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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1900, p. 1

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TERM :-1.5 FE ANNM. UR OWNÂNDOOUNY FRST TH ~ ORLD ÂA'TERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprip.or. XTt., .-M.. ~~7L T TTTT~i~FlA ~ ~ ~ ~ .- w 5 i 4¶i±S. DBJV1Y1&N VILiLL, VONTAIO, WflIMNLEJA., J ULI 8 .90 XTOrTTMP XLVI Nn 9Ç1 , ~ A Pleasing Article. '-I i Thoreý is a great*deal cf pisasure lu tiioo possession cf une cf these swell Sideboards. Wo bave tbom lu mnany styles but cali attention especial. ly to tbe Golden Finished, Rubbed und Polished Oak. Lange enougli te ho a convenience lu your dining room. but net se lange te bo a serious tax on yourpunse. Diniug Suites complote as Iow a $1500 We wau t you tb 800 thexu, wo are selliug- everytbing aI old :prices while ou prosent stock lasts. M. D, WILLIAMNS & SON. BowmÂN,;mLL. Undertaklng receivez prompt and personal attention. BETTER BREAD CAN BE BAKED WITH A FEW PIECES 0F wooo u A OTHER . BAKED 212 LOAVES 1 N -6 28 STYLES AND. SIzES. -TlIRRMOMETER SHOWS -, -.- EXACT IJEAT 0F OGYM I'RESIIWARM AIR PASSES 'r. TEROUGH OVEN. INCLUDE '- EVERY 16, EXCURSION COBOURGg Tuesday, JuIy 24 Whitby A. 0. U.- W. hold their annuil excursion next Tuesday to Donc.gan Park, Cobourg. This is a nice Lake- side town lu which to spend a day. Great many Americans are summering there. Take your biçycl-its ]ovely wheling on the weIl kept streets Tickets only 56c-, children Soc. Go I with your family and enjoy a pleasant outing l the counties' capital. Major John McCaughey the D. D. G. M. lilvos îhere. LIME! LIME!!l LIMEH!! We bave just received a car cf bbc venyv best White Lime. Least Waste. Best Value, Suitable for ail classes cf work. Cash ensbomres il i nd ilte thoir advanbago te doal witb us. Cal and sec. 26-3W. JEWELL BRos., Corner Quecu and Ontario Sts., i3owmanville. SUm, mer Jewolry Newest and- Iost FashioIlable, Best tAnid Lowest Prîce RTI .RICURlls, llOWMRNVIIIE. There are Blouse Sets from 5c up te $3.00 per set. Beits from 10e te $2 .25 ecd, and every article te be found in tic market -tiat is fashionable for ladies or gentlemen te wear. They are toc numerous te enum- crabe and wiii be soîld duning Juno for but littho medney., If ycu willi eallyou will ho shown many pretty things. .june is the monîli te purehaso these goods and Rickard is deten- mincd you shall have thcm ut tho eochJohnto Bowmanville, WiIIfrom to-day seli off a Goodmany lines of Su-- mer Goods at greatIý re- duce-d prices. A lot of Dress Muslins -worth from IL5c to 25c, reduced to 10e and 12-,c. Scotch Gingh ams worth from 15bc to 25c, reduced tolOc and 12je. Some lines of White and Colorec i BouLses reduced to Cost price. Childi en's Print and Pique Dresses r-e- ducedto i-lf price. Parasols of ail kinds and Ladies' White- wear of ail kinds at. educeci prices. Leather Beits selling off at 5c eaeh and a good jet Beit for 25c. These are genuine reductions and ail wilI besold'as advertized. ACross Cierk Taarrt.Fer the miort part thie yon wo.ninbeLînd the counter is smiling and obligng, thougli ber baek hurts, her side pains, or bier liead throbs distract- ingly. Te wonder is, flot tbat a clerk is Somet ixu -îrrtale, but that she so rarely àh s r- ritation, whme - ery nerve ls quiv- rigand she ., aryknows how - thodher he'ad Up. The nervous * condition, bead- ache and weak- ness,which are the meuits of ir- mlarity or a di-. [ eased condition of the womanly or- gans, can be en- tirely cured by theA use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- 1 tion. It replatesJ the fntos = psenfeebling I rain, strength ens the nervousJ inotes the general health of me en- tire body. lnvited to consuit Dr. Pierce by kt-, ter, free of çhaiqee.