 ag SI Annie Moore aI borne ; Misses.Jtthel, by hlmi lZillian, and Edna Rickard atlVelcomne; M'iss Leahl)ltchinson at Port Hope; Mrn. W. Jackson, Mi. Arnolci andi Misa Edna Jackson, aI Port Hope; Miss Mlarion Edmison visiting- relatives ln Westen Ontarioý Mr. Walter and Miss Flo, Rickard at Kirhby; Miss BîDieï L~aing witb ber g-randmeotber, Mra e ikin, Bowmanville ; Miss Dingmnan, erf Bowýmanville,at Mn W.H.Pearce's; Mrs. 0sefnh 1-. Onchird, Indian Heaci, NW. T., aI t fetbo JIr. N. T". Selby's; Mliss Dobile, Zien, atif ôfttri Jr. Rd. Warrenl'a; Mn. Edward Rinci, tienanIl tý JohnRics...M. George Flîgg four bot fil froem a ladder and broke bisg la, ek. Fn iibl dam-aged Mri.oa Asa Olton'*s barber shep Mondfay meon- i uad.o Ig. . - Miss Wiggins addrosaed a lange ed -ogregation ia Ibe Methodiat echurcl, stt & Sunday eeiinin luie inleresta et the J. fligg W. C. TF. U. and 1aiseo on Monday at ter- m'ili oea and evening. w. o ,d Mss. V Ieattende, MnI. Brai V-,.., Mess U- Mlernifi field and L 3Port Ho ss Magg Sberbroo Savioun 's and Mns. Claremion Llv...,Bar

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