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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1900, p. 4

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P\T'THE, i New rug Stor~e W WEGIVE VALUE I IN GOODS~.1 That means NOT BARGAIN DRUGS AT BARGAIN PRICES Sbut good pure drugs, not at au extortionate price but THE B3EST 0OF EVERYTHING AýTrA REASONABLE FIGURE. It is worth money to you to know that the drugs you < ~use are the best obtainable, TRS IS 'IrE4 ONLY KIND EB SELL, ONE GRADE THlE BEST AND TIJAT ONLY. What we advertise we mean and we *111 try to con- vince you of this if y ou but grant us a share of your drug trade. 3 W. C. Tole, Phm. B.5 2 Doors East of Post Office. Bowmanville. Bindr ight Outlook Fariors ' Comfpany, Lîmiît cd, BRANTFORD, Beught thein raw matenial ight. and defy the wald an competition. Finest Red Star 12ýc. Blue Star 1li, Standard 1ote. Sec aur agent ut once, Don't p ut off buving; aur quntitv is limitcd. We have waruied you fairlv. JOSEPH STRATFORD, Genienal Manager Notice tb Creditors. In the JMater of the Estate of WIL LL4M THIOAÀS' LOCKIL4RT, late of the village f -Ncwcaslle, in the County af Durhamn and Provc- ince of Ontario, Grain Dealer, deceased, uho carried on business und er the name and style of Lockhart Brathers. N OTICE is herebv gîven pursuant te the pravistoai's of 1.S.., 1897, chapter 129, that ail ereitorsand other proslajgrsm aant the estate ofWLLIAM THOMAS LOOKHART, late of the village of Newcastle, lu the County of Durham, Gýrain Dealer, de- ceased, who died on or about the 4th day of June, 1900, or against Lockbart 1ros., who cariled on business in said village of Newcastle, are reeulred on or before the FIFTEENTH DAY 0 SEPTEMuEJI,1900, to serd by nost prepaid or deliver to the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, executors of the lat will and tetment of William Thomas Lockhart. de- ceased, at Toronto, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of their dlaims properly verified and the nature of the securit- les if any heid by them. Audimunediately after the fifteenth day of september, 1900, t he said executors will proceed te distribute the assets of the said deceased amen g the pesons etitled thereto, baving regard only te the claims of wich they then ahail bave bad notice, and the said executors will not be hiable for l~e said estate or any part thereof te any persen or perâons of whose dlaimi or claimas they shah net then have had notice. EVAN H. MLEAN, of the village of New- eastle, solicitor herein for the Torai-nto General Trusts Corporation, executors of the estate of William Thomas Lockhart, deceased. Daied at Newcastle, Ont., this 16th day of Jniy,, 100 e, 29-w INow is the tim e for Iail 1 My stock will be found VerY complote adpricca right. Beautiful patterns fram 5 cents. U.4indlowi.Shaces GW-tain Poles lîoom mo1dings ilNew stock af frumied Pictunes, Frames and Picture Moldiugs just received. A veny nice trame f or. Cabinet Photos fo r ý25c. Sec the 0O1 Chromo ton $1.00. No trouble ta show goods, and'quate pnicos. The Spring stunts the Base Bail, Foat Bull and ther gaumes, I bave them. P. Trebilcock. BOWaîANVILLE. That tired, languid feeling and dul headache ila vcny disagnecable. Take two et Crte's Little Liven Pis belon e retining, and van swill find relief. Thcy never laul to do good. BOWMANVILLE, JULY 18, 1900. TRADE IIW1IEASING WITH The imperial trade rcturns for June show that the imports into the United Km gdom from Canada increused duriug thait month over the corresponding moutb af last year ta the folowing- cxteut:-cbecse, $915,00) ; bacon, $330,- 000 ; pulp, $30,000 ; bamns, $140,000; s, 100,0LO; wheat, $60,000; peas,840. 