ITCHINa HUMOURS qcleansè the Bk n, gle apIaIn iCUrI- iXAÂ Oitment, to'beal the si, dnII oeg .f CUriccEA iEaoLvifltT, t cool sd land e the blooti. gold by ail Cololal Chmite. lPOrrnIZ Cosi., Slei PSIop., Booa, ,. a.A. ÎCHINYS 1VAST FDFUI1ATIONi for:told the downfallofBbln through ail these years the Chinese A GREAT EMPIRE WITHI THREE were engaged in their present pur- HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE. 'Suits of agriculture, commerce and -'ieatr. China was 700 years old Temptlag ibid for Commeree Oirered Ail wlen the Israelites crossed the Ried Natons-Anclent Glory of the Celetîaî Sea, and liad existed 15 centuries when 1Klagdain-The Oite Criterion n la t Isaiah, prophesied of lier future con- Wreseiit CrIis. version. "Lo, there shall corne froro "The present crisis9 in China is sig- far . . and these froin the land nificant, of a great and 'Wonderful. of Sinim." tr 'ansformation, The last miglity THE ENORMOUS POPULATION. colossus of lieathenism is crumbling. The missionarles fiave taxe?[ iu- A new celestial em-rpire is being born ingenuity, imagination and rhetoric to out of the throes and travail of the convey any adequaf e idea of tlie vast nation's life. God is calling China to and teeming millions of the Chinese. a new life." The fact that there are twlce as many Thus wrote Rev. W. Remf ry Hunt, as there are in the fouir continents the head of thle Christian mission in of Af rica, Northi and South America Central China, lu 4s last officiai coa-' and Oceanica, ouglit te be solemn munication f0 tue missionary. head- enouglh in its appeal on their behaif. quarters. As a- bold and competenti The whole population of Canada could pioneer of the Gospel lie may havei be accommodated in a single Chinese overestimated the crisis or the cause,! city. The five millions of Madagascar lleedless Wonien. What a woandqit la that somne women $Xe $0 heýýdIi. a'bout the thilnga that con- cern thein mioi. They endure ail sorts of pain and mîusy wlth cerelessnees whlch would neyer be îosulble if tiaey realizedti CU8 s Cont rati w womien underestand t4et when ther ne!lect beýcause they art P too liusy or over- worked or their aI~ uids are taken Up ith 'other concerne, t h a t tlic are. balanc- Sedge of* a fatal prcipîce. Any eke rdis- ee of WoMan 6s pe- c.îil organism 'le no tri-Ring matter. A wo-1 man who ilirougli in- difference n e gie c t theae troubles la lay.ý i the !ouridation for A1todest womnan naturally recola front 4À the nsortifying ordeal of ecmîratîous and local treatinent which doctors imtf upon. But there la no necew.ty for any such repugnant procedure. Dr. Pietoe's Favorite Pre- acription cures these dehicate coenplaints fosîtIveljý and conapletely. If la a med- ciedevised for thi te cular put-pose by one of the Most entinent of living epeclalists in woman's adisesses. Ail the peculiar ijus of womankind are cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Frescrip- tjon. It relieves pain, allays inflamma- ion,' atopc, 4ebilitâting dralhas, strengtli. euis and vaaizes -tbe oî-,ans involved. It so perfectly ~eae a woman for the, turne of partuntion that pain and danger are uraci.pialIv iminated. Bv its use STORMED THE ARSENAL. Wjhy the Russian Losses Were }leaviest at Tien-Tsin. ,& despatoli f£rom London, Thursday, says:-The last steamer at Chef oo from Taku hrought this message, dafed Tien-Tsifn, Monday:- "The Russian general in chmmand of thle relief force had decided, lui view of Saturday's heavy fighiting and marVhingq tthat one days rest for the tro-ops Ivas essential, and that the ad- vance sboixld not ie rtsumed utti! t o-day, -Mean-whule came Achn!ral Sev,- mour's heliogr-apli thai lits position was reindered desperate, and that lie conld only ld out tw.o days. The reile star:ted at dawn to-day, Mon- day. Saturday's fighting beganat day- break. Theb allied. forces opened willi several of the Merrible's 4.7 naval guna six fieid guins, and numeiiousnwachîne, guns, the îiring guns at long range, They coniinued to advance steadily, the Chinese artillery replyîng. The guns -of theý allies were more skilf ully handled and put the guns of the Chîn- ese out of action one by one. Tliere was keen rivalry among !he xepxese.ntatives olf thc varfous nations as to whirli should enter Tien-Tsin first, atnd the Americans and Britishi went, in neck and neck. The Russians storm.ed the arsenal, fliereby su stain- ing the largest losses. Several thousand Japanese have left Taku frein Tien-Tsin, and altogettler 13,000 .Thpanese have landed. The in- ternational troops now l ageat neariy 20,000, and Japan is prearn GUFRILLA WARFARE. General Botha Uncommonly Active East of Pretoria. A despateli from London, WÇednes1. day, says :-__>Tle Boer commando .es in the easterni part oif the Orange River Colony aýppel5ý# to have been broken up by theii leaders for the f ime into small parties that liarass large columns 0f the Britisli incessantly, cutting off ecouts, sniping pickets, and making a show of force liere and there. Commandant Chiristian De Wet, Gen. Steyn's principal command.. or, is the Ige oius cf these guerilla operations., Re ta the hero on flie Bfoer aide in these last days of liostili- fies. Lord Roberts' columns are steadily confracting the circle of their advance, Transvaal officiais who 'were inter- viewed yesterday at Maclia dodorp by a correspon dent of the Daily Express as- serted an intention to hlod out toflic last. President Kruger will probably retire to Waterval or Nelspruit. Ris physician thlnks big condition of àhea [th will not allow him to go toflie hiigli veldt. The British prioners at Nooit Ged- aclit are now more comfortable. Large quantities cf food and blankets bave been forwarded to them,, and tlieir en- closure is lighted by electricity. Pretoria telegrams say that supplies of warm clotiiing are reaching Lord Boberts' infantry, wlio had beenrag- ged and had suffered from the cold. Commandant-General Botha is un- comnionly active easf of Pretoria. The Canadl'ans are doing splendid outposr work. rSUMMER SXVILES. A Wild Goose Cliase-Yes, botli the crimînals got awavy witliout any t roui- ble. Wliat were thle police 'dolig Chasing theories. Dtaler-Five dollars for this beau- tiful painting f Wliy, mnan, tbe fratme la wortli more tlian that. , Coninols- seur-Yes; but not withli lit pic:ture in it. Did you read my latest nove, entit- led A Terrible Experience Il asked the noveiist. Yes, answered the blunt. ly candid friend; and tliat's wliat 1* was. .So Miss Primrose has purcliased a kodak h Yes; I presumne she thInks ahe ean catch a man that way. 1Sure, Paf, and wliy are ye --" in's yer coat buttoneri up loike tht on a warm day loike this Il Faitli, yer riverence, to lioid the shirt Oi liaven't on. Blanclie-Oid Blowitz said lie would marym if lie wore twenty yeare younger f That would be exactly my age. Blanche-O,, Cliolly, tLis is s0 sudden. Teaclier, suspiciously-Wlio wrote your composition, Jolinny? Johnny -My father. What, ail of it ? No'im;