- Ail correspodence privat.e. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. By SI '$ Engag SFalls or Bi ItNiagara F Watch EXCURSION TO And ûBluffalo,, di iniesdayAugust 8th; ta. GARDEN CITY and MICHIGAN CENTRAL R. R. g-o your comipany for a grand davs' pleasure at Niagara 3uffalo. Rotin-n tickets are: To Niagara-on the-Lake $1; Falls $1.25; or Buffalo si1.5o. Cbuldreon halL are. - hi for full particuilars, next Week. M. A. JAMES, Manager. MR. HOAR'S LETTRES, No. 6. 1 took a 30 davs' ticketfoa London to ranis andgot-aboard the .B. & S.Cý R's. at 8.50 p. m. and alter ý,t 3 hours' r un arrive at New Hv and go aboarýd the steamshipwhh takes 4~ hours to cross the Engli-sh Channel arriving at Dieppe. 1 aani li hoard the train and alter 3 hours' runi reach the groat renowned city of~Prs I had not been iu the cîty ver 'v 1log bel ore I found ont the great inconvenience of n ot knowing the Frenchil4gug- very great difference between travel- ling in London and hero.Ere von waut a tag on your back mnd one in your hand written iu French or you would be a long time nilg your1 adrs.You do not find one out of a hundred who talkis English. Ilowever1 I got located at last. TLe titie 1 assume as the Wand1er!iug Poy L isflly carried out here for there ,; nt a lami- liar face to be seen. Thliis a great city and a beautiful one. -The city itself lias au imi.nse fortiti tion. It1 was constructed by M. Thifn luii1811,i costing £5,000,000. The wlare 38 ft in height, circled by a moat -i, t deep 1 This can be filled with water in case of ain euemy's. advauce to the city. Thq 1 population inside the walls is, 2.Soq$o,(-. and counting the out sido wvould bco 4,000,000. The buildings and the prin-1J cipal streets aire froxu 6 tG, 8 stories igh.1 put in part of thentda at the Exposition. I thought fi1 could onlv see the Dominion Pianos & Or gans that would relieve my lonely thouglts The Seine river runs thronghi theEx position grounds so I only tok in one side for that part of the da.y. The1 grounds cover 266 acres, the anuex ho-1 ing abrut 3 miles distant where the liye6 stock is. Only two days boefore that department closes so I wanted to speud one day there. Such cattle, hog' s, shooep4 and poultry! I nover saw their equial1 before. Strange to s'iy cattle comning1 from Englaud xmust be sold or slauglit ered. Thev cannot return to England *Sunday every thing was lot loose after 1 P. M. I wout to service twiee but itL was not inucli satisfaction for it was lu the Frenchi language. Next day 1 took the train for Versailles, formerly theL capital aud seat of gvrîetof 1 France. The buildings vnd pertain ings there to are now called the Palace of Versailles. It is looked upoçn as the 4 most historical place in Franc. l was built under Louis XIII and entargoed bv Louis XIV. Iu the Palace lui 1855 jQueen , Victoria was rceoivedE bY Napoleon. The furnitilýe and 4 paintings are beyond discniptiona. Therp are mauy vory large pain tiug--s on the 4 wallsof the late German Franico war. Wheu von visit Paris do fltxn - oing t0 Versaili s or you will miss rî,- cOf the greatest sights in the worlçi. Whenl you go do not go by a condurcý Sprt or you wîll pay dear for U ~ fiddle. Wen you get to Versailles bl'y a guide book, one franc, thei you wmxfl got E pleasure, Gentlemen's wearîng- 2' apparolC bore is different from London. Cost- i umes are in every color aï3d shape. 