003. On the other baud there wcre decreases iu the importation of cattie, shcep lumber, and one or twa other hule, In xports tram England ta Canada warstcds and iron, showcd decreases, but lte majarity of other lines show good inecase. GIIEA'I' LIIiERÂL SUCCESS. In ail the years there was a Conserv- ative majority lu the Railway Committee no0 attempt was over made ta assent the rights of the people concerning the great coul ail combine. althoui duriug the greuter portion if flot ulI of that period the monopolîsts and corporations gcuerally werc stoadily increasing their grip upon the country. Since the change af Goverument, anc of the big- Zest jobs the Liberals have set thein- sel ves was to break the power of the monapolies, and wrest buck for the pecople saine of their stolon rigbts. It is a heavy contract aud cDnuot be all ac- camplished lu a day, but substantial progress bas been mad,,,, and with the renewai ot public confidenîce which will be uccordcd the Laurier Govertiment ut the niext general elec tion, even groater progress 7 imav be expectcd lu this mast necessarv work. X USTIBE RESIDENTS. Wbat a masg et goad legisiation the Laurier Gaverument is putting on the Statute Books this session. Another tangible picce of evidceice of the Liber ai Governmeut'a practicul sympatby with the toiler came ta ight last wcck in addition ta the provisions requiring contractors on Goverument work te puy te their workmen net less than the cur- rent rates et wages in the district whoee the work is boîng pcrtormed, the Gev- erumeut bave adepted another regulu- tion, whicb requires that ail mon cm- ploved on Government warks shahl be residents af Canada. The first cantruot ta which this provision applies is anc for the barbai- ut Sarnia. The conditions which lion. Mn. Mulock, acting Minister of Public Works, ha incorporatcd in this con- tract exprossiy provides that every workman shall be a Cunadian resident. The same provision isaIse ta be insert- cd into the contnact foi the bneakwater ut Port Caîbonne, and wiil find a place hcnceforward lu every Government cantruot for public works. Well donc, Mr. Mulock! NO DISCIMINATION. Taries have shown sa much iuterest lu the condition of the coul ail question, and such an unqueuchabie tbirst for in- formation as ta what the Gavernment bas doue ta cheupen this very necessany cammodity ta the cansumer, that they wili be interested lu noting that the great raýiiway companies have ut last been brauglit ta their kueas by the de- termined and uticempnamisiug attitude af the Laurier Qovernment. At the the Standard 011 Campany-- thut ereut actapus xnanoply which ap-- peurs ta have absalute contrai of the iu- dustry lu the United States and of the raiiways aven wbich their praduct must be transpoted-4he Canadian ra ilways for manths discriinated lu r ates lu favor of that co)mpany and against its campetitors. When the Railway Corn- mittee of the Privy Council compclled tAie nailways ta rernave this discimation as it wus cleunkv a deliberate violation of the 'law, the ruilways simply shifted their ground and churged dis- criminating rates against the points, where the campeting ail wus handled, leaving the places via which the Stan- dard 'Companv s Oul was transported, untouched. Again the Railway Coin- mittee interfered, and atter reslsting as long'as tbey dared, the naiiways have yieidcd and the unjust discrimination is ut an end. The crodit fer this victory for the people aguinst the manaply must lu ail faîrness be gîven ta the Laurier Administration. Laurier and Compans, arc the roui friends of the people C%'hitdren Ory or one LAXA-LIVER PILL every night for th!irtv days Ma_:kes a oomplete cure A GOOD Wl'. The Coucilliatian Bill which was carriod thnaugh the Hanse last weck iu charge of Hon. William Mulock is the mast practical and definite piece af législatian lu the interests