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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1900, p. 4

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BleedIi ngPiles c: T TH E A Preminont Buiness Man Testifles to js4 c~. iD r c* q S toie Ours by Uslng Dr. Ohae'a Oint- ul ii Not e, da& passes but manY people ~ yxy~y1,Chse's intment as an nabsolute cure IAI.i IU~Là àAIII a ,for every form of piles, INUi UYIIU. ElE *UIMA ~Mn. Jas. Jackson, af the Laurle Spool Company, St. .Alexis dcs Monts, Que., w rte:-" Yau may put my name ta any praise yau can give to Dr. Chase's Onmnfor It has doue me more gaod tan any medicine I ever used. That0 a mIlwas troubled for two years wlth Thtmeans NOT BARGAIN DRUGS AT BARGAIN PRICES after uslng Dr. Chase's Ontment,n aIarenreyidai. Il * but good pure drugs, net at au extortienate prigçe but TUE a resure ta ail suif enlng frarn piles." BEST 0F EVERYTHING AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. Dr. Ohase's Ointmnent la guarauteed to positively cure any case of itching, It is wonth'money te yen te kuew -that the drugs 3y0u bleeding, or protruding pilies. It ha; _4.e se rethe best ebtainable. THIS 1 THE ONLY KIND never yet been knawn to a m, aud cer- yw ES N RAETEBST AND TRAT ONLY. inlny will not full in your case. WESL, N RDETEB Fan many years Dr. Chase's Oint- -What we advertise we mean and we will tny Ite con- ment bas stood alone as the only ah- vinc yo ofthisif oubutgran usa sare f vur rug salute and g-aranteed cure for piles vinc ye of hisif ~u bt grnt s a har of eurdruandi itchlng skln diseaste; 60 cents a Strade. br. at an dealers, or- Edmnanson, DrsC.,sTo Srnato. sed n Doors W~DrC.CTolesPhSy.uB.of Biteue& Cad W .C. olePh m . "0 urpentine bas by far thge largest Sale 2 Dors tà o Pos Offce.Bowmnvile, f auy remedy for throat and lung Eastof ostOffce.Bownanmîl. ~ troubles. 125 cents a bttle. ~u .~ w .wm....l .w. ,w z Pe. ÀvIIIIIIry! Millinery! Cailia , Inspoot Our New Siliifer Stock. * Dainty Leghorn Hats iri ail the leading *à styles and shacles for Ladies, Misses and " 3t. hidren. * Styles and Prices to Suit Ail1. * Miss tledland. * BowmANVILLE. ONE GRADE ONLY AND THAT THE BEST. M6LRuUHL1N 0CRRRIPÀ3tuG0. BOWMI-INILLE -REPRESENTTIE-JOHN 7PERCY. i st Consignment-now on hand. Artisl4,,c-tJp-to-date-= and the Best. Inspeet-Compare-- and you will Buy. WH-Y?_ .-Beeause they make only on-, grade and'a MeLaughlin Carrnage is exactly as represented. 2.-Because they use the Best Material and employ the Best Me- chanies in every department. Vit eànad4U fi~Utattomu~ BOWMANVILLE, JULY 4, 1900. PRIZES AT THE FAIR. vour monley prizes ivilibe offered at B ,wmanville Fair Sept. 14: for militar.y and fancy drill hy scliools, flot less than 12 mombers to compete. THE TOWN'S NEEDS. M71ioe interest is being shown in o ur editoriai of last week-What Bowrnan- ville Needs. People ln town andi country endorse our views and feel that bometing shou.ld bo done and done. tooky 0. MWe shall returl to the qusinin next issue as we are await- ing certain information that is forth- 1 comm g. As anl indication of what mav b2 done we may state that at Nlilton last Tues- day at a large and representative meet- in g heid in the Town1 bal1, it was decid- ed te organize a pork packing company lu the town of Milton. The meeting was addressed b'ý Mr. J. I. Jewell,.of Toronto, and a number of the premin- ent farmers of the district expressed themselves as favourable to the sheme, and deemed it to be to their interest to ostablish such an iudustry. It wss resol ved tb ai once proceed to organize a joint stock company, and a provision- al Board of Directors was ele ted. 