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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1900, p. 8

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TJhe tiight pk&ee to buy W THE KIVND THAT KILLS. PueParis Green guaranteed. Taige- foot Sticky fly Paper. Fly Poison Pads, Etc. T-ry our Cream of Witch Hazel fo an,'Freekiles, and Sunburn. J.HICIBOTHAM & KO3 I ~ aeyou seen our Go-cants and Ca rriage. Carriages; if This eut shows combination Go-eart 'and Baby Carrnage. It fuls ail requirements and is taking the place of others. WTe have other Unes of Carniages besides Our store is fulil of ail the inewest goods, together with the regular Unes from the eheaper to the better goods. TJNDE.RTAKING complete and every attention given. Kgtbell on side of door answered any hour of the night. ~ I"NOT LK ~~ MOTHER MADE, BUT BETTER, ONES __ S BLO-AUSE THE 1PPE RIA L OXFORDRANG E D I supýerior to any kîtoben eook stove available in 1"mother's ti-me" If you oacro to see them eail at our agents. -îl FOR SALE BY Mason & Dale. ~ The G urpey FoUndry Co',, Limiîtedi, Torointo, Wininipeg, Vancouver. BOWMAINVILLE, JIJLY 18, 1900. BETHESD-A Bethesila church re-opening services wili be held on Sundav Jiy 22nd, Sermons witi be proached at 2.30 p m., by 11e-v. W. J. Joliffe,B .C L., paster oi Mthodist church, Bowmnanvile_. and at 7'p m , by 11ev. J.S.I.Wilson,B.A ,B.D., Courtice. A thank offering wîll bc taken at tbe clno of each service ln be- half of church funiid. HAYDOýN. Visitors- Mrs, Thos. Hli visiting friends, Mus Wm. Rabbins, Toronto, has returned home af ter a pie asan t visit with friends, Miss Hudson, Osha- wa, Miss Rhoda Hudson and Mu, W. Clarke, -Pickering. spent Sundav at Mu. J. Hudson's, Miss Gertie Oidfieid, Columbus, guest of Miss Canule Brima- combe. Miss Grace Tuewin, Bowmau- ville, visiting fiends, Miss Lena Broad of Toronto, at Mr Win. Buoad's .... Ail the pupils of liaydon school were very successfui wîth their -examina tions and we congratulate Miss Campbell their teacher. Success for sixty vears.-This is the record cf Perry D)avis' Pain-Killer.* A sure cure for diarrhoea, dysentry and ail bowel troubles. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain Kilter, Perry Davis'. 25c. sud 50c. ENNISIIILLE'N. Vistor: Ms.Ussher, Etlmvale, Mrse H. tient, Uxbridg-e, gutests cf Mu. Jas. Stainiton; Miss Souehi, Brusseis, guest cf Mr. A Riggs; Mr. Jaukson, Toronto, guest cf',Mu. J.- J. Virtue; (Mr. Jack- son 's sou was kiiled at battie of Paarde- burg, South Af rica); Miss Kate Virtue home from Toronto; Mr. F. Rogers lu Toronto. .....The young people had a very enjoyable time at the picule at Boyue Water Milîs Saturday afteruoou . . . 'A number attended the moolighit1 garden social at Mr. Wm. Beath's, East Whitby, Fridy vening and report a vcuy enjoal time.,. .. Mus. John Mitchell has returned home after a pleasant visit with fricnds lu Clarke and Hope. KIDNEY DISEASE AND BACKACE-Mr. Patrick J. McLaugbiin, l3eauharnois, Que(., states:-' I was troubied with kid- ney disease and dyspepsia for 20 vears and haïe beeni that bad I could not sleep at nights aud suffered tefrible agouy. I tried ail" sorts of medicines but got no relief until I began using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilla, They mado a new man of me sud the oid troubles semi te be driven out cf my systein. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. MT. VERNON. Visitors; Mus. (Rev) S. G. 11-ke, Fraukford, Mus. (1ev.) D. Rogers sud son, Western Ontario, Miss Grace Rogers, Toronto, at Mu. C. Rogers', Mus. Abuer, Torouto, Miss Abuer, Model Sebool, Ottawa, at Maple Cou. ners, Miss Kennedy, Euniskillen, Miss Lizzie Smith. Whiitbv at Mu. A. AIbus- JihLsa Mrar"Mrs 1eq Tigvti B, A.j ,Whitbv, Miss Hogarth, Solina, Mýiss E. Riggs, Enniskitlen, Miss C. Souch. Brussels, at Mn. W. Soucb's, Mu. C. W. Smith ansd Miss Lizzie, Whitby, at Mu. J.* J.-Smiths....Mrs. G. Argue bas been iudisposed .. . .Mrs. Vaunum felu sud reccived aun giy - wound lu the forehead .. .. Mu. J. Ouch- aud bas purchrsed a fine uew carniage. - Mu. C W. Souch, is rushing the hay fou.k business. Indesoribadie Agony. Tortures Endured by Mn. A. Stibson from Stone in the Bladder. Death was Prýeferable to such Agoni, -Every Medicine Failed to Help Hlm Until HeTried Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pis Which Cured Hi.m, Many a man sufera uutold tortures from Stone -iu-the-biadder, before hoý discovors what la wueng with him. No disease causes more sgouy, sud noue la more easily coutraeted. Those wbo suifer f romn it-de o et néeed to, havo-the- E A ~UI tablet I folks '~ KIRBY. Mr. Richard Morton lost a valuabie horse recentiy. . . Miss Eva Crvderman, Bowmanviile, and Mrs. Chas. Tamblyn, Winona, are visiting at Mr. F. Brima- combe's .. . .Mr. jas. Brown is having his barns reshinigied .... Kirby boys played foot bail at McCrea's and won by 1 to 0....iýss McKivér and Miss Porter, Lindsay. are visiting at Mr. A. Morrow's ..Mýrs. V rn. Patterson, Kendai, is visiting- at Mr. Thos, lien- derson 's. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree o refund the mnouey on a twenty«fi e cent bottie of Dr. Wiiis' Enziish Pis, if after using three-fourths of contents of bottie, ihey do fot relieve constipa- tion andheada(che. We also guarantee four botties wiii permanently cure the most obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or no pay when Wiiis'Pis are used. Stott & jury, chlemist, Bowmanviile. J. I]igginbothami & Son, chemist, Bow- manville. 2-4 W. C. Tole, Druggist, Bowmanvilie. SOLINA New officers of Solina Division No. 40, S. of T., for current quarter: W P, Levi Ward; W A, Miss Bdith VanNest; R S, Wili Smith; A R, Miss Mabel Pascoe; Chap, Robt Scott; Con, J T Rundie; A Con, Miss Rose Ashton; I Sent, Fred Smith; P W P. John Van- Nest; Organist,' Miss Maggîe Pascoe; Supt. of Loyal Crusaders, Miss Mabel Pascoe. Quarteriy meeting at, Zion Sunday.. - About 80 Sons of Temperance and a large number of Loyal Crusaders ap peared in regalia at church Sunday. Techurch was, prettily decorated and the singinig was excellent. Rev. H. Thomas preached an appropriate ser- mon .... Mr. M1clntosh, Owen Sound, has been engaged as teacher of our schooi. lHe cornies highly recommended ...A number are cutting fait wheat whichis agood crop hereabouts. Other griL roie weil at present .... Mr' IU err5' la s turned homei to mon- treal ... . Miss MIar Rogers,, organist, entertained the church choir sud treat- ed them) to ice cream la st Tuesday night .... Recehit *visitors: Mr. G. H. Hiogarth, wife and Bruce and Ciare,1 Whkitby; Mrs. A. A. Bowerman, Brook- lin; Miss Mary Murley, Mr. WV. M. Jon- ese, Bo*manýýile; Mr. and Mrs. A. Peters, Mr. A. B.