et labor that bus been placed upon the statute book for many yeurs; and net only will il prove a valuable act ta the wonking classes, but the whaie community as wcil, for that which Affects labor wheth or benericiall 'v ar the reverse, necessani- ly an.d lu a ige mannen, affects the outine communit *y. The uct provides machinery for the simpler and mono per- manent settiement of trade disputes,und is based upa n an imperial law which bas becu lhonoughiy tosted, sud satisfuton- ly settied. t la nat coercive in its provisions, but simpiy uffered adéquate machincry, of whic bobth sîdes muy take advautage withont loss of diguity or self-respect, and with roasonable pros- pects of urivinz ut auhappy terminatieîî et thein difficulties. Au important provisiou of the bill is thut under which a Labor Gazette will be- published manthly, for the purpese of gatherng and disseminiating tacts of intercat sud value la the lubor wold, aud this pro- Dosai bas been warmly endoncod by labon men the Dominion aven. A. 0. U. W. NOTES. Only anc assessinent No. 7 for July. Ancieut Onden of United Xokmen is to-day the leuding - nganizutian af its cluss Bro. S F. Hill is meeting with groat succeas lu euralliîîg new members in Quinte District. Many new membens une joiuing the A O. U. X. aven 1200. huving beîîinu- iliated inta 62 ladgcs au the houer roll. Fuith ladge, Coiborne, bouda the heu- or rail ton June witu 89 110w members. Brave! This lodge bas over 250 mcm bers. The Masonic Sun contains a well doserved tribute ta Mn. F. G. Lnwaad, Toi-enta, Grand Treusuren of the Grand Ledge et Ontario, Ena. Inwood is a matst worth.y n and deserves ahi the kindly expressions said about hlm, A prominoent feulure of the A.O U.W, ai Ontario is thal its growlh in business and lu solidity and public faven bas a& wuys been steady, continuons sud satis- tactony. Every yean of its existence bas shown an increase ovor the preceed- ing year thal testifles ta goed manage- meut sud a solid foundation. PEARCE FAMVILY PICNIC. Saturday was a doighttui day for a pienicuot te wurmi,the sun's nays being tempered by lighl clouds. Over 200 relatives and triends et the Peare tamily foî-gathered ut theolad Home- stead on the Base Lino, s bahf mile wcst et Darlington Station, sud speut a veny enjoyable aflerneon Mn. sud Mns Ina F. Pearce now accupy the homestead aud poi-tanmed the hanars af host sud hostesa, makîng al bel we'- came. A base bail match was playcd in Mn. Jas. Rundle's field adjeining Mn. Pearce's farnm en the oust sud some of thle "aId bo ' a" ren ,ewed their agility au the dihimoîd. Ilb the play was not sci- eatific 1h was iîîterosting by way ai companisan ta a beague match. Mn. Benj. Wei:ry was umipire sud no one presumned ta qnestion bis décisions We have't ligures enough ton the scere. Another inlcresling feature teok pIs--e onthe sp=eslawu where Mn. H C. Tait phoagaped the conupauy on the terraccd greenu sward , nd seldom have we accu a btter gnoup pictune. Every tamily wil want anc wheu thcy sec il. One thing that struck ns prcltv torcibly was the pleasure anc grandad took lu huving a grand child on bis kuce. Séec ow happy ho looks lu the pictune. Graudma Pearce forma a centrai figure surronnded by ber sons, theirN wivos sud tamilies-thase wbe baye thein. Tables wene spnead tan 8i and three limes wene the cavera laid. The edibles comprised every wholesome sud duinty viaud Ihat the epieurcan could desine, an the remark was muade: "What a splendid display of cakes." Editan James was snpnemely happy fan au huIt baun aven Mns. Van Camp's ibenal acrving of chicken pie. Lndeed, ho bas been happy even since. Oneoabsenviug man, a praminont grocer tramn towu, remarked witb a sigh baw the number of children bud iucreased lu a tew yeans. Well, this i8 a bopeful igu. Like