'l be compauv was to be capitalize d ai $100, 000, divided into 2,0,0 shares of $50. each. YUKON LETTER, Extracts received bv a W'est Durham- ite fromn a friend in tlie Yukon: YeurJetters ,f April S5th a nd April 25th both came to hand May lbth . X'e hacl been shut out from civilization, friends, and news for many moons,. e wing to the ice, in the river. breaking up, but onî the lth iust., "the crv of 'Boat!'*" "Boat!" was heard and every- one tookUp the joyful cry and rushed, out 10 watch steaming down stream and puil into dock. It was a grand old welcome as she carried alil"the back mail and eversbody was anixions to hear from outside friends, your humble servant, amonoest the rest, As she steamed past the Court Iliuse wve al rushed eut and joined the crowd, We cheered, hooted and yelled like a pack of Indians on the war path. Perhaps I do flot miss the piano!. There are a few here but mostly iu gambling houses and dance halls, two places I do flot frequent, and coitsequently I amn "out la the cold." Was out lu front of the hotel, fiy fishing, last night between eleven and twelve (midnight.) lb did seem funny. Caught nothing, but my friend Sergeant Tweedile caught twentyone payfings. lb was too cold and 1 was not feeling well, se did not fish very long. The Judge and I weut duck shoQting eue night but got notb - ing. We were accompanied by Major Hfanming, Captain Starn, Tom Hintefi 'Amougll 11idaving visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Osbornie and famnily MNesýsrs. A. N. Mitchell,' J. E. Vrteand W. ebt Toronto; Miss Fernis, Lindsav; 'Mr, T, Gladman, Peterbore; Dr. F. C. Trebil- eock, Rowmianville; MNrs. Rem,îmer. Miss Minnie _Roger. Pickering; Mliss Lilali Mount PleasaDt; Mr. 1'. Lee spent ,)n- day DominIion Day lun Port Holie.. Mr. and M\r, W. ý. Stacey have gone te Sprin'gvillec for vacation.... The new Methodisi pastor, Rev. S. 'Crookshanks. pneached a ,,oodl sermon aËd made a very favorabDle impression on the people Sunday evening. lHe speaks hmghly of his reception and finds the people very cordial and agreeabie. He thinks hie shah hlike this circuit very much. If yen had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pis before retiring yen would not have that coated tongue or bad baste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vint with you for oceasional use. MAPLE GltOVE-. Newcastle Divisiou visited ours last week, gave good musical program and were treated te ice cream, cake, etc.... Miss Edith Platford, Toronto, bias been visiting hier sister Leah at MNi. Pethick's ... Mr. J ohn Crumb visited in Toronto .... Mr R .L. Masen, Daveniport, Iowa, is renewing old acquaintances here.,.. Mrs. Howard Flinliff, Taunton, and Miss Holt, Pickering, visited Mrs. John Crumb. ... Miss llancock wilI spend ber holidays at home, Newton-ville, ....Mr, Luke Buittery visited frîends at Tyrone. Mr. George Eastby at Toronto, and Mr. John Gay ai Columbus over ISun- day. .Missesý Sophia James and Amenda Bond visitedi Miss Addie Cole,Dominion Day. . . .Mr. and M rs. Thos. Snowden spent Dominion Day at Hampton ....1 Crops look remarkably well but nain is badiy needed for pastures, neadows and root crops. If you once try CartE r's Little Liver Pll for sick headache, biliousness or constipation, yen will neyer be with- ouI lhem. They are purelYvovgetable, small and easy to take. Doni't forget this. MT. VERNON. Vis hors: Dr. j. Halsted, Toronto, recent guest at Maple Corners; Miss Myrna Millson homie from college, Belle- ville; Mn. W 'Washington, Mariposa, ui Mr. J Garfats.; Mr. and Mrq. Neil, Manvers, at Mr. E. Annis'; Mr. John Lammiman, Curries' Crossing; Mr. Cornelins Elfordand Mrs. E. J. Morris South Dokota at Mr. W. and- Mr. S. E. Souch's; Mr. W. B. and Misses S. A. and M.E.Abraham visited at-Councilior Baher's, Solila ;Miss Katrina Argue visited at Rev. E. E. Howand's, Black- stock; Mrs. J. Pascoe and Miss Eva Souch visited at Mr. W. J. Trenonth's, Newtonville; Miss M. E. Abraham lias returned te Syracuse, N. Y. after a pleasaut visit w ith fniends iu Darling- ton and Toronto. ... Our new pastor, Rex'. S. Crookshaiiks. made a very favorable impression lu hisintrodnctory remarks Sabbath morning., We think we will like hlmn. