,gSpoul A.:T. Stott A J ury's Paris, Green Not the ordinary kind, but the Geniliie English Paris Green sucli as youi bought 1 Forx an Excursion to Cobourg JuIy 2L. Dominion Parliament may adjourn Saturday next. English Bi ble Christian conference meets thisyear at Panzance, Cornwall, Aug 31 For a delightful day's outing take the A. 0. U. W. excursion to Cobourg Tuesday JuIy 24. Se bills. 'The Coming Af ghan, Crisis" by Mr. Demetrius C. Boulger is coasidered in an article reprînted f rom TheFortibigkt- lyReview in Vhe LivingAge for Julyl4. Peterboro Base Bal team came up by C. P. R. Saturday and played with the home team in the afternoon. The visitors were victorious. The score was 7 to 6. Why carry your basket to the lake when yon can save yourself the trouble Nichols' seils tinware cheap. Buy your milk pans at Nicholis'. Hot weather coal ohl stoves at Nicholl's Beat value.in Stirling Silver Spoons at Rickard's. Talk of the town-Cawker and Tait's china parlour. Sweet Pickles lu Bulk. Try them. Cawker and Tait. M. A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses.» M. A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses. Trimmed hats at Mrs. Dingman's sold at a great reduction. Lady's bicycle wanted, nearly new and cheap. M. A. JAmEs. Field arnd garden seed of ail kinds at Murdoch's, Varlety Hall. PERS0- TnE SrATES5MAN iinViteS alil . o tribute to thib column ah itemfs of a personal nature, theu arrivai and departure of gaeets, the movements of well kniown peopie, business men, etc. Send us au postal card or drop a note in our office letter box. Mr. >Chas. P. Medlnid s hone from Torontto. Mr. Alex Beith, Brantford, was home last week." Miss Kelley, Toronto, is guest of Miss Neads. Miss Deikie, Guelph, is guest of Mrs. J. Melntyre. 1Mr. Norman McLaughlin, Dunkirk, N. Y., is home, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hosk in spent Sundav in Oshawa. SMiss Ethel Trebilcock is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Samuel Davis, and A. Davis, London, are guests-oÏt, Geo. H. Bickell. Miss Nellie Saunders,. Toronto, who is enjoyiu her hoii'ays at home assist- ed the MCethodist cho-r Sunday even- ing. Mr. and-Mrs, John Harvey, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harvey, East Liverpool, Ohio, are guests of Mr. Michbel Lock. hart. Commissioner Eva Booth was guest at the Salvation Army Quarters while in town. She and ber staff wore suits ot Kahkî. Master Leon- Du'aas and bis aunt Qe- utinyl But first look up CAWKER& TAIT as they always keep the best supply of Campers' Goods. and their