ail pleassut gathoninga lu thia warld, the lime af separation Came with the talling abades of the eveîîing hour sud the jolly Company disponsod bappy ta meet, sanny ta part sud hep- ing te meet aguin ucxt yean, Among those presout wore. Mns H Peurco, W H Pearce sud family, Gea A Pearce sud family Ina F Peare sud wife JaqmePeuce ~Bunker sud wif, Rus lndÏ mouiie -Langma i d, Mrs Chas Wright, W Brunt sud wife, R Scott sud wif e, Cecil Welch, R Dale sud wi fe, (Toronto), H C Tait, A Tait, J Peu- faund, wife asud oblîdren, Mrs A S Toal- ey sud ebjîdren, T Baker, wife sud tamiiy, MissesFiassie sud HattieOshorne, S C> Rundie, wif e and 'fa miiy, M D Williams sud wife, Miss Power, Miss Stevens, J Brout sud wite, Jno Oke, wifo sud tamihy, A I'J Oke, wite sud family. A Suferor FProm Weak DIoodý ani Ex., hauistod Hrvgs Tells of i Cure by 1181n« Dr. Chase'$ Nerve Food. Mr. A. T. P. Lalame, rallway agent at Clareniceville, Que.,, wrtes-" For twelve yüars I have been run down wvith nervous debility, I suf ered mnuch, and conoulted doctors. and used medicInea Ilu Vain. ,Some months ugo I h'eard of Dr. Chases Nerve Food, used two box«s, and my bealth Improved so rapldly that 1 ordered twelve more. "I1 can say, frankly, that this treat- ment has rio equaIlnl the medical world. While u.slng Dr. Chase's Nêrve Food 1 could feel mny SYsterm being bilît tip until now 1 arn strong and healthy. 1 cannat recommend It too h1ghly for weak, tiervous people." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Io a tonte and restorative of inestimable worth. It nfiakes the blood rich, the nerves strong, lucreases the weight, and cures ail weaknesses and diseases of the nerves and blood. In piln form, 50 cents aE box, at ail dealers, or Edmanson, Dates and Co,, Toronto. REGATTA AT COBOURG. Grand Ilegatta of the Lake Yacht Racing Association at Cobourg July 23 and 2l.Tk h ... excursion on Tuesday and sec it. Onily 55 cents from bere. A Rochester despatch says: "The Rochester Yacht Club will be represented at Cobourg meet during the meeting of the Lake Yacht Racing Association by some of the fastest smuîl boats in its fleet," ORANGEMEN CELEBRATIE. LARGE GATIILRING-GRAND TnïE AT BLACKSTOCE. A numbèr af the members of Jubilee Lodge. L.0 L. No 640, uccompauncd by Mayor Loscombe, Cou-ncillors King and Tait and thi DO0. & P. Co . baud joiued the gathcring at Blackstock on Thursday lu layally celebrating the Glorious Twelfth, The visiting lodges present were Blackstock, Burketon, Purple ill, and Devitt's and the True Blue Lodges of Port Perry and Seug>g. In the afternoon the fife and drum bands of Burketon and Devitt's Lodges and D. O.-& P. Ca. band and the ubove mentioned lodges formed a procession and marched through the principal streets to the Drill shed where thcy werc addressed by Mayor Loýscombe, Bowmiauville, and Reys. R M. Phalen, E. E. Howard and J. Creighton. Mr. Ansan Ta.ylor, U(,ounty Master, presid- cd. A program eof sports including running races for which money prizes were given was held on the grounds during the remainder of the utter- noan. The base bail gaine between Port Perry and a picked tcam from Janetville, Bawmauville and Black- stock resulted in vietorv for the former, A grand concert was given lu the Di ill shed in theeveucýing toa acrowdedhbouse. The D.O. & U. Ca. baud played a num- ber ot selectius and wcre frcquently applauded. Chairman James Parr made saine ver y complimcntary re- marks aboutthe services af this band. Mr. W. Roeigk playod a baritone solo that was loudiy cucorcd. Mr. J. H Cameron,humorous entertanier, Toron- to, was a wholc prograin lu hiruseîf and bis sangs and recitatians werc g-:ood. Miss Mable Tait, Pianist, Toronto,' ren- dered twa fine piano selectians that were much enijoyed. The '4walk " end- cd