y A Buggy for, Foure Excursion to Cobourg July 21. Wonderful Carbolic disinfecting soap 5c, at Nicholîs'. Excursion to Niagara Falls, Wednes- day August 8q-si 25. The Globe's Patriotic Fund amounts to the sum of .387,W02 36. Ladies Whitewear at reduced prices at Coucli, Jethuston & Cryderman's,, 1Outlook for crops tri the Northwest improves daily. Fine rains have fallen. "HI-ints to farmers" on an inside page may bc mworth $,0 to sonie far- mer. The ea'st ier at Port Bowinanville is Glass Fruit jars at NicholIs'. Tanglefoot Fly paper at Nicholis'; Best value in Stirling Silver Spoons at Rickard's. M. A. James is Government issuer M~ MarriageLicenses. 1M. A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses. Lady's bicycle wanted, nearly new Anti Cheap. M. A. JAMES. 1New subscribers can get TaE STATEs MAN to end of 1900 for 35 cents. See the white piques for 10c. and 12c, at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 's. Cobour isa beutifu twn Ji PERSONA4L. THE STATEsmAN iuvites al itgû readers to con- tribute to this columnu ail itemis of a personal nature, the arrivai aud departure of guests, the niovementà of well kuown people, busijness m:en, etc. Send us a posti r or drop a note in our office letter box. Miss Edna Muir, Torcontb, spent Sun- day at home. Mr. Edmnund Roblin, Picton, was in town last week. Mrs. J. Lyle lias returnied from a visit at Chatham. Miss May Shaw, Toronto, is guest of Miss Kate Murdoch,. Miss Sybil Paton, Toronto,. is guest of Mliss Inez Mason Mr. Chas. Brown, Gaît, is guest of -Mr. J.J. Mason. Miss Nellie Williams is visiting rela- tives'in Chicago, 111. Misses Lena and Martha Jarvis are visiting relatives in Toronto.- Mrs. (Capt.) A. W. Crawford and son, are guest of her sister Mrs. JohnuCrago. MIrs P'eter Connell and son Earl, Tor- onto Juncetion, are- guests of Mrs. W. H. Pearn. Mris Coulson Jeffery and son have returned from bt. Mary's accompanied by Miss Eva Pearn. Miss Mary Allen, Ridgetown, is visitinoe at'lier grandfather's, Mr., For sale ehe&DýA cana outÏng