ý and the Misses Cry- derman, Hamnpton. . .. An orcinance of baptÎsm was'performed by 11ev. H. Thomas at the home of Mr. Johin Var- Nest on Wed,(nesday evening when Mr. VanNest and six- chiidren and littie Wiifýrid Watson Wverry son of Mr. R. L. Werry, Montreai, were christened according to the rites of the Methodist church. It was a singularly impressive ceremony, A fiash-iight photograph was afterwardý taken of the company by Mr. WVerry., OSHAWA. M 1is s C Obierhioltzer, Elkhardt, Ind., isviFiting MIr; L. J. Dickie.,. .NI iss M. E. Luke and sister, 'Mrs. -H. Lanig, Montrel, arerusticating ln Muskoka Mrs E.T.Siemon and son are; vieingherparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. ]{ar UMrt1-,_...MissPauton -ot-our- Hi7gh SSchool staff, acted as asso'ciate 7examinýer in Toronto o f Part I Junibr Leaving', history. . .. Mr, J. E. Allan,1 principal of the publie sohool, Reaboro,1 visited Mr. Brownlee, pastor of the, Baptist church here .... Miss Lily Patte,1 ofrtlie-S. R.:Smith -Infirmary. -Nemw ,NESTLETON,ý The old 'Methodist chur11ch o)f thiS place baving donc, duty as a place of wousbýip for about 15 years, the trustees suid fricuds of thec cougregation have dccided tu erect a more convenient and imposinz place of woruhip sud for that purpose foundations have been laid ont1 sud materiais plâced on the guound for its erection. On Sunday and Monday week the services in conuection with iayingthe cornuer stone were hcid. Two able, sermons were preachcd by Rev. Jos. Philp, B. D., Petrolia, (a for- mer Sunday Schooi boy of this place, who cherishies toving memories of oid Salem.) lis discourses -werc able and cloquent. -Monday afternoou services were resumed when a piatform meeting was heid with our genial pastor, 11ev. E. E. Howard, lu the chair. 11ev. Jos 'Phip, B. D., spoke after wbich the ceremony of laying the corner stone was puocccded with liv C. W. Joncs, Esq.. Port Perry, assistcd by the minis- ters present. After tea was over speeches were deiivered by Revs. R. L. Edwards, Pontypool, a former pastor,. R. J. Failis, Weston, an old Cartwright boy, R. M. Phaien, BA , aud John Creighton, B. D. Siuging at ail the services -bY the chuuch ehoir. iProcecds of tea and collection-4, iuciuding $100 given by the Ladies' Aid, about $235. The new church is to be a brick struct- ure built ou a stone basement 30x45 with alcove. Cost whcu complete about $1,500, of which $900 t'as been providcd for. The membersof the building coin- mittee are 11ev. E. E. Howard, chair- m a"n,A H. Veste, Sec'y, Peter Wright, Treas , J. M. Emmerson, R. C.JacksoLi Jno. Edwards, Wm Sarnelis, and Win McCrae. *... Among the visitons at these services ouitside our township were: Mr. and Mus. R. Widdes, Liudsav; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. and Miss Lus S8-wain, Val- cutis; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Weuuy, Mr. aud Mus. Silas WiHiams, Solina, Mr, R L, W"'"y,"'i"'!ss staff, Montreal, (who tok a photo cf the id chuuch)- Mr. Frank1 Emmerson, Erie, Ps., besicles a number from Port Perry and other places.. -. We wcicome Mrs. John W. Emmerson (nec Miss Sauahi Washing- ton of Oakwood), te ou comrnunity. Congratulations. A MANIA FOu OPRAÀîONS-Most physicians are auxions to try the knife and recommelid-an operation for piles. A iess cruel, Iess expenpeive snd iess risky method is the use of Dr Chase's Ointment, a preparsiion that has neyer yet becu kuown to fait to cure piles no matter of what form or however long standing. Dou't think of risking an operation wben yen can be cured lu your own home b ty the use of Dr. Chase's Oiutment. The best physiciaus use it lu their practice. ORONO. Miss Juiia Moment is visiting friends at Fruitand ... . Master Elvin Black la visiting bis grand-parents at Hamilton ...Mus. Frank Batten, Toronto, is visiting at Mr. Wm. Batten's... .Mrs. Wm. Lord bas "beeu very iii at ber daughter's, Mrs, Wes. TÈhoruton. . .. Miss Clans Scamans, Port Hope, is guest of Miss M. E. Best .... Master Andrew Jerome, S3racnse, N. Y., is sneuding vacation bere. . .. Mr. sud Mrs. John Rickaby were' in Li.ndsay recently .... Miss Minnie Jeffeuy, Touan- to-, is visiting ber sisten, Mus.