very satisfactorily toaail interested. Each Lodge made a credituble showing and conductcd tbemschves accordingly. The Bowmanville contingent speaks weli of the entertainument of the Black- stock friends. HAMPTON. Visitors: Miss Maggie Burns, Janet- ~ville, ut Mr. R. Burns'; Dr. I-L C. Phiillips and tamilv ýaud Mr. Boyd, Rochester, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Me Larty, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Milîs, Strath:roy, at Mr. F. A. Colc's; Mr. W. W. Price, St Marys, at Mr. J. Slter's; Miss Carnie Lard has returned ta bier home, Zion, Hope .... Harvcst is in ful swing .... Hay cýrop proved larger than was cxpectedi . _11. r. 0. J. Kerslake spent Sunday ivith fiends in Hope.... Mrs. D. Williams, who destrayed the fruit an a neighbor's cherry trce by throwing poison, On the tree while wet, was fined $1 and csts-88,75-by Mag- istrate Haines, -Sturday. . .. Mrs, W. Creeper suffered another stroke last week and is at present confined ta ber bcd .. .. The qua rterly meeting of the Hampton circuit will be held next Sabbath lu Zion church at 10.30 a. m., àand the quaartesrly board in the League Horn, John Perins, Arthur Clarke, Arthur Wakely; Jr. Part Il ta Sr. Part II-Percy Clarke, Gertrude Martin, Clarence Gar; Part I ta Part II-Lily Burns, Llma Ciarîke, Edua lHannam. Teachers, F. J. Groat and A. Armour. Don't Jet headuche weur you ont and rAnder you unfit for business or pleasure Milburn's Sterling Hleaduche Powders will cure yau cquickly and leave no bad after effects. £fhe-, co not- depress the heurt. Price 10e and 25c. COURTICE. Visitons: Miss Bond, Taronte, ut Mrs. J. F. Brooks'; Miss Patterson,1 Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Williams,Pont Penny, at Mn. Eli Osborne's; Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Clemens, uat Mn. L. M. Courtice's; Mn. and Mrs. A. Clemens, Tyrone, ut Mn. Levi Aunis'; Master Victarn Pyc with Mn. Rupe Moraw. . ... Mt. Carswell sont up six candidates fon outrance exama, Thcy were aill succcssfal, We cangratulate .Miss Biokie and the pupils on this splend id record . ... Saturday there wvlll be plaved on the Courtice Athîctie gneunds9 game of base bail botween the first nine and a picked toain captained by- Mn. Blake Courtice. The game la called tonr4.20. A nice picce af sport is oxpectcd. Somietimes af ton getting e verheated. thene fal]ows a chili, thon a severo caid. The quickest and best rcmedy fer the worst kinda af coughs and colds is Dr. Wood's Nanway Pine Synup. Tny it. Pnice 25c. NEW HAVEN. Visitons; Miss MeClellun, Landau and Mrs. and Miss Adain, New York, ut Mn. Casey Trull's. Miss Bnitton, Port Penny, ut Mn. Wm. Britton's, Mn. Ed. Pollard, Oshawa, ut Mn. T. Powen's... Miss Bertha Van Camp is visiting ut Oshawa. ...- Mrs. Jas. Langinaili and son visited tniends ut Tyrone . ... Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood attended the tuneral of Mns. Wood's mother, Mrs. H. B3artlett, Cuesurea .... Mr. Thos. Van Camp had a burn raisingluat week.. Mn. Edgar Aluin gave un intonesting talk an Missions ut the C. E. buving réféence ta the Fonwurd Movemeut scheme .. . .A vcny pleasant time was spout at Mn. Jas. Langmnaid's wheu the members af the C. E. assembled by in- vitation ta a gardon pantv. Supper was sorved on the iuwn aller which Miss Adair treated the company teaa phonograDh concert which wus much enjoyed. A MOTHER'S OPINION-Mrs. J. Snell- ing, Underweod, Ont., suys tbatshe bias used Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrnp in bon family fan the past eigbt yeans, sud she knaws ef netbing sa goad fan childnen who suifer tram. worms. TYRONE., Miss Gertie MoBnrney, Gardon Hill, and friend Miss Wilson, Western Ont- aria, are guesîsaof Mrs. Richard Davey ...Mr. R. Fallis, Toronto, and son Leslie, are réent guesîs ut Mn. Jas. Bycrs' -. ... Sanît annive--sury services were wcll uttended. Fine addnesses were delivcredby the pastaro Several T.