4 The sik hats are not wcrn bore so C much as iu London I have oflen board C that Paris is the most fashionable centre 4 for ladies attire, flot only dre.-sa but for 3î beauty. I thouglit and ofteni reiaarked Si that my old town could, furnisb, as gool 45 lookiog ladies as auy in my travels but, K really bore in Paris I am um. I do 3 not-thiuk anvthing can imit;ete living K wax work botter tban the ladies ofb E Paris. I notice if nature does pot suppl.y Y the beauty other nos toratives are appli- (G ed. The style here is really beyond my H comprehension. Lt is flot lu the Young L or the middle faged alone but ladies S( getting on lu the meridian of lite are 01 dressed in the beight of fashion, so I Pl have orne to the conclusion that Paris ýN is a fashi onable city. H.ý, OA F Paris, June 19tb, 1900. G PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS,. Promotions have been made lu Bow-' manvillo Public Schools as folltpws: To Sr. 4th clas, maximum marks- S815.' Maggio Aluin 553, Eva Bnittain 48,2, Ethel Brock 655, Ethiel Brown 542, Ruby Crago 478, Bert Curtis 589, Jessie Dickinson 435,George James 554,Addie Johnson 4127, Ted Joues 457,' Edua King,498, Arthur Legge 458, Alex Lut- troîl 513, Marion McDougall, 517, Edua McGill 573, Dora 'Hoenligk 468, Hîlda Rundie 544, Howand Varcoo 519, Jessie Williams 5'.19. Tfo Jr. 4th ciass, max,. marks-765. James Beitb 493, Frank, Bottreli 391, Arthur Belîman 451, Lottie Cawker 527, Kate Dustan 417,, Norman Edger 407, Creighton Hligginbotham 416, Houa Jackmnn 49, Allie Koyes 502, Olive Os- borne 889, Benyl Percy 424, Clare Quick 392, Edua Howe 416, Newton Ta3lor 498. Wiibur Tnewin 443, Arthur Trebil. cock 561, Breward Buxton '136, Sidney Chartran 512, Norma Cou ch 509, Annie Coulter 635, Norman Creepen 440, Nita Deyman 433, Schuylen Edali 537, Er- vine Foster 529, Mildred Gifford 497, Loua Haddy 508, Carie IHawkins 558, Ina Henry 596, Midred Johuson,471, Mildred Jury 586, Douglas Laing 591, Kenueth Laing 515, Leta Maynard 462, Eva McGill 467, Wesley Matthews 511, Hanrold Meath 462, Norman Souch 559: Jessie Witheridge 529, Lizzie Tylor 419. To Sr 3rd class, max. marks-765. Ch8Bag-naîl 474, Eveli'u Bo)nsgaîl 427, William Dewar 451, Fred Greenfield J82, John flawkins 495, Florence bol- land-,175, Russell Hughies 38.3, Pauline Kempthonne 525, Bertha, Neads, 382, Jossie McDonald 386, Willie Tait 603, Frank Brittain 482, Arthur Edick 386, Ethel Freeland 532. Huperc bami',n 615, Annie Heru 555, Rhea Manning 506, Pearl Meader 432, Gordon Mitchel 49G, FIeora Reynolds 499, Gertie HReynolds 453, Ida Roynolds 451 , Elea Roblin 404, Fred Roblin 482, Carnie Roenigk 515, Ilarold Tuekor 504, Sarah Williams 481. To Jr 3r.1l cIass, max. marks-580. Maud Bickle 39,), Ernest Brown 413, Loana Buxton 209, Arvilla Co'e 403, Leta Don sexu 412, Frank Fletceri 412. Nellie Gould 404, Elton Hughes 331,1 Lonie Jackman 418. Roy Jackman 381, HIoward Jollow 393, Edi e MKowan 328, Cephas Meader 420, Emily MilîIs 417, Blanche Morris 369, Florence Morrist 436. Chanley Painton 427, Mary Paintonj 441 barley Perey 880, Walter Pinglet 839: Arthur Reynold's 291t, Norman Trebilcock' 456, Charley Weeks 857, Hlector Downey 429, Dorothy Edsa 1 499' Violet Fishleigh 498, Margaret FI etcher' 456, Victor Legge 899, Leigh Mallory 434. Carl Maynard 370, Therosa Mce- 1 Caffery 466, Douglas Melntvre 388, Chanlie McSorloy 353, Arthur Richards 89, Gertie Roenigk 882. Mankie Roon .gk 428, Kathleen Sinclair 401, Edra -Ta ýlor 401, Lawrence Wilson 484, May t 8haw 451L To Sr. 2nd class, max. marks-580. 