A Volce frein Collins Bay: Up carly and o ut in ail weath- ors ini pursuance of his daily work, a far- mer, of al men, needs a strong and sound consti- tution, and is least lklyt bar with pa-. 1, 111fE KING AND TBF BOOK. Rev. Dr. Talmage, Speaks of -the Genuineness of the Scriptures.. A despateli from Washington says: honse among those lord3 and senators, -Rev. Dr. Ta image preached from the exista yet. following text: "WThen Jehudi had THE ENEMîtES OF THIS BOOK read three or four leaves, he eut it have"gathered themselves into clubs, with the penknifeY-Jerlemiah xxxvi. and have tried ta marihal on their 23. side, the cbemist's laboratory, and as- We look in upon a room in Jerusa- tranomert telescope, and geologist's lem. Two men are there. At the pry, and mineralogist's bammer, and teblsit. Rqrieh h~ qrihwith or.ithoonit's un:land, thy av e,, ELECTINE !KJDNEVY7----- WIIAT TUE CAREFUL ENOINRER à ta th* imachui2 th2 apoth,,ýary in ta the. coaamunity whch gives hi.. its patronago-- the lives of nien, are intrusted ta hi. cars. It is recognition etthis fact which has eever been lost eight ofiu everycdepattm'ent of this Pharmacy, carrying7 in stock the very boat et averything. i I LITERA-RY NOTES. Mr. S. S. MeCGlure haa secured from Rudyard Kipling a seriea of atonies of the South African war. The fi rzt, entitled The Outsider, will alapear in the July numbar of McClure'aMs ga zine. Ibis estory introduces ayoung ignorant but self-important subaltern detailed to the command of a remote Railway station wbho gets into serlous trouble. As a character study, this is one of the most xigorous and amusing, stories Mr. Kipling bas ever written. Evea b the chronje thaatre-goers of long experience, it may ha a surprise to learn chat one of the very oldest e ate« catalogue mal W. 1 .iGivenyouelt wlow. ilS his 1ife thougn Vigr, te -nnÙet.nn iiUO uin tawea tke z5 theaphe 'relanadie. are.Tom adGnzlrece aaHo5, nth ieiofA TUHE WERNER COMPANY, adrjes vrtig.Tehsiiy'hnpseat tbough*the wates a VIeilnîdu odlnornui im-S then imp-resin t tiati i Côn SyeadLioead ftlilber admaufacturera. Akron, Ohlo wlll ith thes nd thro'grhebb stt&Juiy. Iiggînbotharn & Sù) Or 0" (The Werner Compaay is toxrozbly Iuiàbe.j-Editor. exis n h tng ti h t wne rvr,ýi yýi j vr te." JGI ikiNewcas.Ie Cv Dr. U riffaruomtr!ee L'ee sapaek et When a woman buys King Quality Shoes she saves $2. They cost $3 and have the appearance of $5-that is how she savets $2.* These shoes are irre- proachable in mat -rial, style, fit and finish. AIl trimmings are of ailk, and they are the best shoes for the price on this earth. Allthe wordsintlie Engliah ilan- guage could flot te!) the -facts plainer than l RemembOrAD AI A Pou m