ýroue old beys and girls compesed tac choir Sunday mrning and capital music they ga 've us tee. The nogulan chair assisted uat Long Sanit. ... Miss Pearl, daugbter et Mn. Levi Skinner, gave a pleasant ententaiument ta four- teon et bier voung triends Menday lust ..Mn S. Biugham bias purchased a fine driver .... Mn. W. Rommier lias nesigned Ithe Pnincipulsbip et Tyrone sahool.... Mrs. S. Binghami is in vcry poon bcaith. Mns. Samuel Baud is a liltle botter .... The bousebold ef Mn. W. R. Clemens is relievcd tramn quarantine, littie Bruce Honeywell baviug recovered troa scarlet foyer, ht la the onily case bore .... No service Snnday evening next. Attend Beth- esda's ro-opeuing. - - Our S.S. cardially thunks the Bowmsnville fniends for the invitation ta pionie with them ut Muni-a Park, Toronto,an Monday uext....- - rs E. A. Sylvester, duughter of Mn Jas. Bingbam, iý daing nicelv sinev the opération fan appendicitis penformed in the Lutfirmany Hospital, New York, June 22nd .....Mr and Mnq. R.L. Werry and MasterWilfrid. Montreal, Mn. sud Mrs. John A. Chanîtan, Toronto, bave bocul guostsaut "Spring Brook Fanin."- To get relief from. indigestion, bill- ousuosa, constipation, or torpid liver without distunbing the stomach, on purgitlg the bowels, take a few doses of Cunten's Little Liven Pilla. Thcy will pieuse yau. TELEPHONE 57. , muave WooI Wanted For Cash. You T ri ed Eggs Cash or Trade. Ouïr Bakillg Powdor West End fouse BOWMANVILLE. Bi1g Mid=Sunimer Sale ail this Month. See that you get.some of these Plums. Following are some of the start- ling prie es: 15 pieces fine Dress Ginghams, splendid patterns, are just opened out. We cleared the lot an'd wil seil 17ec and 20e Ginghams for'i 24c a yd. 5 dozeniMen's good strong Mole- skin Shirts, the 75e Shirts for 50c; eaeh. 4 O p i e e e s dark Flannelette, special at 5e a yard. 5 doz. Men's Flannelette Shirts at 15e eaeh. 4 doz. Men's fine Gingliam Shirts reg. 50e; during this sale 3M. 10 pieees eolored Dress Goods in nie e mixed faneies. The priee is 25e. This month for 1, 24c a ysd.. 20 piees F(eavy. Loeh' Lomond Flannelette in dark eheques and stripes. They are worth i 33-e a yd. This month we wilI seIl them at 10e a yd. 100 pairs Men's Tweed Pants at $1.00 a pair. A few odd lines Men's Fine $ i and $1.25 Colored Shirts ýat 69o eaeh. 3 6 Boy's Tweed Golf Capsà, reg. 20e for 1 3e eaeh. 10 doz. Men's and Boy's Ties in bows,-kuots -and derby, reg. 25e and 50e, at 15e eaeh. 100 pairs Men's Heavy Plow Boots, bellows tongue, reg.$L6 for $1.25 pair. 50 pairs men's Heavy Granger Boots, reg. $1025 At 15c. per pound? for $ 1.00. Ieal Stros, BOWMANVILLE. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. corrected by JJlmomrtry each Tueaday FLOUR, Pl100tbs........$2 00 ta $2 50 WHEFAT, Fail, bush .... 0O') 075 Spriug 0 O 0 ' O75 i Red Pife ::::0 00" 08. fi Goose........ 000 fi0 75 BARLEY, 4P bush, No. i1..O039 fi O 40 "2 ... 026 il0 35 3 ...025"fi0 30 fi fiTwo nowod 0 25"fi0 40 OA'rs, white 'i.......0 24 fi O 27 BYE, il.............000"fi0 50 BtIGKWIIEAT I ......0 00 0 O45 PEAS, Blackeye, IP bush.. 0 69 0 60 i Canadian Beauties 0 74 'i O60 nMnmmey nil 0 0'i0O60 Small nfi 0 0'i0O60 Biue i 060 0 65 BUTTER, beat table, e 1b.. 0 00 0 14 EGGs, P doz............ 000"if011l POTATOEs, P bush------O00 i O 2() HÂ-, eton ............. 500 fi' 700 70 pairs Ladies' Fine Don- gola Ox, reg. $1.25 and$1.35. This sale they go at $1 pair. 20 pairs Boys' Canvas Boots, reg. $1.25, for 75c. a pair. 18 pairs Mens, Fine Caif- Laced ]Boots, reg. $1.50; this&ýl month for $1-25 Pair, John McMurto4ry. f 1 1 1

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