* J. Rich- ards .. ., Mr. WmJarnieson, Deseronto, hes ~ ' 1 'v iiuhifthrvB. . a-F. W. Wiiliamson, Toron te, is visiting ber father. Mn. John Cuttie .... Mn. Chas. Levy, Toronto, visited his uncle, Mr. G. M. Long .. ..Mrs. Thos. Benson and child, Lakefield, are visiting ber father, Mn. Jas. Linton .. . .Mr. sud Mus. W'm. Seymour of Coiborue, are visiting ber father, Mu. Wm. Mcheod. -....Clarence Vinson, accompauicd by bis fiend, Frank Boddv, is home froin the city for bolidays ...-. Mn. sud Mus. A. ,Leigb, Misses Notie sud Aliee Lcigh sud Mu' Jim were recent gucats at Mu. Jouas Samis . .. Mn. C. J. Thounton Was lu Woodstock seeng bis bucthcr F raunk, who la dangerousty iii ..., Mr. Keith of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Belleville, wife aud famiiy,.are visiting at Mu. T. W. Jacksou's .... 11ev. Du. Blackstock, Toronto, bas been at Keudal fisheries for a few days' flsbiing . .. .Mr. I.Smith, Toronto. wss recelt guest of Mr. J.- L. Riowe.. MissMabcl ]3orlaud sud Miss Heîntzman, cf North Toronto Julic- tion, aud Miss Wivnne Joues, Bowmau- ville, are guests af M iss Berthia Joues..- .Misi Lizzie Buoad has rcturued frcm a very pleasaut visit with lheu frieud, Miss Leask, t Tunton ... .Mr. N' Stabi, B.A , Science Master at Lorns. ville Coltege, New Jersey, is gnest of Mu-John-MomwAV-They--leftfor 'Wfflh. hbur Island, wbcre tbcy witl be joined by Messrs Tylern d Hamilton,, aise of LarusYille Coltege, snd spend a few weekscampinp'. Mn W. S. Garnsby bas had a neat piece of granoiytbic walk laid on bih mise.'Mu. Moses ~Co. T wo Stores in Bowmaniville. BIGGEST BEST BRIGHTEST ORDERED CLOTHING Our, tailors are stili workling overtim.-. We have some choice new materials for suits In our B3ritish Goods, just passed in to stock. Do, not f ail to see them if you need a New, Suit to take in the Fali Fairs with. READY-MADE CLOTHING Think twice before buying your New Suit. Our stock is the largest shown in Bowman-vile anid prices were neyer more in your favor. It will cost you nothing to see, it will save you money if you buy. Don't be humu- buZged. We know of"cases where customers have -been charged $8,50 for a suit the same precisely (made in slame factory- from same cloth) as we seil for $6.00. We can give facts if requested. SOME SUMMER SNAPS Odd Coats for'men taken from Tweed Suits, only $.O "Vesis 9e Pants $1.25. Some of the Suits were sLild at $9.00, $7,50, $6.50, etc. Cotton Pants, ficie for hot weather, only 45c per pair. Boys' Brownie Overalis at 30c, 35c and 40c a pair. Boys' Blouses 35c and 40c; Wash Suits $1; Sailor S,7iits 75c, andUp. We have some choice new lines'in Boys' Fancy Suits, Ail Summer Goods Goinig at ClearingPrices We are now cleuring out Summer Goods at tempting prices including Ladies' and Children's Straw Rats, Linen and, Pique Skirts, White..wear, Summer Corsets, Gloves and, Hosiery. We have thousands of dollars worth of new goods bought for fali which will soon commence to arrive and we must get our present sto'ck of strictly sum- mer goods ont of the way. We have piles of positively seasonable goods put out for convenient, and marked at prices that wiIl surprise you. Cali and have a look through. THE MASON Co. -NEWTONV1TJ LE. -Robert Beth7-E~j, sqbas pucha-sed -a neat littie driver fuom Mu. John Peu- wardcn for Mn. Fitzpatrick, sou cf the Hon. Solicitor General .. . The Orange- men atteuded service in the Methodist cburch on Suuday 'eveuiug week and sud listened to au excellent sermon by 1ev. Mu. Lewis., _Col. Hughes and the 46th Batt, bave retnnned fnom camp lookiug in perfect heaith but more like buouzed veteraus. .... -Mu.