1 Edna Bottreli 450, Eva Burk, 391, John Coie 442, Fred Gale 431, Willie Gai-i braith 338, Willie Gilison 379, Ross bru s L36, Leta Hobhs 1S18, Leuna Hru 446, redie Laing 464,' Minuxo Larkln 367,f Cora Matthews 339, Douglas McDonald f 487, Ruby Meatbh401, Ronbon Morrise 339, Dalton Monrow 376, Alfred NicholsI 384, Dora Perey, 417, Bessie Sparling 439. Violet Stevens 423, Windatt Tod t 394, Doîpli Tncker 382, Theresai Tyler il 379, Edith 346, -Olive Allun 337,'t Katie Biokeli 334, Richard- Branton 317, s Ethol Bnittain 385, Mary Bunhaxu 441, Ji Fred Curtis 368, Arthur Frise 448, Edra fi Grig 455, Edna Hamley 437, Clara v Humbor 430, Edgie Luttrell 413, Alec p Lyle 487, Rilda VcCaffrey 418, Ida Mc- o ionley,101, David Mornison 459, Bertha p >lcott 385, AIl Pennington 386, Ida 1 Pinch. 407, Rolly Sinclair 413, Rac a ValLer 414. s To Jr. Il clasa - Helen Mitchffl, q Frankie Williams, Norman Varcoe,, F Gertie Sinclair, Hilda 'Ors"' Lonie Il Tapsou, Tom Dustan, Percy" Piper, t, Winnie Bnittain, Eva Curtis, IHarold a Heal, Rov Chantran, Cocil Aluin, Greta s Scott, Mary; Downey, FredCryderman, fý Melvini Wood, Nelie Rae, Jack Edsall, a Melissa Fletcher, Minnie Roynolds, Er- il nie Manand, Melbourne" Bick le, t' Iuarm Fletchgr, Giadys Munday , y Kathloen bMcGill, I'lossie Coulter, Belle Murdoif, Greta Wickett,IJ.hloda Pethick, e Charlie Colo, Clara Gilison, Rîýhel Gam m le, Florenco Reenigk,HerschelIl Darcli, o Fredl Saundens, May Voddeu, Wiliie n Downey, Howard Bottoîll, Alox Bag- Il aIl, ' oy Richards, Arthur Edger, a 7harles Rowe, 'Guard Benuett, Nellie bi lingeaud, David Keith,, Minnie Colo,' a va Stacey, Ruby Lambert, ti To Part Il clas - Eva Reynolds, 81 [ewitt Edick, lia Gould, Florence fi Fishleigh, Jessie Goard, Gladys Field- f Ng Nellie Gibson, Lizzie Painton, ackmau,Mvntle Paintou,Gladvs Edick, 'A Morley Poiand, Muriel Calier, Winnie it pipen WilIîe Humphrey, Minnie Treb-a cc, OgaTo. -elie Stevens, Hazel Moore, Leslie Nichols, Alex Sinclair, a Vida Worden, Willie- Foliey, 'Howard layton, Gcladys Sauindens, Normnn 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -~h1 17ERMS.-si.50 Pim ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUXTY FIRST; TRE Ni Tho swift ride back b Ithe boat, is made, the beauty and snblimity cf Niagara is soon le! t fan bebiud, but the' mental ineff aceable Dictune is taIton lu' lasting colours, twe lives have bodn cd, two nîinds have devoloped phenom- onally by one day's oxperience, two seuls have been receptive, and taken lin i no malter in bow small degneo the ls sons the Almigbty Pather meant te teacb them, DARLINGTOIAN< LETTER FROM DR. ELLIOTT Benny, Nizen Coast Protecterate, West Afnica. May 3), 1900. We are very comfortabie bore inu Bouny. Ail cf us are tegether lu the Vice Consulato and we bave our Labor- atory aise next oun rooms. Dr. Sbek- elton, the Medical Officen bore, and Dr. Boit, the Deputv Commissionen, are the ouiy white Goverument officiais. Thene are twe white mon in the telognapli (cabIl office and 6 on 7 white bradons. That mnakes up the population cI the place lu Enrepeaus. There la a chnnchi and mission scbooi but it is carried on by black missionarios. The native chiof