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup is sure death te theo worms ex-env lime but harmnleiýs te the mtiost dplicate child. It contains its own canthartic, se there is, ne need of gvn castor oil or other purgative aîewads Pice 25c. S OLINA M r. R. L. Werry of the Witness staff, Mrs Werry and famiiy arrved ai Bow- mauville on Saturday night's boat from 1Montreal, and wiIl spend boiidays at the old home "Roselandv'ale." .... Mr. J. B McCulloch was rrsented bY the scholans on -leaving our school with seven books of poens.11e lias spent 2ù years here and his departure is re- gretted.... Miss Estella Reynolds is improving slowly. Her many fniends will be glad te seeclher well again.... Miss Laura Cox of Oshawa is vîsiting at home.,,...Mrs. R. Pascoe, Enfield. visited ber mother Mrs. D. Hogarth ,recentiy.... .Mr. Thos. Baker is making as mnch pregress as eau be expected e onsidering the serions nature cf bis- injury. Hie is eut arounid but wili be unable to use bhe fractured armn for some maous .... Crops are looking c very promising herea bouýts. WVe look for an abundant harv-3st.1 Iv's ALWAYS MYn»guGHT GLoO-m-to the sufferer from stomaeh disorders and --the- diseases -whieh eau-- be- -dlnetty tracod there-neglîeet or ignorance may Shave- proctuced -the3 darkness, but so I My stock w-111 be found yer3r complte and prices iglit. Beautiful patterns frem, 5 cents. WincIouw Shaces Cw'tain Potes ROO m foldings New stock of framed Pictures, Frames and Pieture Moldtngs just received. A very nice frame for Cabinet Photos for 25c. See the Ou -Chrome for 81.00. No trouble te show goeds, and quote prices. The Spring starts the Base Bail, Foot Bail and other games, I have them. P-. Trebilcock. BOWMÂNVILLE, TELEPHONE 57. mI-ave Y OU WooI Wanted For Cash. BINDER TWINEI (Deering Manilla.) 12'c A POUND Farmers' Hardware, .Vav 0sLurughliu,)ofig General Jobbiug and low prices. J. E. Hawkins, -Oshawa. 27-2w. The sun shines aud so does our Palmerston Buggies; they are just what you want-new lu design and beautiful in finish. Also Agent for Red Bird Bicyceles-up to date lu every particular ; you are saving money when von buy a Brantford; and Cossitt Mowers, Rakes, Corn Planter and other implements. Cal1 and inspect before you buy. Jno. S. Rundle's and Implement Emporium. BOWMANVILLE. Now is the time for XVest End House BOWMANVILLE. Big Mi*d=Sumrnier Sale ail this: Month. See that you- get some ofthsePlums. Following are some of the start- ling prices: 15 pieces fine Dress Ginghams, splendid patterns, are just opened out. We eleared the lot and will sei i1 7c and 20e Ginghams for . 22c a yd. 5 dozen Men's good strong Mole- skin Shirts, the 75o Shirts for 50e eaeh. 40O pi'e c es dark Flannelette, special at 5o a yard. 5 doz. Men's Flannelette Shirts at 15e each. 4 doz. Men's fine Gingham Shirts reg. 50c; during this sale 350. 10 pieces colored Dress Goods in nice mixed fancies. The price is 25e. This month for 1242c a y d. 20 pices Heavy Loch Lomonclt, Flannelette inu dark cheques auid stripes. They are worth i 33-ýc a yd. This mon th,,we wili seIl them at 10Oc a yd. 100 pairs Men's Tweed Paaits at $1.00 a pair. A few odd>lhues Men's Fine $i, and $1.25 Colored Shirts at 69o eaeh.

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