-Simor Porteus is much irnproved since bis returu frein the General Hospital, Touante,.. Percy Edwards who underwent a suc- cessfui opération at'the, GeneraileHs- pital, Toronto, is regainîng bhis torner streugth.,,.. Col. John Hughes bas made great improvernts recently to bis nesideuce, and eutarged bis store. MOTRER AND SON, Tuo Lîos Freed frolu Suffering and the Hospital Avoided. A KOTHER'S STORI. The rE liteber's rkablo adE of Dr. )lt ta - PRIZES AT THE FAIR. TWu moey rîzs ilî bé offerýi t Bowmanville Fair Sept. 14 fo6iiitary and fancy drill by schools, no t1ess thla n 12 members to compete. IVAÇHINE OIL RHARNESS OIL &1 M RASE. Having bouight mu, Machinie Oit before the advanee, in price, I will con- tinue to seil at iast year's pUce I>S(> Axie Grease, Harness Oit, ail kinds of Plow Points and Soles kept lu stock. For thirty days beg-inning Monday, Juty 9, wiii seli our Carniage Dusters at greatiy reduced prices to dtean, as welt as Carniages and Bicycles, bot new and second hand. Jno. S. Runcile, One door east of L. MORRIS Furniture store, Bowmantviile. IN THE HI.GH COURT 0F Ohalmers vs. Jacobs. Boûys -ha owear "Siater See"will ýver Le- tronbilcd wt ot uai ter lif el Justniale s-eref ias fatlbcr's, same mcee tue--goi t. My trouble I seilone ,iotber urthnut- atnrday, taking 1-r of live stock -... . wIh( ýk on Julv É,ives i r ,ai sk'etch of AMiss pro knowu mlember stra t place at the residenlc- Peter A. MKy Under ir daiighiter Mary -nas lge te Mu J.R. Coopeor,_ yat sin eo'clock te the- UtL- wedrdin--- TT,,v,. i Il mtsery. 1 liad dreadi head- s. I was rueivous sud could net at uiZhts; the kiduey seejretions! cd( me mucb incouvenience, sud goun morninKs mad e me fe3el more - Youhs-~ryter 2 Pri ces $2.50 and $3.oo, stamiped on the CataogueGoodyear welteà sole in a siate-frae. JOHN RELL-YARSl o~-Aet lALL FAIR$. - -WestDm binBowrnanviiic, Sept. 13- 14. - Ontairi-) sud Durham, Whitby, Sept. IBd ustial Exhibition, Toronto,, 27-Sept 8. Linîdsay Central, Sept. 20-22. Central CAnada Ottawa. Sept. j4Q2. Cobourg Centra, tEopt. 27-28. East Durhamrn sd Cayan, Mllbrookï, Oct. 4-5. Woodbridge Fair, Oct. 17-18. Notbwestcru Exhibition, Gadcricb, Sept. 15-19. Centrai 'Exhibition, Peteuboro, Sept. >East York, Markhsm, Oct. 8 5 East Peterbore, Norwoed, Oct. 9-10. Carke Pain, Oronov %ept. 11-12, riv F otIis sko was persuaJe-I tt give Dr. Aruold's-BEngisb Taxin Pilla for wcak people a trial. Before I had used thueboxes the stane was dissoived sud exoelled witbout the least pain. I -arn--now-tboroughiy-eured,-thauks te- Du. Aruotds Enugiish taxin pilla,,vwbich did for me wbat ne other medicine lu the ma k et courd do." Du. Arnoid'a EngIish Toxini Pi!labe sides cdissolving sd epe'in, h tn kilts the germa te wbichl its presence lu the bladdcr la due, tha preventing the1 formation of others. Dr. Aunold's Euglish ToxinI Pilla ara soid by all duuggists, large box 75c., amail box 25c., or sent postpaid ou re- pnice bvAthe Arnold Chemical Ce., Liruited, Canada Life Buildfing, 44- King Street West, Toronto. Soid by Stott & Jury. Tranng-school, for worit as-a: mission- beirig accompanied te flic statin by a hast cf frieuds te sceclber off sud wi-4b berwei...e. J. J. Rae, the uew Pastor of Sirncoe Street Methodiat cbnrchb, bas been given a very cordlial neceptiou bY tbe members of-thie cbiurcb and congrgaion. .Wbite loading, sait at the waurehense, Mu. 