s bore ail have a groat number of slaves and fnom 5 to 25 wivos, Someocf' them have large plantations a feu- miles eut, %Vaeoxpeet 10 visit oe of tbom next week. This place liko Old Calaban was 100 years ago eeof the groat centres cf the slavet trade and there ai-o 10 ho seen relies cf the busi- ness lu the shape of wrocked sbips. etc. I amn sîll onjeyiug lifo on bbec'West Coast and the two meals a day andl have stili my oldI Muskoka appetite and find my clethes very tight. Our diet bore is not as varied as in Old Calaban- due te there baing bass people. We nover see beef except wben a sbip is juat in from England and not always thon Fruit ton ls rathen scarce oxcopt- in.- bananas and pineappios. We bave very littho outaide fowl, fisli and mutton, (geaiý) Our meals are liko, this: -(î) Sardine on toast, mutton brotb, broiledi cbicken, roast mutton, chickeul curry, pudding, varied by (2) Boiied fisb, poachod oggs on toastfnicassed chickeu, noast.fowi,pudding, on (3) Cieken soup, f nîed flih, chicen cutlets, grilled mut- ton, Ashanti- fowl-, pudding. Thon for changes wo have Irish stewod cbickoui and mutten, mutton longue, cbicken pie, sboeps trottons, gibiet soup, mutton currie, cold noast fowl, stowed Lewl, apabcbed cock, etc. Eg-gs are served only poacbed-tbe native may brng two dozen cf wbich eue on t wo are gond. Tbey theruselves nover ouI egga and do not undenstand whv the,; are net as goo ol asuew -We have net yet bean f orcod 10 cal wilh a native but whan we 6ro up ta sec lime plantation we, will likely bave te endure apalm cil soup bofore ieuviug I arn getting buo like Ibis disb but Aunebt and Duttou At Old Calabar we woro 5o miles from the ocean on I1 suppose more proponiy tbc Biglit cf Biapa or Gulf cf Guinca. bore wFe are at the mouth of a river about, 20 miles wide. The country is very fiat for nuauy miles around aus and we are on a fiat, muddy island witb numerous creeks ail about us. Our bouse faceb river ouly 1.10 yards fnom us, Behiud us and te the seubli is bhelobwu made uD of mud huIs, -net the round oues pictured in IlNa'ions " but oblong eueris with thabcbed roofs, noud flons and iow ceîlings. Y~aeto StOOp ,te eLter tbem. The native clolbiýng is much bbc same ut Old Caiabar-simply a eloth about bbc waist. Somne cf the women but ouly part, have a, iolli over shoulders and chest as welL., The celons are ail brigbt. Noue of the natives wear cîýther hats on boolts. Il is net neanly s,) bot bore as in (-)d(1Calabar, Wo etel bb beneflt cf tbbc ocean breezes Teorrý)tow-f aflernoon I expect lespn an heur at tbc cable office seeing thon in strumients, etc. The agent came out on our boait and~ we came te kuow bîma veny weil. Wo have donc a 11111e sooin ut so fan bave bagged nobhing Jlargon than pigeons. Wild pigecons are fairly plentif nI bore. A groat inany of th«e birds arc diseased-a fact net hithentuL kuown. Like the natives. tbev noarlv HI FIRST TRIP TO THE FALLS. She had nover been there'befono. This made eight times I bad taken in b.y dogrees the wonder and the majesty of it, but the masculine mind is slower te comprohend, I thougit, ber quick-1 or itu tt 9nercopticus will taken inaa1 day what Las taken years for me. Stîli I co>uld not help queryiug a litIle, wiii she ho disappointod aftotc ail? The whole way along hi-n iutenost novn- llagged, tbough a delusive fog kept us in suspense until 'vo had fairlyemorged Luto> the Niagara, River,ý Thon indeed the beautv and varietv cf the sccneny well ropaid one for saiiing through the niaI. Stars and Stnipes were floating in abundance, Il siighlly anuioyod lber. Bizoted littho Billon that she was, she said somehow I canuot bear te 800 it af ter our owD Union Jack, turuing le a tiny aiden at bier side, she remarkod, 1dontly e11 o e? Oh ! yes was tho reply I love it, you Sce I was bon over there, That seltled it. Wheu we had actuall y landed and were making the circuitous wiud round Lud round tbc weeded heights bbe ex- pectant look ilulber oyes danced forth more wildiy than evor, Nothing in bbe vried beauty cf rock and river, forcat and vinqyand, escaped hon. But il was evor soeobbng funthor ai mod that on- thnailed lben. Again Iasked mYsoîf, wiillbe she disap- poiuted? At longth the long looked for 1 siglit bunat upon us. Above the motal- lic roan ôf the car, swelled the solemn ounding of the seothing waters. A look of surprise, net altogether cf salis- faction stolo ovor hon face. Its only falling water after ail witb an apolog- etic look lu my direction, wail and 800 Iwhispor, lhalit tomyscîf. Thon we aligbt and begfu a tour, of th sights. The over prosont Kodak man was busi' with his snap shots but that was net the style of photograpli sh wisbed toe crry away. Minutes lngthened into heurs and stîlI I waited fon an expression wbicb 1I bit sure wouId come. Tired of travelling froin point te point we seated ourselves upon ne cfthe rusbic scats in the beautiful park, commanding a full sweep of the 'ails. Il came at la-st Fiashing a ga t hier I saw great tears stnigi h swoet bnewn eyes. the firmlv eloed lips uivening., I could afford. te wait. as ilentlv the tears dropped down and feul ipon the folded bands. Nothing cf bit terness, notbing tempostucus but peace and relief from the heavy tension of soui and body. I looked again. The fce was transfiguned witb indescribable we; the fan seeiug gaze rested en notb- Iîg cf oarth. IIow awful il is sho ven- tred at ion gtb in respone te rMy patient waiting. Yos, 1 say, glad that the spellis brok- an. It is awýful in the brue sense of the wrd, For myv part I feH the necessîty f coming here once lu a wbule te bring me back te mysoîf, te adjust my rola- onship with my Createn. This is an ýgeocf irreverouce the mest sacned and npesing scenos cf oanth are paFQod by s common place and unintoresti; g- by be masses cf mankind. Il' is the . lark shadow whîch. Ibreatens the dazzling autnre cf oun youug Dominion-Ibis allouai irrevorenceocf which'the eut-, me wiIl boa dearth of gentleness net ffeminacy, but that truc goublenoss, witheut wbich neithen nation non mndiv- lual eau -ho called great. But 1 arn unxieus te know wbat olse yen see iittlo weman, yen Leel unspeakable Ibinga I m certain]; The love cf Ged ! is the lew toed nos, panse, and the radiant face expresses more than words. Aih:these years Ho bas een koeping thisfor me I nover ceuid ave ealîzed lb fromn heaxsay or pou- pictu'o.Serelnead incomprebensible relIs aleng accompisbiugthe xnighty and of the Creator. My seul is bowed to the earlh and agalin lifted as ou wing f cagies, te tbink how Ibis mgt mi-non cf I-lis Io ye and'Power, is.oln cn froxu etornity toeotonnity uufretted v our pottv nooiliug and- Ioiiing, bY the n,-( nions de.viceo f man bearng iÀ ils Cloud cbaireduno-wneathed boa n ai 1e secrets cf the ages, nevcaling! em, it by bit, le tho-beings propanei for '1ýý VOLUME XLVI No. 29. MPu -Ikfp- -NIP- Afp- 11, Il.- M, -ýe, i

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