'Norma-n Gýuy slipped sud a barrel rolled aveu hlmi hbruising bhis-armiand eet 1 .h wbIistletcf the iuew Mc NlLaughlinCarriage Factony bIew ou Thuusdayf. Ail the empinyces bave uetnrned fuom Ganan pqýu e... . Mr,E.T.Slcmou, Matbcmstical Master of ouHigli Sceeol, bas been presiding at the Departinutal examin ations for Junior Leaving. sud Senior Leaving or Senior MatricUlation cxam- inations, lu Wbitby .. . .White Dr. Mc- Brien was diving ou Simcoe St. the bouse sbied sud the uig waa upset sud the Dr. badly hurt. .u-.iÂug cuitue uruî <il ber iatuer,accom pauied by bier sisten Maggie. 1ev. J. Little, of Cbatswoutb, tied the kuot. The bride wa s-imoat bccomiugly s.ttlred lu paie bine opera silk, tuimmcd with peants sud white satin, weariug a wreath-ûf briltiauta-in ber bair. The buiesmaid woea: suit of creani silk aud wool noveltyg-o(1s, tuiminid witll hlak slk ninevelvet ibbou anld billianta. Tbe bride wcrc for travel- ling a taller made suit of grecen cleth with a large bat to match, Mu. sud Mus. Cooper tcf t smid showens of nie sud gaad wishcs, fou Kîncardine te to take the train for Orono. De net despair cf cur ing. yonr sick headache when Von eau so easityobtain Carteu's Little Liveu Pilla.Tbey will effect a prompt aud permanent cure, Thoin action la mild sud natunal, and positive agent fou rel1iving thie Mv littie 'boy cf ten yeaus was alflicted bisý Iidnevs betuin-inactiçve. -Lbhad con-- clnded to seud hlmi to the hbpital for treatrnent; but when Du. Pitcher's Backýache Kidney Tablets-nlfre e mne wbat other remiedies faiied lu dloiug, I g-ave tbérn tô hlmI, which resultèd fia perfect cuue.- If.yon have tbe aihetsymnptorna of KidneY on Bladdeu troubles, vou eau test this great medicîne free. Arrange meuta bave been made whareby evcry ucader of this pspeu eau obtain a triai packaze of Dr. Pitcher's Back- ache Kidney TabietLs absotnteiy free by cnclos*n two cent. stamp for postage te The Pitelîcu Tablet Ce., Torouto, Ont. Wheu giving addness mention this paper- 'Regutar sizo 50 cents per bottie. r roperty 18 weli ieucecr. - Vie preperty wlvll be, ffered for sale sinb]ýect to s reserve bid' whlcfr tas been, fixed by the sald Master. The Veudor is entitled ta the renta and prefitaeof the saldilands to the iSth O)ctctber. 1900. The Vender is not to bc bonfl nuer tathiepur- chaser to be entitied to peaceable posqssIlo f said lands- untl the- i80li Octaer, 1900, except ight ta plaw saaid lands after harvest sud stabling for eue teamn and b)edraam iifer oe *man, TERMS 0F SAE-Te uhaser is te -i psy adepoit of 10l Of the amofunt of. the pur- ebase mioiey at the tinie of sale aud tbe balance of the prhs ioneyt e-be rinluPo0daya thereafter ithout juereat. Iu ail ether reape - the ternis aud cond',itions of sle( wiIl be l standing cniin of the 1gb-Court. of Justice. Furtiier parilr, s au eehad fre Messa. Stratton & Hall, Biarr..sters, Peterbýorci- ghand Evlan H. MeLeau, Britr;ec D ated at Peterborough this lotb day ef Junc, -A. D., 1900. 0. A. WELLER, Maýster at Peteibarouigl. Stratten & Hall, Vendar's meilcitors. 55.4* -- 'T H ý1,ýý,7i M A S 0

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